The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


“Shhh”, he said. And she fell silent. It was that simple. Was it supposed to be that simple? Viola wasn’t sure. To be fair, however, lately she was not really sure of much anymore. Except him. Oh yes, she was sure of him. How could she not be? He was there, right in front of her, his finger on his lips as a dark grin tugged on them, bending them into a curve she would love to observe all day. She liked to see him happy. Didn’t she? No, no. Of course she did. She could be sure of that… right? She knew she liked to make him happy ever since they first met. Or… or did she?

When had she even met him? It had to have been sometime last week. Or month? Hanna’s birthday had been two months ago and she’d gone there alone. If she’d already known him then she would have brought him along for sure. Yes, that much at least was certain. Viola wanted him to meet her friends. Especially her girl friends. It would surely be so wonderful if they liked him as much as she did. Not to mention important. After all, she couldn’t properly make him happy if her best friends objected to their relationship. That much was only natural. The two of them had met after Hanna’s birthday, of that she was sure. Had it been during her psych class perhaps? That felt right somehow. And yet not. The answer had to be there somewhere…

“Shhh”, he whispered and she nodded while musing over how she had been thinking something a second ago. Hadn’t she? Oh, right! Of course she had. Viola liked to remember their first date over and over, him taking her out to eat, before walking her home the long way through the park. She never went there normally and thus it had taken her an hour to figure out he was deliberately leading her in circles so as to never actually arrive. To have her stay with him just a few minutes longer. Yet all the while he had been talking to her, his soft, silky voice filling her ears with pleasant things that kept her from noticing how time passed. There were questions he’d asked her, ideas he’d offered her, plans he’d made… for her? Did she let him make plans for her instead of with her? Was that how it worked? No. No, she was making her own plans, wasn’t she? Meeting the gaze of his golden eyes she tried to ask him and make sure.

“Shhh”, his voice lured and she all too willingly followed, staring up into his eyes. There was something hidden in them, wasn’t there? It was a bit blurry though, hazy like the air over a warm golden bonfire. It couldn’t hurt to look a little deeper. If she was silent her ears almost believed to hear the cackling sounds of the flames as they embraced and licked along the wood. Was he talking about that bonfire right now? Or was it just the colour of his eyes that made her think of flames consuming something in her mind, filling it with warmth and light in return? Almost like they had during their second date as he had gently placed a finger over her mouth to shush her and draw her attention to the fire. The two of them had sat there for so long, just immersed in the dancing lights and oblivious to the whispering voices that seemed to waft around them all throughout that night. She remembered how she had enjoyed imagining them as his voice. And she even blushed a bit as she recalled how in her mind he had told her that her mind was melting in the heat of the flames. That this same heat was permeating her body more and more, making all of her so very sensitive and excited. Just sensing the warmth of his presence right next to her through his hug had made her squirm with need, his fingers softly caressing her skin had made her moan with lust. She had always thought the stories of sex in front of the fire place to be nothing but exaggerated romantic nonsense. Until that night.

“Shhh,” he cheerfully instructed and her mouth hung open wordlessly even as her moans stopped. She wasn’t sure exactly when she had begun to make sounds at all but thankfully she needn’t care right now. He was talking to her in that lovely voice of his again and didn’t even notice that she long stopped listening. It wasn’t like she did it on purpose! There was just something about his words that made it so dangerously easily to simply nod mindlessly. He always made so much sense after all! Even if she might tune out at times that was just fine. Kind as he was he even said the important things twice. Almost as if he knew what his voice did to her mind. How she lost all focus and awareness when she listened to him speak for a while. But surely that was just a coincidence, however beneficial and kind it may be. Right? The mere implication that he was lulling her mind into a state of unthinking compliance was just laughable. Of that she was sure. Wasn’t she?

“Shhh,” his voice echoed in her head even long after he actually said it, causing her to feel so deliciously wobbly. Viola gave up wondering about what was memory and what was happening right now. She could be sure after all that he would tell her all she needed to know. He was so nice that he never even noticed when she just stopped thinking all together, just blankly nodding and soaking up his words like a dry sponge. Was that his hands opening the buttons of her blouse one by one? Or just her own playing with the fabric, pulling it aside just to see if his eyes would ever be distracted from looking into hers? Was she teasing him? Or was he casually revealing her breasts so that his fingers could begin to touch and rub them? Either way she was certain that it didn’t even matter. Because if it did he’d tell her. He never mentioned anything about her breasts though so most likely this was just a memory of last night drifting up to surface of her mind. That said, maybe she should actually try and catch some of what he was saying to her?

“Shhh,” he smiled and just like that her brain dropped even further into bliss. There was a certain charm in falling silent under the caresses of soft fingers on her skin. Words were loud and harsh and complex and difficult. Sitting here and blankly gazing into his eyes was easy. Not to mention the pleasure! A fluffy, cheerful corner of her mind liked to imagine that she was feeling more and more aroused the less she thought about the things he made her agree with. That she got hornier and hornier the more she simply followed wherever he led. This part of her mind sometimes pretended to hear herself mumble: “Obedience is pleasure. I am obedient.” Each and every time anew it send shivers down her spine how empty and dazed her voice sounded—even if it was only happening in the depths of her mind. Surely he had no idea she was imagining being brainwashed by his voice? She hoped he didn’t, at least as much as her body craved him to know. To take advantage of her distraction and slip in orders that would echo in her brain and mold her into his perfect plaything. How would it be if instead of whispering sweet nothings he would cup her face just like that, forcing her already glassy eyes to stare even deeper into his, telling her in that maliciously bemused cadence: “You are a mindless slave. So eager to obey. Craving to be used. Loving every moment of being controlled even more.” Just the fantasy of him doing this made her squeal: “Yesss!”

“Shhh,” he instructed and her body became a limp, floppy rag doll for him to play with. In a way that made so many things so much simpler. If Viola became his doll, she wouldn’t need to think anymore. Dolls didn’t think after all. And that way she would be free to fantasize about him brainwashing her all she wanted, all day long if she so liked. And since dolls obviously didn’t talk either, she wouldn’t even need to worry about any of those complicated words anymore. Staying silent and pretty and submissive sounded so very right to her. Maybe she would tell him about this idea, something made her feel he might actually enjoy it. Of course she would never actually turn into a doll. He wasn’t a magician! But they could pretend that as he gently pushed her down onto her knees he was positioning a mindless doll. Act like she didn’t have a will of her own as he made her suck on his cock. Her lips wrapped around something thick and warm while her brain spun that idea further. He could tell her that this was what she was made for, that being his brainwashed, hypnotized doll was her purpose. Swayed by lust she could almost say those words already. But of course he didn’t actually tell her to play with herself while he kept chipping away at her will even more. Surely she would notice if he did that. Wouldn’t she? To be honest, she wasn’t entirely certain that among all those words she simply allowed to slip past there were no hidden suggestions. The fantasy alone was enough to have her mewl and whimper around his dick.

“Shhh,” he cooed while placing a hand on the back of her head, “no more thinking now. That’s too confusing for a doll like you. Just suck and comply.” She wasn’t sure what he was talking about, dolls like her didn’t think. Then again, she wasn’t sure of much recently. Except for the fact that she loved to obey.

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