The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Lisa was a bully, and she knew it. She didn’t fight the other girls, not anymore, she hadn’t in years, not since middle school, but her quips, her comments, her put downs were more brutal now in her last year of high school than her fists had ever been. And her fists had been quite brutal.

She’d been chunky, before puberty, and for a while during it too, and the other kids had been merciless. Not that that excused her own behavior.

She’d finally gotten fed up, fought back; She’d exorcised her inner demons right onto the other kids’ heads, and they’d left her alone. She’d been alone ever since, which had made it hard for her to relate to others, to express herself, to connect. That was the answer, she realized, to the question that small, sad little voice in the back of her mind was asking, when it said what am I doing?

She was standing in the hallway, hands on her hips, her shiny black combat boot resting on a thick, blue textbook, looking imperiously down her nose at little Rita Johnson. She hadn’t started it, she reminded herself as if that were some justification. It was that stuck up bitch Tina Calloway, Miss Perfect, queen of the universe and cattiest high schooler alive, who’d knocked the book out of Rita’s hands. Tina, the self involved little priss had walked right into their bookish little valedictorian, who had been trying her best to step to the side which, to Tina’s mind apparently made the minor collision all Rita’s fault, and apparently a war crime to boot. Tina had been steadily unloading on Rita as the girl had stooped to pick up her book, tried to shrink, it seemed, and shrivel away from the other girl with a mumbled apology. Rita always mumbled, it seemed.

It had been at that moment that Lisa stepped in, and made things better, and also much worse. She’d stepped in and stomped on the book just as Rita had managed to lift the huge thing off the floor. It had wrenched from her hands with a loud flop! that had stunned the crowd of milling teenagers into silence. Tina had ceased her rant and, after a moment of dumbfounded stammering, had tried not to whither under Lisa’s cold, territorial stare.

Lisa messed with everyone. Snide comments, clever put downs, and a general disdain for her fellow classmates, and Rita was no exception. In fact she was Lisa’s favorite target. Lisa had been particularly snide to her in all the advanced language classes they’d been in together, the few courses that Lisa actually did better than Rita in. But nobody else messed with Rita, partly because the girl was such a wallflower that most people forgot she was there, but mostly because Lisa made it her business to give anyone else that dared to even look at Rita wrong, the business.

Lisa looked back down at Rita, her pale gray eyes narrow with malice, her lips painted shiny black were curled in a sneer. Rita peered up at her from behind owlish glasses, her dark almond eyes were wet with standing tears. There was fear there, with the tears. Not fear of violence, but a different, deeper fear there. Lisa noted with interest that the other girl was blushing. There was a sound then, a half expressed sob before she gathered her backpack and darted away, leaving her book behind.

Lisa watched her go, swiveling her murderous gaze at the gathered crowd, who suddenly found themselves in a hurry to catch busses and rides home. She heard Tina say “What a bitch...” from the other side of the hallway, loud enough for her to hear, and far enough away to avoid reprisal. Lisa waited, watching the hallway empty, her boot still on the book. When everyone had gone, and a few minutes more had passed, she knelt down, smoothing her dark purple plaid skirt. She picked the big heavy tome off the floor and noted the scent of Rita still lingered on it. Lilac and vanilla and another smell Rita had recently learned was something called ‘cocoa butter’. She breathed in deeply, and, with a quick glance up and down the hallway, hugged the book to her chest with a sigh.

With a tenderness that would have left anyone who saw her dumbfounded, she caressed the book’s front cover. Gently, she peeled back the dust jacket and gazed at the cover. She did a double take. Her eyes widened as she read and then re read the title beneath. Her brow furrowed in thought, as she paced the halls, faster and faster, her heavy breathing barely audible over the sound of her clomping boots. Then, with a deep breath, she calmed herself and marched off down the hall. She wasn’t done with Rita Johnson quite yet.

