The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: Lucky Winner

AN: This story is intended to be enjoyed as a fantasy by persons over the age of 18—similar actions if undertaken in real life would be deeply unethical and probably illegal. © MoldedMind, 2021.

* * *

Ute could see her friends ahead of her, in the park. There they were, all three together, sitting on a pair of benches— Elli and Nicky on one bench, Daniela on the bench beside it. They were clearly waiting for her— all that was left was to walk forward and join them.

Now that the weather had been getting nicer, lately, the four of them had taken to meeting up outdoors in parks. It was a nice way to get out in the sunshine and enjoy the weather.

Of course, the four of them met up in all weather. But in the cold months, they located their hangouts indoors— typically in coffeeshops or restaurants. The four of them were quite good friends, so they usually liked to get together at least once a week— sometimes more than once.

They’d already met once this week, earlier on. But Daniela had called around and asked if they could meet up again today, in this park, at this time. She hadn’t said why. Ute’s guess was that Daniela wanted to see them again sooner than next week, just because she liked them; that Daniela missed the three of them already, even though she had just seen them.

Ute admired the sight of her friends as she walked closer to them. They were a nice-looking group of women— Elli, with her red hair, Nicky’s dark blonde beside her, Daniela’s plain blonde over on the other bench.

Both Elli and Nicky looked suitable next to each other— their hair colors were complimentary in a contrasting way, but they had similar body shapes. Both of them were a little thicker. Elli held her weight on her hips— just a little more than should be there, and so when she was sitting on the bench it looked like part of her was melting onto it, sagging into it where she was sitting.

Nicky by contrast held her weight all throughout her body— she was weightier, just a little too chubby for her size. Elli looked normal, even pretty from the waist up— it was only if you looked at her hips that you really noticed her size, but you could tell Nicky’s chubbiness just from looking into her face.

Elli’s breasts were larger than Nicky’s, a respectable C-cup size. But Nicky, despite her weight, did not hold any of it on her chest— though she was chubby, her breast were still only a B-cup.

Daniela was more like Ute’s own size— she was slim, with B-cup breasts that actually looked at home on her frame, in a way that Nicky’s didn’t. Ute was slim this way too— and her breasts were also a B-cup. She imagined that once she was sitting next to Daniela she would look as good beside her as Elli looked next to Nicky. Her own hair was brown, but it would have that same kind of complimentary contrast with Daniela’s blonde as Elli’s red had with Nicky’s dark blonde.

Often when the friends met up, it was to discuss and give each other updates on their romantic lives— and their sex lives. Three of the four of them were married— all but Daniela, who preferred keeping herself available for anyone who came along, as she explained it.

Daniela enjoyed having multiple sexual partners— she enjoyed trying anything new once, and Ute could admit to herself that at least half of the fun of keeping Daniela around was getting to hear her crazy sex stories. It was a source of enjoyment and novelty in contrast to the kinds of mundane stories that three long-term marriages produced.

Elli had few stories about her sex life to share. She had very boring, very unexciting sex with her husband. Ute never had anything to share herself either— she never had sex at all. It was just about the most uninteresting thing in the world to her, and she just couldn’t be bothered to engage with it. She’d felt this way for as long as she could remember— she’d felt it even when she’d been in the early stages of dating her husband, and she’d been upfront with him about it even when they had still only been boyfriend and girlfriend.

She’d thought he’d want to leave her after that— but he hadn’t minded. They’d kept dating, right to the point of marrying each other, and then married too— and in all that time they’d been together, they had probably only slept together a dozen times total. No, Ute never had anything to report. And while she didn’t enjoy sex much herself, she did enjoy hearing Daniela describe her sexual adventures— they always made for good entertainment. There were always full of twists and shocks and reveals; the introductions of new characters, as well as the returns of some recurring characters, who showed up now and again. Ute enjoyed following them for their plot-arcs— enjoyed them for their shock value.

The only other person who had sex stories to share was Nicky; she and her wife slept together almost as often as Daniela slept with strangers, and they were far more adventurous than Elli was with her husband.

But even though Elli and Ute never had anything to much to share about the sex they were having (since in Ute’s case she wasn’t having any), Daniela and Nicky always listened and engaged them on the other stories they had to share— about their day-to-day lives; about their husbands, and the states of their marriages. They were all three of them pretty happily married, so there was never much drama in these stories— not like in Daniela’s, but Daniela listened with the same kind of enraptured attention that they gave to her when she was speaking.

But though their friendships with each other had long since fallen into routine, none of them resented that routine— all of their lives were very settled things. Each one of them was in their thirties, more or less established in their careers, and for three of them, they were settled down and married to the person they’d be spending the rest of their lives with. For all of them, life had become a thing of routine— their friendship was one more appreciated, welcomed and enjoyed routine among the many.

Ute reached the two benches, and took her place beside Daniela. It was clear the three of them had all only been making small-talk; if any of them had any stories to share, they had been saving them for when Ute arrived. Ute appreciated that they had done this. They knew she liked to hear a good story, and they’d saved all of theirs up for her.

“Well, I’m here now,” Ute said, when she sat. “What’s going on?”

Her three friends turned to look at her with affection.

“Did you miss us, Daniela?” Ute teased. “We all saw each other just three days ago. You couldn’t wait until next week?”

“That has happened before,” Daniela granted. “But I actually arranged this meet-up for a specific reason. Look what I got!”

Daniela reached into her purse, and when she pulled her hand back out from it she was holding something in it. She extended her hand so it was between the two benches, where all four of them could see it.

She opened her hand, and Ute could see that she was holding a set of four tickets.

Elli and Nicky had realized this at the same time as Ute. “You got tickets? For what?”

Ute wondered who the tickets were for— it would be just like Daniela to get a hold of tickets to some kind of sex party, and then want to brag about them to her friends after the fact, before gushing about how excited she was to find three strangers to take with her.

It wouldn’t be the first time that had happened.

“They’re for all of us, silly,” Daniela replied. “I got us all tickets to go on a new game show.”

“What kind of game show?” Ute asked. It was always important to check, with Daniela. She generally kept her friends out of the weird stuff she got up to— didn’t try to directly involve them, only told them about it afterwards— but she had been known to try to rope them in on occasion.

“It’s an adult game show,” Daniela admitted. “But I think it will be really fun— I think it will be a good time for everyone, even Elli, and you too, Ute.”

