The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


© Mesmerr


Jamie stopped the Transam and watched as she drove up behind him and stopped also. He got out and walked back to her, five years in the planning about to begin. His heart thumped and his pulse raced. The adrenaline surged throughout his entire system. All those long fucking days and nights in prison for something he didn’t even fucking do!

He felt pumped! God, he felt so fucking pumped! She just sat there in the little Mustang, its smooth motor still idling. Payback fucking time! It was fucking well... payback! fucking! time! officer!

“Turn off the fucking engine and give me the keys!” He commanded her. “Then get out and follow me inside the house! Sleep later!”

Chico’s thoughts puzzled as she turned off the ignition and got out of the car, handing him the keys as she did so and wondering why he sounded so hostile. He snatched them from her hand. What had she done? She had followed him and hadn’t lost him, as he’d told her to?

She shut the door of the Mustang and followed him inside, a apart of her mind somewhere far away from her consciousness telling her to get back into her Mustang and drive the hell away as fast as the little car could carry her. But still another part of her mind told her that she badly needed sleep, and, she needed to obey before that could happen.

Then she could sleep later-just follow him inside and she could sleep later. She felt calm and peaceful and so friggin’ tired. But why was he hostile?

Jamie led her inside the large old house and into the lounge room, then directed her to sit down in one of the single chairs. He watched her as she did so, noting just what a tall muscular woman she was-not taller than he, but tall just the same-powerful-looking.

“Tell me your nationality!” He commanded her.

“Cuban.” She answered him, sounding tired.

Jamie looked at her as she sat in the chair in full police uniform. Her skin was a flawless light tan. Her eyes were dark brown, almost black, and her hands were strong. Her thick black hair was tied up in a tight bun behind her head.

“Release your hair!” Jamie commanded her.

Chico reached behind her head and let down her long black hair. It always felt so good to get rid of the damn bun she had to wear because of police department policy. It fell cascading down around and over both shoulders like a thick black blanket of glossy waterfall. She shook her head slowly and felt even more tired than she had ever felt in her entire life.

“If you obey.” Jamie began her subconscious mind’s conditioning. “You will sleep whenever I allow you to as a reward for being obedient, which is what you want-to sleep so badly. Isn’t that true?”

Chico nodded. She understood that she needed to sleep at any cost. If that meant she had to be obey then she would obey.

“If you do not obey.” He went on. “I will never allow you to sleep for the rest of your damn life! That’s what you ‘don’t’ want! Isn’t that also true?”

Chico nodded again. Just the thought of never being allowed to sleep again filled her with total dismay. How could she function? She couldn’t! Obeying meant sleep. Sleep meant obeying. What else could she do, but obey?

Jamie pressed on, knowing he was becoming more pumped with each and every passing second.

“Listen to me very carefully.” he told her as he knelt down in front of her and looked her directly in the eyes. Her gaze was dull and lifeless, but not completely so. Her eyes themselves were red-rimmed, puffy and swollen, but she was still a very handsome woman. God, he was so pumped!

“You will obey each and every command I give you, willingly and happily, without question or doubt! You will carry each command out efficiently and quickly, without thinking about the rights or wrongs of it! And if you do, you will be ‘rewarded’ with the beautiful restful sleep you so badly need and want, whenever you want it. If you do not, I will never allow you to sleep for the rest of your fucking life, and you know I can ‘do’ that. Don’t you?”

Somehow Chico knew he ‘could’ do that. God, she wanted to sleep so badly right now, but he seemed to be stopping her, so he ‘must’ be able to do it. Her thoughts suddenly became clouded. She needed to sleep, but she had to obey, willingly and happily, without concerning herself with right or wrong. Was that right? But she needed to sleep!

To go the rest of her life without sleep would surely kill her! It just wasn’t natural! Nobody could do that! Then her mind cleared again, just a little. God, she was so tired, but she knew he was right. If she wanted to sleep she ‘would’ obey, happily, willingly and quickly, without question and without doubt.

When Chico’s dulled thoughts finally analysed that concept she slowly nodded. God, she was so tired. Her eyelids felt like two garage doors just waiting to slam shut.

“Tell me your name!” He commanded her.

