The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Trials Of Armour

Chapter4 — Warning

Jeffrey sighed, ‘ Umm…..actually yeah. Even I fell in love once, centuries ago.’ Emma looked at him incredulously, Jeffrey always had this bad boy image to him, flirting with everyone- acting like the playboy, he did not seem to be someone to do something as deep as fall in love. ’ Well she was the most beautiful woman …ever’ continued Jeffrey, lost in his own past’ You humans cannot comprehend her name, no, so I will choose the name closest to what you can understand—Veronica. ‘When I first met her, I knew immediately she was the one, she had to be. We got married and had a child- a boy. We were happy, the 3 of us.’ He sighed ‘But Fate had other plans for us. My wife- My Veronica- she was revealed to be the incarnation of the nornir goddess Vurdra.’

‘ You married Vurdra?’ said Emma raising her eyebrows ‘ That Vurdra? ’ ‘ Not her’ said Jeffrey ‘ One of the Vurdras- her incarnation.’ He went silent, collecting his thoughts ’ When the Breyans started fighting amongst themselves, Veronica knew from her sisters that they will exterminate themselves. She as Vurdra could not warn us, but as a wife, as a mother, she tried her best, my son and I survived as our fellow Breyans fell until there was no more. That did not go well with her sisters, not at all. She had not broken any rules directly, so they could not actually punish her, but still, they would have preferred us dead and gone, and my Veronica had to endure the brunt- her own sisters turned their backs on her, every single one of them. And then as if to punish their arrogance, from the shadows he came—Fellseid.’

Emma shook her head’ Never heard of him’. ‘ Yeah, he was before you, before even the dinosaurs.’ Said Jeffrey, he was staring ahead but not focussing, as if seeing the whole incident before his eyes, ’Fellseid was an Aun like us, but he was one of the oldest and most powerful, a tyrant ruler of his own sector. For a long time, he had in his sight the great weave and its secrets. You see Emma, We the Auns exist to remind Gods that they too make mistakes. That is why God’s cannot kill us, but the opposite is not true, Auns can kill a god if given enough power or the means—just as an epic error can rob your life from you- and Fellseid knew that very well. He armed himself with one of the legendary Keys and attacked Yggdrasil.’

‘ I thought Yggdrasil was off limits for us’ said Emma, frowning. ‘ Its normally so’ said Jeffrey ‘ but then, those are called ‘Keys’ for a reason, when properly used they can help you do things otherwise impossible, and the Nornirs had an enemy on their hands, they could not defeat. And they turned to the only person who could help, one they had turned their backs on and shunned—My Veronica.’

He flinched, as of the memory itself was painful.’ Veronica asked me to help, Begged me to help, as I had at my disposal Breyan technology—superior to even Fellseid’s forces, but I did not, could not forgive them, for how they had treated her, Their misery was well deserved. But I could not fathom Veronica’s gentle soul-she forgave them, and joined their battle, and along with her went my son.’

He sat quietly, again taking time to arrange his thoughts, ’ They were killed, murdered by the tyrant’s forces, first my son and then my wife, or so I was told. And then I snapped, I did not care anymore- I had no one else left- My whole race was dead and gone, and now even my family was dead. So finally I went, charged full on in the battle—finally prepared to die, ready to make the sacrifice—any sacrifice for my vengeance with the total culmination of my race’s fearsome technology. And oh did I kill that day!! “The grim reaper” they called me, as I descended upon Fellseid’s forces, whom even the God’s feared and I kept killing them until all that was left were me and Fellseid himself. And after a long battle, we wounded each other—mortally—It was peaceful, I was finally going to see them again—my family. But I could not die.’ He sighed again, his voice cracking’ Auns are mistakes and are not supposed to exist in the first place, hence the people they killed were not supposed to die either , and as a result, everyone killed by an Aun becomes Aun themselves.’

