The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Words, with friends

Tags: FD, hyp, mf

Note: This is fiction and stuff. Address comments to .

You’re the one who wanted to play. I wanted to practice my street hypnosis routine. But SOMEONE wasn’t willing to volunteer. Even though we both already know he’s a really good subject.“

“Hey, you can’t blame me for that. First of all, when we saw that comedy show, I didn’t volunteer—I nodded off in the audience and let the cute assistant lead me on stage. And second, I only said I was up for letting you try your hypnosis routine thing on me before I saw you try it on Steve and Katie. I was totally clear about that from them on. Something about the way they just collapsed when you said ‘sleep’ gave me the creeps. And the way you talked Steve into getting a boner seems like it crosses way over the friends line anyway. And while Steve totally wanted to hook up with you, that’s not why I came over. And it wasn’t to be your guinea pig either.“

“Yeah, yeah, I know. And thanks for coming, seriously. Being alone gives me the creeps when my roommates are out of town. But scrabble? Seriously? Why did it have to be scrabble? You didn’t have any better games to bring? Even reading the dictionary is more fun than this one.“

“You’re just saying that because I kicked your ass. But don’t worry, we can do best of three.”

He was kind of cute when he was being all feisty, Jane thought to herself. Of course, he didn’t seem nearly as cute as he surely would be if he weren’t totally full of it.

“No, Rob, I’m saying it because it’s true. Reading the dictionary can be more fun than you think. And also, you didn’t ‘kick my ass’. You’re only up by 10 points. And you won’t be for long, because that’s totally not how you spell ‘enthrall’. It’s an ‘e’, not an ‘i’.“

“Well go get the dictionary. We’ll check.”

With an exasperated sigh, Jane tromped off to her room to hunt for the dictionary. Rob watched her go, inadvertently noticing how nice her jeans made her ass look. She was an attractive girl, and if he didn’t think they would have a personality clash as a couple, he might have been interested. But he drowned the thought in the remainder of his glass of wine and poured a bit more, draining the bottle. Jane returned a moment later, thumbing through the heavy, dog-eared volume as she walked, never taking her eyes off the page even as she curled back up into her seat at the table.

“Here it is, you were right. I guess that’s the game, then. Inthrall, with an ‘i’: see sub-entry under enthral.“

“I told you,” he muttered, nodding in self-satisfaction as she turned to the entry.

Enthral, verb: capture the fascinated attention of. Example: he had been so enthralled by the evening that he hardly noticed the time.

Alternate spelling inthrall, archaic: to enslave. Example: ‘The woman’s trickery had inthralled dozens of men.’“

“See?” he asked triumphantly.

“Yeah...” she answered, reading on. “Oh, interesting. Synonyms: captivate, charm, enchant, bewitch, beguile, entrance, enrapture, delight, attract, allure, ensnare, dazzle, root someone to the spot, hypnotize, mesmerize, intrigue, grip, hold captive, fascinate.”

“I win,” he reiterated.

“Yeah,” she replied, “but scrabble is lame. I wonder what it has for ‘fascinate’.”

“I have no idea. Irrelevant.”

“Ah, here it is. Fascinate, verb: attract the strong attention and interest of someone.

Archaic sense (especially of a snake): deprive of the ability to resist or escape by the power of a gaze.

Origin in 16th century, from Latin fascinatus, in sense of ‘bewitch’.

Example: he always was fascinated by Laura’s stories.

Synonyms: engross, captivate, absorb, enchant, beguile, bewitch, enrapture, enthral, entrance, hold spellbound, transfix, rivet, mesmerize, hypnotize, spellbind, compel, allure, tempt, entice, draw, charm, attract, tantalize.”

Tantalize, verb: tease or torment someone with the sight or promise of something that is unobtainable; excite the senses or desires of someone. Example: ‘she had always tantalized him.’

Synonyms: Tease, torment, torture, bait; tempt, entice, lure, titillate, intrigue, allure, beguile; flirt with, excite, fascinate, arouse; make someone’s mouth water, lead on, keep you hanging on my every word, leading you, attracting you, arousing you.

Antonyms: satisfy, gratify.”

“Hmm...” she mused, scarcely giving him pause for a slight gasp as delayed realization of the slightly fuzzy feeling in his mind began to sink in.

