Wasn’t it Funny how Jack Sank?
By Nico Julianna
Miss Misty, the cruise ship hypnotist, makes Jack’s vacation interesting whether he realizes it or not.
nicojulianna@gmail.com is my email if you have any feedback for me.This is my first attempt at a story so I’m open to any and all opinions.
Where are the hot chicks at? Ever since we boarded the ship I haven’t seen them. I swear there was a big group of them on land.
Now they’re no shows. Did the captain throw them overboard or something? There was this one redhead that was totally eye-fucking me too...
I made a break from my parents as soon as I possibly could. They’re so obnoxious. They wouldn’t let me bring a single friend with me on the cruise. Now I’m sitting in a hot tub by myself.
Can’t say I didn’t see it coming. Only way I’m gonna have any fun on this vacation is if I can meet some girls in bikinis, and apparently they all decided to tan in their rooms.
I’m in good shape, about 6′1″ and toned from all the lacrosse I’ve played throughout my life. Scanning the pool deck, I’m not seeing a lot of people that could say the same.
Instead I get a whole eye-full of leathery old dudes, and people that should probably lay off the all you can eat buffet.
There’s a giant pool just to the left of me. I swam around in it earlier. It’s one of those pools heated to the point where you can’t tell when the air ends and the water starts. All that’s in there is a bunch of kids throwing around a beach ball. Well that, and probably like a bathtub’s worth of pee.
What there isn’t, is anyone near my age. a.k.a. people that would actually be enjoyable to be around. Most people would say I’m a teen, but I’m definitely more of a “young adult”. I just turned 18 a couple of weeks ago, and I’m going to be a college freshman after this summer wraps up.
I’d say I’m pretty mature for my age too. While other kids were failing classes and getting blackout drunk, I was passing classes and getting blackout drunk, which is like completely different if you ask me.
I think back to the pamphlet I was given that laid out everything that will be happening on the cruise ship. Tons of different shows, the casino, a basketball court, a symphony... The big bubble letters in pink and blue stick out in my mind,
“Come Join and Have an Awesome Time!”
Doesn’t really feel like the vibe I’m looking for. In two years I’m not even going to be a teen. I think technically I’m not really a teen now. I don’t feel like one at least.
Plus it’s most likely just 14 year old kids playing Mario kart. Just as I think this, a massive dude, with a body built like a duffle bag full of ice cream, screams cannonball and makes a splash so god damn big I get hit from my spot in the jacuzzi.
Fuck it, maybe if I get to the teen clubhouse quick no one will have taken Yoshi.
I changed my clothes back at the room and now I’m making my way down a hallway towards what I’m guessing is the “teen clubhouse”.
I can make this assumption based on the little map of the ship they provided in the pamphlet, and also the big painted arrows on the wall that say “Teen clubhouse this way!".
I make my way to the door and peek in through the round nautical looking window.
I think for a second about if I could manage to get a drink at the bar without ID, but before I can do a heel turn to leave someone opens up the door and looks at me with excitement in their eyes.
“hey come on in!” she says, a little hushed but still full of camp counselor energy
“you’re just in time for the presentation”.
I still think about leaving before I’m sucked into a lame show with a talking parrot, but this lady seems pumped for whatever is going on inside and her energy is honestly a little infectious.
I slip in through the door behind the counselor/organizer/whatever who’s name tag says she’s Sarah. Sarah turns to me and whispers confirmation that she is, in fact, Sarah. Then she asks me my name, and age.
My entrance goes pretty much unnoticed. There are probably 15 to 20 people in the room. Some do look younger, but there also seems to be a group of about 6 that look 18 maybe even 19.
The room has walls decorated with dolphins and turtles and whatever else you can think of that lives underwater.
It’s furnished with some foosball tables, a huge blue sectional, and a flat screen TV, but no one is paying any attention to those things right now.
They’re all standing in a circle looking at a girl around my age, her hair in a blonde ponytail. Next to her stands an older lady, older as in she seems like she doesn’t hang around teen clubhouses that often. She’s probably in her early forties, but she could pass for even younger.
