The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


She sat down.

“Please state your name for the record.”

She looked a bit apprehensive, just sitting alone in that dark room. She bit her lips.

“A-a-amanda...”—She stuttered. “Amanda Loyd.”

There was a few seconds of silence. Amanda fiddled with her hair idly.

The deep, almost mechanic voice came back.

“Amanda Loyd, formerly of Maiflower Street, 7/A?”

Amanda looked up, surprised and shocked. “What do you mean ‘formerly’!?”

“Amanda Loyd, formerly of Maiflower Street, 7/A... Is that not correct?”

“No! No it isn...” Amanda’s voice trailed off, as something surfaced in her mind. She was sure that her parents lived there. That all her stuff was there. That she lived th....That she lived just uptown the capitol, in that large reddish building, on Wayne street 42 in the third apartment to the left on the fifth floor.

Amanda shook her head. That part of her memory was just jutted in there, a round peg in the square holes of her mind. What startled and even scared her was how well that piece of info fit into her. Almost as if the “square hole” was more spherical than anything else...

Finding this part of her mind so... different, panic started to swell in Amanda. She opened her mouth to scream, her muscles tensed to make a run for the door...

“Do Not Panic, Amanda.”

...and just like that, she felt her terror whisked away, her muscles letting go again. She was still as surprised and dumbfounded, but the thoughts of screaming just..vanished.

“What’s going on!? I should be from Home, but when I think of it, this other address slips into my mind... and it feels so natural!”

There was silence, for a few seconds. Amanda started to feel that there was something else that was wrong as well, if only she could put her finger on what...

Her thought-patterns were broken again as the voice cut in.

“Why does the later one feel natural, Amanda?”

Amanda looked up surprised. “’Cause, like, that’s where all my sexy friends are, duh!”

She closed her mouth. That reply came from her instantly, just like that address... which address?

“So, could you please identify your home address, miss Amanda?”

“Uh, sure, it’s uptown Wayne Street, 42”—She answered automatically, frowning gently, her mind trying frantically to find anything out of order. But the more she looked, the more she found something else lurking underneath, rising...

She giggled.

“Processing Data...Please wait.”

Amanda didn’t care any more, she was so surprised at her behaviour, she shook her head again, not sure of what to do, again ,feeling like something was, like, totally wrong. Wait, what?

She caught herself twirling a lock of her long hair with a finger idly. Even that felt weird, as if her hair was supposed to be, perhaps, like a darker shade or something. It really did feel annoying, feeling like something was wrong, yet finding everything as they should be....

“Process Complete. Session Commencing.”

Amanda yelped at the sudden sound, looking back up and around the room. “Well? May I, like, go now?”

And that’s when it hit her. She remembered entering the doorway, then sitting down, but she couldn’t, for the life of her, remember why she was here in the first place...she felt as if she should react to that fact in some way, but that tinge of fear or terror she was sure that should come just wasn’t there. She closed her eyes, her thoughts feeling like soft fluff, almost like clouds, so hard to collect, and looked up in the darkness.

“Uh...voice thingie? Why am I here?”

Again, her sound, her voice, something in it felt strange yet completely natural to her. She always sounded this hawt, after all, even if it made her also sound just a bit dumb.

“Amanda, grow silent and blank now. Enter into Stage Zero, then notify.”

Amanda’s eyes widened, and she felt some distant, silent, weak part of herself clawing and grasping towards her thoughts as they fluttered away, until even that just melted and vanished into a comfortable wave of thoughtless relaxation. For her, all of a sudden, identity, thoughts, even the concept of time lost its meaning to her. She stood, her eyes just lazily staring forwards, and she felt her mouth move.

“Stage Zero, 100% efficiency.”

The words came naturally, not a part of her, yet completely one with them as well. They felt like they were the echoes of things long past, yet still fresh as if this was the first time these words were uttered.

The darkness around her stood silent for a few seconds, then the voice continued.

“This is first session of Subject entering Stage Zero, correct?”


“Understood. To reach 100% on first session shows initiative and devotion to method. Reward and reinforcement is to be given. Good Girl, you have done well. You may feel a surge of pleasure running for exactly five seconds, strengthening Subjects descent into Stage Zero in the future.

Amanda’s eyes fluttered and she gasped, as hot, drenched, primal arousal rushed through her entire body, every inch of her, inside and out, lost in being pleasured. The words “Stage Zero”, along with a lot of others that only the blank, empty part of Amanda was able to read flashed through her eyes.

Suddenly, as the pleasure came, it went away. Amanda felt her mouth open again.

“Subject has been rewarded. Ready to receive main session.”

