The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Scent of Submission

It started when Mega Corp. laid me off. I had been working there ever since graduation from the University. It had been pretty convenient, moving from the dorm to an apartment in the same town, going to the same bars and movie theaters, even wearing pretty much the same clothes. Like an extension of college I guess, except I was getting paid.

When they laid me off I got a severance package, and that allowed me to keep going for a while. But there wasn’t a lot of work around in a University town for someone with my skills and so after a few months I began to get a bit desperate. Of course, not desperate enough to leave the town and look for work elsewhere. But desperate still. I became kind of unkempt, didn’t eat well and since I couldn’t afford to go out on dates, definitely very horny.

I also had lots of time on my hands and so, mostly to keep busy, I began bicycling and walking around the Campus again. One day I saw a typed sign on a bulletin looking for paid volunteers for a psychology experiment. I tore off one of the little strips of paper at the bottom and that afternoon I called. The female voice on the answering machine said if I was calling about the ad, to leave my name, phone number and address. So I did what she said. About a day or two later I got a long questionnaire to fill out. I thought some of the questions were pretty weird and personal, but I figured, what the hey, it was probably written by a Psych Grad student, so it was to be expected. Still I did my best to fill it out and sent it back that afternoon.

It was about a week later when she called and told me to come down to a building on campus at 10:00am the next day. When I got there I was let in by a young female grad student. She had long dark brown hair up in a bun and was wearing large framed black eyeglasses and a white lab coat. The only color came from a paisley silk scarf tied around her neck. I remember thinking she would be kind of good looking if she was dressed differently- less severe and straightlaced. But back then almost any woman who was willing to talk to me probably would have looked pretty good. The first thing she told me was that the experiment would pay $50 a day and that if I turned out to be a good subject I could probably do it for five days. But that I had to commit in advance to at least five days and spending most of the day and sometimes evenings. I would have to sign a number of releases and secrecy agreements. And I wouldn’t be paid until the end of the experiment, and then only if I completed the whole thing. It seemed a bit strange, but $250 bucks seemed like a huge sum right about then and so I was determined to be the best subject she had ever seen.

Then she told me the experiment was part of a study the University was doing in connection with undersea exploration and space travel It was to test the effect of minor sensory deprivation on the subjects’ ability to function and follow directions. She seemed to be trying to hide something under a lot of jargon and I immediately flashed on the fact that it was probably some very politically incorrect experiment funded by the military and that it was probably hard to get students to go along with. Hence the time commitment and secrecy. But after working at Mega Corp., that didn’t bother me in the least.

I was eager to start. After I’d signed a bunch of papers she slid over to me, she led me into a backroom with a wooden chair in the middle and told me to sit down.

“We’re kind of low budget here, Dave. I hope you don’t mind. I f this was a big lab we’d have all sorts of equipment and stuff. But we don’t so we have to be creative and make do. Is that okay with you?”

“Sure.” I said.

“Okay, I’m going to put a blindfold on you now.” she said. As she lifted her arms to put it over my face, her lab coat parted and I saw that she was wearing a black cashmere sweater underneath with the colorful paisley silk scarf tucked between a beautiful pair of tits. For a moment I almost thought that they would smother my face as she leaned forward to put the blindfold on me. But they remained tantalizingly out of reach. The only thing that enveloped me was the strong intoxicating scent of her perfume. I’d never smelled it before. It was sweet and floral but had a powerfully musky undertone that was deeply sexual.

“Can you see anything David?” she asked. “Good. Now I want you to stand up. We’re going to start off very simply. We’re going to test your sense of perception. I am going to walk around the room and I want you to follow me, just by the sound of my voice. I will keep speaking the whole time. Remember, just listen carefully to the sound of my voice, and follow me.”

I remember thinking that this was going to be easy. She thought I had to go just on the sound of her voice, but she hadn’t counted on the scent of that heady perfume she was wearing. I could follow her anywhere by that. She led me around the room a couple of times, and changed direction a couple of times trying to confuse me. But every antenna I had was up. I was listening attentively to her voice and also following her scent. I was totally attuned to her and could track her as if I had radar.

