The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Story of Iz

Chapter 1: The Exercise

Isobel unlocked the door and walked into the quiet, empty house. She caressed the giant Boston fern that stood in the hallway.

“Hello, Greenleaf.” She giggled.

She had been looking after her neighbours’ home whilst they were away. Doctor and Mrs Zeedyk (they were superbly educated people, and were in actual fact both highly accredited professionals in their field) travelled abroad on academic business often, sometimes three or four times a year. When she was younger, they had asked Isobel’s mother if she would like to help them out. The girl cheerfully agreed. She would check in on their empty bungalow, collect their mail, water their plants, keep the dust at bay. It was a small thing, and they were such nice people, that she was happy to help. And secretly, she looked forward to the little presents they would bring back for her. They usually took the form of a local sweet or delicacy from the country they had visited, and she had a very sweet tooth.

After many years of such little mutual courtesies, Isobel had grown into a striking young woman. Her sunny disposition delighted everyone she encountered, especially the Zeedyks.

On this particular day, she was pottering around the living room, wondering if she should give the shelves another dusting, when she was startled by a rattle at the front door. Brushing her nut brown hair away from her forehead, she peeked her head into the hall to see who it was.

“Hello!” It was the cheery lilt of Mrs Zeedyk’s voice. The happily shaped lady appeared in the open doorway.

“How are you, Iz?” Everyone called Isobel “Iz”. It was a childhood name her mother had given her that had stuck. She had grown to love it.

“Hello! What a surprise! I thought you weren’t getting home until next week?”

“Well, it’s a funny story. Our study was so successful, we had it wrapped up early this time. And we’ve been away so long this time! We felt the call of home!” Mrs Zeedyk laughed.

Her husband followed into the hallway, pulling a large travel case. He was a stately looking man in his early fifties, with peppery white hair that lent him an air of stateliness. Iz had always had a soft spot for him. He greeted her just as warmly as his wife.

“So, how have things been, Iz? It feels like a year since we last saw you!”

“Nothing much to report, Dr Z. I’m sure your plants are very happy in this sunlight!” Iz laughed.

“Thank you, dear! Now, you really must come round for dinner this weekend. Let us cook you a meal. It’s the least we can do for you.” The older woman told her.

“Thanks, I would love to.” Iz said, and waved them goodbye, wanting to let them get settled in private.

* * *

On Saturday evening Iz called round to her neighbours and found them preparing a risotto. The couple were well versed in the cuisines of the countries they had visited, as elegantly-travelled people are wont to do. Over the meal they enquired how Iz’s studies were going, how things were at home, every little detail. In return they talked extensively about their latest trip.

“We spent most of our time running a study at King’s College in London.” Explained Dr Z.

Iz enquired for more details. She had always been interested in the type of work the Zeedyks had done, and was thinking of taking up a sociology course at university.

“It was for the psychology department of the college. I earned my PhD there, I think I told you before sometime? Anyway, we specialise in behavioural science. This was a research project into how people react to different rewards for their actions. It was particularly interesting when it came to our control group in comparison to those who we identified as especially eager to please others. The results will be published sometime in the new year.”

“That sounds fascinating.” Iz said, intrigued, if a little confused. Mrs Z touched her ear and smiled.

“You know Iz, you seem like such a nice girl yourself. We have noticed that you seem to get pleasure from pleasing others. You would have made a perfect subject for our study.”

“Really? Do you think so?” She replied, inwardly feeling proud that the two of them considered her worthy of participating in one of their studies. She would dearly love to be closer to Dr Z.

“Here, would you like to try something we picked up?” Her husband interrupted, producing a decorative metal tin. “They’re called Wibele cookies. We discovered them when we went to Berlin for a weekend. Would you like to try one?”

“Please!” Iz reached into the tin and picked one of the biscuits up. It was a small, pale brown, and quite hard. She took a bite. A sweet taste of sugary vanilla filled her mouth.

“Oh, wow! These are really delicious!” She said delightedly.

“As I was saying,” Continued Mrs Z, as she picked up a biscuit for herself. “Your natural disposition would have meant we could have learned a lot from your behaviour. We were wondering, do you think you would like to try one of the exercises we worked upon in London?”

“Yes, I think so.” Iz replied.

“Fantastic!” She said. “We’ll begin once we’ve cleared up all this mess!”

The trio busied themselves tidying up the plates and cutlery from the dining room table, Iz helping to load up the dish washer. The two women chatted a little whilst Dr Z disappeared into their study. He returned with a large box.

“The first part of the exercise simply involves placing you into a state of relaxation. This is a device we designed to help you get comfortable. I call it a “Concentration Aid”.”

He opened up the box and placed an unusual looking item on the table before Iz. It was a wire-frame cube about twelve inches square, fashioned out of thin metal rods. Suspended by clear fishing wire in the very centre of the cube was a multi-faceted crystal. It sparkled with reflected light, its many surfaces glittering.

