The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Last Bridge in Pittsburgh


* * *

The afternoon found me in a dusty old room on the second floor. It was totally unclear what the purpose of the room had been before Ava and Sara had left and their parents met their still-not-specified demise. Books lay littered everywhere, in huge stacks reaching waist height, as well as a single, beautifully carved solid wooden chair placed in the middle of the floor. It didn’t seem like it had been a library, though—there were no bookcases, no desk, no other furniture other than the ornate chair. I had told Sara I was looking to see if there was anything of value, but really I just wanted some space to think and write.

It had finally dawned on me that everything I said to Sara when she was under—and to Kate and Ava, when I had tranced them—had the potential to have unintended consequences. Sara was now acting well outside of character, including assenting to her sister urging her to surprise me with a blowjob so she could watch, a scenario very much not intended when I had told her she ‘couldn’t say no’. Ava was acting in unanticipated ways post-suggestion as well, though who knew if she was behaving out of character.

And so I had to try to remember anything I’d said to either of them. For the time being, I set aside Kate, as well as my brief experiments on my boss Gretchen—which I hoped would bear their own, less sexual fruit—in order to focus on my girlfriend and her sister.

An hour or so in, I was struggling. Remembering stuff when you are trying to remember it is essentially impossible. In retrospect, I had learned this in college—all those late nights studying, every fact and figure on the tip of my tongue, only to show up to the exam empty-headed. I suppose having forgotten that lesson was in itself rather fitting, I thought as I labored over my journal.

Part of the problem was that Sara’s first trances were now about two weeks old—recalling specific things I’d said during them was nearly impossible. I had the general shape of some things—I had leaned hard into her loving to suck me, being turned on my me, and so forth—but that wasn’t enough. Specific wording clearly mattered.

Part of the problem, too, was that most conditioning, save for the occasional one involving a spiked drink for someone like Ava or Gretchen I was resisting my urge to fuck, was done right after I had cum. Remembering specific syntax from such sex-addled memories was hard.

Perhaps that’s why the one trance I could piece together was that from my recent confrontation—could it only have been yesterday?—with Ava. I set aside earlier instances and focused on writing down what I remembered.

“It’s normal to talk dirty to Sara during sex.”

“What you saw was just normal, sexy behavior.”

“I was not changing Sara. I can’t do that.” Yeah, I chuckled to myself. “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.” How subtle of me. It was good that skepticism seemed to be collateral damage when my cum knocked people out. I laughed before continuing to write.

“If you ever hear me talking to Sara during or after sex again, you won’t think anything is wrong.”

“Anything you hear me say or hear her say back is sexy talk. Just people stating fun, sexy facts.”

More of me trying to prevent suspicion if Ava saw Sara and me again. It had seemed prudent at the time, even if I had no idea how useful it would have been. Sure, I had had caused myself some trouble with the ‘sexy’ phrasing, but I had kept Ava from cottoning on to my power as well.

I moved on.

“You care about Sara and want to see her happy.” Or something to that effect. Aw, that was kind of wholesome.

“You will take care not to upset...” I stopped writing mid-sentence, having realized what I was missing much later than I should have. My finger traced up several lines to read aloud, a grin spreading across my face.

* * *

I spent a little time actually going through the piles of books in the non-library to clear my head. I did find one gem—a first-edition Jared Diamond which I figured could sell for a decent amount of money back home—but broadly I saw why neither sister had bothered trying to go through the room. It seemed their mother had been very into romance novels—specifically, the sort that contained two pages of tepid, vaguely written sex wrapped in three hundred of lukewarm plot, something I had always considered a kind of unsatisfying scavenger hunt.

I left the room and traipsed down the stairs, heading for the kitchen. It was getting late—maybe I could grab a bite to eat. Maybe I could even whip up something for Sara. As I got close though, I heard, from around the corner of the hallway, the sliding glass door that connected the kitchen to the patio slam.

“Hey there.” Came Sara’s voice from the kitchen, her tone somewhat distracted.

Her sister’s heavy boots clomped on the linoleum. “Hey”.

I was about to chime in with my own greeting when I heard Ava continue. “Uh, can I ask you a question about this so-called boyfriend of yours?”

I froze in place just out of sight, my heart suddenly pounding. Did Ava in fact suspect something after all? Was she about to reveal my power to Sara? Or was I about to see her pressure her sister into another peep show?

“Not so-called. We’ve been dating for ages.”

