The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Part 11 of What Dreams Are Made Of, by littlefrog66

Saint Francis, Catholic Girls School

* * *

Counting Olivia’s class of thirty fifteen-year-olds, there were a little over two hundred fifty students ranging in ages from twelve to eighteen at Saint Francis. It turned out that Saint Francis had really changed since June had attended it. Where the old school had been rural, just outside the city limits, this school was deep in the woods, miles away from anything. There was a strict visitation rule in place at this school, and holidays were strictly regulated too, but there was never a complaint from any of the students or parents for that matter. The parents that did make arrangements to visit during the year were all impressed with the changes that had come over their former problem child. None noticed anything unusual to report.

The normal gestation period of a human fetus is 40 to 42 weeks or approximately 10 months. Checking we found that the, let’s call it the Agency, was taking the fully matured child after 280 days like clockwork. They could calculate everything so precisely because it was done in-Vetro. They didn’t have to wait to discover they had conceived, it was a sure thing.

Saint Francis is a year-round boarding school, Kate and Whitney were already carrying another child. Olivia was beginning to just show and she was not allowed to leave the school grounds with June, her legal guardian, anymore. In fact, the school imposed its strict visiting rules on June and Ann. Rules which were in the contract June had signed with the school. Nobody was particularly worried because Olivia’s link to the Hive was still strong.

Olivia meanwhile had tested the other girls and herself and found that everybody at the school refused to believe they were pregnant. Though we could make Olivia face the fact she was carrying a child now in our lunchtime debriefings on the link, as soon as we dropped the link she reverted to her default state of, I’m not pregnant and I don’t look like a blimp. Olivia’s unflattering description of Kate and Whitney weeks ago.

Robbie and the Builders were still working on some way to get us onto the third floor, so far without any success. The Agency, when it came out of its third-floor hideaway, was always in their cloaks which made our video and audio worthless. Whatever the material that the school was made of effectively blocked all our snooping efforts. Attempts to quietly drill holes in it failed to even scratch it, the diamond drill just slid off it, and the laser didn’t even heat it up. Even the Builders were impressed with the material, which said a lot.

Since we were in AE3 we informed RE and the Organization of Assassins of this new development, in their sector. He thought it sounded a lot like they were just using a good hypnotist to control the girls. At first, we all laughed at his suggestion. After all, we use hypnosis all the time, especially in the Fairy Tale Treatments. He argued that there is a big difference between that and true hypnosis. In our case all the Girls all wanted to be hypnotized, in fact, loved to be hypnotized and cooperated.

RE said that originally their organization used the methods developed by Franz Mesmer back in the last part of the 19th Century, and refined in the early part of the 20th Century before the practice fell into disfavor with the legitimate medical community. The German physician, who had an obsessive interest in astronomy, astrology, and the occult, theorized that there is a natural energetic transference of energies that occurred between all animated and inanimate objects. A transference of energies he called animal magnetism. Sometime later others referred to his technique of inducing a hypnotic trance as Mesmerism.

RE claimed that true Mesmerism is not voluntary. True Masters of the Art possessed a natural abundance of natural animal magnetism that they can use to induce a deep trance in others any time they want. Since the Art depends on being born with a natural abundance of animal magnetism most Western doctors dropped it in favor of simple hypnotism which any competent medical practitioner could become competent with after a little study. Mesmerism became one of those Eastern Mystic Arts that were discouraged and it’s practitioners actively attacked as charlatans and frauds by the illegitimate Western medical community.

“So you believe that we’re dealing with Mesmerism here RE,” I questioned.

“Using Oscans Razor, that the simplest answer is usually the best. Then yes. Your Girls are being Mesmerized.” He answered.

“But wouldn’t they know it. I mean we all know that Harry is hypnotizing us, and what we do while we’re hypnotized.” Ann stated with conviction in her voice.

“Well, technically you remember what I want you to remember Ann. There’s this somnambulistic aspect of hypnosis that I have never been real big on. Some people are naturally somnambulistic. They can go so deep you can have them forget they were even hypnotized.” I hedged.

“Can you do that Harry?” Ann asked.

“I guess I could Ann, but where would the fun be in that. I wanted you all to remember how good it felt. I didn’t want any of you to forget what was done to you, or forgive the ones that took advantage of you. I just wanted all of you to come to terms with it.” I laughed.

“That’s the difference, Ann. You know what he does! You want it! He wants it! Mesmerism, on the other hand, depends on the person doing it to use his natural animal magnetism to overwhelm your defenses. There’s no consent involved.” RE explained.

“Can you do it?” Harry wanted to know.

“No, I can’t, but Sensei could.” He answered matter of factly.

