The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Pink Glasses

Never before had Marion seen a piece of plastic this dangerous. The entirety of its threat neatly folded up into a sleek rectangle, resting on a thin square sheet of paper. It’s rosy tinted lenses looked plain tacky, and yet even just standing in front of it she almost thought to see something move and flutter in there. She could still read Nora’s impeccable handwriting on the paper too. “Hold onto these for me for tonight, ’kay? Love you.” When had the woman even been in her flat to drop them off? It couldn’t have been long ago. When she’d left for shopping an hour ago this spot on her table had still been void of any mysterious garbage. Nora did not possess a key to this place as far as Marion knew—she certainly had not given her one—but trivial things like that apparently were no hurdle high enough to keep her out. Honestly, she should feel alarmed. If only that weren’t so useless. There were certain things you simply came to terms with after being best friends with a self-proclaimed witch for all of three years. Rule number one being, don’t raise a fuss and you stay safe. More than safe, actually. Nora had a way with information. And provided she considered you her friend she was usually willing to share that rather freely. She might decide to drop some weird looking glasses off at your place in return though. So maybe not quite as free after all. But whatever.

At least, Marion thought with a wry grin while following the signal on her oven and pulling out the tray of fresh cookies, it was simply glasses this time. Last time it had been a weird looking exotic plant and Nora had left a very explicit warning that it needed to be kept in perfect condition. But of course the one thing she had not left was a guide on how to care for the damn thing! The internet had not helped, not a single entry anywhere even after she tried every trick in the book to look up information. What kind of plant wasn’t recorded in an encyclopedia these days?

While she let the cookies cool she glanced towards the mittens hanging on the board next to her oven. A present, unlike the rest of the stuff Nora dropped off here. Even now she felt weird around them. Just at the sight of the frilly things she felt a longing of sorts, her hands rather than her brain imagining how nice they felt when she slid inside them to protect her smooth skin from the heat as she got busy in the kitchen. And busy she became whenever she had used those mittens in the past. Surely it was a coincidence that as soon as she put them on she always felt like it would be a piece of cake to cook enough for a happy family. They always helped her remember how joyous it was to serve her food to others. Marion shook her head. For goodness’ sake! All she wanted to make were a few trays of cookies. No, wasn’t that supposed to be just one tray? And wait a moment, they were already done and cooling on the rack next to her. Right. Right, she had pulled them out just a minute ago after all. Or had it been five? Oh well, what did it matter?

Grabbing one of them with a glass of fresh milk she went and tried to watch a movie. At least this time what she needed to store for her friend was just an object and not a living thing. That made it significantly easier. She’d simply let the glasses sit right where Nora put them until she came to retrieve what was hers. Most certainly in just as much of a stealthy, burglar-y way as how she had left them here to begin with. That thought made her involuntarily cringe. Not for the first time she wondered how Nora got all those weird things. The other woman seemed to have an almost uncanny information network. Yet not even Marion who considered herself her best friend knew much about Nora. Sometimes weeks went by without the two seeing each other, other times not a day would pass without her showing up at her door step. She didn’t want to consider the option, but time and again she could only wonder if maybe her so called friend was really a thief. Every time she had asked Nora in order to dispel her worry the woman had just laughed. “I’m a witch, silly girl,” she would say with the same cadence of infinite patience that a mother may use to explain something to an especially slow kid of hers, “and what decent witch would have need for something like money?”

Marion was as angry to be so blatantly taken for a fool as she was happy to not know any details. The one thing that she understood clearly from this was that whatever Nora really did was far too dark for her to have anything to do with it. Except she evidently did because Nora kept making her flat a storehouse for all kinds of weird stuff. No! No thinking about that now! She had a fresh soft chocolate chip cookie and a movie to watch. And anything bad could wait until… well, hopefully until long, long after she had wrapped herself in a blanket on the couch.

The sharp ringing of the door bell had her jump from her chocolate induced comfy haze, making her realize that she almost fell asleep and was far from ready to receive visitors. “Just a moment!” Hoping they heard her yelling through the door she rushed to throw over a bath robe to hide her unkempt state before opening. “Uh, sorry if I interrupted something,” Carla from next door smirked at the sight. “What do you want?” Marion was aware that came out pretty harsh for a greeting, but was it her fault the only bath robe available had been another one of Nora’s presents? Okay, maybe not the only one… But definitely the one she could have grabbed the fastest. That was important at times like this, right? It sucked—oh did it ever!—that each time she wore this one it somehow managed to hide the fact she was wearing her usual baggy pajamas, instead making it look like she was stark naked. Which was ridiculous of course! As if she would ever do that. And for whatever reason her figure looked different in this thing too. Like, much better proportioned. Full, heavy breasts that would turn far more than just a few heads, wide hips that swayed at every step... Not even she herself could deny how seductive she looked in this. Why did people need her to answer the door only whenever she had nothing but this to wear?! The poor delivery guy the other day had not known where to look! It was no wonder Nora had asked her not to wear this one too often unless she wanted it to get to her head. Then again, what did she think it would do? Make her act like a nudist slut permanently or what? Utter nonsense of course, but what else to expect from someone who claimed to use witchcraft.