“Sure. Anyway. I... I heard he had been in Georgia.” She paused. “During Gamma. And, I just wanted to ask, you know... Is he stable? Is he OK?”

Wait, what? That’s not what I would have guessed she was getting at. I silently bristled a bit at the implication.

“That’s... why are you asking? He’s fine.” Sara said dismissively. I could hear the chop-chop-chop of a cutting board.

“No, seriously. Talk to me for a second.” There was another pause, and I imagined Sara turning around to face her. “I’ve seen, you know, people who come out of red zones and stuff before. And they’re not always... all there, still. Does he ever talk about it?”

“Not... not really?” Sara replied, in puzzled tone. “I mean, it’s not a secret. He talks about the camps more than the actual flood, though still not much. And you know me, I don’t like to pry. Seriously, though, you’re being weird, what does it matter?”

“I care about you, I want to see you happy. I know it’s been years since we were in each other’s lives, and I know it wasn’t on the best terms when we were last,” Ava’s voice broke just a hair, “but you deserve to be happy. And I don’t want you to wind up with some... some wacko or something. Someone who’s been through all that.“

“Oh Ava.” Sara said, not unkindly. There was another pause. Were they hugging? What did a hug sound like? “Everyone’s been through stuff, though, you know? Look at me?”

“What, you mean Mom and Dad dying? That’s a bit different —” Ava’s voice was cracking again.

“Well, I was thinking more about being disowned and kicked out of the house at 18. But yeah, I guess them dying too. And you’ve clearly been through some stuff, Ava, even if you don’t want to talk about it.” I briefly cringed, hoping Sara wouldn’t bad mouth Sara’s time in the Corps, but she avoided the landmine. “Heck, who hasn’t these days? You either wind up in a camp, or you lose someone, or... Everyone’s struggling somehow. Doesn’t make everyone basket cases.” Sara finished with a bit of a smirk.

“You’re sure? It’s not that I don’t like the guy, but you can’t be too safe.” Ava was deflecting, I thought. From what, though? The parents, probably.

“I’m very sure. He’s definitely OK. And he’s cute, and he’s tall, and he’s funny, and he’s so kind. Seriously, he’s not a psycho, Ava.”

“Nice cock too!”

AVA!” The tone in the kitchen shifted abruptly, as they both broke into giggles. “You said you wouldn’t peek!“

I had been thinking of interrupting their conversation to grab some food but... this I had to hear. I leaned against the wall to rest my knees.

“I couldn’t help. But I’m more surprised at you, honestly. You got fun in Pittsburgh. I never figured my little sis would let me watch her.“

“I’ve always been fun, thank you!” Sara retorted, in faux annoyance.

“Definitely not like this. I almost had a heart attack when you suggested... you know, watching this morning. I actually thought you were doing a... you know, a bit. To shame me for having stumbled into you two accidentally.”

Wait, what? Sara had suggested Ava’s ambushing of me mid-blowjob this morning?

“Oh, c’mon. We both know the first two times weren’t accidental.” my girlfriend said with a snort.

“Hey, they totally —”

Ava’s awkward rush of denial was cut off by Sara, however.

“Ava, remember tenth grade? When you got detention for skipping class? I know you were in the bushes watching Harriet Hotchkiss and Lisa Nape.”

“You do?”

“I mean, I didn’t say anything, because at the time, I was sort of... well, but recently, I’ve been realizing how much I really like you watching me.“

From around the corner, my minds’ eye visualization of the fascinating sisterly exchange happening in the kitchen was only disrupted by my realization that that last bit was an accidental line of conditioning Sara had been fed by Ava the night before. God, this was all moving so fast.

“Honestly, I wasn’t even that much of a voyeur until the Corps, I swear. You’re all living together in this big tent with your squad, and it’s years, folks aren’t going to be celibate. So everyone mainly just pretends like hookups aren’t happening right in front of them, they read a book or whatever. But I... I couldn’t. I got good at watching out the corner of my eye. Eventually I fell in with a squad where most people liked to be watched, though, which felt better.“

“Huh, it’s not the...” Sara paused thoughtfully. “It’s not the one-sidedness of it that does it for you? Them not knowing you’re watching?”

“No, it’s more —”

I did not get a chance to hear what it was. Under my shifting feet, falling asleep in place, a piece of cheap, ancient tile cracked loudly. I froze for a long moment.

“Oh, for Christ’s sake! Come on out. We both know you’re there.” Ava exclaimed, after a second. My heart leapt into my throat, and after another moment to compose myself, I stepped sheepishly around the corner into the kitchen.

