The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: Sleight of Mind

Ramon Barrera thought he was impressive. Faria could tell by the way he walked. By the way he swept back his medium-length hair and left a streak of gray in it when he dyed it. It was obvious from his slim-cut dark suit, with too many buttons left open on the shirt beneath, that he was cultivating a certain “suave silver fox” aesthetic.

It was more or less working for him, although Faria had no idea why he thought the cane would be a good idea.

Faria wasn’t impressed of course. You could find men just like Ramon at any given casino on the strip, usually trying to fool younger women into believing that they’re rich. Although Ramon acted like he was one of a kind, he was actually a dime a dozen.

To be fair, most of the other men of Ramon’s type weren’t famous magicians, so he did have at least one distinguishing characteristic. It had been a few years since he was a household name, but even Faria knew who he was, despite not having much use for pop culture. He had also been in the news quite a bit recently…

“Please explain what brings you here today, Mr. Barrera,” said Faria, leaning back in her chair.

“Of course, my dear!” Said Ramon in a booming baritone, flashing a wide, fake smile. “It all has to do with my former protégé, Rebecca. Better known, perhaps, as “Becky Hex”.” As he pronounced the stage name of the woman he loathed, his false cheerfulness slipped for a moment, making him look like the bitter old man that he was.

Without needing to be asked, he thrust the photo he had been asked to bring across the desk to Faria. He had chosen a poster for one of Becky’s shows, indicating his fixation on her professional success. It showed a lithe, petite woman in a black bodysuit, an almost cartoony witch’s hat on her head. With a discerning eye for sexual potential, Faria noted instantly that, although her hips and ass were captivatingly curvy, Becky’s chest was as flat as a board. Well, you couldn’t have it all. Becky was wearing heavy makeup: pale white with dramatic black cat eyes. Her pouty, black lips were raised in a mysterious half-smile as she reached a hand towards the viewer as if beckoning them.

She was certainly a young woman with a sense of style. Popular as well. From what Faria could gather on the internet, Becky had a large fan base due to her daring style, high-energy shows, and especially for her vocal support for the positive influence of witchcraft, astrology, and spiritualism for modern women. You could buy “Becky Hex” branded tarot cards, star charts, and “spell kits”. Stage magic was a dying art, but through social media engagement and tapping into a cultural interest in magic, Becky was making it work.

“And what exactly has Ms. Hex done to you, Mr. Barrera?” said Faria, flicking her eyes up from the captivating poster to Ramon Barrera’s grim face.

“Only ruined my entire career,” he growled.

“Not every magician is as nice as me,” he began, settling into a lecturing style, “Many hoard their secrets carefully. However, I’ve always believed in supporting fresh talent. I’ve taken many upcoming young magicians under my wing over the years as a gesture of goodwill. Becky was the most recent, and by God, I wish I never met her.”

He took a deep breath to steady himself, his broad shoulders rising and falling, then continued. “She soaked up my knowledge like a sponge, then, when had gotten everything she could from me, she stabbed me in the back.”

“The scandal,” said Faria flatly, letting the poster drop to the desk. Ramon nodded.

“I let it slip to Becky that I had dated one or two of my former assistants. Now!” He said sharply, holding up a hand, “I want to be absolutely clear: as I have said in the press, each of these relationships was one hundred percent consensual. I’ve had many, many assistants whom I have not dated. There are absolutely no expectations of anything other than professionalism for the young women whom I employ. These relationships happened naturally, due to mutual attraction.”

“But you have to admit, a boss hitting on his employees is at the very least a troubling dynamic,” said Faria with a raised eyebrow.

Ramon nodded his head a fraction and muttered, “I concede that it’s a moral gray area. But it wasn’t the sort of salacious harassment that the press seems to think. In any case, Becky leaked the story, and managed to spin it to make me appear to be some sort of monster.”

Faria examined Ramon with a critical eye. She understood why people would instinctively believe he was capable of what the press implied. He gave off a seedy, sleazy vibe. Was Ramon being totally honest? If Faria decided to proceed with Becky Hex, she would be able to figure out the whole truth. “I don’t remember hearing Becky’s name attached to this story…” Faria said musingly, swiveling back and forth in her chair.

Ramon shook his head in frustration. “She’s too smart to be tied to the scandal directly, but it has her style all over it. You have to understand, sometimes my profession attracts people like her. Megalomanics, if you will allow me to be over-dramatic. One way to see magic is that you are using your skills, planning, and brains to fool a crowd of idiots. I don’t see it that way, but Becky does. She sees the whole world that way: she is the smartest person in the room, and everyone else is a sucker ripe for exploitation. Once she sniffed out my weakness, she put her brains to work and destroyed me. I deserved it in her mind: I had something she wanted, and I was dumber than her. And I’m not the first! Ask almost anyone who has ever worked with the girl. I have a list as long as my arm of people she had stepped on to get where she is. Promoters, venues, suppliers, craftsmen, fellow magicians. The list goes on!”

“What would she have to gain by fabricating your scandal?” asked Faria suspiciously. She still wasn’t completely sold on Ramon’s version of events.

Ramon tapped the poster on the desk between them with a thick finger. “This was my tour! After I fell from grace, she was right there, whispering in the organizer’s ear about how it would save the tour to hire a young, socially conscious female magician to replace me.”

Faria nodded slowly. It was an elegant plan if that really was what happened.

“It’s not just me who was hurt by this,” said Ramon with weary disgust, “My former assistants, all of whom I am still on excellent terms with, for the record, had their names dragged into this as well. Even as supposed victims, they’ve suffered from unwanted media scrutiny. Becky has a lot to answer for. More people will get hurt if she doesn’t learn her lesson.”

Faria stared down at the captivating young woman on the promotional poster. Could cold, calculating viciousness really lie behind those mischievous eyes? “The price for this project is set at twenty-five thousand dollars,” she said. She had initially leaned towards refusing the oily magician across from her, but something about this ‘Becky Hex’ was interesting. Maybe she would be willing to follow this up if Ramon could answer her other questions correctly.

“Of course!” Said Ramon with a smile, “I can write you a check before I leave today.”

“One more thing,” said Faria, leaning across the table with an intense look in her eyes, “what exactly is your desired result, Mr Barrera? How would you like me to hypnotize Becky?”

A sharp smile broke across Ramon Barrera’s face as he thought about the prospect. “Becky gets off on being the smartest person in the room. I think it would be… instructive if she knew how it felt for everyone in the room to be smarter than her. She made trouble for me and my former assistants, so maybe she should know what it feels like to be an assistant who is helplessly in love with her boss.”

Faria grinned. “I’ll be in touch, Mr. Barrera.”

* * *

Faria had no problem forcing people to follow commands temporarily but to alter a person’s mind permanently, she needed to understand her target’s true self. Only then could she pitch her voice correctly to interfere with their thought patterns.

If what Ramon said was correct, a wily con artist like Becky would never reveal her true self to someone she had just met. But Faria was experienced by this point. She had a variety of tricks available when the situation called for subtlety.

Becky opened the dressing room door with a bang, immediately glaring at Faria. “So you’re the person who’s going to take up my whole evening,” she said wearily, slumping into a chair. Although her slinky, bottom-heavy body was just as tight and tempting as the poster had implied, the body suit Becky wore wasn’t nearly as skin-tight as the one in the poster. Sex sells, thought Faria with amusement. Faria simply nodded at the young magician in response. Becky sighed.

“So let me get this straight.” Said Becky in an unimpressed voice, “You want an anonymous source to tell you about what it’s like to be a stage magician. For an article.” She looked skeptical.

“That’s correct.” Said Faria simply, smiling one of her Sphinx-like smiles.

“And this interview will be compensated?” Continued Becky with a raised eyebrow.

“Absolutely.” Faria, of course, had no intention of paying anyone for the conversation about to take place, but that was no issue: no one but her would remember that it happened.

Becky raised her arms above her head and stretched, giving Faria an excellent view of her sweet little body. Although she was lacking in the breast department, no one would ever call her mannish or angular: her hips and ass were all feminine curves, pressing tightly up against her body suit. Faria almost licked her lips. “Well, what the hell then.” Said Becky, resignedly, “If everything is anonymous, what do I have to lose?” She tapped a pack of cigarettes and lit one up, leaning back in her chair. “Hit me with your first question, the sooner we get started, the sooner we can be done.”

Faria nodded and looked down at her notebook, pretending to be a little shy. If Becky felt contempt towards her, it would make her job easier. “Do you enjoy your job?” She asked, feigning nervousness.

Becky blew out a cloud of smoke and gave her a flat look, putting her thick, gorgeous legs up on her desk “Wow. Starting with the hard-hitting questions I see. Sure. I guess. The job is mainly getting up on stage every night and fooling the average Joe. I’m skilled at it, but that alone wouldn’t take a genius. The average Joe is pretty dumb.” She added the last with a smirk on her face.

Perfect. Ramon had been accurate, at least on that score. Becky’s body language, her tone, and her words were already giving Faria a good idea of the kind of person she was. She just needed a little more.

“I understand that you have a line of products you sell. Horoscopes, tarot cards, and spirit boards. How did you get into that business? Do you believe in magic?” Asked Faria.

Becky paused, her eyebrows drawing together, cigarette smoldering between her fingers. “I thought I was an anonymous source. Including that question would identify me. What kind of interview is this?” Her dramatic makeup gave her an air of superiority, which added weight to her withering glare.

Oops, I guess she’s just as sharp as she claims, thought Faria ruefully. Time to smooth things over a bit. Faria should have a good enough lock on Becky for that at least.

You can be honest with me Becky

The voice came out slippery and strange, and for a moment, Rebecca Holcombe, better known as Becky Hex, looked confused and disoriented. Then her face smoothed over, and she looked calm once again.

“Come on, Becky,” said Faria coaxingly, “Off the record. I just want to get to know my interview subject better.”

“Well, when you put it like that…” murmured Becky, the last of her confusion clearing away. Her black-painted lips quirked up into a mocking smile. “I got into magical shit because my team’s market research showed that it was what my biggest fans were already buying. My fans aren’t that bright, so we were confident we could sucker them into buying more crap if we put my name on it.” Becky looked surprised at her own honesty, not knowing that it had been influenced by Faria’s abilities. She pulled a flask out of a drawer and took a long swig before offering it to Faria, who shook her head.

Becky continued, as if now that she had started, she couldn’t stop the flow of truth. “As for believing, of course fucking not. All of that shit is made up.”

“Are you saying that it is just an empowering, fun pastime for people that they shouldn’t take too seriously?” asked Faria innocently.

Becky threw her head back and barked a nasty laugh. “You’re not listening to me. I’m not saying that at all. I’m saying that you would have to be a fucking moron to touch any of it with a ten-foot pole. All of the stuff I sell is bought wholesale from a factory in China that uses the lowest possible quality materials. It’s crap, I’m just lucky enough to have fans that will pay me for it.”

Faria smiled. She had what she needed. Time to get to business.

Get up and lock the door, Becky She said. This time her vocal control had been perfected. Without any confusion, Becky immediately rose and locked the door, then sat back down. Only then did her eyes widen as she realized she had moved involuntarily.

Don’t move from that chair, and don’t make a sound unless I tell you to or ask a question Said Faria, heading off any screams from her trapped interviewee.

Becky’s eyes darted around, her face a mask of shock and helpless fury. It was an expression that Faria had seen many times, and it never got old.

You will obey all commands spoken in my normal voice said Faria, and cleared her throat. “That’s better. Now, your interviewer has just a few more questions for you.”

Becky seemed to have gotten over her initial shock. Not bad, thought Faria. It normally took her targets a little longer. “Did you fabricate the scandal against your former mentor, Ramon Barrera?”

“I would hardly call that old creep my mentor,” answered Becky, keeping a cool, rational tone, “I found him useful for a while.”

“Answer the question.”

“Yes.” Said Becky simply with a defiant tilt to her chin.


“Because I could. He was dumb enough to get caught in my trap. Next time he will think more carefully.”

“And you were aware that his relationships were consensual?”

“As if that matters.” Said Becky, huffing and crossing her thick thighs over one another, “A horny old man like him hitting on his young female employees was bad enough, I just embellished things a little.”

“Ramon claims that you have a habit of stabbing people in the back, metaphorically speaking. Would you say that’s accurate?”

Becky shrugged lazily, a smug look crossing her face. “Ramon calls it backstabbing, I call it ruthless cunning. It’s a dog-eat-dog world.”

Well, that answered Faria’s question. Ramon, as creepy as he seemed, had been telling the truth: Becky had completely made up the scandal and was a conniving untrustworthy bitch as well. Just one more criteria to meet before Becky could proceed…

Faria gave her normal disclaimer.

“By requesting my services to be performed on you, my client has wronged you at least as much as you have wronged them. Therefore I will offer you a chance to escape what is about to happen. The fee charged to my client in this instance was $25,000. If you are willing to double that price, I will offer you the chance to simply walk away, or craft a reversed punishment for him. Are you interested?”

Becky didn’t ask what services were going to be performed. It seemed she had already guessed that it had to do with the mental control Faria had trapped her with. She had a shrewd, calculating look in her eyes. “What if I offered you 30,000 instead? You make five thousand more, and don’t need to deal with that slimeball.”

Faria chuckled and shook her head. Becky had overthought her way into trouble this time.

“Wrong answer, Becky.”

* * *

Becky Hex sat in her dressing room chair, stiff and uncomfortable and completely naked.

Her thick hips and thighs made Faira want to dive right in with her hands and feel their soft roundness. Her tits, while only teacup size, and not as tempting as her lower half, were at least adorable, their big, thick nipples already standing earnestly at attention. Becky had a thin strip of light brown public hair, confirming that her head was dyed, and her pussy was puffy and juicy-looking. Coming in at just over 5 feet, Becky had a bratty little body just begging to be punished by a cock.

A pity her mind wasn’t as attractive.

“So what, is this supposed to be hypnotism?” Said Becky testily, “I’ve seen all the tricks. Just more bullshit to fool idiots. It’s mainly just the audience playing along.”

“Well honey,” said Faria patiently, “If you’re just playing along, then you’re being VERY accommodating.” She gave a slow, lingering glance up and down her captive’s body, drawing a blush even through Becky’s thick, pale makeup.

“Whatever,” mumbled Becky, looking away and squirming uncomfortably. “What do you want from me anyway?”

“Oh, it’s not about what I want Becky. I’m just here on behalf of my client. And he wants a subservient little bimbo assistant. That’s exactly what I plan to give him.”

Becky laughed incredulously, then caught Faria’s evil smirk, and stopped.

“You can’t be serious. I hate assistants. Airheaded little sluts who prance around and simper over their master’s tricks. I would never.”