So at that time C Pod, Cherry, China, Crystal, Cheryl, and Clara were given a new job. Find out if there was such a thing as Mesmerism.

* * *

“And what did you find out Cherry,” I asked a week later when we had our weekly updates meeting. Still, nothing had come of watching Saint Francis, and we were afraid to use anything that could be considered hostile to investigate it. We now knew, through the use of passive receivers, that the underground part of the school extended out maybe two thousand yards from the school itself. Most of it like the spokes on a wheel. Then the rim connecting it all together like a wagon wheel.

“First I think that China needs to update the Hive and our other partners on what we’re done to contain the situation,” Cherry informed us all.

“What do you mean, “to contain the situation”.” Ann wanted to know.

“Hey, when this started we wanted to find out what was happening to a few girls. Now we have an entire underground city to deal with. This complex has to be regarded as a hostile force. Think about this! What if it’s really a space ship...” Pandemonium broke out in the meeting and on the link.

“A space ship...what kind of space ship?” Everybody wanted to know.

“Your thinking like back in the old days. All space ships have to look like a Bob. They don’t! We’ve proven they don’t! Turn on a shield and you have a space ship.” Cherry paused to let that sink in.

“Let me take it from here Cherry,” China started off. “We started researching what was here before the school. I admit we thought we would find old mine shafts or something we could use to explore the city, or whatever it is under the school. Imagine our surprise when a thirty-year-old National Geographic map showed a mountain. A very large mountain I might add. Me and the Pod started thinking. What if we wanted to hide our ship. After all, you had just set up PFEDAMS, the prison planet, so we started thinking. That’s what they did. They scooped up the mountain and then reburied their ship and built the school on top of it.” She paused and looked at all our still shocked faces.

“Now ask yourselves, what happens if we spook them, or go in guns blazing.” She asked.

“They...they...they’d turn on their shield...and...and...leave.” Ann finally got out. It’s a hard ideal to get your brain around. After all, we were the only ones with shields right. Well, apparently not anymore.

“That’s what we thought too, so we asked the Builders and Robbie how to stop them from leaving...” I interrupted.

“But nothing can penetrate a shield.” I started.

“But You Can Disrupt A Shield Before It’s Established,” China said, using her hands to make gestures around each word. “No shield, no ship, no fast getaway.” She finished.

“We had Bob to fabricate an automatic disrupter and planted it at the school. They won’t be going anywhere now.” Cherry added.

“Now let me start laying out what we’ve learned about Mesmerism.” Crystal started. Another one of C Pod heard from. “I’ve set up a few visual aids to help me explain Mesmerism, so let’s get started.

* * *

They started off their presentation with a movie clip from the comedy version of the James Bond movie Casino Royal where the Villain, Orson Welles, does his magic act.

“That’s how we imagine Mesmerism to be Master. So far every woman we’ve shown this to almost has an orgasm, every male hated it and expressed feelings of inadequacy after watching it. The women want a strong dominant male, the men reacting to a rival male.” Crystal paused, and Cheryl took over.

“But what if it’s more? There has always been the Jung archetype of The Superman. A being that is the next step above man. What if it’s an evolutionary improvement. What if that animal magnetism is that missing extra factor to having Homo Superior.” Cheryl hypothesized.

“So you think Mesmerism is real and this Agency has it,” I asked.

“Yes, and having studied the alterations to the DNA they are making we think they are trying to make a true slave race...” Cheryl continued.

“A slave race?” Ann questioned.

“Our experts and the Builders agree that those targeted genes in the fetuses are related to what our scientist have identified as related to strong ESP. This Agency is making them recessive. In fact, trying to remove them.” China added.

“Why would they want a slave race if they can do what you’re saying they can Cherry,” I questioned.

“Maybe where they come from everybody has this power, Harry.” She laughed.

That made sense. We didn’t know what the Agency is, but it has become time to find out. So with countermeasures in place, we went to visit Olivia.

* * *

Upon arriving at the school’s door we knocked and were finally met by one of the teachers and taken to the Head Mistress since we didn’t have an appointment. Shortly thereafter Olivia showed up. Her baby bump was a noticeable bump now. When she walked through the door I shot the Head Mistress and Ann shot the Teacher escorting Olivia with sleep darts. We didn’t know if they were part of this or not, but we wanted them neutralized. At least the Agency couldn’t use them against us if they were asleep.