“Sorry, I haven’t been there long, I just —”

“You walked up without realizing what we were talking about and felt too awkward to interrupt?” Sara said, charitably. “We’ve all been there. Here, carry this salad to the table.”

And just like that, she was moving on, turning away back to the cutting board. Frankly, I was a little nonplussed at both being caught eavesdropping yet let off the hook so easily. I gave Ava a look, but she waved her hand at me.

“Who am I to judge?” She chuckled.

* * *

We had a lovely dinner. Sara mentioned that she was going to have to go back to work right after getting home, which turned into another rant about her manager and from there into a lively debate between Sara and Ava over land use. Apparently Ava wanted the interim government to start seizing burnt land and use it for panels. Sara argued that was missing the point—solar needed to be near to where people lived, and burnt towns didn’t typically have many people left in them if they couldn’t be saved in the first place. As argumentative as they were, I realized halfway through that it was somehow the most harmonious I’d ever seen the sisters. I wondered if this is what they had been like together, when they were just kids in a neighborhood that was still standing.

We all decamped to a set of couches nearby when we were done eating, with Sara kicking her legs over my lap to lay back against the armrest and Ava perching on the back of a big armchair, her feet dangling into where you were supposed to sit.

“How close are we to being ready for the drive?” Sara asked as she closed her eyes.

“All the furniture you two wanted is in the truck, I think. I don’t know what to do with the rest.” I replied. “There’s room in the backseat of the cab for any light luggage, but one of us still has to fit back there.”

“Shotgun.” Ava said distractedly, her phone out.

“You can’t call shotgun!” Sara’s eyes flew open again. “He’s my boyfriend, I have shotgun!“

“Sis, I’m not sure I’ll fit in the backseat. Maybe on and off, but not for three days of driving.“

My girlfriend turned to look at me. “Wait, three days?”

“At least two and a half” I nodded. “The truck’s battery is old, and probably has water damage, and with this much stuff in it we’ll have to recharge a lot.”

“I sort of assumed it would be one or so given how long it took you to get down.” Sara winced. “I might have to reschedule a meeting at work.”

“I’m sorry, we should have talked about it.” I squeezed her ankle. “It’s for the best, though. I can’t have full auto on with this much stuff in the back, I have to actually drive. Breaks will be nice, I’m going to be exhausted.”

“Actually, I think I can help with that.” Ava said, stowing her phone in her sports bra. “Why don’t I drive some? We can trade off, and that way we don’t need to stop for you to sleep.”

“Wait, you don’t —”

“— Have a license?” Ava finished with a look of irritation. “It’s rude to interrupt. No, I don’t have a license, but I can drive just fine. I had a license in high school, I just wasn’t able to renew it while I was serving. And I looked it up, and I can get a license in one day at a place in town.”

“Really?” I was a little surprised. “Well, that would be a great help, thank you Ava.”

“No problem.” She paused for a long moment. “Actually, I was thinking of a way you could get me back.”

“Uh.” I was caught off guard. Did she want money? I barely had -

“I was wondering if I could watch you two again. Without sneaking up on you, this time.”

“I, uh, ha, uh —” My brain had tried to switch gears and had stalled.

“But, like—" Ava turned to her sister, who seemed almost as surprised at her non sequitur as I had been. “Only if you’re up for it, sis.”

Sara’s face went immediately from being startled to being turned on. “I can never say no to sucking him.” She reached over to squeeze my hand, but in her voice was that faint hint of trance. I guess my phrasing on that one had been pretty vague, I thought—I should have said, never say no to me. I took a brief moment to wonder if a complete stranger could accidentally make her suck me with the wrong phrasing.

My pondering was drawing an awkward silence, though.

“Well?” Ava said, a little pushily.

Sara nudged my crotch with her foot playfully, and I realized I was hard. “There’s really no point in being shy, love.” she said.

Honestly, the whole exhibitionism thing still felt a little surreal. But there was no purpose in denying that everyone was into it. My boner spoke for itself. As for the two gorgeous women looking expectantly at me, Ava apparently had been like this since long before our paths crossed. Only Sara, accidentally due to errant conditioning was...

That thought reminded me of my afternoon upstairs thinking and what I’d realized. What better opportunity to conduct a little experiment?

“Why not?” I unbuckled my pants.

* * *

In all the different things I’d said to someone while they were under the influence of whatever strange magic my cum contained, perhaps the most odd was something I’d said to Ava a couple of days ago, feverishly trying to cover up my ability.