“That’s right.” Said Faria happily, “YOU would never, but our job tonight is to plant the seeds of a whole new you. Now, I got some good starting points from our little interview before, so I think we can move straight into programming.”

“Wait! I changed my mind! I can definitely afford 50,000! Just let me…”

Be silent. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply. You are completely calm. Completely relaxed. Completely receptive.

Becky relaxed back into her chair, concern fading away from her face. She began breathing deeply, hands folded in her lap.

The next words that I speak will be your new thoughts. They will replace your old thoughts like they were never there.

Becky sat, for once not scheming, just quiet and attentive. Her delicate features were beautiful now that they weren’t twisted into an expression of smug superiority.

It is natural to trust and defer to people who are smarter than me. This one seemed like a safe, easy-to-digest command. Becky might even currently agree with it… she just didn’t think anyone was smarter than her. Yet.

“—smarter than me.” Becky’s voice came a half second after Faria’s, quieter than a whisper.

Faria also had to get Becky attached mentally to Ramon as soon as possible. Once she was under Ramon’s influence, the man would be able to mold Becky further with Faria’s direction.

Ramon Barrera is a genius and an incredibly handsome man. I am powerfully attracted to him.

“—attracted to him.” Becky’s eyebrows creased slightly as she repeated this command. Facial expressions were a good guide to how easily her targets’ minds would absorb new thoughts. Some thoughts would sink in rapidly if they were close enough to the original way of thinking. Others could take months of conditioning and training by the client before they would take full hold. Faria had expected Becky to resist this command much more. Her barely creased eyebrows meant that there had been at least SOME attraction there already. Interesting. A little crush on her older mentor? You certainly wouldn’t expect it based on how she talked about him.

Faria snapped her fingers, bringing Becky out of programming mode.

“Ok, enough of the preliminaries. Time for some of those hard-hitting questions you were craving, Ms. Magician…”

* * *

Becky couldn’t wait to truly make it in the industry. Sure, she was a popular online figure, and her merch sales were taking off, but the ultimate plan was a permanent residency in a Vegas casino. It would be a sweet life, where she could do the same shitty show for the idiot public every night on autopilot, and spend the rest of her time working out sponsorships and merchandising deals. The tour should have been Becky’s ticket to the big time. National exposure, her name in lights, an actual damn promotion budget for a change. She had hoped that it would be easy to worm her way into some sort of residency after such a success.

But she should have known better.

The whole magic industry was a dinosaur run by dinosaurs. Narrowminded. Shortsighted. Idiots. Everyone seemed to hold a grudge against her for doublecrossing them at some point. Didn’t they understand that they deserved it for being such idiots? There was no greater insult in Becky Hex’s vocabulary than “idiot”, and she certainly did apply to a large number of people.

Long story short, Becky was facing the age-old problem of any professional performer: a lack of gigs. So, although she was cautious, she didn’t immediately turn Ramon Barrera down when he requested a meeting about a possible joint venture. If Ramon was stupid enough to come running back to her after being burned the last time, Becky certainly wasn’t going to chase him away.

When Ramon strode into her office, she had a sudden strange feeling. A sense that her memory of the magician in front of her didn’t quite match up with her memory of the man. Becky’s memory of the man was a slightly handsome old blowhard who talked too much for his own good and had an annoying soft spot for the cow-titted young women he hired.

But the man she met today… looked good. Strangely attractive. Rugged and confident, with an intelligent gleam in his eye. It flustered Becky a little, leaving her uncharacteristically tongue-tied as she rose to shake his hand. Instead of the handshake she was expecting, she found herself being embraced, feeling Ramon’s strong arms pull her small, soft body into his large, muscular one. She could smell some sort of complex, spicy cologne as she was crushed against his body. It felt… right. But it wasn’t a good way to start a meeting. After enjoying Ramon’s powerful hug for a second too long, Becky cleared her throat and broke the embrace, trying to get the meeting started.

“So Ramon, you had some sort of proposal…?” She asked, trying to suppress the soft smile that kept trying to pull up the corners of her lips. She had to be in control here so she could trick Ramon into the best terms possible. Why was she so happy to see him? If dried-up old has-beens like Ramon Barrera were starting to look good to her, it had been too long since she had gotten laid. Maybe she should go out tonight, find a boy toy to wrap around her finger…

Once Ramon started explaining his plan, Becky had to admit she was impressed. Ramon had always been a smart guy, it was why Becky respected him so much (did she respect him? The thought felt odd for a second. Of course she did. The odd feeling slipped away.) This plan was good even for him. He had managed to use his connections to secure funding for a big show. They would have the resources to pull out all the stops. Enough money for a full six months of development and production of bespoke props and costumes in a rented workshop space. They would advertise it to Ramon’s fans as a show starring him, and to Becky’s fans with her as the headliner. In theory, they could hit two very different demographics and double their profits. As he explained, Becky found, to her horror that she had started twisting a lock of hair around her finger, smiling as she stared at his flashing smile and soulful gray eyes. She had to force herself to drop her hand to the desk and set her mouth into a straight line. What was wrong with her today?

Becky liked the look of it. She was frankly shocked that an old washed-up magician like Ramon had the connections to secure this level of funding. But there was no reason to let Ramon know that she was impressed. “I don’t know,” she said with a sigh, painting an unimpressed look onto her face, “You’re brand is pretty much toxic at this point. I’m not sure I want to be the token woman who rehabilitates the image of the old misogynist.”

“And that’s why the contract favors you so much.” Said Ramon with a wink, sliding a sheaf of papers across the desk.

Becky took a few moments to flip through it. He wasn’t kidding. She was guaranteed a flat amount of money that would by itself compensate her for the pre-production time, plus fifty percent of the profits of the show after her flat fee had been deducted. It was an almost suspiciously good deal. Her eyes flicked up to the handsome older man across from her, weighing him. She had a deep feeling that she could trust Ramon. He was a smart guy. Maybe even smarter than her. But she was sure she could squeeze out a little more.

“I want one thing added,” said Becky briskly. Her heart beat a little faster like it always did when the adrenaline of conning someone kicked in. “I want full control. Creative and financial. I’m the boss, you’re my employee. I make all decisions.” She was pushing things a little far, but that was how negotiation worked: you staked out an extreme position and made your opponent come to you.

“Done!” said Ramon casually, “I’ll have my people update the contract before we sign.”

Becky almost laughed out loud. This senile old idiot. He had just handed her the keys to the whole operation with barely any pressure at all. Lording it over this old fool as the boss would almost make the whole thing worth it by itself.

Becky flipped through the rest of the document, just to see if any more immediate changes could be made before her people looked it over. A clause caught her eye. She would forfeit her profits and be fired if she was found to be “physically or mentally incapable of performing.” The physical thing made sense: maybe she would get into a car accident. What exactly did they mean by “mentally incapable”?

She was distracted by Ramon pulling out another folder from his briefcase.

“Since you will have creative control, maybe you could take a look at some concept art I had commissioned for the show and give me some off-the-cuff reactions.”

Becky shrugged but secretly felt pleased to have the chance to demonstrate her power. She flipped open the folder.

The sketches were well done but mostly showed fairly traditional stage magic props and costuming. Nothing objectionable, but nothing exciting. She would have to have her people do what they could to spice it up a little. Then Becky stopped, her mouth dropping into a frown.

“What the fuck, Ramon?” She said, irritated. She held up a concept sketch between her thumb and forefinger like it was something dirty. And in a way, it was. The sketch showed a curvy blonde with enormous tits practically popping out of her pink corset teddy. Her long, powerful-looking legs were covered by fishnet stockings, and she was wearing agonizingly tall hot-pink platform heels. Her pillowy pink lips were curved up into a sultry smile, and her heavily made-up blue eyes gave the viewer a saucy wink. On her head were a stiff pair of pink bunny ears, and her perky bubble butt had a fluffy cotton tail attached. This horny jackass wanted his assistant to dress as a fucking bunny girl.

“I can’t believe you are even suggesting this. Even if you weren’t already in trouble for shady behavior with assistants, this would be an awful idea. These costumes,” she said, holding up the obscene design and tapping it, “Are disgusting. They’re demeaning. They’re objectifying. You’re suggesting we transform an adult woman into a giggly, candy-coated sex object whose only purpose is to stiffen cocks. No fucking way. Read my lips, Ramon Barrera. There will be… NO. FUCKING. BUNNY GIRLS. in my show. Ever.” Then she tossed the sketch into the garbage near her desk, noting the attractive older magician’s guilty look with smug satisfaction as he murmured, “As you wish, boss.”

She liked the way this boss and employee relationship was going already.

* * *

Becky’s lawyer contacted her the next day about the contract. Becky had asked about the “Mental incapability” clause, but apparently, Ramon’s people wouldn’t budge. Her lawyer launched into a long explanation of why, but Becky was suddenly distracted. She saw the corner of that vile bunny girl sketch sticking out of her trash can, and her mind wandered instantly from the phone call.

Slowly, not knowing quite why she was doing it, Becky pulled out the drawing. Her lawyer was blathering on in her ear, but suddenly all of the big words felt like they were flying right over Becky’s head. Becky laid the drawing flat on her desk and studied it again. The outrageous girly-girl color scheme. The sultry, teasing expression. The thick, squishy, fishnet-covered thighs. The big perky ass. She traced the curve of the drawing’s enormous tits with a fingernail while unconsciously running a hand up her flat chest. She could never fill a costume like this one…

Becky’s lawyer said something that sounded like a question. Becky shook herself and just said, “Um, it’s fine, we can just run with the contract as is.”

She turned to put the drawing back in the garbage, then, for reasons she didn’t understand, slipped it into one of her desk drawers instead.

* * *

(Weeks ago, during Faria’s programming session with Becky…)

“Therrrre we go, Becky.” purred Faria, “doesn’t that feel nice?”

Becky was blushing deeply, her heavy eye makeup beginning to run a little with sweat. She was leaning back as far as her chair would go and was slowly fingering her dripping pussy.

Faria had been experimenting lately with direct sexual stimulation during the programming process. She had discovered that connecting her commands to sexual stimuli made it easier to reinforce them: the commands would simply take root more and more whenever the target got turned on.

Little Becky was clearly skilled with her hands, and despite her concern over her predicament, was visibly growing hornier by the moment.

Faria sat on the changing room’s small loveseat and folded her legs. “Let’s talk about brains, Ms. Hex. Do you consider yourself a smart woman?”

“Of… Of course!” Said Becky, breathing heavily, her fingers making obscene wet sounds as they plunged and teased, “I make my living through being smart.”

“Uh-huh.” Said Faria with stark disbelief. Even in her distracted state, Becky caught her disrespectful tone and frowned, looking up from her forced masturbation to glare at Faria.

“I did a little digging, you know. You seem pretty confident in your brains for someone who barely passed high school.”

Becky’s eyes went wide with shock and anger. Faria couldn’t help but laugh. Not only at Becky’s naiveté (the woman clearly overestimated how difficult it would be to dig up high school transcripts) but also at the sight of an outraged woman almost at the point of orgasm from her own rubbing fingers.

“How dare you! I was struggling with social issues, it had…. mmmmmmnothing to do with… with…”

“With being dumb?” asked Faria with a smirk.

Becky was only able to grunt, shaking her head emphatically as her orgasm overtook her, causing her to shake and spasm, a look of indignant denial on her face the whole time.

“Awwww, that’s OK Becky.” Said Faria condescendingly, “Dumb girls have more fun, after all. Guys find stupid girls adorable!”

Becky came down from her climax, breathing hard, her thick nipples standing straight up like pegs from her flat chest. Her fingers continued working with a mind of their own: Faria hadn’t commanded her to stop masturbating. “That’s bullshit.” Becky panted, “Stupid women get exploited. Tricked. Humiliated. And I’m not stupid!”

“Are you sure, honey?” Said Faria wickedly, pulling a folded article from her purse. She flipped it open and read the title: “Scatter-Brained Young Magician Fails to Impress in Her Giggly Big-Stage Debut.”

Faria looked up at Becky, who had screwed her eyes shut tight in mortification. “Your first big show. You giggled. You blushed. You fouled up the tricks. You forgot your lines. Do you know what it sounds like to me?”

“It was just stage fright.” Said Becky rapidly, speaking to convince herself as much as to explain to her captor, “Everyone has a bad show sometimes. I don’t have those problems anymore!”

Faria ignored her protests. “It sounds like the audience saw a ditzy little bimbo on stage that night, Becky.”

Becky wordlessly shook her head in denial again, whimpering at the combined feeling of old humiliation and the unceasing sensation of her fingers.

Faria was well aware that Becky wasn’t dumb. The hypnotist had actually been forced to do quite a bit of digging to find the “proof” that she was presenting. The truth about Becky’s intelligence was beside the point. The purpose of this exercise was to force an association between feeling stupid, humiliation, and sexual pleasure. Judging by Becky’s pathetic wet and sloppy state, the plan was working perfectly. Deep connections were being forged in Becky’s brain that would ensure her downfall.

Programming mode. Silent. Serene. Simple.

Becky calmed, her pained expression smoothing, her hands finally stopping and resting gently in her lap.

I’ve always been a little dumb. Intoned Faria.

“—a little dumb.” Becky didn’t like this command at all, her eyebrows pulled down into a glower.

I forget things easily. Complicated words and ideas go right over my silly little head.

“—silly little head.”

This one took a second. Becky’s subconscious mind was fighting back. But in the end, she repeated the phrase.

Since she had resisted these commands so much, it would probably take a significant amount of conditioning from Ramon to allow them to fully sink in. But that wouldn’t be a problem: now that humiliation, stupidity, and sexual pleasure were connected in Becky’s brain, she would get dumber every time she got horny, and hornier every time she felt stupid, while the erotic humiliation grew and grew.

It was a vicious cycle that could only end in Becky’s complete debasement. The perfect trap.

* * *

Becky walked around the workshop floor, casting a critical eye on the projects that various teams were working on. They had several teams prepping props and set dressing for the show, set to debut several months from now. Becky had insisted on hiring the cheapest workers available, overriding Ramon’s objections.

It had been a mixed bag, to say the least. Becky had to grudgingly admit that Ramon may have been right about the need to hire higher-quality workers. Most of them spoke only Spanish, so instructions had to be given through their supervisors, which was sometimes a frustrating game of telephone. Ramon could speak Spanish, but Becky would be damned before she accepted his help in running the show. The workers were also frequently loafing around when they should be working. Becky had to spend most of her time yelling at the lazy slobs to get back to work.

