The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: Stress Relief

AN: This story is intended to be enjoyed as a fantasy by persons over the age of 18—similar actions if undertaken in real life would be deeply unethical and probably illegal. © MoldedMind, 2020.

* * *

“Thank you for seeing me on such short notice,” Helena said, shrugging out of her coat. She followed Dr. Block into her office, folding her jacket over her arm as she walked.

“I’m happy it worked out,” The doctor said, as she seated herself in a comfortable looking chair. “Please have a seat.” She gestured at the small couch across from her.

“Thank you, Dr. Block,” Helena replied, taking a seat on the couch the doctor had indicated. She leaned forward, and put her folded up coat on the coffee table.

“Please, Helena. Call me Dr. Katy.” Dr. Block frowned at Helena’s jacket. “I’m sorry, I forgot to offer you a hanger. Just a moment.” The doctor stood again, taking the jacket and crossing the room to a closet. Helena tapped her hands together while she waited.

“Sorry about that,” Dr. Block said, returning to her chair. “So, we may as well jump right in. Have you ever attended hypnotherapy before?”

Helena shook her head. “No, I haven’t.”

The doctor had an open notebook on her lap, and she was already filling the pages rapidly. “What is the primary issue that led you to seek treatment?”

“Stress relief. Or stress management. I just feel really tense all the time, and I try to do mindfulness practices, all the relaxing things people advise you to do, you know, but nothing seems to have an effect.” Helena watched Dr. Katy’s pen dash across the page. She wondered if she had said enough to merit that many words.

“Are you currently undergoing medical treatment for any other issues?”


“When was your last physical?”

“Two months ago,” Helena said.

“Do you have an emergency contact?” Somehow, the doctor managed to ask all her questions without looking up and meeting Helena’s eyes once.

“Um…” Helena frowned as she ran through names in her mind.

As the flow of information stopped, Dr. Katy looked up. “Often a roommate or a close friend will do, if you don’t have any immediate family close by.” The doctor raised an eyebrow. “Do you have roommates? Or a close circle of friends? Do you, in fact, have family nearby?”

Helena felt a sense of unease at this line of question, but she couldn’t tell why. “No, I live alone. And I have… I’d say they are acquaintances more than friends. Neighbors, coworkers, but we don’t talk all that often… I’m hard pressed to remember any names, let alone phone numbers…” She frowned again. She was really drawing a blank.

“Well, family then?” Dr. Katy had gone back to filling in her notebook, without looking at Helena.

“No, I had a single parent household, but… the parent died a few years ago, and they didn’t have an extended family. They were an only child, too, and their parents before them… and my grandparents died before I was born. So, no family really.”

“Well, we’ll just leave that blank. Would it be possible to have your doctor’s office send me a copy of their file on you?”

“Sure,” Helena said.

Dr. Katy turned over a fresh page. “That should do it for intake. Thank you for staying with me through that. Everyone keeps telling me to hire an assistant, but I just haven’t gotten around to it yet.” She gave a tight smile. “I’d need a 24-hour assistant, of course, available at all hours. And the starting salaries for most assistants is higher than I can currently afford. So, until I find the ideal candidate, I’m stuck doing all this intake myself.”

“Oh,” Helena said. She didn’t really know how to respond to that.

“We can start now,” Dr. Katy said. She closed her notebook and set it back on the end table beside her chair. “I’m assuming you’ve never experienced trance before?”

Helena shook her head.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll be a natural. Just start by closing your eyes… and listening to my voice. You can sink back into the couch if that’s more comfortable for you… it isn’t really important to listen to the words I’m saying… it’s just important to keep your eyes closed… and to keep listening. You aren’t listening to the words, but to the tone of my voice…”

Helena found it was true. She was losing focus fast, and she felt like she was sinking into something—not just the couch. There was something bothering her in the back of her mind, but she couldn’t quite remember what it was. Dr. Katy’s voice was so smooth. It poured out melodiously, and ran along an even pitch, with almost no deviation.

She felt like she was about to fall asleep. Somehow, she knew that that meant it was working, and that she should give into that feeling and let unconsciousness take her.