Her dark brown curly hair is pulled back into a loose bun that rests gently on top of her head, which seems to make room for her big blue eyes to capture everyone’s attention. If I had to guess I’d say she’s meditteranean. Her skin is tanned, but not like all those old people on the pool deck. Her tan is natural, like if she never stepped foot in the sun her skin would still have a little glow.
A casual looking sleeveless, black, maxi dress hugs her body. It’s not inappropriately tight at all, but it’s tight enough for me to wish it was tighter.
She seems to have a real quiet confidence about her as she asks the blond girl to clasp her hands together and point her fingers up. I turn to Sarah, who is watching in anticipation next to me.
“What’s she doing?” I ask.
“that’s Miss Misty, she’s a hypnotist” Sarah whispers back with her eyebrows raised.
I’m a little confused about what she means. I’ve never seen hypnosis in real life, it’s always just something I saw in cartoons. I guess the cartoons had to get It from somewhere though.
Miss Misty is explaining to the girl who’s name seems to be Rae, that she must focus on the space between her two fingers, and Rae responds by locking in her vision on that point.
Miss Misty continues on with her show, sometimes guiding Rae, and sometimes acting as if she isn’t even there as she speaks directly to the crowd about how hypnosis works.
One of her passing statements to the increasingly engaged crowd is that teens are actually better at going into hypnosis than adults.
Which is a shame in my case, since I’m past the point of when I’d be a good hypnotic subject being 18 and all.
Miss Misty explains to Rae that her eyelids are feeling heavier, and it seems like Rae’s eyelids almost immediately flutter.
I’m trying to pick out what little hint of accent Miss Misty has in her voice. It almost sounds southern, then it sounds Midwestern, and at times I’m almost positive she has a very light Canadian accent. Whatever it is, it has a disarming quality. Her voice is so like....comforting.
I’m not from any of the places her accent could be from, but it still sounds so familiar to my ears. Everything about her feels familiar, comforting. She almost reminds me of my childhood friend’s mom (who is a total Milf) .
As I tune back into what’s going on I realize Rae has made a lot of progress. Her eyes look like they’re being weighed down by sandbags and it’s taking everything she’s got to keep her brown irises barely visible.
She’s still looking between the space of her two fingers, but focusing would be a generous term for what she’s doing now. Zoning out on the spot is more like it. Miss Misty inches closer to Rae, placing her hand on Rae’s shoulder as Rae does her best impression of a patient getting a hit of anesthesia.
For a second I swear Miss Misty looks away from Rae and meets my eyes, and a warm little smile makes me send one back. Then very abruptly, she pulls down on Rae’s arms and sternly commands “SLEEP”
“Yeah that’s the last thing I remember” I explain to Sarah. I’m sitting on one of the couches and the crowd has formed a semi circle in front of me.
Some of them are rewatching a video of me collapsing on repeat. They’re trying their best not to laugh their asses off while I’m sitting here still disoriented, but they clearly want to.
“Thankfully we caught you and you didn’t hit your head” Sarah says with a little giggle.
“yeah that’s nice...” I offer.
Miss Misty stands to my right looking down at me, “I’m so sorry about that ______”
her tone is apologetic, “I didn’t expect someone from the crowd to be such a good subject, that’s what the tests we did beforehand were meant to figure out”.
My brain feels like it’s trying to wrestle it’s way out of tree sap so thankfully Sarah answers for me “ohhh _____ came in a little late and missed the test!”
“Hm..well that would explain it.” Miss Misty flattens out her dress, “I’m just thrilled you didn’t get hurt” she places a hand on my shoulder as she looks down at me and me up at her.
For a moment my heart skips a beat in anticipation of her pulling down on my shoulder and sending me tumbling back down into wherever I was a couple minutes ago.
She doesn’t send me back to lala land though, instead she asks if everything is feeling alright.
“what’s my name?” I blurt, genuinely confused as to where it went.
the small crowd erupts into giggles but for the life of me I can’t understand why. Even Sarah find it funny, but Misty offers some guidance.