“You’re doing very well, Dave. I’m very pleased with you.”

“Now turn left, Dave. Good. You’re doing very well.”

“Do you want to continue, Dave?”

“Keep listening to the sound of my voice Dave, and follow me.”

“Very good, Dave. I’m going to lead you back to the chair now.” I felt her place her hands on my shoulders and then she pressed forward, guiding me backwards to the chair. When my legs touched the seat, she gently but firmly pushed me down. “Let me just check the blindfold again, David.” She said. As her hands moved up to my face, I sensed her body moving closer to me. I could smell the perfume more strongly and almost thought I could sense the heat of her body. Was it my imagination that she seemed to be taking longer than really necessary to check the blindfold? I leaned forward, hoping to “accidently” feel her breasts along my cheeks, but, by chance or design, I still don’t know, she pulled my head back by the straps of the blindfold.

“You are doing very well, David, I’m so pleased. Now we’re going to try something else. I want to see if you were able to follow me because of the placement of my voice. Again, I’m sorry we don’t have any real sophisticated way to do this, Dave. So, I want you to get down on your hands and knees now and follow my voice. You don’t mind doing that for me, do you?”

Mind? For $250 bucks just to follow a chick around a room I thought to myself? No way, I didn’t mind. Besides, she said I had surprised her and that I was doing well. Well, I planned to keep on surprising her for the whole rest of the week.

We began again, but, this time with me following along behind her on my hands and knees. I could hear her voice above me, but I could barely smell her perfume, and so at first I began to get confused and lost her a few times. But I was really determined to do well. Then I noticed that if I stuck really close to her. I could still get a faint smell of her (I wondered if she had perfumed her legs too) and I found I was much better able to hear her shoes hitting the tiled floor. Soon, by staying very close to her, listening very carefully and keeping my head pointed up to better breathe the scent, I was able to follow her perfectly. ‘Course, the only problem was that, staying so close to her, a few times when she picked up her foot to take a step, her shoe almost hit me in the face. Then I almost tripped her once and she got real mad. But I apologized and after I promised that I would try not to be so clumsy, she let me continue the test.

“So far, you appear to be a natural subject, Dave. I’m going to go right ahead with the next step.”

“Okay ah...uhm. Hey I don’t know your name!”

“Yes, that’s right, Dave. Very good. That’s actually part of the experiment. You see, since the results are for—”

“Ha! I already know,” I said “This is going to be for the Army, right?”

“Well, I’m really not able to tell you the purpose of this experiment or who it is being done for, David. But, well... okay, you’ve been such a good subject. I will tell you this much, let’s just say that this is being done in order to determine the most effective way of insuring that when a man is given an order by his superior, he will obey. In fact, you are so receptive, that perhaps we can take the next step a bit earlier than I planned. From now on, just to make this more real, you should just call me, ‘M’am’. And when you answer me, you should just answer, ‘Yes, M’am’ or ‘No, M’am’ Okay?”

I chuckled, having so cleverly figured it out so quickly. Okay, I’d play along. I needed that dough. Maybe, if I did really well I could even extend it for a week or two.

“Yes, M’am.” I said.

She chuckled now too.

“Dave. I’m going to give you a small notebook now. I want you to take it home with you and record all your impressions of today’s session. I want as much detail as you can give me. It’s very important that you don’t hold anything back from me. Hold out your hand, I’m going to give you the notebook now. When you hear me leave the room, you can take off the blindfold, and leave it on the chair. Then you can let yourself out the front door. Be back here tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. Sharp.

Then I heard her walk across the room. I heard the door open and close and then it was quiet. I felt kind of funny, like something was missing. I took off the blindfold and left.

When I got home that night I took out the notebook she had given to me. It was a small black leather covered notebook. I tried to think what to write. I didn’t even know where to begin. Hell, I didn’t know there’d be homework too! While I was trying to think, the memory of her perfume came back to me. Then I realized, it wasn’t just the memory, the smell of it was all over the notebook. She must have had it in a pocket or someplace else, where it had picked up her scent. I held it to my nose and breathed it in. The day came back to me and I began to write.