“Chico.” She answered him.

“Whenever I say the words, ‘Sleep now, Chico’, you will instantly go into a deep relaxing sleep, as restful and as relaxing and refreshing as any you have ever had before in your life-a sleep from which you will awaken revitalised and refreshed and feeling so good about yourself in every way, knowing that you will ‘only’ feel that way and will ‘always’ feel that way as a ‘reward’ for obeying the commands I give you! Do you understand that?”

Chico nodded, wanting him to say those words to her already. God, she was going to die if she didn’t get some sleep soon.

“And when you’re not asleep.” He went on. “You will stay with me and carry out each and every command I give you, without question and without doubt, willingly and happily! Everything I tell you you’ll feel and experience, you ‘will’ feel and experience, exactly as I tell you, you will. You will never again be the person you used to be. From this point onward you will be my slave! If you are ‘not’ my slave in every way, I will ‘never’ allow you to sleep again for the rest of your fucking life as a punishment, and you do ‘not’ want that to happen! Isn’t that true?”

Chico nodded. A slave? Her? A friggin’ slave? A fuckin’ slave? But sleep-she needed sleep so badly! If she didn’t get it she’d die. She knew that. But he wouldn’t ‘allow’ her to sleep, ‘unless’ she became his slave. ‘Then’ she could sleep whenever he said so, which would be okay.

A slave? Sleep? A sleeping slave? Yes-a sleeping slave, her thoughts finally realigned themselves. A sleeping slave. Her mind ached and her body began to pain with fatigue. She needed to sleep.

She heard nothing but his words, each one washing over her mind like a thick warm blanket of tiredness. A sleeping slave. If it meant sleep she could live with that. She knew she could. She was the toughest officer at the precinct. Then everything seemed a little more clearly to her. She nodded slowly.

Jamie grinned.

“Right!” He said. “Beginning right now you ‘are’ my slave because you have ‘chosen’ to be. Is that a true and correct statement, officer?”

“Yes.” Chico answered, using her voice for the first time. It sounded very tired to her own ears.

“Good!” Jamie replied. “And you accept then, officer, whether you are awake or in trance as you are right now, that if you ‘don’t’ perform as you now know I ‘expect’ you to, that you have now given me the right to ‘punish’ you by not allowing you to ‘ever’ sleep again for the rest of your life, or in whatever other way I see fit to punish you. Is that ‘also’ a true and correct statement, officer?”

“Yes.” Chico answered, knowing she had given him that right when she had willingly become his slave.

“Good!” Jamie continued. “Then it must ‘also’ be true that if you ‘are’ my slave as you ‘claim’ to be, then ‘I’ must be your ‘Master’! Whether you are awake or in trance as you are right now, I ‘must’ be your Master if ‘you’ are my slave! Would that also be a true and correct statement then, officer, in that case?—that if you ‘are’ my slave as you claim you really ‘want’ to be so you can sleep when I tell you to, then I ‘must’ be your Master! Correct?”

“Yes.” Chico answered. She couldn’t see how he could be anything else ‘but’ her Master. She knew already that she was his slave. She didn’t ‘claim’ to be. She ‘was’, or she wouldn’t sleep. And she knew it. She’d told him so already. God, she was so friggin’ tired. Chico wished he would say those words and let her sleep.

“Good! Now listen to me! You will do everything and anything I tell you to! The more you try to ‘not’ do it, whether you want to or not, the more you ‘will’ do it, quickly, efficiently and willingly! The more you ‘don’t’ want to, the more you ‘will’ want to! No matter what it is! The more you ‘don’t’ want to and the harder you try ‘not’ to, the more you ‘will’ want to and the harder you ‘will’ try to do everything I tell you to so you can sleep-so you can sleep! Is that what you really want?”

“Yes.” Chico answered him. She had never felt so tired in all her life. She knew she would almost kill to get some sleep, but she knew she wouldn’t do that-she didn’t think.

“Good! That’s fine! You’re doing perfectly! Have you noticed how good it feels to have your own Master to look after you and give you sleep whenever he allows it?”

