The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Slow and Steady


There are no words that can convey just how conservative and reserved the beautiful Becky Johnson is. Although she is an 18 year old high school senior, she has never spent a single day in public school having been home schooled by her religious parents her entire life. She is a member of the Holy Oak Baptist Church and is both a Sunday school teacher and choir member. Appearances can however be deceiving and you never truly know a person until the Pandora’s box inside them is opened and you realize you can never put them back in.

Tina Smith is 18 as well and is Becky’s best friend and she is also a member of the Holy Oak Baptist Church. On the outside, the two girls are almost identical in their beliefs and appearances and people that don’t know them assume they are sisters. What nobody knows is that Tina has been keeping a dark and sinful secret, due to an unexpected event in her life she has unwittingly been converted to lesbianism and has become totally infatuated with her best friend Becky.

Theirs a storm brewing and right in the middle of it is Becky’s upcoming 19th birthday party, a day that will prove special beyond either of their wildest dreams.

This is the story of how that happens and why, starting with Tina on this very day...................

Chapter One

(The Book)

It was just a quaint and quiet little village about one hour north of Holy Oak that Tina had heard about from her moms friend Louise. She was driving there on a beautiful Saturday to go to a small antique store that sold Christian books to see if she could find a special gift for Becky’s upcoming 19th Birthday.

Pulling into the little town of Russet she entered on the main street and slowly drove along until she came to a building with a sign that said “Tammy’s Antique Books.” Pulling up in front of the building she put the car in park, pulled her keys out of the ignition and dropped them in her purse, and then opened the door and slid out of the car.

As she walked towards the entrance she caught her reflection in the front window and noted she was the picture of modesty having worn a full length denim skirt that reached her ankles and a loose fitting long sleeve white turtle neck with multi colored hearts on it that covered the rest of her body hiding her curves including her breasts. Her long red hair was straight and pulled into a simple pony tail in the back.

Tina entered the store and was amazed by the sheer number of antique books that the small store contained. Walking towards the back of the store, she noted a smiling elderly lady standing at the cashier county and Tina returned the smile as she walked up.

“Hello young lady, how may I help you” asked the sweet old women.

“I am looking for some kind of antique Christian book as a gift for my best friend’s upcoming birthday party and I heard this was a wonderful store so I thought I would give it a try” returned Tina cheerfully.

“Yes, thank you, " said the old lady, “I have been collecting Christian books for many years and I am sure you will be able to find something special for your friend so please feel free to browse as long as you like.”

Turning to the shelves of books Tina began browsing the many titles for something she though that Becky would enjoy reading. Becky’s favorite bible subject was the upcoming rapture when the forces of good and evil would be pitted against each other in one grand battle so that was the type of titles that Tina was scanning for when something about an odd little book caught her eye.

It had a shimmering black velvet cover and its title was in blood red letters in a flowing foreign script on the back of the binding, she could not read what the title said, but she was somehow intrigued by it so she reached out and grabbed it and brought it down to where she could look at it. The first thing she noticed was the softness of the black velvet as she held it in her hands and the second thing was that she was sure she could feel it radiating heat clear up her arms..

Tina could not put her finger on it, but there was just something so inviting about this little book that without even thinking about it she opened the cover and looked inside. On the back side of the cover hand written within parenthesis were the two words “(Ashanti Domina)” in what appeared to be an entirely different script than the title. Tracing over the words with her finger made her spine tingle and although she felt that odd it was not an unpleasant feeling so she did not give it a second thought.

She was here to find Becky a book for her birthday and this was not what she was looking for so she went to put it back on the shelf but for some reason those two words on the inside of the cover now infatuated her so she decided to buy it. Spending another hour or so browsing the books she finally found one she thought that Becky would enjoy and headed back to the old woman at the counter to check out.

The woman asked pleasantly “did you find what you were looking for my dear?”

“Yes, ma’am, I did Thank you,” and then Tina asked “Please I wonder if you could tell me what these words mean” as she opens the black velvet book and showed them to the old lady?

Looking them over the old lady said “I am sorry dear but I believe those are in Latin and I don’t speak Latin. I do know, however you run into Latin allot when studying these old antique Christian tomes and manuscripts so I do sell a book that helps with Latin translation if you would like one sweetie?”

“Yes, ma’am, that would be great, " Tina said as she pulled her wallet out of her purse and paid for her purchases.

It is 7:30 pm that same night and Tina is now at home alone sitting on the edge of her bed looking at the two words written in the shiny velvet book she had purchased earlier that day. She had not intended to do research on the book so soon, but ever since she had run her finger over the words and got the tingle in her spine she couldn’t stop thinking of them it seemed. That’s when it hit her, of course the computer. All she had to do was set down at her computer and plug them into Google translator and she would know what they meant in an instant.

Walking over to her computer desk, she pulled out the chair and set down, pushing the power button she waited for it to boot and warm up. Once the desktop appeared she clicked on the explorer icon and then typed in Google translator in the search bar and hit enter. When the translator popped up, she typed in “Ashanti Domina” and then again she hit enter and instantly the return answer was there, “Ashanti the Mistress” it read.

Hmm, thought Tina “that sounds to me like a name and a title, I wonder if this old book belonged to them?” As she sat there on the bed, she kept saying the name over and over in her mind, but something about it was telling her there was more. I wonder what is missing, she pondered and then it dawned on her and she had an idea so without another thought she spoke out loud “Ashanti the Mistress.”

WHAM! A searing white light streams straight out of the book in her hand and directly into her emerald green eyes and as it does it feels as if her mind and soul were being devoured. UN-Godley images unlike anything she could have ever imagined flashed through her mind, images of countless woman engaged in nude sex with each other. She fought with her entire being to clear her mind and rid herself of the filth that flowed before her eyes. Picture upon picture branded itself into her memory, pictures of bare breasts, and pussy’s, and asses, as woman after woman partook in wanton sex acts. She tried with all her heart and soul to pray and ask for help in stopping this attack on her mind, but the lewd images overrode her efforts to contact her God and it seemed like she was fighting a fight she was losing.

As her mind was being assaulted Tina was also having to deal with unknown sensations within her own body as her temperature and heart beat rose rapidly and she could feel a foreign sensation of what felt like a thousand fingers touching her breasts and her womanhood below. Her whole body tingled and she was finding it hard to catch her breath as the images flashed before her. Higher and higher she went and as if it were the not enough moans started coming from deep in her throat and a wet sensation formed between her legs and she knew she was enjoying this as her body betrayed her mind.

She could not tell how long this lasted, but all she could think was that it felt like she was being mentally raped and she was powerless to stop it. She tried to force her eyes to close and stop the light, but she couldn’t, she couldn’t even move, she was transfixed. One more time she reached out for the help of her God, but the images were too much and she felt her will falter and then fade. Higher and higher she felt herself being taken as the images swarmed and the imaginary fingers caressed her private areas until her body found its peak and lighting exploded in her mind as her first orgasm ever slammed through her. Suddenly, as fast as it started it was over and as the light disappeared Tina’s eyes rolled back in her head and a small trail of spit ran down the corner of her mouth and as she passed out cold. Slumping forward on the computer desk, she instantly lost herself in a dark dream.