The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Body Scanner


Chapter 21 – Plot, Plot and Counter-Plot

I’d been driving for about 5 minutes when I saw police lights right behind me. They were low profile lights in the grill of a car that was following me closely. I glanced quickly to confirm I wasn’t speeding so I figured he must want to get past me. So I pulled over to the side. My heart sunk as he followed me. I’ve always hated the feeling you get when you are pulled over. Usually in the past I’d done something wrong and knew I was caught so the feeling was even worse. Today however, I was feeling confident that I hadn’t done anything at all.

Jen asked, “Why is he pulling us over?”

“Not sure, I don’t think I did anything wrong.” I knew the drill though and pulled out my license and got the insurance card and registration from the glove box as the officer sat behind me in his car for a minute. Running my plates I guess.

I watched the officer get out of his car and my first thought was that he was huge. He was a really big African American man but he wasn’t in uniform. As he approached my car he pulled out a wallet with a badge and showed it to me as he said the cliché, “License, Insurance and Registration please. Do you know why I pulled you over?”

I saw from his badge that he was a state police trooper. “No, officer. I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong.” I handed him my documentation and he glanced at my license.

“Well, Mr. Stiltson, your driving was fine but you have a missing tail light.” He stood looking at the documentation for a moment.

From the backseat behind me I heard, “RJ is that you?”

The officer stiffened in surprise, quickly looking in the seat behind me.

“Well, I’ll be damned. Hi Lisa, what are you doing here?” I noticed a very troubled look on his face.

“I’m going to dinner with my friend Jen and her boyfriend Walter. What are you up to? Don’t you usually wear a state trooper uniform when you’re working?”

“I’m off duty, but figured I’d let the driver know they were missing a light. Not safe to be driving at night with a light out.” It seemed like he was going to say something else but he stopped himself.

“RJ is a great friend of mine from College!” Lisa informed everyone.

“RJ, if you are off duty, why don’t you come out to dinner with us!”

RJ handed me back my license, insurance and registration. “I’d love to but…well its complicated. Could we talk privately?” This was directed at Lisa. I didn’t know if he was hitting on her, but it didn’t really seem that way, in fact it sounded important the way he said it.

“Why don’t we head back to my apartment and you guys can catch up? I’ll move our dinner reservations to later tonight. It’ll give me a chance to fix the taillight too. No big deal. “

Lisa clapped her hands and said, “That’s a wonderful idea.” RJ nodded his head and headed back to his car. I looked back at Lisa and she just shrugged, “Not sure what that’s about” she offered. As I turned around and RJ followed me back Jennifer leaned over and whispered to me, “I know what Lisa’s punishment should be, do you mind if I handle it?” “I was a little distracted by the fact that I wasn’t getting a ticket and in fact the cop was now coming back to my apartment.

“No, that’s fine.”

Jennifer leaned back and was whispering to Lisa. I only caught a few whispered words, “RJ”, “three” and “or you’ll get a spanking!” The girls all giggled at that last part as Jennifer had intentionally said it louder.

We parked and I saw RJ parking just a few spots behind me. We all got out and waited for RJ to walk up. I could see RJ’s eyes bugging slightly as he approached us and got a good appreciation for how pretty the four women were and how hotly they were dressed. Lisa went up to him and gave him a big hug. Despite her height and heels she came up to just above his chin. The hug was a little longer than what you’d normally see even between friends and when I glanced at Jennifer she had the smirk back on her face and she raised her eyebrow at me.

Lisa turned still holding tightly to RJ’s arm and introduced each of us in turn. I shook his hand as did the other three. Lisa never let go of his left arm. Sighing, I knew Jennifer was up to something but that usually turned out OK so I led the way to the apartment. I pulled out my key but as I put it in I realized that the door was unlocked. I thought back to when we left, I could have sworn that I locked it. However, I was a little distracted being the focus of attention for four women.