* * *

It didn’t take Lisa much time to catch up with Rita. The fierce loathing she harbored for her peers hadn’t kept them or her teachers from seeing the potential of her long legs and solid build. She’d been pressured by coaches, eager to win, teachers, who thought she’d do well to have an outlet for her aggression, and her own parents who were very keen on the idea of seeing her less, to join various teams. Eventually she’d caved.

Her teachers, she knew, all thought their ploy had worked, that she’d found an outlet, when the fights tapered off and then stopped completely, but Lisa knew better. Three months of running up and down the soccer pitch had burned off all her baby fat and left her lithe, muscular, and somehow more butch than before. Instead of calling her fat, they called her dyke, but she wouldn’t fight any of them over that. Partly because now, they were too afraid of her to actually say it to her face, but mostly because it was true.

It was because of that, her classmate’s fear, as much as anything else that prompted her to ‘go goth’, as she’d overheard Sara Lowell say once. The black hair and makeup, the fishnets she barely got away with wearing at school, even the spiked collar she was wearing that day all stood out wonderfully against her pale skin, and made her look ghoulish. Lisa liked looking ghoulish and the looks that brought. She wanted to stand out, needed to, and what better way than a style that was decades out of fashion. She also loved combat boots, which she noted without much surprise failed to catch Rita’s attention when Lisa caught up with her.

The petite little valedictorian was trudging down the sidewalk, her narrow shoulders slumped. She didn’t look up when Lisa clomped past her, balancing on the high brick wall to her left like a tightrope walker. She started when the goth girl called down to her.

“You forgot your book.” Lisa said with less than half her usual edge.

“I didn’t forget it...” Rita mumbled softly, a hint of reproach in her voice and averted gaze.

“That so?” Lisa said. “Weird how you’re so protective of a geometry book. Also how you’re still reading it, when we had geometry back in tenth grade.”

Rita looked up at her, horrified.

“It’s almost like you don’t want anyone to know you’re reading it. Hmmmmmmm.” Lisa tapped her chin, and looked upwards in a parody of serious contemplation.

She looked back down and caught Rita’s stricken look, and sighed.

“...Look, I was…” Lisa shuffled uncomfortably. “I came off kinda bitchy back there. Well, bitchier than usual.”

Lisa jumped down onto the sidewalk and Rita’s eyes went wide. Lisa grimaced at the weight and inertia of her inconveniently large chest, but then grinned as the other girl looked away quickly, her face scarlet, and wondered if Rita had been staring at the bounce, or if she’d caught an eyeful of Lisa’s lacy black panties when she’d jumped off the wall.

“Oh,” Lisa taunted, “Did I give you a show just now? Didn’t know you swung that way.”

“G-Go away!” Rita cried as suddenly she dashed forward and snatched the book from Lisa’s hands. She came to rest a few feet behind Lisa, hugging the book to her as she knelt trembling.

“I… I’m not like that...” Rita said in a quiet voice. “Please just… just leave me alone.”

“Fuckin’ hell...” Lisa sighed.

“I don’t know what I ever did to you…” Rita continued, “I just… I wish you’d just leave me alone...”

There was a long, heavy silence.

“So,” Lisa said at length, “Practical Hypnosis, huh?” behind her, Rita tensed, clasping the big book to her chest like some kind of talisman.

“It’s very you,” Lisa continued, “Dry and technical. Fits, ya know?”

Rita turned, gazing up at Lisa with a look of profound dismay.

“You even changed the cover thing.” Rita said an edge of scorn in her voice, there was a tightness in her chest. “What are those called again?”

“...Dust jackets.” Rita murmured, “They’re called dust jackets.”

“Yeah, those.” Lisa said. She grinned, her stomach surged with excitement.

Rita swallowed, visibly.

“But What I want to know is, why the secrecy?” Lisa asked, “I saw you reading it. In Literature class. I didn’t think it was weird for you to be studying for math in a class you’re so bad at.” She shook her head, “Only a 94, Jesus… But wow… hypnosis. You can hypnotize people huh?”

Rita really was crying now. Silent tears rolling off her high cheek bones.

“...yes...” She whispered.

“And you want to keep it a secret?” Lisa pressed.

