The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Book of Love Spells

This is officially the first chapter, of the first story I have ever written. Constructive criticism is not only appreciated, I am begging for it!

Chapter 1: Being bought

Even at almost thirty, Sarah was still a sight to behold. Not a petite woman, she learned years ago that she was taller than most women and even many of the men she encountered. Her shoulder length red hair was pulled back in a clip, and wispy strands framed her face. As it was her day off, she was in her usual sweater and jeans. The only real mark of a figure was the cleavage that peeked out of the top of pink cashmere. Her perfectly applied makeup was subtle except for the deep raisin that accented her perfectly formed lips.

Wandering through the bookstore, she had no idea that she was about to come upon a book that would change her life. She had spent most of the afternoon looking haphazardly through various New Age and occult books. She glanced at a few astrology books, and thumbed through some books on mystical gardening, but none of them really seemed to hold her interest. She was bored. She hadn’t decided if she was bored with the bookstore or with existence when something caught her eye. In the corner of the third shelf from the top, she saw a very plain black book with gold lettering that drew her attention. The book was small and leather bound, and the lettering that read “Love Spells” seemed to glow iridescently.

Sarah laughed at herself as she pulled the odd little book off the shelf. She was well past the age in which love spells were needed. Sarah herself had been married for over eight years to a wonderful man who she had nabbed without any such notions. Still the romantic in her just needed a peek at the contents of the book. Finding a comfy chair, in the corner of the bookstore, she sat down, drew her legs up and opened the book with a distinctive crack.

The pages of the book were thick and turned as if the book had never been opened. The ink that the printers had used retained the same iridescent quality as she has noticed on the cover. The book began by telling some of the mythology behind love spells and the lengths to which people would go to find their true love. At the end of the first chapter was a disclaimer to the reader:

It is important to understand that no matter what colorful reason you may have for casting love spell; you are bending another person to YOUR will. While it is true that a person will not do things that they do not want to, always remember that there is a fine line between love and lust.

Sarah smiled to herself. People weren’t going to pay attention to any silly warning like that. People that were desperate enough to cast a love spell in the first place weren’t going to care about someone else’s will. They were too self absorbed to realize that the problem lied within themselves not the person on the receiving end of their foolish dabbling. Not that it mattered much, she thought to herself. There weren’t any spells in this book that were really going to work.

Her disgust with herself for even picking up the book in the first place grew the more she thought about it. Just as she was getting up to put the book back where she had found it the young man that worked at the book store walked around the corner and began picking up books from the table in front of her.

“Hey Sarah, how’s it going today?” He asked as he picked up a book on the First World War.

“Oh, it’s going okay. Just amusing myself with some nonsensical reading.” She replied. “Can you believe people actually buy into this crap?” She asked and thrust her hand forward showing off the book. Michael laughed when he saw the cover of the book. “You wouldn’t believe some of the things people buy in here. At least it isn’t a self-help book.”

Sarah felt the disdain rise up in her again, especially with the handsome young man fueling her on.

“Really, though, Michael. Listen to this.” She said as she randomly flipped the book open.

Jack be nimble,
and jack maybe quick,
but he will never match my wits.
Tell me the truth,
you can tell me no lies.

“Well that doesn’t even sound like a love spell to me. It doesn’t even rhyme! Does sound like one to you Michael?” Sarah asked absentmindedly as she thumbed through the book.

“I think it’s beautiful as long as you read it to me.” Michael demurely replied.

Sarah felt her neck crack as she whipped it away from the book to look at Michael. He was standing before her much the same as he had been a minute ago. Only now his arms were hanging slack at his sides and the books he had held so tightly the moment before were now perilously dangling from his fingertips.

“Michael, are you okay?” she asked concerned that he had suddenly become ill. She looked around for the manager of the store, but he was no where in sight.

“I am wonderful as long as you are around.” Michael replied, as if talking in his sleep.

The scary truth began to slowly creep across Sarah’s brain. There was no way that spell could have worked. Absolutely, no way. The analytical side of her brain was screaming at her that Michael had become sick all of a sudden, but there was this small part of her that wondered. She reached across the table and laid the underneath of her wrist on his forehead. There’s no fever, she thought to herself.

“I like it when you touch me.” Michael sighed from that dreamlike state. Sarah felt a shiver run down her spine. She had never looked at Michael in anyway other than that of a clerk at her favorite bookstore. Now, however, as he stood in front of her she noticed that she could almost see him in a different light.