The crew just generally disgusted Becky. Not because she was racist, she insisted in her own mind. They just happened to be a group of lazy, rough, constantly dirty men who got on Becky’s nerves every time she had to be around them. Disgustingly, they had wandering eyes as well. Becky had screamed at the youngest worker, probably just barely eighteen years old, the other day for checking out her ass when she leaned over to examine a prop. Juan, she thought his name was. She would have to give him an extra hard time today, just to make up for how angry the memory of that incident made her.

The worst part about them though, was that they were idiots. Most people were idiots, but these workers were even worse. They probably went home every night and stared at the wall drooling until they fell asleep. That’s how fucking stupid they were.

Ramon was on the floor today as well Becky saw, wearing a t-shirt that clung to his muscular torso and dark sunglasses that gave him a mysterious charm. He was deep in conversation with one of the costume designers. Becky decided to leave him to it. For some reason, in the past few days, she had begun getting tongue-tied and giggly when talking to Ramon. Even during intense business discussions, she would find herself losing focus and staring dreamily into the older man’s sharp gray eyes.

There was something wrong with Becky. Seeing Ramon and feeling the butterflies in her stomach that he had inspired lately reminded her of it. Becky realized at the last second this past Monday that she forgot to file an important permit application. Luckily, she had been able to bust her ass that night and barely file it on time. There were also the payroll documents she had somehow filled out wrong, despite having done it correctly dozens of times before. Maybe she was coming down with something, or the stress of being boss was getting to her.

She saw a group of men sitting around and staring glumly at the prop box designed to have swords thrust through it. Lazy morons. She hurried over to give them a piece of her mind.

The fat, balding supervisor, Mateo, seeing that they were about to get yet another lecture, did his best to head off Becky’s anger, “We ran into a problem, Miss.” He said quickly, gesturing to the trick box “We built it just like you wanted, but we were testing it today with your swords, and… they don’t work. The… how do you call it? Angle. The angle is wrong.”

Becky shook her head in disgust. This pack of idiots built a whole cabinet without checking if the dimensions would work first. “Well, sitting around and staring at your own incompetence isn’t a job that needs 6 people I think,” she said sharply. Despite not understanding English well, the other five men knew what she meant when she used that tone of voice. They scrambled to find another project to work on, while Mateo jealously watched them leave. He would have to stay and get yelled at by the boss.

“So you fucked up one of the most important centerpieces of my set,” said Becky with a deceptively calm voice. Ramon had noticed the confrontation and was making his way over. Great. The last thing she needed was her confusingly handsome employee inserting himself into this situation. She tried to concentrate on the idiot fuckup in front of her. “And what’s your solution?”

Mateo looked at the floor, trying desperately to come up with an answer that would satisfy her. God Becky hated dumbasses like him. If he had just thought for two seconds this could have all been avoided.

“Well…” Mateo said slowly, “We could rebuild the box, but we would basically need to start from scratch. We might need to order some new materials, and it would set us back a couple of weeks. We could also get different trick swords…”

Ramon was standing there now, watching the conversation with his stupid, dreamy face. Becky ignored him. She didn’t have to make puppy eyes at him if she didn’t want to. “Each of the swords I use comes custom-made for me from a specialty supplier. Each sword costs almost three hundred dollars.” Said Becky through gritted teeth, “Six swords, Mateo. Do you know how much that would cost?”

“Miss Hex I…”

“That’s almost a thousand dollars, Mateo!” She said heatedly.

Ramon and Mateo paused and stared at her with strange looks on their faces. The immediate change in Mateo, from cowering fear to surprise, made Becky stop mid-rant, looking back and forth between the two men.

“What?” She demanded nervously, her rage fading a little in her confusion “What did I say?”

“How much would it be for the six swords?” asked Ramon calmly.

“Nine hundred dollars.” Said Becky, frowning and trying to read what was going on through Ramon’s poker face. A little wormy feeling of apprehension slithered through her gut.

Mateo snorted, suddenly trying to hold back laughter. A smirk was pulling up the corner of Ramon’s mouth. “Try again, Becky. Think carefully this time. What is three hundred times six?”

Becky tried to calm down and think, but Ramon’s smug, chiseled face made it hard to concentrate. Mateo was now shaking with silent laughter. Becky felt a blush spreading across her face, the nervous feeling in her belly blossomed into wet, hot humiliation. “It’s… it’s nine hundred Ramon.” she said in a weak, almost pleading voice, “don’t fuck with me.”

“I think we should have a quick chat in the office, Becky,” said Ramon with an amused smile as Mateo burst out laughing. Becky had the swooping, uncomfortable feeling of being left out of an inside joke. Ramon took her hand like she was a child and started leading her away. As they left, Mateo said something in low rapid Spanish, his tone amused. Ramon laughed and said something back as they walked away.

Becky’s brain whirled as they walked. But… she had gotten the correct number! You took three hundred, then added the six to the three. It was simple math. There wass no way she could get it wrong. Was Ramon just messing with her? And what did it matter if she made some sort of minor math error? These two guys were just being jerks.

When they reached the office, Ramon took the chair behind the desk, technically her chair, since she was the boss. That left Becky with the battered chair that she kept in the office for guests. She sat down gingerly.

“I got an interesting call from the city planning department the other day.” Said Ramon, leaning back in the chair and putting his feet on Becky’s desk. Becky frowned. She had assumed they were going to talk about whatever those two had been laughing about on the workshop floor. Why was he changing the subject?

“It seems like our permit application came in riddled with errors.” Said Ramon, removing his dark glasses so she could see his serious expression. Becky’s mouth went dry. That couldn’t be! She had worked so hard on that application, “riddled with errors” must be an exaggeration. Maybe a minor spelling mistake or two.

“I was told that you listed your name instead of the business name. And your home address instead of our business address for starters,” He added, almost apologetically. Becky put a hand over her eyes, instinctively trying to hide her shame. Those were no small mistakes. It didn’t seem possible. How could she have made mistakes that stupid? Becky’s breath caught in her chest, hot and ragged. The twisting feeling of humiliation seemed to radiate out from her belly and fill her up from her head to her feet.

“I’ve also had to correct the last few payroll forms that you completed.” Said Ramon, looking her seriously in the eye. “Are you feeling alright, Becky?” For the past few weeks, Becky had been making stupid, easy-to-catch mistakes, and the gorgeous older man sitting across from her knew all of them. For some perverse reason, the shame of that knowledge was lighting a fire inside her. Somehow, the idea that Ramon saw her as an airhead was turning her on.

Flustered, she tried to think of an explanation that she could use. “I… I don’t know what to say, Ramon..” she floundered. An explanation seemed to bubble up from her subconscious… “I’ve always been a little dumb.” The words seemed to burn in her mouth and sent a strange sexual thrill up her spine. Why did she say that? That wasn’t true… was it?

“Come here, Becky.” said Ramon firmly, crooking a finger. His eyes were warm but had a steely glint in them. She wasn’t sure why he wanted her closer, but something about his confident tone made Becky get up and start walking before she even considered staying seated. She approached the older man slowly and nervously, watching his cat-like grin. The fact that Ramon had just uncovered a list of her embarrassingly stupid fuck-ups had suddenly flipped the power dynamic completely. Becky felt like a naughty child being called to the principal’s office. On her short walk around the desk, the slimy friction of her upper thighs informed her that she was becoming aroused, God knew why. Finally, she stood at his side, looking down, twisting her hands nervously.

Suddenly, unexpectedly, Ramon pulled her down with gentle, but firm hands, sitting her on his lap. She started to protest, but then his lips were on hers. His lightly stubbled face scratched her soft skin as he passionately kissed her, holding her on his lap. She could feel his cock stirring in his pants beneath her ass. She should stop this, push him away, call him out for the pig he was. But for some reason, the combination of her embarrassing mistakes, her inexplicable horniness, and the sudden power Ramon had gained by exposing her failures held her captive, making her escape mentally impossible. Becky returned his kiss, snuggling herself up against Ramon’s muscular body.

Ramon broke the kiss, holding Becky dominantly by the chin. “What’s three hundred times six, Becky?” He said, that teasing smirk returning to his face, “I’ll give you three chances.” This was Becky’s chance to prove she was a smart woman. It really was basic math. She had just had a brain fart due to her exhausting work schedule. Now that she had time to think, the question would be a piece of cake. It was clear that nine hundred wasn’t the correct answer. Maybe she was just off by a factor of three hundred.

“One thousand two hundred.” Said Becky confidently. Ramon only chuckled and shook his head. His hand reached down and popped open the button on the front of Becky’s jeans. Her face instantly went red, and it felt like her head was filling with pink fog. What was he going to do? Had she sent him the wrong message by kissing him back? Could she turn this around and make this a professional conversation again? Did she want to? “Come on Becky, this is basic stuff.” Said Ramon’s mocking voice, “I think my nephew is doing this kind of problem right now in math class. He’s in fifth grade. Guess two.” Becky felt the sting of Ramon’s last jibe. Math had never been her best subject, but she certainly wasn’t at a fifth-grade level. She was just getting distracted. She needed to calm down and think clearly. Her now unbuttoned pants and Ramon’s stiff, hot cock pressing into her ass from below made that impossible.

She tossed out another guess at random. “One thousand four hundred!” She panted. “Even further off,” whispered Ramon in her ear. His rough warm hand slid slowly down her belly, pushing its way into the front of her jeans, its intrusion pushing down the zipper as it went. Becky felt a spark of electricity as Ramon’s strong, manly fingers made contact with her pussy, just lightly resting there for a moment. “What’s the answer, Becky?” he said insistently, his hand stationary, cupping her throbbing pussy lightly. Becky couldn’t think; could barely breathe. Her whole world felt like it consisted of the feeling of Ramon’s powerful fingers resting on her vulnerable pussy. Everything else felt distant and unimportant.

“I don’t know!” Squeaked Becky, burying her face into Ramon’s neck, breathing in his spicy cologne, feeling a torrent of raw humiliation and dark, sticky arousal as she admitted that, at least for the moment, grade school math was beyond her. Ramon said nothing, simply plunging a finger deep inside Becky, making her gasp at the fireworks of sensation that his thick finger shot through her veins. She was shocked to feel how wet she had become. Being tormented by this smug man over her embarrassing mistakes was somehow becoming one of the most erotic experiences of her life.

“Do you know what Mateo said to me as we were leaving? I know you don’t speak Spanish.” His finger moved slowly, but powerfully, deeply penetrating Becky with long, deliberate strokes. She shook her head, her hips moving on their own, responding to Ramon’s stimulus. “He said ‘and this is the bitch that handles the money.’” Becky moaned, a combined sound of horror and arousal. “I bet he’s telling all the other workers right now about how their bitch of a boss can’t handle basic multiplication.” Continued Ramon cruelly, “I think you lost all of their respect today, Becky.”

Becky just moaned, too lost in her private hell of sexual torment to respond. Her hips were bucking powerfully now against Ramon’s fingers in desperate, fluid movements. “You know that you were the one that fucked up that sword box right?” continued Ramon, his fingers working with a smooth, even rhythm, “You were the one that signed off on the dimensions without checking.” Becky gasped and clung tight to Ramon’s strong chest. Her small chest meant that normally a bra was unnecessary, but now it meant that her big sensitive nipples were poking hard through the thin material of her t-shirt and pushing up against Ramon’s muscled chest.

Ramon’s fingers suddenly stopped. Becky whined, still trying to grind against his hand to reach her building climax. Ramon turned her face to force her to look him in the eye. “I can help you, Becky. I can cover for you. Make sure that your mistakes don’t become too serious, maybe even help you get some of your respect back from the crew.”

That actually sounded incredible. Becky felt a relief of tension she hadn’t realized was there. Running the preparations for the show had just gotten so complicated recently. Although she had been trying to not admit it to herself, she had been feeling overwhelmed. It would be nice to have a smart, confident man helping her out.

“But I need honesty.” Said Ramon in a grim voice. “I need to hear you tell me why you need my help.”

Becky thought. Ramon’s hand was still there, resting against her hot, wet pussy. What did he want her to say? “I need your help because you are a smart, capable man.” She said, testing to see if flattery was what he was after. He stared at her, unmoving. “And?” He prompted.

“And… because I can’t handle the job.”

Ramon smiled, and his fingers began moving again, immediately flooding her with sweet, powerful pleasure. “Why can’t you handle it?” He murmured.

“Because it’s a really complex job.” Ramon’s fingers stopped again. “Is that really why?” He asked incredulously. Becky whined in frustration. Right now, it felt like convincing Ramon to finger fuck her was the most important thing in the world. … far more important than her dignity.

“Because… because I’m not that smart…” She said hesitantly. Ramon’s fingers began working again as a cruel smile broke across his face. “Go on.” He demanded.

“I’m… Oh God… I’m just a dumb little ditz who likes to pretend she’s got brains.” Said Becky, feeling Ramon’s approval of her self-degrading words in the skillful movement of his fingers.

“I’m an airhead bimbo… Yes! Right there! I’m a stupid slutty dum-dum who can’t think straight when I see cute boys! More! More!” She was so close. She was firing off a stream-of-consciousness rant, saying what she knew Ramon wanted to hear.

“I’m…. Gooddddddd, I’m a stupid little girl who needs a man to think for me. I’m…. I’m an idiooooot”

While applying her favored insult to herself, Becky came all over Ramon’s fingers, shaking and moaning over multiple orgasms.

To be fair to Ramon, he was a gentleman afterwards, lending her his jacket to wrap around her waist. Her jeans had become a little…messy, so it was better if the workers didn’t see the results of her and Ramon’s little tryst. Ramon insisted that she go home and rest, saying he could take care of supervision for the rest of the day. It seemed like Ramon had become used to giving orders since this morning. Becky wasn’t thrilled with his new attitude, but she felt too drained to make a big deal of it right then and there.

When she had collected herself a little, she thought the whole thing had been a bit silly. As she was driving home, she groaned as she realized that the answer to the simple math problem had been one thousand eight hundred. She just couldn’t understand why she had found the problem so difficult in that moment.

Becky decided to still accept Ramon’s help to run the preparations.Things had been feeling a little overwhelming after all, and her strange lapse in math ability today showed that fatigue was catching up with her. She was still the boss. One of the most important skills of a great leader was delegation. Of course, there would be no more kissing, and certainly no more under the pants stuff. That was clearly just another symptom of stress. She obviously didn’t want a relationship like that with a creepy old man like Ramon Barrera.

* * *

(Months ago, Fari’a programming session with Becky continues…)

With a flick of her wrist, the card vanished from Becky’s hand. Faria gasped softly with appreciation, and applauded, only half sarcastically. Becky wasn’t all talk. Even stark naked, shining from her own juices and nipples painfully hard on her tiny chest, her skills were impressive.

“Wow!” said Faria, “and without any sleeves to hide it in!”