So I simply opened the door and stepped inside. I noticed right away that the door to the basement was open. I was 100% sure that I’d left it closed. Now alarm bells were going off in my head. Signaling to the others to be quiet I ushered everyone in and explained in a whisper that the front door had been unlocked and that someone had been in the basement or was still in the basement. Just then we all heard a noise from the basement.

In fact, it was someone coming up the stairs. I hadn’t turned on any lights so it was still pretty dark upstairs. RJ put his hand on my arm to stop me as I moved toward the basement door and he moved forward drawing a pistol. A slight figure appeared on the stairs, visible in the dim light. He obviously hadn’t seen us or heard us. RJ shouted in a loud voice, “Freeze! Police! Put your hands up!”

The intruder froze and raised his hands, managing to drop something as he did. I realized it was a nice SLR camera. RJ told him, “Move forward, slowly.” As the figure moved out of the stairway and into the room I realized that I knew him. It was Daniel from work. Daniel was one of the IT guys in the office and generally a nice kid.

“Daniel? What the hell are you doing in my apartment?”

“Oh, shit, I’m so sorry Walter. Dianna made me do it.” His face was red and he was talking quickly. RJ quickly handcuffed him and patted him down.

“What do you mean Dianna made you do it? Do what?” I immediately knew the Dianna he was talking about; my ‘official’ boss. I’d often seem them talking to each other at work. I’d always figured he was just helping her with IT problems. Now I saw their conversations in a whole new light.

“She wanted me to get proof that you were stealing company secrets.” At my questioning look he turned a little more red and continued in a sheepish voice. “She had me install listening software on the whole department’s computers a while back. She heard you talking and she thinks you stole technology to build your own body scanner. She wanted me to get proof from your apartment.”

“That’s bullshit, I didn’t steal any info from the company! If she suspected that I stole something, why have you break in? Why not just call the police?”

Daniel shrugged. “I figured she didn’t want it to be ‘official’ if you know what I mean.”

He looked so upset with the whole situation that I couldn’t help but feel bad for him. “RJ, its ok, I work with Daniel. Let me talk to him and I’ll get to the bottom of this.”

RJ looked at me and then at Lisa, she quickly nodded. RJ shrugged and unlocked the handcuffs. Lisa took RJ’s arm again and Jennifer moved over to them and quietly spoke with them for a moment. Lisa nodded and pulled RJ toward the basement. “We need to talk privately,” she said to Walter “and we’ll leave you guys to sort out your work mess.”

Kira and Valery both headed off with Jennifer to her bedroom leaving me with Daniel. “Ok, Daniel. What’s the deal? Is Dianna trying to set me up? I didn’t steal anything, is she trying to frame me?” I sat down at the kitchen table and motioned Daniel to the other chair.

“Well, maybe she just wants you to do what she tells you and its her way of blackmailing you. I’ve been doing what she tells me for a while now.”

I was going back in my mind over all the conversations I’d had in my office the last couple of days. Shit, she probably knew about Rachael and I. That explained some of the looks I’d noticed her giving us.

Jennifer walked back into the kitchen and gave me an inquisitive look. I shook my head and waved her off. She headed into the basement, I guess to check on Lisa and RJ.

“How is she getting you to do what she wants?” I couldn’t help but wonder if she’d discovered something similar to my machine.

Daniel turned even redder, “I, um, I’ve had a crush on her and she said we’d be together if I helped her with a few things.“ He looks at me and says, “It sounds really stupid when I say it like that, but each time I think we are going to hook up she wants me to do one more little thing. The favors started out really small, but got bigger; like putting that listening software on all the dept computers. Taking some pictures in your apartment was the last thing that I was going to do for her! I’m really sorry, I wasn’t thinking right.”

“Its ok, Daniel, I’m not mad at you. This is all Dianna. I’m glad you told me what’s been going on.”

I got Daniel a glass of water since he looked like he really needed it and sat there deep in thought. The first thought that flashed into my mind was that Dianna somehow knew about the power my body scanner seemed to have. That was crazy though. I barely believed it and I had been the one living it. There’s no way she could know about that or even suspect it.