‘ So what happened to your family?’ said Emma’ They should also have turned to Auns’ ‘ ‘No ‘ said Jeffrey shaking his head’ I waited for them to come—Become Auns like myself, but they never came. At first, I thought there had been a mistake, I asked the goddesses, Veronica’s sisters for help, but instead of thanking me they turned their back on me like they did to my wife. Simply saying Veronica went back to them and that I should forget her’ Jeffrey smiled, that looked more like a grimace ‘ but that was a mistake, I WAS NOT MY WIFE, I was not the gentle soul they were so used to bully and ignore and push around. I have had enough, enough of those snobs, so I took up Fellseid’s Key, gathered my technology and attacked Yggdrasil myself, If they would not give my family back, I will take them back by force.’

Emma’s mouth was hanging open by now’ You attacked Yggdrasil ? Alone?’’ Yes ‘ said Jeffrey ‘ and I would damn well have won if not for Lady Fate. She herself came to stop me in my onslaught but instead of fighting me she offered me something unexpected—the truth about the fate of my family. You see, they did not became Auns because they were never killed by Fellseid, as I was told by the Goddesses. My son was killed in battle but by the legions of Fellseid, not the Aun himself, and my wife could not bear his death, she simply gave up on living. She died while her sisters watched, doing nothing to save her. And why? Because they wanted to give me a reason to join their fight, and win it for them, And for that, they had sacrificed their own sister and nephew- my family. ALL FOR THE SAKE OF VICTORY.’ He sighed shaking his head. “ And then they took up her shell, from which the goddess you know today was born , devoid of her memories, her emotions—a nornir”

‘But Lady Fate was sympathetic to me, she made sure my son’s soul passed on , found peace, but gone , forever.’ He sighed again.

‘ But Vurdra…’

‘ Vurdra the goddess kept on living but her incarnation that was my wife was gone. They are the same Veronica and Vudra, but yet so very different, even when her memories returned, they were never the same as before- a glass once broken, cannot be mended. For years to come I had blamed myself for their deaths, If only I had joined Veronica from the beginning, probably she would still be alive.’ If not for Lady Fate, I would have probably gone mad. She consoled me, cared for me like a mother and helped me to live on.’ He shook his head as if to get rid of the sadness and the pain. ‘ but then again I survived.’ He grinned, and shook his head again, as if to clear it, as if to gain back his original jolly self.’But the Nornirs did not go unpunished, even when Fate Did agree that my involvement was the decisive factor in their victory, she did not approve of their methods, and they were too judged and punished, punished to someday experience the same pain they had inflicted upon me- the pain of losing their loved ones.’

‘ So that’s why Fate is so considerate of you’ said Emma finally ’ That’s why she puts up with your antics. It’s her way of making it up to you for your sacrifice.’ She sighed too, mirroring Jeffrey ‘ But that only proves we really cannot love after all’.

‘ No’ said Jeffrey suddenly ‘ you were right. It was me who had forgotten what it is to feel love. ’He stood up, hovering in midair’ It Is something worth dying for, and Veronica would have agreed.’

He looked down at Alistair who had fallen asleep at his desk ‘ You know what Emma? I think I will help you.’ He put up his hand ‘ Not in the way you think though, no ..We cannot stop him ourselves as you had proposed, not even fate can do that, but I will help him level the field. ‘ Looking the puzzled look on Emma’s face he explained’ Currently as he is now, fighting all out against Eugene would mean his death, plain and simple. Your love will die with him, and I won’t allow that, but if I help him fully and completely, Eugene will die, and I would be allowing Lacie’s love for Eugene to die with him. So I have decided on a compromise, I will make him strong enough to give Eugene a fair fight. He would not be equally matched of course- That would be simply cheating, but he won’t be his current wimpy self either. That way the best man would win, and if he is worthy, he Will survive.’

Emma slowly nodded ‘ I don’t think he would have accepted It any other way ‘ she added as an afterthought. It was Jeffrey who raised his eyebrows this time ‘ Emma blushed magenta’ Well….when we…you know…um…have sex, I can see through his thoughts, He had been offered assistance, which probably would have ensured his win, but he won’t take it…he wants to beat Eugene fair and square, by the sweat of his brow and the strength of his back. And he will accept no less….That’s why I fell in love with him, in the first place.’