Gratify, verb: give someone pleasure or satisfaction. Example: ‘he was gratified to be in her company and hear the sound of her voice.’ Also, indulge or satisfy a desire. Example: ‘not all the sexual impulses can be gratified so easily.’

Synonyms: please, give pleasure to, make happy, delight, thrill, give someone a buzz, make someone feel good, really really good, like you feel when I talk to you.

Synonyms for the other reading, like ‘she could easily gratify his darkest desires’: indulge, give in to, slake, satiate, appease, pacify, satisfy, comply with, be so compliant with that you just go along with every word I say, and automatically comply.“

Comply, verb: often ‘comply with’. Definition: act in accordance with a wish or command. Example: ‘he found it very easy to comply with her request.’

Synonyms: abide by, conform to, respect, follow, obey, willingly obey; agree to, assent to, consent to, concur with, fall in with, fall so deeply in with, acquiesce in, go along with, yield to, bow to, submit to.”

Submit, verb. Sense 1, subject, no object: accept or yield to a superior force, or to the authority or will of another person.

Examples: ‘the countess submitted under duress’; ‘you are submitting to male domination’. Or it could be female domination—why not? Such a sexist old book. It doesn’t even consider the possibility that a woman could be dominant, that she could easily hold authority over you, that you could submit to her will.

Synonyms: give in, yield, give way, agree, consent, acquiesce, comply, accept, surrender, surrender, surrender so eagerly; lay down one’s arms, one’s heavy heavy arms; bend the knee, fall, kowtow. Informal synonyms: fall on one’s knees before, throw oneself at someone’s feet.”

Jane shifted slightly in her chair, crossing her legs. Rob noticed her new position had the effect of almost seeming to hold her foot out, in a direction that was vaguely towards him. Some part of his mind wondered why he would even notice that. But why would he not notice?

“Antonym: defy.”

Defy, verb: openly resist or refuse to obey. Example: ‘a woman who defies convention.’ Kind of like me, huh?

Second sense: appear to be challenging someone to do or prove something. Example: ‘he glowered at her, defying her to go on.’”

She looked up for just a fraction of an instant, catching his eye and just almost flashing a smile. It happened so fast he wasn’t even sure it was real.

“Synonyms: disobey, refuse to obey, so hard to refuse to obey, go against, disregard, ignore, resist, stand up to, face, meet head-on, take on, stand against, struggle so hard to stand up to and resist the way it feels to just hear my voice. Elude, defeat, foil, frustrate, escape. Escape? No, not escape. That’s not this meaning. No escape. Resist, yes, challenge, yes, but not escape. Though definitely surrender.”

He trembled slightly as she went on without skipping a beat. His eyes followed her fingers as she thumbed her way to the desired page.

Surrender, verb: stop resisting an enemy or opponent and submit to their authority. In sport, with object: lose to an opponent. Example: ‘she surrendered only twenty games in her five qualifying matches.’

Sense number three: surrender to: give in to a powerful emotion, influence, or need. Example: ‘he surrendered himself to her whims.’

Synonyms: give in, give up, yield, concede, submit, acquiesce, cave in, succumb, crumble, be beaten, be overcome, be overwhelmed, so overwhelmed by how I make you feel; fall victim, accept defect, relinquish control, give up, offer total and complete submission.”

Submission, noun: the action of accepting or yielding to a superior force, or to the will of another person. Example: ‘he was lulled into submission’, and ‘she wanted to gain his total submission’.

Synonyms: compliance, submissiveness, malleability, acquiescence, tameness, docility, tractability, trancability, non-resistance, passivity, obedience, subservience, subjection, deference. Informal: bootlicking.”

Jane paused, staring at the page.

“Bootlicking. My, what an interesting and vivid picture that word paints. Don’t you think?”

Her eyes flicked up to meet Rob’s for just an instant. As she looked back down at the book, his eyes instinctively followed, then wandered, then lingered on the tip of her toe. Her foot still dangled in the air, half-extended towards him, almost as if on offer, as if extending an invitation to drop to his knees and lick her foot in submission. Her plain white ankle sock was hardly a commanding black leather boot, but somehow the imagery was quite vivid nonetheless. An idle wiggle of her toes sent just the tiniest shiver down his spine as he pictured pressing his tongue against her sole. Something about it made his cock twitch and tingle.

