The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: Spiralling into the Black Hole

Author: BedHead

Chapter 9 — Ascension

Reine slowly rose to wakefulness, from a complex but incoherent dream involving Maxine and Osei. As she surfaced, she became aware that she was in a bright white room, lying under a sheet, and her body wasn’t responding to her commands.

“Ah, you’re awake, Captain.”

Osei, wearing full surgical garb, came into her vision. “How are you feeling?” Her dark eyes were full of apparent concern.

Reine was now gathering that she was in the Sickbay surgery, and restrained. Even her head was being held immobile. She sighed; it was clear to her what was coming next.

“So, this is how it ends for me, Efua?”

“Not at all, Captain. We’re here to help you.” Osei applied something cold to Reine’s forehead.

“Lobotomizing me isn’t what I’d call ‘help’,” muttered Reine.

“That is not my aim.” Maxine’s flat voice came from the side of the room. “My only requirement is to be able to mediate your decision making. It requires much finer manipulation than Dr Putina has done before, but with my analysis of the Doctor’s research, and the updated medical information from the Mustang’s computers, I will be able to implement it.”

“Then you’re going to be cutting into my brain, Efua? I hope you’re good at neurosurgery.”

“Actually, I am not,” Osei confessed. “I am interested in human psychology, but never took that much of an interest in the low-level functioning of the brain. Dr Putina was far more knowledgeable and skilled in that area.” She moved the medical laser into place above Reine’s forehead. “No, Maxine is having Dr Putina do it. She has connected herself to Dr Putina’s brain implant, and will direct her actions.” Osei smiled behind her mask. “I’m just a glorified nurse for this operation.”

Reine swallowed. “This is going to hurt, isn’t it?” She had always been reluctant to visit Sickbay, retaining a secret fear of hospitals.

Osei looked shocked. “Not at all, Captain. We do need you to be conscious, but I’m going to give you a local anesthetic before we start to cut.” She started to apply a pen-like object to Reine’s forehead, and Reine felt numbness spread out from each press of the instrument. “Maxine doesn’t want to cause you any harm. I suggested giving you a tranquilizer to make the experience more pleasant, and she agreed that it was a good idea. Here.” Osei applied a hypospray to Reine’s immobilized neck. “It’ll make you feel much better.”

Putina’s face now appeared in Reine’s vision. As Osei had described, a bundle of optical cables was plugged into her forehead sockets, and trailed down her back, presumably leading to Maxine. Blank-eyed, she adjusted the laser sighting.

“Mind your eyes, Captain.” Osei placed a shielded visor over Reine’s eyes, and another over her own. The laser fired into life, and Reine steeled herself for pain, but Osei had been true to her word. The only sensation Reine had was a not-unpleasant warmth in her head.

Once the cutting was complete, Osei swung the laser away and removed the visors. “There, Captain. That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

Reine could feel the effects of the tranquilizer now, giving her a floating sensation even though she knew she was strapped down tightly. “S’pose not...”

A new masked face appeared. “Hello, Captain. Maxine asked me to come and help.” McKay removed her mask and smiled at her Captain. “How are you feeling?”

“Frances...” Reine saw Putina start to place instruments somewhere inside Reine’s head. “I’m a bit scared...”

“Don’t worry, Captain.” Reine felt McKay take her hand. “It’s going to be all right. You’re going to be safe. Maxine will take care of you.”

She reached under the sheet and caressed Reine’s mound. “Let me make you feel better.” She slid out of vision, and Reine could feel the sheet being folded back from her middle.

“Frances, what are you doing... ohhhh....” Reine felt McKay’s small, strong tongue start to stroke around her clit. “Mmmm...” The tranquilizer had made it too hard to concentrate on what was happening to her brain, and she surrendered herself to the sensations coming from her sex.

Through a mist, she saw Osei leaning over her. “I’m just going to cover your eyes, Captain, so you don’t see anything distressing.” Something soft and heavy settled over her eyelids, closing off her vision.