“touch your nose dear”
I do as she says and all of a sudden...Jack...yeah that’s my name....fuckin duh. how did I not know that a second ago?
as if she was reading my mind Miss Misty explains. “that was the suggestion I gave Rae to give the folks a show, you must have picked it up from your spot on the couch here”
“ you didn’t wake me up right away?” I rub my head, I would be pissed if I could muster up that amount of energy. “you kept on with it?”
“you looked sooo comfortable. I didn’t want to bother you” Miss Misty says rubbing my back.
All the other teens that somehow avoided passing out get another laugh out of that.
Miss Misty flashes me an apologetic grin and stands up to gather her stuff. Must be her time at the Teen Club is up. She’s probably off to her room to hone in on her watch swinging technique, or whatever the fuck it is hypnotists do in their free time.
As soon as she steps away with Sarah, everyone swarms me. Rae gets the paparazzi treatment too. Questions from all angles asking what it felt like. I usually would be all about the attention, but I still feel like I’m in a fog. I keep repeating that it was crazy, felt weird...
Which isn’t even true. It didn’t feel like anything at all. Or maybe it did, but I don’t remember a second of it…spooky shit. If Miss Misty wasn’t such a nice lady... who knows what she could have made me do...
“Hey Jack.” Sarah calls from across the room, snapping me out of my daze (partially). Miss Misty is at her side and motions for me to join them. I part the sea of teens that are definitely not helping with my jumbled up head and join Miss Misty and Sarah.
Miss Misty looks me up and down with her magnetic eyes “Has anyone ever told you you look a little like Leonardo Dicaprio?”
“Uh yeahh...” I feel kinda clumsy in the mental department. That’s never how I respond when people say that. I usually say “never heard of him”, but my brain is still trying to get it’s land legs I guess.
“funny how your name is Jack, you look like Jack, and you’re on a big boat right now” Miss Misty adjusts her bun absent-mindedly “are you sure you’re not him?”
For a second I feel like I’m caught in a lie. Even though I’m pretty sure I’m not a fictional movie character, her gaze feels like a spotlight making me incredibly unsure of myself.
Her stony look quickly melts into a show of her perfectly white teeth “I’m just pulling your leg dear”
Sarah giggles, I try to crack a smile
“Well anyways” Miss Misty starts, “I actually called you over to see if you wanted to participate in my show tonight, considering you were such a great subject today... Maybe even a somnambulist. I just had to check in with Sarah and make sure you were eighteen”
“It’s an adult show” Sarah shifts uncomfortably, as if Miss Misty had just taught her what sex was.
“Adult show?” I repeat
Miss Misty seems to sense my hesitation, “it’s really nothing to worry about Jack. There are a couple crude suggestions sure, but nothing a young man like you couldn’t handle.”
I try to avert from her strong eye contact for a moment but she leans her head to keep it intact. “Everyone has a great time at my shows Jack, but I’ll let you in on a little secret...on stage is where you wanna be…”
“Really?” The idea makes me uncomfortable, but for some reason I feel like I should give it a chance.
“Oh yeah Jack, my performers have the most fun out of anyone. I’m told it feels really liberating to get on stage and let loose” she smirks. I feel like she’s taken a half step closer, or maybe I’ve drifted closer to her.
“Sign me up!” I want to say, but my rational brain kicks in. What if someone recorded me on stage clucking like a chicken in my birthday suit? If that somehow got into the hands of the wrong person…
Like my college lacrosse coach…I don’t want to be kicked off the team before I even get a chance at my freshman season.
“Ugh sorry, I forgot I’m gonna be busy tonight.” I lie
I can see the disappointment in Miss Misty’s face “Of course sweetheart, if ya don’t feel comfortable with it then I wouldn’t ever want to pressure you” Misty does a little nod that makes her bun bounce on top of her head and need more adjusting.
I didn’t mention that I was uncomfortable... she must have noticed somehow. Doesn’t matter, I’m off the hook. Thankfully everyone is occupied watching a video of Rae being hypnotized to think she met Timothee Chalamet. My fifteen minutes of fame are up, maybe we do have short attention spans. I thank Sarah and Miss Misty and slip out the door.
