The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


An Exploration of Dreaming

by William Pratt

Chapter 4

“Freddy Kreuger, you were a complete and total fuck up.”

Ed lay in the grass beside the utterly exhausted, but still delectable, Kimberly Scott, pondering his options. The dreams last night were fun, but nothing compared to actually going all the way, several times, with an unavailable girl who’d tortured his dick for almost ten years. It’s not like she’d been a bitch or anything, she’d just been two years older and attached to guys older than that. She was still attached to some other guy, but she’d promised to break it off in exchange for steady doses of sex.

Ed looked at her lying on her back, the massive breasts still sticking up out of her chest but so incredibly massive that, despite supernatural firmness, they tilted off to the side and rested partially on her arms. As it turned out, parts of him weren’t quite as worn-out as they should have been after that orgasm marathon, but he had to teach a lab soon and he wasn’t ready for a relationship.

Maybe after I get my masters and a stable job, he thought to himself, succumbing to the temptation to suck on one of Kimberly’s needy looking nipples.

Meanwhile, In the dream world

“So here is the way that it works,” Ed told the girl gleefully stroking his shaft and expectantly sucking on the head. “You love it like this, but just looking like this’ll totally mess up your life, so ….”

Kimberly let him pop out of her mouth. “So? What are you going to do?”

“Something you won’t remember when you wake up, except when ….”

* * *

Kim woke up on a blanket in University Park with no idea how she got there. Must have gone for a walk, and stopped to sun myself, but where’d the blanket come from? And why am I so stiff? Is that Eddie?

“Eddie? What’s—”

“Ed,” he mumbled. “You’re a slut, Kimberly.”

“Yes!” Burst from her lips before … her mind swam … other thoughts, not hers, stormed the walls of her confusion bringing new ideas and desires. Reason failed her and hunger replaced it. Her eyes shot wide, pupils expanding rapidly, as her facial expression changed from one of casual, but confused, neutrality to the intense fires of sexual interest. “Ooooh, God, yes! I am a slut!”

As her body arched on the blanket, Kimberly cupped her small breasts and spat out another ecstatic “Yes!” as they swelled to overflow her hands. Her shirt began to tear under the strain, and the little bits of Kim that stood firm against he flood of Kimberly soon crumpled and joined the giggling, joyous party erupting through her mind. Fuck! Yes! I want to fuck! I’m a slut!

“I’ll be a real slut for Eddie!” moaned Kim, lost in a pre-orgasmic sea of sensation. “You are going to be soooo fucked, Eddie! Gonna suck you hard and jam that monster where it belongs! I’ll ride you ’til you paint my insides completely white and cum dribbles out my ears!”

Kimberly’s newer thought processes were of a similar vein, but much less inhibited.

Her jeans rippled as muscles played beneath, spreading her legs and driving her hips into the air, and her tee shirt pulled up even as a V ripped its way down from the top. Titanic, jutting tits jiggled, trying to squirm out of her hands. Her nipples punched large dents in the compromised fabric as she pushed herself up into a sitting position.

“Oh, God,” she moaned as the pulled the remnants of her shredded shirt off like a kid destroying Christmas wrappings. “Oh, God! Ed, what did you do?”

“Now you can have your cake and we can eat it too. Kim can go on working at the bank and living her life, but Kimberly can have all the fun she wants.”

“Like we’re two different people?”

“Yeah. Kimberly knows all about Kim, but Kim has no clue. She can just go on being Kim.”

“Why would she want to?” asked Kimberly, finally letting go of her tingling breasts. Her eyes locked onto the renewed erection in Ed’s pants. “Didn’t I suck that thing dry yet? You’re an animal! Insatiable! Lemme take care of that for you.”

Hands snatched at, caught, gripped tight on the front of his trousers, and tugged hard. A tongue left a moist mark up the flap covering the zipper. Unfortunately, “No time, sorry. Relax, Kim. Relax.”

