The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


01/10/1990 10:17 (local time)

When Tanya goes to America for the first time she gets involved in some cheerleader trials, with predictable results.


It was about fifteen minutes after first arriving at the campus that Tanya felt the shakes hit her. Up until that point it had all seemed like a wonderful adventure, the foreign locale, the sense of adventure, the curriculum vitae enhancement… However, as she stepped out of her cab, Tanya finally realised quite how large a place her new university was. Big came not a bit close to describing it. It took words like colossal, vast, gigantic, massive or planetary to put the difference in perspective. Compared to LA, Cambridge seemed very small indeed…

Still, it was her new home and, as she walked up to the main reception area of the Los Angeles branch of the University of California, Tanya mentally gritted her teeth while putting an expression of radiant cheerfulness on her face. It wouldn’t do to lose her stiff upper lip. Still, seeing the literal thousands of students milling around that one area was enough to drive home the sheer enormity of what she was doing.

UCLA was pretty much several thousand miles, in any direction, away from anywhere that could be called home. Cambridge was a distant memory after the flight, with its stopovers, had destroyed any sense of what time it was. Similarly Thailand, albeit hardly close to England, seemed even more remote since Tanya had never travelled from America to her home. As she thought about the awesome distances between her and anyone she knew, Tanya wondered, not for the first time, whether she’d bitten off more than she could chew.

“Hey there!” boomed a voice behind Tanya suddenly, “You look lost! Is there anything I can help you with?!” It was the kind of voice that bowled you over, picked you up, dusted you off and bowled you over again. It belonged to the kind of girl for whom the term ‘larger than life’ was a challenge rather than a limitation. Briefly looking the speaker up and down Tanya found herself confronted by the epitome of American good-natured, ill thought out friendliness… a vision in torn denim cut offs, an obnoxious jumper and an expression of sheer helpfulness that would have driven the most go getting Englishman to suicide in minutes.

“You ok?” roared the girl a second time, “You look kind of spaced out.”

“I’ve just been on a plane,” explained Tanya. The other girl’s eyes bulged at that.

“No way!” she exclaimed. Tanya shrugged her shoulders.

“Yes way,” she replied, “I’ve just flown in from England.”

“No way!” yelled the other girl again, “England?!” She had a bizarre habit of exclaiming even her questions.

“It’s in Europe,” explained Tanya, wondering quite where the hell she was, a centre for intellectual excellence or auditions for the village idiot.

“I know where England is, silly,” rejoined the voluble American, “It’s just I’ve never met anyone from there. What are you doing here?” Tanya, carrying two rucksacks and three other bags was at a loss to explain.

“I’m camping,” she finally explained, “I was just looking for a good place to set up tent.” The display of irony was lost on the other girl.

“Oh I’m afraid you can’t camp here,” replied Britney, the name coming from the badge on her sweatshirt, just next to the giant letters spelling out ‘CAN I HELP YOU?’

“This is a college campus, camping isn’t allowed,” finished the American. Tanya felt her already frazzled patience ebb away.

“Ok, listen to me very carefully,” she snapped, “I’ve just flown in on no less than three flights from England all the way to Los Angeles. It has been a long, tiring journey, my mind thinks it’s eight in the morning, my body reckons it’s nine at night and both my tolerance and my charity have jumped out my left ear and eloped with my patience.” The other girl looked bemused by this eruption.

“If this doesn’t make any sense to you,” continued Tanya, “Then rest assured that it’s making even less to me! All I want to do is go and lie down and get some sleep. Only the first person to actually speak to me, aside from a Mexican cabdriver, an overweight priest, a stuck up, arrogant bastard, a bitchy, idiotic girl and a Venezuelan taxidermist, seems to be incapable of using her god given abilities to offer me a bit of assistance!” There was a pause of five seconds as Tanya recollected her calm, only slightly mortified at her outburst. Britney looked at her with a slightly confused expression.

“Are you a student?” she asked. Tanya dropped her bags, hearing the expensive portable computer her parents had purchased for her thud into the ground but not caring one iota.

“No!” she yelled, “I’m the bloody queen of Sheba and if you don’t bloody well start doing what your sweatshirt says you should be doing I’m bloody well going to hit you so hard you’ll wake up in a bloody hospital!” There was another long pause.