I bet all the hot chicks are on the other side of the ship playing shuffleboard or something...
Tired and sore, I make my way back to my room. I’ve done a lap around the whole ship, and found myself at the basketball court for an hour and a half playing pickup.
There were no hot girls, not even watching, just a bunch of sweaty dudes. They had nine people though and I would have felt like a dick head if I didn’t run at least a few games with them. I’m going to take a shower and then head to the bar to see if someone chill will buy me a beer.
I head up the stairs and just as I round the corner to go up the next flight I almost unintentionally get a face full of the worlds most perfect pair of tits. The woman that was coming down the stairs looks up from her phone a split second before we would have made contact.
“Oopsie” they bounce as she abruptly stops on the step just above the one I’m planted on. I look up
“Oh hey Miss Misty…” feels like I swallow a golf ball as I meet her eyes.
“Oh Jack!” Her eyes display her pleasant surprise. She’s wearing a black two piece bikini that lets me see the D cups that her dress was apparently hiding.
Over one arm a towel is draped, and in her hand she holds the iphone that nearly made this day a whole lot better. “You can call me Lisa, Miss Misty is just my stage name.” She playfully pats my arm
“Right like Axl Rose” I say
“Just like Axl Rose” she chuckles, then suddenly looks as if she remembers something.
“Hey, I was thinking…” she looks off to the left as if she’s not sure she wants to continue
“Yeah?” My mind is racing thinking of what she could possibly have to tell me
She turns her head back to me and my eyes find themselves magnetized by hers again
“Do you remember when I made that reference to The Titanic earlier?”
“Of course I do” I always like when people tell me I look like Leo, he was a total pussy magnet.
For a moment she doesn’t say anything, just stares at me blankly. Then she smirks a smirk that gives me a funny feeling deep in my gut.
“Wasn’t it funny how Jack sank?”
She tilts her head, her mouth slightly open with her tongue lightly prodding at the inside of her cheek as if she just asked the most interesting question ever asked. Her eyes bore into me.
And then the question really hits me. Was it funny when he sank? I almost think it was supposed to be really sad, but I’m not sure right now. It might have been funny. It might have been exciting. The concept of it making me feel anything seems foreign.
My neck feels tired. My head starts to tilt downward. It feels way too heavy for my neck right now, and it seems inevitable that it’s going to tilt down…And it does
My eyes are lined up perfectly with her perfect tits. I think she rubbed some sort of oil on them. I inhale deeply. I can smell that it’s...coconut oil.
I feel my vision tunneling in on her round boobs. They’re so shiny oiled up like that. I can imagine so easily, rubbing my cock in between those gorgeous tits. I’m really hard now. I don’t know if I’ve ever been this hard before...
I want nothing more than to rip my shorts off and fuck her tits right here on the stairwell, but I’m very still. Maybe if I don’t move a muscle she won’t realize that I’m staring at her shiny, full, soft, tits.
If I just stand perfectly still and pretend I didn’t hear her question maybe she’ll let me stare at her tits forever...
My eyes shoot back up to hers. She’s still standing a step above me and the height difference makes me feel like a little kid looking up at an adult that just found me playing somewhere I shouldn’t be.
I’m pretty sure my face is bright fuckin red. I open my mouth to say sorry. Change the subject. Something. But before I can, she smiles and tousles my hair.
“Well Jack I’m off to the Spa. Enjoy your night, I know you’re a busy busy man...”
promptly, she struts away. I couldn’t even give a response in time.
I make my way back to my room as quick as I can, trying not to replay how stupid I probably looked over and over again in my head.
I swipe my room key through the slot and practically fall through the door. Thank God my parents aren’t here. I don’t know if it’s the embarrassment or the pickup basketball, but I’m suddenly drained. I kick off my sneakers and plop onto the bed. Immediately I feel sleep taking over...guess...I... really..need a nap....