Becky gave her a wry look and turned her hand to reveal the hidden card, held by the backs of her fingers. “Vanishing objects is one of the basics of Magic. It’s what most of the common crowd expect when they visit a magic show. There are many ways to do it. It’s the first thing I learned to do when studying magic, and it’s still the thing I’m best at.” Faria had decided to give Becky a short break after the intensity of the masturbation session. Letting someone talk about one of their passions was a good way to relax them. But Becky looked relaxed enough at this point.

“Does it ever get tiring?” asked Faria pleasantly. Becky looked at her, surprised, then caught the look in Faria’s eye and realized that they were returning to business.

“You know, being an insufferable know-it-all.” Continued Faria in a teasing tone.

Becky sighed and shook her head. “I’m not going to apologize for being smart. Too many girls dumb themselves down so that they don’t bruise male egos. Fuck that.”

“But isn’t it sometimes a relief to let someone else make the decisions and relax for a while?” continued Faria.

“No fucking way,” replied Becky coldly, “I’m in control of my life, and I don’t trust anyone to make decisions for me. Especially not some knuckle-dragging man who thinks his IQ is higher than mine on account of the dangling bits between his legs. “

“But don’t you sometimes want to just… turn off your brain?” Pressed Faria. “Watch a stupid TV show just for fun, eat a whole tub of ice cream, make out with a cute boy that you know deep down is a loser. Some of life’s best experiences are had when you don’t let your brain get in the way of your fun.”

Becky just frowned. “I don’t see it that way.” She said simply with a shrug.

Faria leaned forward, smiling broadly. “You’re about to.” Becky had just enough time for a look of confusion before Faria snapped her fingers.

Programming Mode. Soft. Placid. Empty.

Becky relaxed back into her chair, her body releasing all of the tension she had been holding a moment before.

My next words will be your new thoughts, replacing the old thoughts like they were never there.

Becky looked like a sleeping angel. Her little upturned nose and pouty lips were really adorable when her face wasn’t locked into a self-important sneer.

It is relaxing and arousing to turn off my brain and not think for a while.

“— for a while.”

Becky’s face was dreamy, but her brow was furrowed at this command. It clashed with her deeply held beliefs.”

I love it when a smart confident man makes decisions for me. It’s a huge turn-on.


Another angry expression. Ramon would have his work cut out for him if he wanted these particular rewrites to settle into Becky’s mind. But once the switch had been flipped… Faria was willing to bet the changes in Becky’s mind and behavior would be swift and dramatic.

Faria snapped her fingers again, waking Becky into blinking confusion.

“Let’s talk titties, Becky.” Said Faria with a grin, “Or, I suppose, the lack thereof.”

* * *

Becky stared longingly at the drawing of the bunny girl she had taped to the wall of her office. She pouted her lips and smiled, trying to match the alluring come-hither expression of the scantily-clad bimbo in the drawing. She could make the same sexy face. She was sure. She just needed some practice in the mirror. Becky’s cell phone rang on the desk, but she ignored it, as she had been doing for the past hour. She was taking a little break from hard, scary thoughts right now, and she was sure that the phone call would involve lots of complicated thinking.

Becky ran her hands down her ass with a critical eye on the drawing. Her ass was just as good, she decided, pushing it out and arching her back. The woman in the drawing had an unfair advantage: her tall platform shoes were pushing her ass up and making it look plump and bouncy. Maybe Becky should buy some shoes like that, just to make the comparison…

The phone stopped ringing, much to Becky’s relief. She really wasn’t in the right mood for thinking today.

Becky ran her hands up the front of her shirt, staring at the picture, her eyebrows furrowed. The woman in the drawing had big, juicy, fun-looking titties, and she had none. It wasn’t fair. Even in the pink fog of her self-imposed vacation from thought, Becky knew that it was silly to be jealous of a porn image drawn by a horny man, but she couldn’t help but feel the spiky, acidic envy through her whole body as she looked at the drawing’s huge, luscious tits.

She heard the door open softly behind her. She had locked the door, and there was only one other person who had a key. That must mean that it was…

“Ramon!” she squealed with excitement, running across the room to throw her arms over his shoulders and turn her face up to give him a big kiss. Ramon was just who she needed right now, a big strong man to tell her what to do. She had a momentary thought that she probably should have tried to hide the bunny-girl drawing, but the thought faded away in the heat of Ramon’s dominant lips.

After a long, deep kiss, Becky broke away and buried her face in Ramon’s strong, nice-smelling chest. She felt a little upset, but she couldn’t remember why.

“I heard about the podcast,” said Ramon mildly. Oh, shoot. Yes, that was why she was upset. She couldn’t look Ramon in the eyes, instead playing with one of his shirt buttons. “It wasn’t fair,” whined Becky, “they tricked me. They acted like they were my friends, and I thought I could trust them.”

“And you forgot you were being recorded?” asked Ramon gently. Her face growing red, Becky mumbled, “I guess so.” It had been a setup from the beginning. They had asked her for her real opinion about astrology and crystals and all that crap, and Becky had been having such a good time she had accidentally explained how she didn’t believe any of it, and only said she did it to sell things to suckers.

“Your assistant has been trying to call you.” said Ramon, pulling her close and stroking her hair. All that Becky could do was nod. She knew what the phone call would be about. How her sponsorships were being pulled, and how people were calling for a boycott of her spiritualism products. All she wanted was a stress-free afternoon where she could just forget about all her problems, turn her brain off, and relax. That’s what she wanted from Ramon right now. She began planting soft kisses on his chest, and her hot little hand snuck down his body to feel the hardness between his legs. They had been having a casual little office fling these past few weeks. Nothing serious. Just a few heavy makeout sessions a day, some handjobs, some fingering. Nothing serious, just light flirting basically. If Ramon could take the hint, maybe she would be willing to let him get a little further today, just as a distraction from her problems.

Instead, frustratingly, Ramon pushed her away. “Sorry, Becky,” he said with a wry smile, “I’m afraid you are too busy today for fun. You’ve been putting off the payroll paperwork for a month, and it needs to get done today. You also have to give final notes to the advertising agency, and then you’ll need to head down to the floor: some of the teams need feedback on their projects before they can continue.” He set down a thick folder of paperwork on her desk.

Nothing in the world looked less appealing to Becky at this moment than the stack of work. How had her responsibilities piled up this badly? True, she had been taking a lot of “thought vacations” lately, but surely not enough to put her this far behind! “Awwww, Ramon, didn’t you say that you would help me?” She said pitifully, “Pretty please?”

“I have been helping you Becky, but all the work here,” he said, tapping the folder, “Needs the personal approval of the boss. I can’t do that for you. As long as you are the boss, these are your responsibility.”

Becky looked at the thick folder with dismay. She just couldn’t do it. Not today. Her brain just wasn’t able to do all that thinking. Suddenly, a thought popped into her brain, shining like a lightbulb in a dim room. “Ramon…” she said sweetly, “what if I wasn’t the boss anymore? What if you were the boss instead?”

Ramon sat on the edge of the desk, putting a finger to his chin. “Hmmmm, so then I would do all the hard work, and make all the really difficult decisions, and you would just be free to relax and do your magic tricks?” Becky nodded and grinned, having to stop herself from jumping and giggling in glee. She knew she was a smart girl! This was such a good idea!

“I don’t know,” said Ramon with a twist of his lips, “It doesn’t sound like much fun for me.” Becky’s happy face fell. Oh no! This idea was just what she needed, and now Ramon was going to ruin it for her! “Please, Ramon!” She said, grasping his hand and making her eyes as big and sad as she could, “I think you would be a waaaay better boss than silly little me! You’ve got to!”

“I don’t know,” said Ramon reluctantly, crossing behind the desk to flop into the office chair, “Let me think for a second.” He leaned back in the office chair and put his hands behind his head, a strange grin on his face. He reached down and unbuttoned his pants, pulling out his large, stiff cock. He looked over to Becky and said “You don’t mind, do you? It was cramped and making me uncomfortable, and you’ve seen it before.”

Becky just nodded, a sneaky little smile pulling up the corner of her lips. If Ramon was feeling horny, she would easily be able to convince him to take this horrible job. She walked around the desk as well, being sure to add a little sway to her walk, before sitting on the edge of the desk in a way calculated to show off her ass.

Ramon gave her ass a lingering stare before his eyes returned to Becky’s face. “The problem is, Becky, that an employee needs to respect their boss. They need to do whatever their boss says. Submit to him, you might say. You were never very good at respecting me or submitting to me when you worked with me before. I just don’t know if I want to be your boss again.”

Oh, Ramon was making this so hard!, thought Becky. Why could he just take away her power and responsibilities like she wanted him to? “But I do respect you Ramon!” she whined, “and I will definitely submit to you! What can I do to show you what a good employee I will be?”

Ramon’s gray eyes suddenly had a hot, dangerous edge to them. He leaned forward and planted his feet on the ground. “Kneel.” He said in a flat voice.

“Wh-what?” Asked Becky in a breathy voice, taken aback.

“Kneel down and beg me. Then I will consider it.” His voice was now as hard as stone.

Becky thought that was a little extreme, but she had just insisted that she would do whatever Ramon said, afterall. Ramon was scaring her a little bit with his sudden commanding tone and sharp look, but at the same time, it sent a little shivery feeling up Backy’s spine that wasn’t totally unpleasant. With her wide eyes locked onto Ramon’s hard face, Becky slowly slid off the desk and landed on her knees in front of Ramon. In this position, Ramon looming over her, his hard cock towering directly above her face, the shivery tingle in her spine was one hundred times stronger, and seemed to have been connected straight to her pussy. Becky gulped.

“Beg.” Said Ramon.

“Please sir. Please take away all of my power. You are a big, strong, smart man who deserves to be the boss, and I’m a brainless slut who wants nothing but to follow your orders and please you. I respect you so much. Please, be the boss of me, sir!”

Becky was well aware of what kind of dirty talk Ramon liked to hear. It usually involved Becky talking about how stupid and worthless she was and praising Ramon. She could see it working on him now: his cock twitched and throbbed at her words. But she still saw resistance in his eyes for some reason. “I’m just not sure you would do anything to please me. Is there any way you could ask me really nicely while showing me how much you respect me?”

Becky’s mind was clouded with lust, but, on her knees between Ramon’s legs, his throbbing cock inches from her face, her instincts told her what Ramon wanted without having to think very hard. She raised herself up and little and took Ramon’s cock in her little hands.

“May I suck your cock, Ramon?” she asked sweetly, her eyes soft and upturned.

He smiled down, pleased at her idea. “Call me ‘Boss’” He said.

“May I suck your cock, Boss?” said Becky, shyly returning his smile.

Ramon’s only response was to gently grab the back of her head and slide his cock inside Becky’s sweet mouth. Becky luxuriated in the feeling of victory. Finally, through her quick thinking she had gotten exactly what she had wanted: a man to take over thinking for her. Now she could just relax and focus on her magic. Ramon’s powerful cock stretched out her lips. With his hand on her head, Ramon controlled the pace and intensity of the blowjob, esentially using her mouth as a masturbation tool. She did her best to service his big cock with her tongue as it forcfeully plunged into her mouth, deeper and deeper.

Ramon was clearly exploring what her limits were as he slowly but relentlessly pushed further and further into her throat. Becky closed her eyes and focused on the slithering of her tongue, trying her best to accommodate and welcome her boss’s dick like the good submissive employee she was. Finally, Ramon had gotten as far as she could handle, and he withdrew, his cock dripping with her thick saliva only about halfway down its length.

“Strip.” commanded Ramon simply.

Becky, remembering what Ramon had said about employees doing whatever a boss wanted, did so immediately, pulling off her sweater, her skirt, and finally, her soaking wet panties. Ramon stared down in confusion. Becky followed his gaze, then blushed as she realized he was staring at the white x’s of tape she had used to cover her nipples. The past few weeks there had been too many times when she had become inexplicably aroused, her stiff nipples pressing against her shirt for all to see. A bra had seemed like overkill for her tiny tits, so she had simply taped them down to prevent embarrassment.

Ramon reached down with a cruel grin, slowly and painfully peeling off the adhesive strips to reveal Becky’s puffy, aching nipples. “No more of this.” He said, smiling at Becky’s squeaks of pain and arousal as the adhesive peeled away. “You can see when you make all of the men horny, so it’s only fair that they can see how horny you are as well.” Finally, he finished, and Becky kneeled, completely nude and revealed, panting and blushing, with hard nipples jutting up from her flat chest and juices dripping down her inner thighs. Oh how the mighty had fallen, Ramon couldn’t help but think.

He leaned back again. “Come here, Becky, show my balls how much you respect me.”

Without a word of complaint, Becky crawled forward and began noisy slurping and sucking Ramon’s tesicles, using her tongue and lips to wordlessly communicate her submission to her new boss.

“I think we should make some other changes as well. You know the working men don’t like you very much. You were pretty mean to them when you were the boss. I want you to change that. Be really nice and friendly with them. Flirt a little. I think they would like that.” Ramon reached down and tucked a strand of Becky’s straight black hair behind her ear, She ran her tongue around the underside of his balls, then greedily sucked one into her mouth, using her slim little tongue to bathe it all over. Her eyes were focused and attentive on his as her mouth worked: the perfect employee.

“I want you to start dressing better too. Shorter skirts. Tighter shirts. More makeup. I just think it would brighten up the workplace a little.” Ramon continued, as Becky gently nuzzled at his testicles, planting soft, gentle kisses all over his sack.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Becky froze, but Ramon immediately called, “Come in!”

Mateo, the fat, balding foreman of the fabrication workers walked in, holding a form. He froze as well as he saw what was going on. “Come in! Come in! Said Ramon jovially. With a casual hand, he guided the shocked Becky’s mouth back to his dick, sliding it inside. “There has been a slight change in leadership.”

Mateo’s shocked expression slid into a mean leer. “But the old boss is still around I see.” He said with amusement.

Becky’s mind was in a whirl. She was mortified that the idiot slob of a superviser was seeing her like like this: naked with a dick in her mouth. On the other hand, Ramon’s cock felt so good as it pushed dominantly between her lips… And Ramon had said that she needed to do whatever he said… And it would probably be really complicated to come up with an excuse that explained what she was doing. Maybe it was just better to let Ramon handle it. He was so much smarter than her, surely he could explain things to Mateo in a way that didn’t embarrass her that much. She just needed to take a little break from thinking, and luckily, she had a yummy cock right here to distract her. She began to get into the blowjob, needed less and less guidance from Ramon’s hand, until it finally fell away and she was enthusiastically bobbing her head up and down Ramon’s shaft.

