The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Book of Zion: Dusty

By D.T and Mr Stepford

Dusty 8

As Dusty enter the center he saw Mother Marilyn talking to one of the passenger from the bus that broke down. Yesterday she was wearing what some would consider comfort cloth for travel a baggy sweatshirt and a pair of Yoga pants. But today she had on a black blouse with white polka dots and a white pleated skirt. “Darling you have arrived and I see your wearing my present” Dusty could see how pleased this made Mother Marilyn and thus it pleased him “yes Mother Marilyn thank you” he said dutifully “Well brother Dustin I would like to introduce you to Sister Sheryl” “Blessings, Brother” Sheryl said as she gave a curtse. “She has decided to cut short her trip across America to spend some time with us here in testament. In fact we have a appointment at the boutique we must rush off to” Marilyn said as she adjusted his tie “If all goes as plan I want to meet up with you after your meeting to try on some suits...doesn’t that just sound splendid” “Yes Mother Marilyn” Marilyn leaned up and kiss Dusty on the forehead. “I am so proud of the progress you have made” Marilyn said “As am I “Caroline said from behind Dusty

The sound of her voice soothed Dustin much as the music of David’s harp had soothed King Saul. (Where had THAT thought come from? Dusty wasn’t a big Bible reader.) “Do you have time to sit and take tea with me?” Caroline asked. “We could talk about your lesson this morning?” “Oh course, My sister” Dusty said the lesson she assigned to him was the story of Enis a weak man who prayed mightily and gain a remission of his sins and with his strength restore by Heavenly Father set out to convert his tribe.

Caroline led him to the Mission Center’s lounge and they sat at a table for two near a window that overlooked a garden. One of the younger Sisters brought them a tea tray and Caroline poured as expertly as though she’d been doing it her whole life. “Do you have any questions about what you read?” she asked handing him his cup.

“Yes” Dusty said as he took a sip of his tea. I think the thing that grab hold of me the most was Enis desire to spread the word to his brother and sister after his conversion. I have really been pondering the values of the church and why I am so resistance to it. Is it because I love blue jeans, comics and rock music so much But is the pleasure of these things worth not spending eternity with a loving heavenly father....of course not. Now of course I have doubt about heavenly father existence. But even if I had a unwavering belief in God I sure I would question why I can’t indulge in this pleasures? Dusty took another sip of his tea he found it quite....Soothing.

Caroline frowned slightly as she considered her response. “It’s not so much that you cannot indulge in them as you will not want to,” she said. “Brother Randall used to be a rock musician, and now he serves as the choir director for the Church in Covenant. He never lost his love of music. It was simply purified to serve Heavenly Father’s purposes.”

Dusty took another sip of his tea as the warm sensation ran down his throat he became aware once again of the tie that was snug and tight up against it. A few days ago he would of never imagine wearing one and now he can’t imagine not wearing one. In fact he really had no desire to wear jeans and t shirts and was actually looking forward to trying on the suits Mother Marilyn selected for him. As he remember the angelic voice of Caroline a she sang to him and how that made him feel he began to think that she may be right his interest along with himself was being purified....PURIFIED...that word made Dusti...Dusty feel...Good. “maybe I am looking at this wrong” Dusty said “I shouldn’t see this as something that is being taken, more like.....Something being gained, Something that will help me strive to be greater then my nature and live by a higher standard then the world. Be a better STRONGER man then world expect me to be.” He wasn’t sure what inspired him to say that but it felt....RIGHT

Caroline smiled. With the removal of the poisonous influences of the sinful world, Dustin’s mind was becoming clearer, more fitted to Heavenly Father’s purpose. “You have always had that strength,” Caroline said reaching to place her hand on Dustin’s arm. “It is your birthright as a Son of Zion. You simply never learned to use it. I know Uncle Simon and the other Brothers will be happy to help you rediscover it.”

“Well. ..I. ..I’m willing to learn....Before. ...Before I go to the meeting. ..could I.... pray with you?” “Absolutely,” she said setting aside her cup. She bowed her head and folded her arms the way she’d done since she was a little child.

Dusty did the same, he was unsure of what to say but he felt something arise within him and he began to pray “Heavenly Father I come before you unsure and fill with doubt. Yet I have this unquenchable curiosity that keep me coming back to you. Through the teaching of my beloved Sister Caroline I have come to believe that world has lost it way and is in need of a moral compass....but is that the church? I don’t know. I stand here right now with no faith asking for clarity and guidance and a revelation about this church and my place in it.....Amen”

As she listened to him Caroline felt her heart warm as he described her as his “beloved teacher”. Hold him fast, Heavenly Father, she added silent. Help him Choose The Right. As she lifted her head she saw Sister Ruth approaching with Kevin, no, it was Brother Kevin now. He stood straighter and smiled as he recognized her. “Sister Caroline, it’s good to see you again.” “And you also, Brother Kevin. Are you here to take Dustin to the Men’s Fellowship meeting?”

