The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Out Of Your Own Way

Synopsis : Peter is seduced by Mina and Penny.

* * *

Peter knew he wasn’t Mina and Penny’s closest friend. They always seemed to have more fun with the other students, those who gathered at the bar in the evenings and talked about how so-and-so had slept with so-and-so, and how such-and-such irrelevant television starlet had had her nose done. He didn’t really connect through small talk, and felt out of place during those conversations. He didn’t drink very much either, so trying to keep up with that group typically meant a very painful morning the day after.

Nevertheless, he was very close to both Mina and Penny. It was hard to be close to one without being close to the other, since they were inseparable. Mina and Penny had met on the first day of university, a few months ago, and to hear Penny tell it, Mina had decided that they were to be best friends there and then, and they had proceeded to do everything together ever since.

Neither had a boyfriend, although the rumour was that Michael Griffin had slept with Penny during freshman week and that Mina had tried to date Brian O’Connor, the school’s star hockey player, but that it hadn’t worked out. Brian played it cool, saying that they “just weren’t compatible”, and that it “wasn’t meant to be”, whereas Mina acted as if it had never happened, and simply stayed friends with him. The general impression given was that Brian was a little disappointed that it hadn’t worked out better, and Mina simply hadn’t found what she was looking for in the friendly but ultimately shallow aristocratic semi-jock. It was strange, since most of the pretty girls in class seemed quite taken with Brian, with his stellar sporting credentials, his family name and his easy confidence.

It was in contrast to people like Brian that Peter felt most inadequate. He was perfectly nice, intelligent and friendly, but he didn’t feel that he had the charisma and presence of someone like Brian, and he didn’t understand how that worked. It didn’t trouble him all that much, but Peter occasionally admitted to himself that what he really felt was envy, not at the easy-going confidence Brian had, or the boorish aggressive alpha-male-like behaviour that were the hallmark of Mike Griffin, but at the fact that it had afforded Brian and Griffin the opportunity to at least know what it would be like to date one of these two girls.

Although quite different, the two girls shared the features that Peter found most attractive. Aside from the attractive physical attributes both had been blessed with, they were light-hearted without being ditzy, kind without being condescending, naturally affectionate, had easy smiles and generally brightened the room through their presence.

Penny was from the United States. Her parents both worked for a company that had sent them to England on a long-term expatriation arrangement, and so she was going through the British educational system. She had those cheerleader good looks that were the stereotypical image of America’s female undergraduates in the minds of British students, although she had avoided the anorexic attributes that sometimes accompanied them and instead had a body shaped by years of lacrosse practice. Lacrosse not being a sport practiced at a decent level by the university, she had recently taken up swimming and running. Pale green eyes under long flowing blond hair, and with prominent but well proportioned breasts, she was almost a wet dream come true, but years of being chased by boys and an education from a mother who had shared the same looks in her youth had given her the skills to see off even the most ardent suitor without breaking hearts or causing undue harm. She was the most easygoing of the two girls, upbeat and enthusiastic about even the smallest things like a trip to the movies or an evening cooking dinner at a friends house.

Mina was, at first sight, Penny’s opposite. Of mixed Asian and eastern European descent, with high cheekbones, defined features and a gentle Asian cast to her face, she was quieter and more measured than Penny but shared the same positive outlook on life. Mina was naturally thin despite a voracious appetite, and a tiny bit shorter than Penny when she wasn’t wearing heels. Waif-like, she wore clothes that accentuated her shape: Long dresses and flowing tops that came off the shoulders, made from soft fabrics. She seemed to have an understanding of style and fashion that was beyond her years, although that was to be expected since her mother was a fashion designer for a small boutique line of expensive female clothing. Whereas Penny’s femininity came from her shape, with breasts that made up for their average size with their gravity-defying perkiness, Mina had very small breasts, and it was through her attitude and the way she carried herself that she drew the eye and communicated her natural female charisma.

Peter had become their friend in the same way as he had made many female friends. By being completely unthreatening. There was no subterfuge involved, despite the fact that he found them both painfully attractive and that they had been the subject of the occasional guilty fantasy; His natural shyness came through in his behaviour and served to make girls very comfortable around him. This had gone further with Mina and Penny, as Mina had quickly decided that they were to be fast friends, and had made a habit of coming around to his room with Penny so they could work on their shared courses together. All three of them were smart and by putting their minds together during homework, revision and when reading the assigned coursework, they could easily achieve the highest grades.

