The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Book of Zion: Dusty

By D.T and Mr Stepford

Dusty 5

When Dusty rejoined them Caroline smiled, “If I may so, Dustin, you look quite distinguished.“This compliment sent a warmth sensation through his body. “Thank you.....Sister” He replied, “Come” Grace said as she took his arm “It is time to meet the Bishop”. As they walked down the hall Dusty saw a women standing by the Bishop door. She was the most elegant women Dusty had ever seen. She was wearing a white channel inspired suit skirt with giant pearls around her neck and in her ears. Her blonde hair was style in way that remind Dusty of Grace Kelley.

“Sister Marilyn, what a blessing it is to see you” Grace said “I am always Blessed to be in your presence Sisters” Marilyn said as she hugged both of the sisters. “And you must be Dustin” Marilyn said as she gave him a hug. The feel of the fabric of her suit sent his mind a flutter. After finishing the hug Marilyn placed her hands on the sides of his arms and gently rub them. “I see Brother Matthew got his hands on” Dusty felt a strong motherly quality beaming from her and with it arsed a desire to please her like a devoted son would. “Once you are done with the Bishop I hope you have time for me and our church Tailor to take some measurement

“Measurement?” Dusty said “Well we want to make sure you have a properly fitted suit for church” Marilyn replied “Church?.....Suit?...Thanks but No Than....” Marilyn began to adjust the collar on his polo “Now Dear, I know your not use to this, but I can tell you that great blessing can come from dressing to Gods standard of Modesty and Masculinity” Transfixed on the glimmer of her pearls Dusti..dusty gave the only respond a dutiful son should give his mother “Of course I will” “Excellent,” she replied “Now I must be off, The Bishop should be done with Sister Claudia soon, Blessings”

The door opened and a man and a woman came out. Caroline smiled to see the improvement in Sister Claudia but she couldn’t place the man until Uncle Simon said, “Ah, girls, I believe Brother Walter has something to say to you."“I want to apologize to you both, you especially, Sister Caroline, for the way I’ve treated you. You were only doing what was right. Now that I’ve been entrusted with the well-being of a Daughter of Zion,” he lifted Clauda’s hand pressing it gently between his, “I have a better understanding of how precious they are to Heavenly Father.”

“Is that the angry old man from yesterday?” Dusty thinks to himself. Old was hardly the word to describe him now. He look 20 years younger and 20 pounds lighter. His hair once thin and greasy, was now full and vibrant. His beer stained wife beater and ripped up jeans were a thing of the past. No doubt Sister Marilyn had a hand in the blue suit he was wearing. “and you my Brother” Walter said turning to Dusty “I want to thank you for standing up for these precious Sister. You showed the strength Elazer and made Heavenly Father proud” Dusty wasn’t sure why but this made him feel really good “Unlike men like myself, who need the blessing of Iron Hand to change our wicked ways. You have heart a of a true Son of Zion, do not resist the changes that are coming Brother for they will reveal you true destiny” Dusty heart begin to slightly race but it was not from fear it was from....excitment.

Caroline and Grace were relieved, not only at Brother Walter’s conversion but that Sister Claudia would not be alone. They were both now ready for the next phase of Sister Kaitlyn’s program: a combination of home schooling and church classes. Claudia would be tutored in homemaking skills and Walter in how to be a godly patriarch. “You know, Dustin, our next men’s fellowship meeting is tomorrow night,” Bishop Simon said. “I would very much like for you to join us."“Join us........JOIN US” these words echo through Dusty mind as the bishop place his hand firmly on Dusty shoulder. A fatherly authority exhumed from the bishop presence and that yearning for masculine companionship arose in Dusti...dusty again “Yesss...I would very much like that”

“Wonderful!” Simon said. “While I’m certainly pleased that these two young Sisters are taking such good care of you, there are times when a man needs the company of his Brothers. Now I believe Sister Marilyn is expecting you?“Simon shook hands with Dustin and kissed both girls on the forehead. As the three of them turned to go they almost collided with a pregnant woman.