Kimberly looked shocked for a second. Her chest collapsed inwards, the ruined shirt reforming around the dwindling breasts and once again concealing her taut stomach. Kim kneeled before him, dazed. Her hands dropped from his zipper to her sides, and before she came completely around, Ed made himself scarce. He’d missed a class, but, if he hurried, he could still make the lab he ran. Explaining to the administration that, “I missed work because I was banging the brains out of the hottest chick you’ve ever seen,” seemed to him to be a good way to lose his main source of income.

No way in hell do I want to go back to flipping burgers, he thought to himself as he fled. Shoot. Forgot to do something about my size problem while I was at it.

When her wits returned, Kim looked around the park. That must have been one hell of a good fantasy, she thought while her heart slowed from its breakneck, pounding beat. Wish I could remember it, but it’ll probably make for a great dream tonight.

As she jogged back to the parking lot and her car, the squishy sensation between her legs from her soaked panties got on her nerves.

Still, Mmmmm hmmm! Can’t wait to work that off somewhere private!

* * *

Standing with the lectern safely between him and the students, Ed droned an explanation to an elementary problem from the text. In fact, Ed paraphrased the answer given two pages later in the same text and silently wondered if the asker had bothered to do the readings. As a result, his enthusiasm had wavered more than a little and he kept flashing back to Kimberly.

The main problem with Ed’s lecture style came from his simply emulating the TAs and professors who’d taught him, and they were, for the most part, equally boring. He wasn’t quite so bad with interesting material, but first year physics … blah. The only thing it seemed to be good for was the work out from lugging the nine hundred page text book around.

Even at the best of times, Ed didn’t try to put the gathered students to sleep, but since everyone needed some low-level science credits to graduate, there were a few girls with whom he wouldn’t mind sharing a dream or two. One of them in particular had already nodded off.

The black-haired girl snoozing at the back of the lab however … hadn’t been asleep long enough to drift into a controllable dream. This was a good thing because some more attentive student asked Ed a new question and, after that, the questions just kept coming. Still, little Miss Raven-Hair just needed a little bit extra to be little Miss Hot-Body. There was a lot to be said for upping the pulchritude factor of an otherwise dull first-year course. At the very least, it would give Ed something to console himself with between evenings spent in the arms of Kimberly Scott, nymphomaniacal slut.

Daydreaming that the pale and dark-locked sleeper had a Kimberly-class rack, Ed suddenly became glad he was behind a lectern. When he’d accidentally jacked up the size of his equipment, he’d messed with its readiness and recover time somehow too, and his distracted pondering of what Raven-Hair would look like with a more impressively endowed forward projection generated all-too-obvious, button-and-zipper-straining results.

Ed forced his train of thought back to physics and began explaining the lab the students were about to perform while the nearly painful stiffness subsided. However, the dark-haired minx felt the need to tempt him with dreamy whispers, so he paused the lecture long enough to whisper something back.

But her breasts I’ll leave alone. That’d be too hard to explain in the middle of class.

Shortly after, in the dream world

“Studying hard impresses people,” said the dream TA. “You like to impress people.”

Yeah, whatever, Monica thought back. Never the less, she opened up her book and began to read. For a moment anyway, after that she glanced up and looked around. The TA watched closely, and he wasn’t impressed. Her head dropped back into the book, and she read more intently.

Now his watching eyes burned into her, but it was a good burn—like the kind she got on a long run or a hot night out with a hot guy. Even her breasts tingled. Her nipples pressed into her silky bra as if trying to push their way through and into freedom. She looked up again. The TA stared at her chest. Monica looked down, not at the book this time. Her eyes widened at what she saw—her boobs overflowing her bra and beginning to make headway against her shirt—and her focus snapped back to the TA’s face. She didn’t look long before her eyes drifted downwards, sweeping across his body.

He is impressed and it does feel good. And without the podium between us …. Wow! Look at him! He’s really impressed and impressive, or big anyway. He needs to work out more; that’s so out of proportion on him. But why’s he naked? Doesn’t he know he’s naked? Is this like the old public speaking trick? My subconscious is just saying, ‘Don’t fear the teacher?’