It was just as she was slipping away that she realized what was bothering her. Dr. Katy hadn’t asked her what she wanted to focus on specifically. She hadn’t even asked her to elaborate on her concerns or describe an ideal treatment outcome. How could she possibly direct a session without that information?

But even that foggy realization wasn’t enough to stop her sleepy feeling. Even though it unnerved her and made her uneasy, the drowsiness was too powerful. She struggled to cling onto that spark of fear, but she could feel the darkness taking her mind, she could feel herself dropping—

And then there was nothing.

* * *

“So how have the past few weeks been?” Helena found herself once more in Dr. Katy’s office, this time having hung her jacket in the closet herself.

She considered the question as she took her seat across from the doctor. She wasn’t sure how honest to be. The last few weeks had been… strange, to say the least.

“You know you can always trust me with anything you want to share, Helena,” Dr. Katy encouraged her, and Helena remembered that it was true. It seemed funny to her suddenly that she would be distrustful of Dr. Katy at all. Dr. Katy only wanted what was best for her.

“They were interesting,” Helena replied. “I actually felt more stressed in the last few weeks than I have in a long time,” She confessed. She watched the doctor carefully, expecting some sign of surprise, or shock, but none was forthcoming.

“That’s normal after a first session. Last time we did a lot of really challenging work together, it’s normal that there’d be some push back. Did you do anything to release your stress?”

“Release… my stress?” Helena asked. She felt a light burning in her cheeks.

“Yes, there are many methods of stress release. Did any occur to you? Did you act on any received impulses?” The notebook was back, and Dr. Katy was filling it liberally.

“No… Well, I have been having these strange dreams, almost every night, if those count…” Helena ventured uncertainly.

Dr. Katy’s eyes sparked. “Yes, perfect, Helena,” she encouraged. “Dreams are an important window into the subconscious mind, which can hold the solutions to conscious problems. What were these dreams like?”

Helena swallowed. “Well, they were explicit… I’m really not someone who masturbates a lot… I mean, I really don’t feel comfortable… but just dream after dream of pleasuring myself graphically… And I remember, in the dream I just kept thinking, “all my stress is gone now, I am at peace,” and I knew that all that masturbation was relieving my stress for me, and that it was impossible to feel stressed out as long as I was consumed with bliss…” Helena trailed off. She’d been absently twisting a paper receipt between her fingers as she spoke, and now she found it had pulled apart in her hands.

“And you didn’t act on these dreams?” Dr. Katy was back to making eye contact only with her open notebook, and not Helena. It made Helena feel more uncomfortable, especially given what she had just shared.

“No, of course not,” Helena said. “I really am not comfortable… not to mention I don’t have a lot of success to draw on. I’d really hoped to find a solution other than graphic masturbation.”

“Of course,” Dr. Katy said. “But it’s worth noting that masturbation can be a healthy tool for stress relief, when used in moderation. And also, worth noting that repressing your sexuality can have unfortunate side-affects… but make of that information what you will. Is there anything else you’d like to add before we start?”

Helena thought for a moment. “No, the only differences I’ve noticed were the dreams and the added stress during my waking hours.”

“Perfect,” Dr. Katy said, giving Helena a serene smile. She closed her notebook again and set it back on her side table. “Then we can begin. I think you’ll find that the second time going into trance is much easier than the first. I don’t imagine it will take you long at all. Why, I’m sure I can just say ‘drop,’ and—”

The darkness was consuming her more quickly this time. The distant feeling of unease was coming back to her again, but the darkness was too quick for her this time. It had already consumed her long before that unease could shape itself into a rational thought.

* * *

“Helena, lovely to see you again,” Dr. Katy said, with a beaming smile, as she held open the door into her office.

Reluctantly, Helena crossed the threshold. She hadn’t bothered bringing a jacket this time.

“I’m pleased you were able to make this time work with your schedule,” Dr. Katy added, over her shoulder as she walked to her chair.

Helena said nothing, and kept her lips pressed together.

