The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The things are hip these days, so let’s start with a disclaimer

If you are thinking that you should be reading this, don’t.
If you are thinking about trying any of this in real life, don’t.
If you are thinking about stealing this story, don’t.

Annotations and Origins:

Blue eyes is the result of a bad dream the author had after being up late coming up with an Addventure post in response to Iron Nick and has been aided by Ms Myrrh, Chase The Wind, and the aforementioned Iron Nick before his departure. They did their best, so if it sucks, blame the author.

Why is a story containing girls who are turned into beautiful nymphomaniacs a bad dream? Read on.

In the dim light of a shuttered room a couple made love standing up. The male’s arms encircled the woman as he moved rapidly up her body then arched his hips inwards as his head tilted back; mouth wide with a groan. His animation was in stark contrast to that of the woman as she merely stood there, taking what he had to give with no sign of pleasure or emotion.

The mood was shattered completely by a closer look in on the lovers. The man, a shady, balding fellow named Dennis, was merely trying to lift a very explicit golden statue of a naked woman.

“God damn thing weighs a ton.”

Dennis stopped a moment and looked the statue in its sapphire eyes. He stopped and stared for a few moments before he sucked in a quick breath and dropped to his knees beside the shallowly breathing body of a well dressed old man. Dennis grabbed one of the statue’s legs to see if he could get a better grip when suddenly he straightened up.

“Well holy shit. Crazy old bastard bolted you to the ground. What,” he said to the old man on the floor, “you were scared that she’d walk out on you?

“Fuck it,” said Dennis as he stood back up to gaze on the statue’s face. He froze again for a moment when he met her eyes.

“You’ve got a nice body baby, but I love your eyes.”

Dennis raised a screwdriver, sank it into the soft gold, and pried.

Then the statue exploded.

Baby’s Got Blue Eyes

Liz heard the bang.

Loud noises weren’t uncommon in her part of town. Hell, the neighbour’s car sounded like a gunshot when he started it up every morning at 6:30. That last blast though had the much richer sound of a movie style explosion. Despite the echoes Liz had little problem sighting the source of the blast. Not far from her street smoke and fire roared upwards as the shattered remnants of a house rained down.


Liz was distracted from the pyrotechnic display as her briefcase jerked; its fake leather cover now punctured by some flying debris. She looked around partly in shock at the near miss as shards and great chunks of the exploded house fell on her lawn. Then something else caught her eye; a something in the air burning, spinning and growing but otherwise not moving. Realizing almost too late what that meant, Liz took a half jump, half fall backwards as the flaming remains of Dennis’s screwdriver embedded itself in the ground between her feet.

As she lay on the grass and stared at the burning object and then at the wreckage of her lawn, the tinkling of falling glass attracted her attention to the shattered picture window that made up most of the front of the house she shared with her fiancé, Todd.

And, where she could not see it on the living room floor, a lone sapphire eye sat and softly glowed blue.

* * *

A short time later Liz stood in the living room of her house wearing heavy gloves and large rubber boots as she surveyed the damage.

Glass was everywhere and “ohhh...”

The picture of Liz and Todd, taken the on their first date, had been torn; the glass shattered and frame plainly dented by the impact of something that had come through the window.

Putting the picture out of her mind for the time being, Liz moved methodically across the room with a small garbage bag picking up the larger fragments of glass. Two bags in and almost half done, Liz finally saw the blue stone shimmering through a piece of glass. She pushed the glass aside, picked the jewel up, removed a glove to hold it more easily, and moved towards the wide and now empty window frame to get better light. She scarcely noticed the pleasant tingling in her hand.

The glittering of the blue gem was reflected in Liz’s beautiful brown eyes as she gazed at it. It was cut into an oval ‘sort of like an eye. It’s even got the iris and pupil cut into it.’

“Wah-ha-ha-how. Merry Christmas, even if it’s a couple days late. THIS is worth a broken window.”

Liz looked off to the distance where smoke continued to pour into the sky, down at the gem in her hand again, and then back to the billowing cloud. She held the gem up again pinched between her thumb and two lead fingers and looked straight through it. The jewel glittered softly in her eyes again as Liz’s eyes faded from their soft brown to the same blue as the gem.

Liz smiled, pocketed the stone and returned to picking up glass. The work seemed easier somehow.

* * *

With the glass cleared away or vacuumed up from the living room and the chunks of glass remaining in the pane carefully removed, Liz now sat on a stool in a kitchen with a phone book in her lap.