“What’s it called?” Nicky chimed in— she looked interested, even if Elli looked less than enthused.

“Lucky Winner,” Daniela said. “It’s a new game show— I think it’s only been on the air for a week or two. Almost no one has heard of it— that’s why they were giving away tickets, they’re trying to build name recognition. Each of you take one.”

Each woman took one. Ute looked down at hers.

“This says that the filming of the show is tomorrow afternoon. Is that right?”

“If that’s what the ticket says, then that’s when it is,” Daniela returned. She kept one of the four tickets for herself once each of the others had retrieved theirs, and slipped it back into her purse.

“I thought we could all meet up somewhere tomorrow first— before the filming. And then we could all go together, and arrive together. We should probably get there a little early. We want to make sure to get good seats.”

“Wait a second,” Ute said. “Have any of us officially agreed to go yet?”

“Maybe not quite yet,” Elli granted. “But even though it’s not my kind of thing— I think I’ll go. I trust Daniela. She knows we’re not into the things she likes, so if she suggested this, it must be for a reason. It must be something that we’ll really like.”

Ute thought about it. That logic made sense to her; As Elli had said, Daniela knew her friends had different tastes then her; knew what they liked and if they didn’t, so if she was suggesting this, she must have had a reason to believe this would be some they would like— something that would align with their tastes.

“Okay,” Ute agreed. “Fair enough. I’ll go— so where should we meet?”

“Let’s just meet at my house,” Nicky suggested. Then we can leave from there.”

It was a good plan, so the four of them all agreed to it.

The reason for meeting up that day had been so Daniela could announce the tickets, and since that had now been done, there was no reason to stay there. And since they would all be seeing each other again the next day, and since they had seen each other just three days before, there was no reason to prolong their visit. The four friends said their goodbyes, and made their separate ways out of the park.

As Ute went, she wondered if the game show really would be fun, in the way that Daniela was expecting. She hoped it would.

* * *

The day after, they met up at Nicky’s house together as they’d agreed. They all shared a quick lunch together in Nicky’s kitchen— and then they rode together in Nicky’s car as Nicky drove, to the studio lot where ‘Lucky Winner’ was recorded.

It was easy enough to find parking— and when they entered the studio’s waiting area, Ute couldn’t help but notice the studio’s staff. There were ushers there, waiting outside the closed studio doors— and there were some waitresses by the tables of food that the studio had provided for the audience while they waited. But both the ushers and the waitresses were wearing a very strange uniform: each one was dressed in a kind of adult bunny costume, with headbands that supported large floppy ears.

Each of these staff members had large, heavy breasts— and their outfits just barely covered them. What they wore was almost more like a swimsuit than a piece of clothing, but if it was possible, there was even less material to it than a standard swimsuit would have had.

Ute blushed just looking at them. She couldn’t imagine being that exposed— showing off that much skin; showing off so much that was meant to be kept private. She was embarrassed for those bunny girls, just looking at them.

But the girls themselves didn’t seem to be feeling any embarrassment at all. In fact, they looked perfectly contented with themselves. Each one wore a blank, vapid grin on their face— and they had dull eyes. It made Ute a little uncomfortable when she noticed that.

Some minutes passed, as more members of the audience arrived. Ute and her friends made brief conversation.

Once all the ticket-holders had arrived, and once the scheduled recording time had almost arrived, the doors to the studio were opened, and some of the bunny girls began directing the guests in and to their seats.

When Ute and her friends entered, they took a look around. Ahead, Ute could see the stage where the action would take place. A man was sitting in the center of it, watching as the audience came in, with a thoughtful look on his face. He was clearly the moderator for the program, and he was very handsome— but when he saw Ute, Daniela, Elli and Nicky walk past, he made eye contact with the bunny girl that was leading them, and pointed at them.

The bunny girl turned back around, and stopped them walking forward. The other groups of guests had to go around them to continue on their way to their seats. “You’ve been selected as candidates for our show today. That makes the four of you lucky— you could win a lot of money.”

Ute looked between her friends. Daniela’s and Nicky’s faces had lit up in excitement when the bunny girl had mentioned the money that they could win. But Elli looked less excited— she looked uncomfortable.

That made Ute feel better— she didn’t feel quite so alone. The idea of going on the show made her feel uncomfortable too— and it helped her to know that Elli was equally uninterested.

“I don’t want to a part of this show,” Ute said. “I just came here to watch.”

“I don’t want to be a part of it either,” Elli agreed. “Daniela and Nicky, you should just go up without us.” She added, turning from the bunny girl to look at her other two friends.

But the bunny girl spoke up again. “That’s not how our candidate selection process works,” she said. “The deal is all four of you go on the show, or none of you do.”

Daniela looked back to Elli and Ute, wearing an eager expression on her face. “Come on, you guys. I know we didn’t plan on this, but you heard the usher. We could win a lot of money. And it’s a game show. That means it’ll be fun to play. We all came here to have fun, didn’t we? It just turns out we’re even luckier than we thought— we get to have even more fun, by actually playing the game, instead of just watching someone else play it.”

“Yeah, Elli, Ute, we should all go on together,” Nicky encouraged, supporting Daniela. “It’ll be fun— we always like doing things together. This is one more fun thing we can do as friends— it’ll make a nice memory, and it’ll make for a good story that we can tell people later.”

Elli and Ute shared an uncertain look. It was clear that Daniela and Nicky really wanted to do this. Ute didn’t know exactly what Elli was thinking, but she was thinking that it might turn out to be fun after all. And she was also thinking that she didn’t want to be the reason that her two friends didn’t get to do something they so clearly wanted to do.

“Well…” Elli said. “I guess it couldn’t hurt to try… once…”

“I’ll do it, so that you guys get to have the experience,” Ute added. “I don’t want to hold you back.”

“Thanks so much!” Daniela exclaimed. She pulled Ute and Elli into a quick hug. Nicky didn’t join her in it, but when Daniela pulled back, it was clear to Ute from looking at her that Nicky was feeling pretty happy about this too.

“That’s great,” the bunny girl said. She’d been standing back and watching their interaction throughout, and she’d been ready to interject again at the first chance. “The four of you can follow me right up onto the stage.”

The bunny girl started walking forwards again. Ute and the others trailed after her. She led them straight ahead, instead of turning off to the side to go into the audience like everyone else. She led them right up the steps to the stage, and once they were up there, she indicated the four desks that were positioned next to each other.