“...Y-yes…” Rita stammered, her eyes were wide and terrified. Vulnerable. It made Lisa’s stomach flutter. She smiled.

“Well, if you don’t want me to tell anyone, you’ll have to do something for me.”

“L-like What?” Rita asked with mounting dismay.

Lisa’s smile faltered. Her cheeks burned. “You… you have to… have to hypnotize me.” She blurted.

“...what?” Rita asked, incredulous.

“You heard me!” Lisa said, her face every bit as bright crimson as Rita’s, “If you want me to keep your little secret you have to… h-hypnotize me into it!”

“I… I’m not sure I can...” Rita began.

Lisa ignored her. She marched forward, seized Rita’s wrist and began marching off down the sidewalk.

“We’ll go to my house.” She said over Rita’s weak protests, “My parents are never home.”

* * *

Lisa’s parents were always away, in fact. Either traveling for their respective jobs, or taking lavish vacations, or working long hours to pay for said lavish vacations. This week they were in Bora Bora, and conveniently couldn’t take their daughter because she had school. Not that Lisa actually wanted to go anywhere with them.

No, she’d much rather be where she was, sitting cross legged on her bed opposite Rita, who sat so taught with nerves Lisa felt sure she’d snap in two.

“You don’t have to sit so far away.” Lisa offered, her polite tone sounded strange in her own ears.

“I’m fine like this.” Rita said.

“Whatever. Not like I care.” Lisa muttered, and made a conscious effort not to scoot closer.

“...Are… um… are you ready?” Rita stammered.

“Sure.” Lisa answered, a tremor in her voice. “And just so you know, if this doesn’t work, I’m gonna tell eeeveryone.” Lisa taunted.

Rita pursed her lips and said nothing.

“So what do I do?” Lisa asked finally.

Rita sighed. “First we’ll test...”

“You’re mumbling again.” Rita said, her grin savage.

“First,” Rita said, louder and clearer, “A test.”

“A test?” Lisa asked, cocking her head.

“To see how suggestible you are.” Rita said, pushing her glasses up her nose. “Ready?”

“I guess.” Said Lisa.

“Lift up your index finger.” Rita said, her voice calmer, with a touch more confidence, “Above your eyeline…”

Lisa lifted her hand in front of her face, her middle finger thrust proudly upward.

Rita deflated a little. “Right… I guess… just look up at it. With… um… just your eyes, keep your head level.”

Lisa gazed up. She focused on her finger. Her eyes vibrated, fluttered. There was a constant, intense heat in her stomach and she was forcefully reminded of a day when she was five or six, her parents had left her in the care of their favorite baby sitter, the television, and she’d been watching The Jungle Book. She didn’t remember the scene too well, but she remembered the snake, the colors in its eyes, and this exact feeling. She’d avoided the movie to this day, the shame and awkwardness had been too great but now…

Now her finger was a magnet. Rita had said it, and she’d wanted to scoff at the suggestion, but as the girl’s increasingly clear and wonderfully musical voice was telling her, she could feel the attraction between her finger and that spot on her forehead. It was getting bigger, that finger, as her hand drifted closer to her face and she knew somehow that just as Rita was saying it would get stuck there if she let it touch. She tried to pull her hand away, but the harder she tried to resist that force drawing her finger in the more powerful it became until her eyes crossed, her vision wobbled, and just like Rita was telling her her eyelids got heavy, drooped and were closing, closing, closing, closing…

“SLEEP!” Said Rita.

Lisa pitched forward and knew no more.

* * *

Lisa Sat and relaxed. drifted. Floated. Sank. Always deeper. She was standing, suddenly, at the top of a set of stairs. They were gray, heavy, industrial one moment, then, Rita said something and they were plush, carpeted in soft red velvet. Lisa didn’t or couldn’t question it.

She took the steps one at a time, following Rita’s voice. Always down, always deeper.

