The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

I Have No Idea — Chapter 2

By Redsliver

“No.” I declared with the first push of confidence I felt since waking up by the pool. “No. Not Olivia.”

She wasn’t my mom mom. In fact, she was less than ten years older than me. Dad had met her on some dating app about five years ago. Seven years ago, I had blacked out for two years! It was his first foray into dating after Mom had passed. They were married in 18 months. Dad had been pushing 60 then. Larry and I had been skeptical. We were wrong. Olivia was a warm, incredible woman and she was completely sold on my dad. Now I was supposed to get her pregnant.

Five pregnant women surrounded me. Adored me. I could see love in their eyes. I reflected it back with Shani. I did love her; I just hadn’t considered being attracted to her in some time. Rena scared me. Amanda put me off. The twins were so hot. Was I proud of myself?

I can’t remember considering being a dad. I had had girlfriends but I had gotten out of any relationship long before we had started talking long term plans, marriage or kids. I had no idea what I had wanted. I looked around at the five glowing pregnant women around me. I turned back to Shani. “What the hell is wrong with me?”

“Dude, you’re overreacting,” Mel took the cushion off a nearby armchair so she could kneel near my head and brush my hair around. She was gorgeous. Easily on par with the “Marketably Attractive” girls I had seen down by the pool. She smiled with great big eyes, “If you’re so worried about Olivia, she’s here. Go talk to her.”

“She and Dad—”

“Your dad’s down at The Waterfront.” Ellie shrugged, “Usually anyways. He’ll tell you to do it.”

“What! What the hell!” I wanted to sit up and start pacing but I only gingerly tried to lift Rena from cuddling atop my chest. She looked at me, smirked, shook her head, and pushed me back down.

“You know, we can’t just tell you everything.” Shani pointed out. “It’s not only easier to show, you won’t get shit if we don’t. Let’s take the tour. Olivia’s at The Strip. Why don’t we all get dressed up and—”

“Nah, don’t be silly!” Ellie interrupted. “No sense getting fancy. We’re not going to want to bang around The Strip until supper anyways. Let’s just go out there. There’s lots to see! It’s not like he wants to start with dress code central.”

“Ellie, when I’m talking please let me finish.” Shani growled through grinding teeth.

“It’s fine, Shan,” Amanda put her arm on my sister-in-law’s elbow. Mel brushed my hair again and lifted my chin.

“Whoa!” I twitched, pulling back from a kiss I didn’t see coming.

“Yeah, he’s so-oo ready for The Strip, Shan.” Mel turned to the fuming brunette.

“I’d rather see Dad first.” I considered. Larry had fucked off. I wanted to talk to him the most.

“Yeah, let me take you!” Ellie grabbed my ankle and tugged. I wasn’t the only one who looked at her with impatience.

“I don’t think Rena’s going to let go.”

“Oh, I’m just overdue a cuddle.” Rena swirled her palm against my chest. “When you’re getting up I’ll leave you to Maniac and her evil doppelganger.”

“I was going to The Globe,” Mel physically directed my face to hers when she spoke. It felt nice, her cool firm fingers on my jaw. “You OK taking him, Ellie?”

“You sure? Tomorrow’s Valentine’s day.” She reminded the room.

“It’s OK,” Amanda slowly got to her feet. She flashed me a smile. “I’ll see you at supper?”

“I guess,” I looked around and all the girls nodded confirmation. Rena squeezed my chest and kissed me. I kissed her back. I was embarrassed for being caught off guard by Mel. It was a nice kiss. She clearly felt a lot from it. I smiled back. She swirled her hand on my chest. I liked that a lot. She then pushed herself up, almost crushing my ribcage. She laughed at me.

“I’m going to take Shani for the afternoon,” She told me. Shani nodded like it was a great idea. My sister-in-law leaned over and squeezed my toes again. I took a deep a breath and rose into a proper sitting position before I stood up.

“We’re going to have so much fun!” Ellie swooped in and took my arm. The twins were unlawfully gorgeous. Light reddish gold hair framed bright-eyed wide-smiled faces. Mel gave me a little wave and took off after Amanda who had just started walking without a good-bye. I turned back to Ellie’s blue eyes. “We should start at The Castle and—”

“I’d like to go to The Waterfront first,” I told her and she nodded looking a little frowny. She scooped up my hand in both of hers and started towards the library. I looked back over my shoulder as Shani closed the glass doors out to the rooftop garden. Rena waved. She looked less enthused than Ellie could.

