The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Colleen Whyte

Chapter One—Life Choices

Nobody payed much attention to Kate as she sat alone in the cafe, to the eye there wasn’t much to see. Most would have just passed her off as a woman in her late thirties, well dressed but with nothing that stood out either in the way of looks or style. They may have noticed moments before that an equally average man of similar age had taken his leave from her, having finished the lunch they had shared. And Kate felt very ordinary at the moment, with just a touch of desperation at where her life was heading.

Jacob, her boyfriend of the last three months, had just put the hard word on her. Nothing so crass as a demand, but a less than subtle hint that he might start looking elsewhere if they didn’t sleep together soon. It wasn’t that Kate was a prude, or particularly conservative. It was just that her divorce was still fresh in her mind and she still didn’t completely trust Jacob. At the same time she feared losing him.

Sighing, she tidied up their plates to make the waitress’ job easier and made her way to the bus stop to begin her journey home. The long trip out of the city into the suburbs gave her more time to brood. She had paid for lunch today, that was a hold over from when they had first started going out—that they should share expenses. She had done it to be modern, to show she would meet him half way. But she wasn’t modern, she wanted him to be gallant and a gentleman, to hold doors for her and to take her out.

A half hour later and she was home. She didn’t like the trip any more than her part time job, but 30 hours a week added to the support from her ex-husband was just enough to keep her solvent. She had kept the house and their daughter, Simon’s indiscretions with not one but three other woman had made the judge sympathetic when her husband had filed for divorce under irreconcilable differences.

As she opened the cast iron gate and walked up the long pathway towards her two story, free standing residence, Kate felt the house was a double edged sword. Simon still had to meet the rates and property taxes but just maintaining such a large house was expensive far beyond that. Looking around she could see where the ornamental gardens used to be, now grassed over, and the flowers that remained were hardy varieties that didn’t need much attention.

The front door wasn’t locked, and Kate went in to blaring music that indicated her daughter was home.

“Raquel! Could you turn your music down?” Kate called out as she hung up her coat in the cloak room. So much of her house belonged in a past time, with its large rooms and ornate woodwork. All of it was showing the years of neglect, even the hard wearing carpet was thinning. From the lounge she heard movement and the volume of the music dropped ever so slightly, Raquel’s token effort to avoid a confrontation. Kate sighed again and headed up to her room.

Here surrounded by antique splendour she slipped off her shoes and undressed, neatly folding her knee length skirt and matching jacket. Her blouse went ever so carefully into the laundry basket before she sat on the bed to peel off her pantyhose. She sat there for a moment and contemplated her life once again. A four poster bed that was well beyond queen sized, yet its expanse just served to remind her how alone she was. Should she put aside her concerns and sleep with Jacob? Would it strengthen their relationship, or just end it?

Not having any answers she pulled on a sweat shirt and wrap around skirt. It wasn’t particularly elegant but her good clothes were reserved for work. Going down the hall to the bathroom to clean off her make-up she noted that the music had gotten louder. It didn’t surprise her, how could any teenager have respect for their parents when their father walked out on them and their mother worked a dead-end job just to tread water. Neither she nor Simon were much of a role model.

Heading back downstairs Kate was just in time to answer the front door as someone banged furiously on it. Opening the heavy wooden door she wasn’t pleased with what she saw. Standing there was a youth clad in the most ragged of jeans and t-shirt, his hair lank and greasy, rings clipped into his nose and lower lip.

“Racq in?” he demanded as though his time was far too important to waste.

“If you mean Raquel, then yes ... hey!” Kate cried out in alarm as the boy pushed past her, “What do you think you’re doing?!”

“Get over it, lady,” the boy shot back and made his way to the lounge with an ease that suggested it wasn’t his first visit to her house. Kate stood there in stunned silence for a moment, and then fled upstairs, tears already welling in her eyes.