“Wake up now,” said the buck-naked and seriously, monstrously, erect TA. “You won’t impress people by sleeping in class and you want to impress me, don’t you?”

“Aw shit,” she mumbled to herself. I fell asleep in class. No wonder things are all weird. It’s just a dream. He can’t be that big in real life; he’d never find a girl he’d fit. But, man, just to try it …!

* * *

Monica’s head jerked up, she blinked, and then she looked at her surroundings. “Whoa. Ruby, how long was I out? Did I miss anything important?”

“Only about half our lab-time,” Ruby whispered back. “It was wasted anyway. Just idiots asking the same questions over and over. I wish he’d just let us grab the gear and get moving. Some of us did the prep work and are ready. That loser, Mikey’s asked the same question like three times.”

Ruby looked over at her lab partner. Her head cocked to one side and her eyes narrowed. “What’d you do with your hair? It looks great!”

“What? Nothing.” Monica’s body heated with a rush of pleasure at the attention as she reached up to check her hair. Her hand found full waves rather than the lank, but easy to maintain, no-nonsense style she woken up with that morning. Pulled down in front of her eyes, she stared at the lock in her hand for a while and then looked at the TA. Fully dressed, he stood behind the lectern answering a question for someone at another bench. Letting go, the curly hair shot upwards and bounced into place. With a flick of her head, she tossed her hair back. It bounced up and down her back at the same level it did when ironed out.

My God! If I wore it straight, it’d run down to my ass! She wriggled in her chair, tilting her head back and forth and experimenting with the weight of her unreal new hair. Then she felt the eyes and whipped around, hair arcing outwards and almost catching Ruby. One of the guys at the next table looked away quickly.

Ha! Impressed him! rushed through her mind as her body warmed again. Monica straightened up, showing off her profile in case her classmate took another peek, and tried to catch the TA’s eye. Her shoulders noticed the strain as they pushed back, tugging the bra and squishing her breasts into her chest. She looked back down and let out a squeak.

Oh my God! I’m stacked—totally stacked—like in the dream! What the hell is going on? She slumped forward again because there was just no mercy from her bra. Now this is impressive, but my hair and this? This is completely impossible. Boobs don’t double in size while you nap in class! I’d be bigger than the campus by now if they did!

“Monica,” hissed Ruby. “What are you doing? Stop wiggling around. People are— What … what did you do with your bra? Jesus Christ, girl! What are you trying to pull?”

They were staring. Lots of people staring. Her body tension climbed, and she knew a big twitch was coming, so Monica grimaced, prepared for the tight squeeze and pre-empted it by stretching. Her arms went up and back and her breasts seemed to slam forward. Her peeping tom at the next table’s eyes bugged out and she couldn’t help but smile back, even with the bra straps digging into her back. Then she caught the TA’s eye and he looked impressed—to the point where a ruler probably wouldn’t be long enough to measure just how impressed.

“Sorry … Ed? Mmm, late night? Can we, like, get started now? I’m raring to go.” Monica winked.

“Monica! What’s—”

“And so’s Ruby,” Monica jabbed.


“Uhm. Yeah,” the TA told her breasts. “We are kind of running out of time. Uh. Anymore questions I can handle one-on-one.”

“One-on-one. I kinda like that idea,” she almost said—almost cooed. Instead she just smiled and twisted in her seat to see who else was staring.

The bra bound almost painfully again as she moved. As irritating as it felt, the tight bra was worth it for the ogling guys it pulled in. Still, she’d have to ditch it between classes, if not sooner. The idea of guys staring at her big new breasts as they bounced around unbound erased all concern about just how they’d gotten so large so suddenly.

“Monica!” groaned Ruby after Monica called over the TA to show off their progress for the fifth time. “What are you doinggg?”