Bootlicking” Jane repeated, looking at him, directly as if her lips and tongue were merely savouring the feel of the word as it slid sensually out of her mouth and into the space between them.

“Hmm...tractability. I don’t know that one. Let’s see.

Tractable, adjective: (of a person) easy to control or influence. Example: ‘he has always been tractable and obedient around her’.

Synonym: obedient, submissive, persuadable, compliant, willing. Informal: putty in one’s hands.”

Influence. Oh, this is interesting: archaic sense, in physics: electrical or magnetic induction.

Synonyms, Noun meaning: control, domination, hold, power, sway.“

She said each word slowly, perfunctorily, as though each one was big, heavy. Almost like a weight dropped upon him.

“Mmm...” she mused. “That’s a very evocative one too, sway.“

Ever so slightly, her foot began to move slowly back and forth. And so did he, head and body listing just a little back and forth in rhythm with her, not even enough for him to notice.

“Verb meaning: persuade, convince, talk into, win over, coax, induce, entice, impel, compel, lure, tempt, cajole, manipulate, coerce, brainwash. Informal: wrap around one’s finger.”

“I wonder what it has for Tempt. Here it is.“

Tempt, verb: entice someone to do something that they find attractive, but may feel to be unwise. Example: ‘The lovely countess tempted every nobleman in the court.’

Also: to persuade someone to do something. Example: ‘It wasn’t easy, but I tempted him to admit his deepest secret desires.’

Related: temptress, attested from 1590s.“

Temptress, noun: a woman who tempts someone to do something, typically a sexually attractive woman who sets out to allure or seduce someone.

Synonyms: seductress, siren, femme fatale, enchantress, sorceress, flirt. I guess like the kind of girl who flirts with you so skilfully, so enchantingly, that you don’t really even notice how easily she shuts your mind down and leaves your cock the only part of you left standing to think for you. Well, I guess then it would be thinking for her, because she would be doing all of your thinking for you anyway.

Ooh, informal synonyms: mantrap, vamp. Huh...”

She frowned adorably.

“Man-trap makes sense. Like you’re a man, and I entrap you with my feminine wiles. What about vamp. I guess it’s vamp like vampire? Like someone who looks into your eyes just to mesmerize you, to leave you helplessly paralyzed while she sucks your....“

Jane’s eyes once again flicked up to meet Rob’s helpless stare. She licked her lips idly. Though a small gesture, the effect was not at all lost on him.

“Ah, here it is:

Vamp, informal, North American slang. Noun. A woman who uses sexual attraction to exploit men. Example: ‘She portrayed mentally manipulative vamps in a succession of films.’

Sense number 2: verb, with object: to blatantly set out to attract (a man). Example: ‘Will you promise you won’t vamp him?’

No, of course I won’t promise that.”

She tossed him a mischievous glance.

“Synonyms: flirt with, make eyes at, lead on, toy with; SEDUCE, tempt, entice, tease, lure, beguile. Ooh. I like that one. Beguile.“

“Do you think I could play a beguiling vamp, if I wanted to?” Jane asked softly.

“Yes,” Rob gasped, voice rough and husky as faint, dim, realization started to sink in. She looked away before he started nodding desperately. She liked watching him squirm. She liked it even more when it was so easy to make him squirm.

Beguiling, adjective: charming or enchanting, often in a deceptive way. Example: ‘she praised him in a soft, beguiling, voice.’

Synomyms: charming, attractive, appealing, pleasing, pleasant, pleasurable, pleasuring, lovely, delightful, enchanting, entrancing, charismatic, captivating, lulling you down, bewitching, spellbinding, hypnotic, hypnotizing, mesmerizing you deeper and deeper, magnetic, alluring, enticing, tempting, inviting, seductive, irresistible, trance-inducing, sensually overwhelming your defenses, tantalizing, mind-controlling, brainwashing, enrapturing you so completely.”

“Of course, that’s not exactly what it says here. But you don’t care anymore, now that your mind is so full of all those images of me enrapturing you, entrancing you, of how hypnotic and beguiling my voice can be, and how tempted and tantalized and tittlated you are.“

Tittlate, verb: arouse someone to interest or excitement, especially through sexually suggestive images or words. Archaic sense: tickle or touch lightly.