Throwing herself on the bed she let herself cry for a while. It wasn’t just the boy’s attitude, he had just topped off a bad day and she knew that and needed to let go of her emotions. Time passed and she realised her daughter had gone out, probably with the boy, when her CD finished and silence reigned in the house. Getting up, Kate wiped away the tears and went over to the closet where she retrieved a small jewellery box from its hiding place.

This was a well established ritual for her, she always turned to this box when she was feeling down. In it was the one thing that she felt she truly owned, her great-grandmother’s necklace. From all accounts, her ancestor was a striking woman completely in control of her life. Kate had inherited the necklace when she had gotten married and had never worn it, it was just too precious—especially now as she could no longer afford to insure it. With trembling hands she lifted the lid and smiled as she saw the spectacular arrangement of emeralds set into a choker of finely meshed gold links. It was so beautiful, so regal, if only she dared wear it.

Why not? She was nearly forty, what was she waiting for? A marriage proposal from Jacob? Not likely. Nor was she likely to reconcile with Simon. She saw no point in putting it off any longer and with strangely steady hands she lifted the necklace from its silk lined case and brought it to her neck. Bringing the ends together at the back of her neck she thrilled at the coolness of the metal. With one hand holding up her mid-length hair, she was surprised at how easy it was to manipulate the seemingly complex clasp with just one hand. A gentle click and she was finally wearing her one treasure.

It had done the trick, she suddenly felt much better about herself, her life, her future. Astonished at how comfortable the necklace was, especially as she so rarely wore jewellery, Kate set about her household tasks with a renewed energy. The incongruity of wearing such an expensive and elegant necklace with such scruffy clothes didn’t worry her at all.

Much later, and Kate was startled by how late she had gone without being the slightest bit tired, she heard the front door open and close. Going in to the hall she was just in time to see Raquel tossing her tatty old jacket into the closet. The rest of her clothes weren’t much better and Kate could only blame herself for how rough her daughter looked. Raquel would have ignored her mother and gone straight up to bed, but Kate stood deliberately in her way.

“Isn’t it a bit late for you to be getting in? I know you’re not going to school anymore but it wouldn’t hurt if you kept normal hours.”

“Yeah, whatever,” Raquel put back indifferently.

“No, I’m serious. And I like you to clean your room, it’s not too much to ask is it?” Kate certainly didn’t think so considering she had tidied the rest of the house on her own.

“Okay, I’ll clean my room,” Raquel agreed and hurried up the stairs as soon as Kate gave her room to pass.

Chapter Two—New Standards

The next day being a Saturday was a day off for Kate but she still rose early, there was always so much to do. Slipping into a comfortable blouse and skirt after a quick wash, she set off down the passageway to look in on her daughter. Opening the battered door with its “KillRose” poster Kate gasped in surprise. The room was spotless! No clothes scattered across the floor, no discarded CD cases and junk food wrappers, no half burnt out candles and discoloured pools of wax.

Impressed by her daughter’s diligence, Kate quietly closed the door again and left her daughter to sleep in. Going downstairs she made herself a light breakfast and then set about tidying up the lounge thinking ruefully that she should have gotten Raquel to clean up her mess here as well while she was in the mood. It wasn’t until she was trying to match Cds to cases that she remembered her great-grandmother’s necklace and that she had left it on her beside table.

Somewhat irrationally she hurried straight up to her room to make sure it was still there, as though it could have been stolen in the night. The relief she felt when she saw the green gems glinting in the morning light gave her a profound sense of tranquillity and she went to put the necklace back into it’s box. And hesitated. She wasn’t going out today, so why not wear it around the house?

It was lunchtime when Raquel emerged from her room and slouched down to the kitchen clad only in an oversized t-shirt and her sneakers. “What’s for breakfast?” she asked in a bored tone.

“Its lunch time, dear,” Kate corrected her and then chided herself—why start the day by disagreeing with her? “I was just going to make some sandwiches but the bread’s a bit stale. Could you pop down to the shop and pick up a fresh loaf?”