“It’s a simple tool to help you focus. I’d like you to hold your gaze on the crystal, Iz. Try not to blink.”

She stared at the refractions.

“Now, as you look, feel yourself taking long, deep breaths. Fill your lungs as deeply as you can, and exhale slowly. Feel yourself relaxing as you do. Don’t take your eyes from the crystal.”

As Iz breathed slowly in and out, and kept her eyes focused, and concentrated on not blinking, her field of vision narrowed onto the shimmering glass. The room grew hazy and dim in her peripheral vision. The shapes of the psychologists sitting opposite her blurred into fuzzy blobs. She heard Mrs Zeedyk speak this time, in a comforting murmur that seemed an ocean away.

“Falling, falling, falling now. So relaxed, so relaxed, so relaxed.”

Iz slowly blinked, letting herself sink down into the chair.

“Now … sleep.” Said Dr Z.

There was a moment, a single moment of silence that stretched forever, and then Iz’s eyelids fluttered shut.

“Would you like to start the next part of the exercise, Iz?” Someone said.

Iz opened her eyes. She couldn’t be sure if a second or an entire hour has passed. She felt as though she’d just woken up after a long, deep sleep. Confused, she looked at the older woman. She wasn’t even sure what the question had been.

“The exercise, Iz. Would you like to continue?” She asked again.

“Um … yes. Yes, I would.” Iz replied. She felt loose and serene.

“Excellent. Now that you are fully relaxed, you will find it so much easier to follow along. That’s why the first part is so important.” Dr Z told her.

“Let’s the three of us go into the front room.”

Iz followed the couple out of their dining room. As the sun began to settle behind rosy pink clouds, the walls of their living room were painted in warm light. Dr Z took a seat on their sofa while his wife drew the curtains and flicked on the floor lamps. She motioned for Iz to stand in the centre of the room.

“Okay. Now this part of the exercise consists of a simple set of poses for you to assume. First of all, stand up straight. Take a deep breath and stretch out your arms. Now, raise them above your head. Good. Now bring them down and press your palms together.”

Iz followed along with his directions. She took in several deep breaths as she stood, feeling a peculiar, pleasant warmth in her chest radiate out as she did so.

“Okay, now for the next pose. Get down on your knees. Let your buttocks rest upon your heels. Cross your hands behind your back. Keep your back straight, and look up at us.”

Obeying, Iz dropped down. This one felt a little uncomfortable, but when Iz saw the couple smiling at her, she relaxed even more.

“Excellent. Okay, now stand up again. I want you to fold your legs and bend forward. Touch the floor with your hands. Let your head hang down. Now, straighten your legs and hold this pose.”

This feels so easy, Iz thought. She looked up and found her neighbours still smiling at her. She felt pleased to be doing so well, a slight tingle of happiness shivering through her body.

“Okay, I want you to drop back down onto your hands and knees. Place your palms flat. Spread your knees apart. Now bend down and touch your chin to the floor. Good. Now, stay as still as you are able whilst I time you.”

At a steady, measured pace, Dr Z began to count. He stopped when he reached thirty.

“Excellent, Iz. You can stand back up.” He said. “Now, turn around and face away from us. Spread your legs as wide as you can. Bend forward and see if you can place your hands on your ankles.”

Iz tried as best she could, but she found it difficult to stretch that far. Dr Z stood up and came over to her.

“It’s okay. Let me help you.” He placed his hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her down until she managed it.

“Excellent. Now, try to hold this pose for as long as you can. I’ll count.”

As he did so, Iz could feel the muscles in her back and legs begin to tremble and ache. She wanted to hold on longer, but her her body gave out before he reached thirty. She gasped with the release of her efforts.

“Very good, Iz. That was very impressive for your first try.” She felt that tingle once again.

“Okay, now for one final position. Stand up straight and spread your legs as wide apart as you can again. Now tilt your head back, look at the ceiling and open your mouth.”

This one was even more unusual than the last, she felt, but Iz complied. She stood looking up, her mouth open, perfectly still. After a full minute, Mrs Z applauded.

“That’s wonderful, Iz. You truly are a very good girl. Here, take another cookie. This is your reward for doing so well.”

The girl beamed with pleasure as she lifted another cookie from the tin. She had done so well!

The Zeedyks wished her a good night, and she walked back to her own house, savouring the sweet taste in her mouth and the tingle that lingered on her skin.

* * *

Later that night, when she was getting ready to go to bed, Iz thought about the exercises and how good they had made her feel. It was though she had been practising yoga, but much more enjoyable. I want to practice them again, she decided. The word ‘practice’ stuck in her mind.

She stood up straight and took a deep breath. She raised up her hands. She brought them down and pressed her hands together. She frowned. She wasn’t feeling the same agreeable sensations she had felt earlier.

Iz got down on her knees. She placed her hands behind her back and stared straight ahead. Something doesn’t feel right, she thought. I’m not doing these properly at all. An idea popped into her head. These would be so much easier to do if I wasn’t wearing these pants. She stood up and slipped out of her cotton leggings. She felt freer, looser. Without even thinking about it, Iz found herself pulling off her t-shirt too. She stood there naked, feeling silly.