“Nothing!” she protested, but asked her pointless question anyway, making sure Ed got a good look down the stretched-almost-to-breaking neck of her shirt. Monica took a good look of her own as Ed’s pants began to fill and made up her mind that she’d do what it took to get a closer, unimpeded by clothing look to see if he really was as big in life as he’d been in her daydream.

And maybe a quick taste. I’d love to impress him so much that he got off in my … Eew. I can’t believe I thought that.

She giggled, checked herself, and looked over at Ruby to see if her friend heard. Ruby looked back, mildly disgusted. But who cares what she thinks? Ed’s probably not black enough for her. She sure wouldn’t be able to complain that he’s too small, though. God, all the testosterone most guys put into building muscle, I know where his went! Fuuuuck, if he was a jock, I’d be all over him already. Maybe I can get his attention if I study harder and get better grades … I’m sure going to attend all of the labs from now on!

“Did you see that guy?” Ruby whispered after Ed wandered to another table. “Holy crap! He doesn’t need to stand behind the podium; he could sit his lecture notes on that thing.”

“Ruby!” Monica whispered back, in mock shock. “I can’t believe you, girl. But yeah. I’ll be dreaming about that all night.”

“You and me both! I’ve never seen anything so … tasty looking. He doesn’t look like much, but that looks like it could show a girl a really good time. Be like sex with a two-by-four! Now shut up. We’ve still got three measurements to take.”

“Wanna see if we can corner Ed after class and make it four measurements? I want to see if we can make his pants explode. Looks like he’s close already!”

“Get your mind out of the gutter and get back to work,” Ruby grinned and tacked on a half-joking, “you slut.”

Monica didn’t mind. Ruby’d been staring at the guy almost as much.

* * *

Melissa was in a strange mood. Even with the destruction of the bulk of last week’s sample collection and the apparatus needed to replace the lost data and gather this week’s set, she was grinning from ear to ear when Ed finally caught up with her early Monday evening. When he saw the huge smile, Ed’d kind of thought that she’d throw herself at him and he’d get to try out some of the stuff he’d learned from Kimberly on the star of most of his more recent sex fantasies.

But she wasn’t interested, so Ed did his best to dig into why. I did the same stuff, more or less, to her that I did to Kimberly, so why isn’t Melissa after me, too?

“Oh,” said Mel in response to Ed’s nosiness. She sniffed loudly and Ed looked up from her breasts. “Things really improved between me and my roommate, Tanya. I was so close to moving out and finding a new roommate and then …” Melissa went almost completely red. “Well we sort of came to an agreement, I guess.”

I didn’t get her. Maybe she thinks I’m the right guy for her, but she just doesn’t want a guy. Ed did a double-take. Oh no! Somehow I must have turned her roommate into a lez! That’s why Melissa’s so happy: she’s finally getting some! And it’s not from me! Oh shit! Definitely going to have to fix that. Make them both Bi? Can I do that? Should I do that?

Kimberly’s a complete slut now, but I made sure it doesn’t get in the way of her life. She wanted to be a slut; she just didn’t like the social consequences, but Melissa …. Well I owe her roomie something for sure. I wonder if I grew her tits and made her a lesbian. She’s going to have problems explaining that; I really went overboard on her. And it’s not exactly fair, going around turning girls into lesbians.

The waitress on the bus, what about her?

Ed had, of course, completely misinterpreted what happened with Tanya and Mel, and he had no idea how brutally easy it was going to be to find “Marsha” the waitress because he didn’t watch any of Saturday’s football game or highlight reels.

Saturday evening, while Ed wrote his paper, Marsha went to the game with her stunned, confused, and extremely aroused boyfriend. The camera lingered on her very tight tee-shirt during a pan through the stands, and the right people—along with nearly every guy watching from home or the replay screen at the game—took note. She’s going to get her wish and be a model alright, but she’s not going to be selling clothes.

In fact, the author recommends investing in Budweiser. Methinks their sales are about to spike.