“Sure mom.” and Raquel wandered out of the kitchen towards the front door.

Kate stood there in amazement. It wasn’t until she heard the front door open and close that she was certain that Raquel was actually going to the shop rather than being sarcastic. What had come over her daughter? First cleaning her room and now running an errand without a quibble. She was still standing there several minutes later when she heard a familiar pounding on the front door. Gathering her thoughts she hurried down the hallway, fearing the door might be damaged.

Sure enough it was the scruffy lout who had come calling on her daughter the night before.

“Racq in?” he asked as though he didn’t remember their previous encounter at all.

“No, she is not!” Kate responded angrily. “And you should consider tidying yourself up if you’re going to come calling around here again. If you looked and behaved a bit more like a gentleman I might be inclined to let you in.”

Without a word, or the rude gesture that Kate fully expected, the boy turned and left. She waited on the door step until he was out of sight before going back in to the kitchen. Maybe it was some new fad, teenagers being insolent by doing what they’re told. Nothing would surprise her, she thought. She was wrong.

Shortly thereafter Raquel returned with a fresh loaf of bread and Kate blushed as she realised her daughter had gone all the way to the shops wearing nothing more than her night clothes. Maybe this was her daughter’s way of getting at her, although Raquel continued to be on her best behaviour all through their lunch and even tidied up and did the dishes when asked.

Deciding she was on a roll Kate got Raquel to help her all over the house, cleaning, dusting, vacuuming. By late afternoon she was feeling an irrational sense of guilt and asking only that her daughter dress nicely, allowed her to go out and do her usual things with her friends. Raquel rubbed the final salt in the wound by choosing to wear the pretty dress her mother had bought for her years ago and had never worn.

Of course Kate now had another problem, what to do with the rest of her weekend now that all the house work had been done and more. Having achieved so much she really didn’t feel like watching tv and didn’t want to go out on her own. Maybe Jacob would be available, she could always ring his home and see if he would take her out somewhere. It might even lead to something more intimate, sex with him didn’t seem quite so daunting or life changing just now.

And then there was gentle rapping at the front door. Kate got up quickly, tried to make her clothes as presentable as possible and hurried to the front entrance hoping that Jacob had somehow read her mind. Instead she opened the door to find a young man standing two paces back from the threshold. He was immaculately decked out in a tweed jacket, shirt, tie, trousers with razor-like creases and shoes polished to a mirror finish. Not a hair out of place he gave a slight bow.

“Excuse me for troubling you, ma’am. If Raquel is at home, could she be informed that Reese would like the pleasure of her company.”

Kate stood there dumbfounded for several moments, and then got an even bigger shock when she finally recognised that the well dressed and mannered young man in front of her had only hours earlier been a scruffy and rude teenager. And the pieces feel into place. There could have been any number of reasons for her daughter to be on her best behaviour, but she couldn’t see it in Raquel’s boyfriend. The boy wouldn’t have known how to be this polite and refined, the very image of what Kate had wanted of him on their last meeting. It had to be her great-grandmother’s necklace! One final test.

“Reese, could you show me the contents of your wallet,” she asked, and as he immediately pulled his wallet out of a pocket and offered it to her, she added, “And could you pick three flowers for me.” As she said it she carefully thought of two daisies and a buttercup. There were a few scattered around the lawn but the obvious choice would have been some of the showier flowers from one of the gardens.

The wallet contained a small amount of cash, neatly folded, his drivers licence although he wouldn’t be recognised from the photograph at the moment and a small list of important numbers and addresses. No cash card, no grubby notes, no condoms. Kate was still reeling from the implications when Reese attracted her attention with a polite “Excuse me, ma’am.” and presented her with two daisies and a buttercup.

Kate didn’t need a brick to hit her. Her life had just changed and she was no longer bound by the old rules that had been driving her towards despair. Looking at the fresh faced youth in front of her, so attentive, she felt a wicked thrill.