“This is where our candidates sit,” she explained. “Choose whichever seat you’d like.”

Daniela and Nicky were so excited to get on with the show that they sat down at the first two desks available almost as soon as the bunny girl spoke. They were already sitting down by the time she’d finished speaking.

Elli and Ute shared one more look. Then they moved to take the remaining two desks on the stage.

“Thanks,” the bunny girl said. “The show will be starting in just a few minutes, once everyone’s had a chance to settle into place in the audience.”

The four girls waited patiently for the show to start, making hushed conversation with each other as they sat there. Daniela and Nicky were clearly still very excited and eager— and that excitement was a little infectious. Ute found herself starting to look forward to the game show. Maybe it would be fun after all… maybe Daniela and Nicky were right to be excited. She could feel herself getting excited too.

Elli still looked reluctant— but Ute recognized the look on her face. She was reserving judgement— she was willing to at least give this experience a chance before she decided how she felt about it one way or the other. That was a good way to be, Ute thought.

At last the lights in the audience came down, leaving a spotlight on the four girls on stage, and their moderator. The cameraman counted down from three, and then suddenly, the cameras were rolling.

“Welcome back to Lucky Winner, television’s newest game show!” The moderator spoke up. “Let’s meet our contestants this week. Girls, please say your name when I indicate you.”

He pointed to Daniela first; she said her name. Nicky was next, and she said her name too. Both of them flushed happily when they camera was pointed at them. But when it was Elli’s turn, she seemed to shrink in on herself a little, and she took just a beat too long to say her name.

Then somehow it was Ute’s turn— the camera was pointing at her, and she understood why Ute had frozen up. The camera was pointing at her, and she was only staring back at it stupidly.

She felt Elli’s hand on her arm, down below her desk where it was out of the shot— shaking her out of her stupor. “Ute,” Ute stuttered, when Elli prompted her.

Then the camera had turned away from her to go back to the moderator.

“Thanks,” Ute mouthed to Elli. Elli gave her a smile in return.

“Well, Daniela, Nicky, Elli and Ute,” the moderator addressed. “Let’s explain the rules of the game to you. What do you think, audience?”

There was a chorus of cheers from the audience, and the moderator looked back to them. “The game is simple,” he said. “Today, you’ll each have the chance to win up to a million dollars. If no one wins, the money goes into the pot and gets rolled over to the next game.

“Our game has several rounds. In each round, there is a winner, who gets points for winning the round, and the three losers have to drink our penalty drink for losing. Each of those drinks will have an effect on you, but none of you will know what that effect will be until you’ve taken it. There are a hundred drinks available, and one of them will be given to you at random.”

Each of the girls nodded. The rules made sense to them; Ute certainly found them easy to understand.

“We’ll get started today with a question and answer round, the way that we always do,” the moderator told them. “We’ll go down the row in order. Just answer the question honestly. We’ll allot points based on how the audience likes your answer.”

The girls all nodded again, happy with this arrangement.

“Daniela, since you’re the first in the line-up, we’ll start with you. What is the highest number of times that you’ve had sex in the same day?”

Daniela raised her eyebrows, but since she was Daniela, she didn’t flush or look uncomfortable in any other way. “My sex life is an open book to people who know me personally,” Daniela said. “I’ve got no shame. Ten,” she provided— and there was a round of whooping cheers from the audience.

“It sounds like the audience liked your answer, Daniela,” the moderator said to her. “We’ve updated your point totals to reflect this.”

Daniela preened in place, clearly happy with herself.

“Nicky, we’ll go to you next,” the moderator directed. “What is your total number of sexual partners?”

Nicky also looked surprised by this, and she stared back at the moderator for a few seconds. But then she spoke up again— “Five total.” She said.

There was some applause from the audience, but it was much less notable than the applause that Daniela had received.

“Doesn’t sound like they liked your answer quite as much, Nicky,” the tv moderator said, with a grimace. “That means you’re in the lead now, Daniela.”

“But that’s the answer that’s true!” Nicky protested. “Should I have lied instead? You said to answer the questions honestly!”

“You should answer the questions honestly,” the moderator reaffirmed. “But Daniela did more than just give a perfunctory answer. You need to embellish a bit— perform your answers, don’t just recite them.”

There was another round of raucous cheers from the audience.

“I think that proves my point. The audience likes a little showmanship, don’t you?”

The cheering got even louder.

“Keep it in mind for your next question,” the moderator said to Nicky— who was still looking sour about the fact that she was trailing Daniela with her score.

“Now, Elli—“

“No,” Elli said. “If you’re going to ask me a question about my sex life, I’m not going to answer,” she protested.

“As a matter of fact, I was. The question was going to be, ‘what is your favorite sexual position?’”

Elli’s face lost all of its color, and Ute knew just how she felt. These questions were so personal— prying into private information and broadcasting it for the entire world to see. She couldn’t believe a show would be so inappropriate— sure, Daniela had told them all that it was an adult game show, but questions like this were not what Ute had been expecting— and she certainly hadn’t been expecting to be a contestant when she’d agreed to come. She’d thought she could just be a viewer— she hadn’t thought that she would have to participate!

“I’m not answering that,” Elli said, her voice defiant. “That’s an awful question to ask somebody, especially if they’re a complete stranger!”

“If my question is like that, I don’t want to answer it either,” Ute interjected.

“Is that your final answer, girls?” The moderator asked them both.

“Yes!” Elli and Ute snapped together.

“Audience, what do you think?” The moderator directed back to them.

There was a round of very loud booing.

“Sorry, Elli and Ute. Our audience didn’t like that. You’ll both begin with the same score— but I’m afraid that was such a negative reaction that we’ve awarded you negative points. You’ll have to earn back that amount just to get to zero.”

Ute looked over to the scoreboard. There was Daniela’s name, printed on the first line, next to her score of fifty points. Nicky’s name was next, with twenty-five points.

And Elli’s and Ute’s names took up the third and fourth places, both of them showing a score of negative fifty points.

“That does it for our introductory round,” the moderator spoke again. “We like to keep it short, so the candidates get a sense of the game, and then we can get on with the second round right away. But before we can do that, we need to name a winner for this round.

“Let’s look at the scoreboard,” the moderator went on, though Ute was already looking at it. “In first place, we have Daniela, with fifty points.”

