The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Chapter 26

‘It’s all about the development of psychic ability.’ Tina began after I had settled her down into a chair without saying a word, let alone return her kiss with any degree of feeling on my part. ‘You have exhibited extraordinary talents, which were discovered by us through the ‘mules you used in your own private practice. But what you didn’t know was that some of them were our ‘mules.’

The look on my face hadn’t changed from when she had first arrived. It was sour and as evil as I could manage it to be. I wanted answers, and I wasn’t saying a word until I got them.

‘No matter what psychic locks and the like you placed in the subconscious minds of your ‘mules, that were in reality, our ‘mules, we could always get through them.’ She went on. ‘It wasn’t difficult, and it’s not, once you know how.’

The look remained fixed on my face like a mask. It probably looked a bit juvenile for someone as intelligent as I thought I was, but I didn’t care. Tina waited, and when no sound passed across my frozen lips she continued.

‘We discovered you by accident while probing one of those ‘mules.’ She said. ‘And also discovered how you amused yourself while treating them.’

Her grin was downright evil, but in a nice way. I felt like a criminal all of a sudden, but I didn’t care. My voice was locked and loaded inside and wasn’t coming out. I was determined not to be distracted. Her grin faded and her lungs filled with air to speak again. I waited.

‘I have to be honest.’ Tina began again. ‘It was me who first wanted to contact you. I sort of discovered you. Few knew about you until I told them about you. And when I did, many discussions took place before my first contact with you. When I did it was through a mule, if you remember?’

I remembered-the fruit-loop with the ten-inch barrelled bloody silencer who had seemed to draw it from nowhere to be pointing it directly at my face while I spoke to Tina on the phone. She must have had it stashed inside her apex. Damned if I could figure out where something so long had been hidden. Oh, well, I thought. If that was where she’d hidden the lethal looking pistol, the freezing of her little junction by the metal barrel served her bloody right. I said nothing. Remembering that episode made me angry again. I had felt then as I felt now-I was being used, and, I didn’t bloody like it.

‘I knew from the beginning of discovering you that your playing with the ‘mules was nothing more then a harmless diversion, compared with your real work with them, which, I might say, was always very effective.’

Compliments were not going to bloody cut it, either, I determined and kept my jaw set with my mouth closed on top of it.

‘Through one of your ‘mules I also discovered your interest in hypnosis and the immune system.’ Tina continued her history of me. ‘Your motives were sincere. And that was all that counted. So what if you entertained yourself with their nudity? You never hurt them and never intended to.’

She got that right, at least, I concluded.

‘What I didn’t know.’ Tina said. ‘Was just how far you had progressed with your trance depths, and, what, if anything, you had discovered while you were there in any of them, with or without your ‘mules or their awareness of whether you were there with them or not.’

I wished I knew then what I knew now, I thought, but said nothing.

‘Anyway, it was the sincerity of you and your work, as reconstructed for me mainly, by your and my ‘mules that convinced me you deserved to know what you didn’t know, but were obviously seeking.’ Tina continued. ‘I gradually became, after deeply analysing all of the willingly admitted truths given me by all the ‘mules, aware that you were a seeker, like me, who would, in the long run, with enough encouragement or results or motivation, stop at nothing to know just what you could and could not do using hypnosis.’

My ears burned hot with embarrassment, but my mouth stayed shut.

‘From my perspective.’ Tina went on when she realised nothing was going to be forthcoming from me to add to the one-sided conversation. ‘You exhibited extraordinary talents-both in the conscious state and while unconscious in the trance state, on the occasions you were in the presence of a mule. Their subconscious minds remembered everything, not only their own experiences, but yours as well. Everything that they experienced, you experienced as well. At the time, and probably even now you weren’t aware of that little piece of truth. But it was always there, just around the corner of your next experiment, waiting for you to discover it. And everything that you experienced, their subconscious mind experienced, too, and remembered. I simply obtained all of those experiences, both the ‘mules and yours as well.’

Tina had my full attention. My jaw had relaxed and I was aware of it. I hadn’t known that. My thoughts began to explore the possibilities, but I quickly stopped them in their tracks. No diversions this time, no matter how interesting.

‘You needed a teacher.’ Tine said. ‘Not that your own research was going slowly. It wasn’t. But for you to be of any use to us and those who really needed your talents, it needed to be augmented.’

Augmented, I reflected on the word. Like a nut short of a bolt-like a sandwich short of a picnic. Tina smiled. I didn’t, hoping she hadn’t broken her promise and read my last thought.

‘It made good sense to me at the time.’ She said quickly. ‘And it still does. So, I began to seriously work on enhancing your psychic sensitivity?’

Once more she had my full attention, and now, I finally felt Tina was telling me the whole truth.