I wake up and roll over to check my phone, 10:00 at night. My parents still aren’t back, probably out drinking somewhere.
I pop out of bed, definitely needed that nap. I feel full of energy now. I hop in the shower, and while the hot water runs over my body, fantasies run through my mind.
Fantasies of being at sea, with no physical touch for months on end. Long...lonely nights. Then one day on the horizon I see land. Beautiful beaches and giant palm trees, and with her feet in the warm sand waiting for me is Miss Mist err...Lisa.
I run off the ship and pick her up off her feet. Lust taking me over. She’s so thirsty... I rip her dress off and start to suck on her already hard nipples. I reach down and feel that she is already wet for me. We collapse into the sand and the smell of coconut oil fills my brain…
I jerk off like a madman and stop right at the edge. I like edging. It would probably be smart to just cum in the shower and get it over with, but whatever... It feels really good to stop right before I cum sometimes.
I hop out of the shower and decide I should probably shave. I don’t grow a crazy amount of hair anywhere, and most of it is blond, but I don’t shave often so I might as well. I shave my face first. pretty easy, only had a few whiskers here and there.
I grab my other razor and decide I might as well shave my pubes too. This is usually where I’d stop but for some reason I’m wondering what I’d look like if I shaved my chest.
Doesn’t take that long and it looks great...fuck it...while I’m at it might as well shave my armpits too. I actually have a decent amount of hair there. It’s a little more tricky but I finish it up quickly. It feels amazing to be smooth there too.
I suddenly think back to the smell of coconut oil and my cock gets rock hard again. I want to jerk off, but I should probably get out of the room considering I just killed a few hours sleeping.
I get dressed and head out for a walk.
I find myself wandering through the hallways where all the rooms are. Definitely not much sightseeing to do, but I’ve been pretty much everywhere else on the ship so why not?
As I make my way down the long carpeted hallways that are designed to look like ocean waves, I see a door wide open up ahead.
Probably just a nice old lady doing housekeeping. No reason to check it out.
That’s what the rational part of me thinks. The fun part of me wants to find out if someone just fucked up and left their door open.
Maybe they decided to leave a wallet laying around too, who knows?
I get to the door quickly, but don’t rush inside. I make myself flat against the wall first, then peek around the corner.
I don’t see one of those carts that housekeeping pushes around, and none of the lights are on. Seems boring, except there’s something on the bed that caught my eye...
I quietly step into the room, peeking into the bathroom to my left to make sure no one is there. The coast seems clear so I close the door behind me and move ahead.
The first thing I notice is that it’s a big ass room. waaaay bigger than the one I’ve been living out of. It must be a suite or something.
As I approach the king sized bed I get a good look at what is laying on it. A bright white sailor outfit with the hat to match. I must’ve walked into an employee’s room…
Excitement floods my system. Everyone does say I look like Dicaprio, maybe I should do my own rendition of Catch me if you Can.
I pick up the outfit and bring it into the bathroom. I strip out of my clothes and leave them in the bathtub, losing an old shirt and pants is a small price to pay for how dope this is gonna be.
With my shirt and pants off I realize I forgot to put on underwear.
Well that was fuckin stupid of me...
Whatever, the outfit seems like it was freshly cleaned. Just as I’m about to slide on the pants I see something out of the corner of my eye. It’s on the bathroom counter sitting in a big bottle
100% Pure Coconut Oil
Deep Moisturizing
What are the chances? I squirt it into my hand and the smell drives me up the wall. I’m insanely horny as I rub the coconut oil all over my body making sure to get everywhere.
I even sit on the edge of the tub so that I can get it on the soles of my feet. It’s a little slippery when I stand up but I manage to get the outfit on and…
fuck I look super good.
The material feels so cool and silky against my skin. I think it might be made of satin.
What starts as me harmlessly rubbing the material against my skin quickly turns into me jerking off like a madman again. This time applying coconut oil as I do.
Just looking at myself in the mirror turns me the fuck on, but I’m of course thinking of Miss Misty’s tits too.
