The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Enter the Darkness

Part II

It’s dark; so absolutely dark. I can’t comprehend the depth of darkness. There is nothing. No sight, sound, smell or touch; neither hot or cold. I am everywhere in the darkness, yet I am nowhere.

I must be dead.

Awareness dawns. I am conscious therefore I can’t be dead, right? Unless this is the most boring afterlife I could’ve ever imagined I must still be alive. Slowly, I remember who and what I am. Fragments of what I was flash in the darkness. Missing women, the club, that woman. Remembering her, if I had a body I think the feeling would be one of restrained excitement where I shudder in anticipation. I have no body so it can’t be arousal but there is something. Remembering those infinitely dark eyes pulling me in, I begin to relax and embrace the nothingness that surrounds me. Darkness is all I need, all I want. I feel good, at peace with my existence here in the void.

No!!! I reach out with all the energy I can muster. At first there’s nothing, just the still silence clinging to my consciousness like a comforting embrace; but then I hear it, a distant hum. The sound grows slightly stronger and I latch onto it pulling my disembodied consciousness toward it. There’s a dim glow in the darkness. The glow and the sound grow stronger and I become aware of shapes, lights and a slight musky scent wafting through the not so dark, not so empty place.

With an abrupt clarity of awareness, I’m back.

I’m floating somewhere near the roof of the tractor trailer looking down at my body’s limp form. I survey the interior before glancing at the monitor connected to the seventh chair. I see that I’m not actually dead. If I’m reading the display correctly I’m in some sort of light coma but at least part of my brain is extremely active. There’s medical equipment everywhere but I don’t understand what they do or why it’s here. I’m very confused. I feel… no feeling isn’t the correct expression of what I’m experiencing… I’m lost and empty. I am nothing.

“I am nothing without Mistress.”

The thought sickens me. It must be some residual affect from the sensory overload my mind experienced while under the influence of the drug. The interior is brighter now and I’m more aware of other women in the room. I can’t see their faces but I remember some of the tattoos from the files. The files! Yes! I remember, I’m an agent. I’m supposed to help these women not end up like them. Where’s my team? Surely they raided the club when I stopped transmitting.

It’s suddenly very bright. I’m aware of the sensations of panic, fear and dread. What will happen to us if I can’t get out and call for assistance? Will I be trapped in darkness forever, alone with no one and nothing? No sight, sound, smell, touch, for all eternity? I feel myself slipping away. The light is fading rapidly.

“I am nothing without Mistress.”

Twin dark orbs pierce the waning light. I stare into them and feel myself drifting gently toward them. They grow impossibly large. I’m so close.

“I am nothing. Mistress is everything.”

Stop it, I command. The light returns so abruptly I experience the memory of pain even though I know there is no pain here in the void. I’m in control here. I decide. I choose. The light lessens and I see clearly the interior of the trailer and its occupants. Memories come flooding back. Everything she did to me. How much I enjoyed becoming her slave. Even now I watch myself and the others being conditioned to her will; a part of me is in awe of what she’s capable of.

Based on my growing understanding of the information displayed on the seven monitors we are being kept in a near constant state of arousal. Heart rate, respiration and brain activity in the limbic system, ventral tegmental area, nucleus accumbens, prefrontal cortex, amygdala, and septum are extremely elevated. IVs are connected to a complex bank of machines. I watch the slow drip of the IV pumping more of whatever substance she used to initiate her influence over us steadily into our veins.

I perceive movement and turn my attention toward the change. A door at the far end of the trailer opens. A woman in a dark grey lab coat walks crisply into the room, examines various displays, touches a few controls, makes a few notes on her tablet and exits as quickly as she entered.

For a long time, I float motionless above she who was me and ponder the meaning of existence. Am I the mindless, sweat-drenched sex slave being conditioned beneath me or am I this fierce, independent, consciousness that exists outside human understanding? Does the fate of these empty vessels beneath me matter to this consciousness? Am I the only one? Are the others here as well and I just can’t perceive them? Did they linger here hoping to free their bodies from this place? Did they go back and merge with their slave selves and jointly give themselves over to the darkness? Is this all an illusion brought on by the trauma of my abduction? Would I be better off if I gave in and embraced the dark, lustful desires Mistress offers?

For a brief, fleeting moment I experience a wave of pleasure flow around me; a faint pull toward the beckoning darkness just beyond my perception. I perceive her will probing, searching, always hungry; seeking the vague presence my consciousness must be to her. A part of my consciousness turns longingly toward it but I command its full attention to my will. My will is supreme here. There is no will but my own! There is no will but mine! The temptation passes, fading to a slight distraction before disappearing altogether.

I focus and concentrate on increasing my perception of my surroundings and in a flash, I’m outside the truck. It’s very bright but without the limitation of my physical eyes I’m able to immediately see the truck driving slowly down a desert dirt track toward a distant mountain. I idly wonder how long it will take to reach the mountain and suddenly we are outside a dusty hill. Perhaps my perception of time is not limited to liner progression. I’m interrupted in my consideration of such things by the side of the hill falling away and exposing the interior of large facility. The truck slowly enters a tunnel, slowing further as great geysers of water and steam blast all exterior surfaces of the vehicle. I’m amazed at how clearly I can perceive each rivulet of water or gaseous vapor scouring the surface of the truck. The truck stops and large metal shields cover the tires before a blast of heat bathes the truck. It only lasts a moment with the shields releasing and the truck rolling forward toward a row of identical trucks. It backs toward a loading dock.