To give Tanya some credit she had endured a pretty unpleasant journey. She’d been sat next to a South American for the long stretch of her flight across the Atlantic. He had been old, lecherous and smelled of something acerbic and chemical. It turned out that he stuffed animals for a living, explaining to Tanya at length about the details: the removal of the innards… the dangers of the arsenic… twenty fun practical jokes that can be played with dead rattlesnakes… It had been educational.

Somewhere an offer of marriage had popped up, by which time Tanya had been seriously tempted to hypnotise the guy and force him to do good works for charity during the rest of his pious, silent life. This was not beyond Tanya’s abilities for she was an excellent hypnotist and had recently unearthed, uncovered and undone a Soviet sponsored plot to ensnare an entire year of Cambridge psychology undergraduates for the forces of communism. That took some skill, not to mention bravery, or foolhardiness if you were a little more honest.

Sadly, the people of the world had neglected to thank her for her services, a fact that rankled a fair bit, although she’d never actually explained to anyone what had happened. Still, she did get a few things out of it… All the others girls on her course had been hypnotised by the nefarious KGB plotters and the unexpected meddling of the entrancing program by a lesbian lecturer had created… interesting results. Because of it, all the young, female psychologists had become lesbians… Not only that but they were all in Tanya’s college! This didn’t bother the Thai girl… she was gay herself and the girls on her course had been selected for their intelligence and their beauty. If young women like that wanted to sleep with her then Tanya didn’t mind!

But all that was gone, abandoned by the Thai girl back at her university. Most heart wrenchingly she’d left Tasha behind… Natasha was the Russian girl tasked with hypnotising the students in Cambridge. She’d rebelled against her KGB masters but had been ensnared by a woman at the university who’d taken the program over for herself, completely dominating Natasha’s mind. When Tanya had tried to remove that supremacy she’d been unable to succeed and Natasha had transferred all her devotion to the Thai. Still, after almost two years, the Russian girl was just about capable of surviving on her own.

But Tanya missed her friend hugely all of a sudden as she realised that she was truly stuck in LA… alone, tired and completely overawed by the sheer size of the place. To have a loud, unhelpful, if attractive American giving her grief on top of all that would have tried the patience of anyone, particularly if you’d just stepped off a flight next to Senor Fernando, taxidermist by day, lover of a hundred women by night… or a second flight where your neighbours had been a warring husband and wife who’d integrated you into their nuclear conflict… or a third where you’d been sat next to an evangelical Catholic who’d asked repeatedly to hear your confession only to denounce you as a child of Satan when you’d finally offered it… and a heavily toned down version at that! Tanya had not had a good day… or two days… or however bloody long it had been since she’d left England!

“That wasn’t a very nice thing to say.” Tanya, jetlagged and emotionally spent, returned from daymaring about her horrendous trip with a jolt. She’d almost fallen asleep standing up! Fortunately the change of pace had given her time to cool down somewhat.

“I’m sorry Britney,” she replied evenly, “It’s just I’ve been travelling for the best part of seventy two hours away from my friends, family and loved ones. It’s been one nightmare after another and if I don’t get some friendly help soon I’m going to burst into tears or spontaneously combust…” She looked at Britney as sincerely as she could. The other girl looked back. Suddenly she wasn’t the breezy, dozy American of before. Belatedly Tanya saw the play.

“You were just having me on, weren’t you?” she asked. With a slow, smile Britney nodded.

“And you’re not in the least bit stupid in any way whatsoever?” continued Tanya. Britney nodded again.

“In fact,” the young Thai woman went on, “You already know who I am, where I’m meant to be and have a bunch of things to give and tell me to help me out.” Laughing out loud Britney leant forwards and picked up Tanya’s three bags from the floor.

“Miss Covington,” replied the American, “Welcome to UCLA. I think you’ll enjoy it here.”

* * *

And so Tanya arrived at her dorm. It was a fairly large room, which was fortunate as she’d be sharing it with three other girls! This had not been advertised on the brochure… Still, Tanya was beyond arguing as she slumped down onto her bed. Alas sleep was not about to happen quickly, Britney was going to make sure of that.