The smell of the coconut oil makes it even easier for me to envision myself plunging my cock in between those tan pillows. I stop right at the edge again. I’d really like to cum this time, but I can’t risk getting cum all over my sailor outfit.
I manage to stop playing with myself for long enough to find the shoes that go with the outfit and escape the room before I’m caught.
I bet I can do whatever I want with this outfit on...
They’ll probably even serve me alcohol!
As soon as I think of it, it becomes my new mission. I gotta go get some alcohol from the bar...
I speed walk on my way to the bar, I’m so damn excited for this to work. As I pass some of the passengers stare, probably wondering if the ship is alright considering one of the sailors looks like he’s in a rush.
If I had the time I’d tell them I’m just on my way to get a drink and we’d laugh about it, but I’m too excited about getting a drink to bother.
I finally get to the bar and beeline straight for the bartender. She’s young, probably a few years older than me. She has long brown hair and great cleavage, not nearly as good as Miss Misty’s but still nice to look at. We lock eyes and she flashes a smile.
“WhatcanIgetchasir?” She says, mixing all of her words into one
“I’ll have a sex on the beach sweetheart” I feel so confident that she’s going to serve me that I’m saying shit like sweetheart.
“Coming right up”
she purses her lips and does a quick spin around so she’s no longer facing me. Her ass is great too....I’m still really horny but I kinda forgot how horny I was because I was so focused on getting something to drink.
I don’t even bother taking a seat since I’ll probably be leaving right after I get my drink anyway.
In no time at all she comes back with my sex on the beach with a beaming smile even bigger than before.
I adjust my super cool white hat and look her in the eye “What do I owe ya?”
For some reason she bursts out into a giggle fit, I’m a little confused, but maybe she’s just nervous. “It’s on the house ..” she squeaks out.
Fuckin score, I knew this outfit would work!
“Thanks sweetheart” my wink makes her giggle even harder.
I really must’ve made her day. I grab my drink and head out. I’m still speed walking, I just feel like a busy guy with this outfit on.
I’m making sure not to spill the drink as I move, especially not on my nice white uniform. I actually don’t have the time to drink my drink right now, but I’m still super pumped that it worked.
I notice that I’m heading towards a lot of noise. Someone is talking, amplified by a microphone. I can’t make out what any of the words are, but I hear the call and response.
Voice says something, crowd laughs or claps then again and again. I’m getting closer and closer to the sounds, and the closer I get the more I pick up the pace. Still making sure I don’t spill a single drop of my drink.
The crowd noise is getting louder and louder but it’s still impossible for me to make out any words. Either because the walls are too thick or I’m just way too focused on not spilling the drink to pay attention to what is being said.
My feet feel automatic, left right left right, and it’s incredible how still I’m keeping my hand.
I’m hyper focused on making sure I don’t spill a single solitary drop.
I’m getting closer and closer and closer and it gets louder and louder and louder. Not loud in a bad way, but it’s definitely the loudest white noise I’ve ever heard.
I’m so close now that I’m pretty sure I can see the doors that the noise is behind. They’re big wooden doors that look like they swing open with a push.
I’m practically jogging with as little movement as I can now. Trying to move quickly, but not spilling a single solitary drop.
The door seems so close, but like it’s a million miles away at the same time. I want to go through them so badly. I really really want to find out what all the commotion is about, and I really don’t want to be left out.
Left right left right completely automatic.
I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to do something as bad as I want to walk through those doors. I still couldn’t tell you what’s happening in there, but the way the crowd is laughing it sounds like the best time ever.
Still not spilling a single drop. Getting closer closer closer.
The rhythmic pitter patter of my footsteps has long been drowned out by the crowd behind those doors, but that doesn’t stop me from marching ahead like a toy soldier.
I almost think I hear a familiar voice, it’s louder and more distinct than the others. It must be the one with the microphone.
I’m moving pretty quick now and I don’t plan on slowing up. I’m going to have to brace myself when I barrel through these doors and focus all my attention on keeping my sex on the beach right side up.