Today was not going well. Peter was in a funk because after 5 months of university, he was still single, and a few of the guys had made jokes at his expense, suggesting he might want to review his sexual orientation.

The jokes were inoffensive and good-natured, with no harm intended, but they had served to remind him of his loneliness. With a few more years, he would have been able to identify what he felt as sexual frustration, but at the time, it just felt like unhappiness and anxiety. He wasn’t particularly looking forward to Mina and Penny coming around this evening to review their coursework for Legal Precedents in Contract Law, since their presence would only serve to accentuate how he felt.

Being reasonably guileless, Peter wore his emotions on his face, and Mina noticed something was wrong the second she entered his room.

“Peter, is everything OK?”

He wasn’t likely to talk to her about this, since that would only lead to uncomfortable questions about how he felt about her or Penny, and that would mean he would either have to lie, which he was sure she would see through, or he would have to tell her how he felt, which would certainly endanger a friendship that was one of the most important things in his life at the moment.

“I’m fine. I probably need more sleep. Just a little out of sorts. That’s all.”

Mina wasn’t buying it, but knew better than to push him. She had good instincts for this sort of thing, and had known Peter long enough to have a solid understanding of his loneliness and his insecurities. In fact, she had an extremely good idea what this was about, since she’d been observing him a lot more closely than he thought. She had seen him look wistfully at some of the girls in the group at the bar over the last few weeks, she had guessed at his feelings for her and Penny, but she couldn’t very well tell him what he needed to do without making it worse by pointing out that she had noticed his insecurity and shyness. Drawing attention to it could only embarrass him.

“Penny will be here in a few minutes, can I make myself a cup of tea?”

She walked directly over to the kettle by the computer on the desk, and his answer caught up with her.

“Sure, go ahead. I bought some different teabags, they’re in the top drawer.”

Mina was thinking about Peter’s problem. If she was right, and she wasn’t sure about that yet, then there was a real issue at stake. When she considered what would happen if he dated someone, she couldn’t help but come to the conclusion that she would have to spend a lot less time with him, and that possibility provoked some unpleasant emotions. Sure, he was insecure and had a hard time getting close to a girl, but this was university, and if he didn’t make a move soon, one of the girls in the group would take him aside, give him an experience that would satisfy all those pent up urges he hadn’t quite come to terms with yet, and wrap him quite cleanly around her little finger. After all, he was clean, smart, well built and would make a terrific boyfriend. And if that happened, she and Penny would hardly see him at all, as the next year or two would become a voyage of sexual discovery for him with one of the other girls in the university. Worse, to keep him under her thumb, this girl would - probably without even realising it—encourage the very insecurities that made him so vulnerable in the first place.

In fact, the more she thought about it, the more her own emotions began to feel like a preface to jealousy. That raised interesting questions, such as, “how do I feel about Peter”, which weren’t really all that new. These were questions she should probably have answered before today, but which—because of his unassuming nature and his shyness—he had never forced her to confront.

Then there was the arrangement she had with Penny—that was satisfying although inevitably temporary. She didn’t want it to come to an end just yet though. She wanted to find a way to make it all work out. It seemed that she had some decisions to make, and less time than she wanted in which to make them. A plan had already occurred to her, but she needed Penny to make it work.

Penny bounced into the room while Mina was fishing the teabag out of her mug. Her pale skin was flushed red from having run across the campus in the freezing cold. She’d just finished swimming practice and the swimming facilities were all the way across the university grounds. She was smiling broadly as usual.

“Hey guys! How’s it going?” She dropped her bag onto the bed and gave Peter a big hug. He could feel how cold her cheek was against his. She radiated health and vitality.

Very soon they were all sitting on the double bed with books and papers spread around them, rapidly reviewing their knowledge of contract law and hurtling through their assignments at breakneck speed with the confidence of students who really understand their subject matter. They had no doubt that they were hitting all the important points for the assignment, and each took notes in his or her own way. They would write their essays up independently afterwards, but they knew that theirs would be three of the top five grades in the class. As always.

When they had finished their work, Penny suggested they hang out for a while, maybe watch a DVD on Peter’s larger-than-normal TV. As always, they had consumed vast quantities of tea, so while Penny and Mina cleared away the papers, Peter went to the bathroom. When he returned, the papers were in a pile on the desk and the two girls had taken place on the bed, backs against the headboard, leaving no room for him. There was that sense that something had been discussed in his absence, and that it concerned him. He was about to ask when Mina spoke first.