There were balloons at the bottom, tied to her wrists. They lifted her arms easily, and dropped them to her lap softly, and she dropped with them, always down, always deeper. After that was an elevator. Or perhaps the escalator came next. Lisa knew she used both, but their order and everything else after was vague, fuzzy, and easily forgotten.

Rita said words. Asked questions. Lisa struggled to answer, until Rita told her she didn’t have to, and after that Lisa spoke in an easy monotone.

Then everything went blank.

* * *

Why can’t I open my eyes? Lisa wondered. Then she realized that her eyes were already open, and she was sitting there, blankly staring across the bed at Rita. With one arm, Rita was hugging herself, her other was sandwiched between the soft curve of her thighs. Her pink tongue darted out to lick her full lips, which curved into a predatory smile. With a struggle, she extricated her hand from her thighs, raised it, and snapped.

* * *

Lisa blinked awake. Rita was still sitting across from her, her legs folded under her, her hands folded chastely on her knees. She smiled. Not the tentative little grin she had when she got a problem right in class. And not the warm, eager grin she wore when someone said or did something she found funny. It was a calm, confident little smile that dampened Lisa’s panties.

“...What… happened?” Lisa asked.

“I hypnotized you, just like you wanted.” Rita said, and shifted forward, resting her chin in her hands.

“Oh… That’s… cool I guess...” Lisa said, trying desperately to remain calm.

“While you were under,” Rita continued, “I made sure you’d keep your word and not tell anyone. And you said some things. Interesting things.”

“Did I...” Lisa tried not to whimper.

“So.” Said Rita, “The Jungle book.”

Lisa gaped at her, her face scarlet.

Rita crooked her finger, beckoning Lisa over. An irresistible compulsion seized her. She moaned as her body crawled of its own accord over to the little valedictorian.

“I… d-don’t...” Lisa stammered, “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

Rita reached up and stroked Lisa’s face. A jolt of electric pleasure ran through her. Lisa gasped at the sensation and leaned into the gesture.

“It was X-men comics for me...” Rita admitted. She ran a finger across Lisa’s collarbone, up the side of her throat, and rested it under her chin. Lisa Squealed and tried to lean in, but found herself unable to move her head from that spot.

“I don’t… Unnnngh… What are you… saying?” Lisa moaned.

Rita smirked. With a theatrical flourish she waved her hand in front of Lisa’s face, wiggling her delicate fingers. Lisa’s gaze went wide and her mind whited out.

“Be honest now.” Rita said, her voice echoing in Lisa’s head.

“...honest...” the goth girl repeated.

“Why did you want to be hypnotized?” Rita asked.

Lisa gasped. “I need you to control me!” She blurted. She gaped, gasped, then wiggled, hugging herself and blushing furiously. “Oh god… I couldn’t resist at all… Ask me something else!” She said, eyes shining with eagerness. Then she was bashful, gazing up with a submissive smile, “Um… Please?”

“You said you saw me reading the book… Why were you watching me?” Rita asked.

Lisa swallowed. The answer bubbled up from deep inside. “I’ve kinda been stalking you for a while now. Not like, hardcore or anything!” She backpedaled at the look Rita gave her. “I don’t go out of my way to see you or anything, I just… watch you in class and stuff.” She swallowed and looked down. Still fully clothed, Lisa felt more naked than she had in her life.

“You’re… just so fucking adorable!” Lisa whispered, gazing at the smaller girl. She squirmed, shaking her ass, even as her head stayed riveted to Rita’s fingertip at the chin. “You’re like… Like a little porcelain doll! I never imagined you were a hypnotist though!” Her hands were between her thighs, and on her breasts.

“You’re… touching yourself...” Rita whispered in awe.

“Should I stop?” Lisa asked, squirming, “Is it weird? I just… I’ve wanted to be hypnotized for as long as I can remember, it makes me so horny just thinking about it!” She moaned, “And now you hypnotized me and I… I just… I want to kiss you. And… um… hold you and worship you, because you’re so cute and smart and sexy and… I guess I have a big crush on you. For a while. I have… Um...” Lisa trailed off, trying to guage the look in Rita’s eyes.