“Please come in, Reese,” she almost purred, “I think we should get to know each other ... much better.”

* * *

Kate was humming happily to herself as she stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her body. The wonders of youth, so exuberant, so energetic but not much stamina. She had left Reese flaked out in her bed, she wasn’t sure if it was the third or fourth orgasm that had wiped him out. She felt wickedly naughty for having seduced her daughter’s boyfriend, and wonderfully alive from the first sex in years. She also acknowledged that there was more to it, the thrill of being so completely in control, of being the dominant partner.

At that moment Raquel came tromping up the stairs, her evening out obviously hadn’t gone very well and it amused Kate to think that it was probably because her daughter was wearing a dress rather than the grubby casual of the girl’s clique.

“Hello dear. Since you’re home early could you help me clean out the guest room?”

“Stuff off!” Raquel shot back, not at all pleased by the smug grin on her mother’s face, “I’m not your maid or anything!” And the girl pushed past into her room, slamming the door.

Kate smiled and fingered her naked throat, “That’s what you think,” she said quietly to herself and went to retrieve the necklace.

Chapter Three—Her Household

Raquel did a delicate pirouette in her high heels holding up her short black satin skirt to show that the seams of her stockings were straight and the garters were even. Up from there she had a scooped front blouse to show off her pert young breasts, a white lace ruffle around her throat and a delicate lace cap atop her neatly styled hair.

“Excellent, Raquel,” Kate said as she admired her daughter, “Now put on your apron and see to the dusting in the downstairs rooms.”

“At once ma’am,” Raquel replied with a slight curtsy. The girl then hurried away to fetch her frilly apron, leaving Kate to her thoughts.

Those thoughts were briefly of how pretty her daughter looked in her new uniform, of course the change in attitude didn’t hurt. It hadn’t been easy to find the outfit her daughter was wearing, she had rung around the uniform suppliers and found that they only did very boring coveralls and tunics. Finding a chauffeurs outfit for Reese was even harder and they could only suggest that she try the theatrical costumiers. So in the end she had assembled something for Raquel out of her old bits and pieces until she could come up with something more permanent. It wasn’t too bad an effort she believed.

That satisfaction was brief however, Kate was still short of money for her planned lifestyle. A chauffeur and maid were nice but she still couldn’t get all the finer things she wanted in life. Jacob was an obvious solution, he was quite well off and didn’t seem to spend much of his large salary. But he was away for the weekend and Kate wanted to start enjoying life now, not in two days time.

Then it occurred to her, a lady didn’t soil herself with cash, she would open a line of credit with the retailers that she wished to extend her patronage. That was her solution, at least for the short term. Kate went down to the lounge where Raquel was diligently dusting the high shelves.

“Raquel, put away your cleaning things and come up to my room to help me dress,” she instructed. Raquel responded with an immediate curtsy and ‘yes ma’am’ and Kate moved through to the kitchen where Reese was polishing the silverware. “Reese, have the car ready in fifteen minutes.” Kate thrilled to his ‘yes ma’am’, it gave her a rush not that far short of sex. Back up to her room where she had the luxury of her own maid to help her dress appropriately for the expedition.

It didn’t escape Kate’s notice that her best was just barely good enough, but that was just more incentive for her to purchase the clothes she had always wanted. Next there was Raquel to prepare, the apron and cap were a bit dressy for going out, so they had to go, as did the ruffled choker. A slightly longer skirt was also needed as Raquel’s current one tended to reveal her stocking tops at times, but Raquel remained the lady’s maid.

Reese drove them to the mall in the calm and dignified manner that Kate wanted, and for just a moment Kate could forget that it was just her old car as she sat in the back beside her daughter. She had Reese drop them off outside the main doors and sent him away to park the car and wait with it. Then with Raquel following respectfully one pace behind, Kate went shopping.

