The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Chapter 27

The smell of bacon and eggs wafted into my flared nostrils as my eyes lazily opened. My taste buds savoured the delicious taste while my stomach told me I was only dreaming. Opening my eyes, the ceiling came into view first, then the open window and the bright, but friendly sunlight. Then my nostrils picked up another aroma-the aroma of our lovemaking of the night before. I breathed it in deeply and savoured that, too, then exhaled slowly and long. When I breathed in again, the bacon and eggs were an even stronger reality than they had been the first time. I didn’t know what it was about bacon and eggs first thing in the morning, but it sure got the old metabolism going. My mind locked and loaded on that reality then-the reality that bacon and eggs didn’t cook themselves, and, since I was the only cook in my sometimes-lonely household of one-who was doing the cooking?

‘Hands off lances and on with socks!’ Tina’s voice yelled, quoting an old and famous army phrase of Sergeants’ wake up call for barrack grunts. Her voice came room the kitchen as if in answer to my question, or, reading my mind like she’d promised not to do. I smiled. Right then I didn’t care. Memories of the previous night came flooding back to my conscious mind, flooding it and my loins with a fresh dose of morning sensuality to go with the wonderfully intoxicating aroma of bacon and eggs. It was perfect! Everything suddenly seemed perfect in my life. I sighed. What more could a mere male ask for?

Then another reality entered my mindless recent and definitely not wanted, but just as important. Jesus! I shook my head slowly in amazement. We had spent the night together. I hadn’t finished getting all the answers I wanted, and I wasn’t prepared to let her out of my sight until I did.

‘Five minutes!’ She bellowed again in the sexiest cook’s voice I had ever heard. Then I heard her laugh and again I wondered. Was she? Again I didn’t care. My legs searched for and found the floor without me looking. Another good sign that it was going to be a great day. My eyes found my robe and my arms reached for it. Another one. As I rose from the bed I noticed the indent of where Tina had slept beside me and grinned. There was something in that wrinkled shape where she had lain and fitted into the sheets also fitted me perfectly, I decided, as I headed for the kitchen.

‘Mmmm.’ I heard her croon as I walked up behind her and wrapped my morning arms around her shoulders while she stood over the stove. My morning glory then tried to wrap itself into the crease of her warm buttocks as my shape successfully force-fitted itself right there. Tina was wearing nothing beneath the old shirt of mine she had found and thrown on. I hardened and cupped and weighed her breasts in my hands. Then I hardened again. Jesus!

‘Your eggs will be as hard as your body if you don’t sit down.’ She laughed softly.

Reluctantly I released her from both grips my body had on her. I grinned against the side of her cheek and kissed her on the neck. Then I turned and sat down at the table and continued to watch the sexy jiggling of two sweet, creamy red-centred buttocks while she finished what she was doing at the stove. Then she turned and greeted me with the most beautiful, the most loving morning smile I had ever seen in my life. In fact, it felt right then that I had been waking up to that smile for all of my life-as if she had been there all of my life, cooking my bacon and eggs, just as she was doing now.

I sighed. I wished she had been. God knows I had always wished I’d had someone like her to wake up beside and to each morning. My gaze met her eyes as she placed the plate of bacon and eggs before me. Her eyes were shining and moist. I figured she was as happy to have spent the night with me, as I was to have spent it with her-only for just the briefest of moments when our eyes had met the look on her face had not been one of happiness. It had been a look of sadness. I didn’t need any more puzzles in my life right then and forgot about it. Then she was sitting opposite me, her face beaming with happiness once again. Her eyes were no longer moist, but sparkling.

We sat on the deck overlooking the bay, sipping our morning after-breakfast coffee, the small cast-iron decorative table between us. Our knees touched often. I smiled at her, feeling like someone who had just spent the night with his first girl. Tina smiled softly at me. I wondered, but didn’t really care right then. I smiled back at her again, like a love-struck schoolboy. Then her smile slowly faded into an expression that was too serious for that early in the morning, I thought. No more puzzles, I pleaded silently. Please?

‘Peter.’ She began softly. ‘I think it’s time.’

My eyebrows got out their ladders and raced to the top of my forehead. Just what I needed-a bloody breakfast puzzle to go with my bacon and eggs. Jesus!