“Aunt Joanna, how’s the baby?” Caroline asked gently stroking the swollen belly.“Babies, plural,” the other woman said. Before her conversion Joanna had worked at an abortion clinic. She still worked in the same building but it had been converted to a pre-natal care clinic after being taken over by the Church. It also served as a central headquarters for the town’s midwives. Caroline’s sister Theresa was studying midwifery back home in Covenant.

“Brother George thinks it’s twins again,” Joanna went on also stroking her belly. This, Caroline knew would be Joanna’s third pair of twins. Of Uncle Simon’s wives, Aunt Ruth had one son and one daughter, Aunt Natalie had three daughters and recently conceived again, Aunt Marilyn had one son and was also in the early stages of pregnancy, and now Aunt Joanna was having twins. The first two had been girls, the next a boy and a girl. Caroline put a hand on her own stomach and wondered how it would feel to nurture a new life within her. Some of her sisters and friends back home couldn’t wait to become wives and mothers, Caroline had never felt that urgency before but it was starting to kindle in her now.

They enter a room that looks like a high end mens clothing store. “Darlings You have arrived” exclaimed Marilyn as she approached the trio “Dustin dear could wait over for while I talk with sister” “Yes......mam” Dusty said obediently as he walked away. “Now sweetheart” Marilyn said to Caroline “I talked to your mother and while we agree you do a splendid job of withholding to God’s standards of Modesty and Femininity we believe it is time for you to dress less like a Daughter of Zion and more like a Woman of Zion. After all you are to be the wife of a holder of the priesthood and you simply must look the part” Marilyn continues as she straighten Carolina dress " so from now on I going to take a more active in choosing your wardrobe. While I take care brother Dustin I want you ladies to go over to boutique and try on a few suit skirt I have picked out for you”

“Yes, Aunt Marilyn,” Caroline replied with some trepidation. She was certain whatever had been chosen for her would look appropriate, but she felt some unease at what this change portended. In her heart of hearts Caroline had always envied Odelya and women like Mother Annabelle and Mother Darling who had married their spiritual fathers. She had thought when she first stepped into the kitchen of Bishop’s House that she was to become Uncle Simon’s wife, but when she prayed about it, she received no answer. Indeed none of the Brothers she’d met on her mission stirred any particular feelings in her. Except Dustin, but he wasn’t a Brother.

At the boutique Sister Diane, a former fashion reporter, showed Caroline into a dressing room with the suits Sister Marilyn had suggested. The closer fit of the pencil skirt was unfamiliar, as were the higher heels in the shoes. “Hm. Let me try something.” Sister Diane untied the ribbon holding Caroline’s long hair back from her face and styled it into a French twist.

“Don’t hold your breath while Brother Sterling is measuring dear, or you will end up with a tighter suit jacket .” Marilyn said as Brother Sterling measured under Dusty arms and across his chest. “Wh...why am I letting them do this me” Dusty thinks to himself in a rare moment of clarity. “Oh my darling Brother, I must admit I quite excited to see you adorned in your Holy Garments” said Marilyn “Holy Garment?” Dusty said while his waist was being measured “This is just a suit” “Oh it is hardly a suit my dear” Marilyn summon the young man who was folding cloths at a near by table to come over to her. Dusty was briefly distract when the Tailor stuck a couple of his fingers between the measuring tape and Dusty body so that the fit won’t be so tight.

“You see darling, A suit is your Uniform from your dress shirt to your pants " Marilyn direct his attention to the young man. Dusty noticed that he is a similar age and height to him, they even have the same hair color. “Your Tie brings order to the chaos of a unbutton collar the way heavenly father brings order to your chaotic life” Normally a man placing a measuring tape from his crotch to the bottom of his shoe would have Dusty’s undivided attention but he hardly noticed as he watch Marilyn gently adjust the young mans tie. “Your jacket is your coat of armor, protecting you from the attacks of the adversary” As the tailor measure from his shoulder seam his wrist. Dusty was transfix by the young man before him “If I dressed like that the Bishop and Sister Marilyn would be so proud of me” this thought brought a smile to his face “Sister Caroline and Sister Grace would find me quite Handsome and I would even be respectable enough to be in the presence of the One True Prop.....Wait?....N...No!”

