The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

In May, 2011, Allister Remm invited his fellow authors at the MC Garden to write a song where mind control and love go, for want of a phrase, hand-in-hand. This is the story I wrote for his contest. All of the usual disclaimers apply, about how this is an adult story for adult readers, and how this is a work of fiction and that any similarity with real people (alive or dead) is completely coincidental. I welcome all comments and criticism. My email address is


by Mudak

Chapter 1

Lenny wiped the sweat from his brow and pushed his glasses back up his nose. Exhaling deeply, he reached into the small wooden box near the beaker he was heating and pulled out a rose petal. Holding the thin piece of flower close to his face, he thought about how incredibly light the red leaf felt between his sweaty fingers.

Mumbling, “Here’s hoping this works,” he dropped the petal into the beaker. The edges of the flower glowed brightly for a moment, giving off the appearance of being about to catch fire before the entire petal sank into the bubbling liquid.

With a kick, he rode his desk chair across the room, guiding himself to his computer keyboard. He examined his prior notes and typed the following addendum: “Rose petal is dissolving into solution. By morning, it should be ready to test.”

He let out a sigh. Even though he wasn’t feeling particularly tired, he knew he ought to go to bed. He shut down his computer, turned the heater below the beaker to a low simmer, and walked briskly up the stairs.

When he arrived in his living room, he paused at the bookshelf before removing his old high school yearbook. He carried it under his arm into his bedroom, throwing the book on the bed before getting undressed for the night.

Once he had settled into bed, he rifled through it and found her picture. She wrote “Best of luck to you” beneath the picture. He spoke the five words aloud and grinned slightly. He didn’t need to see the words to know what she had written; he committed it to memory almost immediately after she wrote them. He just wanted to stare at her picture and flowery penmanship. Even after all these years—ten years to be precise—his heart still raced at the thought of her.

She was the most gorgeous girl in school and he ... well, he was ... He still couldn’t say the “N” word. He remembered that day about two months before graduation when he finally mustered the courage to ask her on a date. His heart pounded so hard he could barely hear himself, much less hear her answer. She turned him down as politely as possible, all other factors considered.

He felt somewhat disheartened when she came up to his table at the restaurant as his waitress. She was better than that. She DESERVED better than that, goddamnit.

Ten years earlier, he remembered how he moped around the house after she turned him down. Now ... he had the key to her heart and soul. It just needed to sit overnight and then he’d show her.

Chapter 2

Julia finished cleaning off her last table and wiped her brow with her dishrag. Heaving a big sigh, she slumped over the counter before pouring herself a glass of ginger ale.

“I think you work too much,” Steve said to her as he finished cleaning the stove in the kitchen.

She put down her glass and said, “That and I had a little trip down memory lane tonight.”

“Really? What was that?”

“Remember the guy who came in here just after the dinner rush? He was alone. Everything about him screamed ‘nerd’?”

“Yeah, I remember him. Felt kind of sorry for him, ya know?”

“Yeah. He had a crush on me in high school. I remember that time he asked me out.”

“You?!? Really? But you’re, you know… out of that guy’s league.”

“I hear you, Steve. I’d like to think I let him down easy, but... I guess I... I don’t know. Maybe I let him down too easy. Maybe I, uh, maybe he didn’t realize that he had no chance with me or something. Maybe he’s just forgotten or he had so much of a crush on me, that I would’ve needed to humiliate him in public or something to get through to him.”

“You’re not the kind of person who’s into humiliating other people.”

“No, but I’ve got to admit that I did have a pretty good laugh about it after the fact. Me and a couple friends laughed pretty hard about it.”

“I’ve heard you complaining about customers. THIS must be where that mean streak in you comes from,” he said, a teasing lilt in his voice.

“I wouldn’t say that. Anymore, it’s just a stress-relief to tear down obnoxious customers.”

“Like him?”

“He was one of the good ones. And he tipped me pretty well, too.”

“Didn’t you see the way he was staring at you?”

“Lots of customers stare at me. All I really had to do was tolerate how he went off on how I’m still as beautiful as I was back then. And I think he seemed upset that I’m working here.”

“This is a nice place to work, Jules.”

“Yeah, but ten years ago, I ... I don’t know. I imagined myself in a much better place than this.” Julia sighed.

Steve grunted his agreement and went back to cleaning the range top.

Julia closed her eyes and finished her drink before counting the contents of the her till.

Chapter 3

Lenny woke up the following morning and hurried to his lab to check on the potion he had concocted. With a combination of awe and anxiety, he picked up the beaker and held it in his hands before he examined the two-layer solution in the light of the early morning sun shining through his window.

The upper layer appeared as a thick, congealed glob with a pinkish hue. The lower layer appeared as water. He shook the beaker slightly and watched a bubble spin around in the lower layer. Holding the beaker under his nose, he registered no odor, neither pleasant nor foul.