I turn toward the dock and indistinct forms on the dock resolve into people waiting for the truck to the stop. They are all wearing the same dark grey lab coats as the technician I saw earlier. The truck slowly lurches to a stop and the doors are opened. I’m back inside. The truck powers down and the people begin turning off the machines. Monitors go dark and the only sounds I perceive are the people disconnecting the various devices from the women still lying partially reclined in the chairs. The large phallic devices are slowly pulled from the women. They are dripping on the floor before being placed in containers labeled for each woman. Finally, after all the IVs, cables and cords are removed, they remove the helmet from each woman. The chairs are elevated to a near standing position and the women are assisted by each attendant and walk slowly from the room starting with the first.

My consciousness follows them down a long hallway before turning toward a group of rooms labeled one through seven. The first one enters the room identified by a large sign bearing the number – 1 –. In one corner of the room is a shower. The attendant brings the woman to the shower and activates something on his tablet. Water, soap and steam fill the small enclosure. The woman doesn’t move until the cleansing, rinsing and drying cycles complete. The attendant takes her to the wall opposite the shower and presses some additional buttons on the tablet. A panel in the wall slides open to reveal clothes. The woman reaches in and puts on the shirt. I focus my perception on her and watch as the fabric seems to adjust perfectly to her body, her firm nipples straining the fabric, her abdomen remains exposed, a small belly ring bearing a symbol I’m not familiar with sparkles in the bight room. The woman takes the panties and begins putting them on. Again, I focus on the panties and see some sort of material in the crotch of the panties. When she pulls them into place, her eyes open for the first time since being removed from the chair. She gasps and I focus on her eyes. For a moment, her eyes are dark obsidian; I feel my consciousness drawn to them like a moth to flame until they gradually lighten into an almost golden hazel, the irises are pin pricks, staring vacantly forward, her chest heaving up and down as she rapidly fills her lungs with air.

The attendant, takes what looks like sunglasses and places them on the table across the room. Sliding his finger across the tablet display a chime sounds. The woman turns toward the table, walks over and picks up the sunglasses. She adjusts the earpieces so they plug into and over her ears and cover her eyes. A few minutes pass and the attendant causes the room to emit another tone. The woman stiffens, removes the earpiece/glasses contraption, sets it on the table and returns to the far corner of the room. The attendant leaves, the lights dim and the woman lays on the bed motionless.

I watch as this procedure is repeated 5 more times.

It’s my turn.

I decide I need to understand what’s happening to she who was me. I flow into the body that was mine and am nearly overwhelmed by the sensations of arousal flowing through and around me. I can smell the mingled sex of the women who just walked down this hall and am startled to discover we are all just now being led into our respective rooms. Again, I’m unnerved at the time-related dysphoria I’m experiencing. My attention returns to the single thought consuming my body mind. It’s on pleasure overdrive just walking naked down the hall. There is complete darkness, not just visually, but of thought. I exist only in a swirling maelstrom of dark erotic imagery and energy.

The Mistress, Our Mistress is everywhere. We belong with her, to her. We are one with the darkness.

I pull the shirt over my head and at once it seems alive, caressing my breasts, pulling my nipples taut against the thin fabric. The panties are even better; the crotch contains some material that surrounds and penetrates my sex. It seems to vibrate ever so slightly, stimulating a continual flow of juices that are somehow wicked off by the strange material, changed and absorbed by into my skin so there is no cloying, damp stickiness.

The sensations surrounding me are amazing. My eyes flutter open and I see the attendant. He is the first sight I’ve seen since becoming one with the darkness. A craven lust grips me and I want to feel him inside me. Now!

A chime sounds and he is immediately forgotten. I go to the desk and pick up the glasses fitting them over my ears and eyes. They activate immediately. The image of My Mistress appears, her eyes pierce me, I stare longingly down her glorious body to her perfectly shaved sex and in our mind, I’m on my knees, worshiping her, breathing in her scent. Suddenly her voice is in our mind.

“Greetings my obedient thrall, welcome to your temporary home. You will remain here to finish your conditioning and training. You will spend hours each day in conditioning, both mentally and physically serving my will.”

Bong, another tone.

“Sleep now my loyal servant”

I remove the glasses; the lights dim and I lay on the bed and drift back into her dark embrace. She who was me sleeps deeply, her mind numb, gentle waves of pleasure and the warm caress of the strange underwear working in concert to further condition her into a perfect servant for her Mistress. I reluctantly separate my consciousness from her and am filled with a hollow perception of emptiness.

A part of me wants to linger with she who was me, drifting along with her, ceding myself to her Mistress, but I know this is wrong.

These women are counting on me. I know there’s no such thing as true mind control. Drugs and conditioning can give the appearance of total control but carefully remove the subject from the drugs and conditioning and they always return to some level of independent thought and action. I just need to figure out how to get the word out to my team so they can take this woman and her entire dark empire down. How I can accomplish this as a non-corporeal entity drifting through the top-secret lab of some dark wannabe sorceress is currently beyond me.