Chico wondered how she could feel good when she was so beat. Still, she ‘did’ have a Master now. She’d never had one before. God knows she needed ‘someone’ to look after her at times, especially when she was tired like she was feeling right now.

Yes, her thoughts finally crystallised. Having a Master was different, but it ‘did’ feel good. He was right.

“Yes.” Chico heard herself say, knowing she did feel a little bit better, but she was still so friggin’ tired.

“Good! Now listen to me very carefully.” Jamie commanded her, sensing her time had come. After five long years and just as many long and lonely nights her time had definitely come. ”

“’I’ am the rapist you helped send to prison five years ago. You and your fellow officers busted into my apartment in the early morning and ‘you’ jammed my arms up behind my back. ‘You’ called me a dirty low vile rapist of a pig and told me I should be ‘shot’ for ‘raping’ the woman on her way home from the Laundromat! I want you to think back and remember now! ‘Look’ at me and ‘remember’ who I am!”

Chico listened to every word he said, her tiredness secondary now to her own value system’s belief regarding ‘her’ value of rapists. She hated them with a passion! They were the lowest scum of the earth! If she had ‘her’ way they would never make it to the courts alive.

One quick trip down a dark alley and she’d take great pleasure in seeing they were not physically capable of raping anyone for the rest of their lives.

Then Chico’s mind cleared, feeling almost as if a thick woolly blanket had suddenly been lifted from her brain. She focused on the man kneeling in front of where she sat.

She looked at his face and features, her fine police mind searching for recall details. He did look familiar. Different hair colour and length, maybe? The moustache might be an addition? But she just couldn’t place him.

And then suddenly she did. The Laundromat! He beat her! He raped her brutally in the park while she walked home with her washing! The friggin’ animal!

Chico’s entire body tensed, flooding with adrenaline. She wanted to kill him! How did he get out of prison? Her eyes bored hatred holes into his face as her gaze searched him truly now and fully recognised who he really was. He was the fuckin’ rapist!

Jamie had knelt silent and still while her dull eyes had studied his face and features. He felt a little like an ape in the cage at the zoo. Then he saw her eyes focus and clear as she remembered. They drilled laser holes into his brain as the full memory of him came flooding back to her recognition awareness.

He saw her whole body tense. Her fists clenched and her jaw set firm. Her eyes widened and her lips tightened and drew back slightly over her teeth, giving her face and features an almost wild feral look.

“Good!” Jamie answered, finished with her recognition awareness conditioning. It was time to test her. “I am your ‘Master’ now! You ‘chose’ me! ‘You’ know it and ‘I’ know it! ‘You’ are my ‘slave’! You ‘chose’ to be, so you could sleep whenever I ‘allowed’ you to! And I will ‘only’ allow you to sleep if you obey every command I give you, knowing the more you ‘don’t’ want to obey the command, the more you ‘will’, whether you ‘want’ to or not! The more you ‘don’t’, the more you ‘will’!”

“Now... strip off that fucking police uniform and kneel down in front of me like the fucking slave you are now and give me the best fucking blow job with your hot Cuban mouth and throat that you’ve ever given any man in your entire life. ‘Then’ and ‘only’ then will I allow you to sleep! And you want to ‘sleep’ so fucking ‘badly’ right now, you’ll do ‘exactly’ what you’re told, whether you want to or not!! Isn’t ‘that’ a fucking fact?... Officer! Slave!”

Chico’s finely trained mind and senses spun crazily as she stared hard at him with a hate-filled passion she’d never known in her life before. Her thoughts raced around in never- ending circles, not stopping anywhere for any longer than it took to allow the next one to take its place before it, too, quickly moved on and was replaced by another. She felt as if she were overheating from the inside out.

Oh, god, she thought. My ‘Master’? Sleep? Beautiful sleep? The friggin’ rapist? Sleep? So fuckin’ tired. That friggin’ animal? My friggin’ ‘Master’? Like fuckin’ hell!

Never sleep again? Bullshit! I try, but I can’t? The more I do the more I don’t? The more I don’t the more I do? Want and don’t want? Do and not do? Not do and want to anyway? Awake or in trance? Trance? Trance? ‘What’ friggin’ trance? Never sleep again?