She doesn’t know it yet, but Marsha is already well on her way to a career she never expected. Sound silly? Sound fantastic and impossible? It isn’t. After all, it worked for the Lady of Ladysmith, Pamela Anderson.

But, to get back on the topic at hand, Melissa took the destruction of her work calmly and with only a hint of underlying frustration.

“Backups are a wonderful thing,” she said, grinding her teeth. “Don’t worry about it. After all, it’s only the basis for my doctorate work.”

On the other hand, The Professor flipped out completely. “Eddie, do you have any idea how much time and money went into the scanner? Any idea at all? Do you have the slightest notion of how much this is going to upset the agencies funding my experiments? Do you …”

One of the things that made The Professor such an excellent lecturer was his ability to go on and on for hours and with a Terminator-like work ethic, he absolutely would not stop until he was done. This was also one of the things that made him a horrible lecturer: he didn’t stop. Sometimes he’d waste an entire lecture ranting about a simple principle, then try and blast through the difficult material in the five minutes right before the buzzer sounded. You probably want to get back to the hot stuff, so let’s skip his ranting, OK?

“… How long before you can have it fixed?”

Really looking at the machine for the first time since Friday, Ed began to mentally add up parts. Assembly was easy—an hour and a half, two on the outside—but parts was an entirely different matter. It’d taken weeks to track down the magnets last time.

Won’t have to do that this time, though, since I know the supplier. A week to ship them in, less if the doctor’ll splurge and we pay for express. Frame’s not that bad off, but the circuitry’s fried. Be a day or two to fix all that and get new circuit boards printed. Probably faster to just junk it all and …

You likely don’t want to read all of this, either, so let’s just fast-forward the monologue a little.

“I can have everything but the magnets by Thursday, I think. Need new PCs, but computing services can do that better than me. Melissa’ll have to set the database back up, but that depends on—”

“Friday morning,” interjected Melissa.

“No,” protested Ed. “It’ll take at least a week to get new magnets.”

“Ship them express and we’ll have them Wednesday.”

“Friday morning, Melissa?” asked The Professor, not even waiting for her nod before, “Make it happen. I want to be where we should have been today by next Monday.”

“Friday morning.” Ed said as The Professor stomped off.

There goes the weekend. Ed looked at Melissa and began rescheduling his week to get as much homework as possible done early. Going to be collecting datasets all weekend. What do I have for homewo—

What the hell is that?

Not much more than a foot tall and blue, with a white storm cloud patch on its chest, it looked like a toy from back when he and his sister were kids, but none of his sister’s toys ever came equipped with a pistol. Ed had toys with guns, but none were blue and fuzzy. It stared back, baring a rack of sharp razor-sharp teeth that it didn’t need with the foot-long knife strapped to its small back like a sword, He-Man style.

“Look out Melissa! A gun-wielding Care Bear’s about to attack us!” just wasn’t something you could say to a person over six and be taken seriously, so Ed said nothing. He looked over his partner’s shoulder, keeping an eye on the critter commando, and tried to keep a straight face.

It raised its empty paw to its toothy mouth and shushed him, as if Ed planned on making a sound. Holstering the pistol, the small bear waddled over, hopped and grabbed onto the seat of a chair, wriggling as it pulled itself up. From there, it repeated the motion and climbed onto the table.

“Malala Tet,” it said with a funny accent, waving a furry hand. It had to be a hand. Paws don’t have opposable thumbs. Paws can’t use pistols—problems with the triggers. It sure looked like a paw, though. “Don’t trust ’im.”

“What?” asked Ed.

“’E’s crazy. Sick in the ’ead. Malala Tet.”

“What ‘what?’” asked Melissa, turning part way to see what Ed was looking at. Like lightning, the miniature bear leapt to the other side of the table and dropped off out of sight. Still, she had to have seen it.

Or maybe not. “What were you looking at? Eddie?”

“Ed,” mumbled Ed. “Nothing. Just thinking.”

“Well, keep thinking, but get working, too. We’ve got a busy week ahead of us.”