Next, we proceeded to the hallway elevator arrangement to the third floor. We were hoping to get their attention without causing a panic. Maybe we could reason this thing out, whatever it was, like reasonable men, ha, ha. Thirty minutes later nothing had happened so I knocked. After working over the photos of the hall and questioning Olivia we knew where the cameras had to be. I took a package out and placed it under where we knew the elevator was. It had a blinking red LED and largely LED countdown timer. Pressing the button the timer started counting down from 60. At thirty a loudspeaker activated and announced that they would talk to us. We were told to return to the Head Mistress’s office and wait. I turned off the device and went back. Since we had not been contacted I assumed everything was ok with the Girls.

An hour later a student showed up. We knew she was an older student by the school uniform.

“What is it you want Mrs. Wilson? You are Alumni and Olivia’s sponsor, but that doesn’t entitle you to special consideration.” The student recited a little glassy-eyed.

“It’s time we have a face to face. I...We know about the third floor and the basement. We have come for an accounting.” June stated.

All of us felt a ripple go through the school, then another.

«They just tried to activate the shield Harry.» Becky notified us.

«Did it work?» we all asked.

«You’re still sitting there talking to us aren’t you.» Becky laughed.

“We’re waiting,” I announced out loud again.

This time a something large and white came through the door.

“You may leave Alice.” Came through a speaker grill. Alice left.

“I think it is time we met, whomever you are. You can remove the funny suit now where we can actually get a good look at you.” I ordered.

I would like to say that I was immune to their power. I’d like to say I resisted on my own, but I’d be lying. I started to get up and leave. I would have gotten up and left forgetting everything I had come to settle, but for one little thing. Becky hit me with a stiff jolt of electricity. The shock drove it right out of my head., tried again, and again Becky hit me remotely with a stiff jolt. Part of those safeguards was Becky watching my vital signs and shocking me to remind me of my mission. This time I produced a large ugly pistol which I pointed at the thing before me.

“If you try it again I’ll shoot you asshole,” I stated flatly.

“We know what you are and we want to know why you are here. The only reason we haven’t interfered before is you weren’t hurting anybody. Now we want to know about the children you’ve taken...” Ann addressed it.

“Fetuses” the thing corrected Ann.

“The Children” Ann corrected it.

“The Children” I agreed with Ann and the Hive.

* * *

After he removed the suit he didn’t look any different than us. He...they were super smart, I would say they were sharp but emotionless. There was something missing in them. After we had proved we could keep them from leaving they folded. Well, that and the fact we defeated their Mesmer Power.

On their world, almost everyone had their power. Those that didn’t were protected by the ones that did as sort of a national treasure. The leader of these thirteen males had control of a scientist that discovered dimensional travel. On their world, their greatest sport was the use of the Power to either kill or enslave their own kind. This group was the ultimate winners of the games, but there was no retirement in their game.

The one that owned the scientist that discovered the gate convinced the others to join him in exploring other dimensions. On the first world, they visited they learned they could use their natural powers to live like kings. On that world, they discovered the shield and a crude version of cold fusion. They also discovered that even with superpowers you can’t control billions of people once they become aware of your power. So they escaped back through the gate and discovered they hadn’t gone home but to another world.

This time they were a little smarter, they were still the only ones with the Power. They sought out scientists that could explain the Gate and other things. They learned that there were in theory paradise worlds out there with no humans, and devised a plan to set up their own little kingdom. They bought an abandoned space station. Used their cold fusion generator and shield to make it fly, and moved it through a Gate they had fabricated to here. Here where they were creating their slave race to populate their new planet.

Oh, there was one other thing that we had learned. Because of the natural selection process of their first planet, they would live for a long, long time now that they didn’t have to fight in the Game every year.

* * *

“So you just thought you would move in here and use me like a damn cow asshole.” Olivia ranted.

“No a prize-winning blooded brood mare Olivia.” June corrected her.

“You were not injured and were given a good education. Some of my other partners just wanted to buy the eggs and sperm on the open market and use the plans for artificial wombs we had.” Number 1 rebutted her assertion. They didn’t use names they were just dehumanized numbers.

“So you have all these children in stasis now I assume?” I asked.

“Yes, As soon as we had accumulated enough for a viable sustainable future population we were going to zip up the ship and leave for our paradise planet.” Number 1 confirmed.

“I would guess that you intended to take Olivia and the others with you,” I asked, to confirm my guess.

“We were going to call a special class reunion and take them all with us. They are so well trained.” Number 1 confirmed.

“What will happen to our children on this paradise of yours Mister 1.” June pushed.

“The race, your children, have been genetically altered to breed out the genes that made us...Harry? Olivia and the other girls will remain our personal breeding stock and the mothers of the race. Our line always breeds true Harry. We will always be superior to you the normals. We are Homo Superior after all. My naturally produced offspring will always have the Power Harry. Me and my brothers though have agreed that we will only breed one of the girls to replace a loss among our ranks. Until that happy moment arrives her tubes will be tied and she and the others will be made use of by me and my brothers.” Number 1 explained.