Jesus, no! So friggin’ tired now. Slave? Me? Bullshit! Like friggin’ hell I am! Too friggin’ tired to be a slave! No sleep if I don’t? Never? Ever? Try and not do what I’m going to do anyway? Try? Do? Don’t and do anyway? Master and slave? Sleep and obey?

Obey and sleep? Master slave? Slave sleep? Sleep? Obey and sleep? With the rapist? My master? The rapist? Reward me with sleep? Slave sleep? Body bone tired! Slave sleep? Obey and reward? Rapist Master? Rapist Master? Chico a slave? Rapist master? ‘My’ Master? ‘My’ Master? ‘My.’.. Master? My… my… he’s… I’m... his… he’s… my… my… ‘master.’ ‘My’ Master. Then she sighed. My .....’Master’.

Chico’s fine mind had finally realigned itself and totally shut down its rationale and analytics. Her eyes lost their focus momentarily and then regained it. She stared hard at the man with the moustache kneeling in front of her-the rapist-her Master.

Then slowly, eventually, and completely, the paradigm shift of her own values and belief system completed its realignment of itself while she continued to stare hard at him. The subconscious to conscious process lasted for almost three minutes while he just looked at her.

She rose from the chair, aware he was the rapist and her Master both-aware that she hated him violently-aware that the more she tried to disobey his commands the more she would do them anyway if she ever wanted to sleep in her life again-aware that she could kill him where he knelt without giving it a second thought, but knowing if she did she would never sleep again in her life.

Then there would simply be no one else who would know what words to say. He was the only one-her Master-the only one who knew what words would allow her to sleep again. She couldn’t kill him. She could hate him and curse the air he breathed and obey all of his commands, but she could not kill him. It would be the same as killing herself.

He was her Master now, whether she liked it or not, for better or for worse. That was that. Chico sighed deeply. That... was friggin’ ... that.

She slowly undressed out of her police uniform, knowing he was staring at her body as she did so and hating him with a vengeance. His gaze riveted on her full breasts and then dropped quickly to between her solid muscular thighs. She removed her underwear.

Her eyes glared sheer bloody murder as his gaze raped her as she knew he had raped other women before her. Now he was raping her, with his eyes, and soon he would with his body.

As she knelt down before him and reached out to undo the buckle of his trousers, her hands and fingers trembled with pure rage. Then she stripped them down to his ankles.

He stepped out of them. She reached up to his loins and dragged his undershorts down to his ankles, too, revealing his maleness, rampant and long.

She loathed him and the raw sexual site of him. Her pulse raced with anger and irreversible hatred as she stared at its trembling, threatening stiff presence in front of her face and mouth. It jutted almost vertically straight up, it’s perfectly formed tip glistening and twitching.

Chico’s fatigue seemed to vanish momentarily, but her hatred and hostility remained surging through her mind and senses as her hands reached up and slowly encircled his thick and hot throbbing length and girth.

Hating him and hating herself then her mouth slowly opened wide as she moved her face forward and encompassed his standing part slowly, but completely, inch by agonising inch, overcoming the gag reflex and stopping only when her lips felt the wiry arousing brush of his pubic hair against them.

Jamie rested his hands on her head, behind it and around it, his mind recalling the visual sight of her shaven lips and sex. God, what a hot bitch, he thought as he began to thrust slowly in and out of her warm and tight sucking Cuban throat.

Her long black hair draped down over her back and buttocks like a thick Indian blanket. In his mind of pure and perfect revenge, each and every slow deep thrust down her throat negated one lonely night in prison.

He felt her raking teeth and the powerful suction of her mouth and throat. It brought him rapidly toward his end that had been rushing toward him headlong since he’d been released from confinement.

Chico engulfed him utterly, and felt at the same time she was being engulfed herself, from the inside out. His length and girth filled her stroking mouth and throat, such that she felt she was breathing through her ears.

It had been so long since she’d had a man she’d forgotten how good it tasted and how sensually filling it was. As his long flexible fire-hose tightly, but easily pumped in and out of her throat she flashed through to the many years ago when she’d had her last man. It had been a very disappointing experience. She’d felt cheap and used afterward.