First stop was the most fashionable, and expensive, lingerie store in the mall. In the past Kate had barely dared to even look in through the window, today she strode in as though she was royalty. Her attitude showed and she was immediately attended to by two of the shop assistants, and when Kate stated that she intended to set up a line of credit with their store one hurried away to fetch the manager.

There was, not surprisingly, initial resistance to the idea of credit on the shop rather than through a card. Kate persisted, and the manager yielded before her, even to the point of seeming happy with the concept by the end of it. That left Kate free to go wild in her choices, having the shop assistants select the most luxuriant, the most elegant, and the sexiest lingerie to her size. It took both of the assistants to carry it all to the changing rooms for her to try it on.

Kate revelled in the sensations, the smooth silks and satins, the crinkle of lace, the sheer hose. It was all so elegant and so nice compared to the bargain brand underwear she was used to. The fit was better, the stretch felt solid and it was so nice to have the assistant helping her in to the bras and adjusting the straps for her. The feel of the girls cool hands on her naked flesh, so gentle and caring. Kate could feel the warm tingle building in her body, she was getting so turned on.

She felt the shop assistant’s lips graze her shoulder, then her hands lingered on Kate’s breasts and Kate realised she had broadcast her own arousal. Turning around she saw the pretty young blond assistant was flushed, her breath coming in short bursts and there were distinct peaks in her blouse from her hardening nipples. Kate took the girls wrists in her hands, pulled the girl closer so that their breasts were touching and both of them shivered as their erect nipples brushed.

Within moments they were kissing, Kate’s hands massaging the girl’s breasts, working their way in to the girl’s blouse, squeezing through the girl’s filmy bra. The girl responded in kind, her hands slipping in to Kate’s panties and massaging the woman’s damp slit, fingers probing in. And they made love in the small changing room, not caring if anyone outside heard them.

Afterwards as they tidied themselves up and the assistant set about gathering the lingerie, Kate recognised that she would have to hold her emotions and thoughts in better check while she was wearing her great-grandmother’s necklace. There was no guilt however, she had thoroughly enjoyed herself and was sure the assistant had as well.

Chapter Four—Staff Placement

The melodious chime announced the presence of someone at the front entrance, audible even in the master bedroom where Kate and Jacob were currently occupied. In response to the summons Jacob slowed his gentle thrusts into Kate’s moist pussy.

“Shall I withdraw and attend to the door, Madam?” he enquired in his delightfully cultured British accent.

“Mmm,” Kate moaned gently to herself, then said, “No, Jacob. Raquel can deal with it. Now shove your lovely prick in deeper if you can manage it.”

“Yes, madam. I shall attempt to do so.”

Kate cooed happily and was just settling in again for a long, slow, pleasant screw when there was a further disturbance of a quick knock on the door followed by Raquel trotting in to the room. Kate had purchased a number of uniforms for her staff in the weeks since she had discovered the power of the necklace. Standing by the bed, her hands demurely clasped in front of her, Raquel was a feminine vision in her pink satin day-maids outfit with its short skirt and tight bodice. The girl’s composure didn’t waiver at the sight of naked couple having sex on the bed.

“Yes, what is it Raquel?” Kate said without letting the annoyance she was feeling slip in to her voice. It wasn’t the girl’s fault after all, she was just doing her job.

“Ma’am,” Raquel curtsied, “There is a woman at the door. She says that she is a lawyer representing Dad ... Mr Simon Ross.”

Kate sighed, what was her ex-husband up to now? “Very well. Raquel, would you show our guest in to the drawing room and then come back up to help me dress.” Raquel curtsied again and trotted away on her high heels, leaving Kate to disengage herself from her lover. “Jacob, make yourself presentable and keep this woman occupied until I’m ready to see her.”

“Yes madam.” Jacob responded in his ever calm voice. Sliding off the bed gracefully he had a quick wash to wipe away the traces of sweat and musk, mainly Kate’s, before donning his dark suit with its crisp white shirt and contrasting bow tie to once again slip in to his new role as butler. He paused in the doorway to allow Raquel to re-enter and then proceeded down to the newly refurbished drawing room.