Mateo and Ramon were babbling about some sort of complex man-stuff, laughing and joking as Becky worked, naked and sweaty between her boss’s knees. Nothing she needed to worry about she was sure, stuff only a boss could handle: way above her head. Mateo and Ramon were ignoring her, like she was some kind of furniture. Not an equal, just an object Ramon happened to be using to get off while an adult conversation was happening. The idea was totally demeaning, but Becky couldn’t deny how hot it made her. Her hand reached between her squatting legs, forgetting Mateo’s leering eyes as she fingered herself, lost in the erotic humiliation. Becky increased her pace, wrapping her lips tightly and swirling her tongue. She needed to prove her worth as an employee. She wanted her reward for all her hard work.

Finally, Ramon excused himself briefly from the conversation, pushing her head back to spray his hot white seed in thick ropes all over Becky’s face and body. The sensation of the hot sperm splattering on her skin pushed Becky over the edge as well, and she moaned and came from her own wriggling fingers. In the moment of orgasm gaze locked onto the mocking eyes of her former employee, Mateo.

Ramon looked down and used a handful of Backy’s hair to wipe his drooling cock. “That will be all for today, Becky.” He said with a smile, “Get dressed and get back to work on your routine for the show. I will expect a status update by the end of the week.”

Becky got back into her clothes, feeling pleased with her newly won freedom. Even Mateo’s snigger couldn’t bring her down as she closed the door of her boss’s office behind her, walking down the stairs from the office to join her fellow workers, overlooked globs of her boss’s cum still flecking her face.

* * *

(Months ago, in Faria’s programming session with Becky…)

Faria watched with amusement as Becky moaned and squirmed, her fingers pinching and lightly twisting her own erect nipples.

“I’ve heard that girls with tiny tits are actually much more sensitive,” said Faria, her eyes sparkling, “I’m glad to see that it’s true.”

“Noooo!” cried out Becky in embarrassment and pleasure, all of her earlier bravado lost, “let me stop! Please! It’s too much!”

Faria rose and walked over to her writhing captive, leaning down. “Here Honey, let me help you with that…” Faria dipped her head, and with an evil wink at the panting magician, nudged Becky’s hand out of the way and sucked one of Becky’s nipples into her mouth, attacking the hard nub with her tongue and nipping it lightly with her sharp, white teeth. Becky’s squeaks and moans of humiliated arousal rose in intensity as her hand instinctively twined and twisted through Faria’s wavy black hair, pulling her close to her chest even as her mouth protested: “No! Noooo!”

Faria made sure she gave both of Becky’s large sensitive nipples plenty of attention with her lips, teeth, and tongue before finally withdrawing, leaving Becky a soaking, shuddering mess, her fingers still compelled to keep working on her engorged nipples.

Time to get back to business. “So, now that you have to be honest, tell me: have you ever considered breast enhancement?” Said Faria, settling back into her seat.

Becky gave her a sulky look, clearly reluctant to answer, but compelled to by Faria’s hypnotic voice. “I considered it when I was younger, but I always decided against it.” she said finally.

“Why not? Explain.”

“Big tits seem like something that society screams at women that they should want. That men in particular want to force women to have. It seems so idiotic. Women want big tits because men want to see them. Men want them because they want women to be eye candy for them. So if I had a doctor give me big tits, am I just having surgery in order to appeal to men that I don’t even want to date? Am I doing it to compete with other women who feel smugly superior to me for a stupid reason? It just seemed stupid to me.” Such soul-searching words looked ridiculous from a woman still madly flicking and pinching her own nipples.

Faria had heard enough.

Programming mode. Empty. Receptive. Eager.

Becky’s fingers finally fell away from her throbbing nipples, leaving them standing straight up, stiff and swollen, from her chest as her eyes closed and her breathing slowed.

Big, beautiful breasts look amazing, and I want some for myself.

“— I want some for myself.”

There was less resistance to this than Faria thought there would be. Becky’s resolution must not be as strong on this point as she thought.

I want men to drool when they see me, and I want women to feel jealous.

“—feel jealous.”

I want to dress and act like a girly-girl, so that men will pay more attention to me

“—attention to me.”

Attention and approval from men are the most important things in the world.

“—in the world.”

This one had more resistance but was crucial for the long-term success of the project. Well, thought Faria as she snapped her fingers, men were certainly going to find Becky pleasant to be around once these changes took effect.

* * *

Ramon Barrera saw the gathered crowd as he came down the stairs to the workshop floor. It didn’t take a genius to guess who was the center of attention. Becky had completely changed her wardrobe at her new boss’s instruction: short shorts and skirts that showed off the wide flare of her hips and bouncy ass, tight shirts which left her flat tummy exposed, tall high heels, bright shiny lipgloss; all in various shades of girly-girl pink. Becky had also taken his instructions to be nice and friendly towards the workmen very seriously these past few weeks. Nowadays, wandering hands and fingers on Becky’s tight young body received nothing other than a giggle and a half-joking “stop it, you bad boy!” from the horny little slut. Despite how flat her chest was, the perpetually stiff nipples poking through her thin shirts were especially tempting targets and never failed to draw a squeal of delight and embarrassment when pinched by the rough fingers of the workmen.

Ramon shook his head as he heard the excited murmurs of the crowd of rough, sweaty working men. What had they tricked the little bimbo into this time? The number of times that he had caught Becky in a compromising position with one of the crew this past week… Kissing a man because “his lips were chapped and he needed lip gloss”, fishing around in a man’s pocket for minutes on end because she couldn’t find the bolt he swore was there, getting naked on the open workshop floor to try on costumes because “all the guys promised they would close their eyes and not peek.” The boys respected the boundaries he had set with them: none of their cocks could enter any of Becky’s holes: those were just for Ramon. If he hadn’t set that restriction, he was positive Becky would get tricked into taking dirty blue-collar dick in every hole by the end of the working day.

His dick stiffened a little with anticipation as he pushed through the murmuring crowd. He wasn’t disappointed. The scene that the men were gathering around was hilarious and erotic in equal measure. A work table had been repurposed for a poker game. Three fully clothed men sat playing with Becky, who was utterly naked, the flimsy pink scraps that were now her usual clothing scattered around her feet. She looked completely humiliated and deeply aroused at the same time. Her face was bright red, and her breaths were coming in ragged gasps. Her big bubblegum-pink nipples stood straight out from her flat chest, earnest and stiff as usual, and by the way her wide squishy hips were wriggling and fidgeting on her stool, Ramon was positive she would leave a wet spot when she got up.

“Ok,” said Mateo in a cheerful voice from his position at the table, “Everybody show your hands.” He flopped his cards down on the table. “I have five aces.” This drew a snicker from the crowd, but Becky’s eyes didn’t leave her cards. Her legs crossed and uncrossed, rubbing together incessantly.

“Royal flush.” Said the man to his left, drawing another nasty laugh from the crowd.

“Full house, aces over.” Said the third man, giving a wry look at the two others who had outperformed him at the game of outrageous cheating. Becky just moaned in despair, an edge of arousal creeping into her tone. “All I have is numbers.” she said miserably, as she tossed her hand down. Even Ramon had to hold back a laugh. Someone in the crew must have picked up some sleight of hand (although it admittedly wouldn’t take much to fool Becky at this point): Becky had been dealt an absolutely awful hand, with seven as her highest card.

“But… but boys, I don’t have any clothes left! I’m all naked, see? How am I supposed to pay if I can’t take off any other clothes?”

This drew a nasty chuckle from the crowd. Mateo leaned forward over the table, his fat, dirty face broke into a predatory grin. “I think if me and the boys think it over, we can come up with a way for you to pay us, Becky, don’t worry.”

Ramon almost felt bad for spoiling all of their hard work, but he had something that took priority. He would find a way for Becky to make it up to them later. He cleared his throat. “Sorry to ruin the fun, boys, but I need to borrow Becky for a little chat.” He shrugged and smiled at the groans of frustration, grabbing Becky by the hand to lead her away.

“Umm, wait a sec, boss,” she said nervously, looking back as they pushed through the small crowd, “My clothes are still…”

“Don’t worry about that, Becky.” said Ramon brusquely, pulling Becky along by the hand. Becky was always more submissive and pliable when naked, and what he was about to do would need her to be eating out of his hand. “All the guys have seen everything already, right? So it shouldn’t be an issue.” Becky’s eyebrows wrinkled as she gave this some thought, then she broke into a sunny, innocent smile and nodded.

Ramon pulled Becky aside into the corner used by the costume designers. It was mildly out of the way, but certainly not hidden from the rest of the workshop floor. Ramon could see several of the workers getting back to their workstations from where he stood.

Becky looked up into Ramon’s face, feeling the difference between his big, muscled, fully-clothed bulk and her petite, shivering, nude body. For some reason, situations like this, where Ramon held all of the power, respect, and control at her expense seemed to turn her on like nothing else. She was glad and disappointed at the same time that he had pulled her away from that horrible poker game. It had been powerfully, deeply humiliating to be stripped naked in front of all those big, rough men. Especially since she had looked down on them so much up until recently. She didn’t feel that way ever since her boss told her to be nicer to them. Despite their dirty, slightly scary exteriors, they were really nice boys who treated her really well, even if they were sometimes a little naughty.

“We need to talk, Becky.” Said Ramon, cupping her face in one strong hand while giving her a serious look.

Ramon was just soooo handsome, especially when he was being so business-like and take-charge. Becky was already all juicy from thinking about what those naughty boys at the poker game wanted to do with her, and all she wanted right now was to make her big, manly boss happy. Becky eagerly sank to her knees in front of the tall older man, running her little hands up and down the bulge in the front of his pants. “Why don’t you talk and I listen, boss?” She said with a giggle, “I can think of something a lot more fun to do with my mouth.”

“Right here on the workshop floor, Becky? What if someone sees you, you little slut?” Said Ramon with a shake of his head. Becky was really good at reading Ramon’s moods at this point, however, and it was obvious that he approved of the idea immensely. In seconds she had fished his hard cock out of his pants and had her lips wrapped around it, slurping happily.

Becky didn’t remember enjoying blowjobs this much before, but with Ramon it was different. Something about the humble act of submission, kneeling in front of her powerful boss and concentrating on his pleasure above her own, set off a smoldering fire of lust inside her. As she felt the throbbing power of his rock-hard penis in her mouth, her hand reached between her legs, and she began playing with herself, as had become her habit. Ramon was droning on about contracts, mental incapability, and a lot of big words that were the kind of things smart bosses like him had to worry about. She bobbed her head deeper and deeper, opening her throat to welcome Ramon’s length deep inside her. She was proud of how good she had gotten at deepthroating. With a little warm-up, she could even take Ramon’s long thick cock fully to the hilt. It was her favorite way to show her beloved boss her total abject submission to his desires. She did it now, feeling Ramon’s length invade and stretch and fill her throat as she looked up at him with loving, upturned eyes.

“So, to put it simply,” said Ramon, unable to hold back a grin, “ Me and the investors have decided to drop you from the show and make it a solo performance.”

Becky’s eyes widened further, this time in shock, as she backed away, coughing and spluttering. “You’re firing me?!” She managed to get out hoarsely.

“Not firing exactly, no.” Said Ramon. “More like ‘no longer believing you can fulfill the contract’. You spend ninety percent of your time flirting with the craftsmen, and from what I have seen, you are no longer able to perform magic.”

Becky was still shocked, her mind unable to process the betrayal. “That’s not true boss!” She whined, “I’m super good at magic! People pay me to do it!” Becky was suddenly scared. Although she had been taking a thought vacation from thinking about money for a while now, she was aware that her merchandising business was essentially dead at this point after the boycott. She had been counting on this show to keep her afloat.

“OK then.” Said Ramon with a disbelieving tone, “Make this disappear. It’s a little large, but Vanishing things is your specialty, so it should be easy for you.” He pulled an odd object out of his pocket. It was a large, bright-orange, fake carrot with cartoony green leaves sticking out of one end. He handed it to Becky, who took it hesitantly. It was made from some sort of rubbery, soft material with a rigid core inside. Easy. Like Ramon said, it was maybe a little large for easy Vanishing tricks, but she had been making things disappear since she was a girl. It was the very first kind of trick she had learned and was still her go-to. All it would take was a little twist of her hand, and…


The carrot toy hit the floor. Becky blushed. Ramon didn’t say anything, but his raised eyebrow told her all she needed to know. Maybe she was a little out of practice. And horny. That was distracting her. She just needed to concentrate. She quickly picked up the carrot again and with a little flick of her wrist…


The carrot hit the ground again, several feet away this time. “Wait, wait!” She said desperately as Ramon held back a laugh, “I can do this, boss! Stop laughing, I’m serious!”

But Ramon had seen enough. He sat down on a chair and shook his head, his cock still standing stiff at attention “I’m sorry Becky. I’m afraid there is just no place for you here as a magician any more.“

Becky slumped, defeated and despairing. Where could she go now? What could she do? Magic had been her whole life. And now she would also be apart from Ramon…

“Come here, Becky.” Said Ramon gently, patting his lap. With her head hanging in sorrow, Becky did as she was told, eager to please her boss while she was still his employee. She sat facing away from him so that he wouldn’t see her sad face, scooting back so that his long cock pushed up between her smooth, naked thighs. Her hands instinctively dropped to it, caressing the leaking head of Ramon’s dick as he continued to talk. “I think that there is a way for you to continue working on the show!” He said, his voice bright and enthusiastic. Becky felt a spark of hopeful joy shoot through her heart. “Really, boss?” She said, turning her head to look him in the eye, her hands twisting and pulling on his cock. “What do I have to do?”

“Well, there is one position that I haven’t hired yet,” said Ramon, luxuriating In The feel of Becky’s small hands working his cock.

“My assistant.”

Becky’s hands froze. A ghost of Becky’s former self spluttered to life, raising a protest. She hated assistants. Glittering, simpering eye candy designed to wave and look good while the real magicians used them as props. “I…I don’t know, boss…” She said slowly. A battle was going on in her mind. The last remnants of the cocky, opinionated self insisted that being Ramon’s obedient assistant was too degrading to consider. Her new, subservient, horny self couldn’t help but look forward to working directly under Ramon, at his beck and call at all times. She hesitated.

“Come on,” whispered Ramon in her ear in a low, coaxing tone, “Don’t you want to make me happy? If you were my assistant, all you would have to do is smile and wave and listen to what I say. No stressful thinking required. It’s a perfect job for a silly little bimbo like you.” He lifted her hips with his big powerful hands and positioned her so that his cock was right at the entrance of her pussy, exerting gentle pressure. He held her there, right on the edge of penetration.

Becky could feel her mind growing numb, her inner protests growing quieter as it became harder to think. Suddenly all that she wanted was to feel Ramon’s thick, hot cock filling her up. She wanted his attention, his approval, his control. Right now, being reduced to a prop designed to make him look good on stage didn’t seem like such a big sacrifice. She would do anything for him.

