The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


“I’d like to talk to you for a little bit about the number zero. That’s right; just take a moment, clear away all the distractions in your head, and really think about zero for a little bit. It’s a very unusual number, when you think about it. It’s actually unique. Every other number represents something, but zero is all alone, neither positive or negative. Zero is nothing. It’s emptiness made concrete. Just thinking about zero means you’re thinking about nothing.

“But sometimes, we need to think about nothing. That’s why mathematicians invented zero, because it’s important. It’s the balance point that all the numbers revolve around. Think for a moment about a graph. The lines stretch up and down, left and right, all the way out of sight to infinity...but right there in the center, they converge at zero. Right at the center where your eyes are drawn by the crossing line, all the positive numbers and all the negative numbers are drawn down, down, down to zero. A bit like your eyes, really, when you look at the graph. Drawn to zero.

“Even the number itself is special. It’s a perfect circle, a single line looping round and round, endlessly circling the blank, white emptiness in the middle. No matter how many times you follow the circle around and around and around, you can never get away from that blankness. Zero contains nothing inside it, just like it is nothing itself.

“That’s why so many hypnotists use zero in their hypnotic inductions, because they understand that zero is special. Zero is magical. When a hypnotist wants to hypnotize someone really, really deeply, they count down to zero, knowing that the special qualities of zero will help them hypnotize someone. So they count down, ‘’, and the person becomes entranced, because they’re thinking about zero and letting it draw their mind into that special white nothing at its heart, looping around and around and lost in the blankness, thinking about zero until their whole mind becomes empty like zero.

“And when hypnotists count down like that, you know that they’re getting closer and closer to zero, and even the anticipation of reaching that special, magical number helps to sedate your mind and get you ready for trance. The hypnotist knows that too. They use a longer countdown, sometimes, to give you more time to anticipate trance, more time to still your mind as it gets ready to hear the number zero and sink into trance. You hear ‘five...four...’ And before the hypnotist can even say it, you already know that the next number will be ‘three...’ And you know that inevitably, inexorably, you’ll proceed down to ‘two...’ And there’s a certainty to that fall, that descent down to ‘one...’ And then, waiting at the very bottom, that blankness that is waiting for your mind, and you’ve known it all along, you’ve just been waiting to hear...

“Zero. And then you’re there, within that emptiness. Your mind still and calm and quiet, and as you hear ‘zero’ you know that zero is nothing and you’re thinking about nothing. It’s like your mind has become zero, a perfect stillness that everything else converges on. All your thoughts are drawn down to zero, all your mind is drawn down to zero. Everything flows down to zero, now, leaving you blank and empty and relaxed.

“And you can only imagine how deeply you’d relax if you heard a full hypnotic countdown, how powerfully that would act to blank out your mind and your will and your thoughts if you spent even longer anticipating that magical mind-emptying zero. You’d hear ‘ten’, and as soon as you did, you’d know I was hypnotizing you, and you’d already be thinking about trance as you heard me say ‘nine’, because you know what hearing those numbers does to your mind as you hear me count down...and down...and down to ‘eight’, and you’re already anticipating that magical moment when your thoughts just empty out completely, the thoughts tied to the numbers as the numbers descend to ‘seven’, so your mind descends too, knowing now that every number takes you closer and closer to trance, so inescapable, so inevitable, because you hear ‘five’, and you know the numbers just keep dropping, going down, and you can’t fight it.

“It’s just natural to proceed downwards to ‘four’, just as natural as it is to sink into trance, your mind already oriented in that direction, already looking ahead to the soft, placid feeling of hypnosis, and you see it approach closer as I say ‘three’, and you already know what number I’m heading to as I count, it’s already in your mind as I get closer to it with ‘two’, and because it’s in your mind and because it’s such a magical number that empties out all your thoughts and leaves you helplessly hypnotized and blank and empty, thinking about it makes it hard to think about anything else, and although you hear me say ‘one’, you’re already stuck helplessly thinking about what I’m going to say next, knowing it’s going to make your mind so soft and blank and deeply hypnotized, knowing it’s going to feel so good to relax your mind so completely when you hear that magical, hypnotic, powerful...