Arouse, excite, stimulate, thrill, fascinate, tantalize, lead on, lead deeper, lull deeper, seduce, tempt, ravish, arouse so powerfully.

Tittlating, adjective: arousing mild sexual interest or excitement.

Sexually arousing, sexually exciting, sexually stimulating, sexually captivating, provocative, sexy, sensual, seductive, erotic, enrapturing, pornographic, suggestive, suggestible, tantalizing, tempting, fascinating, arousing.”

Suggestive, adjective: tending to suggest an idea. Indicating or evoking an idea or thought or desire, typically in your unconscious mind without you even consciously noticing. Making someone think of sexual matters or temptatations. Example: ‘her suggestive remarks kept catching him off-guard.’

Synonyms: Indecent, tittlating, lurid, unseemly, provocative, sexual, sexy, improperly sexy, dirty, tempting, salacious, naughty, playfully teasingly sexy, and so arousing.”

Jane pretended not to notice the way his ragged breathing caught for a moment on that last word as she looked up its entry.

Arouse, verb. Sense 1: evoke or awaken a feeling, emotion, or response. Example: ‘Do my cryptic hints aroused your imagination?’.

Also: to excite or provoke someone into anger or another strong emotion. Example: ‘She had the influence to arouse the masses.’

Also, to excite someone sexually. Example: ‘her voice, which seemed wholly soporific just moments before, now so aroused him.’ And ‘She told him how aroused he was.’ Oh, sorry, I read that wrong. ‘She told him how aroused she was.’ I guess she could tell him how aroused he was, if she was tantalizing and beguiling and hypnotic enough, though—don’t you think?”

He let out a near-silent whimper as she went on without really leaving time for him to answer.

“Sense number 2: to awaken someone from deep, deep, sleep.

Synonyms: induce, excite, evoke, enkindle, excite, touch off, electrify, stimulate, inspire, fire the imagination of, get going, whip up, encourage, arouse sexually, make feel sexually excited, make feel sexy, titillate, please, attract, turn on, get going, give someone a thrill, float someone’s boat, do it for someone, do it for me, doing lots of things for me, as your imagination fires up a thrill. Do it for someone. Not just anyone. Do it for me.”

His eyes had long since glazed over.

“Antonyms: turn off, pacify, send to sleep. Ooh, or maybe like turning off your mind as you sink into sleep, even as you become more aroused and excited and electrified. I guess that sense would be more like hypnotize.“

Hypnosis, noun: the induction of a state of consciousness in which a person apparently loses the power of voluntary action and is highly responsive to suggestion, direction, or the influence of another person.

Hypnotic, adjective: Relating to or producing hypnosis. Example: ‘a hypnotic state’

Also: exerting a soporific or compelling effect. Example: ‘her voice had a hypnotic quality’, and ‘he is powerless to resist her hypnotic words.’”

Synonyms: mesmerizing, mesmeric, spellbinding, entrancing, bewitching, fascinating, irresistible, totally irresistible and so compelling; soporific, sleep-inducing, sleep-producing, somnolent, somniferous, stupefactive, sedative, numbing your brain as each hypnotic word sinks deeper into your mind.”

Alternate sense, noun: a person under or open to hypnosis. How interesting. Have you ever heard that word, hypnotic, used in that way? Not like ‘my hypnotic words leave you captivated’, or ‘you can’t look away from my hypnotic eyes’. Like, as in ‘I can see that you’re a true hypnotic from how stupefied and suggestible and responsive you are.’“

Rob quivered as Jane turned her gaze to him.


What happened next was a bit of a mystery for Rob. She dropped the book beside her, and it produced a loud, almost gunshot-like, thwack as it slammed to the floor. For some reason his eyes closed and his body went limp. He started, trying to stop himself from falling over, trying to regain his balance...only to discover that he had already fallen, that she had somehow caught him, that he was being gently lowered to the ground. His knees touched the floor, and he willingly let himself lean against her soft, comforting form, let her guide him into a posture that allowed his muscles as well as his mind to go totally limp. Some part of his mind reasoned that she must be sitting, that his head seemed to be resting comfortably in her lap, as she caressed the back of his neck and continued to speak in that soft, captivating, voice. It felt almost like a low rumble in the earth, like the sound of her voice penetrated through the fog, reverberating throughout his mind and body, unavoidable, directionless, and omnipresent—somehow lost in the haze and yet being that haze too at the same time.