But that thought brought me up short, it really didn’t matter what Dianna knew or didn’t know. What if someone else DID get his or her hands on my body-scanning machine? That possibility seemed more real than ever to me given Daniel’s break in.

I loved the thought of having this ‘power’ but it really scared me too. The thought of someone with truly evil intentions getting control of my Body Scanner frankly scared the shit out of me. What should I do?

As I sat there looking at Daniel stare at his glass of water, I thought about options. I figured I needed to approach things scientifically. As a first step, I should at least make sure that no one else but me could use the machine. I’d meant to do that anyway, but that would be a good first step for tonight. Then I really needed to understand the effect that the machine was having on people. Was it just temporary or were the changes permanent?

I got up and was on autopilot making a pot of coffee. Daniel just sat at the table staring down and looking scared and embarrassed. I took my time, grinding the beans and made it just the way I liked it. I decided that I should call James and ask him for his advice too. He knew about the machine already and he was always good at looking at problems from different angles.

The coffee done, I had just sat back down at the table with my nicely brewed cup when the basement door burst open. Jennifer stood framed in the doorway and I could tell she was angry about something. Right behind her I could see RJ and Lisa coming up the stairs. Jennifer stepped into the room and said, “You’ve got to listen to these two and what Mathew’s been up to!”

She motioned Daniel to get up “Come with me, they need to talk in private!”

Daniel got up and RJ and Lisa both sat down. I felt a little dazed by everything going on this evening. “Would you like a coffee?” At their hesitation, I added, “Its fresh.” That got two nods. So I got up and quickly fixed two more coffees. That gave my surprised brain a chance to catch up.

“Ok, what do you need to tell me about what Mathew’s been up to?”

They glanced at each other and Lisa nodded toward RJ for him to start. “Well, sir its like this. Mathew set you up to get arrested. Well, actually I set you up but only because Mathew forced me to do it. I’m really sorry.”

“What do you mean, setup to be arrested? What did you do and why would you do that?”

RJ continued, “I planted some weed in your car under your seat and I’m the one who took out your tail light. I’ll fix it sir, I just unscrewed the light bulb.” He paused a moment glancing at Lisa.

She picked up the narrative, “It turns out that Mathew has some pictures of RJ with a rather young woman that isn’t his wife. He’s been holding it over RJ’s head and told him he’d finally give him all the evidence if he set you up and arrested you. He wanted you ‘out of the picture’.”

“I couldn’t lose my family and my job just over one drunken night. I think the bastard set the whole thing up just to get pictures too. He must have drugged me, I’ve never been that drunk before.”

My head was spinning again, how could Mathew set me up? Jennifer had put him in the machine. Maybe the machine’s affect really was temporary or some people were immune to it. That thought made me glance at Lisa with more than a little trepidation. How would she feel if all of a sudden all the commands she’d been given wore off. I don’t think she’d be too happy about the whole situation, that’s for sure!

Lisa went on, “RJ was going to go through with it until he saw me in the backseat tonight. We were really good friends in college and he knew that if there was weed in the car he’d have to take us all in. So he decided to come clean.” She giggled at that but I didn’t get what was funny.

I asked Lisa, “Did you know Mathew was doing any of this?” She looked hurt by the question, “No absolutely not. He never shared this side of himself with me.”

As surprised as I was to hear I’d been setup to be arrested by Mathew and the implications that had for my machine. The little ‘sir’ that RJ had thrown in a couple times as he was talking surprised me even more. He hadn’t had any deferential attitude about him whatsoever earlier, but now he did. Glancing at the basement door gave me a whole other thought! Shit!

Turning to Lisa, I said, “Come here, I want to talk to you for a second.” She stood right up and we retreated deeper into the kitchen, out of RJ’s earshot. “What did you guys do in the basement?”

“Well, first I did my punishment. I made RJ come just using my hands in less than three minutes!” There was a look of pride on her face. I was not entirely surprised at the punishment Jennifer had assigned to her since I was getting to know Jennifer and her kinky mind.

