The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Nurse’s Watch

Copyright © 2003 N—Why Inc.

Disclaimer don’t read unless 18 or older. Adult content within

Matt King sat nervously in the office of Moore Springs’ President. He had applied for a job at the world renowned bottled water plant.

“Yes Mr. King I think you’ll do quite nicely as an assistant accountant and inventory supervisor. There is one thing you need to have done before I can hire you though.”

“What’s that?”

“You need a complete physical.”

“Done and done.” Thank you Mr. President.

After the interview Matt decided to go to the local hospital to get it done ASAP.

At Sampson and Reid Hospital Lindsey Skylar was at her breaking point. A majority of the doctors were a conference leaving the nurses with most of the small tasks, and the head nurse had gone missing. Leaving Lindsey, a nurse practitioner in charge. She was dividing up the patients to the other nurses.

“Okay Joanna you take G. Gatsby in exam 2, bad skate board wipe out it says.

Shelly you get H. Melville in curtain three. Diarrhea.

Nikki you get A. Rice in exam 1 sports physical, and I’ll handle M. King in exam 3 routine employment physical. Come back here and grab whatever chart is there if I’m not here to assign you. Okay let’s go em’.”

Lindsey was beautiful blond with small breasts but a great face.

She walked into the exam room. “Hello Mr. King I’m Lindsey I’ll be doing you exam today.”

“Holy Hell Lindsey is that you?”


“So this is where you’ve been hiding out all these years after high school.”

“I sent you my new address Matt.”

“Well I never got it. Stupid postal service. But hey that’s why we have e-mail now.”

“How you’ve been?”

“Great Matt and you.”

“Fine fine.”

“Do you have a special lady in your life I remember you being quite the ladies man in High School”

“No still single. How bout you. Single and loving it or married and keeping your maiden name?”

“Nope I’m all alone. Except for my cat Mr. Tulip Toes.”

“You always enjoyed naming animals strange things.”

“Remember Yogabowanachosamextracheese, my snapping turtle.”

“I could never pronounce his name right.”

Lindsey got started with the examination and all through it they talked about their present lives and the good old days.


Lindsey said, “Hey wanna see something really neat?”


“This.” She said pulling out a gold pocket watch. “I got it from my college’s president, as a gift as the first nurse practitioner ever to graduate from the university. It’s a real Swiss Watch”

“It’s a nice watch.”

“Isn’t it now.” Lindsey slowly began to swing it side to side, “It is a beautiful watch. See how shiny and polished the gold is. See how it reflects the light as it goes from side to side. Its so beautiful and attention grabbing all you want to do is stare at it Matt.”

Matt’s eyes began to follow the watch back and forth.

“Watch it go back and forth. Back and forth. Side to side. Just watching and relaxing. Relaxing more and more with each swing. So relaxing just to watch my watch. Relax. Relax.”

She could see Matt’s shoulders and other muscles begin to look loose and relaxed.

“So relaxed you are beginning to feel tired. Tired and drowsy. Sleepy even. So sleepy your eyelids are beginning to grow heavy. In fact as I count from 1 to five you no longer be to hold them open. Yes impossible to hold them open at the count of five. 1... Allowing your eyes to shut down all the way. 2... You’re doing so very very well concentrating only on the watch and listening only to my voice. 3... Feeling ready to fall into deep hypnosis. 4... So sleepy eyelids so heavy. 5... Now sleep for me. Relax. Allow yourself to sleep for me. You did so very well Matt.”

Matt had slipped into a deep hypnotized trance.

“Matt can you hear me?”

“Yes Lindsey I hear and obey you.” He said in a monotone.

“Good then the hypnosis worked. Not bad for something I just thought up to do on the spur of the moment.”

She looked at Matt he was laying on the exam table at an angle.

“Matt I’ve always loved you. We were the best of friends yet you never really “dated” me. We just hung out. And you were constantly dating those other girls. I always wanted to go with you to prom. Now tell me why.”

“Lindsey you know I was with a different girl about every three weeks. I had real bad commitment issues. I never dated you because I didn’t want to hurt you. By being friends you could never be hurt.” Matt gave the lengthy explanation in his hypnotized monotone.

“Oh this explains so much. I guess I could’ve gotten that out of you without hypnotizing you. But a little insurance always pays off in the end.”

“Well Matt those days are behind you now. Because whenever you wake up you won’t have any memory of being hypnotized but all of your “commitment issues” will be gone. You will also be deeply in love with me. Do you understand?”

“Wake up, Love you.” Matt said as if he was talking in hypnotized shorthand.

“Good. One more thing. Did you ever make love to any of those girls?”

“About six or seven.”

“Well I want to experience that pleasure as well.”

She scribbled down something on a piece of paper.

“I get off work at 9:30 meet me at my house at a quarter till. In the mean time you will pay for the services you’ve received at the hospital today and go back to your apartment and wait patiently. All while still under deep hypnosis.”

“Yes. Pay. Wait for you.” He said in a shorthand monotone.

Matt left the exam room. Lindsey pulled out her pocket watch and looked at it. ‘Wow if the Swiss would ever use these things the way I just did, they’d be kings and queens of the world.’

9:30 arrived and Matt shortly there after went to Lindsey’s house.

In her bed room he stood obediently awaiting instructions.

“Let’s deepen you hypnosis to ensure that you’ll be extra good in bed.” she said. She withdrew her pocket watch again and held it in front of the hypnotized Matt’s eyes.

“You see the watch Matt. You see it swing back and forth. You love to watch the watch as it brings you great feelings of relaxation. See it swinging too and fro’. Only focused on the watch and my voice. Feeling yourself being taken deeper under my spell by the watch. Feeling so wonderful to be hypnotized even deeper. With each swing your mind becomes even more entranced. Twice as hypnotized as before. Four times. Six times. So deeply under hypnosis for me Matt. Feeling all your sexual energies begining to resurface as you drift so deep under hypnosis again for me.”

She put the watch on her night stand. Matt’s eyes had closed again and was under hypnosis even deeper then before.

“Matt you are feeling very aroused and hot. Strip off all your clothes while you get hard for me.”

A small bulge appeared at the front of Matt’s pants. And he stripped off his cloths for Lindsey.

Lindsey looked at his now erect penis. “Wow! Now I see why you were such a babe magnet. But enough about the past let’s focus on the present.”

Lindsey took off her work clothes she was still wearing. “Now join me on my bed for sex.”

“Yes Lindsey.”

They engaged in sex on Lindsey’s bed. “Yes. Great! I can tell you’ve done this before.” Various things Lindsey shouted during the love making. All done while Mr. Tulip toes watched from the shadows, no doubt becoming an emotionally scared cat.

When it was over and she cleaned up and ordered Matt to do the same. Matt was back in a hypnotized sleep. She said, “Now Matt when I count to three you are going to wake up. You will walk home and go to sleep in your own bed. You will sleep like you normally would. When you wake up in the morning you will have no memory of being hypnotized. You will however be in love with me. Now. 1...2...Opening your eyes...3.”

Matt woke up and in a zombie like way walked home.

The next day,

Lindsey had gotten off work early and was having lunch when the phone rang.


“Lindsey. Hi it’s Matt. I got my job.” “Congratulations.”

“Ya. I was hoping you would like to go and celebrate at the that new Greek, Spanish, and Italian restaurant Greetalish.”

“Does the Pope wear a funny hat?” She said.

“Why yes. Yes he does.”

“And that would make my answer...”

“Uh yes.”


“Great I’ll see you at 8:00”

The two longtime friend’s relationship only grew from that point. They eventually married and had a family. All thanks to hypnosis.

The End.