Jeffrey grinned, descending upon the sleeping boy ‘So boy, thank your stars, your lessons starts NOW. ’

* * *

Eugene entered the room to find Tina Patrick sitting on the bed, slumped against 2 pillows propped against the headboard. Her right hand was in slings and she was clumsily trying to eat what seemed to be porridge with her left hand.’ Mr. Frasier!!’ she exclaimed , seeing him , grimacing as she tried to straighten up. ‘ How are you , Tina?’ said Eugene , feeling extremely worried.’ I am fine ‘ she said grinning now. ‘ Yeah ‘ said a new voice and Eugene turned to see Parker seating by the door ‘ if you call 2 broken and 4 cracked ribs and a broken arm as fine. Not to mention the concussion.’ ‘ How did it happen?’ said Eugene , taking a seat too. ‘Hello Parker’ he added’ I cannot thank you enough to find and bring her here.’’ No ‘ said Parker ‘ I did not know of the attack. I was just passing by when I saw ambulance going to the lab and came .’’ Hello Eugene’ said Dr . Boardman as she entered the room ‘I hope Lacie is doing well.’ Eugene nodded. She moved towards Tina ’this girl had a major accident at the lab and needs rest. So you would want to cut it short’ ‘ I assure you it wont take long’ said Eugene ‘Can’t say I approve’ said Dr. Broadman ‘ She is really in no condition to have chats with that concussion. I only called you over because even when going into unconsciousness she called for you .’ She turned to Eugene ‘ Cant this wait?’ He sighed seeing the look on Broadman’s face ‘ Listen doc, the things we work with at that lab , are all very dangerous objects, potential game changers in the right hands, We can potentially have an apocalypse on our hands if this issue is not looked into , so please.’ Broadman sighed and left the room muttering about dangerous weapons and accidents.’ ‘ It was no accident’ Tina burst out as soon as she left the room ‘ There was this guy wearing an armour and he was….’

‘ Calm down lass’ said Eugene holding up his hand and taking a seat, ‘Armour you say?‘ ‘ Yes’ said Tina ‘After you left yesterday I stayed back, finishing the experiment to isolate the positrons from the Plutonium alloy, and when I went back to lab 8 to put back the plutonium, I found this guy cutting a chunk out of the Lunarium meteor.’ ‘Wait, cutting the rock ?’ said Eugene, his eyebrows raised ‘ We could not cut it with yeta lasers, and that is 3 times Sun’s core temperature.’ Tina nodded ‘ I was shocked too. And he was using a completely normal looking knife. So I donned my armour, That one there’ she pointed with her chin showing Eugene a completely battered armour at the room’s end. Eugene got up surveying the armour ‘ Impressive ‘ he commented ‘ Very impressive ..And you made it completely on your own?’ Tina blushed red ‘ well not completely, I borrowed some of your own designs, but the base design is my own.’ Eugene nodded appreciatively, scanning it with his own AI ‘ Ingenious, how you used white uranium in the core battery’ He chuckled ‘ It may not be my current Mark 6 armour but it’s definitely as strong as my Mark 3. Girl, you keep this up, and soon you will be giving me a run for my money.’ Tina blushed even more at that compliment.’ But you were saying?’

‘ Oh yes.’ Said Tina, struggling to sit up straighter’ The guy had some balls, When I challenged him, he simply turned and said something about Lab 8 being his father’s lab, and he had some authority over the metal. Obviously, he was completely confused, and when I asked him to surrender, he warned me to back out so that I don’t get hurt, and then he attacked.’

‘But that does not simplify our problem ‘ said Eugene eyes furrowed’ a person having a better armour than this one….’ ‘ He did not have a better armour ‘ protested Tina ‘ to be honest his armour was quite old , very similar to your Mark 1.But he had some balls coming at me in that I tell you that! He obviously understood the difference between our powers yet he thought it was a smart idea to come and fight me head on. And that armour had an insane energy signature, and he only won because he got suicidal when I beat the crap out of him and discharged all of his energy as an explosion on me.’ Eugene did a double take on the battered armour ‘ an explosion huh? Well that would explain the damage all right , but even to achieve that amount of power…’ he turned suddenly to Tina ‘can you describe his armour at all? Your white Uranium is one of the best armour fuels we have, to have something better than that in magnitude- its definitely not conventional.’

