The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

fd, mc, mf

Synopsis: When Julian saw Gretchen for the first time, he thought she was unremarkable. He should have known better.


(By S.B.)

The first time Julian saw her, standing outside the 7th Street station, flowery Summer dress hugging her legs, he thought to himself: “5 out of 10, she’s unremarkable.” A player in every sense of the word and some more, he was accustomed to seeing women as nothing more than conquests to be had, enjoyed while they lasted, and then discarded in favor of the next big thing, which usually meant bigger boobs or a more gropeable ass. While numeric scales could be outdated, they were still useful, an easy way to compartmentalize what interested him and what didn’t and anyone that fell under a 7, didn’t deserve a second look. He had seen plenty of girls with yellow-brown hair, rosy pink lips and petite physique before. He didn’t expect to see her again.

However, because some expectations were created by Fate with the sole purpose of being rendered moot, not only did their paths cross again, they also did it in ways he never saw coming.

* * *

The second time he saw her was quite similar to the first, save for one important detail: distance. Instead of observing her from more than fifteen feet away as he waited for his composition to arrive, he did it from about an arm’s length. Just like the day before, she was wearing a strapless attire but the colorful explosion of flowers had been replaced by dark-blue denim with mid-ankle, open-toed matching boots. Her nails were painted in glossy black. From up close, she exuded an aura of rich sophistication betrayed by her average face. At first glance, there was nothing in it that made him go “Wow!", but not on a careful examination. The oddity was in her eyes. They weren’t the same color, with the left one exhibiting a splash of green around the iris that the right one, in all its cerulean glory, lacked.

“It’s called peripheral heterochromia.” She said, momentarily interrupting both his gaze and train of thought.

“Excuse me?” Julian muttered, slightly dazed.

“My eye condition. You were staring...” She smiled.

“Ah, yes, I was. My apologies. I didn’t mean to but...”

“That’s okay. You’re not the first. It’s the rarest form, you know? Not many people have eyes like mine so it’s only natural for others to take notice.”

“I see. Certainly a striking look.” He concluded, mentally adding another point to his appreciation scale.

“Thank you. I’m Gretchen, by the way.” She extended her right hand. A platinum plated silver ring brushed his palm.


“I know.”

“How can that be?” He smirked.

“Oh, I’ve been checking you out for a while now, and I may have heard someone drop your name before. You’re hard to miss and I’m a curious woman. You don’t mind, do you?”

“Not at all.” He replied, the nice ego massage immediately making him more at ease to continue the conversation.

Unlike what he saw in his companion, Julian had always thought highly of himself from the day his aunt Georgina compared his chiseled looks to her favorite artistic rendition of Archangel Michael. He had all the classical archetypes of beauty etched in his skin and bones, although he had tried to distance himself from them and most of his heritage after moving to America. Of Greek ascent, he had long traded the twelve-letters family surname for something simpler and easier to pronounce. Despite being another angel in a city already filled to the brim with them, the mid-forties executive flew higher than most with his breathtaking smile, piercing green gaze, and strands of natural gray hair uniformly distributed along his scalp.

“That’s good. I was worried.”

“About what?”

“Coming in too strong. Or that you would think I’m one of those crazy stalkers or something.”

“Are you? Because you don’t strike me as the type...”

“If you’re saying that, it’s because you’re experienced with it already. Sorry.”

“That’s okay.”

Yes, he had met his fair share of lunatics from teenage crushes with bubblegum for brains to older women whose unfortunate life experiences had led them to believe the Universe owed them in kind. Their propensity for reckless behavior and general insanity increased the longer they orbited around him, pulled deeper into the gravitational pull of a rich man.

“I’m neither crazy or a stalker but I would be lying if I didn’t say there are things in this life I’m inclined to enjoy just a tad too much.”

“I suppose we all have our obsessions.”

“True.” She nodded, eyes lingering a little bit below his waist. “What are yours?”

Julian shrugged and glanced at the terminal display above him. Two minutes left until his transportation is due. “That’s not something I discuss with someone I’ve only been talking to for five minutes, I’m sure you understand.”

“Of course. I guess that will have to wait for another conversation then.”

“And what makes you sure there will be another?”

“Because if our paths hadn’t meant to cross in some way, they wouldn’t have done so. And yet, look what happened. I say the odds are pretty high it will happen again.”

“And if the odds fail you?”

“Then they do. Die can be rolled again, and not just once.”

“Gambling woman, Gretchen?”

“Only when I like the game being played or the people about to join the fun.”

“As nice as you seem to be, I’m not really one of them.”

“Not today, I know. Who knows what will happen tomorrow? Your ride is here. This was fun. Nice meeting you, Julian. Until next time.”