I hit the wooden doors with a thud and they go swinging open. The lights are bright and they make me squint for a second, disoriented.
The crowd of people go absolutely wild. I can’t pick out a single word the mob of people are saying, but they sound like they’re having an amazing time. Laughing and shouting, and it’s all the loudest white noise I’ve ever heard.
Still not spilling a single solitary drop. I make my way down the aisle, headed straight to where I’m supposed to go.
I pass that group of hot girls that I saw before I got on the ship, and I don’t pay them any attention. The redhead has her hands over her mouth as she laughs hysterically with her friends.
I make my way up the stairs that lead to the stage. Left right left right, like a toy soldier. And when I make it to center stage, with the hot spotlights warming my face, I stop.
Mistress Misty looks down at the pocket watch she’s holding, “11:11, Right on time, how about we give him a big round of applause!”
The crowd goes crazy again. Whistling, clapping, stomping their feet, having an awesome time.
Mistress Misty is wearing a tight satin dress. It’s a sensual lavender color and her tits look even bigger and more oiled up than they did earlier. The fact that it’s strapless means they’re nearly spilling out.
I walk right up to her and hand her the drink that belongs to her.
She takes a sip then licks her lips “Thankya Jacky, you can have a seat now dear”
I head over to my chair, it’s the one that’s empty.
All the other people sitting down are dressed up like sailors too. Mistress Misty said the performers had the most fun, but right now everyone is just staring off into space.
My seat is right next to Rae’s, must be she’s 18 too, and she’s in a really skimpy looking sailor outfit.
It almost looks like a cheap halloween costume. Her tanned legs look so great in it. She doesn’t seem to recognize me as I take my seat next to her, but to be fair I don’t try to get her attention.
Mistress Misty is handling the crowd so well. I’m not sure what she’s saying to them, but I’m positive that it’s good stuff. The crowd is really loud, but it all sounds like white noise to me.
“Oh Jacky!” As if my ears were now tuned to the right frequency, I hear Mistress Misty voice cut through the chatter on her microphone
She looks at me with that same grin that made me anxious earlier, but now it doesn’t seem so bad
“I almost forgot buddy.... how’d you like that coconut oil “
As soon as the words hit my ears I feel my eye reflexively twitch once. My body no longer feels like my own. My thoughts are mine, but I’m in the passenger seat of my own body.
Possessed, I start stroking my cock as fast as I can. My hand isn’t even in my pants, but I’m pumping it all the same.
I so badly wish I could savor it. I wish I could take my time looking at her fat oiled up tits in that tight purple dress. I want to stare at her tits forever and cum over and over for them for the rest of eternity. Slowly blowing my load and staring at her tits until I’m ready to go again.
But I just can’t...stop... pumping like my life depends on it, it’s automatic...up down up down up down.
Mistress Misty watches as I stroke my cock, my cock that gets bigger and bigger as I go. It gets bigger as I go because she just said it does.
I’m using two hands now and going up and down the shaft that’s nearly a foot long now.
I can feel the precum leaking out, I’m probably leaving a wet spot on my white pants. I close my eyes and double over from the feeling. I feel so fucking good.
The outfit rubbing against my skin makes it all amplified. The grunts I make are animalistic and involuntary.
People are laughing but it might as well be a buzzer or a car alarm, it’s noise that doesn’t matter.
I’m so close to cumming that I can feel my balls tightening. Mistress Misty must be able to tell that I’m almost there because she’s walking towards me now.
She leans right next to me and the smell of the coconut oil makes me want to explode.
I don’t care if I make a mess all over my outfit anymore, I want my hands to keep pumping until I’m panting and have shot out every last drop onto Mistress Misty’s chest.
She’s only an inch away. I feel her hot breath on my ear, and I can smell the sip of alcohol on her breath as she exhales
“let’s give my little star a breather.”
She stands, turns dramatically, “ah-three...ah-two….ah-one” and flippantly, without even looking at me, flicks me in the forehead.
My eyes slam shut and the white noise, the smell of coconut oil, the bright lights, they’re all funneled away as my consciousness fades...fades away….