“So… then… then why are you so horrible to me?” Rita asked quietly.

Lisa felt her stomach drop. She didn’t think she had an answer. What she said surprised them both.

“Lots of reasons.” She said, the words tumbling out of her in a torrent she couldn’t stop. “I’m scared of getting close to anybody, especially not you, you’re so… wholesome and good, and I hate you for it because I’m so mean and I know I don’t deserve you, but it makes me want you more, and I guess I don’t actually hate you just myself and I take it out on you because I have all these fucked up fantasies about you getting fed up and punishing me for it because I’m such a spiteful bitch and I just wanna be your bitch… and… and” sobbed the last few words, the rush of truth and emotion overwhelmed her, yet her chin never moved from where Rita’s finger held it.

There was silence for a long moment.

Rita retracted her finger, and Lisa knelt up, wiping her eyes. Without a work, Rita grasped the rims of her glasses and lifted them off her face. Lisa gripped the hem of her skirt with white knuckled intensity, her anxiety warring with the desire to move her hand back up to her crotch.

With a deliberate motion, Rita placed her glasses on the desk by the bed, and then all at once lunged at the goth girl. Lisa let out a surprised squeak as Rita tackled her to the bed, pressing her small pink lips to Lisa’s full black ones.

“W...Wow…” Lisa said, when they both came up for air.

“Y...yeah.” Rita agreed. She kissed Lisa again. The goth girl gazed up at her, into her eyes.

“I fantasize about you too.” She said quietly.

Lisa gaped at her in wonder.

“In my fantasies I...” Rita bit her lip. “I… brainwash you.”

Lisa whimpered.

“I strap you in a chair. Make you watch a spiral. And then I turn you into my protector. My body guard, and you make sure nobody messes with me or makes fun of me.”

She smiled, shyly.

“I make you my knight in shining armor.”

Lisa swallowed hard, as something inside of her melted. Her vision blurred as her eyes welled up.

“It’s okay.” Rita said, “I never… hated you...”

Lisa looked up and saw the smile in Rita’s eyes. They were soft, and warm, and she felt she could fall into them. Rita was whispering to her now, soft cooing that made her thoughts go fuzzy. She blinked, slowly, languidly, her eyes feeling heavy, yet harder and harder to close. She stared, wide eyed at her hypnotist, the little mousy bookworm whose big soft eyes were lulling her into warm mindlessness. Rita leaned down and kissed her again. Lisa didn’t blink. Rita leaned in and licked her ear. Lisa shuddered, but didn’t blink.

“I’m your mistress now.” Rita whispered.

“...yes...” Lisa agreed.

“Sit up.” Rita ordered, rolling off of her.

“...Yes… Mistress...” Lisa sighed as she obeyed.

Rita leaned in and kissed her cheek, and groaned needfully against Lisa’s neck.

“Take off your… wait… I have an idea.” Rita said. She leaned in and whispered into Lisa’s ear.

* * *

Lisa smirked. She sat at the edge of her bed, legs crossed at the knees, gazing down at the other girl. Rita knelt next to the bed, using Lisa’s mattress as a desk as she poured over the Literature textbook. She could hardly believe that Rita, little miss valedictorian had come to her for tutoring. It was ridiculous. Though, Lisa had to admit, the fact that Rita, who had a 94 in the class, still felt she needed tutoring was fairly plausible, even if it was every bit as ridiculous.

Lisa’s gaze traveled over the other girl’s slight, tight frame, with bits of fat in absolutely the right places. She licked her lips. She’d nursed her secret crush, or rather, obsession with the bookish little nerd since sophomore year and now, out of the blue, she found herself alone with the girl in her room. Alone in the house. Alone. And her parents wouldn’t be back until next weekend.

She reached over and brushed a loose strand of hair behind Rita’s ear. Rita brushed her hand away, laughing nervously, and pushing her big round glasses up her adorable little button of a nose. It was too much. With a thrill of excitement and taboo Lisa leaned in, grasped Rita’s chin and kissed her. Rita pulled back, shocked, but Rita held her fast. She slid off the bed, took Rita’s shoulder in a firm grasp and pushed her down. Rita squirmed against her, eyes wide, trying to resist, but Lisa simply leaned against her, straddled the smaller girl’s thighs, and pinned her to the floor.