“Goodbye, Gretchen, and have a good day.”

“You too.”

He boarded the train, his thoughts slightly blurry. There were no sitting places in sight so he leaned against one of the center poles, his more than six feet four giving him a clear vantage point from which he could see beyond the heterogeneous mass of nationalities and ethnicities still pouring in. Amidst the crowd still outside, he saw her waving as if they were best friends already or even more, and his heart skipped a beat, something no other unremarkable woman had ever managed to accomplish before. The rest of the day was long and confusing in her absence, her eyes reflected on the back of his thoughts like they belonged there and, perhaps, they did.

* * *

The third time he saw her, he couldn’t stop smiling. He wasn’t sure why and didn’t bother trying to find out either. Same time, almost the same place, new words and ideas to be exchanged before the metallic carriages took them their separate ways. She sat to the right of her usual position, legs crossed, fashion magazine unfolded on her lap. While he looked somewhat constrained in his three-piece indigo linen suit, she distilled sexiness with a white and pink horizontally striped crop top and pink skirt right above her knees. Sunglasses dangled from her cleavage and half a dozen golden bracelets wrapped around her arms like seductive snakes. It was a look that said “I’m a sexy and independent woman who’s not afraid to show it!” and she did it well.

“Good morning, Julian. We meet again like I said we would.”

“So you did, Gretchen.” He sat beside her.

“What do you call this?”

“Anything but fate.”

“What then?”

“A planned coincidence? You did say you were checking me out, yesterday.”

“Planned coincidence, huh? That makes no sense, but I like it. Heading to work?”

“Yes, big meeting today. How about you?”

“Oh, I don’t really work.” She laughed, opening her mouth wide enough for him to notice a small crystal ring stuck in the middle of her tongue. It looked more painful than sexy.

“You don’t? How do you make a living then?”

“The best way possible. I have other people work for me.”

“Business owner then.”

“Something like that...” She smiled with her lips closed this time. “And always on the lookout for new opportunities to come my way so I can make the best of them.”

“Sounds like a healthy attitude.”

Gretchen played with her hair, stood up, and sauntered in front of him. “The funny thing about opportunities is that, while some stare at you right in the face meaning you can’t miss them even if you try, others can only be seen when you glance at them from behind...”

“Not sure I understand what you mean by that.”

“You will. Oh look, it’s my turn to leave, first. Good luck with your meeting.”

“The same with your business... whatever it is.”

“I’ll let you know in good time if you’re willing to listen. Just remember what I said about opportunities.”

“I’ll try.”

The Metro came and went, yet her words remained, an augur of an yet unrevealed secret. Once again, he found himself thinking about her for the rest of the day as no colorful charts displayed on a screen behind him or promises of even more money could match the simple yet surreal nature of their fleeting encounters. If there was to be another, it would better be the following day and, hopefully, last longer.

* * *

It wasn’t. Twenty-four hours passed, then forty-eight, then seventy-two, an unholy trinity of silence that, under normal circumstances, shouldn’t matter or weigh on his consciousness, yet it did. Alphonse de Lamartine, 19th century French writer and poet once wrote that “there is a woman at the beginning of all great things”, and if great things aren’t missed by those that live them, can they truly be called great? The player in him was surprised to miss her so much already, the anticipation of another random commentary or a simple head nod enough to drive the momentum forward. A station full of people was the same as an empty graveyard without her there, a realization so intense that made him question everything that had happened already and why.

Julian didn’t believe in love at first sight let alone second flirting or third innuendo. The majority of his friends and work acquaintances would probably say he didn’t believe in love at all, given his usual attitudes, but that wasn’t as straightforward as it seemed. He entertained its possibility at least, a flight of imagination that could be extended far into the depths of Space and Time, if it had enough room to breathe. The act of emptying his cock on the mouth of random female body number one hundred and thirty-two, a fake blonde he wouldn’t remember the following day, was not a direct path to it though, but just a release valve for the loneliness he would never speak of out loud.

As the hours rolled by, and furious waves of libidinous thoughts crashed into the threshold of his unfettered frustration, he cancelled all appointments and gave strict orders to his secretary to not be disturbed. He then spent the last few hours of the third day without seeing her, staring outside the panoramic window of his office, hundreds of feet above the playground of normal people, his breath plastered in the double pane glass. He would try again, tomorrow.

* * *

The fourth time he saw her was one of the most bewildering yet enticing experiences of his life.

At half past nine in the morning, he left his apartment in a hurry like he always did and saw her just outside the main hallway, humming to herself, back turned to him. She wore a see-through turtleneck top black PVC mini-skirt and most of her long hair was wrapped in a tight pony-tail. Red highlights he had never seen before defied the elastic constraints, falling over her ears like embers. It was the kind of ensemble he expected to see in a nightclub and not as casual morning attire. He couldn’t complain though.