“You look really tense and miserable Peter,” Mina began, “so sit here so I can give you a back rub.” She patted the space directly in front of her on the bed.

Peter thought that sounded both good and bad. On the one hand a massage from Mina was likely to be very nice, on the other it was likely to make his already confused and unhappy emotions all the more difficult to deal with. It would, however, be less than gracious to refuse, and if he did refuse, she might never offer again. He climbed over the bed and sat down where she indicated, between her legs, which were bent, her knees in the air and her feet flat on the bed.

This was immediately much worse than he had anticipated. Mina encouraged him to lean back, her hands on his shoulders, and soon his entire back was in contact with her. He could feel the warmth from her legs on either side of his ribcage, and the warmth of her chest behind him. In fact, given how she was seated, he could even feel the warmth of her body in her lower belly and between her legs. He was incredibly embarrassed to find that he was getting slightly aroused, but it would be impossible to tell through his jeans, and the feeling would no doubt pass as she got into her massage. Her long dress had ridden up slightly and he could see her slender legs wrapped in black tights and her small feet digging gently into the covers on the bed.

He noticed that Penny was smiling at him, and when she noticed him noticing, she went and fiddled with the DVD player.

A pair of incredibly delicate hands ran through his hair and settled on either side of his head, fingers resting on his temples, where they began to massage in gentle circles.

When she spoke, Mina’s voice was right in his ear. He could feel her breath. She was talking very quietly, almost whispering to him.

“You need to relax. You seem very tense today. I don’t like seeing you like this.”

Her fingers felt wonderful. Peter made a small noise and settled back slightly, putting more of his weight on Mina. Her fingers continued their gentle rotations.

“You know we both care about you. You’re so nice to us. It’s good to have someone you can trust absolutely. We trust you, and that’s a rare thing.”

Peter was no longer paying attention to Penny, but if he had been, he would have noticed that she was no longer fiddling with the DVD player. She had stopped moving and was listening carefully, picking up on what Mina was murmuring in his ear.

“Relax a little more, Peter, lean back and let go for a bit.”

She put one hand on his forehead, pulling his head back gently into her, while she ran her other hand through the hair at the back of his head. Her mouth moved a little closer to his ear, so he would feel her breath more clearly when she spoke. Peter hadn’t expected her to pick up on how unhappy he felt, but it was nice to have someone who cared enough to notice, and what she was doing felt really good. His thoughts, which had been spiralling unhappily all day while trying to deal with his confusing emotions, seemed to be slowing down as her hands continued to massage the sides of his head.

“We both care about you, and we can tell you’re not happy at the moment. We’re your best friends, and we really want you to feel good. It hurts me to see you unhappy. That’s why I wanted to give you this massage, to make you feel better.”

She was running her hands through his hair now, her nails scratching his scalp, and the sensation was sending lazy shivers all over his head, through his neck and down his spine. He hadn’t really heard her last few words, the sensations had been too distracting.

After a while, her hands returned to his temples and resumed their slow rotations.

“I want you to imagine that my hands are loosening the thoughts in your head. Your thoughts are coming loose and detaching from where they’re stored in your head. The more you feel my hands massage you, the more thoughts come loose and start to move around.”

Peter had closed his eyes to better enjoy the sensation, and he understood what she was trying to do. She knew that he was having troubling thoughts about friendships and relationships, and she wanted to free him from those thoughts for a few minutes, so he entered into her fantasy, imagining thoughts coming loose from their anchors in his head.

“As the thoughts loosen and come free, you’ll feel more and more relaxed. Feel the thoughts come loose.”

She moved a hand up to a part of his head that she had found to be particularly sensitive earlier and scratched her nails against it, causing Peter to squirm ever so slightly. “Thoughts about coursework”, and he became acutely aware of his concerns about the coursework load for the next three weeks, but in a detached way, as though he was observing the concerns from the outside, becoming aware of his thoughts without actually thinking them.

“Thoughts about the bar crowd and your friends,” and he saw his concerns about fitting in with the group of friends he and the girls frequented, and how those thoughts didn’t help. How in fact their only impact was negative.

“Thoughts about loneliness,” Mina’s hand stroked the back of his neck in time with her words, soothing his sudden anxiety at the fact that she had figured this out, and he became aware of his loneliness as an independent thing, an observable unit of emotions and thoughts floating around in his head, like a pocket of unhappiness.