Walking to the fellowship meeting Brother Kevin told Dusty about his day. Like Brother Walter his journey to the better path was straight and fast, but although Dusty is closer to it then ever before something was holding him back. Perhaps the companionship of the Brotherhood would give him the push he needed to LET GO of his pride, SURRENDERED his doubt, and SUBMITTED to God’s Will. Become a better stronger man, a man deserving of Caroline.

As they entered the room Dusty wished that he could of meet with Mother Marilyn before the meeting so he didn’t stand out in the crowd that he could look just like all the rest of the brothers in their proper suits. His mind went back to what Mother Marilyn said ““If all goes as planned I want to meet up with you after your meeting to try on some suits.......If all goes as planned?” Dusty thinks to himself “What did she mean by that?”

The room where the men’s fellowship met was decorated in the style of an old fashioned gentlemen’s club minus the cigars and liquor. Leather upholstered armchairs with end tables flanking them were arranged in a loose circle. The color scheme was brown and dark green. The sideboard had a plain white cloth runner with not a frill or ruffle in sight. Over the fireplace was a painting of a great church on a mountain. Some of the men were talking in front of it.

“Ah, welcome, Brothers, welcome,” Simon said walking over to give Kevin and Dustin firm handshakes as well as clasp them on the shoulders. Bishop Simon led him around the room for introductions with each brother his hand shake got firmer. Once he made the round he sat down next to brother Matthew and the meeting began. Bishop Simon led them in a basic prayer of thanks for the progress made in the restoration of the One True Church. “Today we shall discuss a subject familiar to many of you, but unknown to others: that of the Iron Hand.”

Dusty look over at Brother Walter as he remember the first time he heard about this. Brother Thomas read a story from the book of Zion about a man that lost control of his family and lost control of his life. Brother Walter then share his testimony (although not going into great detail) about how the Iron Hand saved his life. Brother Gregory told another tail (once again in no great detail) about a radical who broke in to the missionary center in Firmament who was restore to glory by the Iron Hand of the Prophet himself. Dusty was beginning to feel something in the pit of his stomach and he didn’t like it.

“Brother Dustin arise and come forward” the Bishop said. Awkwardly Dusty stood up as he walked over to the Bishop he saw Mother Marilyn enter the room she was carrying a white shirt and a blue suit that perfectly matched with Dusty tie. “My Dear Brother” The Bishop said as placed his hand firmly on Dusty shoulder “You have made great stride in the last few days and I believe you are ready to break free from the bondage of this sinful word and adorn your armor in service of the One True Church” The Bishop point to the suit Mother Marilyn was holding. A rush of excitement comes over Dusti...Dusty as he looks at the suit “Yes...The Time is Put on my Armor” He thinks to himself. “But first you must reclaim your birthright as a Son of Zion” said Bishop. Behind Mother Marilyn he saw someone else enter the room. “Grace?”

Grace entered the room with her head bowed. One of the Brothers had placed a straight backed chair in the center of the circle and Grace went to stand behind it. She bent over the back of it and gripped the front edge of the seat. “Sister Grace had a moment of rebellion yesterday,” Bishop Simon said. “Though such moments are fewer and farther between than before she embraced The Truth of God’s Law, that is no reason to grow complacent in our duty to her.” While Simon spoke Matthew went over to Grace and lifted her skirt over her buttocks and slid her underwear down baring her flesh. “As Holders of the Priesthood it is incumbent upon us to administer the loving discipline of God’s Law, even when that discipline must be delivered by the Iron Hand. It is a most serious burden which is why Heavenly Father lays it only upon the strong, firm shoulders of the Sons of Zion.”

“ want me to spank her?” Dusty said as confusion clouded his mind. “She must be chastised in the flesh,” Simon confirmed. “It is difficult, I know. At times I have had to chastise my own wives and daughters,” he added with a glance at Marilyn, “and though it grieved me to do it, I would not shirk my duty and allow them to fall into error and sin.” “And I thank the Lord every day for delivering me into the keeping a man who will not allow me to stray from the Right,” Marilyn added bowing her one head in deference.

Dusty looked over at Mother Marilyn holding his suit his coat of armor “Will this task make me worthy to adorn it” Dusty thinks to himself. Dusty hesitantly walked over to Grace his eye transfixed on her bare bottom. Reassuring thought danced in his mind as he lifted his hand for the first slap. “I must not allow her to fall into error and sin, I must reclaim my birthright be reborn as a Son of Zi....What the Hell am I doing” it felt like ice water splashed on Dusty face awakening him from a dream. He stopped his hand just before it her bottom “You...You people are Crazy! " he said as he back away from Grace like a prisoner freeing himself from a hangman noose he rip off his tie and threw it on the ground. “STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME ALL OF YOU” he said as he ran out of the room.

The commotion drew Caroline and Ruth out of the room where they’d been going over the angels of mercy assignments. They reached the corridor in time to see Dustin rush out of the men’s meeting room, without his tie and looking wild-eyed. She saw Uncle Simon embrace Aunt Marilyn and felt a pang in her heart as Dustin ran for the exit. She had no fears for Grace’s sake. Caroline knew that her erring partner would be chastised as she needed, but Dustin, oh she feared very much for him.