“I like having friends. But if we’re just friends, it means you don’t get to do things like getting lost in my eyes, or letting my words totally arouse and entice you, or letting the sound of my voice make you so hard, so helpless, that you turn into my hypnotized, stupified, horny, submissive, compliant, tractable, bootlicking, sex-puppet. But if you want to surrender and give in to me, and let yourself be more than just a friend, then we can do all those fun things.“

As Rob continued to drift he found his mouth watering. Jane had given him this. A word for this. Tantalized? Tempted? Aroused? There were so many and it was so hard to keep track. Certainly he was aroused, but the throbbing in his cock didn’t feel like it was quite the same sensation as the powerful desire to surrender to her. Luckily, she was speaking; he didn’t need to speak. And so he willingly slid his head off of her warm, soft, thigh, and let his body crumble before her, falling to the floor at her feet, blissfully happy to be able to gratify her.

“Wide awake!” he heard her say. Well, ‘heard’ was not quite right. He had heard her say so many things. But this phrase seemed to have special salience. Insistently, the words pushed his eyes open and caused them to stay open.

He found himself lying on his back on the floor. Something warm was resting on his chest. A glance revealed it to be her foot. Though he was sure he was stronger than her, the tension of the moment deprived him of his muscles, and the foot gently placed on his chest kept him pinned down. Or perhaps some of that work was being done by her other foot, which was perched just atop the considerable bulge in his jeans, exerting just enough pressure to remind him it was there. It slowly dawned on him that her legs looked different; her jeans were missing, and the lamplight glowed on the bare skin of her thigh. He let out a half-gasp half-sigh.

“How do you feel?”

His dry lips struggled, almost as much as his fogged up mind.

“Enthralled,” he said at last. “Enraptured. Beguiled. Entranced. Charmed. Helpless. Overpowered and overwhelmed. Knocked off my feet.”

She giggled at his knee-jerk attempt to impress her by seeming articulate.

“Swept off of your feet, and now lying at mine? Very appropriate diction. I like having smart friends.”

Her tone abrubtly changed, any trace of mirth vanishing, replaced by a peculiarly serious, but quiet, directness.

“I also like when my friends are totally and unquestioningly open and honest with me.”

He merely stared up at her in silence.

“So, be honest now: do you still want to play more scrabble?”

“No.” He shook his head slowly.

“What do you want to do?“

He stared at her in yet more silence for a long moment, almost seeming to be in shock, except that his face slowly grew more flushed rather than less. After a long moment of silent staring, she moved closer to him. She slid out of her chair and down onto the floor, straddling him, her knees pinning his hands to his sides. Her fingers adeptly found his zipper.

“Tell me,” she said at last, softly, voice barely above a whisper. “Tell me what you want to do now.”

“Submit,” Rob whimpered. “Surrender. Obey. Give in to temptation.”

Her lips pulled back in a devilish smile as she peeled her tank top off over her head. Her fingers began slowly tugging at the zipper again, easing it open with agonizing slowness.

“You do know that if you were to do any of those things, then we wouldn’t just be friends anymore, right? There’s no going back. You might never be able to get me out of your head again.”


“But that’s what you want anyway?”


Jane could hear the pleading tone in Rob’s voice; it gave her goosebumps. She bit her bottom lip and let out a soft moan of satisfaction as her fingers slid into his gaping fly, fishing out his throbbing erection. It was already oozing precum. A few appreciating strokes and she could tell he was more than ready to go.

Four things surprised Rob as she slid his pants and boxers down, and guided herself down onto his shaft. The first was how extraordinarily wet she was already. The second was how quickly her moans grew more intense as her hips rocked in pleasure. The third thing was forgotten before he could count it, lose somewhere between her deep, captivating, gaze and the steady torrent of soft, sultry words that filled the spaces between her moans. The fourth was how strangely peaceful and natural it felt to stare into her eyes and let Jane do whatever she wanted with him. His cock was extremely hard; she wanted it inside her—of course he would let her use it. What else are friends for?