’ What I am worried most is how he got past our defences, I thought the sonar grid was impregnable’. Said Tina. ‘ Grids’ interjected Parker speaking for the first time’ We have put layers upon layers of sonar grid over the Lab. Imagine a dome-shaped net made of sound waves. If you so much as graze the threads of the sound net, you will be detected by the sensor, and we have made it so that the net is constantly rotating making the holes difficult to target and there are layers upon layers of the same sonic net all moving simultaneously. ‘ ‘Aye’ said Eugene ‘ its one of the most advanced security systems in the world, and my AI is currently analysing how the intruder must have fooled that system.’

‘ About his armour’ said Tina, thinking hard. ‘ It was nothing extraordinary. The armour was itself made from Reinforced steel—probably recycled from scrap, nothing to write home about, but his power cell was weird—it was bulky and cylindrical but had an energy output about four times my own battery, Ironically his armour itself was not capable enough to use the full amount of energy produced. And as I said the power cell had an incredible heat signature—it was a miracle that the person in the armour was not boiled alive.’ Eugene pinched the bridge of his nose, thinking hard ‘ more power than white uranium …….heat signature…..but … it even possible??’

‘ You got something?’ said Tina and Parker together.

He turned to them’ I have a theory but it is as farfetched as it is dangerous, but I speculate he was using the mercury plasma-vortex engine.’

‘Waaait’ said Tina ‘ isn’t that mythological and impossible to make?’ ‘ What are you guys talking about?’ said Parker. ‘ Not really’ said Eugene,’ It’s theoretically possible all right. But that technology is so advanced that people think of it as impossible’, he turned to Parker,’ There are ancient texts in India, that says about an engine powerful enough to fuel faster than light ships. An engine which uses Mercury in plasma state. But as you can guess the extreme temperature would destroy most materials. I had myself spent many a years in my youth trying to find a suitable material to handle that extreme heat, without success. I never thought someone could actually pull it off.’

After a moment of silence he looked at Tina’ There was no alarms at all?’ ‘ None ‘ said Tina. ‘ How did he know the password?’ said Parker ‘ there must have been some leak.’ ‘A leak sure’ said Eugene looking very grim ‘ but not with a password , because this lab is protected by our own DNA signatures’ he tapped in a few buttons ‘ and yesterday that lab had been accessed by my DNA signature.’ ‘ How can that be possible?’ said Parker, ‘Probably he had a sample of your DNA’ said Tina. ‘ that’s what is bothering me the most’ said Eugene, ’ a sample of my DNA is very difficult to get but its not entirely impossible, what IS impossible however , is to hide his own DNA signature from the machine, its as if he did not even have a body—a true ghost.’

At that moment Eugene’s watch pinged , he looked at the report and looked up at Parker ‘ I think I know how he fooled the grid.’

* * *

‘ This place is HUGE!’ exclaimed Jack as he surveyed the building before them . Hassan chuckled ‘ You Americans get easily impressed.’ ‘ we are not Americans’ said Jack but Hassan was not listening, instead pointing to some exotic flowers to Reed. ‘’ And now Mr. Reed I will show you Uncle’s greatest treasure—his ‘special’ dungeon.’ He led them into a large garden lined with marble pillars. In the garden there were 20 or so women, roaming around, sitting, chatting all completely nude.