“No way are you going to bed now,” insisted the American, “You’ll be out of synch for the whole week and that’ll really screw you up, girl. Come with me and we’ll get you back on your feet.” True to her word, Britney knew all about keeping someone awake. She took Tanya on a brief tour of the immediate facility, highlighting the eating areas, communal areas, phone areas and many other areas that passed by in a blur. The main thing was the first one.

After a fatty, protein based, carbohydrate filled breakfast that had clogged up a third of her arteries, not to mention three cups of what had to be the worst coffee in California, Tanya felt relatively human once more. Britney sat with the Thai girl and let her regain a part of her mind while Tanya surreptitiously checked out the other girl over breakfast, although a part of her reckoned that the American was doing something not indifferent to her…!

Britney was a shining example of American womanhood, though still barely out of her teens. In many ways she was like Jackie, an American friend of Tanya’s from Cambridge. She had Jackie’s ample curves, honey skin, sun drenched hair and baby blue eyes that twinkled with intelligence. Unlike Jackie, Britney was a fair bit taller than Tanya, standing at five ten, while her leaner physique suggested a sporty mentality that Jackie lacked. All in all, she seemed like a top girl.

“So tell me,” asked Tanya between mouthfuls, “What made you try and trick me?” Britney laughed at that.

“I volunteered for this gig,” she explained, “Last year a friend of mine did it. She got this really bitchy girl from Ox-ford,” she stressed the two syllables, giving the word a horrendous upper class English accent. Tanya smiled, well aware what kind of girl Britney was talking about. The American continued.

“My friend tried to be nice right from the off but Veronica,” again she emphasized the word, “Was far to busy criticising everything to listen. In the end Julia just switched off… pretended she really was an airhead… acted like an idiot… that kind of thing. And you know what…?”

“What?” asked Tanya.

“Veronica seemed to prefer it!” Britney all but yelled, slapping her thigh in merriment, “That English brat preferred having a useless bimbo for a representative rather than a helpful, intelligent girl. God I can only guess why…”

“It probably made her feel superior,” offered Tanya. Britney asked what she meant.

“Oh you know,” replied the Thai girl, “Slapping down your friend probably made Veronica feel better about herself, made her revel in her prejudices about Americans. I know I did in mine.” Britney looked at Tanya with an appraising gaze, one that said ‘I knew that but I was wondering if you did and if you were prepared to admit it…’ It seemed like Tanya had passed some sort of test, because the next thing Britney said was:

“You’re all right Tanya, why don’t we got your stuff together and then I can show you a bit more of the uni? Maybe we can check out a few of the bars, perhaps hang for a while…?” It was a proper question, nothing rhetorical about it. Britney was genuinely asking for Tanya’s opinion. The Thai got the impression that this was more than Britney had been intending to offer at the start of the day. Perhaps the American had enjoyed some preconceptions of her own…?

“Sure,” she replied, “I’d love to.” She finished her food, deposited her tray and remains in the washing area and went off with the American girl to register for her course. It was a long, boring, tiring chore, but was over in less than sixty minutes, leaving Tanya with her student card, course details and other paraphernalia. What Tanya didn’t know was that it would take other students as long as eight hours to go through the process when they eventually got round to it… she hadn’t realised it but Britney was already treating her as a proper friend, exhibiting the positive, trusting attitudes of her countrymen and women.

They went back to Tanya’s room, dropped off all her stuff and left again, although Tanya noticed that one of the other beds had been taken in her absence. However, she chose to head off with Britney rather than stick around and meet her roommate. The chances were high that the new girl would still have lots of stuff to come and would be surrounded by a bevy or relations. Besides, they’d be living together for a year… there would be time to get to know her.

She left with Britney who took her on another tour, although this one was in a single direction away from the dorm and campus areas. Tanya found out that she was in a single sex dormitory building that was part of the main residential complex. She was sharing with three third years who’d be studying different things to her. Her room had its own bathroom with two basins, two showers and two toilets, although there were other restrooms elsewhere. Here was the canteen… there was the TV room… here was this… there was that… blah, blah, blah…

As they left the immediate area, Tanya’s university representative pulled off her irksome jumper and tied it around her waste. Beneath she was wearing a bikini top and nothing else. Tanya noticed that the American girl’s tan went all over, including her large breasts and right up and probably beyond her tiny shorts. The Thai wouldn’t have minded checking just how thorough a tan it was, but held back her aggressive instincts… after the journey she’d endured it would’ve been foolish to assume her intuition was running ok.