“Given our longevity though this might be several centuries from now.” Number 3 put in.

“The problem with my world was the normals were breed into extinction. There were no more normals to drive the bus, or make the bread, or do all the menial tasks a society requires. As one of your philosophers wrote, “there were too many chiefs and not enough Indians”. My world was dying.” Number 2 took up the explanation.

“So your kind is really the death of the human race as we know it,” Ann stated flatly.

«This is a damn parasite Master.» Ann followed up on our private link.

«What would...will happen if they have been spreading their superior genes around Master.» Becky added, seriously worried.

«As soon as this group figures out how you’re stopping him from using his power on you we’re dead Harry.» Ann stated the obvious for all to hear.

«Worse than dead Master.» came back from Olivia on our link.

«We have been monitoring the talks and we agree with your assessment of the situation. If this Master Race learns of the nanobots and the Bobs there will be no containing them. We have even convened a sit down with the other Harry’s to act if you and the Girls are compromised.» Robbie let us know how the Hive felt about the situation.

“This time we were careful of how we treated our subjects. We will control their number better. We have already learned that we can’t control large numbers of you on the last planet we visited. You are the first here that has been able to resist our power do you also have the Power?” Number 1 wanted to know.

«Do I have to make a decision right now Robbie.» I asked the critical question for me anyway.

«No even if they could put up the shield, we have enough Bobs to swallow it and drop it in the sun if necessary.» Robbie verified.

“Me and my associates will need some time to discuss what we have found out. We will return tomorrow.” I finished.

“You mean you’re not going to let us go. I assure you that we will just leave as soon as you let us. Of course, we will need Olivia and our other property. I can see now that these are yours, but we need them to complete our project. Might it be that we have something you need, or we could trade, to have you relinquish ownership of this property.” He wanted to know.

«Property!!» Olivia raved silently on the link with the other Girls.

“I’ll let you know tomorrow.” I finished.

* * *

Upon getting to the motel, that we had virtually taken over, we were all scanned for bugs. Then we removed all our clothes and washed down each other looking for anything that could be a transmitter. Olivia wanted more petting, but I wasn’t in the mood to oblige her even in her delicate condition, we had much more important work to do.

The first thing the Hive wanted to know was what did it feel like when he put the “Whammy” on me. Yes, the “Whammy”.

“It didn’t feel like anything. All of a sudden I just wanted to do whatever he asked. It was just the right thing to do. If Becky hadn’t been monitoring me and hit me with those jolts of electricity when I faltered I would have given you all up. The sudden pain broke his hold on me twice and he quit trying after that. I really don’t know how long I could have kept it up if he had continued.” I confessed.

“If I ever say again that Mesmerism is hot please kick we somewhere it really, really, hurts. None of us ever want to be an object like that. Not a person, not even a real slave, just an object to be used. That is certainly not sexy.” Cherry and the other members of C Pod babbled together.

“So this group of 13 has the school hostage. You made the decision to call them children, so the bad news is they have an unknown number of children in there, but the good news is we’re lucky because they’re in some form of stasis and can’t be turned against us.” Ann laid out what we knew.

“If that’s Homo Superior we don’t need any.” Was voiced by C Pod.

“If it wasn’t for the hostages I’d volt to nuke it with a Box, but now we can’t let even one of them escape to spread that particular set of genes.” I put in.

“We have figured out how to get into the ship.” Molly put in.

“Oh thank you, Molly, we really needed that and you came through again.” I bragged on her.

“We’ve been working on these new stealth suits you requested. Well anyway, we were sort of tuning one and it sort of melted into the ground. We got to thinking that if we put on some air tanks we could steer it. Turns out you can, so we did.” Molly was proud of herself.

“What we just drop in on him,” I asked.

“Yes!” She answered.

* * *

Think of what we did to get into the Agency’s ship as extreme speleology, better known as cave diving with an aqualung. Something I would never have dreamed of doing on my own. As I dropped through the solid rock I tried to not think of what would happen if I stopped or got stuck for some reason. At best the Builders theorized that my molecules would mix with the soil and I’d die. At worst an explosion from the interaction of those same molecules as the suit’s power was exhausted.

I floated down head first until I entered the ring of the ship. At that point, the air pack was supposed to push me sideways and another switch made me solid again. I was alive flopping around on the floor like a fish out of water. I had made it.

Getting up off the floor I made sure that the stealth suit was working and set off down the corridor to explore the ship.