Is this strange? She thought. No, it’s not strange. I’m alone in my room. No one will ever know.

She stood up straight and stretched her arms. She breathed. She knelt down and crossed her wrists behind her back. She sat until her knees began to ache. She stood and bent down to touch the floor. Again, she held the pose for a minute or so. Her breathing became deep and relaxed. She pulled up her legs and pressed her chin onto the floor. Remembering the next pose, and how difficult it was, she steadied herself. Spreading her legs, she took a deep breath. She bent over and grasped her ankles. She held on until she was shaking. This time she was sure she had lasted longer than before. Finally, she stood, looked at her ceiling, and held her mouth open. She remained still. The pleasant tingle spread through her body again. Her mind drifted. She realised she was swaying from side to side a little. She was tired.

She snuggled down underneath her comforter, feeling drowsy and yet excited at the same time. That felt really amazing, she thought, before sleep overtook her.

On Monday, when she arrived home from college, Iz found her mother wasn’t home. There was a note on the fridge, telling her daughter that she was working late that night. Iz decided to practice once more. Even though it still felt more than a little silly, she decided to remove all of her clothing again. It definitely helped to be naked, she had decided. She lingered in her living room. In the centre of the room, she assumed the first position, and held it.

An image popped into her head. She imagined that the Zeedyks were there in her home, watching her from the sofa. It gave her a strange thrill.

* * *

On Friday evening, Mrs Z called round to visit Iz. She invited the girl over for dinner again on Saturday. Iz was happy to accept. She had been practising her positions every night before she went to bed, and had felt fantastic. She couldn’t wait to thank the couple for showing them to her.

The couple had prepared a lovely Indian curry that evening. After they had eaten, Dr Z turned his attention to his young neighbour.

“So, would you like another try of our “Concentration Aid”?” He asked.

“Um … sure.” Iz replied, trying to disguise that she in fact very much wanted to.

“That’s excellent, dear. Just let me get it out.”

Again Iz stared at the suspended crystal. Again she felt her breathing slow down as they talked and she listened. When they told her to close her eyes, she did. She let her mind drift into blankness. When they told her to re-open them, after a deep, contented breath, she obeyed. Mrs Z asked the first question.

“So, did you enjoy your exercises last week?”

“Yes.” Iz replied, her eyelids half open. The sense of relaxation she felt was almost overpowering this time.

“Did you think about them during the week?”


“Did you feel the urge to practice them again?”

“Yes … and I did. Every night, before I went to bed.”

“Would you like to show us how you practised your exercises?”

“Um … yes …”

“That’s good. You can start now.”

Iz stood up slowly, without removing her eyes from the crystal. After a moment of hesitation, she pulled her shirt up and over her head. She unbuttoned her jeans. Lifting first one leg and then the other, she climbed out of them. Her brow furrowed slightly. Somewhere deep inside, there was a knot of unease. She felt unsure if she should go any further. She stood silent in her bra and panties. After a moment, Dr Z spoke this time.

“Interesting. Iz, did you find it more pleasant to practice naked?”

“… yes …” She replied in a small voice. She felt embarrassed admitting the truth.

“That’s okay. We want you to feel comfortable. You feel perfectly happy being naked in our company. You don’t feel awkward or embarrassed. When you feel ready, take off your underwear, and join us in the living room.”

Iz reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. She placed it on top of her jeans. She carefully slipped out of her panties and added them to the pile. Eventually she managed to pull her eyes away from the crystal. She tip-toed into the centre of the living room, and took up the first position she had been taught.

It was just like the first time, only magnified. Iz’s skin felt extra stimulated as she saw the eyes of the couple on her pale, willowy body. She had never been naked in front of anyone before in her entire life. Now she was posing nude for her next door neighbours.

She stood and stretched. They counted. She knelt and crossed her wrists. They counted. She stretched out her legs and held perfectly still. They counted again. She stretched out her arms, spread her knees, and placed her chin on the floor. She stood back up and turned around.

It suddenly occurred to her that in the next position she would be absolutely exposed to them. Her most intimate area would be stretched wide open for them to see. Mortification rushed through her head. But how could she stop now? Something inside her told her she simply had to complete the routine. She bent down and reached for her ankles. Her face burned red with embarrassment. From this position, her head upside down, she could see them looking at her. But she remained still as they counted for her. She managed to hold on to thirty. She released.

It was time for the final pose. She stood, spread apart her long legs, looked up, and opened her mouth. She tried to ignore the pulsing sensation between her thighs. The couple let her stand like that as long minutes dripped by. Finally Mrs Z broke the silence.

“That was excellent, my dear!” She exclaimed. “We’re very proud of you. Now, here’s your reward.”

The woman held out her hand. In her palm was another Wibele cookie. Iz dashed over to her, picked up the biscuit, and popped it happily into her mouth. She vibrated with pleasure.