“It has been several months since our second session… three months is usually longer than I like to go, especially in the early days of a treatment process… but I understand how life can get in the way.”

The two women took their seats.

“You did cancel and reschedule on me quite a few times. Is there a reason in particular that you did?” Dr. Katy’s notebook was nowhere to be seen, so there was no escaping her piercing gaze. Helena met it, but it made her nerves act up.

“I felt like the hypnosis was working too well,” Helena said, after a beat. “And, I lost track of quite a bit of time. It felt like I was falling into trance in the waking world. Like my conscious mind was trancing, but my body was still functioning without it. I didn’t like that, but I couldn’t make it stop.”

“Go on,” Dr. Katy said, her voice even.

“I’m not talking about losing 5 minutes. I mean, I would come back out of trance and find out 2 hours had passed, or 4 hours. Apparently, I still went to work and did all my tasks—apparently even in trance I am still functional. But I didn’t like…”

“This is all helpful information, Helena,” Dr. Katy said, gingerly. “But if you could answer my question directly… as to why you scheduled and cancelled so many times?”

“Well… I decided I didn’t want to keep seeing you,” Helena said. “I was pretty sure this was a side effect of our two sessions together. I really don’t know what you’ve been suggesting to me while I’ve been in trance, and I decided I’d better stop before it got any worse. But apparently, while I was in trance, I called to book sessions with you. Then when I came to, and realized, and saw my call logs, I’d always call back and cancel. So…”

Dr. Katy wore a small smile. It had a hint of smugness to it. “So why didn’t you cancel our session today?”

Helena swallowed. “I couldn’t… I’d think about doing it, but then I’d sort of drift off into trance… and then I couldn’t. So I had to give up… If I wanted to stay conscious, I had to leave the session booked…”

“And how has your stress been?” Dr. Katy asked.

“Very low,” Helena admitted. “I feel really relaxed most of the time. But then, um… I have been practicing stress relief through masturbation… a lot…”

“Interesting,” Dr. Katy said, with an appreciative hum in her voice. “I seem to recall you said you didn’t want to use that method?”

“I couldn’t resist,” Helena said quietly. The admission set loose a tiny thrill of arousal within her. “I’d just get so stressed that I could barely function, and nothing else seemed to work, and I just somehow knew for a fact that if I touched—if I rubbed—if I did that, it would give me the relief I so badly needed…” There was a slight quiver in her voice. Even Helena could hear it. It made her feel strange to think that Dr. Katy could hear it too.

“So, when you say, a lot…?”

“I mean a lot,” Helena asserted. “I mean, sneaking into bathroom stalls in public places, and doing it there, not even caring who might be able to hear me…” She swallowed.

“So, let’s review. You’ve been slipping in and out of trance constantly, you’ve realized there are certain impulses you can’t resist, and you’ve been masturbating for stress relief almost non-stop.”

“That’s accurate, yes,” Helena admitted, sheepishly.

“Do you know what that makes you?” Dr. Katy asked softly.

Helena shook her head no.

“A trance whore.”

Helena stared in shock. “A what?”

“A trance whore,” Dr. Katy repeated. “You’re just a slutty little whore for trance, aren’t you? I bet you’d do anything for trance… anything for that feeling of peace and relaxation. I’m sure you’d give up your life for it. You’d willingly work for no money, wouldn’t you?”

Helena frowned. “What are you talking about? This is inappropriate—I won’t—”

“Don’t bother leaving, Helena,” Dr. Katy said. “You already know I have you, don’t you? You can’t resist even if you want to, know. My programming has sunk in too deep… it’s too late for you, now. I only need to decide that I want to claim you, and that will be the end of it. But I think there is a bit more work we can do… It might be fun to see…”

Helena tried to stand but found she couldn’t get out of the chair. It was a moot point anyway, because the next word out of Dr. Katy’s lips was, “drop,” and Helena had already obeyed before the doctor had gotten all the way through the word.

* * *

“Well, you certainly held out longer than I thought you would.” This was the doctor’s greeting for Helena as she opened her door to her once more.

“But you know it’s over now that you’ve come back to me, don’t you?”