“I just wanted to hang out for a bit. Y’know, like we promised yesterday?” The blonde smiled. “You seem to be preoccupied though. I can come back whenever.” “No, no, I’m sorry.” Marion remembered making the promise and immediately felt bad. Carla had no way of knowing—and neither had she had for that matter—that Nora would pick today of all days for another unannounced favor. “C’mon in. A promise is a promise.” “Really?” Even if she was asking Carla had already stepped inside. “No danger of running into a riled up conquest who thinks I stopped over for a threesome?” The teasing glint in Carla’s eyes made clear it was supposed to be a joke, yet Marion didn’t feel like laughing. “Are those cookies I smell?” Thank goodness the other woman was so readily dropping the matter. “Yes, I baked some. Look, why don’t you already go ahead into the living room and I slip into something else before joining you, cookies and all. There should still be a movie running too, but maybe it ended already. You kinda woke me up so I’m not too sure.” “Sounds like a plan,” she agreed, “except I’d feel bad making you do all that after also startling you. I’ll grab the snacks and you use that time to get dressed sooner. Deal?” “Sure, why not? The tray’s on the kitchen counter, so no chance to miss it. Make yourself at home. I’ll be right back.”

As quickly as she could without making herself seem hysterical she retreated to her bedroom, flinging open her wardrobe in search for something halfway decent. Not like she could not simply stay in her bathrobe… she had to admit it looked good on her. Flattering in a way. And the industry could try all it wanted, there would never be a piece of clothing invented that could be more comfortable than this. So what if she flashed a bit of skin if she bend over at certain angles? A confident smile tugged on her lips even as she selected clothes and gathered them on her bed. It was a fact that people both male, female and all in between were secretly checking her out when she dressed the right way. So whatever their mouths might say, she rather evidently had a body to be proud of. Maybe even proud enough to show off. All within reason, of course. She wasn’t a slut! No, Marion thought, she simply wanted to be appreciated for her great assets. That was only appropriate. And honestly, what was the harm? That short moment of revelation had her slow down, a flimsy piece of black string running through her fingers. Take this one for example. A marvelous example of a high quality slip, no doubt. It better be, had been expensive enough after all. Yet was it not much more problematic if she were to wear that? She nodded, that sentiment making perfect sense to her. If she were to dress, that would only make her body look so much more tempting to others. Wasn’t there a very commonly known saying about that? Some clothes were made to be worn only in order to make other people want to take them off the person soon. Or… something like that. That was common sense. Wasn’t it? Oh no, silly her. Marion laughed as she remembered the one she really had been looking for. People always want what they can’t have. That was it. She grinned and looked over the pile of clothes. They were right for a day at the office perhaps. This was a girls’ night at home. And it was only between the two of them. No additional guests or anyone in front of whom she’d need to be modest.

If she were to dress up, all she would achieve was make Carla want her. If however she showed all she had to offer right from the get go, the other woman wouldn’t even consider it. Yes. That was most definitely the sensible thing to do. “I’m so silly,” she chuckled, “should have thought of this sooner.” If she meant to present herself in a way that conveyed Carla could have her easily whenever she wanted this was the perfect outfit for tonight. Not to mention the wine-red silk went great with her red hair! It was such a good fit she had to even question herself if this was not maybe planned. Which was fun to imagine, but of course nonsense. If anyone would have planned this it would have been Nora. After all the witch had handed her this robe as a gift. But then Nora had never seen her wear it. So it really was just a lucky coincidence in the end. Well, not like she would ever complain about it though.

Already with the door in hand and half leaving the bedroom to join Carla she froze in her tracks. Would Carla really think she could easily have her way with her if she simply remained nude underneath the silky robe? For better or worse, she had looked rather flushed when she saw her open the door in this getup. What if Carla was just dense? Or too shy to imagine she could ravage Marion if she so desired? In that case the robe was still too much clothing! Should she drop it off here? Certainly, being naked for her friend would get the message across. Wouldn’t it? They were both women. What if Carla had not much experience in that regard? Would it not be possible she might misunderstand?

“Maybe just another hint can’t hurt…” It was regrettable but even if it would make things clearer, Marion refused to slip out of the comfortable silk. It just felt so good on her skin! But she had just the thing. Even if she never imagined she would willingly rely on it again. It was a matter of seconds fishing out the box from underneath her bed. Though it took her significantly longer to find the key for the chain she’d locked it with. It was another one of Nora’s presents. Seriously, just where did Nora pick all this weird stuff up?