“No. I can’t wait until tomorrow—half of my house is totally open. Anyone could just walk in and out with my TV set. You will send someone out NOW or I’ll be calling someone else.”

“Good. I’ll be waiting.”

Liz ended the call with a too firm press of end button, hit an autonumber on her cell, and waited for Todd to pick up.

“Todd Randall.”

“Hey Todd, some bad news here...”

* * *

“Holy shit Liz. I thought you were exaggerating on the phone.” Todd stood on the sidewalk looking up at the ruined yard in the rapidly failing light. “This is a disaster area. You were out in this?”

“I was about half way to the door when I heard the explosion and stuff started raining down around me. I almost got impaled by that” Liz says pointing to the melted screwdriver still in the ground. “I’m so lucky nothing crushed my car.”

“Liz,” Todd gazed into her eyes with genuine concern, “you’re so lucky nothing crushed you.”

“The window guys sent people out really fast. They probably had a truck in the area—lots of broken windows around here today I bet. I talked to the insurance broker. Replacing the window eats up the deductible so I called some roofers to come out to give things a look-see. Don’t worry, it’s covered.”

“The insurance cover the contacts?”

“What contacts?”

“Your eyes are blue Liz.”

“Nohohoho. They’re brown. You better go get your eyes tested.”

“I’ll take care of it on Monday,” said Todd, looking distracted.

“Take care of what?”

“My eyes.”

“Right... You do that Todd.”

Her fiancé twitched a little, then refocused. “Well, I guess I better go inside and get changed into grubbies.”

“Don’t get too messed up. Glazier should be back in an hour with a new window and then you are taking me out to dinner. Today’s been too much work, I’m starved, and I’m NOT cooking. Then you are going to thank me long and hard for all of the cleaning up I did—so I don’t want you to get too tired either.”

As Todd walked into the house he was amazed at how clean everything looked. ‘The picture Dale took of Liz and me on our first date came through. Man, I’d hate to have lost that. Hmmm. Hope it’s not too late to make a reservation at Michaels. Liz deserves a treat for all the work she’s done.’ He made a quick note in his PDA to pick up some condoms on the way back from the restaurant and wandered upstairs.

* * *

The soft light around the sapphire was even more visible through the haze of steam from the shower as Liz’s silhouette, a shapely dark patch on the curtain, danced across the fogged mirror until, with a sexy twist, the she spun around to turn off the water. As she stepped out of the shower she dried herself with a towel.

Liz picked her jewel up and gazed into it.

Looking through the gem and condensed water at a blue tinged and blurry Liz in the on the mirror she smiled.

“Baby, we are going to look beautiful tonight.”

* * *

“You look good with blue eyes,” mumbled Todd as he drifted off to sleep.

‘Oh, way to ruin a perfect evening Todd,’ Liz thought with disgust. Up until just then tonight had been surreal. Todd couldn’t take his eyes off of her, they’d had a great meal, danced like it was a dream then they had some fabulous sex. They’d barely made it through the door before the romp started, and then Todd had to ruin it by fantasizing about another woman.

Pissed off, Liz got up and headed to the en-suite.

Looking in the mirror dejectedly, Liz wondered where she went wrong and how she could be losing Todd when he had been so attentive all night...

“Maria.” Todd’s manager who tried to pick him up at the Christmas party. Or was this just more only child paranoia? “How come I never got a little sister to have fun with?”

‘Did Maria have blue eyes? Yes, dammit. She has blue eyes and big tits. What’s wrong with my eyes?’ Liz pondered looking in the mirror.

“Oh my god.”

The slightly off-center nose that always bugged her was straight. It sat on a face that was her face, but not her face. It was a models face; it looked like it had been airbrushed and everything because her complexion was nothing less than perfect, but few people would even notice the difference and, if they did, it’d probably just look like make-up.

Looking closer at the mirror things started to fall into place. The attention she’d been getting tonight. People had been seeing this almost her. Her lips were full and pouty; teeth were white, perfectly straight and even; nose straight and slightly upturned into a cute button. Even her ears looked sexy.

And her eyes were a soft sapphire blue. For a moment she was relieved because it meant Todd still loved her, even though she was going nuts.

“My eyes are blue. Blue like. NO.”

Rushing back into the bedroom, Liz grabbed her purse and rifled through it until she found the stone. Back in front of the mirror she held it up and looked. Her eyes were exactly the same colour.

Don’t worry Liz, I look good on you. Oh... We’re going to have so much fun together.