“Yeah, I get it. I love Garth too.” She was commenting on my chosen destination. “You’re not going to be too weird if we catch him cuddling a girl are you? He’s taken to being a perv.”

“Dad has?” I couldn’t quite grok that.

“Yeah, but I mean, he’s married to a woman 25 years younger than him.” She shrugged as she dragged me from the elevators towards the stairs. “It can’t be too much of a surprise.”

“I don’t really want to think of Dad as being unfaithful,” I decided as we headed down the stairs. Even the stairwells were bright and lovely. Murals were painted on the concrete brick walls. Sunshine, dolphins, girls. Tasteful, not quite Fuck Island as my mind imagined it.

“Yeah, luckily Mom and Dad, my Mom and Dad, visit together. Still weird watching mom point out pretty girls to Dad.” Ellie slammed through the ground floor door. She wasn’t a soft touch with much of anything, I gathered. “I guess I’m just happy my family’s cool enough to stay part of our lives, yeah?”

“Hi Mister Tanner! Hi Mistress Hess!” The Latina girl who had worried about me by the pool was standing behind the front desk now and an older woman… No, she was older than the Latina, if she was older than me I’d be amazed. A near-thirty something gorgeous blonde was mopping up the tiles in front of the front desk. Ellie waved to the Latina.

“Hey P! Got roped into a shift?”

P felt like a perky barista who was comfortable in her job and didn’t hate it. She was gorgeous, clear smooth brown skin, large breasts pushing against her golf shirt. I waved silently, hoping my smile wasn’t cracked and broken.

“Lacy had to clean up,” P laughed. “She was Castle messy.”

“Nice!” Ellie chuckled, “Call a cart for us? We’re heading to The Waterfront.”

“Yes Mistress!” She beamed and lifted the receiver of a phone. She just held it to her side as she quickly tapped in three keys and hung up.

“You’re the best!” Ellie beamed and dragged me outside via the front doors. A driverless golf cart rumbled up along the cul-de-sac under the front awning. A tall mid-twenties blonde in a slightly sheer white robe was walking up with a pair of stilettos in her hands. Her long legs swished by. She smiled a hello as Ellie rushed down and into the cart. I smiled back. The tall blonde stepped through the automatic doors and I followed her ass with the turn of my head.

“You like her?” Ellie teased me as I turned to the cart.

“I’m not used to being around this much beauty. Especially, the friendly polite kind.” I tried to make a joke of it but Ellie was grinning as she swiped around on the touch screen on the driver’s side of the cart.

“Hey P! Grab Nastya!” Ellie rushed her syllables out as I sat down next to her.

A few second later, that beautiful blonde stepped back outside. Ellie waved her over.

“Hi.” I said and she looked at me with a tilted head and a guarded smile. She had to be at least 5′9″, clear tanned skin, soft golden waves, large forward breasts, tired bright eyes.

“You turned his head,” Ellie leaned across me conspiratorially. “You want a job?”

“A job?” I asked. Nastya frowned a moment.

“He’s having a moment like Rena did at Christmas,” Ellie said in hushed tones.

“Ah, you are well?” Nastya’s accent, something east of Warsaw is as good a guess as I could make it, came through with her touch of worry. She ran her fingers into my hair and pulled me into a startling hug. I was face to flesh with her cleavage. I gingerly wrapped my hands around her waist. She spoke to Ellie over my head.

“We’re heading down to The Waterfront, come with.”

“I, maybe, could use a shower.” She was stroking my hair.

“Big showers down on the beach. Brian’s got of bit of stink himself.”

“Yes, I will join you.” She stepped back and I lingered my hands on her hips as our embrace broke. I didn’t get it. This woman was so gorgeous. She untied her robe and let it fall to the sidewalk. “May I sit here?”

She climbed onto my lap and teased a leg across Ellie’s as well. I looked between the blondes. The cart started moving. These perfect breasts were in front of me. I couldn’t? Even though they said I could. This was terrifying.