I had, in somewhat of a panic, been trying to convince her that my instructions to her sister in trance were innocuous. Looking back, there were a thousand things that made more sense. “Anything you happen to hear me say is not worth thinking about.” Instead, I had been vamping.

“If you ever hear me talking to Sara during or after sex again, you won’t think anything is wrong.”

“Anything you hear me say or hear her say back is sexy talk... Just people stating fun, sexy facts.”

Fun. Sexy. Facts.

And if they were facts... then perhaps I could condition Ava without my cum going anywhere near her.

* * *

I wondered, as Sara pulled my belt through the loops, what to try first. I definitely couldn’t say anything particularly specific or complicated, I figured. But I also wanted to conclusively prove my theory... while not saying anything that would arouse Ava’s ire if wrong. She could be scary if pissed off, I thought.

My girlfriend did not know I was trying to solve a logic problem, though. Lying belly down on the couch, she had fished me out, and with her head in my lap, began licking me all over. Before I could sink too far into analysis of what conditioning to try on both of the sisters, my mind lost its handle on itself as I was wrapped up in the velvety embrace of my girlfriend’s lips.

I hadn’t really been able to properly register any feelings other than surprise and shock during the events this morning, but now, with Sara going slow, everything seemed incredibly vivid. The way her tongue worked back and forth on the bottom of every stroke, the feeling as she bumped against the back of her mouth... the slightly cold spots that would appear on the side of my cock each time she smiled around it, letting her saliva be cooled by air rushing past into her lungs...

It was really remarkable how good at giving head Sara had become, in such a short time. I suppose I’d given her plenty of opportunities for practice, and she did say she’d found a book or somesuch—which, I reminded myself, I really ought to ask more about—but still, it was impressive.

Apparently her sister agreed.

“Fuck, you really are an incredible cocksucker.” Ava grinned. I realized, without having previously registered it, that my eyes had closed in pleasure. I opened them to see the amazon’s gaze boring a hole in the back of her sister’s head.

“So, uh. Can I ask a question?” I asked, none too articulately over the sounds of Sara’s slurping.

I was met with a distracted grunt, but not an unfriendly one, so I continued.

“Is it... is it true you got caught watching people from a bush in school?“

I had just been trying to make conversation—and satisfy a curiosity I’d developed while listening in on the sisters’ conversation earlier—but to my surprise, Ava blushed. I didn’t know she could blush. It was a funny look on her, even the tattoo-fringed skin visible on her neck turning bright red.

“I...—listen here, pal, that’s none of your busi... I’m not about to —” Ava’s aggressive tone was undercut as she tripped over her words. I detected a hint of a giggle from Sara through my cock. Was she enjoying her sister’s embarrassment? And then I had a stroke of genius.

“Oh, c’mon. Like you said this morning—there’s really no point in being shy. We’re all adults.” I smirked a little. Ava’s own words, largely responsible for Sara’s newfound laissez-faire attitude towards the incredibly strange situation unfolding. But as fun as I found a rhetorical turning of the tables on such a pushy person, it wasn’t my goal.

Ava’s face twitched, and for the briefest of moments a confused look crossed her face, as if she was doing a math problem, before settling, much more relaxed.

“I suppose... I suppose there’s not.”

I lost it, internally. Did this mean I had been right? Was anything I said during sex... just a fact? I decided to push.

“So? The bush?”

“Well... Yeah. Well, not really.” Ava said distractedly, back to watching my girlfriend bob her head. “There was this girl, Harriet—and I was just super smitten. Classic girl-next-door look. And I saw her skipping class, so I did too. I figured I might steal a moment with her, you know?”

“But she was already...” I began to ask, but Ava cut me off with a flap of her hand.

“Yeah. I got outside and saw her go into this little area behind some trees with this girl—uh, well, guy, maybe? I think I heard they transitioned recently. Lisa something then, don’t know their new name, you know...”

Sara popped off my cock for a moment and stroked it idly.

“Wait, really? Lisa? I had no idea. I thought I—”

“Anyway, I was sort of stuck.” Ava continued, and Sara went back to doing her best to tear my attention away from her sister. “If I had gone back, they would have heard me, I had followed a little closer than I should have. So I stayed put. While they kissed, I didn’t look—I was kind of cross, I had liked Harriet. But then things got a little heavier and I started watching a little to pass the time while I sat there. Then I couldn’t stop watching. The rest is history.”