The blue stone fell to the floor, but the voice, her voice, echoed and told her she was not insane.

Liz didn’t believe it.

* * *

Oh come on Liz. You HAVE do that with Todd again! He’d like it, I’d love it and you got most of it wrong last time. It was way too tame. And Todd’s so hot so I know he can do better. I can make him hotter! Would you like that Liz? Todd could be so cool with bigger muscles!

Liz felt the voice rummaging through her mind as she lay beside Todd in bed. It was digging up memories both recent and long forgotten and throwing them around as if it was a child searching through a toy box for something and not knowing what. Every now and then the voice would find a pleasant memory and stop for a moment to enjoy it before pitching the thought and diving after another.

Ohhh how about that guy? We can get all dressed up and tease him until he pops. Wouldn’t that be so cool?

“Stop it. Why are you doing this? What do you want?” Liz whispered, fearing Todd would hear.

I want what you want—FUN! Go to parties, flirt with guys, you know! Hang out together and do stuff. You don’t like to do stuff anymore. You used to be fun. I found lots of fun stuff in here, but not much on the top. I think you’ve been working too, too much. You should have more fun. No more working Liz. We’re going to party—just the two of us! Wouldn’t that be so cool? Party the night away, pick up some cute guys, get laid—have fun!

‘Oh god. I’m insane. I’m talking to myself. I’m dreaming that this is all happening. I’m dreaming that my mind is being examined by a bimbo incapable of thinking about anything but sex’

Oh ho no. I used to think about all sorts of things, me an my sister, mostly my sister—she was always thinking about boring stuff—but there was this loud noise and fire and now I don’t want to think about them any more. Now my sister is gone. No more sister. I’m so much happier without her. Oh this guy’s cute. Oooooo! Lets do him too.

“Stop it. Please stop it,” Liz sobbed in frustration, exhaustion and at the memory of her first boyfriend dumping her for a blonde drama queen.

You need sleep. Ok, you sleep and I’ll find something for us to do tomorrow other than boring old work. Oh, that looks so cool...

Against her will Liz slept.

* * *


‘I’m late for work. I slept through Ed’s car and Todd didn’t wake me up,’ Liz thought as she sat up. At first everything seemed fine; it was as though last night had been a dream. Then sensation of an unusual weight pulling her forward snapped her to full wakefulness.

“Oh my god.”

“I wasn’t dreaming. Or I’m still dreaming. Oh god please let me be dreaming.”

Nope. You’re awake, squealed the parody of her voice. Better get up; we’ve got a busy day. I wanna go to the beach an go dancing...

“Put. Them. BACK. Putthemback! Putthemback! Putthemback!”

Why? We can get much cooler guys with bigger breasts. All guys like big breasts, some lie and say they don’t, but they’re just saying it to get in your pants so I don’t really mind.

And Todd really likes them, the voice cajoled.

“What do you mean ‘Todd really likes them’?”

Well you were still sleeping and I got bored waiting so I kind of borrowed you so we could make out. He was so gentle at first, but I got bored with that too and I teased him a bit. He was much better after that.

“You used me to screw my boyfriend?”

We screwed your boyfriend. It WAS your body after all. He was gooood once we got him going.

“I can’t believe this. I have a nympho living in my head trying to ruin my life. Listen, whoever you are, I can’t go around like this. This isn’t me. I’ve got to go to work. What will my friends say?”

They’ll probably say you look hot. I think you look hot. We’re hot. We’re both hot. I like being hot. You should like being hot too.

‘She’s right. These are nice.’ Liz thought looking down at her impressive chest. ‘Sal never would have dumped me for blondie if I had these back in grade 11.’

Her nipples started to harden as a hand idly stroked one. Then her head cracked back up.

“Ooo. No! Stop that. Stop playing with me!”

Why are you so mad? I’m just trying to help.

“You’re not! I don’t want to go meet guys—I’ve got one. And I don’t want big boobs. I just want to be normal—I want to be me. I want to be the way that I was. I liked myself that way. I just want to go to work, live my life and be normal,” Liz screamed while her mind worked overtime to maintain her body image against the voice’s onslaught of looking hot.

Fine! You’re no fun like this. I’m going away. See how much fun you have without me!

The stomping feet echoing through Liz’s mind signalled the departure of the visitor as she felt the weight on her chest decreasing. Her reason returning, Liz pulled her hands away from her now swollen nipples and made her way through last night’s haphazardly scattered clothing to the en-suite.