“All your thoughts coming loose one at a time, and as each one comes loose, you’ll feel more and more relaxed.”

All of his weight was against her now, and he could feel her heart beating through her chest, in the middle of his back.

“When all of your thoughts have come free, when they’re all floating around freely in your head, you’ll be so relaxed you won’t be able to move anymore. You can’t move your body when your thoughts are floating, you can only move your body when your thoughts are anchored. Since your thoughts are floating, you can’t move your body.” Mina’s voice was getting softer and softer in his ear, and every time he felt her breath against his skin, he seemed to relax further.

“Now we’re going to relax you more, by moving some of the thoughts away from your head. You see, Peter, the thoughts have different weights. Some of them are light like balloons, and some are heavy like lead. Thoughts that make you unhappy are heavy, and the more unhappy the thought, the heavier it is. Thoughts that make you happy, or that are important to you, these float up to the top of your head. The best thoughts float to the very top almost immediately.”

“I want you to become aware of your thoughts about loneliness. I want you to see how fast that thought is falling through your body.”

Her hands had been moving around his head, simulating the movement of thoughts inside. Now one of her hands traced down his neck and over his shoulder to the front of his chest, pressing lightly against him through his clothing.

“This thought is falling especially fast.”

Her hand traced down his chest, over his bellybutton and onto his lower belly.

“It’s falling all the way down.... to here.”

A slender hand rested ever so gently on his crotch. He could feel it through his jeans. He could feel sudden stirrings of arousal, but he couldn’t move. Despite the feeling and the relaxation, a part of him began to panic slightly at the unfamiliar situation, but after a short pause, the pressure disappeared and he felt two hands massaging his head again. The panic dissipated quickly.

“I want you to find the thoughts about the argument you had with Brian yesterday. Feel that thought dropping through your body.” Her hand traced down his body again, and when it was halfway down his chest, she brought it back to his head and quickly followed up with another thought, that dropped again through his body.

Mina worked her way through all the bad experiences she knew he had had in the last couple of years, and threw in occasional guesses about things that were making him unhappy at the moment. The more negative the thought, the lower she traced her hand down his body, occasionally resting her hand on his penis through his jeans, whenever the thought was particularly negative.

“Now I want you to help me find a few more thoughts. I’m going to ask you some questions, so you can help me find them, OK?”

“Hmm... Mmkay.”

“I want you to think about me and Penny. I want you to divide the thoughts you have about us into two. The good and the bad. Whenever I tell you about a thought, it will become completely loose and it will have to float or sink. I want you to tell me, which is good and which is bad. When you say ‘good’ or ‘bad’, I want you to feel the thought either drop through your body, or rise to the top of your head, where it will be fresh and vivid, and make you feel wonderful.”

“Think about spending time with Penny and me, how does that feel?”

There was a pause as Peter finished processing her instructions, then he murmured, “s’good”.

Mina scratched his head and stroked the back of his neck, and he inhaled deeply at the sensations.

“Think about when Penny gave you a hug when she came in.”

The response was much quicker this time, but his voice was dreamy, “Was’good”.

She ran her hands through his hair, and whispered “good” in his ear, making sure he felt her warm breath.

“Have you ever thought about touching us, wanting to, but not doing it because you want to protect our friendship? Not being able to. Having to hold back. All the time. Denying yourself.”

Peter struggled slightly, but Mina’s hands massaged the sides of his head a little more firmly. Her voice was also a little firmer. “The thought is loose now, and it has to sink or rise. You have to let it go or hold onto it. How does it feel to hold back all the time? To deny yourself all the time?”

He didn’t want to answer, but the thought was loose now, he didn’t have a choice. He thought about how it made him feel to be around them, to be attracted to them and to hold back for the sake of friendship. Now that he could see the thought without actually thinking it, he realised it was making him miserable.

His voice sounded as though the words caused him physical pain.

“It’s bad.”

Her hand began to travel firmly down his chest. “That thought is sinking now, floating down through your body. Now that you’ve named it, it has no power over you, and it falls through your body, sinking under its own weight.” Her hand travelled down to the bottom of his chest, and then cupped around his thickening erection, through his jeans.

“This is a very heavy thought, it takes up a lot of space.”

She squeezed his cock through his jeans, provoking an gentle rasping groan.