* * *

When I arrived the next day there was a note on the door. It said that the door was unlocked and I should just go in. In the first room was another note. This one said:

“I must attend to a few things before we begin. Leave the notebook here in the office and then go inside. Sit down, put the blindfold on and wait for me.”

I did what the note said. I must have been waiting for almost ten minutes when I heard the door open behind me and then her footsteps.

“David, I’m very, very disappointed in you. You had been doing so well, too. You’ve almost ruined my whole experiment. You were supposed to follow me by the sound of my voice only, but you didn’t did you?”

“I, I”

“No, I don’t want to hear it, David. You were supposed to follow my instructions and follow me by my voice, but instead, you used other senses. You followed the smell of my perfume, didn’t you? I told you that this was an experiment using sensory deprivation, but you didn’t listen. I can’t have that sort of thing, David.”

“Do you want to continue with this experiment, David? Or shall I get someone new?

“I really need the money, M’am, please let me continue.”

“Well, then we’re going to have to start all over again. However, I do not intend to change my manner of dress or my perfume because of your disobedience. Instead I’m going to have to change the experiment a bit. So you like the smell of my perfume David?”


“And that’s another thing. I’m going to have to be more strict about seeing that you comply with all of the rules and agreements. You didn’t call me M’am as you agreed to.”

“I’m sorry M’am.

“I can see that the only way to prevent you from getting clues from my perfume is to surround you with it. But I can’t just spray it in the air, because perfume changes on every woman who wears it. What you smelled was my personal scent. A mixture of my perfume and my own bodily scents. A mixture of my musk and sweat and my essence. Even my mood at the time. It’s what we scientists call pheromones. It is totally unique to me.”

“So if you liked my scent, David, you only can get it from me. But I’m going to let you get plenty of it for the rest of the week”.

“You want to continue with our experiment, don’t you David?”

“Yes, M’am.”

“And you want to continue smelling my scent too, don’t you?”

The scent intensified and I felt a warm softness around my head. “Yes, M’am, I do.”

“This is my scarf you’re feeling, David. Remember? I always wear it tied around my neck with the corners of the scarf tucked into my sweater, between my breasts. It’s absorbed the scent of my perfume. I’m going to wrap it around your forehead now, so it hangs over the blindfold. And I’m going to let the two corners that were tucked between my breasts drape over the front of your face and nose. You will smell my scent the whole time you are here. Now, sit there for a few minutes before we begin. Breathe it in, David. Let it fully permeate your senses. I want you to relax now and remain sitting until my scent is the only thing you smell.”

I breathed deeply and it was as if I were becoming enveloped by her scent. I kept trying not to think of her pulling and holding my head between her breasts. The scent was around me and inside me. It crowded out everything else. Like some sort of cloud or fog of her. In moments I felt wrapped within it. Within her. It was as if she were not only there in the room with me, but all around me and inside me too. When she spoke next it was as if she were speaking inside me as well as to me.

“Can you smell my scent, David, all around you?”

“Yes, M’am.”

“Do you like my scent, David?”

“Yes, M’am.”

“You were following my instructions so well yesterday. You want to continue to follow them today, don’t you?”

“Yes, M’am.”

“Good, that makes me very happy, David. Now relax and just continue to breathe in the scent of my perfume.”

“It’s a strong, sexy scent, isn’t it David? But very pleasant, very comforting to you.”

“Yes, it is, M’am”.

“It feels wonderful to smell my scent, David. And you want to keep on smelling it, don’t you David?”

“Yes, M’am.”

“It makes you feel secure, David. It’s very pleasurable to you.”

“And you don’t want me to take my fragrance away from you. You want to remain enveloped in the warm comfort of my scent. You would do anything I tell you to in order to remain enveloped by my wonderful fragrance.”

“You’re going to follow all my directions so that you can continue to breathe my scent.”

“Yes, M’am.”

“Continue to relax, David and continue to smell my scent. Continue to let it lead you deeper inside. Follow my scent, David. Follow my words as they take you deeper and deeper into my scent.”