She’d found sensual and sexual heaven between the warm thighs of women ever since, and now, in her mid thirties, Chico was a willing and confirmed lesbian- or she had been, at least, until now.

Now, with the solid sexual and sensual feeling of a male’s cock deep-throating her female gullet so utterly she knew she hadn’t given up on men after all. She felt him expand deeply in her throat and knew his time was short.

For one brief moment she clawed his thighs for detachment, then pleasure caught her unprepared. She groaned deeply as her humiliation grew and filled her with shame for what she was willingly doing.

Her body flushed from head to toe and burned with guilt and shame as she imagined the gushing white fluids as they poured from his one-eyed mustang and down into her deepest belly and gut and she loathed herself and hated him even more so, but she wanted it now.

Aching to encompass his hardness fully into her deepest throat and belly she knew he was a vile rapist, a despicable pig of a predator, but she wanted what she knew he was about to splash down her throat.

His length and girth expanded yet again in her mouth and throat. Soon. Soon. Soon. Oh, god, she groaned uncontrollably over his thrusting cock, consuming him, and devouring him, sucking him powerfully and strongly from her deepest throat.

He was her Master. Fuck it! He was her friggin’ Master! And she wanted all he had to give.

Then, suddenly, instinctively, Chico knew the long thick cock in her mouth and throat was now expanding for the very last time. Uncontrollably she doubled her deep-throating efforts, twisting and stretching his large hairy sac, wanting its boiling contents in her mouth, her throat, and filling her deepest belly.

Jamie groaned aloud as she began to stroke him faster and faster with her tight mouth and throat, knowing what thoughts were most probably going around in her head and loving every second of her anguish, her humiliation and her hate.

The pain she was bringing to his balls passed its point of no return and turned into exquisite blazing thrusting pleasure in its extreme as his hips began to involuntarily thrust and jerk, his hose opening its wide nozzle in anticipation of that which could now not be stopped for all the money and all the revenge in the world.

“Suck me! God! Suck me, you Cuban fucking police slut!” he groaned as he lunged and aimed in his mind for her deepest throat and belly. “Suck! Jesus!”

Then Jamie relaxed utterly, felt his entire loins collapse and erupt fully and without restriction. His orgasm came upon him as if his bladder had suddenly burst. It took him with a debilitating rush of adrenaline as his liquid dam broke and burst down her throat.

He bent at the knees, groaning and grinning at the same time in his cumming with his victory over the first of the three women who had done him wrong. Then he allowed her to do her female nature’s perfect work as he emptied fully and unstoppable inside her throat and belly.

He heard her cough twice, but splashed right through any resistance she might have had with his white flowing flood of warm liquid sunshine, spurting and emptying all he had to give her-in his mind, five years worth.

And she got the lot, until the last drop disappeared unseen, but not unfelt, down into the heated depths of her naked Cuban belly.

He groaned his final emptying pleasure release aloud, holding her tightly gripped against his groin with both hands for several minutes until the last wave of raw pleasure with her mouth still milking and draining him finally washed over his mind and senses. Then he slowly withdrew himself from the soft, but strong suction of her warm mouth and throat.

She was now just looking up at him with the expectant gaze of a small child, licking her lips and waiting for her reward.

“Sleep now, Chico!”

Somebody suddenly turned out Chico’s lights. She sighed and slumped sideways like a sack of spuds.

Jamie had commanded her-had seen her eyes close instantly. She had sighed and sank slowly over to her side on the floor, drawing her knees up to her chest and sighing deeply again. Then she seemed to fall into a deep and heavy sleep as she hugged her knees to herself.

He grinned as he dressed himself again, never taking his eyes of the naked brown body of the police woman sleeping on the carpeted floor-his pet now-his black cat-the same police woman who had almost broken both his arms and called him a low-down pig-the same police woman who was now his long-haired naked fucking slave, for better or for worse!

Well, he grinned. He’d ‘fed’ the black cat now and she was purring in her sleep. And this was just the beginning, Jamie thought, as he recalled his animal’s perfect oral pleasuring of his mind and body. Then he thought of the judge and the newspaper journalist and he grinned even more widely.

Yes. This was ‘definitely’... just the fucking beginning.