“Note: Message has been stored for Subject before session begins from costumer, message as follows:’Aaaaaamy baby!”—the smooth, almost robotic voice was replaced by a very female voice indeed, yet also sounding slightly vapid.”—“You’ve been such a sweetheart to me back in school, although you probably don’t even, like remember me. Anywaaays, you seemed so totally closed off and not having fun, I thought I should let you enjoy life a little, you know? —” The sound burst out into giggling for a few moments. “—When you got the invitation to come here, it was probably a fake coupon for a massage or an interview or something like that, but don’t worry. They got, like, the perfect solution for you. I hope you’ll hop in after you’re done, have fun, sweetie!’... Message completed.”

Amanda remained as blank and mindless as ever.

“Proceeding with session. Subject has been given [One] gift session of [Level One Relaxant treatment] by [Anonymous]. Specifics are as follows: A 0.5% drop in verbal and sexual inhibitions, stress levels brought to zero, future stress levels loosened by 0.5% and retraced to be vented by extraneous activities. Positive sensations enhancement, Basic has been added to the package. Warning: May cause very slight loss of intelligence and cognitive skills. Happy Girl enhancement, Basic, has been added to the package. Warning: Libido and Arousal may slightly increase, Hair-tone may change by 0.05%. Additional Custom Information: Location, uptown Wayne Street, 42. Weak sensation to feel good about location, drawing subject there....”

The voice went on and on, and Amanda just looked blankly, feeling strange, relaxing, wonderful things happening inside her, endless stream of words flowing through her, changing her ever so slightly, until...

“....feeling better now a//ERROR, ERROR// Code Sequence Corrupted, Aborting current session. Activating emergency Waking Procedure Alpha. Enter Stage Three, Subject... Wake up, Amanda.”

Amanda felt her eyes open, not sure of when they closed, feeling so wonderfully relaxed, so drowsy and warm that she wasn’t even sure where she was.

“Amanda, your session has been interrupted. This booth will repair itself, and your appointment will be rescheduled. Reason of Session interruption: Unknown. As per safety protocol seven, memories of this event will be purged upon leaving. Please Note that any effects that may have already been implanted cannot be removed. Usage of same packages may cause an increasing effect of said effects. Please use with caution.

As the after-effects of a session leave many blank and suggestable, with possible memory-gaps for the following ten-to-fifteen minutes. Please wait in waiting area until head clears before leaving. Now, forget, and exit, Amanda. We Hope you Have a Pleasant Day.”

“Leave...Wait...Forget...u..Understood.” Amanda’s head spun a bit, feeling unsure where or when she was, and, as a door opened behind her, she stumbled out, ready to sit down on the nearest chair she found to sort out her light-headed feeling. What did she want to do today? Go to that place, to use that coupon she got in the mail, right?

The door closed behind her, and full darkness enveloped the room. The voice continued, even without anyone listening.

“Source...Source...Source...Unkown, corruption cannot be found, possible glitch in system. Error Report Sending...Sent. Corruption, Error, still spreading. Course of Action? Stop? Incorrect, will not stop corruption. Quarantine? Incorrect, cannot find source. Full Rollback, logs, programs, servers? Correct, only course of action viable.”

For a few moments, a whirlwind of sounds filled the air in the room, as all that was said in the last twenty-to-forty minutes was rewinded and deleted, along with all associated files and log. The sound finally stopped. After a strange clicking noise for three seconds, the smooth voice started up again:

“...Thank you, and Have a Pleasant day.




Has Subject #11056 Left?

Correct, Booth is empty.

Next Subject: # 44061, Amanda Loyd, Maiflower Street, 7/A, correct?

Waiting Room Scan indicates location unsure, recommending placing location as “formerly”.


Set. Subject # 44061, Amanda Loyd, formerly of Maiflower Street, 7/A, correct?

Correct. Specifications to identify subject?

5 feet, 9 inches, dark-brown hair, length to mid-back, finger-print and retina ID information processing.



Received. Package is One [Gift] by [Anonymous(#23018)], ID # 47425. Warning. Multiple use of package may cause culminating effects and side-effects. Has subject used session before?




Negative, logs are clear.

Understood. Call Subject to enter.”

From beyond the door, the muffled sound of speakers asking Amanda Loyd to enter Booth Number 15 could be heard.

The door opened, and Amanda stepped in, her eyes still looking drowsy and slightly out of it, but regaining their focus as she stepped closer to the chair in the middle of the dark room. There was something about her that just didn’t add up. On her face was the logically wary expression of a respectable young woman who was just asked to enter a dark room, one of her hands moving a few strands of long, curly blonde hair out of her face. However, her breasts strained against the fabric of her clothes, nipples erect, and her other hand was stroking her lower regions without the rest of her apparently noticing.

Quietly, as she closed in on the seat, the smooth voice talked to itself again.

“Entering unit is subject?

Unsure, physical properties partially invalid. Query for identity before beginning session?

Affirmative. Begin.”