This one was especially… risky. And had the situation not been what it was she would never willingly have touched it. Finally able to open the box she produced a sleek mahogany dildo. Or should she call it a cock idol? It most definitely looked different from any store bought article she had ever come across. Which were at least enough to let her tell this one seemed rather… hand made by comparison. Almost natural. She seemed to recall the wannabe witch even said something along the lines of being proud of her craft with this one. Hmm, maybe Nora was an artist? The broad range of stuff would still be weird then, but at least it would explain why nothing she brought over seemed entirely normal. And for all she knew artists did not really have as much of a fixed schedule as employees like her.

The fake cock seemed to pulse softly in her hand. Less in a physical way as much rather pulse with a strange energy. As if it were alive with a power beyond her understanding. No wonder any artist capable of designing something like this called themselves a magic caster. Had she been even a smidgen more childish Marion acknowledged she herself certainly would.

Not wanting to bring it out had a simple reason. Nora had warned her to never use this thing alone. “I know that’s what these are usually for,” she had made her point, “but not this one. The one who uses it would only be able to think about being fucked by this cock. Doesn’t matter if it’s a second, an hour or a day. You literally would not be able to think of anything. So when you use this, you need another person around who can think for you. Or better yet, you use it on someone else and think for them! Promise me you will not use this alone!” Marion did not believe in that sort of jinx for even a second. A dildo that could make you a brain dead cock sleeve… What a piece of crap! But still, anyone would want to keep a gift with that sort of story attached as far away from them as possible. At least normally. But it was still good to bring along as a bit of insurance. Just in case that Carla didn’t get the hint and got all flushed and embarrassed seeing her… Seeing! The glasses!

She jumped and ran towards the living room. Nora would be so mad if they were misplaced or—gods no!—broken by the time she wanted to fetch them. Carla didn’t know Nora or how she got when it came to this stuff. And while it would never be on purpose, well… accidents happened to the best of them, right?

“Sorry I took so long,” she tried wrestling her voice back under control to not let on how much she rushed, “but I just couldn’t find the right thing to wear and… Carla?” The blonde swayed slightly. “I’m fiiiiiine,” she lulled, “just fiiine.” She sounded off, somehow. “Are you drunk? Did you have a drink before you came here, Carla?” Carla giggled. “Drunk? Am I drunk? I dunno. What’s drunk?” “Carla? Would you look at me?” But even as she asked Marion’s eyes scanned the table. The glasses. Where were they? Carla turned around slowly, as if in a daze. And Marion had her answer. “Why did you wear them? These aren’t yours!” What she said seemed to barely even register with Carla. She just looked at Marion with a dopey grin on her face. “You’re sooo beautiful. Sexy.” The compliments threw Marion off. “You think so?” Despite herself something about the situation appealed to her. It wasn’t like glasses broke simply from wearing them. She’d simply have to make sure that Carla didn’t get up to anything stupid while this intoxicated and no one would ever be the wiser. “Damn, you’re really wasted. Did you drink yourself stupid?” All it did was make Carla giggle more. “I’m stuuupid!” “Well, yes you are. Don’t you know you can get addicted to this?” “Addicted to thisss!” Now she was sliding a hand into her pants! Even while clumsily groping her own chest! Goodness, how had the girl arrived here without any accidents along the way in this condition?

“You really think I look that sexy?” It might be wrong to not be the voice of reason and offer her neighbor a cup of water before tucking her in for the night. But then again, they said idiots and drunkards always spoke the truth. And she could use some compliments to repay her for taking care of some stupid drunk. “You. Sooo sexy! So hot. Beautiful!” “And to think I’m barely showing you anything yet.” This was arguably very different from the cozy movie night she had looked forward to, but already Marion could get behind this change of plans. If Carla felt a bit frisky, well, then Marion saw no harm in letting her gawk and worship her exactly as she deserved. “C’mon, if you really think I’m sexy then show me how fast I make you want to rub!” “Yesss!” If she didn’t know better she could have sworn the situation was getting to her. It almost felt like with each compliment she received she got more and more lightheaded. “Tell me, Carla, do you think I’m hot, huh?” “Soo hot!” “I see.” Marion grinned, all reservation flying out of the window. The little bitch wanted to rub one out looking at her? Obviously, she should! “Then only look at me and make sure you burn into those eyes exactly how hot girls are.” Carla only grunted in response, her fingers probably buried to the knuckles in her dripping wet cunny. She bent over, deliberately letting the masturbating blonde stare right into her cleavage. “You like what you see, you stupid slut?” “Yesss,” she panted, “Imma stupid sluuuut!” “Goodness, you really get dumb when you’re drunk on this stuff, huh?” All she could do was whimper, but Marion had no doubt even if the girl had been capable of words at this point she’d just offered some slurred echo of whatever she told her anyhow. Pose after pose just made Carla stroke herself a little harder, a tiny bit faster. And with each new pose Marion teased her, gloating over how much of a slut Carla was for her looks. It was incredible how aroused the girl got whenever she told her off for being such a useless and stupid drunk. So not only did she have the hots for girls, she even was into getting humiliated? Not like Marion ever wanted to know that much about her neighbor in the first place, but now that she did there probably was no harm in humoring her. “Alright,” her fingers parted the front of her silk robe to bare her body to Carla who began to desperate mewl at the sight, “If you are such a horny slave to my tits and cunt, watch how divine it feels to fuck me!” “Yes, Goddess!” The sudden response surprised the hell out of her, almost enough to slap some reason into Marion’s lust crazed skull again.