“It’s joined the other bad thoughts down here, and they’re all stuck here.”

Another squeeze, and he moaned slightly.

“If we leave them here, once you’re not relaxed like this any more, they’ll move back up into your mind and make you unhappy again.”

Peter’s breath came a little faster, and she moved her hand in circles over his crotch for a few seconds before massaging his head again.

“Think about how the boys keep talking about sex, and how you feel when they talk about sex and you’re pretending to find their jokes funny.”

“Oh, bad.”

Hands caressed down his sides, down over his jeans, caressed his thighs and came back up to cup his balls through his clothing.

“It’s joined the other thoughts down here now.", she whispered into his ear, and his buttocks tensed and his back arched ever so slightly.

Her hands returned to his hair, stroking and caressing, as she explained what was going to happen next.

“There’s maybe room for one more bad thought, after that there’ll be so many bad thoughts there that you’ll be desperate to get them out. They’re all stuck there and they need to get out. Can you feel the pressure? How swollen and hard these thoughts make you? How badly you want to get them out?”

Peter’s erection visibly strained beneath his jeans in response to the words whispered into his ear.

I want you to think about lying naked with a beautiful girl, her hands caressing you everywhere, her kisses all over your body, her legs wrapped around yours, the heat of her body against you. I want you to think about how that hasn’t happened for you since you got to university. I want you to think about how it makes you feel that you’ve never felt that.”

Peter reacted to her description, and then to the words that described so perfectly the frustration he had been feeling the past couple of months.

“Aarh. It’s. Oh. Bad.” The tone of his voice made his unhappiness obvious, even though his voice was weak with arousal and at the same time held a relaxed, dreamy quality.

Mina’s hands flowed down his body, her voice murmuring, “Good boy” and “My Peter” in his ear, and then she was massaging his cock through his jeans, squeezing and stroking and scratching, and Peter was squirming slightly, but the suggestion that we was unable to move held firm, and he let her manipulate him for several long seconds.

“All those feelings, every time you’ve felt that frustration, all that negative energy, it’s all flowed down here now. All those bad thoughts are down here now, drawn down, all the way down, under their own weight, and trapped there by these sensations that feel so good.", she said, emphasising the word ‘down’ slightly every time, her hands gradually stilling, but still resting on his crotch. “We mustn’t let them back into your mind. Penny and I love you Peter, and we don’t want you to ever be miserable like that again. We have to get rid of them. We’re going to help you do that because we love you Peter. And you’re going to let us help you, because you need to, and because you can’t move until those thoughts are either out of your body, or back in your mind.”

Peter groaned, a mixture of desire and longing, and fear that these thoughts could come back and haunt him like they had the past few weeks.

“Your eyes are going to open now, Peter, and you’re going to see that we love you and want to help you. You’re going to stay completely relaxed and unable to move, and Penny’s going to help you let those thoughts go. Open your eyes Peter.”

His eyes opened. He hadn’t moved, Mina’s legs were still either side of him, clad in her black tights, her dress riding up her legs. But Penny had moved. She was sitting directly in front of him on the bed, facing him, a bright smile on her face. He saw her more clearly than he had earlier, noticing the soft curve of her cheeks, and how the pink lipstick made her lips look glossy and moist, her face framed by curly blond hair, noticing the shade of green in her eyes in a way he never had before. She was leaning forward, and his eyes were drawn to her breasts, then he looked back at her face. Her hands ran up his legs, caressing his thighs, and came to a halt on his belt, which she slowly unbuckled before pulling it out of its loops and placing it on the floor.

Penny’s hands moved back to his waist, and unbuttoned his jeans before pulling the buttons of his fly open one by one. She put her hands in his waistband and pulled the jeans down over his ass, taking his boxer shorts with them, carefully ensuring she didn’t catch his straining cock in the clothes on the way.

His cock was erect and throbbing in time to his heartbeat.

“All those bad thoughts have sunk down to your cock, Peter, and they need to get out.” Mina was whispering in his ear again, maintaining his arousal with her breath against his cheek and the imagery in her descriptions. His mind reeled, hearing the word ‘cock’ come from the mouth of a person who had inhabited at least half of his sexual fantasies for the past months.