Caroline tried on the other suits and Sister Diane made notes about the different styles and colors. Blue, of course, to match her eyes, but also white, cream, and a dusky pink. Black was too stark, but a nice chocolate brown complimented her hair rather well.Caroline noticed the suits and blouses certainly fit more comfortably than her current dresses which had become rather snug in the bust and hips.Grace wearing a suit in a jade green came in to stand beside Caroline.“There’s still something missing though,” Sister Diane observed.

“There all done, now that wasn’t so bad was it?” Marilyn said as she straighten his Polo “No I guess not” Dusty replied “You guess not indeed, we are going to have you dressed nice and proper for church on Sunday” Marilyn replied as she adjust his dockers “Nice and PROPER....” echoed through Dusty mind “All after there is a lot of people looking forward to hearing your testimony” Dusty felt a sudden warmth from this thought “Yes....I must look proper for Church” He thinks to himself " I must not let Sister Marilyn down or the bishop or Grace and Caroline or the people looking forward to hearing my......Testimony?......What?”

Sister Diane left the changing room and returned with two velvet jewelry cases. She handed one to each of the girls who lifted the lids to find pearl sets just like the kind Sister Marilyn had been wearing. For Caroline it was a bittersweet moment. The receiving of a pearl set was a big moment for a girl raised in the Church. Some girls received them on their 16th birthday, others as a baptismal gift which Caroline had.“You’re not quite ready to wear them all the time,” her father had said as he fastened the necklace around her throat, “but some day you will be.”

In her emotional state she fumbled with the clasp. “Here, little Sister, allow me,” Uncle Simon said in a soothing voice. The Prophet had indeed been right, Simon reflected as he fastened the necklace around her throat, Caroline did indeed need special care, a strong Brother who would support her and protect her tender heart as well as encourage her to blossom. “Now then,” he said offering his arms to both girls, “let’s go see how Dustin is doing.”

“Well I gotten you as presentable as you can be in this state” Marilyn said as she finished running a comb through his hair. " Thank you Sister Marilyn” “Now Now I must insist you call me Mother Marilyn” “But I don’t” “I well not take no for answer, I know your family lives far away and a young gentleman always needs a mother close by” “How did she know about family” Dusty think to himself “She must be crazy to think that” “Yes Mother Marilyn” Dusty could hardly believe he said it out loud or how......Good it felt. That feeling of bliss increased when Mother Marilyn reach up and kissed his forehead. “I see you have finished up” The Bishop said breaking up the mother son moment. Dusty was taken aback by the two Women of Zion. “Caroline? Grace?”

Caroline felt a flush of warmth at the way Dustin looked at her, more so than from the way any of the other Brothers had looked at her. She felt, older somehow, just a bit more mature, no longer a girl, but ready to become a Woman. Her cheeks turned pink and she ducked her head. Grace however had a rather different response. She stood straight, chin lifted slightly as if in challenge.“Grace!” Marylin said “what is a matter” Grace jumped slightly as if startled. “I, I apologize, I shouldn’t have acted so brazenly.” “No you shouldn’t have, you must act according” Marilyn “But I will say I am quite pleased with these outfits. You both look like future wives of a Bishop. Wouldn’t you agree Dustin?” “Yes Mother Marilyn they would both be suitable wives for Me......I mean a Bishop”

If she’d been flustered before Caroline felt sure her cheeks must be tomato red. It had never once occurred to her that she might marry such an important man and Dustin’s slip of the tongue, or was it Heavenly Father speaking through him?, had her mind going in directions it never had before. That she would marry a priesthood-holder had never been in doubt. Beyond that Caroline had never given much thought to the husband Heavenly Father had chosen for her, whether he would be her own age or older, what he would look like, or what kind of work he would do. And yet, she found herself looking forward to the time she spent with Dustin, thinking about him when she was doing other work, and every night she dreamed about him.