The audience cheered, and Daniela greeted these cheers with a queen-like wave of her hand.

“In second place we have Nicky, with twenty-five points.”

There was moderate applause in response to this, but the mood in the audience seemed to be friendly.

“And tied for last place are Elli and Ute, both with negative fifty points each.”

More booing— Ute wished she could run off of the stage. Being booed by so many people at once was a very unpleasant experience— it made her feel so embarrassed.

“That means we’ve got our winner, and our three losers. Daniela, you’ve won this round, which means you’ve just won five hundred points! Nicky, Elli and Ute, this means you are our losers, and you need to drink your penalty drinks.”

One of the bunny girls had stepped up onto the stage, holding a tray with three glasses. Each one held a clear liquid that looked like water.

“Now, remember the rules, girls,” the moderator reminded them. “You don’t get to know what the drink will do to you— you just have to drink it blind.”

The bunny girl held the tray out. She was standing closest to Nicky, and she pushed the tray closer towards her. Nicky looked up at her uncertainly, but then took one of the glasses.

The bunny girl moved on to Elli— Elli took her glass reluctantly too, and then, the bunny girl was standing in front of Ute holding out her glass.

Ute took hers, too. Nicky and Elli were already drinking their liquids down, so Ute rushed to catch up to them, swigging the liquid back.

It didn’t taste like anything, but as soon as she’d drank it, it made her feel… weird. There was a pressure in her chest— a heaviness, and Ute could feel a tingle of arousal between her legs. It was a rare feeling for her— she couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt aroused. Having had sex only about a dozen times or so throughout her entire relationship with her husband, it wasn’t a common feeling for her. But that was what she was undeniably feeling right now. She was getting turned on… she wanted to stroke between her legs, and encourage that arousal to grow.

This was wrong— she almost never felt this way… it must have been the drink!

Ute looked to her two friends. They looked about as disoriented as she felt, but when Ute saw them, she realized they also looked different— their breasts had gotten bigger.

Ute looked down at herself— her breasts had grown too! The drink had not only made her feel aroused, it had made her breasts grow— and it had done the same to both Elli and Nicky.

Ute’s head was also feeling fuzzy… like the liquid had had an intoxicating effect, too, on top of everything else it had done. It seemed just that much harder to think… that much harder to remember…

“We didn’t agree to this!” Elli objected.

“You were told that the penalty drinks would have an effect on you. You had fair warning,” the moderator countered.

“No, we didn’t!” Nicky exclaimed, adding her objections to Elli’s. “You didn’t tell us you were fundamentally going to change our bodies— enlarging our breasts is a permanent change, and none of us knew it was going to happen!”

“Sorry girls,” the moderator said. “Those are the rules. Now, on to the next round—”

“No,” Ute objected, standing from her chair. “We’re not playing anymore. We’re all— gonna— go over there…”

She’d forgotten the word she needed. She wracked her mind harder to try and find it. “We’re gonna go over there and leave,” she remembered at last. How strange that she’d forgotten such a simple word as that… The drink had definitely impaired Ute’s ability to think… but it would wear off, just like alcohol… wouldn’t it?

Ute tried very hard not to draw the connection from her breast growth to her difficulty thinking. If the breast growth was permanent… would the thought impairment be permanent?

That was a disturbing idea, and Ute didn’t want to think about it a second longer than she had to. In fact, she didn’t seem to want to think about anything unpleasant or negative. Only pleasant thoughts… only easy thoughts…

Ute shook her head, to shake these strange new thoughts out of it. “We’re leaving.”

“Yeah,” Elli and Nicky said in agreement. The three of them stormed off the stage in a group, but they never even got as far as the studio doors: a line of three security personnel were waiting there for them, and they didn’t let them past.

“Back onstage with the three of you,” one of the security guards said. They took each girl by the arm, and dragged them back to their desks.

The girls had no choice but to retake their seats.

“It’s just not your lucky day, is it girls?” The moderator asked. He was a little gloating about it. “You all made a deal to come on this show— not once but twice. You agreed to come on, and then you agreed to the rules when they were explained to you. It’s your own fault that you didn’t ask me to elaborate on them. But since you agreed, you’re not leaving until the game is over.”

When the moderator said this, Elli broke into hysterical tears. “I want to leave,” she wailed. “I don’t want to stay, I don’t want to play this game!”

She only seemed to become more hysterical as she cried and wailed. She was working herself up more the longer she went. Her breathing was becoming more and more shallow, and she seemed to be egging herself on as she cried her nervous tears.

“I don’t like this game! I hate it! It’s the worst game ever— let me leave! Please, let me leave! Let me leave!

Elli was rocking back and forth in her chair as she screamed. This extreme reaction did not perturb the moderator— he only turned to look back out into the audience.

“It looks like we’ve got a sore loser, folks! You know what we do with those!”

A loud cluster of cheering answered him.

“It’s the cheering-up machine for her!”

More cheers.

Ute looked to Elli, feeling nervous for her.

Elli was feeling beyond nervous, herself. She was feeling completely hysterical. She hated this game— hated it. Hated the way it had changed her and her friends bodies, hated the stupid smug moderator, hated the invasive questions, hated that they were refusing to let her leave.

She hated it all so much that she couldn’t control herself emotionally— and she was still wailing and crying out, barely hearing the words of the moderator, or the cheering of the audience.

She barely even noticed that several more bunny girls had come onto the stage, wheeling a strange machine with them as they came.

But when they had gotten the machine centered in the stage, in front of the desks, the three of them left it and moved over to surround Elli where she was still crying hysterical tears.

Then Elli noticed.

“What is this?” She said, looking between the bunny girls who were standing over her. “What’s happening?”

“It’s time to cheer you up, since you were so sour about losing that round,” the moderator explained. “This is our re-education machine. It’ll make you as happy and blank as all our staff here— you’ll love it.

“No!” Elli shouted. She pulled at the arms that were holding her— the arms that were guiding her to the machine. It was bad enough that they had changed her body and made her feel drunk— but now they were going to re-educate her? They were going to change her mind permanently? She wouldn’t allow it to happen— it couldn’t happen, someone had to help her.

But the audience only cheered as the bunny girls dragged her to the machine; and each of Elli’s three friends were now surrounded by bunny girls of their own, blocking them from coming to help her.

Elli had reached the machine— and she really hated the look of it.