“They’re so heavy they’ve made you so hard. So very very hard. Erect. There’s such pressure for them to be released. And when they’re gone, you’ll be completely free of them. You’ll be so tired from the effort, but it will be worth it. It will be like a terrible weight has been removed from you. You’ll be free to be completely happy. But you can’t get rid of them on your own. But that’s OK. Because we want to help you. Because helping you will be fun. Because releasing these bad thoughts will bring you incredible pleasure. And make you so tired. But it’s OK to be tired. Because you’re safe with me. And you trust me completely. And you trust Penny.”

Peter couldn’t consciously follow everything he was being told. Penny leaned forward, and her perfect lips parted. He was unable to look away as her head approached his cock, and then the head of his cock disappeared into her mouth, and he was enveloped in the wettest, most wonderful sensation he had ever felt. He was unable to break eye contact with Penny, who continued to look right into his eyes while her lips slid slowly down the shaft.

“I want you to feel all those thoughts and emotions trapped in your cock, increasing your arousal. We’ve trapped them there, and now Penny’s going to give you incredible pleasure, and when that pleasure peaks, and when you lose control, you’ll get rid of all those thoughts that are so heavy, making your balls feel so full, making you so erect, so helplessly aroused. You need to empty your balls, you have no choice, Penny’s too good, she knows how to give you pleasure that will make you lose control, and when you lose control, all those thoughts will be gone forever.”

Mina wasn’t joking. Penny clearly had some experience at bringing pleasure to others. Her mouth was incredibly wet, and her tongue stroked and teased and caressed his shaft. He had never felt anything like this, and his breathing came in panicked gasps as he lost what little control he had left.

“And removing that terrible weight from you will be such a relief that you’ll feel terribly tired. And terribly sleepy. And you’ll fall asleep in my arms. Safe and warm. When you lose control, all the bad thoughts will be drawn out of you. But the effort is exhausting. And you’ll fall asleep. Remembering everything when you wake up. Remembering exactly how you felt. How we made you feel. Hearing my voice while you sleep.”

Penny had picked up a rhythm, her lips sliding up and down his shaft with a barely-audible sucking sound. The heat and the wetness were all he could think about, he was barely conscious of the voice whispering now in his ear. His cock was incredibly hard. Harder than it had ever been before. Every sensation along its length magnified by his incredible arousal and the wetness of Penny’s mouth.

“Penny’s in control now Peter. Your body is controlled by the pleasure she gives you. See the power she has over you when you’re this aroused. Feel how wonderful it is to be able to give in completely to someone who loves you and knows how to give you pleasure.”

Penny’s lips moved to the tip of his cock, holding only the head inside her mouth. He felt her tongue on the underside of the head of his cock, stroking gently over and over while holding him inside the heat and wetness of her mouth. He could see the length of his cock, shiny and slippery with her saliva, hard as stone, the head disappearing between her pink lips.

“Feel how heavy your balls are”, Penny’s hands cupped them gently in time with the words, “and how wet her mouth is”, and he felt her tongue swirl around his cock, “and how you’re so close to losing all control”, and he felt Penny’s fingers caress him gently behind his balls while she increased the suction slightly.

“So close.”

Peter was grunting, his hips twitching in time with the tongue circling his cock.

“So much pressure, so much pleasure.”

A sound, half moan, half grunt, came from his throat.

“The release only a moment away, losing all control now.”

Peter let out a strangled groan, his hips breaking free of Mina’s suggestion and rocking upwards at Penny, but she moved her head away at the same time, keeping his cock in her mouth but denying him the feeling of penetration he had instinctively sought, and keeping the stimulation constant.

Mina whispered directly into his ear. “You’re going to come now, and it’s going to be so strong that you’ll feel all your strength leaving you. Nothing on earth can stop it now.”

Peter had passed the point of no return. He could feel his balls emptying in advance of the first wave of his orgasm, a sense of liquid moving inside his balls and cock, his last moment of self control impossibly drawn out before his inevitable surrender. He felt fluid travel up and out of his cock as muscles between his legs became impossibly taut, and his cock seemed to swell in Penny’s mouth.

Penny’s fingers wrapped around his cock to hold it steady, her eyes never leaving his, her other hand gently squeezing his balls, and it felt as though by holding his balls as he helplessly began to orgasm, she was holding all of him in her hand.

Then the first contraction sent sensations shooting up his spine. Inarticulate noises came from him as his hips jerked and twitched, Penny following every movement with her mouth and hand, and he felt as though impossible amounts of liquid were pumping through his cock, each contraction of his orgasm more pleasurable than the last. He felt every negative thought and emotion he had had in the past year drawn from his body like so much poison, convulsions banishing them from his life, as Penny sucked each and every one out of him.