‘Time for what?’ I said, keeping the annoyance out of my voice, but apparently not out of my face or eyes.

‘This is going to sound very strange.’ Tina said, her eyes as wide as saucers. ‘I want you to do something for me, and without asking questions, just for the time being. I promise you I’ll explain everything later. Will you? Please?’ She asked, almost pleading.

I didn’t really know what had happened to my euphoric morning wake-up mood, but it definitely wasn’t on the deck with me. I didn’t need this rubbish in my life, and as I thought that, I wondered how many times I had actually said that phrase in my life? I sighed.

‘Okay.’ I answered, not really knowing what else to say at that point. If this was the worst start to my day, it could only get better from here.

‘I want you to take a full medical examination today.’ She said calmly.

I’d been wrong. It had just gotten worse. My jaw dropped while my brain tried to wrap itself around any logic in the question she’d just asked me, but it couldn’t-it just couldn’t.

‘What?’ I exclaimed in disbelief. ‘A medical?’ I repeated incredulously. ‘A bloody medical? You think I’ve got aids or something? Jesus!’

‘NO!’ Tina burst out with. ‘Nothing like that! Peter! You said you’d do me this favour without asking questions! I promise you I’ll tell you why, later, after you’ve done it! Please! It’s so important! Please?’

A medical? Today? Jesus!

‘Do you have a problem?’ I said, still stunned.

‘NO! Peter! You promised! Please?’ She protested and pleaded.

I guessed I couldn’t feel any more confused, angry, disturbed or any lower at that point. She started to cry silently into her coffee while I wondered what had happened to the happy couple who had just spent the most wonderful night loving all night long in each other’s arms.

‘They’re still here sitting on the deck, looking into each other’s eyes. Please?’ She said softly, obviously not caring that she had just confessed to breaking her promise about reading my thoughts.

‘Please, Peter?’ She pleaded with shining eyes. ‘Please?’

Logic seemed to be eluding me and reason seemed to have escaped me. That only left me with literal deduction and that failed miserably. For once in my life I couldn’t seem to find anything funny to fall back on with dry humour. I felt flat-absolutely bloody flat.

‘Sure.’ I replied tonelessly, rapidly losing faith in anything and everything at the same time. ‘Why not? Anything to please.’

Jesus! I still puzzled. Why a bloody medical?

Tina had made several phone calls and had arranged them all-blood tests, Cat scans, deeper brain scans, EEG, ECG, x-rays of my complete body, another Cat scan, co-ordination tests, and urine tests. By the time the full run of the medical examinations was over I felt lousy. Not one question I had asked had been answered. Tina had been with me the whole time and whenever I had asked a question the doctor would look at her first, then at me, and always with silence as his answer. With each and every test or examination I had become angrier and angrier.

‘Please?’ Tina had pleaded when I’d continued to ask questions at various points along the way. It was one of the most thorough medical examinations I could ever remember having in my entire bloody life. I had stopped asking after that, resigned to having her keep her promise and tell me the reason for it all later.

When the last test had been completed Tina asked me to go home while she hurried the results through from all of the different medical departments. I didn’t care and left quietly, feeling distinctly like a guinea pig-used and abused. I hadn’t the foggiest notion of why anything seemed to be happening in my life from the moment I had swallowed the last of my bacon and eggs. Maybe I was dreaming, I thought? But it wasn’t a dream. It was a bloody nightmare, and, I seemed to be awake, right in the bloody middle of it.

I drove home slowly and arrived in the worst mood I’d been in for a long time. Tina had said she would come as soon as she had the last of the test results. I had the distinct feeling, for no particular reason, that something was coming and it was big. I also had the feeling I wasn’t going to like it… one, bloody, bit.

We settled down in the lounge after I’d let Tina in the door, which I had thought twice about doing, several times after I’d heard the buzzer. Her face was amazingly calm. My mind was flat, and the cigarette I was smoking tasted the same way. Then, of all things, she smiled. Can you beat that? She bloody smiled?

‘Peter.’ She said with such a warm, caring tone to her voice. ‘I’m really sorry I had to ask you to do that, but soon you’ll understand everything. All I can tell you right now is that I am the happiest person on the face of the earth.’