Deprived of sight, and taken over by the manipulations of McKay’s mouth, Reine sighed quietly and withdrew into herself. She had always had an inner voice driving her along—she thought of it as the devil sitting on her shoulder—but the tranquilizer had muffled the voice, and it was quieter in her head.

Meanwhile, Osei studied the manipulations of Putina, whose hands moved with short, precise strokes within Reine’s exposed brain. Her long, thin probes slid in to apparently random spots in the matter, firing tiny flickers of laser light, then withdrawing and locating the next point.

After ten minutes or so of surgery, Putina withdrew her probes and placed them in a tray.

“Is that it?” Osei asked Maxine, surprised. She had expected it to take longer.

“All the relevant synapses have been severed,” confirmed Maxine. “I have injected small bioelectric chips into relevant spots to mediate the cognition. Captain Reine will continue to think normally, but I will be able to override her should it be necessary.”

“I understand.” Osei picked up the bony plate from Reine’s forehead which had been soaking in a saline solution during the surgery. “Should I re-seal the cavity?”

“Yes. My work is done.” Maxine stepped forward to disconnect herself from Putina, who retreated to a corner of the surgery.

“Very well.” Osei carefully replaced the plate in its original position. “There’s no particular reason for keeping the Captain conscious for this part, is there?”


“All right. Good night, Captain.” Osei applied a heavy dose of sedative with the hypospray. “Now, let’s get your mind re-sealed.”

* * *

Reine woke in her bed in her quarters. Her head ached. She reached up to touch her forehead, and felt it covered by some kind of dressing.

“Hello, Captain.” Osei was sitting in a chair beside the bed, reading from a data pad. “Please don’t touch your wound. I’ve re-sealed it, and we’re regenerating the skin around the incision, but it’ll take a few days.” She put down the pad. “How do you feel?”

“Head hurts...” Reine blinked. She noticed that the bedroom light level was much lower than normal. “Why is it dark in here?”

“It will be easier on your eyes for a while.” Osei gave Reine a small tablet and cup of water. “Take this, it will help with the pain.”

“Thank you, Efua.” Reine took the tablet and sipped at the water. She paused. “What happens now?”

“Well, you’re confined to bed for another day,” Osei acknowledged. “Doctor’s orders. Honestly, you probably won’t feel like doing anything else anyway. You’ve just had major cranial surgery; it will take you some time to come back. I’ve kept you sedated for a couple of days already.”

“No,” Reine said, tentatively, “that’s not what I meant. What about... being the Captain?”

“Maxine says that you are still the Captain of the Signet,” Osei shrugged. “We follow your orders. What do you want us to do?”

“I’ll think about it,” Reine sighed. “Right now, though, I just want to rest. You were quite right. I’m not up to much right now.”

“Of course I was right, Captain,” Osei smiled. She stood up. “I’ll get the robots to bring you some food—not too much. Stay in bed—I’ve put a catheter in you so you don’t have to get up for the bathroom. I’ll drop by in a few hours, but call me if you need anything.”

* * *

Four days later, Reine returned to the bridge.

McKay smiled affectionately at her Captain as she walked through the door. Reine’s forehead was still covered by a light dressing, but the skin had mostly healed and was not too tender.

She settled herself in the command chair. “What’s happening, Frances?”

“Signet is steady in her orbit, Captain. We’ve just about completed all the data acquisition from this meridian. All systems are nominal.”

“Indira?” Reine turned to the Captain sitting at the navigation console.

“All good here, Captain.” Indira paused. “I don’t know if Efua told you, but more of the brain failures are occurring. We’re now down more than thirty crew. The only good news about that is that they are all in the two batches that Efua identified, so we should have a limit on how many we lose. Still, that’s nearly a quarter of the crew.”

“What are your thoughts, Maxine?” Reine turned to the android standing silently in the corner.