Penny’s mouth did not move from his cock as his orgasm subsided, although she stopped stimulating him, and kept his cock bathed in warmth and wetness. Mina leaned forwards and resumed her murmurs in his ear.

“My good boy. My Peter. That’s so good. And now you can feel all the strength leaving your body as you begin to fall asleep.”

He became heavier and looser in her arms.

“You’re going to fall asleep, and you feel so safe and so loved. And when you wake up you’re going to feel wonderful, and unconcerned, and here’s what’s going to happen...”

Peter awoke gradually from a very deep sleep. He felt refreshed and waited with his eyes closed for the sleep to drain away and for the strength to return to his body. He could feel heat to his left, and knew there was someone there, small fingers were wrapped around his upper arm, but he was unconcerned and he didn’t move.

When he felt sufficiently awake, he opened his eyes, and saw the time on the alarm clock on his desk. It was 5:43 in the morning. He felt as though he didn’t need any more sleep though.

He sat up slightly, feeling the muscles in his stomach contract, feeling in touch with his body in a way that, while he had never felt it before, was completely natural to him.

He looked to his left, and saw Mina sleeping in the bed next to him. She was naked, and looked impossibly beautiful, sleeping on her side, curled up slightly and facing him, with her hands gently holding his upper arm. She looked fragile, and vulnerable, and adorable. His emotional reaction was not unusual, he had had the same feelings for Mina for months now, but this time they were not accompanied by the desperate anxious feelings of inadequacy and of loneliness that had plagued him every time he considered his emotions or his desire for her, or for Penny.

He turned slowly to his left and brought his right hand to her tiny waist, stroking the skin there, but she carried on sleeping. His hand wandered up her side, over her shoulder, and he gently swept her long dark hair away from her face. She moved her head slightly in her sleep, but her breathing stayed steady and deep.

He became bolder, his hand dropping to her breast, caressing the nipple with his thumb, and slowly lifted himself up on his left arm. Mina shifted in her sleep, moving gradually onto her back as he moved above her.

He was aroused, his erection growing by the moment, and he looked down between the sheets to notice that she was not wearing any clothing below the waist either. He felt a hunger for her that he hadn’t allowed himself to feel before. A hunger that had been buried beneath layers of insecurity and fear. The more he looked at her slender form beneath him, the more his hunger grew. He felt neither the ability nor the need to control it. It occurred to him that this level of confidence was unusual for him, but it was no more than a passing thought.

Mina was beginning to stir in her sleep as his hand swept down her belly and cupped between her legs, fingers revelling in the softness of her skin. She was shaved bare, and he felt her moisten under his touch.

A little moan indicated Mina’s gradual awakening, and she moaned again when his fingers caressed up her slit and his knees encouraged her legs apart.

Her eyes fluttered open, confused by sleep and disoriented by her surroundings as she had never stayed the night here before. It took her several moments to recognise his face in the darkness. In those moments, his head had dropped to her chest, and one pert nipple atop a small breast had disappeared into his mouth. She made a little sound of surprise, and a hand reached up and held his forearm. Peter’s other hand was between her legs, a witness to her growing arousal as her body became aware of what was being done to her.

Peter raised himself slightly, positioning his cock at her entrance, and let her feel the tip of it rubbing against her labia. Mina gasped slightly. She was confused, not having had the time to come to terms with what was happening, and was reacting instinctively to her arousal. When he pushed forwards slightly and her lips parted to let him in, she moaned and her knees came up on either side of him, her eyes losing their focus as her body made the decisions her conscious mind wasn’t in a position to. She made no effort to stop him.

Peter’s cock slid halfway into her, and he felt her trembling beneath him. Her eyes were open and looking straight into his, her mouth half-open in surprise, but there was no denying the wetness between her legs. He slid out until only the tip was inside, and paused there, poised for a moment. Mina’s body was frozen in place, paralysed with anticipation, her expression one of panicked, unanticipated arousal.

Then Peter slid all the way into her, taking her completely, his thighs coming forwards to meet hers, his body sliding into the space between her parted legs. Mina cried out, her fingers digging into his biceps, hips rocking up to meet his, and her head swinging back, instinctively presenting the long graceful sweep of her neck to him. He leaned down and kissed her on the side of her throat before lifting his hips, drawing his cock almost all the way out of her.

