The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Disclaimer: This is a story of fantasy. Needless to say, hypnosis does not work this way. Also there are elements of bondage, and rape included in this story. Anyone who condones this kind of activity is sick and should seek help.

Chapter One.... The Discovery

Wanda turned the car down the street towards the object of her destination. She felt slightly uneasy as the car glided to a stop in front of the old closed movie theatre. The old Star theatre sat closed and boarded up in a poor section of town now. Once during the fifthties, it could be claimed that it was the center on attention on a Saturday night. Filled with people staring up at the images of John Wayne, Lauren Bacall, and others and their images flickered off the silver screen. But unfortunately as the late sixties came, as the middle class moved to the newer neighborhoods, and newer theater’s were built, the Star fell on harder times. Just to remain open, it had to resort to soft core X rated movies. This got it by for a few more years barely hanging on. With the introduction of hard core movies in the seventies, it resorted to being a dollar theatre. Finally succumbing in the early eighties, the Star finally boarded up it’s doors in the mid eighties.

Now Wanda had the lousy job of going inside this closed up forsaken building to decide if her company should try to remodel it into a clothing shop or just tear this old building down and start from scratch. Wanda already figured it was going to be the latter but duty called as she gripped the keys to the building along with a flashlight. She was warned that there may not be much electricity or working outlets inside to help her find her way. Now as she locked up her car, she looked at the darkened skies to discover rain starting to fall.

Terrific, she thought, as the sound of Thunder came rumbling from the South. The wind hit her face. This storm is moving in quick so she needed to move quickly. She opened the trunk and removed a candle and candleholder in case she had to resort to using that for light inside the theatre.

She moved up to the old box-office and looked at the empty, dusty, poster frames. Cracked glass covered most of them with signs of graffiti here and there. She saw absolutely nothing worth saving here yet. She fumbled with the keys and finally found one to unlock the big padlock on the outside of the door. After a small struggle with the rust, the lock finally succumbed and gave way. With a mighty tug, the door opened and dust flew from the hinges.

“There has to be a better way to make a living,” Wanda said to nobody in particular and her voice echoed off the dusty walls. Wanda turned on the flashlight and moved inside the main lobby of the once proud theatre. The beam flashed off the old carpet, worn out from too many feet placed upon it’s once bright fabric. Ahead was an old concession stand but everything had been removed, A empty shell where once a popcorn machine had sat. Coke machines was missing and a empty candy counter that had once held candies of all kinds. This place gave Wanda the creeps. On top of that, the storm outside increased. It was raining much harder now and the sound of thunder was getting closer.

Wanda moved on to the auditorium and her flashlight hit the old movie screen that was ripped and tore. Dusty had settled on it to such a degree that it reflected a dull brown color instead of the bright white color it once possessed. Old broken down theatre seats also filled with dust also reflected back from the beam. Not worth the trouble to try and save this building, thought Wanda. She moved back into the main lobby and looked to the right to a stairway that apparently went upstairs to the projection room and managers office. Might as well say I saw the whole place, she thought.

Wanda kept the beam of the flashlight on the stairs and started upstairs. After about a dozen stairs, she reached the second floor and saw what was apparently the managers office straight ahead. She moved up to the partially open door and entered the room. Ahead was a old desk and chair. She tried the light switch but with no luck. She moved around the desk and sat down behind the desk. She could tell it was pouring outside so decided to see if she could wait it out. She noticed that the flashlight was getting a little duller in strength so she reached inside her pulse and pulled out the candle and candleholder and lit the candle and placed it on the desk. The yellow flame filled the room with it’s light.

The old desk had three drawers on the right hand side so out of curiosity, Wanda opened each drawer and looked inside. The first two contained old schedules and forms for inventory of candy and popcorn cases of cups. Wanda’s pulled on the third door and it creaked open to reveal old movie posters folded up. She pulled up the first one and unfolded it and looked to find a shot of three barely dressed women looking back at her with machine guns and a title of THE HOT BOX staring up at her. A classic film of the cinema, she thought as she folded it and replaced it back on the pile. She sorted her way through the pile as the titles stamped on the back side sometimes made it’s way up to Wanda’s line of sight. Wanda finally reached down and pulled out the last one on the bottom. A yellowed old piece of cheap paper filled with dust sat in her hands. She wiped off the dust and slowly unfolded the poster to see what this one might be. Although she could say why, a slight tingling filled her hands suddenly as she moved to unfold the poster. Finally, revealing the poster to Wanda, she found herself catching her breath as the image on the poster opened up. Before her was a old X rated poster from most likely the late sixties. The poster revealed a woman sitting in a chair with her legs crossed. She was dressed in a black dress with a slit up the side to show off much of her shapely leg. There was a whip resting in one hand. There was about three or four people sitting on the floor in admiration looking up at the woman. The woman wore four inch black spiked high heels to go with her outfit. She stared out at the person looking at the poster. But most striking was her eyes. She had dark long flowing hair but the eyes were dark and staring intently at the viewer who looked at this poster. Wanda found her gaze locked on those eyes. Sinister but deeply appealing to look at. Finally, Wanda gaze moved from the eyes down towards the title of the movie. Wanda gasped at the title. WANDA , THE SADISTIC HYPNOTIST in dark and luminous letters shown up in the candlelight. How strange this is, Wanda thought, to open up a old movie poster to find a title that ironically had part of it’s title to be the same name as her.

The thunder outside cracked and roared sinisterly as Wanda laid the poster out on the old desk. She sat back down in the chair and leaned back to relax and took in the poster. She found it strangely striking although X rated fare was not her cup of tea. Again, her eyes locked into the eyes on the poster. She felt a strange tingling as she stared intently into the eyes of the woman in the poster. A woman who’s power was such to have these slaves sitting at her beacon call in front of her. Wanda found that she could not remove her eyes from the eyes on the poster. She felt a comfort come over her body. So peaceful to gaze into those eyes, to look deeply into them in this candlelit room and let this strange feeling flow over her. The more she looked, she more deeper she felt herself going into those eyes. What power it must be to contain such power, she thought.

Finally, as her mind emptied and about ten minutes had elapsed, she quickly took the poster and folded it up and gingerly placed it inside her purse. She took the candle and blew it out leaving it behind in the room. She turned on the flashlight and quickly exited the office and in turn the old closed down theatre. She moved out into the daylight not caring about the rain any longer. She unlocked the door to the car and quickly pulled out into the street. She had a couple of stops to make before going home. If one was to look into Wanda’s eyes, they would have strangely looked like those in the poster she had just viewed and now sat beside her.