“I’m so glad you came today,” Aunt Marilyn was saying now. “I hope you can join us for supper?” “Um....” Dusty was still distracted by the transformation of the Sisters. Especially Caroline in her blue suit “She look like a younger Mother Marilyn” Dusty thinks to himself before correcting his thinking " Not that Mother Marilyn looks old....wait did she say something about supper?” “Oh...Sorry Mother Marilyn Yes....I stay for supper” “Splendid” Said Mother Marilyn. “Run along with the Bishop and Grace to the dinning room. I need to talk to Caroline. Dusty felt the strong hand of the Bishop touch his back and leave him away.

“Now Darling” Aunt Marilyn said to Caroline " you have better composure then sister Grace but I know this little makeover is troubling you” Caroline goes speak before Aunt Marilyn raises her hand “Now please let me finish, You are the daughter of the Prophet and that does not lead to simply life working in the kitchen. You like all your sister are destine to be first wives to Leader of this church be it a Bishop or something else. So with the exception of your missionary duty you will by be remove from all domestic duty at the center and at the bishop home.”

Part of Caroline wanted to argue and point out that it was Heavenly Father who determined her destiny, not Aunt Marilyn. And yet, Jacqueline’s husband had just been named principal of Deacon Academy, what the sinful world considered a boys’ high school. In her last letter her sister Gwendolyn, Mother Jennifer’s oldest girl had confided she had received inspiration about Brother William, a young man the Council of Elders were grooming for Apostleship. It would be years before Gwendolyn could marry of course, but it gave credence to Aunt Marilyn’s statement.

She was daunted at the prospect of being a First Wife and having to superintend the entire household. To the best of Caroline’s knowledge her own mother chaired about half a dozen committees and everyone said she was the administrative power of the Church. She hadn’t felt this anxious since her father had told her she must come to Testament. “What, what am I to do then?”

“Well most of the time you will assist First Sister Ruth, she was to tell you herself but she got called away, You will also be in charge of the new sister missionary. Two will be coming in tomorrow and they are to accompany you and Grace and handle all domestic duty while you take the lead in teaching, especial with Brother Dustin. This is the Uniform Heavenly Father has called you to wear” Marilyn said while pointing too Caroline suit.

Caroline took a deep breath as she recalled a passage from the Book of Zion: “’All that is required of you to fulfill your vocation is a willing heart. For your Heavenly Father has provided and shall provide all that you need to do the work He requires of you.” Bowing her head Caroline said, “Will you please give me a blessing, Aunt Marilyn? I will walk the path Heavenly Father has laid before me, but I fear I will stumble.”

“Of Course My Child” Caroline keeled down an Aunt Marilyn placed her hands of top of Caroline head “By the power decree to me by our blessed Heavenly Father I place upon you Caroline Daughter of the One True Prophet a precious anointing that will ignite in you a rebirth. For through these trials you will gain a testimony not one given from birthright but one forge from service to the One True Church” Marilyn leaned down and kiss Caroline on top of her head “Be strong sister, for this transformation will not only bless you but will help lead our beloved Dustin down the better path.”

Caroline felt better as she got to her feet. She still wasn’t sure what future Heavenly Father had in store for her, but with the support of her family, both back in Covenant and here in Testament, she felt she could rise to any challenge. “I suppose we should join the others,” she said. “And I will most likely have to learn how to confer blessings myself.” Caroline had never blessed anyone all by herself before, always as part of a group.

“From your lips to Heavenly Father ears” Aunt Marilyn said as she took Caroline arm and led her along “Because tomorrow you will lead the blessing ceremony of the new missionaries”