The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Book of Zion: Dusty

By D.T and Mr Stepford

Dusty 6

Normally Caroline enjoyed supper with Simon’s family but tonight she was preoccupied with the prospect of what would happen tomorrow. So much so that she missed the looks exchanged between Uncle Simon and his wives, nor the way Dustin kept glancing at her.

Dusty tried to be a good guest but he felt a strange sense shame as he looked at the well groomed people at the table especially Caroline “I’m.....Under dressed” He thinks to himself as he looks at Caroline. He knew that after diner she was going to walk him home and his current attire felt completely inappropriate “Maybe I can ask Mother Marilyn for a suit” He think to himself “Even a ill fitted one would be more appropriate to escort a Sister of Zion in” The glimmer of Caroline pearl delve Dusti..dusty deeper in thought “yes....for her....I...I...I must adore my Holy Garm....What?....Dude get a grip!” The screaming inside his head cause Dusty to drop his fork

The clatter pulled Caroline from her reverie. Without comment, young Jacob, Aunt Ruth’s son, bent down to retrieve the dirty fork and handed it to his sister Rebecca who, at a nod from Aunt Natalie, carried it to the kitchen and brought back a fresh one. “So, Dustin, are you fond of music?” Marilyn asked as though nothing had happened. “Um....Yes” Dusty was hesitant to tell her what kind, partly because he fear it might disappoint her.

“Well, you’re in for a real treat on Sunday,” Marilyn continued. “Brother Alexander informed me today that he’s chosen Caroline to sing the solo in church.” “He has?” Caroline inwardly winced at the way her voice gave away her dismay. It was one thing to be part of the choir where she was but one voice among dozens, but to sing a solo? All by herself? “Oh, now, dear, you have a lovely voice,” Aunt Ruth said patting her hand. “We’ve all heard you singing away in the kitchen. I’m sure you must have heard her, haven’t you, Dustin?” “No just some Humming” “Well, perhaps she’ll sing for us after supper,” Simon said.

The conversation turned to more general topics. Jacob announced his desire to become an architect. “I just wish I was old enough to work on the Church on the Mountain,” he said. “Well supper was a triumph as always my Darlings” the Bishop said to his wives “let us retire to the den so that Caroline can bless Dustin with her Angelic voice” Dusty looked over to see how uncomfortable this made her which arose inside him a strong need to protect her “I don’t want impose if Caroline is not up to it” “Nonsense” Said Mother Marilyn has she placed her hand on Dusty “She would be honored to. Wouldn’t you dear?”

“Yes, Aunt Marilyn.” It felt unusual to her to not help clear the table, but Uncle Simon took her arm and gently but firmly led her into the den. He was pleased to see Dustin’s gallant instincts were developing but Caroline needed to become accustomed to being the center of attention. As the others took their seats it took all of Caroline’s discipline not to fidget. Her eyes darted around the room and landed on Dustin. Sing for him, My Daughter she felt more than heard. Taking a deep breath she began to sing “Choose the Right”.

Choose the right when a choice is placed before you.
In the right the Holy Spirit guides;
And its light is forever shining o’er you,
When in the right your heart confides.

The Bishop put his arm on Dusty shoulder and Mother Marilyn put her hand on his Knee. His sense of touch was engulf by the Iron Hand and the Velvet Glove while the rest of his sense were transfixed on Caroline

Choose the right! Let no spirit of digression
Overcome you in the evil hour.
There’s the right and the wrong to ev’ry question;
Be safe thru inspiration’s pow’r.

The confidence and certainty that resonated from her voice reflected the certainty of that line. “There’s the right and the wrong to ev’ry question” From the world of grey for which Dusty had come this felt so simplistic so absolute so.....Comforting.....SO RIGHT

Choose the right! There is peace in righteous doing.
Choose the right! There’s safety for the soul.
Choose the right in all labors you’re pursuing;
Let God and heaven be your goal.

The purity of her voice and of the lyric so drastic from what Dusty would usually to listen. That music left him feeling negative dark and angry. But what came from the lips of this angel made him feel INSPIRED, RIGHTEOUS and AT PEACE.