Reed and Jack exchanged glances, not sure what to do’ Dungeon you say?’ said Reed surveying the girls, all of whom looked quite cheerful.’I don’t understand’. ‘ Its our hospitality’ said a new voice , Reed and Jack turned to see a man walking towards them. The newcomer was short and stocky. His beard was neatly trimmed in a French cut , and he was completely bald—looking like a shorter version of the dragon ball villain Nappa. His body gave the hint of great strength and vitality, but evidently it had seen better days. His eyes were alert and reflected cunning but to Reed they looked as cold and emotionless as the eyes of a shark. Unlike Hassan he wore a traditional Arabian garb.’ Admiral Aladeen Ul Jafar, at your service.’ Reed extended his hand but he ignored it , instead turning to the women before him ‘ Beautifull aren’t they? They are the women of my friends, who volunteer to serve my guests. We only keep them here for a year , after which they go back to their families’ He turned to Reed and Jack ‘ and as my guests you 2 can choose any one from them , each.’ ‘ Mr . Jafar’ Reed started ‘ ADMIRAL’ corrected the man , ‘ Yes Admiral, We thank you for your gracious offer but me and my client are really eager to start the talks’. The admiral held up his hand’ You don’t like them Mr. Reed?’ ‘ Yeah I like them very much’ said Reed‘ But I really want to start our business now.’ ‘ Mr. Reed’ said the Admiral Aladeen ‘ These girls have failed to gain your interest , and they deserve punishment’ he turned to his guards’ Shoot them!’

* * *

‘See here’ said Eugene bringing up a virtual monitor from his watch, showing to both Tina and Parker ,’ There was a reason why we made the system like a net and not a blanket- resonance overload, and a net has gaps between threads, Normally even 1 gap is extremely difficult to lock on because the net is rotating almost randomly , let alone the whole layer system ,but here …..he pressed a button the grid rotated into a specific form. What do you see?’

Parker’s eyes bulged, he could not believe it! ‘ the gaps aligned!!! But…but…they are moving around , by the time he reaches the next layer the alignment would be gone.’ ‘ Exactly ‘ said Eugene ‘ but what about this?’ he pressed another button and the alignment got distorted , but as he started the simulation……’ Fucking hell!’ swore Tina despite herself’ the blind spot gets propagated downwards!!!’ ‘ yes ‘ said Eugene ‘ if he continues in this path he will move along the blind spot till he reaches the dome….without detection!!’ .‘ But to calculate that much is impossible!’ said Parker ‘ Not to mention take action on that calculation. He has to control his weight , wind speed, downward acceleration , without ANY margin of error, not even 0.001% ’and the probability of getting that blind spot alignment,’, ’ is next to impossible ‘ completed Eugene. ‘ Given the current probabilities of grid movement the next alignment will be in 6 billion years.’

There was a stunned silence in the room when Eugene continued’ Most amazing is the timing of medical help arriving. Doc said that more delay would have done tremendous damage to Tina due to internal bleeding. From the time when Tina was injured to the time when medical help arrived, I can calculate that a call to the hospital was made within minutes of Tina losing consciousness and given the fact that only 1 person knew of it other than herself, it can only mean that the attacker himself called the hospital. Even when he knew this could have got himself get caught.’ ‘ Probably it was his exit strategy- to use the confusion to escape undetected’ said Parker. ‘ No’ said Eugene ‘ If he could plan so much for the heist he must have had a working exit strategy without involving Tina, her staying back was just an accident,something he could not have predicted.’

‘Weird may it seem’ said Tina’ I agree with you. He even exited me from my damaged suit. The doc said it actually went a long way in preserving my life as the suit was totalled from inside, and apparently he stayed back and helped stabilise my condition, they found out my body was given first aid.’

Eugene grinned as if to himself ‘ He calculated everything to the point of making the whole operation flawless and grabbed a single moment in 6 billion years. Then he cut a metal with a normal knife that could withstand 3 times sun’s core temperature. And finally he risked getting captured just to save life of his enemy. This lad is amazing, very dangerous but amazing.’

At that moment Dr. Broadman entered ‘ Ok. I have allowed you 30 minutes, not a minute more. THIS GIRL NEEDS HER REST!’. ‘ Yeah thanks, doc ‘ said Eugene smiling and he ushered Parker to follow him out ‘ Get well soon Tina’. At that moment Tina’s eyes glazed over ‘ Eugene Fraser’ she said in a monotone ‘ Be warned. In 9 days we will meet, for our final showdown and one of us will die.’

Eugene froze on spot, whirling around to see Tina blink. ’What happened’ she said oblivious to what she had just said. ‘ Call your aunt ‘ Eugene said slowly to Parker, frowning ‘ I need Dr. Eva Snow.’