Kate slipped in to the adjoining bathroom with her daughter following obediently behind her. Raquel immediately went to run a bath but Kate stopped her with a wave of her hand. “I’d better settle for a shower, dear. Don’t want to keep this woman waiting too long, I can’t imagine that Simon has sent her for any pleasant reason.”

Raquel didn’t respond to the latter comment, redirecting herself to the shower cubicle where she carefully turned on the taps so as to not splash her smooth uniform and let the water settle to the temperature Kate preferred. She then stood by dutifully as Kate showered, ready with a towel as her mother stepped out onto the soft bath mat. The first time Kate had had her daughter-maid dry her she had felt decadent and slightly guilty, now it just felt wonderfully relaxing. The towelling was followed by a gentle dusting with scented talc and then back in to the bedroom where Raquel busied herself fetching clothing in response to Kate’s instructions.

Twenty five minutes later and Kate was ready to face her ex-husband’s lawyer. There was a slight uneasiness in her stomach but she showed no sign of her fear. In fact in her flowing ankle length skirt, elaborate lace blouse and cinching waistcoat, highlighted by her emerald choker, she was the epitome of power and confidence. Discretely two paces behind her, Raquel almost faded into the shadows despite the lustre of her sexy maid’s uniform.

Entering the drawing room Kate found a slender, bespectacled woman seated somewhat uncomfortably in one of the lavish chairs. Beside her on a small table was the tea service that Jacob would have brought in as part of his duty towards the guests comforts. From what Kate could see, the cup of tea and the biscuits were untouched.

The woman arose, ignoring Kate’s protestations that she remain seated and Kate could only think how gaunt and drab the woman looked in her grey slacks and jacket, her short cropped hair and wire rimmed glasses making her face hawkish and predatory.

“Katherine Ross?” the woman’s voice was as thin and unpleasant as her appearance and even in offering her hand she seemed to be keeping her distance.

“I am,” Kate replied in what she hoped was a dignified and formal tone. Her initial dislike of what this woman represented was quickly becoming a personal dislike and she didn’t want to lose her temper.

“Then if we could have some privacy,” the woman continued with a less than subtle gesture towards Jacob and Raquel, both of whom were standing discretely away from the women.

“Of course. Raquel could you fetch us some fresh tea. And Jacob, see that we are not disturbed. I’m expecting tradesmen today to refloor the upper landing—I’m sure you can deal with that.”

“Certainly, Madam.” Jacob replied with a slight bow which Raquel accompanied with her best curtsy before both retired from the room.

“Now,” Kate carefully seated herself in the chair opposite her ex-husband’s solicitor, “I don’t believe I caught your name?”

“Daryn Berris, of the law firm Brock, Petersen and Peterson. I am representing the interests of Simon Ross as he believes the maintenance payments he provides you with are excessive and do not take current circumstances into consideration.” the slender woman recited as though she had been practicing this particular speech. It also gave her an opportunity to retrieve a small bundle of papers from her leather satchel.

Across from her Kate almost exploded in anger, verging on leaping up and shouting abuse about her ex-husband and how she had barely managed to survive on the pittance he paid. However that wasn’t what a lady would do, and Kate very much considered herself a lady now. So beyond a terseness to her smile and the whitening of her knuckles as she clenched the arms of the chair, there was little to reveal her ire.

“And from what I have seen so far,” Mz Berris continued as she sorted through the papers on her lap, “Mr Ross is entirely correct in his appraisal. While I have copies of letters here from you claiming that the house and grounds were in need of extensive maintenance I find not only new carpet and fittings, but that you have the services of a maid and a butler. And if I’m not mistaken there was a recent model luxury car in the garage. I therefore must disregard your claims of financial hardship and assume that you are attempting to defraud my client ...”

“I also have a chauffeur,” Kate said just loud enough to catch the woman’s attention.