By the time she got in front of the mirror her breasts were back down to normal, but she still looked different—trim. And a lot thinner, but the scale said she was only a bit lighter.

‘Muscle is denser than fat.’ She thought as she looked at her slender and well toned body in the mirror. ‘Wow. No wonder I look lighter. I could live with this.

‘It’s nice to just be kinda hot.’

* * *

“Yes Liz,” said her glassy eyed boss. “That’s right. You are on paid leave. You have been working too, too hard. You need to have some fun. Go have some fun. Go to the beach.”

Liz was getting frightened again. She had a body that looked like she’d lost ten or fifteen pounds and her clothes all still fit. Hell, they fit better than before; they fit like they’d been custom tailored. Todd sounded different on the phone; his voice was larger and deeper. The gas tank in her car was full when she’d left it nearly empty the night before and there were no scratches or dents from the little bits of exploded house that had landed on it.

Now her boss—no miser, but certainly not an idiot—was happily paying her not to work. To go to the beach.

In the middle of winter.

I told you I wanted us to go to the beach. You can’t go to the beach and work, so I took care of work said the voice in her mind. Can we go to the beach now?

‘What? I left you at home! Shut up!’

“Go away!”

“Yes Liz,” said her boss in monotone as he backed out of the office.

* * *

Around lunch time Liz sat in a coffee shop picking at a light snack across from her coffee-guzzling life long friend, Dale. If it weren’t for the openly staring guys and the voice appraising all the men and women, and a few teens of both genders, for looks and estimated quality in bed, things would have been almost normal. Liz tried not to look at the people as the voice brought them to her attention and looked away as fast as she could when she found herself staring.

Dale’s kinda hot, the voice babbled, but her brain is weird. She doesn’t let anyone in and I don’t think she’s all that happy despite what she’s saying. If she dyed her hair brighter, dropped about 30 pounds, and stopped being so scary I’d do her.

‘Shut up,’ moaned Liz in her head. ‘Please shut up. I’ve known her forever and she’s always been like that. I’m not screwing a friend so SHUT UP!’

“Dale, I need help,” pleaded Liz finally frustrated enough to risk talking about IT. “Something weird is happening to me and I can’t stop it.”

“Wow. I’ll say. Why do you want to stop it? You look great! Well you’ve always looked great—I’m the fat one,” said Dale before she slyly added “Did you get implants?”

“No! I told her to stop doing that.”

I didn’t change a thing, said the voice. Honest! I just made them stand out a bit more—they’re exactly the same size and you’re a bit thinner so they just look bigger and your clothes fit better. I changed my mind. I really like her. Can we...


“Whoa – relax Liz. Told who? Told who to stop doing what?”

“Nothing. I. I don’t know. A house up the road exploded last night and I could have been killed by falling crap and ever since strange things have been happening and...” Liz gagged on her coffee as Dale’s hair lightened to a golden, then platinum blonde and pounds melted away. “Dale...”

“That WAS up near your place!” Dale interrupted, completely oblivious to her lightening and lengthening hair and sliming body. “It was all over the police band yesterday. I wanted to cover the story on that one, but Mike got it.”

Dale paused to sweep a lock of perfect blonde hair out of her eyes, then barreled on full speed. “Police are saying it was a gas explosion, but Mike did some checking—the house was all electric. So either the cops are full of it or they are covering the fact that they still don’t know shit about what’s going on. Stuff like that’s why I carry my rape prevention kit.”

“You... You’re, uh...,” Liz was about to point out the change in hair colour, but stopped dead and blinked as Dale’s showy, but tasteful, top got a lot fuller and showier—and correspondingly less tasteful. ‘If she doesn’t see what’s happening to her there’s no way I could explain it.’

“You’re paranoid Dale,” Liz continued, trying not to sound like a stammering idiot. ‘Stop that! And put her back the way she was.’

Who me? asked the voice as it casually whistled. Not listening until you apologize.

“And you don’t believe you got a boob job and blue contacts—we’re both freaks. So what sort of strange things are happening?”

“You just called it—blue eyes and bigger boobs strange enough for you?”

‘Stop that!’ Liz almost screamed out loud as Dale’s clothes were resized and re-cut to emphasize her new figure. ‘What are you doing?’

Not listening. teases the voice as she makes Dale’s face up for a hot night on the town. Lighter hair and 25 less pounds and she’s hot—Admit it. We’ll have to loosen her up a lot before we could have any real fun though.