He was poised again at her entrance, her body prone beneath his, her expression one of complete surrender, and he entered her hard, picking up a rhythm, one hand coming up to her head and grabbing a fistful of hair, holding her down as he drove into her again and again, robbing her of any choice, driving her and himself closer and closer to orgasm.

Mina’s cried out with each thrust, her nails digging into his skin, her body pinned beneath his, able to do nothing more than react to his movements. Suddenly her voice changed, losing the rhythm of their lovemaking, driven by something else, and he felt her legs wrap around his, holding him to her. Then her muscles were contracting again and again around his cock, in time with a gasping, inhaled “Oh! Oh! Oh!” as her eyes rolled back in her head. The sensation of her clenching his cock in her slippery folds drove Peter over the edge, and he crushed her to him, driving his hips against her and his cock as deeply into her as possible before ejaculating over and over, deep inside her.

They were both gasping, Peter still deep inside her, one hand holding her head down against the pillow by her hair, the other on her ass, holding her pelvis against his. He started to raise himself up, but her hands quickly slipped around his back and hugged him to her, her legs holding him in place, preventing him from withdrawing.

Mina’s gasps gradually subsided, and only when her breathing had calmed and her heart had begun to slow did she allow him to withdraw, his softening cock slipping out of her.

Peter rolled onto his back and Mina rested her head on his chest, kissing his upper body as she did so, her long black hair cascading down over his shoulder.

Peter felt strangely at peace, his hand caressing her back from between her shoulder blades to the top of her ass, and back up again, over and over.

It was several minutes before Peter finally spoke.

“Did you make me do that?”

Mina replied after a few seconds of silence, her voice muted against his chest, “No. Well. Maybe a little. I mostly just got you out of your own way. I may also have given you a few hints. I prefer the guy to be in control.” She blushed slightly. “I’m really more submissive than you think.”

“I was violent with you. I’m sorry.”

One small feminine hand made its way down between his legs, where it squeezed gently and reassuringly.

“You took me. I was yours to take. You were possessive, and that’s what I wanted you to be. It’s not bad that sex should be a tiny bit violent sometimes. Especially when there’s passion involved.”

Mina hesitated for a moment before continuing.

“I always wanted you Peter, I was waiting for you to grow into yourself and out of your insecurities. Last night I arranged for Penny and me to give you a big nudge to see if we could provoke a bit of a transformation. I didn’t know if you’d want me when you woke up, I left the choice up to you. I just made sure that if you did want me, you’d take me properly, rather than waiting for permission, or making me tell you what to do. It had to be about what you wanted, not what you thought I wanted.”

Peter stroked her back again, and said, “I’ve wanted you since we first met, and I haven’t known what to do about it. But I feel like a completely different person now, and I don’t know how much is me and how much is what you did to me.”

Mina’s hand was beginning to get him aroused again.

“Peter. I didn’t add anything to you last night, all I did was take away what was holding you back. What you did to me just now was amazing and exactly what I wanted. I felt completely taken. I was completely yours. I am yours. It was amazing sex with a person I really love and respect. There’s nothing wrong with taking what’s yours, with showing me how you feel when we’re alone together. I didn’t tell you what to do last night, I just let your subconscious know that I wouldn’t object to it.”

Peter’s erection had returned with a vengeance, and his hips were moving slightly in time with her hand, which was sliding his foreskin over his cock repeatedly.

“I like seeing the man beneath all those manners, and without the annoying insecurities.” He could hear the smile in her voice. “Now let’s see what else we can find out.”

She let go of his fully erect cock, gracefully slid up and over onto her knees, and positioned herself with her ass towards the headboard, her legs apart with her weight on her knees, and her head against the sheets at the foot of the bed. Her pussy was wet and glistening, her arousal dripping down her thighs.

She felt him move, but stayed in position, telegraphing her submissiveness. The first thing she felt was his hand, at the top of her buttock near her waist, holding her steady. Then another hand on her shoulder, holding her down. Holding her in this position. As her arousal ratcheted upwards, a fleeting thought passed through her mind, ecstatic, joyful : “Good grief, what have I unleashed?” Then she felt Peter’s cock enter her, almost gently to start. His hands strengthened their grip on her, she felt him move deeper inside her, provoking the first of many sounds, and her thoughts scattered until morning.