It was a simple thing— it had a sturdy base, which supported a protruding dildo. There were two extensions that came up from the base to what would be about chest height for someone who was kneeling— and there two pads lined up with where the subject’s knees would be— and there was a screen that sat at about eye level. There was also a set of earbud headphones that plugged into the bottom of that screen.

The bunny girls held Elli steady— and several more came to join them, stripping Elli naked with determined pulls. Elli tried to fight their hands away, but the first three that had led her over were still holding her still, and she could barely move.

They got her naked— and with the same determination that had fueled their actions the entire time, they guided Elli down to kneel on the knee pads. Guided her to take the dildo into her body— guided the breast-level attachments to hook over her breasts— turned the screen on before her eyes, put the ear-buds in her ears.

At least with these earbuds in, Elli thought she wouldn’t have to hear the moderator or the audience anymore. Maybe with the extra silence, she would have a better chance of concentrating and resisting whatever this thing was going to try and do to her.

But this hope was dashed when she heard both the moderator and the audience playing through her earbuds. And there was another sound besides that— a low humming, made up of seemingly many tones… or maybe no tones… maybe it was speech… or maybe it wasn’t… it was hard to make out, and it made Elli feel more confused when she tried.

She was still crying— her chest still heaving with heavy gasps, but now when she moved, the cups that conformed to her breasts followed. It was an odd feeling.

“Don’t worry, Elli,” the moderator reassured her. “Soon you’ll be feeling all better… this brainwashing machine is going to turn you into a mindless sex doll. You’ll just love the way it feels, I know… feel free to enjoy this experience, as it’s a very pleasurable one. And we’ll all enjoy watching you go through it— won’t we, folks?”

Another round of applause and cheers. Elli cried harder. How could they cheer as they watched her go through this— how could they want to see it?

“And at the end of you transformation, one of our lucky audience members will have the chance to win you in your new sex doll form, and take you home!”

Even louder cheering. Elli cried harder. She didn’t want to be a sex doll— didn’t want to be changed, didn’t want to be here kneeling naked in front of all these people, didn’t want to be hooked up to this brainwashing machine. But she was stuck— and everyone here wanted to see this happen to her.

“Now, assistants, let’s turn the machine on, and see it get to work on washing out Elli’s brain.”

The moderator had addressed this comment to the bunny girls who were still standing around Elli. His voice throbbed through Elli’s ears, pumping into her brain through her earbuds.

One of the bunny girls reached down, and flicked a switch on one side of the machine’s base.

Elli yelped, distracted from her crying. The dildo had pulsed to life inside her, and was now throbbing rhythmically inside her. She wasn’t lubricating yet— but the bunny girls had smeared lubricant into her folds and around the ring of her entrance before they’d guided her down onto it. And now that Elli was stuffed full and pulsing onto her intruder, she could feel herself starting to slicken up down there.

As the dildo started pulsing, the cups on her breasts started working too. They squeezed and pumped her breasts, in time with the dildo that was fucking into her. The cups covered most of the surface area of Elli’s breasts, but there were smaller suction cups that were embedded inside of them. These embedded cups were centered only on Elli’s nipples, and they sucked them up to stiffness, circling and pulsing on them like two human mouths— but better. Better than Elli’s husband had ever sucked her there— and Elli was getting slicker and slicker onto the dildo.

The dildo pumped her— the cups squeezed her— but the screen was coming to life before her eyes, too. It showed her pulsing, shifting colors— and when Elli tried to focus on the periphery of her vision, she thought she could see flashes of words there… you are a sex doll and you’re completely mindless and your mind is being fucked out of you and you just want to be a happy, horny sex doll.

None of these things were true. Elli tried shaking her head— tried to remember how to close her eyes, but found that she’d already forgotten how.

“Isn’t that endearing, folks? She’s trying to resist!”

The moderator had spoken, but his voice seemed derealized— everything seemed derealized. The colors, the words contained within them were pulsing into Elli’s body, pumping into her body in time with the movements of the dildo and the cups around her breasts, and it felt so good…

But it was wrong, Elli knew it was wrong. Nervous tears were spilling free again— the machine was trying to change her. It was trying to brainwash her into being a sex toy… trying to erase her brain forever. She didn’t want that to happen. She wanted to stay Elli…she wanted to leave here and go home to her husband.

But her body was feeling so much pleasure… the screen was telling her more things now… and if she listened very, very closely, it sounded like those same words were being whispered into her brain, too.

You are a sex-doll, the machine was telling her. But it told her that with such certainty that Elli couldn’t be sure it hadn’t been her own thought… when the machine whispered it to her, it showed it to her with the colors too… showed it to her with pumping of the dildo, the sucking of the cups. The thought was like truth… and that truth was one all encompassing sensation that felt like this: that felt like being fucked, and sucked, and whispered to, and washed over in color… so if Elli was feeling all those sensations… it meant the thought was happening inside her head, meant it was happening to her body… meant that it was true.

No, it wasn’t true— she wasn’t a sex doll, she was Elli. She was a person, she had a husband, she had a life, she had friends— this was wrong, everything about it was wrong, but Elli couldn’t remember why. The reasons were getting fuzzier and fuzzier… the thought was still being thought for her, happening in her brain and body without her direction, and each time it happened, she responded to it… getting wetter, getting more turned on, closer and closer to orgasm.

She was twitching on the dildo, moving with it now, thrusting with it, and rocking her breasts forwards onto the cups that were sucking them.

“Doesn’t she look great, folks?” The moderator encouraged.

There were cheers— they made Elli more turned on this time. She was a sex doll— sex dolls liked to please everyone, liked to make everyone happy, and she’d pleased the audience, she’d made them happy and was still making them happy right now, as her mind washed away…

She tried to fight it again, feebly. But she was weaker this time… she was forgetting the words to think. Forgetting words entirely. Forgetting everything that wasn’t the feeling of being brainwashed.

A few more minutes passed like this; Elli’s mind being fucked out her as the audience cheered the process on. After watching the colors for just a little longer… Elli’s mind was completely empty. She had become the mindless sex doll the moderator had told her she would become.

Meanwhile, Elli’s friends had been watching this process in horror and shock, boxed in by several bunny girls each to keep them from standing up to interfere. Ute in particular had been disturbed, and even now she was staring in shock at her naked friend. Elli’s eyes were wide and blank now— there was no sign of the girl that she had once known left in them.