“Yeah,” he said, already on his way to see what he could scrounge from Computing Services. “Malala Tet. Gotta be some sort of Egyptian god or something. Gotta remember to Google it later.”

Pondering Egyptian Gods, psychotic teddy bears, and how to de-lezify Melissa and her roommate, Ed opened the lab door and walked right into the exceedingly attractive blonde he only knew of as number one-one-nine. She looked a bit distracted, but still hot as hell. Today she even wore her glasses: A studious-but-petite number designed to explode the dicks of nerds and geeks everywhere.

Ed was a nerd and a geek. His heart exploded in his chest and he felt his dick superheat, melt, and run down his leg, figuratively, that is.

Ed stood in front of one-one-nine, staring stupidly. She blinked in return. “Huh? Oh. Sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going.” She looked at Ed, and then she rose up on her toes, crushing her petite body into him, to look around Ed and into the lab.

“Wow. I missed a really good party. Oh Jesus,” she said, spotting the wrecked brain scanner. “I hope no one was using that thing when it melted. The surge could have really messed up the magnets and realigned stuff and … and you probably know all that since you built it. Never mind.”

She looked around some more, shook her head, and got ready to turn and leave the lab—and a confused Ed.

“Uh. Uhm,” said Ed, awed beyond speech that a real-life total babe was still pretty much pressed into him.

Talk to her, you idiot! roared his libido. And, for a change, libido won out over the fear of the unknown-that-is-woman.

“Can I, uh, help you?”

“Sure! I’m … Uh. I—I’m here. I don’t know why. Maybe I better go, huh?”

Ed stood unable to think of what to say because if he didn’t think really hard, he’d just say something stupid like, “You’re beautiful. Marry me,” and one-one-nine would laugh and walk away.

“You are sooooo hopeless,” said Melissa. “Hi. I’m Melissa, and the guy drooling all over you is Eddie—”

“Ed,” mumbled Ed. “You’re beau—”

“Ed,” Melissa sighed. “Now he finds his voice. What can we do for you?”

“I came to … I dunno. I just felt like I had to be here for something. Like I was looking for something.” She finally noticed that she’d violated Ed’s personal space something awful and stepped backwards. She took a casual glance at him and then went bug-eyed. “Oh wow! I found something alright!”

Ed looked down. His penis hadn’t melted and pooled on the floor. Quite the opposite in fact. The last piece of the shattered pants-button dropped to the floor and joined its fellows. The zipper was slowly losing ground and the head of his cock had forced his tee shirt up past his belly button. The entire upper half of his gigantic, throbbing, bobbing cock was on display, and now that one-one-nine wasn’t supporting it, it was winning the war with the zipper. He tugged the shirt down and out to cover up, but not even close to fast enough.

One-one-nine looked like she’d gone into shock. Weak in the knees, she wavered and mumbled something barely coherent. Then she wet her lips and reached out with a shaking hand.

Mast? wondered Ed. Like as in a sailing ship? Is that what she said? It’s not that big!

Melissa leaned around to see what had caught one-one-nine’s attention and just about fell over giggling. “He’s hung like a horse of course, of course, the famous Mr. Ed.”

Ed bolted for safety, nearly tripping over one-one-nine on the way past.

* * *

“Hey Eddiiieeeee!” sang Monica—the raven-haired girl from his physics lab—waving at him as he ran, clutching his pants to keep them from falling to his ankles, across the campus to Computing Services.

“Ed,” mumbled Ed. He almost waved back, but stopped before his pants dropped. The laughter had chilled things quite a bit, but he couldn’t make himself trust his zipper. Still, he figured he could risk a hand and waved back a bit too late and too lamely.

Monica’s large new breasts continued to sway in counterpoint to her arm even after it had stopped moving. Then she puckered up and blew him a kiss, so Ed hurriedly looked away because the direction she was driving his mind could only lead to the total destruction of his zipper.