He rushed to her with a million questions dying to be asked. Sensing his presence, Gretchen stopped humming and greeted him. Not once, did she look his way.

“Good morning, Julian. Sleep well?”

“What are you doing here, Gretchen? And how did you find out where I live?”

“Everything is easy to find if you know where to look. Believe it or not, you’re the only Julian Angel in this part of the city.”

“This is certainly a surprise. I looked for...”

“... me at the subway station these past couple of days?” She interrupted him with a whispered kiss. “Not surprising if you did.”

“Yes. Where have you been?”

“Inside your head, obviously. Why else would you look for me? Worry not, you don’t have to look any more. I’m here.”

“Why aren’t we talking face to face then?”

She paused to wet her lips and the brief moment of lull made his cock tingle. “Because I want to make sure you remember something I said before giving you that satisfaction.”

“What thing?” His eyes feasted on her sinuous ass. It had never looked more attractive, a road map of dangerous curves that would make any roller coaster jealous, especially with the hallway lights dripping onto the reflective sheen of the PVC. It was surprising to see how much of a difference a single piece of clothing could make.

“That’s up for you to say and not for me to repeat. You don’t want me to do your work for you, right?” Gretchen scoffed.

“You said something about opportunities.”

“Yes, I did. Opportunities that...?”

“... can only be glanced from behind?”

“Exactly. See any opportunity today, Julian?”

“The only thing I’m seeing is your ass.”

“Which is another word for ‘behind’, is it not?”

“Was that really what you were trying to say?”

“Maybe, it was, maybe, it wasn’t. That’s not really the point to this.”

“Then what is it?”

“Seduction often begins with a word or a simple gesture, something apparently meaningless which is then ascribed a higher purpose. It’s a tether, or an anchor if you prefer, tying past and present together until they both give way to the future that yearns to be released from its confines. I wanted your attention from the moment I set my eyes on you, and now I want to make sure I keep it until we’re both pleased with the outcome. How badly did you miss me since the last time we were together?”

“More than I expected but way less than what you’re implying right now.” He defended himself. He didn’t want her to think she had such a tremendous grip over his state of mind already, male pride and all.

Gretchen shook her head. “Suggestions and implications aren’t the same thing nor do they logically follow one another. Something happened, that’s for sure. I suppose I could see it in your face but I don’t have to. Your faltering voice already says enough.”

“My voice isn’t faltering.”

“Perhaps not the one coming from your lips, but the other one, the voice of the soul, the fiery echo that’s the real you. That’s the voice I’m hearing. You should do the same.”

“You talk as if you claim to know me better than I know myself.”

“If you said it, perhaps you believe that to be true as well. Reality is a mixed bag riddled with contradictions and dead ends. It’s a maze so complex it’s amazing more people don’t lose themselves in it more than they do already. Finding one’s path is a matter of changing the perspective from which to observe it. Some do it from above. I like to do it from behind.”

“I may have been wrong about not thinking you were a crazy stalker because, right now, you’re starting to sound like one.” His eyebrows twitched.

“Am I confusing you?”

“Most definitely.”

“Good. Confusion leads to more curiosity. If you’re on the edge, you’ll want to know more of what’s in store but...”

“But what?”

“I’m used to doing things my way and won’t have it be any different with you.”

“I’m used to having things my way too, and I did say I wouldn’t play a game with you.”

“Too late for that because we’ve been playing from the start and it’s my turn, again. Ready to give me what I want?”

“Depends on what that is...”

“Your phone number, my dear.”

“If you were able to find out where I live so easily, then surely you already have that piece of information as well.” Julian retorted

“Even if that’s true—and I’m not saying it is—it’s not the same as you giving me willingly, is it?”

“Is this another anchor, Gretchen?”

“Consider it a sign of your genuine interest so our relationship can bloom.” Her ass perked up, spiraling outlines oozing into her legs. “Don’t you like a little adventure?”

“To be honest, right now, I’m not sure I like anything about you.”

“Nice try but your voice is still faltering and you’ve been staring at my ass for ten minutes, Julian. You like a lot about me already but you’ll like it even more when you open-heartedly let me take the lead.”

“And that will happen if I give you my number?”

“It will be a start but if you don’t want the opportunity, well... it’s a big city and there are over ninety Metro stations waiting or me. What will it be?”

In a daze, he gave her his phone number and couldn’t help but grin when she said:

“You’ve made the right choice. This was lovely. You’ll hear from me again, soon, promise.”

As she left, swaying her ass like a Goddess who had just descended from Mount Olympus to taunt every hapless mortal that happened to look at her, he wondered if it could ever be soon enough.