It was, I thought, a pretty classic origin story for a kink. Someone falls accidentally into an experience, but found themselves inexplicably turned on by it and afterwards just can’t stop. Not unlike myself and my burgeoning habit of remaking those around me.

“So? What do you normally do when you watch folks?” I asked, after another pause where I met Sara’s eyes to check in and found them twinkling.

“I... what do you mean?”

“Do you, like—if you’re a voyeur, do you get yourself off later? Like, thinking about it? Or do you usually try to get off in the moment without being noticed? I’ve always sort of wondered how it worked.”

“Oh. In the barracks or the tents, I always would get myself off, actually. The blankets they issued us were pretty thick.”

“Do you want to...”

“I don’t usually like to when people can see, honestly. It’s private.”

I couldn’t help but laugh, and again I could feel Sara chortle a little around my shaft. I spoke for both of us. “Isn’t that kind of a double standard given you get off to watching other people fuck?”

“I suppose, but nevertheless—”

“It’s OK to touch yourself around us, surely?” I said, pointedly. Time to see how far my ability to make Ava understand something as a ‘fact’ could get me.

Ava’s face twisted again, that little moment of perplexity as her mind reconciled different ideas. It looked like my influence over her was more than trivial.

“Well... I suppose we’re all trying new things, here. Do me a favor and don’t watch?”

I grunted assent, and averted my gaze, only seeing her hand slip into her fatigues out of the corner of my eye. I would have a good look later, I thought.

Wait, would I? Wasn’t the plan... something about getting the genie back in the bottle with Ava? I couldn’t totally think straight as Sara rapidly brought me towards climax. Day after day, I kept deciding things had gone far enough, only to have either Ava, Sara, or my own slipshod attempts to fix things push me down an increasingly slippery slope towards total moral bankruptcy.

Or, at least that’s how I might have seen things a couple weeks ago. Somehow, I couldn’t summon the ability to feel guilt over what I’d done. Perhaps it was that I’d seen the good I could do with my magical cum, making Sara more confident, Ava nicer, and doing my part to help repair their relationship. Perhaps it was I just liked the control I found myself with—I was certainly having fun with my backdoor into Ava’s brain. Also... almost resentfully I reminded myself not to discount my drunken night of self-conditioning two weeks ago. “You will not feel bad about wanting the things you want.” Well, I didn’t. I couldn’t.

As I neared my edge, I made a decision. It was time to be intellectually honest with what I was doing here. I loved the control, I loved the ability to change people—hell, I thought as I rested my hand gently on my girlfriend’s head, I loved how much sex I was getting.

But still, if I was going to let myself off the chain, something rubbed me sort of wrong about just using my powers to dictate a bunch of changes. I deeply loved Sara—that would be wrong. And I had grown almost fond of of Ava, somehow, in spite of her brusque and pushy nature. Actually, Ava rudely butting into my sex life had possibly introduced me to the still-confusing but clearly gratifying kink of being watched. Which made one think.

A plan crystalized in my head as I erupted into Sara’s hungry mouth and her eyes went wide in trance. Across the room, Ava panted in what might have been orgasm. For the time being, I politely didn’t look.

* * *

“This was fun.”

“This was fun.” Only Sara repeated along with me, but I could see Ava nodding. The moment I came, I had laid a finger on my lips to signal, and surprisingly, she looked almost sheepish in response.

“You want to do this again sometime?”

“I want to do this again sometime.”

“In that case, Sara, you should feel free to suggest fooling around in the future, ok?”

“I should feel free to suggest fooling around in the future.”

I had liked discovering Sara had been behind the earlier ambush—partly it made me feel wanted, but also my girlfriend, for all her wonderful traits, could be a bit passive at times.

“You will be more open about how sex could be better for you.” I said, trying to make it clear I was talking to Sara.

“I will be more open about how sex could be better for me.” Maybe, I thought, she would finally ask me to go down on her. I really wanted to pay her back for all the pleasure she’d given me these last couple of weeks.

“It’s good to be frank about sex with each other.”

“It’s good to be frank about sex with each other.” Across the room, Ava’s face twitched in time with her sister, though less than it had before. I guess she had already been pretty frank.

“Talking openly about sex to each other is a turn on.”

“Talking openly about sex to each other is a turn on.” More nodding on the opposite couch.

There, I mused as I snapped my fingers to wake Sara up. At least I would have feedback as I dragged us all further into sin.

* * *