Britney’s apparent interest and slight flirtation could just be what was done in LA and Tanya knew it was too early to be scouting out new lady friends. Still, as they walked away from the campus and into the largest car park Tanya had ever seen, the Thai girl wondered quite why a girl like Britney wanted to be lumbered with an arrogant, bitchy, foreign student. She asked.

“Oh it’s a great thing for your resume,” replied Britney with a smile. When she saw Tanya’s blank expression she explained further.

“You call it a CV, we call it a resume… it’s what you’re here for as well, right?” she enquired with a knowing smile. Tanya laughed and nodded.

“My tutor said it’d be exactly the sort of thing to push me ahead of the pack,” she responded, “I didn’t really want to do it but I do have to think about what I’m going to do after leaving uni. This ought to give me the edge I need.”

“What are you planning on doing?” asked Britney as she led the way to her car.

“I’m not sure,” replied Tanya, “But I’ve been learning Cantonese and Mandarin at home during my holidays… mom reckons that China is going to be the way forward in a few years and people who can speak English and Chinese are going to be few and far between.” Britney looked surprised.

“Wow!” she exclaimed, “That’s looking a lot further than I’ve ever thought. I was hoping to get into acting.”

“Well you’ve certainly got the looks for it,” answered Tanya, realising what she was saying a good two seconds after it had already left her lips. She managed to keep her face neutral though, smiling like a friend when Britney looked at her with a quizzical frown. The American saw no duplicity in the other girl’s face.

“Sure,” she finally replied, “That’s sweet of you.” They continued on in silence for a while until they got to Britney’s car. It was monstrous. Tanya could only gape at the sheer… bigness of the thing! It looked like someone had taken a medium sized yacht, put it on wheels, streamlined the result and then painted it black… oh and made it out of metal and so forth.

“What’s that?” she asked, looking at a car that was twice the size of anything she’d ever seen in England, except for the occasional tank on manoeuvres with Cambridge University’s cadet force.

“It’s a hummer,” replied Britney, “You know: a humvee… a surplus military vehicle sold to the public.” There wasn’t a lot Tanya could say to that.

“Hop on in,” instructed Britney, pressing a button on something in her hand which made the car’s locks deactivate. Tanya realised she was dealing with a very rich young woman… a very rich, extremely attractive, intelligent young woman who’d been checking her out and was about to drive her out into the middle of a metropolis she’d never been to before in what could have been mistaken for a tank… Ah well, who dares wins. Tanya pulled herself into the hummer’s lush interior.

“Comfy?” asked Britney with a smile. Overwhelmed by the size of the seat she was in, which seemed to be designed for transporting bears in luxurious comfort, Tanya could only nod. The American giggled at Tanya’s shock, put the car into drive and pulled off. Bits of LA drifted past the Thai’s window. She occasionally glanced at the clock or speedometer and, after fifteen minutes at sixty kilometres an hour, realised that she was a long was from the uni… almost ten miles…! As they pulled off the monstrous motorway, which seemed about twenty lanes wide, Tanya saw that the neighbourhood seemed to be getting more distant too.

Long gone were the green spaces and low white buildings of UCLA. Now, when Tanya looked around, the common theme was dust… The streets were sandy, the buildings derelict and unpainted while the few people out and about seemed to be sitting idle, wondering what to do with the rest of their existence. Tanya maintained that none of this bothered her… and the fact that she’d progressed to a high level of skill at several martial arts meant that she was better suited than most to deal with trouble if it should come… But she was in LA, in a country renowned for its tolerance of firearms and a city infamous for its crime. The Thai girl breathed deeply to calm herself.

“You ok hon?” asked Britney with a smile. It wasn’t too friendly. Tanya realised she was being tested again. She stretched out, uncrossed her arms and made her body relax.