“Wasn’t that a great transformation, folks?” The moderator encouraged— and was met with more cheers. “Now, you all know the rules! One of you lucky people are going to win Elli here, and take her home. Let’s get our Lucky Winner wheel out!”

Several more bunny girls entered from stage left, wheeling a big wheel with them. There was an arrow in the center of it— and there were many wedges cutting out towards the edges of the circle from its center, and each wedge had a printed number on it.

“You all remember how this works! The seat number of everyone in the audience is printed up here. We spin the arrow, and whoever is sitting in the winning seat is the Lucky Winner of this part of the show, and gets to take Elli home with them!”

Ute was even more horrified— that Elli was being treated like she was a thing just to give away. But the audience was delighted, giving a standing ovation, some of them jumping in place when they did.

“Now, can we get a little audience participation? Spin. That. Wheel!” The moderator called out, and the audience chanted it with him.

One of the bunny girls spun the arrow. It went around the wheel a few times before landing on a wedge.

“26 A,” the moderator read. “Whoever is sitting in 26 A is our first lucky winner of the show! Come collect your prize!”

A woman rose from the first row of seating and walked up to the stage. At the same time, the bunny girls who had been standing over Elli reached down and pulled her to her feet.

“Congratulations on being our first lucky winner,” the moderator told the woman, shaking her hand. “Please enjoy your prize!”

The woman took Elli by the hand and led her back to her seat. She sat down, and directed Elli to sit right there in front of her on the concrete floor of the studio.

Since the woman was sitting in the front row, Elli was not very far back from the stage. Ute didn’t like that Elli was sitting there, staring vacantly— it was hard to avoid looking at her, when she was so close by.

But Ute’s shock was wearing off. She had stared and watched in horror as Elli had been changed— but now that the process was over, there was nothing to stare at and watch anymore. At least there were no surprises left, Ute thought. It was clear now how awful the show was— there was nothing they could do now that would surprise her.

All Ute knew was that she didn’t want to become a mindless sex doll the way that had happened to Ute. She would do anything to prevent the same thing from happening to her.

There were looks of similar determination on Daniela and Nikki’s faces.

“Now, girls, are you ready to keep playing? Remember, only one of you can win… and you all have to stay until the game is over. But if any one of you would like to quit now, you can! You’ll be our second mindless sex doll of the day— we’ll take you right over to our brainwashing machine, and you can follow in Elli’s footsteps!”

Ute shivered at the thought. “No, I’ll keep playing.”

“So will I,” Nicky said.

“And me,” Daniela added.

“Great, then we’ll get started on the next round. Assistants, please remove Elli’s former desk from the stage. She won’t be needing it anymore!”

The other bunny girls who had been standing guard around the three remaining contestants all left the stage, except for two, who lifted the desk from both ends and carried it off the stage with them, leaving a gap between Ute and Nicky’s desk.

A third bunny girl darted back on stage to grab the chair that Elli had sat in— then she followed the other two off.

“Now, next round!” The moderator answered. “We’ve got another question and answer session for you three ladies. We’ll start with Nicky this time, and see if she’s learned how to be a more engaged, performative contestant since the last time!”

But there was a look on Nicky’s face that Ute didn’t recognize. There was a furrow there that looked like it was going to crack into a split and open up a completely new expression.

“Tell us honestly how you felt while you watched us brainwash Elli!” The moderator instructed.

The furrow deepened. “I was surprised,” Nicky answered, stiffly.

A buzzer sounded.

“Eh!” The moderator exclaimed. “Sorry, but we can all clearly tell that you’re lying. You have to take another penalty drink.”

Nicky’s eyes widened— but another bunny girl had already reached her desk, with tray and penalty drink in tow.

Nicky reluctantly took the glass and drank it down.

“Tell us how you honestly felt while you watched us brainwash Elli,” the moderator pushed.

Nicky chewed her lower lip. Clearly she didn’t want to tell the truth— but she also, obviously, didn’t want to be caught in a lie— or forced to drink another penalty drink again. Ute could tell that Nicky’s breasts had grown again by at least half a cup-size.

“Alright!” Nicky exclaimed. “I hated it, and I loved it! I’ve been attracted to Elli for so long… as long as I’ve been friends with her, and I’ve kept it secret all this time… it was one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen to watch her be stripped down and fucked mindless… I’ve wanted to see her body for so long and now I have… I think she’s so beautiful…”

Nicky’s eyes had wandered from the moderator over to where Elli was sitting, naked, in front of her new owner. A spot of drool was showing on the corner of Nicky’s mouth— her eyes were glazing slightly— her jaw gaping. It was clear that, even now, Nicky was feeling her attraction for Elli, though it was not strictly speaking Elli inside Elli’s body any longer. Nicky was clearly still attracted to her— and judging by the look on her face, getting more turned on the longer she looked at her.

Though Ute thought that all of this was probably being encouraged by the second penalty drink she’d been forced to take.

“But I hated it too!” Nicky cried out, as if arguing against herself. There was the furrow back in her expression, and it was cracking open, splitting, and giving way to a look of pure anguish— now Nicky was openly sobbing. “I liked her. I really, really liked her! And now she isn’t herself at anymore! Elli’s gone forever— I always used to dream that someday I could tell her how I felt— I liked her so much that I would have cheated on my wife with her— and now I never can! And even if I was never going to have her, at least she was still my friend and I got to see her every week! But now I will never see her again, and she isn’t even my friend anymore! She’s a completely different person! She’s not even a person— she’s only a doll now.”

Nicky was wailing tears the same way that Elli had been doing before.

“Well how about that, folks,” the moderator, turning back to the audience— clearly delighted by this revelation. “It looks like we got an extra helping of drama today. And lucky winner twenty-six A, if you’re extra lucky today you might be leaving here with a matching set of pets.”

The woman who was now Elli’s owner perked up in her seat, watching Nicky with more interest, as if she were considering her as a potential possession to acquire.

“That’s if Nicky’s extra unlucky,” the moderator added. “But she still has a chance to change her luck. Nicky, you remember what happened to Elli when she became hysterical and couldn’t stop herself from crying. I know you do!”

Nicky’s eyes widened again. Her sobs were immediately stifled into her hands— she was clearly working hard to suppress them.