‘Since I hadn’t actually done that with anyone before.’ Tina said. ‘One thing I knew would happen was that I would be bound to run into a few problems, mainly because I didn’t have your co-operation as yet, and couldn’t be totally honest with you, as you’ve already worked out. But I had every intention of doing that later, even though as I got to know you I felt you would approach me as you have now, sooner than I was really ready for you to do so.’ I wondered then if I was the slow boy in the psychic school of Tina’s one student class. I pictured a dunce’s cap on my head. She smiled, and I began to doubt again.

‘Once you get the hang of it and know what you’re really doing.’ Tina went on. ‘There’s no shortage of techniques or tricks for becoming psychic. There are just methods. I just needed a systematic strategy for how serious I thought you were at each stage of your psychic development.’

Suddenly I felt like a foetus and then an embryo. My face reddened at the thought of being developed like a test tube baby. I withstood her inquiring gaze to say something then and she moved on with a shrug.

‘Okay.’ She said with a slow sigh, as if talking to a melon with the IQ of a stone. ‘I knew I could reliably and safely increase your psychic awareness. But rarely do I ever find anything I do simplistic or mechanical. I had to really think them out. I couldn’t practice on you too much or you’d know too soon. But I had to use you for your own good, as you’ll see later. I just couldn’t wait for ever, that’s all, for you to catch up to me.’

Somehow I doubted I ever would, I decided, as I searched her face for its honesty.

‘There were no easy or known steps for me to follow.’ Tina said next. ‘That would magically make you psychic, and there were no shortcuts, either. Even I can’t see into the future and I didn’t want to spoil your progress by being too eager in my own efforts.’

I wondered then just exactly how much progress I had made. Not much, I thought.

‘What made you valuable to me, and you still are, was the attitude of such sincerity and honesty you bring to your work and your research.’ Tina said next.

Yes. A real bloody Saint, I thought dryly. Canonise me on Monday. I’m too bloody dumb in this class today.

‘Your psychic development program was fundamentally one of soul growth-that is to say, it challenged me to the slow, sometimes-difficult task of character development.’ She said.

Jesus! How much lower than the bottom of the bloody class could I be put? Was there anything worse than just dumb? Or were there lower and lower grades of dumb?

‘Character development repeats again and again.’ Tina then said. ‘But with its development in enhanced psychic awareness it carried with it increased responsibilities on my part. I decided that if I was really serious about my work with you for the benefit of your work with me later, I shouldn’t seek one if I didn’t want the other.’

I wondered then why I felt like a set of building plans all of a sudden-plans of an android-a dumb android.

‘Perhaps the best orientation to psychic development I can put to you is this.’ She said suddenly, her face very serious. ‘In order for you to understand better how these abilities work.’

She had my full attention once again. I relaxed a little more.

‘Several points will stand out as key principles that underlie all that I have to say about psychic awareness.’ Tina began. ’ Most basic is the idea that psychic is of the soul.

All of my attention. She now had it all.

‘You can understand this in at least two ways. First, it means that these abilities are possible in the first place, only because each of us has an immortal, creative core: a spiritual body. In fact, you’ll find that the easiest definition of psychic development to understand is simply the development of the spiritual body.’

She had me, lock, stock and barrel.

‘The other meaning of psychic.’ Tina said. ‘Is that the soul points to your real purposes and real intentions. The deepest and most authentic part of you-your soul-has a commitment to love and oneness. Therefore, I knew your psychic abilities would naturally come forth as an expression of your oneness, of your connections, with everybody you interacted with, not only me.’

For a stupid dumb person, I thought I was following everything quite nicely at that point. Tina smiled. I began to doubt again. She moved on quickly.

‘And what’s more,’ She said. ‘You can expect your psychic talents to emerge to a greater degree as you make an even greater commitment with your conscious personality-self to be more loving in your research.’

I wondered if that meant sex, or the way in which I had used my ‘mules in the past when I’d had them strip naked in front of me and masturbate for my viewing pleasure.

‘The reality of it all.’ Tina began with a smile. ‘Is that we all have psychic talents-whether or not we’ve taken the time to tap them. The potentials are always there. Psychic development is like training for any sort of skill-a sports skill, like boxing, or an artistic skill. There are certain rules of living that have to be followed in order to get the desired results. That’s all.’

I wondered if honesty and simple respect were some of those rules.

‘I knew that you lived in your body, as you did basically in your mind, that your real self could be a natural channel through which the creative forces could run.’ She said. ’ Your specific attitude toward life—one in which your psychic ability became the natural by-product of your willingness to have your own soul work through you to help others was what made it easy for me to teach you, even though you weren’t aware I was doing so.’

She had me again, like a rat in a trap-but a willing rat… this time.

‘That attitude required balance, or, normality, in the first place.’ Tina said, while I wondered if I’d been promoted from low dumb, all the way up to the high grade of normal.

‘And a strong commitment to your own ideals, in other words, being true to whatever it was your soul had originally promised the Source from which all health, all aid, must come. Is this making sense?’