Helena nodded once, slowly. “I stayed away as long as I could… I remembered what you said, not to come back until I was fully ready to obey.”

“Good,” Dr Katy said. “We may as well sit and discuss this one last time.”

Helena nodded, and took the doctor’s cue to sit down.

“So, tell me what the past five months have been like for you.” It wasn’t a question. It was an order, and Helena easily complied. That kind of compliance had become more and more comfortable for her.

“They’ve been unpleasant,” Helena said. “I haven’t slipped into trance even once.”

“You know why,” Dr. Katy prompted.

“Yes,” Helena sighed. “Only good, surrendered slaves get to enjoy the privilege of trance. And I didn’t appreciate the gift it was when I had it before.”

“Good. Go on,” Dr. Katy said.

“I haven’t been having the dreams any more either. And my stress relief technique stopped working for me. All I have had is this really persistent, intrusive thought… about what it would be like to be your slave… To do anything and everything you asked me to do… sexually and otherwise… To become an assistant for you and manage all your scheduling… only to be paid in pleasure…”

Helena could feel herself sweating under Dr. Katy’s watch. She wanted to shut her mouth off, but she couldn’t. She just kept speaking. “I have this one… really clear fantasy… of sitting at your reception desk, and masturbating beneath my skirt as I work… feeling satisfied that that’s the only payment I’ll ever need, because as your slave, you’ll always take care of me… And your patients would come, and go, and interact with me, and I would be the best receptionist and best assistant… and none of them would ever know that I was constantly masturbating right there at the desk… well… unless you were turning other patients into your slaves, and then they would know, and it would turn them on even if they didn’t like it… and it would cause them to slip deeper under your control, against their will…” Helena swallowed. It had been a struggle to get through it without panting.

“What a lovely image,” the doctor said. “And I am guessing that since you are here, in my office, the last of your resistance has worn away?”

Helena nodded.

“You are ready to give yourself to me?”

“I am ready.”

Dr. Katy smiled. “Say it properly once, and I’ll drop you one last time.”

Helena drew in a deep breath. She was shaking in her chair from the weight of the words. “I give myself to you. I obey. I am your slave.”

“Very good, Helena,” the doctor applauded. “Drop.”

* * *

Lilah looked up at the sign on the building as she stood in the walkway. “Dr. Katherine Block, Hypnotherapist.” She took a deep breath and climbed the stairs to the door.

It swung open with an easy push, and she found herself in a cheerful brightly lit space.

“Hello,” The receptionist greeted her, in a chipper voice.

Lilah looked to the receptionist and returned her smile. She had an interesting glow about her Lilah couldn’t remember seeing before. “I was wondering if Dr. Block accepted drop-ins.”

“She does, when there is room in her schedule. Just give me a minute to check here…” The phone rang once, and without looking away from her screen, the receptionist deftly answered it, and put it on hold.

“You’re in luck! She has an opening in about twenty minutes. I’ll just need you to fill out this intake form for us, and then you can take a seat and wait for her.”

She passed Lilah a clipboard and pen, and then turned her attention back to the held caller.

It looked like a fairly standard form, and by the time Lilah had completed it, the receptionist had finished with her call.

“Here it is,” Lilah offered.

The receptionist took the form and scanned it quickly. As she reached the end of it, a slow smile spread across her face. “I see your primary treatment objective is Stress Relief.” The receptionist looked up from the form and gave Lilah a smile. “I’m Helena, by the way.” She extended her left hand for a handshake. Lilah couldn’t see where her right hand was.

“I have a feeling we’ll be getting to know each other very well,” Helena added.

Lilah returned her smile and took her hand. “I’m Lilah. I’m sure it’ll be a pleasure to get to know you.”

“I’m sure it will be,” Helena repeated. “You may take a seat now. Dr. Katy will be out in just a few minutes.”

Lilah did as instructed and took her seat again, still feeling a little happy. How lucky for her that Dr. Block had an opening, and how lucky that her receptionist was so nice. She sat and waited patiently for her first treatment session to begin.

* * *