“Though if you want to go the same way as Elli, you can… we’ll give you to her owner, and you can join her. Think about it… you could have access to that body of hers forever, and you could fuck her over and over while your owner watched…”

Nicky’s eyes were glazing over with arousal again. Clearly, the fantasy the moderator was describing was having a serious effect on her.

“It’s your choice!” The moderator chirped in again.

“No… I’ll keep playing…” Nicky sniffled. She was still crying— but these were silent tears now, and she was making much less noise than before.

Ute was happy that she was largely uninterested in sex. She was feeling turned on, because of the penalty drink she’d had to take. But she didn’t have her own feelings of arousal getting mixed up in everything, and making things harder, in the way that Nicky did. That meant she was at least a little luckier than Nicky, anyway.

“Now, audience, what do we all think of Nicky’s confession?”

It was the loudest applause that Ute thought she had heard at any point in the entire show. For the second time, members of the audience rose in a standing ovation— again, some of them jumped in place with excitement as they cheered.

“That’s going to put you in a commanding lead, Nicky,” the moderator commented. “It looks like you won’t have to worry about a second penalty drink this round. Let’s go to Daniela, now.”

The camera panned over to Daniela. Nicky was still quietly snivelling.

“How are you feeling about the game now, Daniela? Are you upset about the way things have turned out? And what do you think about Nicky’s confession.”

Ute looked over at Daniela. There was a determination that had settled into her shoulders— a focused look in her eyes that hadn’t been there before. She looked less upset than Ute herself felt— and looked much less upset than Nicky did.

“I think I’m going to win this game,” Daniela said, her voice determined enough to match her expression. “And I’m really looking forward to that. That million dollar cash prize is going to be mine!”

“Someone sounds confident!” The moderator commented approvingly. “Let’s see what our audience thinks of your confidence,” he directed, turning to the audience once more.

They seemed to like it, because once again they gave an unenthusiastic chorus of applause in response.

“And what do you think of your friend Nicky’s confession?” The moderator asked again.

Daniela smiled in a way that was more smug than friendly. “I think if it’s true it will make it much harder for her to win, and that will turn out well for me, so I’m glad she said it.”

Ute had to agree with Daniela— it would be much harder for Nicky to win, given what she’d confessed. Though she thought Daniela was being a little too unsympathetic to Nicky’s distress.

Nicky was once again looking at the naked, sitting, slave-remnants of Elli; clearly still feeling attracted, but also still crying softly.

“Nothing wrong with an honest, eager, self-assured winner!” The moderator said. The audience gave more applause in agreement. “Let’s check in with Ute, now!”

The camera panned to her— Ute once more felt uncomfortable in its view. Or part of her did… the part of her that was aroused and dopey seemed to like the attention. That made it easier to speak, at least— which was good, because there was no longer anyone sitting beside her who could prompt her if she froze up again.

“I don’t care if I win or not,” Ute answered honestly. She remembered how badly things had gone for Nicky when she had tried to lie to the moderator. “I just want to leave here and still be myself.”

“That was maybe even more honest than Daniela’s answer,” the moderator praised. “Who can fault a girl for total honesty?”

Not the audience— there was no booing or objections from them, though were much less enthusiastic in their response than they had been towards Daniela or Nicky.

“If you want to leave the game as yourself, you’d better hope the game ends quickly in just a few rounds,” the moderator said. “But we’ve gone to each one of our girls, so that means another round has come to an end. Let’s look at the scoreboard!”

The moderate applause had brought Ute’s score back up to zero, so she no longer had a negative score. Daniela had been far ahead in the lead, after winning the first round— she’d won five hundred points on top of her first fifty, and she’d just one another fifty points for her answer in the second round, so she was now sitting at a score of six hundred points total.

But Nicky had received so many points for her confession that she had surpassed Daniela’s score, moving ahead of her by just a few points— she now had a score of six hundred and fifty. It was a close race for the two of them up there. But Ute wasn’t even close to being able to compete with them, sitting at her zero point score. The chances of her making it out of this game as herself were looking less and less likely.

“Daniela and Ute, you’re our losers this round! That means another penalty drink for both of you!”

Another bunny girl had appeared to provide these drinks: Ute took hers and drank it down.

This time the drink had had a different effect on her— but she couldn’t name what the difference was at first. She felt… younger, more immature. Thirty sounded like the wrong age to her… all the responsibilities and requirements that were waiting for her outside of the studio seemed wrong. She didn’t want to be so old as thirty… didn’t want to have to do adult things. She wanted to be younger, she wanted to be so young that she never had to think or do again, so young that she could just sit in place and be taken care of… She wanted to be warm and cared for… only having to worry about sleeping, and eating, and feeling good… she wanted to be completely dependent, forever, so she’d never have to think or decide for herself ever again…

This was an unexpected string of thoughts, and these thoughts had come into her head as soon as the liquid had been swallowed. Ute hoped she could do something to turn her score around again— if not, who knew what would happen to her the next time that she took another penalty drink?

When Daniela drank her penalty drink, there were new thoughts in her head too. Her breasts grew larger after she took her sip, and there was something about the sensation in them that was like painful fullness… and all Daniela could think about in those first few seconds was having that fullness be emptied out… it would feel so good for that pressure to be relieved…

Then Daniela felt the sensation of wetness. She looked down in surprise to see that some liquid had seeped through her shirt, expressing out of her nipples. She realized— they’d made her lactate. But she wasn’t shocked or horrified by this. She found herself happy. She wanted to lactate. They’d made her want to lactate.

She had to make sure she won the next round against Nicky. Otherwise she would think more about lactating… about big, full heavy breasts pumping milk into milking machines… about being milked for all she was worth while something fucked her in the cunt— about being hooked up into some kind of machine for it and left there, never having to move, or leave, or think… being treated like an animal, fed and cared for, having her bowels and bladder emptied for her… so she could stay in place and be milked and fucked and fed forever…

Daniela couldn’t quite remember why that was such a bad idea. But she reminded herself she had to win the next round.

“Let’s go through one more question and answers round. I think we’re coming up on our last round. The rules will be a little different this time: contestants, when I address you, I’ll ask you a more open-ended question before. This time we’ll start with Daniela. Daniela, is there anything you want to say?”

When the camera panned back to Daniela, she looked directly into it. “I just wanted to say that I think it would be really hot to watch Nicky give in to her attraction for Elli— I think it would turn all of us on to watch her become a slave to Elli’s owner; then the two of them could stay together, and fuck forever.”