He carried the beaker over to his computer and set it down on the desk as he tapped a few keys and watched his monitor spring back to life. He tapped a few notes about the appearance and lack of aroma of his creation before adding, “Expected precipitate to congeal. Color is brighter than expected but not cause for concern. Need now is to test it.”

He stared at his computer monitor for a while, pondering how best to try out his creation when he heard the familiar sound of his cat, meowing loudly before clawing at the fabric at the back of his desk chair.

“All right, Grinch. I’ll bet you’re hungry.”

The cat strutted around the chair and began rubbing against Lenny’s legs.

“Just give me a minute, okay?”

He stood up, grabbed a a knife, and carefully removed the viscous upper layer from his concoction before lowering it gently into a bowl. He was reminded of the movement of a bowl of gelatin as it shook.

He took a couple of steps over to his cabinets and found a small atomizer and a funnel. Using the funnel, he poured a small amount of the liquid into the atomizer. He returned the bulb to the glass base of the atomizer and stared at Grinch, who, by now, was purring loudly and nudging against his legs.

Kneeling down to look his cat in the face, he lifted the atomizer and sprayed some of his experiment into the air directly before Grinch’s eyes. The cat jumped back with a shocked “mew” before shaking his head as though he were trying to get water out of his fur.

He pawed briefly at his ears before stopping suddenly. He purred loudly and sat up, facing Lenny and otherwise not moving.


The cat didn’t respond.


Still no response.

“Meow?” asked Lenny.

The cat sat still, neither responding to Lenny’s words, nor running away from him or his words.

He waved his hand in front of the cat’s face and then scratched him behind the ears. Neither of these movements elicited any physical response from his pet.

“Interesting,” he mused as he reached for the bowl into which he had placed the upper layer of his creation. He quickly dipped one finger into the cartilaginous substance before rubbing it on the back of his hand and his cheek.

He knelt close to the sitting cat and started to scratch him behind the ears. Grinch moved his head to meet Lenny’s hand and purred loudly. After a few moments, Lenny stood up and said, “Come on. Let’s get you some breakfast.”

Grinch meowed twice, with a tone that made Lenny pause, thinking the cat might have just said, “OK.”

The cat followed its human docilely towards the kitchen, where Lenny poured a small cup of dry cat food into a food dish.


The cat jumped at the dish and ate enthusiastically, his tail swinging excitedly behind him.

Lenny went back down to the lab and recorded his observations into his electronic journal. He spoke as he typed. “Successful test performed on cat. Rubbed thick, viscous part of solution on self. Sprayed watery part of solution on cat and found I could control cat.”

He let out a deep sigh and shut his eyes. He pictured Julia in his mind, and he imagined making her fall in love with him thanks to this experiment. It was just a question as to whether he needed to test the experiment a bit more before using it on her. The last thing he wanted was to mess things up now, not with how close he really was.

Chapter 4

It was early afternoon before Lenny was prepared to go see Julia and use his experiment on her. With any luck, though, he’d find another human test subject along the way before he reached Julia. He wanted to make his place look perfect, and wanted to make a few more notes about his experiment before leaving.

Lenny rubbed some more of the upper layer of his solution on his face and hands before he filled his atomizer with the less gelatinous half of his invention.

Holding the small bottle in front of his face, he said, “So what do I do with the rest?” He covered the beaker and brought it upstairs, leaving the thick portion of his experiment in its bowl.

“I’ll be back later,” he said to the cat, who didn’t move from his early afternoon sunbeam. Lenny made a mental note that the cat no longer seemed to be under his control. He mumbled, “Just means that the suggestions need to be placed early on,” to himself.

He strode casually yet excitedly to his car and placed the atomizer on the passenger’s seat and the beaker in a cup holder. Before he had completely backed out of the driveway, he could hear his heart pounding. He looked into his own eyes in the rear view mirror and whispered, “You’ve got nothing to worry about.” over and over again.

The roads were mostly empty, which helped Lenny relax a little bit, but he still felt anxious.

After he had been driving for about two miles, he ran over a pothole, which, in turn, knocked the beaker over slightly.

“Oh, shit!” He eased off of the gas and hastened to right the glass container and ensure that he didn’t spill too much.

For the few seconds during which he took his eyes off of the road, he ran through a stop sign. He sat up and focussed back on the road just in time to prevent the car from going into a ditch. He quickly straightened the car out and, a moment later, he heard a horn and saw flashing lights behind him.

“Fuck!” He slowed down and pulled over to the side of the road.

Lenny sat frozen, staring in his rear view mirror at the police cruiser that came to a stop behind him.

After what felt like an outrageously long wait, punctuated occasionally by Lenny looking at his watch, he saw a tall, thin female police officer step out of the cruiser and walk slowly towards him. His mind raced as he asked himself if he had the nerve to act on the thought that popped into his head as soon as he saw her clearly.

Before he could say or do anything else, she tapped on his window.

He opened his window, pushed his glasses up his nose, and smiled at her. “Um... Is, uh... something wrong officer?”