“Goddess, you say?” Subconsciously she licked her lips, tasting how that word rolled off the tongue. “Why not? It’s only natural. You are such a wet mess of a slave, such a dumb bitch for my body. So it’s only obvious that in your eyes I am a goddess.” Carla’s whimpers got even more needy, so high-pitched that any trace of human wits seemed gone from them in favor of raw, animalistic desire. Satisfied with her reaction Marion sat on the other end of the couch, making sure to position them both in a way that allowed Carla to keep on staring. She looked so damn silly with those tacky pink glasses over her eyes, her pupils behind them dilated like after a few shots of a powerful drug, unquestioningly absorbing all she saw. All the while adoring Marion and everything she did. The rush of knowing she was the entire centre of the Carla’s world had her dizzy with joy by the time her hands brought the dildo closer to her vagina. She might have promised Nora to never use this while she was alone. But this definitely didn’t count as being alone, no matter how she looked at it. Right? “Watch closely, you bitch slave, how your goddess feels when she gets fucked!”

The first stroke had her scream out in white-hot, searing euphoria, a jolt of dark, burning arousal shooting all the way from her wet slit to her brain to engulf it.

The second time her hands plunged the fake cock into her was entirely automatic. A tiny voice deep inside her mind yelled to stop, to pull it out and just forget about the whole thing. The dildo drilling deeper into her found that voice and silenced it before she could listen.

By the third stroke her jaw hung slack, her eyes just staring off into nothingness while her entire being swam in pleasure.

Marion still heard Carla moan and squeal from touching herself with a passion. She knew on some level that what Carla masturbated to was the sight of watching her fuck herself on Nora’s dildo. But it all was just so far away and unimportant. Nothing was as important as being a willing vessel for this sensation. She couldn’t think of anything she’d rather do than move that cock in and out of her. For however long it wished to fuck her brains into oblivion.

It was impossible to tell if it was her eyes that crossed and eventually fluttered shut or if the bliss of being filled was painting even the inside of her mind with fuzzy darkness. Or maybe it was Nora’s hair as the self proclaimed witch gently took the fake cock from her fingers, now moving it for her and continuing to send her spiraling deeper and deeper into lust until she drifted off into a merciful void between waking and dreaming.

When she opened her eyes sunshine fell through the half opened blinds onto her bed. She didn’t remember ever going to sleep, but in the end that wasn’t relevant anyhow. Getting up Marion went to the kitchen to snack on a cookie. Sweets were a decent meal most every time of the week. Or at least they tasted like it, she admitted with a guilty laugh. Which turned into an embarrassed cough when she spotted Nora’s neat handwriting. On a letter placed on the hands of Carla. Who knelt on the ground next to the tray with a blank smile on her face. That was… weird. “Good morning, Carla. You… okay there?” “I am fine, goddess.” The near mechanical response sparked a swarm of butterflies in her stomach even as all alarm sirens rang in her head. The letter! That might explain something. She picked it up and began to read, but all the words blurred in front of her eyes to seep directly into her brain. She knew this was perfectly normal. Mistress simply placed a new will inside her head. Absorbing Mistress’ instructions from the letter was a matter of moments. She blinked, slightly surprised she had unwaveringly stared at the contents of the page from start to finish. Before her lips curled into a mischievous smirk. “So your little bitch brain has been all broken, huh?” Just from hearing the words a shudder ran through Carla’s body. A sight for sore eyes. And a living, breathing warning what Mistress would do to her should Marion ever screw up keeping something safe for her one more time. Even as she had her new slave put on Mistress’ mittens and cook them both an actually proper breakfast, she could not decide which of those two options made her wetter. She couldn’t wait until Mistress would fuck her again to decide for her.

* * *