“Then Jennifer brought RJ into our secret sex club. That’s when he told us everything.”

Double shit. I was about to lock down the machine and I had a ton of concerns about how it might or might not affect people and she was still using it.

Moving quickly to the basement door, I opened it and went down. I got to the bottom of the stairs just in time to see Daniel stepping out of the scanner. Jennifer was at the controls. It was too late.

“Let’s all head upstairs.” Jennifer and Daniel followed me up. I spoke loudly so everyone in the apartment could hear me. “I don’t want anyone to go into the basement without my express permission. Each time you go into the basement you need my permission. Is that clear?”

I heard everyone say “yes” or “yes, sir” in response. Good that should keep Jennifer from using the machine anymore. I needed to fix this before it got out of control. I picked up my cell phone and called Rachael and James and asked them to come over right away, but to be safe. I didn’t want them rushing to follow an order and have an accident or something.

“Jennifer, can you get everyone a glass of wine? Why don’t you all relax and watch a movie or something.” I went back to sipping my coffee and thinking about the best way to fix everything. Before I knew it there was a knock at the front door. Glancing at my watch 15 minutes had gone by.

I opened the door and Rachael and James were there. I got a great hug from Rachael and James slapped my shoulder as he went by.

“Hey guys, no going into the basement without my specific permission. Ok?”

“Sure”, they both responded.


Rachael grabbed some wine and went with the women. James followed me into the kitchen. “Is everything ok?” he quickly picked up on my mood.

I told him the whole story of the evening and he listened carefully just asking a few questions.

When I was done, he said, “I’m sorry, Walter. I feel responsible. I’m supposed to be watching the security of the club and I should have extended that to your whole apartment and everything in it.”

“James, this isn’t your fault at all. I don’t want you to blame yourself.”

Well, Ok, “What are you going to do?”

I thought for a moment, “I’m going to have to destroy the machine. I don’t want to destroy it but I can’t risk it falling into someone else’s hands. I want to use it to fix everything and then I’ll make sure that no one else can control it. I’ll have to use it on everyone to try and undo what’s been done.“

He nodded his head and then looking past me said, “Hi Jennifer”. I turned to see Jennifer coming into the kitchen behind me carrying an empty wine bottle. “We need a refill.”

I put a smile back on my face and said, “We might have to postpone our dinner.”

She smiled back, “I anticipated that and just ordered a whole bunch of Thai take out for everyone.”

“Perfect” I replied. “After you get them set with the wine can you meet me in the basement?”

“Will do.” She looked happy at the idea of being in the basement with me.

I headed down and warmed the machine up getting it all set so that it would start with the simple push of a button. After a minute Jennifer came downstairs as well.

“Jennifer, I’d like to take your aura picture again tonight.”

“That sounds great. I think it’ll probably be warm inside again” she slid her hands up her slinky dress and undid it behind her neck. The dress dropped in a puddle at her feet leaving her standing in lacey white panties and bra. They were so sheer that they really just did more to tantalize than conceal her full breasts and neatly shaved pussy. With her trim body and heart stopping legs showcased in her low heels, she looked incredible.

Was I a fool or what? I was going to give up both Jen and all the sex with the other women just to do the right thing and destroy my machine before someone else got control of it? I couldn’t believe I was doing it, but I knew that it was the right thing to do. I didn’t want to see anyone get hurt.

She moved toward the entrance to the Body Scanner but stopped in the doorway before going in. I was having trouble taking my eyes off her ass cheeks as they moved enticingly in the sheer panties when she walked. “Walter, I think the pedestal in here is broken. Will aura camera work right without the pedestal?”

I had no idea if the lack of a pedestal would make the machine work differently. Looking in the view window, sure enough, the pedestal was off kilter to one side and she clearly wouldn’t be able to stand on it. That had happened a few times in the past and was easy enough to fix.