“Did you see the stop sign back there?” Her voice was harsh yet feminine.

“Um... I, uh....”

“Forget it. Just show me your drivers’ license and registration.”

“Sure. Hang on a, uh... A second..” He pushed his glasses up his nose once more. Taking a deep breath, he decided that if he acted quickly, maybe he could get out of this. He unbuckled his seat belt, reached over to the passenger’s seat, and picked up the atomizer.

“What are you ...” Her words were cut off when he sprayed some of his liquid directly into her face. She swayed on her feet for a moment before leaning inwards at him, smiling.

“Um...” he said to her, unsure of what to do next. “What’s your name?”

“Cheryl.” Her voice had softened somewhat.

“Hi, Cheryl. I’m Lenny.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lenny. What’re you up to?”

“Oh...” He could barely hear his own voice over the sound of the pounding of his heart. “I’m just ... I just figured I’d hang out, ya know? I think you’re very attractive, Cheryl.”

“Thank you, Lenny.”

His mind raced. Her response to having been sprayed made him feel a little bit bolder.

“You think I’m attractive, too, don’t you, Cheryl?”

“Very much so.”

“Do you mind if I ask what you do to get the attention of guys you’re attracted to?”

The officer giggled. “Well, I did this when I was in high school.” She slowly unbuttoned her vest and blouse, revealing a black bra underneath. She cupped her breasts. “What do you think?”

“Very nice. Now I want you to tell me honestly, what else do you do when there’s a guy out there you like?”

“I’ll offer to suck his cock. Would you mind if I sucked yours?”

“Ya know, Cheryl. I just realized.” He glanced down at his watch. “I’ve, um... I’ve got an appointment in a few minutes. Why don’t you go back to your car and go back to what you were doing. Everything’s fine here so...”

“Okay, Lenny.”

“Oh, let me tell you what.” He didn’t know why he was saying this, but he figured someone else ought to be the beneficiary of this experiment. “The next guy you pull over. Why don’t you suck his instead? Can you do that for me?”

“Sure, Lenny. Anything for you. Have a good day and drive carefully!”

“You too, Cheryl!”

He wiped his brow in wonder and amazement as he watched the police officer saunter back to her cruiser. He pulled back onto the road and headed straight for the restaurant, silently high-fiving himself over this simple, yet successful, test of his invention.

Chapter 5

He arrived at the restaurant where Julie worked and saw that there was a small crowd outside, chatting amiably. He approached a couple of guys who were standing there and meekly asked, “How long of a wait is there to get in?”

“Not long. They’re just clearing tables now.”

“Good.” Lenny smiled and walked into the restaurant.

Once inside, the hostess smiled at him and said, “Glad you could be here! How many in your party?”

He looked at the floor, pushed his glasses up his nose, and said, “Just me, but, um... Is Julia on right now?”

“She’s got the dinner shift. She should be here at about 4:30.”

“Oh. All right then. I’ll, um... I’ll be back later.”

“Fair enough. See you then.”

“Take it easy!”

He slowly walked out of the restaurant, feeling inside of his jacket pocket for the atomizer he hadn’t had the chance to use. Any temptation he might have had of using it on someone at the restaurant were lost by the recognition of how crowded the place was. He returned home and set the alarm on his phone to go off at 3:30 pm so he could take a shower and have enough time to get to the restaurant when Julia’s shift would start.

Chapter 6

Julia arrived somewhat early to the restaurant for her shift that night. She strode confidently back to the time clock in a corner of the kitchen and punched in.

“Hey Jules!” smiled the hostess who was on her way to punch out.

“Hey, Sammi! What’s news today?”

“Not too much to report. I think there might’ve been some big sales meeting at one of the local offices because the lunch crowd kind of spiked at about 12:30 or so. Other than that, it was an ordinary Thursday.”

“I wonder if any of them’ll come back for the dinner shift.”

“I’m sure some will, but I wouldn’t worry about them.”


“You remember that geeky guy who came in yesterday and kept staring at you?”

Julia raised an eyebrow and paused before saying, “Oh, you mean Lenny?”

“Was that his name?”

“Yeah. He was my high school nerd.”

“Well he came back in today in the middle of the lunch rush asking for you.”

“What’d you tell him?”

“Only that you’d be back in for tonight’s shift. Don’t be surprised if he shows up tonight.”

Julia closed her eyes. “Well, at least he tips well.”

When Samantha saw the hesitation in her friend’s face and heard it in her voice, she asked, “D’you want me to get Tony to pay him a little visit?”

Julia laughed. “Um... No, Lenny’s harmless. I just can’t believe he might still be crushing on me after all this time.”

“All right. Just let me know if you change your mind.”

“Ha ha. Sure.” Julia smiled and waved as Samantha walked out of the kitchen and disappeared from view. She didn’t want to admit it, but there was a part of her that felt flattered that someone might take an interest in her now, after all of that baggage she’d been carrying. Even if it was a nerd like Lenny.