What am I thinking, she asked herself. A. I’m a married woman, and B. Michael is obviously screwing with me for making fun of the book. She flipped the book open and found the incantation that she had read moments before. She found it under the heading truth spells:

Use this spell to induce a trance on the subject. While in trance, the subject will answer you honestly from his or her own personal feeling. When you have gleaned all the information you need, snap your fingers to end the spell.

This is entirely too cheesy, she thought to herself. From somewhere deep down, there was a part of her subconscious hoping that this was real.

“Okay Michael, if you are going to screw with me, lets see how far you will take it.” Before she realized that she was speaking out loud, Michael began to respond in that dreamlike voice. “I will screw with you any way you want. I’ve wanted to screw with you since the first time I saw you.”

Sarah practically fell backwards onto the chair. Had he taken her literally? Was he really answering her truthfully? Is he serious? Questions flew through Sarah’s brain. Snapping back to reality she began to realize that his work was probably not the best place to have put this boy in a trance.

“Michael, is your boss here?”

“No, It’s Tuesday, I am here till close by myself.”

Almost immediately, Sarah formulated a plan. “Do you get a break or lunch?” She asked Michael as she guided him to the front of the store. Knowing full well that she was the only customer in the store, she couldn’t help but look down each aisle as they made their way through. “Yes, I had my break, but I lock up between 4 and 5 for dinner.” Sarah looked down at her wrist; 3:45 was close enough.

“Where are your keys, Michael?” Sarah asked urgently.

“They are in my left pants pocket.”

Sarah reached into the pocket of his khakis without a second thought. As she dug around in the pocket, she heard the slightest gasp escape Michael’s lips as found the keys in close proximity to his manhood. She felt the blush rush across her face as she realized what she had done. She hadn’t given a thought to the sexual aspect of the predicament she was in. Until now, Her only thoughts had been to lock up the store, snap her fingers and find out if Michael remembered anything. Damage control had been foremost on her mind.

Now, however, she found herself in the most interesting of positions. To be in control of another person’s thoughts was so very intriguing.

“Michael, do you know what is going on right now?” “I believe you have cast a love spell on me.”

Well not exactly, she mused to herself. Sarah began to grow bolder with every question.

“Do you like being under this love spell?”

“I like anything that makes happy, Sarah.”

With his reply, Sarah felt heat flush her cheeks and neck. Why does this excite me so much, she queried herself? I am old that’s why. Shacking off the analytical side again she turned to look at Michael as if for the first time. He wasn’t much taller than she was, and his youthful appearance prevented him from being imposing in any way. His dark brown hair was slightly curled, and looked as if it would never be tamed. He had a fair complexion and as she walked around him she noticed the same freckles on his elbows as the ones that adorned his cheeks. He was lean, with just enough muscle on him that it had to come naturally. His chest looked firm and his stomach although by no means fat looked just a little soft through his shirt. He had almost elegant hands with long well formed fingers. Her eyes followed his fingers to where the fell just below his belt. She realized that her accidental touch while digging out the keys was still having an effect on the young man and she tor

e her eyes upward and landed her sight in the most vivid blue pools she had ever seen. His eyes were dazed, not really looking at anything, but they were so beautiful she couldn’t believe she had never noticed them before.

Ever one of her senses was screaming at her that this was wrong. She was treading in dangerous water. How could she justify what she was doing? Yet ever so slowly, her subconscious was arguing back. He would be under if he didn’t want to be now would he. He is speaking the truth and if he were uncomfortable he would have to tell you wouldn’t he. What seemed like hours in her brain, were only fractions of a second as the grin started to spread across her beautiful lips.

“Michael,“she purred. “If you could do anything in the world right now, what would you do?” He hesitated for only a second and then whispered.

“I’d kiss you”. She felt the warmth stir in her stomach as she watched his member strain against the khakis when he said it.

“Have you fantasized about me Michael?” Sarah stepped closer to Michael with each leading question.

“Yes,” was all he could whimper. Sarah felt the heat quickly through her abdomen and move deeper into her loins.

“Would you like to touch me?” She panted against his cheek. She hesitated when she didn’t hear a response. Then just as suddenly, his body shuddered under the strain.

“Please?“He breathed against her ear.

Sarah felt the flood between her legs erupt. As she snapped her fingers to break the trance, Michael grabbed the back of her hair and crushed his lips against hers. When Michael’s tongue slid past her lips, she reminded herself to buy that spell book before she went home.