“Well, you’re popular, even if no one gets your name right,” said one-one-nine, keeping pace behind him. “I can imagine why—”

“Aren’t you done laughing at me yet?” asked Ed, bitterly.

I wasn’t the one laughing,” protested one-one-nine. “Does that, you know, hurt? When it gets that big? I mean …. I’m just asking because it’s huge! I didn’t think they could get that big. My last boyfriend, he was pretty big, but nothing like that. And never over me! We didn’t even do anything! Benny, he was my boyfriend, I had to, you know, to get him half that size … too much information. Sorry. I’m rambling. Can we stop running now, Eddie?”

“Ed,” gasped Ed, slowing but not stopping. When does she breathe?

“I had Chinese this weekend and the fortune cookie said to look for a large surprise in an unexpected place.” She smiled gleefully at him as she nattered and jogged alongside. “That was a pretty large, unexpected surprise. You wanna go off campus and get a coffee? I owe you at least that much for the …. For what happened earlier. You like her—uhhm, Melissa, I mean—don’t you? I ruined things, didn’t I? I’m sorry. It must be hard to find pants that fit, isn’t it? I mean one minute you’re a thirty two—you look like a thirty-two—and the next you need something much, much bigger. Benny, my old boyfriend, was a thirty-eight. But not because of me. Uhm. Not because of, uh, that, I mean. Getting kinda fat, you know? This where we’re going?”

The answer to that question was brutally obvious since Ed had stopped and slapped the automatic door button.

“Yes,” he said shortly, planning on giving her the baleful, “Your homework is inadequate” stare he’d learned from Dr. Obradovich’s TA but instead he got caught up in her eyes. His pants tightened again, and he just couldn’t get the right amount of meanness into his gaze. He couldn’t get any meanness in his eyes. The worship didn’t leave any room.

Exercising supreme willpower, he looked away before his pants completely ruptured. Then he hit the door button again. Either it hadn’t worked or he’d zoned out in one-one-nine’s eyes long enough for it to open and close.

“Do you play D&D?” she asked, picking right up again when he looked away. “Benny played D&D and I did a bit, too. I had a paladin named Sasha and—”

“I’ll be right back, OK?” said Ed, wondering if he should really just sneak out the back door once he got everything dealt with inside.

This time Ed made it through the door before it closed.

Twenty minutes later, Ed realized that listening to one-one-nine chattering endlessly was better than dealing with the assholes in Computing Services. Really what he wanted to do was go back outside, see if one-one-nine was still out there, and drift away in her eyes again if she was. This was new for Ed. Usually he got stiff over porn stars, big boobs, and Kimberly Scott fantasies. One-one-nine was a fantasy. He started to get hard again.

But first things first. “What we really need is one of the Dell 670 workstations just like the one we had last time—”

“We can’t order anything like that,” droned the fat idiot behind the desk. “Too expensive.”

“No it’s not. It’s coming out of our research account. Totally independent of the school. All you have to do is order the stupid thing so it’s official.”

“Can’t be duh—” the denial ground to a halt as the living obstruction looked up, past Ed.

“Hi!” said one-one-nine, leaning over and resting both hands on Ed’s shoulder. He looked up at her and felt the now-familiar swelling between his legs. Her blue eyes were alight and she beamed a megawatt smile. “I’m Holly.”

She straightened up and reached out to shake the desk-bound bureaucratic dead-weight’s hand. “We’re really busy over in the lab (The Professor’s a total slave driver, you know?) and we’re under the gun, so any help would be greatly appreciated.”

Five minutes of almost non-stop one-one-nine later, fatso had even offered to fill out the paperwork.

That was even faster than Melissa! Ed thought, gazing at one-one-nine—Holly—in awe. It must have been respect because he wasn’t even getting hard this time. Whoops. Shit. Spoke too soon.

She noticed Ed’s rapt attention and smiled back.

“You know …,” said Holly, still smiling. “I really like it when you look at me like that. Want to go get a coffee or something? So, I have this Paladin named Sasha, and ….”