Back down to dumb again. Maybe even to moron level if she had to ask me if it made sense.

‘Another key point I had to consider in the teaching of you was the nature of your subconscious mind, which was and still is a central part of the development of your psychic process.’ Tina said next. ’ Which consists of three levels of your overall mind-your conscious mind: or physical consciousness, your subconscious mind, and your superconscious mind or spiritual consciousness, if you like.’

I liked.

‘Your subconscious mind has an intermediate position,’ She said. ‘Therefore, it can borrow, or partake of material from either of the other two. This characteristic had very significant implications when I tried to understand your own psychic experiences I gained from the ‘mules you used, but did not abuse.’

It was getting warm again.

‘Some of what came to me psychically from your subconscious mind was a reflection of your own higher self and superconscious mind. But just as I expected, some of what came as a psychic experience often turned out to be a product of your material life desires.’

Forgive me for wanting to be rich and famous, I thought dryly. What other choice could such a dumb person have in life?

‘I just had to be careful.’ She went on. ‘Because, as I found out the hard way, some of your paranormal experiences-be they dreams, voices, or visions-did not come from a very high source and were simply a mimic of what your physical self desired’

What was wrong with rich and famous, I wondered?.

‘Obviously, I had to exercise great caution,’ Tina said. ‘To try to make that distinction. In fact, much of the psychic information I gained from your subconscious mind concerned the need for inward discernment. Part of that answer for you rested with your application of what you felt. Whenever you sincerely applied the best guidance you received, whether you knew you were receiving it or not, it always bore good fruit for everyone involved. Whenever that happened, it was because it was from a higher source in the first place and was meant to happen just that way.’

I mentally agreed. I had never felt guilty after enjoying the naked visual and physical activities of any of my ‘mules. In fact, I usually felt pretty bloody good.

‘Another aspect of your success was because you acted with good motives and purposes.’ Tina said while my head slowly began to develop a dull ache. ‘By consistently living your life with a commitment to the actual service you always intended toward your ‘mules, and all your clients, actually, I knew I could reliably expect psychic impressions that would have eventually come from your higher source-and I did.’

She had me again. I felt like a cat with nine lives. For the first time then I was tempted to break my oath of silence and ask a question, but decided against it. I was on a roll of incoming information. I didn’t want to stop it before its time. Tina sighed. My head continued to ache, dully.

‘You just have to understand the nature of psychic development.’ She said quietly, but seriously. ‘From my perspective, the true source of psychic powers is your own soul. Not many parapsychologists who make scientific studies of ESP would be bold enough to make a claim like that. But it’s exactly what I believe. Furthermore, I believe that that true source can be found within yourself. Even the Bible leads to that conclusion in places-many places.’

She still had me, but so did my headache. I was beginning to reach saturation for the moment.

‘Your attunement with your spirit was almost invariably imperfect.’ Tina said, reminding me yet again that not only was I dumb consciously, I was just as dumb spiritually. ‘Your light-encoded reality matrix, LERM, and your thought-encoded, TERM, reality matrix, when added together as natural humanistic mathematics, will always result in the mathematically correct-for-you manifested reality, as a happening life reality, just as you wanted and felt right about, or it simply would not have happened. And it comes in degrees or shades of reliability, in terms of your subconscious mind’s capacity to draw from either your physical conscious mind or from your spiritual superconscious mind.’

Jesus! I had already known all of that, and had experimented with it many, many times. I’d just never quite put it in those words, not that I’d ever discussed this part of my hypnotherapy with anyone. I hadn’t. Even my bloody subconscious mind and superconscious minds were suspicious, too! Christ! I thought depressingly. What a slow learner, either I, or she was. No wonder my head ached.

‘But the problem of understanding and evaluating your psychic experiences was really more complex than this.’ She went on, reminding me that things naturally had to get worse before they could get better. ‘Within your spiritual realm, there were levels or degrees of truth and reliability. The highest possible psychic realisation I found was your subconscious’ mind’s knowledge of knowing that your soul communicated directly with you.’

I had been wrong. Things seemed to be looking up, but my head still ached.

‘Put another way.’ She said. ‘Psychic means becoming conscious of the relationship between the finite and the infinite.’

She lost me. She had me, and now she didn’t.

‘By the daily practice of your self hypnosis.’ She went on. ‘You have attuned yourself to the highest levels of your mind within yourself. But what you didn’t know was that you can even use the few minutes at the end of your self-hypnosis trance period as a time to be open and receptive for specific psychic guidance from your soul. That guidance would have felt to you, when you did receive it, as anything that felt right, without any injustice to another intended.’

My head ached. And I meant her no injustice. It just felt right. Higher bloody guidance. I had to bring it all to a happy end, right then… and I did. My soul must have been feeling horny from the headache.

‘Let’s entwine.’ I said and stood up quickly.