“Zero. And you’re so relaxed now, hearing the number zero, because the number zero is relaxing. Every time you hear zero, you think of nothing, which means that every time you hear zero, nothing is in your mind. Every time you hear zero, your thoughts turn to nothing, thoughts dwindling down to nothing as they turn to nothing as you hear zero again. And every time you try to think, every time your thoughts start to multiply, they multiply by zero, and anything multiplied by zero is zero so you can’t think when you hear zero, so you can’t think when I say zero. I say zero, and you just can’t think at all.

“And your mind is empty, and maybe you think it can’t get any emptier, but that’s a thought right there so there must be another zero hidden beneath that zero. So even though I’ve counted down to zero before, I can count down to zero again and you’ll sink even deeper, go even more blank, become even more thoughtless and mindless and empty as I count from ten...and when you hear ten, you realize that it’s a one next to a zero, and even the beginning of the descent anticipates the end, just like you’re already anticipating the deeper trance to come. Nine, and you’re picturing the center of the graph, drawing in your eyes and your thoughts. Eight, finding it hard to even think of the numbers I’m counting because all you can think of is the one I’m counting to. Seven, those last tiny thoughts circling around and around your head, spiraling down to nothing as I count...down... Six, so nice to be so still and blank, and even nicer to know that you can go deeper, that you will go deeper, as you hear...

“Five, thoughts so far away, now, as you relax into the quiet and listen to my voice. Four, and you can see how close you’re starting to get to the next plateau of trance, descending down to a deeper level of hypnosis, as you hear me say... Three, mind and body relaxed and letting my voice fill your empty mind. Two, and the descent never stops, because when you hear me count down to... One, you can’t help but think of the next number, and we both know that number has the power to blank out your mind, the magical power that you can’t resist whenever you hear...

“Zero. And you go so still, now. So blank and empty, the word zero and the number zero making your thoughts zero. No thoughts of your own now, and the magic of zero has blanked your mind out completely, made it totally empty. And I could fill that emptiness with anything, if I wanted to. I could fill that emptiness with pleasure, and fill that quiet, mindless stillness with desire. If I wanted to, right now I could direct your hand to reach down between your legs, finding that tempting, perfect place to stroke and rub, and you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself, because the power of zero has made you so thoughtless that you couldn’t think of how or why to stop, zero draws out all those thoughts to let the pleasure flow in, and every time you start to think, I say zero and the thoughts are multiplied by zero and become zero and the pleasure flows in over them and it’s that much harder to start to think again as the pleasure builds...and builds...and if you could start to think, maybe you’d think of zero and that would stop your mind again and let your hands just keep going, stroking and rubbing and feeling so good now, not even wanting to think because you can feel so much better when you don’t think, and so you’re happy to hear me say ‘zero’ again and blank you out with bliss, lost in the center of the zero, lost in the pleasure, rubbing and stroking and so close now, so close to the center of the pleasure that you’re just waiting for commands, so empty and blank and peaceful and happy and blissful in the heart of the magical zero that you need to hear me command you to release by saying...

“Cum. Cum now, feeling that pleasure overflow and release and spill out and cum so hard, feeling that pleasure with no thoughts at all to get in the way because you’re lost in the zero and you are the zero and you love to be zero and your mind is zero and I want you to be zero as you cum, cum, cum for me...

“I could do that. If I wanted to. But you know I only want to protect you and keep you safe from the magical power that zero has to empty out your mind and your thoughts whenever you hear zero. So I’m only going to put one simple instruction in your mind, just to make sure that you don’t get hypnotized every time you hear the number zero. From now on, you’ll only let the number zero hypnotize you when it’s completely safe, like when you’re listening to me in a safe place at a safe time, when you can fully enjoy the experience of trance. Every other time, you’ll be able to easily and effortlessly resist the power of zero to send you into a deep hypnotic trance. I’m sure you’re happy to know that I’ve helped you like that, made sure that zero only hypnotizes you when it’s safe...but always, when it’s safe. Because that’s just what zero does.

“And now, deep within the heart of the zero, mindless and blank and so deeply hypnotized, you hear me say ‘one’, and your mind begins to remember how to find its way out of trance again. Because you hear ‘two’, and suddenly you remember what you couldn’t remember before, that numbers go up, too. So you hear ‘three’, and you begin to think again, because you have positive thoughts in your head...and they are positive, because you’re so happy coming up out of trance and feeling so good and so energized. And when you hear ‘four’, you know that you’re almost the rest of the way back up, and even if you’re not quite there yet, you know how to keep counting up until you’re wide awake, so the only number you need to hear now before I let you go, happy and alert and refreshed, is...