‘Don’t you dare mess with her head...’

Not lissss sening.

“Ok. I’m interested.” Dale intruded in the internal dialog as she flipped a blond hair out of her eyes and adjusted her glasses. She’s genuinely smiling, not the TV smile, and it looks good on her thinner, better defined face. Beautiful face. Beautiful enough to make a straight girl wet. “Tell me everything...”

Liz jerked her eyes off of Dale and bleated out “OK!”

‘OK! I’m sorry! I was rude. Now please put her back!’

* * *

“She looked like a bimbo.”

She looked classy. Admit it—you thought she was hot. I sure did and our tastes are pretty similar. All she needed was a little bit of work. And I did put her business suit back.

“You would call that a suit. Suits aren’t supposed to show that much... You know. Why didn’t she see what you were doing to her? Why didn’t any of the other people in there—god knows enough of them were staring at us.”

I didn’t want anyone too. I could have blown you both up like balloons and no one would have thought it was funny except me. We could have had our pick of the guys in there and made out in front of everybody and they would have just clapped and cheered.

“If it’s all so easy why didn’t you change her back?”

I don’t think you mean the apology yet. Besides I’m still mad at you, I still want to go to the beach and I still want to meet some guys.

“It’s December. It’s too cold to go to the beach you moron,” Liz snapped back.

Who’s the moron who just tried to explain magic boob jobs and eye tinting to a paranoid TV reporter?

“A TV reporter who is my best friend and you were busy turning into a slut.”

Oh ho no. Anyone who takes her for a slut is gonna be carried home in a box. She’s got a gun, a knife, a can of mace and a sonic alarm in her purse.

“You serious? I knew about the mace and I bought her the knife... But a gun?”

She’s got some sort-of ugly parts in her mind. She’s way too protective and really unhappy. But she’s good looking now, so she’s got no reason to be so upset.

“Oh that’s great logic,” Liz mocked as she pulled onto the highway.

Shows what you know. Beauty isn’t everything, but it sure helps. And she’s got a bit of a more positive attitude now.

Hey! Where’re we going? It’s too early! We can’t go home yet! If it’s too cold for the beach and too early for a club we can still go shopping! I wanna do something this afternoon.

“Fine. YOU find something to do. YOU entertain yourself. I’m going home. But first tell me what you did to Todd. You did more than just sleep with him didn’t you.”

I made him a bit better looking, yeah, and I taught him a few things about pleasing a lady. Can I drive?

“NO! I’m driving. A bit better looking? I’ve seen your idea of a bit. You made Dale a ‘bit’ better looking. You made my boobs a ‘bit’ bigger. D-did it ever occur to you that maybe you could have s-stopped at a D? Whuh what’d you do to make T-todd a ‘bit’ better looking? Give him a f-foot long cock?”

Don’t be silly. That wouldn’t fit. Oh! We could make it fit. Wouldn’t that be fun?

“N-no. hhhuuh No. L-leave us alone.oh.”

You never want to try anything new. You can be almost as boring as my sister. At least you’re not my sister. All she ever wanted to do was hurt people. She wasn’t very nice and we’re all better off without her.

“Whuuuhat are you anyway? Who are y-yooou.”

I dunno anymore. I’m just me and right now I’m sorta you so that makes me Liz too.

“’mmmm Liz. Can’t b-both be Liz.uhh!”

Ok. You’re Liz and I’m Beth. Both parts of the same name. Just like we’re sort of the same person now.

“B-beth. Gramma was B-beth. ‘s why ‘mmmm Liz.”

And Grandma is in California... Oops. Hold on a second we just missed the turn off. Maybe you’d better start driving again. Darn. I was having soo much fun.

“Whuhat? Omigod! Yuh...”

Oh. I’d better keep driving while you finish. I hope you don’t mind if we just go around in circles for a while it’s hard to pull directions when all you’re thinking about is Todd. And it’s not THAT big. But we could make it that big! Would you like that Liz?

“Nuhhhh. YEEEESSSSSS! Yeessss!”

Oh good! Finally something new! Do we want to turn here Liz?


Liz? Oops. Guess that’s a little bit too much fun for right now, but it is entertaining right Liz? Ooooh do that again. Oh! Wait, no! I need that hand.


* * *

A few hours later Liz’s car sat out front of her house shining like it was new while Liz tried on a hot new dress.