Choose the right! Choose the right!
Let wisdom mark the way before.
In its light, choose the right!
And God will bless you evermore.

While she sang the rest of the room had seemed to fade away as though she and Dustin were alone. When the last note faded she felt a slight jolt, as though she were stepping back into her own body. “Marvelous Darling just Marvelous” Marilyn exclaimed Dusty heart skipped a bit a Caroline gave a curtsy to her adorning audience. “And now I think it’s time the young folk went to bed, and for Sister Caroline to walk Brother Dustin home,” Simon stood and clasped Dustin’s hand. “I look forward to seeing you at tomorrow’s meeting.”

As they walked home Dusty had a hard time trying not to stare at Caroline. The fit of her suit force her to walk with a slight sway in her hips. While it seemed oddly inappropriate to consider this sexy. It did make her look confidant and sophisticated. Dusty went back and forth in his mind about borrowing a suit. He came really close to asking Mother Marilyn before he left but she was busy talking to Jason so he chicken out “I really should of ask” he thinks to himself as he looked at Caroline attire and then his “I mean it not like putting on a suit is going to radically change my life”

Caroline barely noticed Dustin’s glances at her. Her thoughts were consumed with the ceremony tomorrow and she feared she would disgrace herself and her family. The thought of disappointing her mothers and especially her father was more than she could bear and a sound part hiccup, part gasp, and part sob escaped from her throat. “Um....Are you okay?” Dusty said as he open the door for her. Unwilling to trust her voice Caroline shook her head. She had to be brave, but when Dustin touched her arm it was all she could do not to lean against him.

The feel of the material reminded Dusty of Mother Marilyn and with that a thought came into his mind “What would the bishop do if Mother Marilyn was in distress” as if it was instinct Dusty embraced her “There there sister what is a matter” “Some new missionaries are arriving tomorrow,” she said, “and Aunt Marilyn told me I have to lead the blessing ceremony. I’ve never blessed anyone before, not all by myself anyway. I’m terrified I’ll let everyone down.” “Let everyone down? I hardly think that is possible” Dusty said “knowing what little I do about the Bishop and Mother Marilyn I doubt they would give you this responsible if they didn’t think you were ready for just need to practice” Dusty was confidant in what he was say and a little confused as to were it was coming from.

Lifting her head Caroline looked up into Dustin’s eyes. In this moment he seemed so solid and strong, even as the mighty oak. “Would, would you let me bless you, Dustin?” she asked in a soft voice. For a moment Dusty wondered what he got himself into. But the look of hope that arose from Caroline eyes squashed any desire to say no “um......sure...what do I have to” “Well,” Caroline seemed a bit flustered as she stepped back. “The person being blessed is supposed to kneel so the person giving the blessing can lay hands upon their head.” Dusty only hesitated slightly before kneeling before her. As looked at the hem of her skirt his mind race through the event of the day wondering how it came to this.

Caroline lifted her hands and placed them on his head. As she did she felt a strength and confidence fill her being. “By the power decree to me by our blessed Heavenly Father I place upon you Dustin an anointed blessing that you may reclaim your Divinely appointed strength and dignity as a Holder of the Priesthood of Zion in the One True Church.” When she lifted her hands away Caroline felt a moment’s unease. The words had not been her own but had instead flowed through her from Heavenly Father. Even so, she feared Dustin might take them amiss. In his present position he was at the right height to lay his head on her bosom, and part of Caroline longed to draw him closer to offer him solace.

Dusty was silent as the Blessing ran through his head “reclaim your Divinely appointed strength and dignity” He could not be angry at these word for they were true. He relationship with Freddy had stripe what dignity and strength he had left. Power and truth of this blessing pierce at Dusty heart for there was a stronger presence behind them. “Could this power help me...could it make me strong....strong for Caroline?” as he ponder this in his mind he instinctively wrapped his arms around Caroline resting his head in her bosom.

Caroline wrapped her own arms around him and prayed silently. “Heavenly Father, free him from the lies of the Adversary. Let the light of Your Truth disperse the darkness around him. Cleanse him of the shame inflicted on him by the women who should have cared most for him. Raise him up to be worthy to hold Your priesthood.”