“… please...” Rita squeaked pushing weakly against her.

“...Please what?...” Lisa whispered, leaning in to kiss Rita’s neck.

“...Somebody might...” Rita moaned, “...Hear...” She pushed, a little harder now, and tried to squirm away.

“Nobody’s around...” Lisa breathed. She grasped Rita’s wrists and, with one hand, pinned her arms above her head. Rita’s small chest heaved.

“You can’t...” Rita whispered, straining up against her pinned arms to kiss Lisa. Lisa held her head just out of reach for a moment, earning a delicious shimmy from the smaller girl, before she leaned in and their lips met. They moaned together.

“Nobody’s coming to save you...” Lisa taunted softly.

“Let me go...” She whimpered, her hips writhed invitingly between Lisa’s thighs. “...Please..!”

“Make me...” Lisa sneered, still holding Rita’s hands. Rita bucked, and something in her gaze went hard like flint. She brought her thumb and middle finger together.


Lisa shuddered as a thrill ran through her. Her body stiffened, froze. Try as she might she couldn’t move. She strained against the oddly pleasant paralysis, but found herself as helpless as the girl pinned beneath her had been. More so.

“Hands behind your back.” Rita said, her voice stronger now.

Lisa’s body moved of its own accord. She straightened, still straddling Rita, and obediently folded her arms at the waist, just above her butt. Looking down she saw the look on Rita’s face. She was smiling, her eyes half lidded, eager, predatory. Lisa wanted to grind on the smaller girl, but her body remained dutifully frozen.

Rita propped herself up on her elbows, reached up and stroked Lisa’s spiked collar.

“Fitting.” She said quietly. She snapped her fingers again, “Take off your shirt.”

Lisa’s body complied, trembling.

Rita ran her hands across the lacy black bra that held Lisa’s heaving breasts. She sat up, grasping them in her petite hands, and kissed the pale, freckled skin above the lace.

“...Please...” Lisa whimpered, it was her turn to beg.


“Stand.” Rita ordered.

Lisa moved stiffly, hauling herself to her feet to stand immobile and at attention. Rita got to her feet more daintily, and paced around her, inspecting. She stepped close and reached beneath Lisa’s skirt. Under other circumstances the goth girl would have collapsed at the maddeningly gentle touch between her thighs, as it was, though, she simply jerked slightly and held still.

Rita’s hands came away wet.

She held two glistening fingers in front of Lisa’s face, and wiggled them. Lisa’s mind went fuzzy for a moment as Rita said “Lick.”

Lisa leaned forward, licking her own wetness off the smaller girl’s fingers, until Rita slid them forward past her shiny black lips.


“Take off your skirt.” Rita commanded, her fingers still in Lisa’s mouth..

Lisa shimmied out of the skirt, moaning and licking the invading fingers. Rita turned away, there was an audible pop as she pulled her hand from Lisa’s mouth. With slow, tantalizing movements the smaller girl pulled off her shirt, and slid her jeans down her shapely legs. She wobbled a bit and steadied herself with a hand against Lisa’s flank as she extricated her feet from the bunched up denim.

“...Please...” Lisa whimpered again as she felt Rita’s hand, cool against her belly.

“Please what?” Rita asked, unclasping her bra and slipping out of her panties. She hooked a finger into Lisa’s fishnet stockings, slid the finger across, and then dipped it into Lisa’s panties, obliterating any coherent thought, and whatever reply Lisa had meant to give.


“Pick me up.” Rita said, leaning in to kiss Lisa’s breast.

Lisa seized her by her hips and lifted. She circled her arms around the smaller girl’s thighs, hands clasped just beneath Rita’s pert ass, her taught stomach against Lisa’s face.


“Kiss...” Rita whispered, pointing to her navel.