* * *

When Todd came in this morning, a bit late, Maria almost started to drool. She wasn’t alone and she prayed that she’d disguised it better than some of the others, but she was the lucky one to be running his section. Normally Maria would have let ten minutes slide given Todd’s excellent record, but today... Wow. She’d called him on the carpet just to get a better look at him; then she kept swinging by his desk to keep looking at him. By lunch she’d been openly flirting with him. She’d done that before—at the Christmas party—but that was business. She’d been doing it to bug the snooty chick Todd had come with. “Elisabeth” had been so plain about Todd’s position being beneath him, that he should have her job, that it got on Maria’s nerves. Sure, it was true. Todd being a guy, and with his work ethic, he probably would have her job if she didn’t have the MBA.

She paced near the doorway to Todd’s office glancing inwards as she worried and nervously toyed with her hair. At lunch the flirting had gone from teasing or massaging a male ego and into the more dangerous and blatant sexual harassment territory; worse, she’d been doing the harassing and she wanted to take things way, way beyond harassment. Since lunch she hadn’t gotten any work done; she kept touching up her make-up and adjusting her clothes trying to find what caught Todd’s attention when she swung by his office. Displaying more breast did, but it wasn’t a very good idea to walk around the office with her blouse open so she stopped outside his office, fluffed out her hair, and compromised by undoing the top three buttons.

‘Cool it girl. He’s the best worker I’ve got. If I hadn’t worked harder he’d be on top of me.’

Todd on top of you, says a voice from off in the distance. I bet you’d like that!

“No takers on that bet.” Maria muttered then paused for a moment as she forced her bra up higher to make breasts stand out more. That sounded like Miss Murray, her fourth grade teacher—the one who taught her that girls didn’t just have to do girl stuff and the voice she’s subconsciously assigned to her conscience and advisor.

‘There’s no one here,’ thought Maria taking a quick look around. ‘Someone’s playing a joke.’

No joke—go on in. Close the door and have a little fun. It’s not like he’s married.

‘Him and Elisabeth? They might as well be. You should be telling me to stay well away and go back to work.’

You don’t want to work—work’s dull. Look at him. Todd and Elisabeth aren’t married. You want to and he wants to; otherwise he wouldn’t look at you the way he does.

On cue Todd glanced up from his work and looked right at her. His eyes sank to her chest and then bounced back up to meet her eyes.

‘But I can’t sleep with one of my employees—I’ll get busted for harassment!’

It’s only harassment if he doesn’t want it—you can make him want it. You know how...

Maria’s troubled expression became a smile as she closed the door.

* * *

Todd knew he was in trouble. Maria had been watching him like a hawk all day. Ten minutes late never caused her this much concern with anyone else; so he knew something had gone wrong. Every ten or fifteen minutes she was in his office making small talk, trying to put him at ease, but the last few drop-ins had been quite disquieting. She’d sit on the corner of his desk like she wanted him to stare at her legs. She’d lean over like she wanted him to look down her blouse. She kept him, even after Liz’s amazing efforts this morning, in a state of constant arousal. He hadn’t been able to get any work done since lunch. It was a toss up as to whether that lack of progress or Maria’s projected availability was frustrating him worse.

‘Shit. Maybe it was that blonde joke yesterday at lunch and she’s on a harassment kick. Here she comes, right on time. Have I been staring at her tits? Oh hell. Maria’s smiling. And closing the door. Fuck fuck fuck.’

“Ok Maria—I give. What’d I do wrong?”

“Nothing,” Maria said as she moved around the desk; her walk emphasizing her legs and her posture adjusted to allow her breasts to compete for attention. “You’ve just seemed a bit distracted today. Is everything right at home?”

She stopped beside him; her legs slightly apart, left hand on her hip, and her upper torso leaning slightly forward as if she wanted to give him a better look down her blouse. Todd turned his chair to face her, feeling uncomfortable. It was like she was trying to trap him. For some reason she was really pissed off and was trying to sucker him into getting himself fired and blacklisted. Either that or she was really trying to finish that flirting she started at the Christmas party in grand fashion. There were few responses that a man could make at this point and his body had already made the most obvious of them, so he straightened up and started to speak.

Then her eyes grabbed him.

Maria’s blue eyes seemed to glow with an inner light as she gazed at him, then the shining blue eyes drifted downwards to check out her handiwork as Todd shifted in his seat and his heart started to race.

“Oh my god,” she whispered. Her conscience had gone silent, but there was no need for it anymore. She knew what she had to do.