Ute had to credit for Daniela for that answer— clearly she had said exactly what the audience wanted to hear; they rose in one more standing ovation, and even Nicky looked like she’d wanted to hear this on some level. There was a conflicted look on her face, as if she was very tempted by what Elli had described.

“I think you just might be right, Elli—“ The moderator acknowledged. “At any rate, that’s put you definitively back into the lead. You may yet be able to win this whole game, just like you thought would. So now let’s go to Nicky again: Nicky, is there anything you want to say?”

Nicky face was still slick with tears. “Yes!” She protested. “I don’t want to become a slave alongside Elli!”

The moderator shook his head. “Too bad you didn’t learn your lesson last time, Nicky. You’re clearly lying! That’s another drink of penalty for you!”

The drink of penalty was brought to her— Nicky drank it down reluctantly.

When she drank it, Nicky found her mind blanking out. It was so much harder to think, even after taking just one swallow of it. She had to keep drinking… she had to finish the whole glass…

Nicky couldn’t remember why she’d been crying… couldn’t remember what she’d been struggling with, what she had been thinking about, even just the minute before.

Why was she supposed to be thinking at all? Wouldn’t it be easier… to just… not think? Thinking wasn’t fun— what was fun was pleasure and getting fucked… Nicky thought maybe, instead of thinking, she’d prefer to get fucked, and get fucked forever. She wanted to be a good little slut, taking her fuckings and enjoying them… there was nothing to cry about, not unless her eyes happened to be watering from the intensity of her pleasure. She didn’t want to fight the process at all anymore— didn’t want to resist: wanted to be whatever anyone told her to be now, wanted to do whatever anyone wanted her to do.

And if they were all cheering her on and telling her to become the slutty slut that was waiting inside her to come out, then she wanted that too.

“Let me tell you what I really want,” Nicky exclaimed, drawing all attention back to herself. “I want another penalty drink— and another— and as many as it takes! I want to become a complete bimbo slut who never thinks another thought ever again!”

Cheers from the audience— Ute might have been more disturbed if she hadn’t been fending off her own longing thoughts of dependency and youth— but they hadn’t been loud enough to put Nicky back into the lead ahead of Daniela.

“You asked, and we’ll provide!” The moderator told her. A bunny girl once more returned to the stage, with a tray of drinks.

Nicky took a first drink from this tray and drank it down— there was a slight hesitation in her movement as she reached for it. But after she drank the first down, she took the second with more enthusiasm, and by the time that she’d drank the third drink, it seemed like she’d forgotten how to lift a glass and raise it to her lips.

“It looks like Nicky’s all ready. Audience member in seat 26 A, would you like to be extra lucky today, and take Nicky along with Elli, in a special first-time-ever, two-for-one deal?”

The audience member nodded eagerly, and was up to retrieve Nicky from the stage. Nicky was already stripping herself naked, and she followed her new owner back to her seat, to sit naked next to Elli where she was already positioned on the cement studio floor.

“I think we can end the round a little early here,” The moderator said. “There’s nothing Ute could say right now that could possibly award her one thousand points, which is what she would need to overtake Daniela’s lead. This makes Ute our loser— so another drink of penalty for her!”

Ute took the drink of penalty that was offered to her, barely thinking about what it meant to take it. As soon as it passed her lips, the effect was immediate. All words were forgotten to her— all Ute could do now was feel, and what she felt was confused. Confused, cold, tired, hungry… the lights in the room were too bright, and she started sobbing heavily.

A pacifier was offered to her— she began sucking it eagerly, and felt much better once she had it in her mouth.

Daniela watched as her last friend was reduced to a pathetic, weak, adult baby, and was glad that that wouldn’t be her fate. Although she was still thinking about getting milked… about being treated as an animal forever, like it was the only thing that she would ever really want…

The moderator was speaking again. “Let’s spin our Lucky Winner wheel to see who gets to take Ute home as their prize today!”

The bunny girls were back with the big wheel from before. They gave it a spin, and the moderator announced, “13 Q! You’re our second Lucky Winner! Come down to collect your adult baby prize!”

It was a second woman— she came down and took Ute with her, leading her by the hand.

“That leaves you, Daniela,” The moderator said. “This is our last round. If you win, you go home with one million dollars. But if you lose, you have to take another drink of penalty. And you know what will happen if you do that, don’t you?”

Daniela knew. She’d become a cow to be milked— someone would win her, and take her away to where she could be a cow forever… milked and fucked forever…

It was turning her on so much to think about.

“What’s the last round?” Daniela asked.

“Just one question,” the moderator said. “Answer it honestly, and you could win the whole game. If you lie— it’ll be a penalty drink for you. Here’s your question. Would you like to be milked and fucked like the cow you are for the rest of your life?”

Oh god… oh no… it was the worst possible question that he could have asked her. Daniela was so horny just hearing the moderator say the words. She had to clench her thighs together to try and deal with it. But what possible answer could she give? She realized now that she wanted it to happen… she wanted to be strapped into a milking machine and left there, wanted to produce milk for whoever her owner would be… wanted to stay like that forever…

“Yes!” Daniela burst out. “That’s all I want! It turns me on so much to think about, and my breasts are so full and heavy I can’t think about anything else!”

“Thanks for answering honestly Daniela,” the host said. “Unfortunately, this means you’ve lost this round. The winnings for this week will go back into the pot, and our next round of contestants will have a chance to compete for them next episode.”

The bunny girls had brought Daniela’s last drink of penalty over to her. Daniela drank it down— and was no longer Daniela anymore— was only Cow, with full breasts and an aching pussy, waiting for someone to take care of her.

“Let’s spin the wheel to find out our final Lucky Winner of the day,” the moderator announced. The wheel spun— “55 K,” the moderator said a minute later. “Come collect your cow.”

It was a man who came down to collect Cow, but Cow didn’t care about that. Only cared that she would be taken somewhere and milked… taken somewhere and fucked… it was all that she wanted… the only information that was relevant to her.

“Thanks to all of you for watching Lucky Winner! Tune in next week to find out who our next Lucky Winners will be!”

The audience cheered as the lights came up, marking the end of the show. Bimbo, Doll, Baby and Cow all followed their owners out, oblivious to everything else around them, and even to each other. They got to go home to their new lives, now: and embrace their new states of being fully.

And even if none of them could think anymore, each one could think well enough to know that they were looking forward to that.

* * *