“What? Oh I see. So you are admitting that your requests for additional financial compensation from my client are unfounded?”

“No, I was just thinking I could do with a scullery maid as well. Although with your figure, or rather lack of, maybe house boy would be more suited.” Kate said in an even tone but couldn’t keep a hint of smugness out of her smile.

“I beg your pardon?!” Mz Berris responded, almost dropping the papers from her lap. She sat there for several moments in stunned silence, trying to convince herself that she had misheard what Kate had just said. Kate, however, made no attempt to repeat herself and let the woman squirm in the ensuing silence.

The solicitor’s nerve broke first. “Look here, I’m quite used to obstruction and slurs against my character but surely I can expect better? Nothing can be gained by obstinacy and ...”

‘Yap, yap yap.’ Kate thought to herself as she tuned out the hawkish woman’s words, ‘Like a dog barking for no reason.’

Ms Berris stopped mid-speech and suddenly looked very guilty, as though she was doing something she shouldn’t. With a self-conscious whine she slid off the chair, losing her papers in the process and went down on all fours in front of Kate, her head bowed as she avoided eye contact.

Kate was startled for a moment, then realised what had happened. The sight of Mz Berris crouching before her uttering canine whimpering was too amusing to avoid letting out a giggle. That indication of pleasure changed the solicitors entire demeanour, her head came up and she started fidgeting around happily. Kate giggled again but focused her attention, she couldn’t leave the woman thinking she was a dog and while house boy was tempting she needed something more stable otherwise the woman would be taking on a new role with Kate’s every whim.

So was it to be scullery maid? Or perhaps cook? No, scullery maid, Kate wanted the woman to be the most junior member of the household. With a few quirks thrown in. She didn’t mind sharing Reese with her daughter, after all he had been her boyfriend first, but she didn’t intend to share Jacob with anyone. So Mz Berris was now a timid girl, newly appointed to her lady’s household and instantly infatuated with Kate, strictly lesbian and so eager to please.

And on the floor in front of her the thin woman in her grey suit seemed momentarily confused to find herself on her hands and knees, followed by a flash of delight as she saw Kate. “Ma’am?” she uttered.

“You were just about to help me with something,” Kate said and raised the hem of her long skirt. The invitation was eagerly accepted and Kate shuddered in pleasure as she felt the woman’s tongue probe between her nether lips. It may have been Mz Berris’ first time but she more than made up for her inexperience with enthusiasm.

It was to this scene, of the formerly icy solicitor half hidden beneath Kate’s voluminous skirt, that Raquel arrived with the tea tray. She took it all in her stride of course, it was not her place to question her mistress’ habits. Instead she carefully placed the tray down on the table and turned to face Kate with her hands neatly clasped in front of her.

“Ah, Raquel,” Kate sighed, still lost in the pleasant sensations. “This is your new junior, you’re to take her in hand and show her the duties of the kitchen and the cleaning. Be firm with her, she may need some discipline. Now wait just a moment, let her finish up ... oh, yes, nice! ... and you can take her away to see to her wardrobe. Ohhh!”

Outwardly Raquel managed to keep an impassive expression, but inside she was getting quite aroused by the scene before her. As she waited for the new maid to bring Kate off she played with a few fantasies of her own—all part of her responsibility to break in the new maid of course.

Kate squealed in a most unladylike way as Mz Berris’ tongue took her over the threshold. “Oh, lovely dear. Now,” she said as she gently pushed the woman away, “Its time you were properly dressed for your duties. And what are we going to call you? Daryn is so ... unflattering.” Kate mused to herself as the woman got to her feet, licking the last traces of Kate’s juices from her lips and appearing very self-conscious about her drab and masculine clothing.

“I know,” Kate stated, “Daisy! A pretty name for a girl who I hope will blossom into a pretty young woman with time. Raquel, see that she’s fitted for her uniform, and see about getting some padding to make up for her lack of development up top.”