Moving over to the door I said excuse me as she brushed by me. I loved the feeling of her soft, full breast and rubbed into my arm. Her breast brushing me was almost enough for me to have second thoughts about what I was doing. I had to smile to myself that I was that easily swayed by the slightest touch of a covered breast. I shook off my second thoughts about fixing everything and quickly knelt down to right the pedestal.

It was tougher than I expected as it was really stuck to one side on an angle and kind of jammed, but I was able to work it free and get it set back on its track. Standing up triumphantly, I stepped on it and jumped up and down a few times to make sure it was seated. “Good as new.”

I heard a whirring sound all around me. Oh SHIT! Looking at the view window I saw Jennifer standing at the controls to the body scanner. She had just started the machine. I darted for the door as fast as I could. I didn’t even get off the pedestal before I felt all-encompassing warmth wash over my entire body. It felt great. It was better than I could have imagined. It stopped me in my tracks; there was no need to move.

In fact, I didn’t want to move. I didn’t need to move. I was perfectly relaxed. I heard Jennifer’s voice say something as if from far away but at the same time from within my head. “I’m sorry Walter, this was the only way to help you.” I knew she was right of course. As soon as I heard her words I knew they were the truth; there was no question in my mind.

I stood there waiting for her to say something else. Some timeless period later she started, “Walter, you like being in charge. You enjoy being a ‘demanding director’ and you know that your director role is right for you. You directing others is how things should always be. You enjoy giving commands but you also like having your needs anticipated by those you command. You really love both your vision as well as the reality of your own worldwide secret sex club. The club is made up of single women, married women, couples and whoever else you would like to see join.”

As Jen paused I was busy processing what she’d told me. It made so much sense; it was easy to understand what she was saying.

Of course I liked being a demanding director; I always had fantasies about being in charge of other people, women especially. I was just too scared before or the opportunity wasn’t right. But when I could, I enjoyed commanding people and having them anticipate what I wanted was great as well. Having my own worldwide sex club; I’d always loved that thought and fantasy but I’d lacked the way to make it happen in the real world.

Her voice continued, “You really like having sex with married or committed women in front of their spouse or boyfriend. You are much more relaxed about having sex, when and how you have it. You’ll enjoy using your machine to expand your sex club.”

Who wouldn’t love to have sex with a married woman in front of her husband or boyfriend? They would have to follow my commands even if they didn’t want to! I was happy to have sex wherever and whenever I wanted to. As for my machine, it was so obvious now, with my machine I could now see a way to create my worldwide sex club and I loved the thought. It was so elegant.

Jen’s beautiful voice continued, “With each person you add to the club you’ll want to find a way to help them become a better person. You will help use your club and machine to make the world a better place. “

That made sense, I wasn’t a bad guy, I didn’t want to anything evil; just have some fun and help some people. Yes, I really liked helping people; using my machine JUST to satisfy my own needs was too selfish. I’d use it to help people and I’d try to ‘make the world a better place’. I’d have to give that some more thought.

“For yourself, you’ll find that having sex with club members is incredible. You’ll have huge orgasms, bigger than any you’ve had before today and you’ll enjoy the sex more than you ever have in the past. You’ll find that you get great control over when you get an erection and that your recovery time between orgasms is dramatically increased. Over time your sex drive will increase until it gets to a level that you are happy with. You’ll find that you’ll tend to focus more on the good things in life and you’re able to find happiness easily.”

I had assumed that the sex would be incredible, but to know it would be was great. As a teenager there were a few times in class where I’d gotten a raging hard on and was petrified that someone would notice before I could make it go away. More control over that would be great. The ability to have sex quicker after cuming would definitely help given all the women in my life lately. I’d always tried to be a positive person so it made sense to focus on good things in life. This all made perfect sense.

“Finally, you’ll want to ensure that your machine doesn’t fall into the wrong hands that you’ll always be able to control it and its technology. But you can’t do this all by yourself; it’ll be too much, you have to delegate to others that you trust and they can help anticipate your needs.”