She clasped her hand onto the back of mine as I cupped her breast. I ran a hand over the smooth contour of her ass as well. I looked to Ellie. She reclined back and looked on with the smuggest shit-eating grin I had ever seen. It was villainous. She teased Nastya’s leg.

“Nastya, tell Mister Tanner about your first day here,” Ellie teased with a bright smiled. I looked up into Nastya’s brown eyes. She beamed crazily.

“I used to wait tables, yes.” She stroked her hand through my hair, encouraging me to take a draught from her breast. I looked to Ellie, for permission? For something. I sank down and Nastya cooed as I pulled back with my teeth. “I find out about island online. I was skeptical.”

“Most are,” Ellie nodded. We left the hotel front and started along a palm tree wooded drive. It forked as we made the loop around the back of the hotel. We stayed on the gentle curve. I could see a roller coaster and water slide structures over the treeline to our left.

“I wouldn’t have come. I had seen Youtube videos of Mister Tanner at University Berkeley and Arizona. I was crushed.”

“You had a crush.” Ellie corrected for me. I nodded. I squeezed her breast again.

“I met with recruiters. Saw video of Mistress Ghasra. I applied.” She picked my hand from her chest and guided me down to her fuzzy-lipped sex. In my head, Marketably Attractive meant clean shaven. Young. I felt guilty. She felt flooded. I tapped the hard engorged clitoris that reached for my fingers. She added sighs to her story. “I had to take pictures. I expected to have to take my clothes off but it was t-shirt, jeans. I had to walk in high heels. I figured I should’ve been insulted sometimes. I was hoping I wouldn’t hear from them again.”

“You’re one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen.” I don’t know why I hedged my bets.

“You’ve told me,” She leaned in and kissed my hairline as I began rubbing her. I squeezed her ass uncomfortably tight. It was that or have my hands shake worse than when I was a junior in high school unfastening my first brassiere. I pushed her image out of my mind. She wasn’t Marketable. “You make girls feel pretty even here. Even, next to women like Mistress Hess or Mistress Deering.”

“I’m not Fuck Island hot!” Laughed Ellie. Yeah, she was. I tried to think of Amanda. Maybe she was. I found her to look a bit of a wallflower next to Rena and Shani. The twins were spotlight stealers.

“I yes. I fly out. I had to get passport. I was terrified on the plane.” Nastya continued. I pressed deeper and she punctuated each sentence with an angelic gasp. She was kicking her heel down on Ellie’s far thigh. Ellie tickled her foot and Nastya nearly fell out of the little cart and onto the cobblestone road.

Beep! Beep! Our cart communicated. I jumped. I bounced Nastya and she fell onto the first hooked knuckle of my ring finger. She squealed. Ellie laughed. Beep! Beep! Replied an oncoming cart.

Four girls, wild eyed and giggling waved their hands and jiggled their breasts as they sailed by up the hill to the big hotel up top. I felt dirty. Those were young. I squeezed Nastya tighter. She scrambled higher onto my lap. Her arm, draped over my shoulders, netted with Ellie’s hand. Nastya grabbed a hold of the bar up top.

“We land in Brazil and I must get into helicopter.” After a nice long breath, Nastya continued. “Three other girls. All small, Korean. They do not shut up. I try to be friendly. Pilot is… Sketchy?”

“Yeah, we don’t use those guys anymore.” Ellie nodded. She was enjoying the show. I was inside Nastya now, by the fingertips. My thumb ground and rolled her excited nub. Nastya couldn’t speak but to huff and puff. I kissed her shoulder, above her breast. Ellie gestured to push my middle finger in. I did so. Ellie beamed, “Other hand.”

“We land, at strip, at clinic.” Nastya’s face had gone red. Her smile cracked and wavered. I bit her skin a little. It was incredible. I couldn’t believe how casual, how right, how connected I felt in that moment. More to Ellie than to Nastya, but I could fall in love with Nastya without warning. Ellie gestured with her middle finger again. Nastya hurried out her story. “I meet Mistress Ghasra. I almost get back on the helicopter, but she calls my name. The little girls, they no longer seem brave. They look to me to be brave.”

I shoved my finger into her asshole. I had never, outside of a two year blackout, played with a woman’s asshole. I looked to Nastya’s burning brown eyes as she hopped on my lap. Her right leg, the one down on the floor, kicked the padded front under the dashboard. I wondered if something similar hadn’t happened before. Her left leg flinched as well but Ellie had a constrictor’s grip around the meat of her calf.