Lisa kissed and licked, squirming within the other girl’s strange control to lavish her with as much attention as she could. Rita moaned. She snapped again, twice. Rita could move again. Her knees nearly buckled, but she held Rita up. She staggered, leaned into her bedroom door, and pressed Rita against it. The smaller girl slid down as Lisa kissed her way up, lingering at her breasts, pausing at her collarbone, nibbling at her neck, and then their lips met.


“Harder!” Rita ordered, “I want it rough!”

Lisa obeyed. She couldn’t do otherwise. She squeezed the girl’s small breasts as Rita pawed at the her back, trying to get her bra off.

“Front…. Clasp is… in the front...” Lisa panted.

Rita bit down on her neck and she spasmed. Then her bra was off and Rita had her nipple gently between her teeth.


“Play with yourself.” Rita ordered. Lisa’s hand shot down to her pussy, rubbing through the lacy black fabric.


“My arms… Oooh… pin them to the door!” Rita gasped between nibbles on Lisa’s ear.

Lisa did so, straddling the smaller girl once again, holding her immobile, yet stroking herself furiously at Rita’s command.

“Oooh god… you’re so strong!” Rita moaned.

“...Please...” Lisa whimpered a third time, “Please, please, please…!” She buried her face in Rita’s neck, kissing, and licking and biting.

“Please… oh fuck… please what…?” Rita panted.

“Please… Please let me cum…. MISTRESS…!” Lisa cried, her voice a high submissive scream. Her hips bucked against her right hand, while her left pinned Rita to the door, completely in control yet totally helpless. She ground her pussy harder into Rita’s thigh.



Lisa jerked to attention and was on her feet. Rita snapped again.

“Go lay on the bed.”

Lisa obeyed, and lay there, hands at her side, unable to even squirm. Rita padded over. Climbed into the bed. Straddled her chest. Tweaked her nipples, then shimmied up the goth girl’s body and lowered her pussy onto Lisa’s mouth.



Rita’s hips bucked as Lisa’s tongue attacked her pussy. Lisa moaned as she felt every lap her tongue made on her Mistress’ folds against her own cleft. She nearly died of joy when she found Rita’s clit. Rita tensed, and gasped and screamed and gushed as Lisa struggled to continue licking as she screamed her own orgasm into her hypnotist’s slit.

* * *

“That was… Intense.” Lisa panted, laying there, wrapped in Rita’s embrace.

“It’s… It’s one of my fantasies.” Rita said, back to her quiet mousy voice. She squeezed Lisa tightly. “I really like how… how much stronger than me you are. Like… you could break me in two if you wanted. But...”

Lisa wiggled against her. “But it doesn’t matter if you control my mind...” She breathed. Their eyes met, then they gasped together and kissed.

“And of course Miss Perfect isn’t satisfied with her grades, even in her fantasies.” Lisa said sardonically. She gasped again as her hand flew to her mouth. “I… I’m sorry, I...”

Rita shook her head and kissed her forehead. “I don’t mind so much anymore.” She held Lisa’s gaze. “Actually it’s kinda hot, knowing I’ll get to punish you for it later...”

“Punish me...” Lisa gaped, her eyes going glassy.

“Good girl.” Said Rita.

* * *

Rita skipped down the stairs in socks and panties and nothing else. Lisa clambered down after her on her hands and knees, trying to keep up. Thank god the stairs were carpeted. In the kitchen, Rita looked around, familiarizing herself, it seemed, with the layout. Lisa crawled up next to her, and pressed her face to the smaller girl’s hip. Rita looked down, and saw a look of lustful adoration.

“I could cook for you if you want... Mistress...” Lisa punctuated the title with a kiss on the hem of Rita’s panties.

Rita smiled down and patted her head. “Thank you, but no… s-slave... you’re still on punishment. You’re not to stand until we finish eating.” Rita hesitated at the title, still slightly uneasy in the dominant role. Lisa whimpered, and kissed the soft curve of Rita’s thigh.