Security of the machine and the technology was of the utmost importance, especially given everything that had happened to me tonight. It would be too much just for me, but I had some good friends that I could happily delegate some responsibilities to.

I stood there waiting.

Jen’s voice came through again with a little quiver to it. “I’m sorry for tricking you Walter, but I did it to help complete your vision. I hope you forgive me.”

How could I not forgive Jen? She was just trying to anticipate my needs and help me to fulfill my own vision.

A moment later the warmth left me and I once again found myself standing in my Body Scanner. I felt normal. I didn’t feel different at all. Thinking about the secret sex club and my scanner I remembered how I felt before. I remember being convinced that I needed to shut it down and fix everything. I didn’t feel that way now. The better option was to use it in a smart way and to make sure it was secure.

It would require a lot of thought on how to proceed, but I really wanted to create my vision of a true world wide secret sex club. I’d never told anyone about my fantasy but now it could be a reality. It sent a thrill through me just thinking about it.

As I stood there I realized that I felt good, more confident then normal even. I knew that Jen had changed me in the machine. I remembered all her commands to me. She hadn’t changed me in big ways though and she hadn’t tried to really control me. The funny part was I didn’t mind the changes. I’d already accepted them and couldn’t even imagine going back to the way I used to feel.

I tried to analyze my feelings because they surprised me a little bit. The best analogy that I could come up with was as if I had suddenly lost 20 extra pounds and gotten into really good shape. My in-shape self could easily remember what it was like to NOT be in good shape, but I would feel absolutely no desire to go back to when I was a couch potato and looked like one too.

Smiling, I opened the door and walked out of the scanner. I had more important things to think about then an internal debate about the way I used to and currently felt. One of those things that I needed to think about was staring at me with a worried expression on her face and clothed in only a very skimpy bra and panties.

“You have five seconds to get your clothing off and have my cock in your mouth.” The smile that lit Jen’s face as she caused her underwear to seemingly disappear was priceless to me.

This was going to be a long night so might as well enjoy it first.

My cock was hard by the time her lips touched me. She worked me further and further into her mouth with each stroke and it felt incredible. I decided to just let go and enjoy the sensations but it was too intense; this was easily the best blow job that she or anyone else had ever given me. I could feel my orgasm building rather quickly though so I pulled back and lifted Jen to her feet.

Moving her backward until she hit the couch, I spun her around and spread her oh so sexy tone legs. I pushed my still rock hard cock into her wet, tight, neatly trimmed pussy and began slowly fucking her. It took a few strokes to work my way all the way inside her. She was tight and felt great. Better than I could ever remember in fact. I noticed that the detail of every feeling and every sight that I enjoyed while I was fucking her seemed more real and stronger somehow. It was incredible.

Reaching down I began mauling her breasts, not doing it too hard, but making sure to pinch her nipples enough to send little jolts of pain through her. She seemed to like it. She was just moaning continuously now and once again I felt my orgasm building. So I picked up the pace fucking into her harder and faster. I made this all about me, just taking what I wanted. Jen didn’t seem to mind.

I could tell I was about to come. I tried to keep on the razor’s edge between not coming and coming for as long as I could. It was probably thirty seconds that I was able to prolong it before a massive orgasm hit me. I could feel my cock contracting again and again and again inside Jen’s gushing pussy; filling her with more cum than I’d have shot in my life.

It felt like I’d ejaculated the lower half of my body into her. She was slumped down on the couch with my two hands acting as her bra since I’d never let go of her breasts. I hoped I hadn’t squeezed them too hard when I came, but I’d been taken by surprise by the strength of my orgasm!

After a minute or two my cock was still hard. I felt like I could go for another round. However, looking at the clock reminded me that there were things I had to take care of tonight. Pulling out of her I stood up and gave her ass a nice playful slap.

“Get dressed, we’ve got a lot to do.”

Heading up the stairs, I’d already formulated a plan to deal with Dianna and Mathew. This might be fun.