“Sure,” she replied, “Just a bit tired after the trip. Where we going to anyway?” The Thai girl was shocked that she’d already picked up on the slightly slangy way Britney talked! It wasn’t bad or anything, but she didn’t want to appear like she was copying the other girl. Still… impersonation was the highest form of flattery, so she’d read somewhere… or had she…? With an effort, Tanya got a grip and looked calmly at Britney, waiting for an answer to her question.

“We’re going to a little place I know,” explained the American, “It’s a bit off the beaten track but it’s got great tunes, good people, cold beer and a pool table. You any good at pool Tanya?” Two years of Cambridge student life had given the Thai girl an excellent ability with a cue, but it was best not to be arrogant… she’d heard about pool sharks, or at least she’d seen them on a film.

“I know which end is which,” she replied. Britney laughed out loud.

“Hah! That sounds like a challenge,” she chuckled, “You’ve got yourself a game, girl.” The car suddenly pulled in and stopped, opposite a nondescript shack-like structure.

“Here we are,” said Britney, “You ready to try and get in?”

“Try and get in?” replied Tanya, “Why won’t we succeed?” Britney smiled, though slightly wanly.

“This is America, honey… you got to be over twenty one to drink.” So Tanya wouldn’t be allowed alcohol for her whole year at UCLA? That was… annoying. After two years at Cambridge Tanya had been totally assimilated into the university’s drinking culture, the thought of drying up over a year…? Well it kind of sucked! Still, Britney hadn’t dragged her all the way to whatever god awful place just to turn back. This was yet another test. Tanya was getting fairly sick of them but she was prepared to endure it… especially when she was a good ten miles, in an unknown direction, from her new home.

Britney emerged from her side of the car, pulling on a new top and Tanya did the same, going round to the pavement and standing with the American in front of the bar. It looked as dingy on the inside as it did on the outside. A solitary barman polished glasses behind the counter, his eyes flicked up towards the two girls on the outside. There was something in them Tanya recognised. So did Britney.

“Damn,” she whispered, “It’s Tony…” Tanya realised this was a bad thing.

“He strict?” she asked. Britney nodded. “Hey, we’ve come all this way, let’s give it a try.” Britney looked bewildered as the Thai girl walked in ahead of her. They were the only ones in there aside from the barman and the look on his face said it all: ‘What do you think you’re doing?’ Tanya walked straight up to him, beamed from ear to ear and said, in fluent Thai:

“Hello! It’s so lovely to see someone from back home here.” The man’s eyebrows raised a moment before his face cracked into a smile.

“Are you from Bangkok too?” he asked, also in Thai. Tanya nodded and pointed at Britney, speaking in English.

“I’ve just got into UCLA. This is a friend of mine, she’s showing me the city and she said that you were Thai.” The man’s eyebrows rose as he took that on board. The likelihood that the half naked blonde standing in his bar knew what country he was from did not seem high. However, there weren’t many people from his hometown in his part of LA and he was delighted that this pretty, if fairly pale skinned girl from his native land was there.

“I was hoping we could get a couple of beers,” continued Tanya in Thai, “If that would be ok?” Tony, a bastardisation of his Thai name, gave Tanya a long slow look as if to say ‘Oh really?’ Still, he turned around and went to the back, returning with two imported beers from Thailand.

“Try these,” he suggested. Tanya made to dig out her wallet, “On the house,” interjected Tony. The Thai girl smiled at him in her most winning, genuine way. She and Britney took the beers, the American girl looking at it suspiciously and turning away. With a start she realised that Tanya had sat down at the counter and was talking to the barman. Somewhat grudgingly she joined them.

Initially Britney felt isolated from the conversation but gradually she got more involved. Tony warmed to the pair of them and they went through a couple of beers before a group of other girls arrived. Seeing them, Britney gleefully stood up and went over to the group, hugging each one in turn and practically dancing on the spot in her happiness. Turning around she led them to the bar and introduced them to Tony. There was a collective inhalation as they all remembered the far Eastern man’s adherence to the rules on ID, but instead he ruefully cracked open some drinks for the newcomers as well. Finally, Britney turned to the one remaining person.

“This is Tanya,” she said, introducing the Thai girl to her friends, “I thought she might try out for the cheerleader team.”