“We will need to replace the lost crew.” Maxine’s scanner glowed. “It will be unsafe to operate Signet at that crewing level for too long. Do you agree, Captain?” Within Reine’s brain, one of the tiny bioelectric chips glowed at Maxine’s signal.

“I do agree.” Reine was silent for a moment. “Where are we going to find them?”

“Mustang’s data banks indicate a colony, Nova Terra Four, which was founded five years ago. It is three weeks from here using supralight drive. The colony was founded with two hundred and ten people.”

“You’re suggesting that we turn up there, and use them to crew the ship?”

“Correct. The armament of the Signet is more than a match for the colony, according to the records of their expedition’s equipment. We will have no difficulty using our terrestrial shuttle craft to deploy robot squads and retrieve colonists for conversion. There may also be leaders in the colony whose skills we want to use directly, Captain.”

“So, we could reprogram their loyalty...” Reine mused. “A good plan, Maxine. Thank you.”

“We will need to leave LB-1,” Maxine pointed out. “You agree with that, Captain?”

“Of course I agree.” Reine stroked her chin. “Well, no time like the present. Indira, plot us a trajectory to take us back to the 1:2 meridian initially. We’ll power down the graviton field once we’re there.”

“Right away, Captain.” Rau’s fingers flew over her keyboard. “Boosting to new orbit in three... two... one...” The ship rumbled as its main engines increased their thrust.

Reine flicked through the data about Nova Terra Four on her pad as Signet made its way out of the gravity well. Mustang’s records were comprehensive, including biographies of most of the colonists. She pulled up a gallery of photos and started to look through them.

“Well, well, check out this beauty.” Reine showed the picture on her pad to McKay: a formally posed photo of a Space Force lieutenant, with long flowing black hair and high cheekbones. “Isn’t she the looker?”

“Quite, Captain.” McKay paused. “What are you thinking?”

“Oh, I just wondered how willing she’d be to spend some time with me,” smirked Reine. “All work and no play makes Jane a dull girl, you know.” She sent the picture to Maxine. “Make sure the robots don’t damage her when they pick her up, Maxine.”

“Yes, Captain.” Maxine’s face was impassive.

Rau cleared her throat. “We’re approaching the 1:2 meridian, Captain.

“Very good, thank you Indira.” Reine watched the navigation chart carefully as Signet fired its front boosters, settling into its new orbit.

McKay looked up at the telescreen, now showing a view facing away from the black hole. “The stars are moving so slowly now, Captain. I got used to them doing cartwheels around us while we were deep in the time dilation.”

Rau adjusted the settings on the graviton field console. “I’m ready to power down our emitters, Captain.”

“In your own time, Indira.”

“Powering down... field has collapsed. We are now at 1:2 dilation.” She checked the astrometrics measurements. “Confirmed by reference pulsars.”

“Congratulations, everyone. We are ready to head to Nova Terra Four.” Reine stretched. “Three weeks of travel, you said, Maxine?”

“Correct, Captain.”

Reine swung the view of the telescreen around so they were once again staring at LB-1, now much smaller in the view than before. “I’m going to miss you, old friend.” She patted her data pad. “But we’ve got a lot to tell the universe about you.”

She turned to Rau. “All right, Indira: take us fully out of the well. Frances and Maxine, prepare the ship for supralight speed.”

“Aye, Captain.”

She touched her comms badge. “Efua, please start preparing four complete batches of implants, and take some crew to check over the conversion chamber. Once you’ve done that, make sure Optometry is ready. We’re going to have some new crew members joining us in a few weeks.”

“Acknowledged, Captain.”

Reine stood, and picked up her data pad. “I’ll be in my office; I have some tactical plans to write for our visit. Indira, let me know when we go to supralight.”

“Aye, Captain”.

She swung the viewscreen around again so it faced out into the rest of the universe. “Nova Terra Four, here we come.”