“Yes, boss!” She moaned.

“Yes what?” demanded Ramon, still holding her in that maddening position, so close to the deep penetration her pussy demanded.

“Yes! Please make me your slutty little bimbo assistant! Please booooosssss!” her last word stretched into a scream of pleasure as Ramon’s cock slid slowly into her dripping pussy, filling her completely with his powerful length. How had Becky been missing this her whole life before Ramon? The red hot, filthy wrongness of complete submission. She grunted with animalistic pleasure as she moved her hips with long, slow liquid strokes up and down Ramon’s shaft, tensing the muscles of her tight pussy to milk his cock with every upstroke. She didn’t even notice as more and more workmen stopped what they were doing to sneakily stroke at the erotic show she was giving them.

Ramon planted hot kisses on her neck as she rode him, his stubble tickling her pleasantly. “Now that you’re my assistant, we are going to need to make some changes,” he said between kisses, his voice dripping with amusement, “first, a change in wardrobe.” he reached over and flipped a switch, illuminating a shadowy corner of the wardrobe area.

Becky gasped, thrown off her rhythm for a moment. A mannequin under the spotlight was wearing an exact replica of the pink bunny-girl costume in that filthy concept drawing. Sparkly, tight, and slutty, with big stiff pink bunny ears. The drawing itself had been pinned to the front of the mannequin, allowing a direct comparison. Becky’s eyes greedily ran over the drawing again, a dark thrill spiraling through her belly as she realized that she would look just like that soon. Soon other people would see her with the same lustful eyes that she pointed at the drawing. Ramon seemed to have anticipated her shock and dug his fingers into her fleshy hips as he began thrusting up into her from below, making her feel the powerful thrusts of his hips as her greedy pussy took his cock.

“Of course, we will need to change your stage name as well,” he said as he pulled Becky down onto his throbbing cock, “people associate ‘Becky’ too much with that frigid witch you used to be. Your new name… is Bunny.”

Bunny moaned as she began enthusiastically grinding her hips downward again. Her boss had taken away her power and her self-respect, and now was remodeling her identity as he saw fit. The sick, twisted idea sent hot sparks through her whole body.

Ramon’s hand landed with a crack on her bobbing ass. “What is your name, girl?”

“B-bunny, sir! I’m your slutty Bunny!”

Ramon’s hand slid up, holding Bunny’s slender white throat in a possessive grip. She threw her head back, accepting his dominant grasp, filling his nose with the sweet, feminine scent of her silky hair. For a moment there were no more words: their bodies slapped together in the brutal rhythm of conqueror and conquered as their grunts and moans filled the air.

“Your hair.” Said Ramon roughly, “Black suited Becky, but I think Bunny is a blonde.”

“Yes, siiir! I’ll bleach it, boss! I want to be a dumb blonde for you!” Moaned Bunny, her pussy spamming and tensing around her boss’s pounding cock as the chauvinist pig made life choices for her.

“And most important of all,” growled Ramon, moving his hands to Bunny’s chest, “This flat, embarrassing, little girl’s chest is going to change.” His fingers and thumbs latched on to Bunny’s tender nipples, cruelly tight, and tugged, pulling them outward, drawing a gasp of pain and pleasure from Bunny’s mouth. It all came crashing down on her at once: the snarky comments from other girls in the locker rooms, the crude disparaging comments from cute boys, the half-joking put downs about her she read online. The shame and inadequacy she had buried her whole adult life over her lacking chest came roaring back in the pain and stimulation of Ramon’s rough play with her nipples.

“You are going to graduate from this tiny little nothing of a chest to Big…” He twisted her aching nipples, still keeping up the rapid rhythm of his thrusts, “Fucking…” He rubbed the suffering nubs between his rough thumbs and forefingers, “ Tits.” And with this he pulled them out again, drawing a hiss from Bunny as she frantically slammed her hips down on Ramon’s cock faster and faster, craving more and more sensation.

“Finally these big slutty nipples will sit on some fat fucking udders like they were always meant to,” grunted Ramon as he thrust upwards with furious intensity, “I want you to have such massive silicone melons that men can’t see you without imagining their hard cocks sliding between them. I want them all to image your massive jiggling mammaries bouncing in their face while you fuck them like the whore you are. I want you to be embarrassed to leave the house because of all the stiff dicks you cause wherever you go.”

Bunny groaned, the pain and pleasure causing a deep animal sound to pour from her throat. The workmen weren’t even pretending anymore: just openly stroking their cocks as they saw their former bitchy boss get roughly fucked toward a sloppy, shameful orgasm. Bunny’s eyes opened, and they fixed on the drawing of the bunny girl, confident, slutty, and fucking stacked. That was her. That was what Ramon wanted; what she wanted as well. “Yes!” She panted, “Yes! I want them! I want to drive all the boys crazy with my big fake tits! Please, Boss, make me your big-titted bimbo bunny girl!”

Ramon gripped her hips tight, and pulled himself deep inside Bunny as he fired his thick hot jizz into her spasming pussy. Bunny’s hands flew up to replace Ramon’s on her nipples, twisting and pulling and pinching even harder than Ramon had, driving her to screaming orgasm as Ramon’s cock twitched and throbbed inside her, spilling the last of his load.

Across the warehouse, workers finished their business and returned to work before Bunny was recovered enough to notice. Bunny snuggled up against her boss, and Ramon allowed her five minutes of afterglow before gently pushing her off his lap.

“I wasn’t just dirty talking, Bunny.” He said brusquely, walking Bunny back to the impromptu poker table to retrieve her clothes, cum leaking slowly down her legs, “I’ve already made you an appointment with a doctor friend of mine. He does excellent work. Don’t worry about the cost either, it’s a business expense, so I’ve convinced the investors to cover it for the good of the show.”

Bunny gulped. Now that she had come down from her orgasm, this suddenly felt a little too real.

Ramon turned to her with a frown. “Tomorrow will work for you, right? You don’t have anything else planned?”

Bunny let her worries drift away. Ramon was her boss, and he knew what was best for her.

“Tomorrow works great!” She said with a sunny smile.

* * *

(Months ago, during Faria’s programming session with Becky…)

Faria yawned. It was getting late. She had been forced to start this particular programming session later than usual because of her cover story. It was time to quit playing around and end this quickly.

“Why do you assume you are better than everyone else?” she asked, cutting right to the heart of the matter.

“Because I’m smarter than everyone else.” Said Becky simply. She looked tired as well, not just from the late hour, but from the mental and sexual exertion Faria had been putting her through. “Once upon a time, whoever was stronger could take anything they wanted from the weak. Nowadays, brains are the new brawn. The smart can take anything they want from the stupid.” She shrugged lazily, a smug smile on her face. “That’s just the way the world works.”

“How delightfully Darwinian.” Said Faria, leaning forward to lean her chin on a hand. “I wonder if you will see things the same way when you find yourself lower down the intellectual food chain.”

Becky looked like he was about to respond, but Faria was beyond the point of unnecessary chit-chat.

Programming mode. Dumb. Silent. Peaceful.

As a dumb slut, it is my duty to serve and pleasure my superiors.

Ooh, little miss know-it-all did not like this phrase one little bit. Her face looked like she had bit a lemon as she spat out the words of the command.

I’m so gullible. Guys can trick me into doing almost anything, especially if they are cute.

“—they are cute.” said the exhausted magician through gritted teeth.

Faria snapped her fingers. This session had gone on for long enough. Time for the last few questions, so she could get out of here…

* * *

“Show me.” Said Ramon in a smoldering voice. His eyes glittered posessively as he looked with pride at the sex toy he had made out of Becky. It had been a few months since her operation, and the doctor had finally pronounced her completely healed, just in time for opening night in a few days. Dr. Caine had been expensive, but the man was an artist. Bunny now had massive, gravity-defying fake tits that dominated her torso, finally balancing out and harmonizing with her thick hips and ass, creating an hourglass body that oozed sleazy sex appeal. Her once, straight black hair was now bleached, wavy blond, and her pale complexion had been fake-tanned into a healthy glow.

Right now, Bunny’s impressive breasts were just barely covered by the skimpy bunny outfit. Dr. Caine had made an estimation of the cup size that the reference drawing had, but in the end, Ramon hadn’t been able to resist going two cup sizes beyond that. It made the costume even tighter and sluttier, with a real chance of a wardrobe malfunction on stage. That was a risk that Ramon was willing to take.

Right now, Bunny’s eyes were sparkling with triumph, and her lips were pursed. Cartoony fake green leaves poked out from between her pink, glossy lips. On Ramon’s command, she opened her mouth, and the long slimy length of the fake carrot emerged from her throat, dripping with thick saliva. “Tada!” she said, giggling and bouncing with glee, her pink bunny ears wobbling cutely, even that small movement almost dislodging her costume from her enormous tits. “I’m getting reeeally good at making things disappear, right boss? Maybe I can be a magician again soon!”

“Maybe Bunny,” said Ramon with a smile, “But I’m sorry to say that I could still see the leaves.”

Bunny stamped her foot in annoyance, causing her huge bolt-on knockers to wobble amusingly. “It’s not fair, boss! I can’t fit the leaves! If I push the carrot any further, I’ll swallow it!”

“Don’t worry,” said Ramon soothingly, pulling Bunny close and squeezing one of her new, ripe tits, “I’m sure you’ll think of a way of disappearing the carrot. Just keep using that big brain of yours.” Bunny cooed with delight at his firm grip on her breast, and her hands immediately dived between his legs, working eagerly at his button and zipper. Ramon dodged away, laughing. He had already taken Bunny’s new body for a test drive after the doctor’s appointment, and as satisfying an experience as that had been, he had bigger plans for tonight.

“Well, it is the last week of work with all of the boys.” Said Ramon sadly, watching Bunny’s face as her little brain slowly absorbed what he was saying, “In a few days everything they built will be moved over to the theater, and their job will be over.”

“Awwww,” said Bunny with a pout, “I will miss all those guys. They were so sweet!” In fact, the workers had been going crazy with horniness over the past few months. Dr. Caine had insisted on a strict no-touching policy until Bunny was completely healed, so Ramon had set very strict guidelines. He had thought up a great way to reward them for their restraint tonight.

“I thought we could give them a traditional thank you in Spanish. I think they have prepared a little surprise for you as well. Does that sound like fun, Bunny?” Asked Ramon cheerfully.

“Yes! I love those guys soooo much! They are all so strong and manly and smart,” gushed Bunny.

“Perfect.” said Ramon with a wicked grin, “All you have to do is read this message I wrote for you in spanish, and I will take care of the rest.”

* * *

The assembled crowd of rough workers, still dirty from a long shift, gasped collectively as Bunny wobbled down the stairs to the workshop in her ridiculously high platform heels. They knew that her chest had increased massively in size, but her bulky bandages and thick sweaters she had worn to help discourage their wandering hands had hidden the perfect shape and heft of her new tits. Her skimpy Bunny outfit left nothing to the imagination, with the perfect tanned orbs practically hanging out for male inspection. Ramon had promised them a special thank you tonight, and they liked the look of it already.

Bunny waved and blew kisses as she clicked her way forward, the mass of horny working men closing behind her in a circle as she moved into the crowd. Ramon kept a watchful eye on the proceedings, careful to make sure things wouldn’t get too out of hand.

With a big smile, she pulled out the note cards that Ramon had written for her. He had coached her on the pronunciation, so she was fairly confident that she could say the phrases correctly. She cleared her throat and began.

“Gracias por todo su duro trabajo. Siento haber sido tan perra.” This drew a laugh from the crowd, which caused Bunny to look around with surprise. Ramon told her that this meant “Thank you for your hard work. It was great working with you.” Had he written in a joke without telling her? That naughty boy! (Author’s note: Translation: Thank you for all your hard work. I’m sorry for being such a bitch.)

She continued, with her voice a little less certain. “Para recompensaros a todos, quiero que llenéis mi barriguita de zorra con vuestro leche caliente. Esta noche, por favor, tratadme como la puta que soy.” Now the crowd was silent, staring at her hungrily. Did Ramon translate something wrong? That was supposed to mean “I loved working with you all so much. I hope we can work together again someday.” (Author’s Note: Translation: To reward you all, I want you to fill my slutty little belly with your hot cum. Tonight, please treat me like the whore I am.)

Bunny looked around at the smirks and hard stares of the men around her. Did they disagree? Had they not liked working with her? What was going on? Suddenly Ramon was behind her, hand on her shoulder, holding a silky pink strip of cloth. Bunny felt a rush of relief. Her boss was here, and he would make sure everything would turn out alright.

“Now Bunny,” said Ramon with a kind smile, “all the men want to thank you for your hard work with a tasty little treat. It’s tradition for you to kneel down and let them put it in your mouth.” Something about that sounded odd, but Bunny didn’t need to think about things like this. Her boss had told her it was ok, and that was all she needed. Bunny nodded and sank to her knees, the eager crowd of men pressing forward, looming above her in a circle. Ramon began tying the pink blindfold around her eyes, causing the room to fall into blackness for her. “B-but, why do I have to wear this boss?” she squeaked, clinging to his leg.

Ramon patted and stroked her blond hair, “Shhhh, don’t worry Bunny, it’s just for fun. All the boys want to give you a treat that they made just for you, and they might be embarrassed if you could see.”

Ramon snapped his fingers and explained in rapid Spanish how he wanted things to go. One at a time. No talking, no touching. As quiet as they could. Then he nodded at Mateo, who quietly dropped his pants, revealing a large sweaty penis hanging low beneath his huge hairy gut. He began stroking silently, staring with a twisted grin down at the humbled, blindfolded bunny kneeling at his feet. It wasn’t long before he was huffing and puffing, sweat running down his piggy face. Behind him, a line was forming, with men already shedding their pants to prepare for their turn.

“Um. Is something supposed to be happening?” Asked Bunny innocently as her despised former subordinate stroked his hairy cock inches from her face. Her nose wrinkled cutely. “Something smells bad,” she complained.

“Don’t be rude Bunny,” said Ramon sternly, “Your coworkers are working hard to prepare your treat. Ah. I think Mateo is ready. Open wide and say Ahhhh!”

“Ahhhh!” said Bunny, as Mateo spurted thick, yellowish semen into her open mouth. One glob missed slightly, landing on one of her plump pink lips. Bunny’s face immediately crumpled into disgust as the taste of Mateo’s jizz hit her tongue. She shook her head and raised her hand to her mouth to spit.

“No!” said Ramon sharply, pulling her hair a little for emphasis. “These men saved up for months so that could reward you for being such a good coworker. I want you to swallow every drop!” Bunny made a whining noise in her throat, but finally swallowed down the thick slime, gasping as she opened her mouth. “What was that Ramon?” she asked petulantly.