Raquel curtsied, and ‘Daisy’ did her best to mimic the action before she was led away to her new duties.

Epilogue—Final Piece

“Bloody bitch!” Simon swore as he strode up the path to what had once been his house. ‘Should’ve known better than to let a woman represent me,’ he fumed on silently now, ‘they’re all in it together, out to screw me for everything I’ve got. Whole sisterhood shit. Should’ve known she was a man hating feminist.’ Kate’s ex-husband was so wrapped up in his own paranoia that he didn’t notice the elegantly sculpted garden, the restored facade to the house, the Daimler parked in the garage.

In fact the first thing he did notice was the classical chime of the doorbell when he pushed the button. It seemed to mock him with its style, a feeling that was compounded when the door opened to reveal the immaculate Jacob in his butler’s uniform. Simon was taken aback and the demands on his lips died in the face of Jacob’s subtly disdainful expression.

“May I be of service, sir?”

Gathering himself, Simon managed to bluster out, “Yeah! I want to see that bitch of an ex-wife.”

“I’m afraid that sir might have the wrong address.”

“Kate Ross, okay?”

“Very well. If sir would follow me to the drawing room I will see if Madam is available.”

“She’d better be,” Simon tried to sound as menacing as he could manage but the butler was staidly oblivious as he led Simon through what had been the man’s house. Now Simon noticed the changes, the new carpet, the polished skirting, the antique vases perched on their individual pedestals up the length of the hall. The drawing room was equally unexpected, what had briefly been his study was now a slightly feminine sitting room resplendent with arranged flowers and well padded armchairs.

“Would sir care for some tea while he waits?” Jacob asked in the same even tone.

“Naw. Could do with a beer though.” Simon replied as he took in the decor.

“I am sorry sir, we do not have that beverage. I can offer tea, coffee or perhaps some fruit juice? Otherwise if sir would like to make himself comfortable, I will announce your presence to Madam.”

“Yeah, whatever,” Simon shrugged as he paced around the room, “Just get a move on, I don’t intend to be here all day.”

Jacob tilted his head in the slightest of nods and retired from the room, leaving Simon to wonder what was going on. However, unlike most guests, Kate didn’t make him wait long, choosing instead to make a dramatic entrance. And dramatic it was with her elegant crimson dress, more appropriate to a Southern Belle of centuries past than a divorced mother of one. Her hair, her makeup, her every move was immaculate and it was so far from the image Simon held of his ex-wife that it took him several moments to recognise her.

“Simon,” Kate said in a firm and unyielding tone, “I wish I could say it was nice of you to visit. But please, be seated, even for you I have my responsibilities as hostess.”

Simon sat, almost falling in to the chair like a scolded child. His anger was totally overwhelmed by Kate’s presence and for no reason that he could explain to himself, he was intimidated. Across from him, his ex-wife seated herself gracefully into the other chair and brought her full attention to bear on him.

“I don’t suppose you’ve learnt how to cook?” she asked in a sudden change of tone.

“No! Why should I?” Simon blustered, confused as well as awed now.

Kate silenced him with a thought and carried on, “Well then, what use are you. I have an excellent butler and a chauffeur. No need for a gardener—the nice lads from down the street are always eager to take care of the grounds. What role could you possibly fulfil in my household, hmm?”

“How ... I could be your husband again ...”

Kate laughed with no trace of humour and Simon sank down in his seat.

“You didn’t do a very good job of it last time, why should I give you a second chance? But perhaps I can pardon your former weakness and give you a chance. The position of house boy hasn’t been filled yet, you can start as the lowest of the staff, and perhaps if you develop some talent in the kitchen I might eventually promote you to cook.”

“Oh thank you Ma’am,” Simon gushed, unable to control himself. He knew that he should be better behaved in front of her ladyship, with her being so generous and all. Her gentle smile in response to his youthful enthusiasm eased his fears. He knew he was really going to enjoy working in her household.