I stopped fingering Nastya for a moment. She looked at me like I was taking her puppy away. I guessed a rhythm. In with one finger, out the otherside. Reverse. She rolled her shoulders back, raised her chin high, called out something in something like Russian. I leaned in and kissed her breast again.

“I-I, I, um…” She said um with more force than most people use vocal fillers.

“Keep telling the story,” Ellie said. “We can see the beach now.”

We could. The Waterfront was walled in with a wooden palisade and opened under a large arch. It was like an open air strip mall, overlooking a touristy beach. Island of umbrellas or walk up bars cluttered the sand. Small restaurants and a two story motel were just inside the wall.

“I go. See doctor. Get vaccines.” Nastya didn’t thrash because she forced herself rigid. “See tailor. Get new clothes. My own stuff is packed to go to Casa. We, and Korean girls, we get taken to ugly room. I see Mistress Hess and her sister.”

“Oh, wow, we did do you didn’t we!” Ellie giggled as Nastya wailed. Nastya clenched her jaw closed to match her eyes. “Now, we have people for that job.”

“I watch video. Take test. Not school test. Personality test.” Her English was devolving. She would sometimes, in between hard gasps, rattle off a few syllables, maybe-words in maybe-Russian and then would slap herself back to English. “I was given good grade. But one of the other girls was celebrated. Real special.”

“What’s her name?” I asked getting a grumpy look from Ellie. I shrugged.

“She was—”

“She wasn’t asked to stay after her term,” Ellie interject. “Nastya, this is about you.”

“I was put in red dress. I was told be waitress. I was heartbroken.” She nodded. Her sex was spitting now, whenever I tickled inside her butt. She let go of the overhead rail to slap it hard two times. She gripped it afterwards like her life depended on it.

“Waitress, brought into The Strip. I warned the cook I didn’t know the menu. I didn’t even know what kind of restaurant it was.”

“It’s a steak joint.” Ellie informed me. Nastya squealed and nodded.

“I was told take bottle to your table.” She growled.

“That’s how she cums, it’s beautiful.” Ellie pointed out as Nastya barked and snapped her jaw. She was making different noises. Darker, lower, stronger. The arched gate of The Waterfront passed overhead. She slumped. I kept moving my fingers, kept my rhythm. Scared to change. She was digging her fingernails into the back of Ellie’s hand.

“Wow…” She burbled in a hard crash. She sounded stoned now. “I bring wine, Champagne, but not real Champagne. Californian. I didn’t have glasses. You didn’t have glasses. You stood up. Ripped open my new dress and dragged onto the table.”

My eyes went wide. That’s how I met this girl. I’d have better believed I was unable to make eye contact than be a hundredth of that bold.

“Technically, they’re all his dresses.”

“I don’t wear red.” I joked. That settled me. I didn’t realize how much I needed to banter. I was smiling, differently than I had since I woke up. Ellie caught it. I slipped my fingers out of Nastya.

“I was glasses. You and Shani and German man and wife. I loved it.”

“Yeah she did,” Ellie laughed. “She was like our third class. We gave her like six times what we give new girls now. They usually blacked out after a day or two and came back within the week.”

“I didn’t black out.” Nastya shook her head. I kissed her and she smiled warmly.

“That’s because you’re strong.” I told her and she nodded.

“Hey!” My dad’s voice cut across the beach as the cart rolled to a halt at the end of a cobbled loop. We could get off on a boardwalk that seperated all the attractions from the sand and the water. Nastya slithered out across Ellie. I stood up on my door. My trunks were soaked in Nastya’s sex juices. I looked over and saw Dad.

“Hey!” I waved to him. He was out under an umbrella. He dropped his left arm back around the shoulders of a short brunette. His right was still kinked around a redhead and a blonde. Their combined ages were less than his. I didn’t know what to do. I froze. Nastya’s and then Ellie’s hands settled on the small of my back. I wrapped my arms around them.

“I dunno, maybe I need a third girl too?” I joked.

“Absolutely!” Ellie nodded, stuck her thumb and middle finger into her mouth and whistled violently.

* * *