She crawled around the kitchen after her Mistress, telling her where to find what. In the end, Lisa realized, she’d ended up cooking for her Mistress after all, in a manner of speaking. Rita pulled containers of leftovers Lisa had cooked the previous day and made them both plates. She took her food at the table, setting a plate on the floor for Lisa, who sat happily at her feet. When they’d finished eating she stood, finally released from the compulsion, and cleaned their dishes. Rita sat at the table, her chin cradled in her hands watching her slave. When she finished, she padded over to where Rita sat. She stood, looming over the smaller girl, then stooped, placing a hand on the chair back.

“You know how I’m stronger than you…?” She reached down and grasped Rita’s wrist, twisting her arm up and over her head and behind her back. She leaned in and attacked Rita’s neck, punctuating each kiss with a lick or a nibble.

“You should… Kiss me… Oh! On my pussy…!” Rita panted.

“I’ll kiss you wherever I want.” Lisa said in quiet defiance. Her gaze dropped to Rita’s small, pert breasts.

“Ahem...” Said Rita. “My eyes are up here.

Lisa’s eyes glazed as they locked with Rita’s. Her head went fuzzy and soft as Rita reached up and patted her on the head. Then she pushed down with gentle pressure and Lisa sank to her knees. Rita spread her legs, stroking Lisa’s cheek. She gestured to her panties. Lisa leaned in, and removed them with her teeth.

* * *

The rumor spread like only scandals can, and every member of the student body crowded the halls between classes to see for themselves. Lisa, that savage soccer shrew, the butch bitch herself, was carrying little Rita Johnson’s books. It was thought, at first, that they were dating, but the notion just seemed too fantastical and most of the students chose to believe that Lisa had simply lost a bet. This persisted until lunch time, when they actually sat together. Everyone realized the truth, but still nobody said anything. As it stood the closest anyone came to even acknowledging the odd pairing was when Tina walked past their table and made a great showing of tossing her hair and ignoring the two. They erupted into giggles and resumed their whispers.

“Nobody’s asking about us!” Lisa whined.

“I thought that would be a good thing.” Rita mumbled.

“Speak up mumbles...” Lisa teased.

Rita gave her a moist, threatening look. Lisa swallowed.

“Why do you care if they care?” Rita asked.

“I don’t have to tell you.” Lisa said with a smirk.

Rita batted her eyes. Lisa’s eyes fluttered back, and she sagged, stunned.

“Now, answer my question.” Rita said sweetly.

“I want them to ask… so I can tell them I’m your sex slave...” Lisa whispered, transfixed. She blinked heavily, shook her head and laughed.

“Oh god, that’s… in front of everyone…!” She squeezed her thighs together. Rita looked around, nervously, but they were the only ones at their table, the other students gave Lisa a wide berth out of habit.

“I… really don’t want anybody to know.” Rita said quietly.

“Ashamed of me?” Lisa asked teasingly.

Rita put her hand over Lisa’s. “Not at all.” She said, “I want to world to see how I feel about you. The hypnosis thing is kinda hard to explain though.”

Lisa nodded. Her hand went to her stomach, and the words scrawled there in black marker. Words she’d written there that morning after stepping out of the shower she’d checked her phone and saw a text from Rita that turned off her mind. She resisted the urge to rub her thighs together at the memory, she didn’t want to smudge the words there. They felt loud, those words. Like at any moment the whole world would see the lewd words she’d been compelled to label herself with. She didn’t know what turned her on more, the desire to share, the danger of maybe getting caught, or the compulsion to keep it hidden. Those conflicting desires were a slow, erotic torture simmering in her mind.

“I just...” She said, “I want to show and tell so bad. I want everyone to know that you…. That you own me… that I’m your slut. But I can’t say anything. I want to so bad, but I’m also scared of getting caught. It’s so… Unnngh...” She pouted a little.

“Of course.” Rita smiled, holding her gaze. “That’s your punishment.”

Lisa swallowed, losing herself in Rita’s eyes.

“Yes… Mistress...” She breathed.

The End