For Todd it was like being hit by a hammer. One moment he was on the verge of ordering his boss out of his office and the next had him wanting it as much as when Liz went at him in the bathroom this morning.

‘God, Liz was wild. She’d never looked that good or did anything like that before,’ Todd thought as Maria planted her squirming body on his lap and kissed him. His arms slid around his manager as he remembered Liz’s lips on his, her body pressed against him, her hips moving expertly up and down. He started to respond. His hands and tongue explored the girl in his lap until she let out a musical sigh and snapped him out of the memory. He was with Maria, not Liz. It was Maria he was about to lift up and spread out on his desk. Maria he was making love to while dreaming of Liz.

Arms full of that and he still thinks of us first. I really like him, came a voice, Liz’s he thinks, from in the distance.

Despite his condition, Todd had let go and was about to dump Maria off his lap when Liz piped up again, louder, laughing happily. Close the blinds and enjoy her Todd. She’s a gift.

Maria moaned as her fingers scrabbled at the remaining buttons of her blouse. Todd helped and quickly both were too busy to close the blinds.

* * *

Liz was getting turned on just looking at the new Todd. Between Beth egging her on and her own fantasies it was all she could do to keep her hands off and keep eating.

“You remember that girl from the Christmas party Liz?” Todd asked over the dinner table.

“Huh? Maria? The one who was eyeing you all night?”

“Well she did more than just eye today. It was weird—like she’d never seen a guy before. I was about to send her packing and the next thing I know she’s all over me and then under my desk going down on me looking up at me with these fantastic blue eyes. Uh... Not as nice as yours. I invited her over for New Years so we can... I—I thought you... You’re not mad are you?”

“Yes. But I’m not mad at you. Excuse me Todd,” Liz said smiling sweetly and boiling with rage.


Well? If he’s going to have to share you with other guys then it’s only fair that we share him with other girls. My sister never shared—she’d finish with guys before I got to have any fun. I hated that about her.

‘But Todd wouldn’t just let Maria...’ Liz has a flashback to the drive home. A sort of hazy day dream, but Liz can feel herself getting turned on by it. She was talking to Beth. Talking about something about Todd and then feeling all tingly and pop. No more memory until she got home.

‘Beth you didn’t.’

Sure I did. You wanna see? It looks real nice. You’ll love it. Maria sure did.

‘Oh god Beth I meant the car, but you did THAT too? You turned my Fiancé into a slut! He just banged his manager and he doesn’t care.’

No, he’s not a slut. He’s just a little bit less discriminating. He’d been sort of wondering about Maria a bit too. You would too if you stopped to look—I’d do her. She’s not as good looking as us though and now Todd won’t have to wonder anymore—he knows we can treat him better. We sure did this morning!

‘You did this morning. I slept through it. Put him back to normal.’

But I like him this way and there is no way old Todd would be any fun after the workouts he’s had today.

“Liz? You all right?”

“Just a little stressed out Todd.”

“I know how to get you relaxed,” Todd said as he leaned over the table and kissed her. As Todd stood up and walked around the table Liz could hardly miss the massive bulge that started in his jeans and continued up under his shirt.

‘Oh god Beth. You really did it. That’s ridiculous. It’d never fit.’

Sure it would. I made sure of that first thing.

“My God,” stammered Liz as Todd started massaging her shoulders with a strength and skill that wasn’t there last night. ‘Ok, but you are putting us both back to normal as soon as we’re done.’

Todd’s hands caressed, his mouth whispered and nibbled. Liz started to melt out of her chair.

‘Beth? Are you doing this? It feels unreal.’

No this is all Todd—driving you nuts at the dinner table actually is one of his fantasies; you should see what he wants to try out in a restaurant! He’s just been scared to try suggesting anything like this with you out of bed. You’ve both really got to loosen up. Lean back, enjoy it, and don’t fall out of the chair.

Liz pressed back against Todd and sighed. ‘Uh, Beth? What happened to the back of the chair? Where’d the food on the table go?’

Shhhh. Just go with it—he might be up to doing you on the table so I just took a head start. Think about the hands and what they are doing if you have to, but just feel them. Feel his lips, his tongue, his body.

Beth’s voice was sliding away as Todd became closer, more real than ever and Liz was drifting and floating, more being held up by Todd. Her blouse open she couldn’t quite remember how. ‘Oh god, his hands.’

Liz was bent around, twisted a bit, but was comfortable because she was pressed up against his body while Todd was making love to her mouth. Oh god, his hands.

‘He never did anything like this before... Oh god, his hands.’