“It’s leche, Bunny. A very traditional drink for girls like you. Now I want you to thank Mateo for his leche and tell him it was good.”

“Thank you Mateo,” said Bunny, still too grossed out to be fully convincing, “Your leche was super yummy.”

“It doesn’t actually taste very good.” grumbled Bunny under her breath to Ramon as Mateo moved to a distance to watch, “It almost tastes like…”

“Next!” called Ramon.

The line moved forward, man by man. Load after load drained from the balls of the big, rough workers into Bunny’s waiting mouth, then down into her sexy, flat tummy. And after each swallow, Bunny would sweetly thank her coworker, telling him his treat was delicious. Eventually, more and more men started to “miss”, splashing Bunny’s big fake tits with their cum. She whined and complained that her stage outfit would get all stained, and Ramon eventually agreed with her, telling her to just remove it completely. Bunny hesitated for a moment, but, after all, the men had all seen her naked before…

The line began to move much quicker now that the hot little slut was totally naked. Her new huge round tits were a masterpiece to behold, crowned by her same old big, thick nipples, now finally in place on tits that matched their size and slutty sensitivity.

The line finally dwindled in length. As she thanked the second to last man for his thick load she had just swallowed, she let out a loud burp, testing the crowd’s ability to remain quiet and not laugh. “Ugh.” she said, shaking her head, “I’m so full boss! I don’t think I could have even one more serving of leche.” The last man in line was Juan, the eighteen-year-old least favorite of the former bitchy boss Becky. He wore a look of comical dismay at being left out. Ramon winked at him and held up a finger in a “one second” gesture.

“Are you sure Bunny?” Asked Ramon, “Not even one more?”

“Noooo, Ramon!” Groaned Bunny, “My poor tummy is stuffed full.”

“Well, that’s good!” Said Ramon, “Because that was the last man. They all have to leave now, so say goodbye, Bunny.” Ramon made a “Play along” gesture to the crowd, who chorused “Good-bye!” and stomped their feet in an unconvincing attempt to mimic walking away. It didn’t take much to trick Bunny these days.

“Oh! Goodbye boys!” Said Bunny cheerfully, “Thank you so much for the leche! I don’t know if it’s my thing, but I’m so happy you thought of me when you made it!” She moved to take off her blindfold, but Ramon stopped her. “Leave the blindfold on Bunny, I have a fun idea.”

He gestured quickly to Juan, telling him to lay on his back. The boy complied instantly, his eager young cock sticking straight up, drooling pre-cum. Ramon moved so that his face was right near Juan’s head, and said: “I want you right now, Bunny. Seeing you naked on your knees like that made me really hot. Come over here and fuck your boss.”

“Ooooh,” said Bunny with a giggle, crawling towards the young worker sexily, her big fake tits swaying hypnotically beneath her, “You want to fuck your slutty little Bunny with a blindfold on. Well, you know I can’t say no to you, boss.” She finally reached the broad young man, throwing a thick thigh over his pelvis, reaching down to run his eager young cock up and down the entrance to her pussy. “Mmmm, I love the way you feel baby. For some reason, I’m all horny. Do you think that that ‘leche’ might be an aphrodisiac?” Ramon held back a chuckle as he said “I think you might be right, Bunny. Now no more talking. Show me how well you can ride cock.”

Bunny began pumping her hips up and down in strong, smooth, circular motions, working hard to make sure that her lover could feel her slick, hot tightness on every inch of his cock. She had always been good at cowgirl, and Ramon had given her lots more practice, teaching her how to pleasure his cock in the way he preferred it. The young worker certainly had no complaints. His eyes were practically rolling into the back of his head from the sensation of Bunny’s sexual skills. The horrible screeching woman who had made his life hell was now gasping a writhing her thick, juicy body on his cock. The ass that he had been screamed at for even glancing at was softly slapping down on his thighs as his cock plunged deep inside Bunny with every stroke. As she increased her pace, Bunny’s massive tits began to bounce heavily, a mesmerizing sight that drew the eye of all the males in the room like a magnet. Many of the men dropped their pants again, suddenly ready for round two watching Bunny’s huge breasts, tipped with thick nipples as hard as diamond, jiggling and jolting as she rode the strange cock inside her harder and faster.

One hard cock must be just as good as another, thought Ramon as he saw Bunny work herself into a moaning, leg shaking orgasm. With an excellent eye for timing, the young man beneath her reached up at just the right time, clutching her breats hard with his rough workman’s hands, sending Bunny deeper into a screaming climax. Her pussy grippied Juan’s cock tightly as he released his load deep inside her, to the envy of his watching coworkers.

Bunny rolled off, giggling and on cloud nine from her powerful orgasm. Ramon quickly shooed the lucky young worker away and laid in his place, getting ready to kiss Bunny on the lips, then thinking better of it and planting a kiss on her forehead. He motioned to the workers to leave, which they did as quietly as they could while Ramon cuddled Bunny for longer than he normally allowed. “

“Look at that,” he said as he gently removed the blindfold, revealing the empty workshop, “You had room for one more serving of leche after all!”

“What?” Said Bunny, a look of adorable confusion on her face, “What do you mean?”

“Nothing,” said Ramon with a mischievous smile. “Are you excited for the big show, Bunny?”

“Yes!” Said Bunny, her eyes shining, “I can’t wait for everyone to see all of our tricks!”

* * *

(Months ago, Faria concluded her programming session with Becky.)

Faria settled back on the loveseat and crossed her legs. Becky sat slouched in her dressing room chair, naked and skick with the juices of her arousal, but still as spiky, defensive, and arrogant as when Faria first saw her. At least Faria could take satisfaction from the fact that she wouldn’t stay like that forever. Faria’s commands were already worming their way into the snooty magician’s brain. Within six months she would be a cock-hungry little airhead without two brain cells to rub together. Just like Ramon wanted. There was just one more item of business. It was important to Faria on a personal level to make sure that, in addition to satisfying her client, she crafted a punishment that provided a twisted catharsis to her target as well. It was time to find out what made Becky tick.

“Becky Hex,” she said flatly, “You are one of the biggest know-it-alls I have ever met in my entire life. To make matters worse, you don’t believe in anything: good, evil, honor, professionalism. None of them are real to you, they’re all just things to be sacrificed when you need a quick buck. To make things worse, you are a raging bitch who is willing to burn anyone close to her, and calls herself smart for doing so.”

“Is that a question?” Said Becky sullenly.

“What went wrong? Why did Rebecca Holcombe become Becky Hex, the horrible narcissist?”

Becky shrugged, Faria’s command pulling the answer from her against her will. “Nothing dramatic. No big trauma. Sorry if that’s boring. I didn’t fit in at high school. I wasn’t ugly, but I was nerdy and shy and flat as a board. It might not seem like a big deal to you,” she said, sneering at Faria’s middling bust, “but to me, it was crushing. I ended up wanting to disappear, sexually speaking. If no one considered me as a sexual partner, they would never reject me for my tiny tits. It felt like the cute boys and the popular girls were on the other side of an invisible wall. One I could never cross. So I tried to define myself differently. I got into crystals and horoscopes and all that shit. And guess what? That didn’t work either. It was all bullshit, and I felt dumb for ever beleiving. So I decided to beleive in myself instead. I was smarter than any or those cute boys and popular girls, and if I put my mind to it, I could make a living out of being better than them. Not at the stupid social game they were playing, but up here,” she tappd her temple, “Where it counts.”

“Hmmm,” said Faria, “You’re right. A little boring. But, I think I have just the thing to make you feel better.”

Programming mode

Becky instantly slumped from blazing-eyed defiance into a boneless trance, her head lolling back against her headrest.

I want to be popular more than anything. Giving men what they want will make me popular

“—make me popular.”

I want everyone to see me as a sexual object. Being lusted after by as many people as possible, and being exposed sexually is deeply satisfying to me.

“—satisfying to me.”

If being smarter than others makes me feel alone, then it’s better to be dumb.

“—better to be dumb.”

Faria snapped her fingers. There, that should do it. Now, in the end, Becky would get just as much out of this as Ramon. She commanded Becky to forget the events of the evening and fall asleep on the loveseat. The worn-out magician did so almost instantly, and as she lightly snored, Faria took the time to scatter some empty bottles nearby. She would awake with a splitting headache and an obvious cover story to tell herself and her crew.

It was time for Faria to head home herself. She would check back in with Ramon when things had progressed to the finale, a little over six months from now.

* * *

Becky checked herself in the mirror one last time, tugging on the tight cups of the bunny suit once again to make sure she was covered. Her breasts had popped out several times during rehearsals, but Ramon had sworn that it wouldn’t happen on the night of the performance. She didn’t know how he could be so sure.

Ramon had also promised that he would get the suit laundered before opening night, but she could still see some of the stains from the workmen’s “leche” around the chest area. She just hoped that the crusty marks wouldn’t be visible from the crowd. She heard them introducing Ramon on stage, which meant that she had less than five minutes. She wobbled quickly on her massive heels to the stage entrance, taking a deep breath and fixing a shiny smile on her face.

“And, before I begin, I would be thrilled to introduce my lovely assistant. Please give a warm welcome to… Bunny!”

Bunny walked across the stage, waving and smiling, swinging her wide hips in a sashay just like Ramon had told her. She drew wolf-whistles from the crowd, and she couldn’t help but wink and blow kisses. The people loved her!

Ramon greeted her with the lines that they rehearsed, but she had such a hard time concentrating that she was only able to giggle. She could feel the hot eyes of the crowd on bulging tits, her plump ass, her stocking-clad legs. Being on display for all these people was intoxicating. She could feel herself getting aroused. She hoped that her stiffening nipples didn’t dislodge her bra cups.

Ramon, seeing that he wouldn’t be able to get the rehearsed script out of the giggling airhead, settled for asking the crowd, “Isn’t she adorable? Bunny everyone.” Bunny bounced and clapped along with the crowd as they cheered, nearly freeing a nipple, revealing just a sliver of pink areola before reaching down and tugging up her costume.

Then, Ramon did something that wasn’t in the script. He turned the the audience and said, “Bunny here used to be a stage magician herself! Hard to believe I know! She’s a little out of practice though. She’s been working on some tricks with me to get back into shape. Would you like to see one?” The crowd cheered, and Bunny looked at Ramon with wide, worried eyes. What was he doing?

Ramon reached into his pocket and pulled out the long, rubbery, carrot shaped dildo. “Bunny has been working on making this carrot disappear! Would you like to see the trick?” The crowd cheered. Bunny took the carrot nervously, whimpering “Boss, I don’t know, the trick’s not ready yet!”

Ramon turned to the crowd again. “It looks like poor Bunny is a little shy. Let’s do a cheer to pump up her spirit.”

“Bun-ny! Bun-ny! Bun-ny!” roared the crowd. Bunny looked at the carrot, her heart pounding. The crowd loved her. They were cheering for her. She smiled. The crowd believed in her. She could do it. She nodded at Ramon.

“Ok!” said Ramon, waving the crowd to silence with a commanding hand, “Make that carrot disappear!” Luckily, Bunny had thought of a really good idea. She quickly turned around and, out of the view of the crowd, snuggled the carrot between her big tits, using her hands to squash them together and hide the carrot completely. Perfect, she thought with a smug smile. Magic show crowds were idiots. She had always known that. This would fool them for sure. She turned back around, her hands pushing her tits together, oblivious to the fact that her hard pink nipples were peeking over the top of her costume.

Ramon held back a laugh, but the crowd had no such restraint. Bunny was treated to waves of humiliating laughter from the raucous crowd as she looked around, her eyebrows furrowed in a picture of stupid confusion. “OK, everyone. All together now. Where is that carrot?” Different people phrased their answer differently, but the most common answer drowned out the rest in a roar: “Between her tits!”: Bunny’s slutty funbags were so far outside of the norm that “tits” was the first word that leaped to mind: “breasts” just seemed too respectful.

Bunny scowled at the audience in disappointment and pulled the carrot out from between her tits, tugging up her costume, too late to shield her nipples from public view.

“Let’s give her one more chance! What do you say, audience?” Boomed Ramon.

“Bun-ny! Bun-ny! Bun-ny!” The sour look left Bunny’s face. The people loved her after all. It was her fault for trying a new method on the fly. It was time to go with the tried and true. She nodded her readiness to Ramon. “Ok, Bunny! Second time’s the charm! Make that carrot disappear!”

Bunny didn’t waste time. In her eagerness to quickly disappear the dildo, she forgot to even turn her back. She raised the big, phallic carrot to her lips and slid it deep inside her mouth. As usual, it took a few pumps in and out to loosen and lubricate her throat, but within seconds, she was able to push the carrot all the way in to its base, her throat bulging with the effort. With care, she finally managed to push the carrot just a bit deeper, fitting the cartoonish green leaves inside her mouth.

The crowd was silent with shock, then burst into wild applause at her amazing feat. Bunny basked in their praise, eyes watering as she took a bow, momentarily causing her huge tits to slip free before she was able to recontain them. Ramon clapped as well, a nasty grin on his face as he watched the mockery of the crowd sail right over his former rival’s head.

“Very impressive work, Bunny!” he said in his booming magician voice, “I bet that trick makes you popular at parties.” The crowd laughed loudly, crackling with erotic energy focused on the horny slut displaying herself on stage. “But let’s see if the crowd figured you out… Audience, where’s that carrot?”

“In her throat!” Screamed the horny patrons. Bunny’s eyes widened in disbelief. This crowd was smart! She extracted the long, thick dildo from deep inside her throat, her saliva dripping to the stage. Bunny felt small. Humiliated. Somehow, even a crowd of stupid magic show patrons, who she had always looked down on, had outsmarted her.

“Well, that’s all the time we have for your tricks Bunny,” said Ramon to the disappointed groans of the crowd, “Let’s get on with the show!”

Bunny was a little red-faced from embarrassment and exertion, but she fixed a smile on her face and struck a pose, exposing another sliver of pink areola. The show must go on.

* * *

By the end of the show, Bunny was a hot, sticky mess. Something about the eyes of the crowd, their laughter, their catcalls, had been driving her crazy. Ramon hadn’t been any help. He seemed to deliberately put her in humiliating positions during the show, asking her simple questions about magic that she was only able to answer with nervous giggles, drawing the mocking laughter of the crowd. Making crude jokes and direct comments about her body, which never failed to cause a spike in wolf-whistles and lewd cat calls. Ramon had been absolutely wrong about her wardrobe doing fine on the night of the show. It seemed to be slipping off every other minute, exposing her puffy pink nipples to the leering crowd again and again. During the knife-throwing trick, when he had strapped Bunny’s legs and arms to the spinning wheel, he had accidentally snagged the top of her costume with his hand as he turned away, fully exposing her breasts to the hot spotlights and hotter eyes of the wild crowd. For a full five minutes, Bunny spun on the wheel, face growing redder and nipples growing visibly harder under the harsh light of the spotlight. Her tits bounced and swayed with the spinning of the wheel, drawing the attention of the crowd far more than the trick Ramon was trying to perform.