“Every breath you take, David, intensifies the scent and the pleasure it gives you. With every breath you take the scent takes you deeper and deeper into it. Deeper and deeper. You get more and more and more pleasure with each breath of my scent.”

“You can feel yourself surrendering to the power of my scent, David. The more you surrender to the power of my scent, David, the more pleasure it will give you and the better it will make you feel.”

“Do you want it to give you even more pleasure, David?”

“Yes, M’am.”

“Then go with it, surrender to it, David and it will give you even more pleasure. The more power you give it, the more pleasure it will give you.”

“You’re in a warm, wonderful place now, David. You don’t want to leave it. In fact, you know that whenever you smell my scent in the future, you will immediately be transported back here.”

“Whenever you smell my scent you will feel happy, because you know that you will be soon be coming back to this warm pleasant place. And all you have to do to remain here, is to do whatever I tell you to do... You want to do what I tell you so that you can continue to smell this scent.”


“Yes, M’am?”

“I want you to stand up now. And as you do, you will feel even more pleasure from breathing in my scent. It makes you even happier and gives you even more pleasure to obey me and smell my scent even more deeply.”

“I’m going to take off the blindfold now, David. But the scarf with my scent will remain tied over your head. Your whole face will feel my scarf now, and you will be taken even more deeply into my pleasurable place.”

Kneel down, now David. That’s right. I’m going to lift my skirt David, and allow you to place your face deep within my lap. When I do, you will feel my scent transform itself. It will be the same wonderful scent you love, but now it will make you very, very excited. It will give you deep sexual feelings. Your cock will get hard with every breath of my scent now.”

“Yes, let me draw your head down, David. Let me draw your head down deep between my thighs. My scent is even stronger there David. It’s very exciting to you. The closer you get the more you want to experience my scent there David. You feel the warmth of my scent get warmer and stronger, David. My scent is becoming positively hot now, the closer you come. This is where it comes from David. My scent is strongest here between my thighs, David. Feel it pulling you deeper and deeper.”

“I’m going to lay you down on the floor now, David, and turn you over on your back where you can smell my scent more strongly. I’m going to place my shins over your shoulders now, and straddle your face. I’m going to lift the scarf off your face and sit over you so that you can smell my scent from it’s deepest source.”

“You want to go deeper into that wonderful place David... where my scent is. You want to go deeper and deeper. You want to press your nose and your tongue deep inside and drink in the liquid essence of my scent now. Go ahead, David, you may.”

“You may lick me now, David.”

“Wet your lips and your tongue now David, and lick me.”

“Lick around the outside and inside of the lips.”

“Yes, keep on licking me, David. Make me wet.”

“Put your tongue on the split between my lips David. Very wet now, slip your tongue in between my lips.”

“A little deeper, now. The scent is drawing you deeper in.”

“Deeper now. Lick me deeper, David. Taste me with your lips and your tongue. The taste of my scent is the most wonderful thing you’ve ever known. You want to taste it. You want it to flow over you. You want to make the liquid essence of my scent flood all over you.”

Lick me, David. Yes, deeper. Closer now. It’s coming closer now.”

“Feel the little pearl inside now David. Gently now, lick it . It’s so delicate, so wonderful to touch it. Yes, that’s it. Explore it, caress it with your tongue.”

“It’s starting to flow now, David. Take the pearl in your lips and gently suck on it. Bring the liquid scent out of me, David. It’s starting to flow, now. Bring it gushing out of me. Let it envelope and cover you.”

“David, it’s coming now. Oh...I’m coming all over your face now David. My scent is filling your mouth and your nose. Feel it David. It’s so hot and thick. Oh God, yes! Drink me. All of me, David. Oh yes! Oh yes! You love it. You can’t stop. You can’t stop. You won’t stop. My scent is drenching you. It smells so wonderful. It feels so wonderful.”

“It is so wonderful.”

“You’ll always want it, when you smell my scent.”

“You’ll want it more than anything.”

“You will always want to obey me, so that you can have it.”

“Won’t you, David?”