Because he was too scared to. Passion’s my thing and bravery’s a part of passion.

‘Oh god, his hands.’

Could you get back to the lips thing? I liked that better... Oooo maybe not. Get him to do that again.

“Again. Do that again” Either Beth or Liz moaned. Neither was sure which and neither cared as their body quaked. “Oh god, your hands.”

* * *

At some point they’d migrated to a hallway and now they were on the stairs headed to their bedroom, but with what Todd was doing right now there didn’t seem to be any reason to hurry.

‘I think I’ve come already,’ thought Liz happily while she squirmed. Or was Beth squirming? Didn’t matter. ‘And he hasn’t even started with your monster.’

Once? Are you kidding? You better catch up then. Between you and him—I’ve never felt like this before, but then I’ve never really been in someone else who’s doing this.

‘It wasn’t like this this morning?’

No! I was totally in control and I had to push harder to getwoooooooo. Beth’s mental speech died into a moan as Liz’s body jerked frantically.

And banged her head on a step.

WOW! I-I think Maria taught him something. That’s not one of mine. Wow I think we oughta let Todd invite her over for New Years.

“Won’t need fireworks for sure,” gasped Liz as her hands released the grip they clamped on Todd’s head.

She rubbed the back of her head as her body slowly relaxed.

“Wooo. That left a mark.”

“Sorry Liz,” said Todd. “Was the rest OK?”

“Oh god, was it,” Liz started to say. Beth finished it.

‘I think we owe him something extra special for that effort Liz.’ Beth thought to Liz as they slid down Todd, rolled him onto his back, and started on his pants.

Oh no, no way Beth. I can’t do that!

‘Sure you can. It’ll be even easier on the stairs once he sits up a bit.’

OK—I’m NOT doing that.

“Are you sure?” asked Beth aloud as they came face to face with what was sticking out the top of his underwear.

“What’s wrong Liz, you liked it this morning,” said a confused Todd as Liz pushed back into control and started to pull away.

“Why does this keep coming back to what happened this morning?” Liz asked.

“Because I think the rest of my life will keep coming back to this morning. You looked so perfect and what you did... It was all I could think of even when Maria was...” Todd paused as he saw the look on Liz’s face. “I’m sorry Baby. I didn’t mean to bring that up. It’s just that this morning you were so amazing.”

“It wasn’t me. I don’t really know what it was this morning, but it wasn’t me.”

“What? What do you mean?”

“It was me, but it wasn’t... I don’t know how to describe it. It’s like this voice in my head is telling me to do things; changing things. I wish it had been me this morning, but it was her. I wanted to give you something to remember your whole life and she went and did it. God I wish it was me.”

REALLY? You wish you’d been me? Oh! You’re the best friend in the world! Squealed Beth as she gave a sisterly ethereal hug.

“Huh. Whoever you were this morning you should listen to her more often,” Todd advised before kissing Liz. “Both of you were amazing.”

Oh wow! Todd loves us Liz! He really does. Kiss him! If you don’t I will, so it might as well be you since you are sort of me.

Liz felt her mind go slightly fuzzy like in the car, but it was a good sort of fuzzy. A better fuzzy because it was her idea to let go this time. Her face lit up, eyes practically glowing, as she smiled, kissed her fiancé, slid happily down his body, and tugged the pants out of the way.

“Liz? I thought you didn’t want to do that? God! Liz!”

“Call me Beth when we do this...” Liz said pulling off Todd momentarily.

* * *

You won Beth, Liz said staring up at the dark ceiling. You turned me into a slut. Didn’t even take you a day and you turned me into a slut.

‘You aren’t a slut,’ Beth thought back staring up at the same ceiling. ‘All you did was what you wanted to do and it was only one guy—a slut would have done that to everybody. That’s what sluts do. They don’t care. You like Todd and I like Todd and we made Todd happy. That’s not being a slut. I thought I wanted to be a slut, but now I’m not sure. If Todd can treat us like that every night we won’t need anyone else.

‘And I can make it so he can do that every night so we don’t need anyone else so we’ll never ever need to be sluts!

‘Doesn’t mean we can’t look around and party a little now and then does it?’

No. We can party a little bit. But my little bits—not yours. And don’t bother putting Todd back. I kind of like him this way

‘I knew you would,’ Beth thought as she kissed Todd’s cheek and whispered. “I like him too. After tonight we owe him his table fantasy.”

“Wanna do it at a restaurant?” finished Liz.