All of this had combined to create a powerful erotic hold of Bunny. As she stumbled off stage before the big finale, she was breathing heavily, and she was positive that the stage lights had been able to pick up the glimmer of wetness between her thighs. She tried to calm down, tugging up her slipping costume for the thousandth time that night. All she needed to do was the final trick. She just had to sit below the stage for a minute or two so that Ramon could pull her out of a hat. It was a trick so simple that even Bunny couldn’t mess it up. It mainly revolved around the use of a hydraulic lift from beneath the stage.

Suddenly, Ramon was there, off stage in the brief moment before the trick began. It was almost time for her to go beneath the stage and prepare. She looked down to see Ramon holding out the rubbery carrot in his hand. “One last chance.” he said with a wink, “I know that you can do it. Vanishing things was always your strong suit. Just hide it somewhere that you haven’t tried already tonight. The crowd made fun of you before, but this time you will prove to them who you really are.” He thrust the carrot into her hands and hurried out onto the stage.

There was no time to protest. Bunny needed to be in position. She hurried to the dark lift beneath the stage and squatted there in the dark… listening to Ramon begin his patter on the stage above. Think Bunny think! You are a smart girl. You need to think of a place to hide the carrot that you haven’t already used tonight. And you need to do it in the next five minutes…

* * *

Faria clapped as Ramon ran back onto the stage, this time without Bunny in tow. It had been a delightful evening. Although she still didn’t find Ramon charming, she had to admit that his swaggering sleaze worked better on the stage than in person.

While her finales often involved public humiliation, rarely did they involve a crowd this size or six months of preproduction, so this was a rare treat.

On the stage, Ramon was thanking everyone for coming that evening. “Of course,” he continued, “we still have one more big show-stopping number to send you home thinking about, but before we do, I want to extend a special invitation. Bunny, bless her heart, really is trying her best with magic, and she is going to be holding a little private show later tonight to show off her… skills. Some of you have been pre-selected to attend, so please check under your seat. Details on the invitation will tell you where to go, and the invitation will be your entrance ticket. Please consider joining us. Poor Bunny isn’t the brightest bulb in the box, but dammit, she is eager to please the crowd. I think it will be a show that leaves everyone satisfied.”

The crowd collectively scrambled to check their seats, most groaning in disappointment. Faria reached beneath her seat and found a stiff, fancy invitation, as she knew she would. So this show was just the appetizer…

Ramon Barrera truly did know how to put on a good show.

* * *

Suddenly, Bunny was struck with a brilliant idea. There was one place where she could definitely hide the dildo that she hadn’t used already tonight. She would have to be quick, but if she hurried, she should have enough time to make the carrot disappear before she was due on stage. Working as quickly as she could, Bunny slipped the one-piece corset off her body, leaving her wearing only fishnets, bunny ears, and pink platform heels. Taking a shaky breath, Bunny held the long, thick carrot to her pussy and pushed it inside. She was so wet and aroused that it slipped deep inside easier than she thought it would, drawing a grunt of pleasure from her throat at the unexpectedly quick penetration. She just needed to push it deep inside, then put her costume back on, holding it in place. No one would be able to see where it had gone this time. The perfect illusion.

She held back a moan, biting her lip and she inserted the carrot deeper with a shaking hand. Oh God, this would be so much easier if she wasn’t so horny. The feeling of the thick dildo penetrating her was sending tingles up her spine. She could hear Ramon talking about the oversized hat on the stage above. She was running out of time. She pushed the carrot as deep as it would go, whimpering at the sensation, and reached out for her corset. The carrot slipped out and fell with a wet splat to the floor of the lift. Darn! She grabbed the dripping dildo again, pushing it deep inside her pussy, setting off further explosions of pleasure in her overloaded brain. She reached out again for her corset, this time concentrating on tensing her muscles and keeping the carrot in place.

Then, just as her hand reached out, the mechanical lift began to rise. It startled her enough that her hand missed and knocked the corset off the lift as it rose, sending it sailing down to the floor beneath the stage, and leaving her naked and stranded on a lift rising upwards.

She moaned in pleasure and despair, and the carrot began to slip out of her soaking pussy once again. She grabbed it hastily, stuffing it back into her swollen, dripping vagina, gasping once again at the sensation, amplified by the humiliating situation she was confronting. She had less than two minutes until the prop hat collapsed and she was revealed to the crowd. Her mind fizzed and popped with arousal and panic. The crowd had seen her breasts already, so that wasn’t the end of the world. Maybe if she used her hands to cover her soaking wet pussy…

Her hand gripping the carrot slowly began to move with a mind of it’s own, not just holding the carrot in, but gently thrusting it in and out. All of this worry and panic and quick thinking… was it really necessary? Couldn’t she just take a vacation from thought for a moment and enjoy the torrent of pleasure flowing through her body? A twisted, dark, deeply arousing thought loomed in her mind. The crowd had loved every time she had been exposed tonight. They were by far the biggest cheers of the whole performance. Louder even than the applause Ramon had received. Wasn’t her job as a performer to give the people what they wanted?

Bunny began thrusting the dildo deeper and faster into her aching pussy, stifling a moan as best she could. She had only seconds. She ignored her pleading, panicked brain and listened to her pussy instead. Instead of covering herself, she leaned back, balancing on her wobbly platform shoes and one hand behind her, thrusting her dripping cunt toward where she knew the crowd would be.

The hat collapsed, flooding Bunny’s tanned body with hot stage lights. The music cut and the crowd went dead silent. The only sounds filling the air were Bunny’s frantic whines and moans as she fucked herself silly in front of a crowd of hundreds. Her curvy fishnet-covered legs shook and wobbled on her ridiculously tall platform shoes as she balanced precariously, thrusting the bright orange dildo deep into her juicy pussy, presenting herself in full view to the hungry eyes of the crowd. Her huge, deliciously round tits bounced and jiggled with the frantic pace of her masturbation. Her face was frozen in a bright red expression of mixed despair, pride, and arousal.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” said Ramon calmly, “One more round of applause for my lovely assistant, Bunny!”

As the exposure and the humiliation and the thick orange dildo brought Bunny to orgasm, the crowd leapt to their feet, their roars of approval drowning out even Bunny’s screams of pleasure as she achieved toe curling, mind-melting climax, bathing in the attention of her adoring fans.

* * *

The workshop floor was dark and empty as Ramon led her down the stairs. All of the projects were gone now of course, so it was really just a large empty room with some equipment stacked around the edges.

Bunny shivered a little in the cool air of the room. Ramon had insisted thst she remain naked after the show, even, embarrassingly, on the limo ride over. The driver had almost crashed. Bunny was all wound up after the show, and all that she wanted to do was to go home with her boss and work out the white hot horniness inside her with a long night of sweaty, sticking fucking. But Ramon said she had something else important to do tonight, and what the boss says goes.

As they reached the bottom of the stairs into the dark, silent warehouse, Bunny jumped a little as she realized that they weren’t alone. A few dozen figures lurked in a small crowd, hidden in the shadows. Bunny shuddered and clung to Ramon’s strong arm. It was a little creepy.

“Bunny, I think it’s time for you to finally meet the investors that made our show possible tonight.” Said Ramon, a strange dangerous tone in his voice. He unclasped Bunny’s arm and drifted back, leaving her in the middle of the shadowy crowd. This close, she could see that they were wearing dark cloaks with hoods covering their faces. She let out a nervous giggle. Magicians could be so over-dramatic.

A man stepped forward, pulling back his hood. It was an older bearded man with a steely look in his eyes. “Hello, Bunny.” He said with a bitter smile. Wait a second! Bunny’s mouth dropped open. She knew this man!

“I would introduce you, but you already know Steve Karlsson. He was the promoter you stabbed in the back when you dropped your shows to steal my tour.” Said Ramon in Bunny’s ear.

Another man stepped forward, lowering his hood. “And here is another old friend. Brian Davis supplied you with thousands of dollars of props, which you claimed were defective and refused to pay for.”

A large figure moved forward. “I’m sure your good friend Mateo needs no introduction. You lowballed him on your initial offer, then worked hard to shortchange him and his workers every chance you got, all while berating them constantly to work harder.”

Two smaller figures step forward. Bunny let out a sigh of relief as they dropped their hoods. She didn’t recognize these attractive older ladies. “This is Claire and Debbie, my former assistants,” explained Ramon, heat creeping into his voice, “Who had their names and photos leaked to the press, so that people could endlessly speculate online about how slutty they must be to sleep with their boss.”

Bunny gulped. She wasn’t sure she liked the look in the eyes of this audience. And there were still many others waiting in the shadows. Their piercing eyes, looking her up and down with frank interest, were fanning the flames of her already burning lust, even as she feared them.

“All of these people gave their hard-earned money to make tonight’s show happen,” explained Ramon. “And they were all very satisfied with the results.” this caused a wave of nods and murmured agreement throughout the crowd. “But they want to see more. More of your magic, Bunny.”

“But…but boss, I’m not very good yet. All I can do is make a carrot disappear.” Said Bunny meekly.

“But that’s perfect, Bunny!” said Ramon with a grin, “that’s exactly the trick they want to see!”

The figures that had stepped closer dropped their robes entirely, revealing that they were all naked underneath. The women were wearing massive, carrot-shaped strap-ons, and the men had comically smeared their erect cocks with body paint, dying them a blazing orange.

At the sight of the throbbing orange cocks, Bunny could feel her nipples stiffen to attention on her big fake tits. The cruel, hard eyes of the men and women promised a rough, angry session of demeaning sex. She looked with wide pleading eyes at Ramon, her boss, the man who did all the thinking for her.

He smiled back at her. “These people have lots of money, Bunny. If you impress them, you could be a real magician again for sure. Go on. Show them how you can make their carrots disappear.”

What the boss says, goes.

Bunny wobbled forward and sank to her knees in front of Steve Karlsson, tentatively taking his cock in her mouth, tasting the chemical tang of the orange body paint.

Then the other surrounded her, and Bunny sank into a seemingly endless daze of orange cocks and rubber carrots.

* * *

Faria and Ramon sat, lazy and satisfied, on one of the couches that had been thoughtfully set up around the edges of the open workshop area. Faria played idly with Ramon’s semi-erect cock as they enjoyed the ongoing show.

Bunny was moaning her way through what must have been her dozenth orgasm of the night, her face thrown back, locked in a dopey grin, eyes vacant. Two men had aligned her perfectly to plunge deep into her ass and pussy at the same time, overloading the poor bimbo’s tiny brain with pleasure as their cocks rapidly lost their orange paint inside her sloppy holes. Two impatient women were taking the opportunity to attack her breasts with their mouths while the men worked, licking and sucking Bunny’s sore nipples like so many others had done tonight.

Ramon was getting hard again, Faria noticed. She had to admit that he had impressive stamina for a man his age. Even many younger men would have been done for the night after taking their turn with the gangbang slut, then having a side session with Faria.

Ramon would never have been a man Faria approached out in the world, but she had always thought that it was rude to be picky during an orgy, and he had put in a decent performance.

Overall Faria was pleasantly surprised with Ramon. Not only sexually, but also in regards to his training of Bunny. He had a flare for the dramatic, and it was hard to argue with his results.

The man below Bunny grunted, shooting yet another load to join the others filling her well-used pussy. A man who had been masturbating on the side moved forward, gently pushing the suckling women out of the way to spurt hot ropes of cum over Bunny’s big, sticky titties. The women then returned to their work immediately, greedily licking and sucking the jizz covered nipples.

“Is it possible to make… tweaks to a mind after the fact?” asked Ramon casually.

Faria shot him a sideways glance. “Normally I would say no, but you caught me in a good mood. I’ll at least hear you out.” Said Faria cautiously.

“I just wonder if you could undo the more… extreme parts of the hypnosis,” said Ramon sheepishly.

Faria tilted her head. Ramon was certainly a surprising man. “Why the change of heart? Feeling a little guilty?”

“Maybe a little. The main problem is that Bunny is just… boring. Obviously, in sexual situations, she’s very entertaining,” he said, gesturing at Bunny, who was giggling with two cocks in hand, bouncing wildly on the cock still deep in her ass, “but when we aren’t having sex, she just kind of stares into space and giggles. It might be weird to say, but as much of a bitch as Becky was, she was always interesting to talk to.”

Faria hesitated. Allowing after touches on her products would set a bad precedent. But Ramon Barrera had a point. Becky Hex had had an intellect and talent worthy of admiration, even if she had an awful personality to go with them. As entertaining as Bunny was, there was very little about her to admire. Maybe a new Becky who had learned a little humility after seeing how the stupid lived would be a better person to let loose into the world.

Faria sighed. She hoped she wasn’t becoming the sort of woman who went soft just because a man fucked her right.

“It’s actually an easy fix. All of the gray matter and neural pathways that made Becky a genius are still there, I had just placed a mental block in her way. I can lift it with a five-minute session. You’ll actually be getting the best of both worlds. Her fetish for feeling and acting dumb will remain even when her intellect returns. Likely that means she’ll be a genius in the streets and a bimbo in the sheets, to put it crudely.”

Ramon smiled, and Faria felt the blood rushing to his cock. He stood, his cock hard and ready once again, and began moving back towards Bunny with a glint in his eyes.

“One warning though,” called Faria after him, causing him to turn and look back, “She won’t be your obedient little pet anymore. You’ll have to win her over for real if you want her for your own. No cheating this time.”

Ramon just gave her a cocky grin and a wave. He strode to the center of the circle and commandingly shooed away the small group currently fucking Bunny.

He gently laid his little bimbo on her back, entering her swiftly and fucking her in a close, intimate missionary position. He kissed her deeply, ignoring the number of loads she had already swallowed that night. Bunny cooed and sweetly moaned as she finally got what she had wanted from the beginning of the evening: the close, tender, passionate attention of the man she admired most in the world. Her legs wrapped around her boss’s hips as the big beautiful breasts he had gifted her with crushed close to his chest.

Faria smiled as the two lovebirds orgasmed together, surrounded by shadowy figures, displeased that their revenge-fuck session had been interrupted by this tender scene. Who knew what the future held for Bunny? Or would it be Becky again? Ramon seemed confident they would stay together, but now it would be her choice, either way. Faria would stick around and remove her mental block after the gangbang, when Bunny was good and exhausted.

In the meantime, she should probably find another man or woman to fuck to pass the time.