One of us might be happy, I thought sarcastically—the other one would like to know the results of the medicals, just for the bloody hell of it. I wasn’t speaking. She could earn her breakfast, I thought. Let her read my bloody mind. She probably is, anyway. Then I changed my mind.

‘What the hell is going on?’ I spat angrily at her happy face. ‘You’ve got five minutes before you’re out of my home and out of my bloody life! You and your whole weird bloody show! Start talking! I’ve got a real life waiting for me somewhere and I intend to bloody well find it! Right now, you’re slowing me down!’

Tina’s face paled, then collapsed, then saddened with obvious hurt feelings. Then she grew calm again, all in the space of a single breath. Amazing! I thought. A-bloody-mazing!

‘I understand.’ She said with a soft patronising smile, which only made me angrier.

‘Like bloody hell you do!’ I snapped. ‘You come uninvited into my boring, but peaceful life-you and your fruit loop bloody mule with the gun up her ass! You sucker me into your mysterious hypno-bloody organisation that could be full of bloody terrorists, for all I know! You lure me to work with your body! I kibosh a perfectly good private practice and fall in love with you and want to marry you, for Christ’s sake! Now you treat me like a bloody fool! Do I have idiot written across my forehead or on the cheeks of my ass where I can’t see it or something? What the hell is going on? And who the hell are you, anyway? Jesus! Just who the hell are you?’

Tina had sat still and seemingly stunned during my short, but intense tirade of abuse. Her mouth had dropped open once or twice while her eyes brimmed with tears, which overflowed down her cheeks. Her eyes widened even more than they had previously. I didn’t give a damn. If she had hurt feelings, that was her problem. Why should I be bloody lonely in that department? I figured.

‘You… You want to… You want to… marry me?’ She asked, her eyes filling and overflowing again.

‘Who bloody cares?’ I shouted at her, my temperature rising with my temper-both hot and bloody bothered. ‘What the hell is going on here?’ I demanded. ‘Jesus!’

‘Peter.’ She said softly, her voice breaking with emotion. ‘I… I can’t… I can’t… marry you.’

‘What?’ I exclaimed angrily. ‘Why? I haven’t even bloody asked you yet! Jesus! Never mind! Forget it! Who cares, anyway? Who bloody cares?’

I’d had it. Enough was e-bloody-nough. I didn’t understand any of it. I was a simple man and liked things to stay that way. Who needed puzzles? Who needed this rubbish in their lives? I thought angrily through my rejection. I hadn’t even asked her yet. I hadn’t even asked me yet. Jesus! Just my luck to fall in love with… Oh, hell, I decided then in an instant. That’s bloody it! That’s it!

‘Out!’ I snapped angrily as I stood quickly to my feet and glared down at her teary eyes. I didn’t bloody care. Too much. It was all too bloody much. ‘Out! Out of my life! I don’t want to know anything anymore! I just want peace and bloody quiet! You know where the door is, now get lost! And take your bloody puzzles and your bloody mind games with you! And if I find you in my bloody thoughts I’ll toss you out of there, too! Okay? Now clear out! I’ve bloody well had it!’

I spun around and walked angrily toward my bedroom, glad to see the ass-end of her. My heart ached as I walked, but I didn’t care. Enough was enough! Lies and deceit! Mystery and mayhem and bloody medicals! Loves me like a soul mate, but can’t marry me.

‘Jesus!’ I cursed, as I slammed the bedroom door shut behind me and dived on the bed. Then: ‘Come here!’ I snarled at the pack of cigarettes on the bedside table. I reefed one from the pack and lit it, dragged the guts out of it and almost collapsed the filter. Then I drew the foul-tasting smoke to the bottom of my lungs in pure white-hot anger. Exhaling, I then forced the smoke from my lungs with the angry power of a mini explosion and coughed several times while I stubbed out the cigarette with a hate-filled vengeance.

‘Jesus! I cursed aloud and rolled over onto my back. Nothing was working. Not Tina, not my work, not my life, and now, it seemed, not cigarettes either. Pleasure and enjoyment in all forms seemed to have disappeared from my life, and all since my breakfast of bacon and eggs. I shook my head, angrily placing my hands behind my head. I closed my eyes tightly shut, deciding to stop thinking about the whole show then and just settle down. I couldn’t believe it. I just couldn’t believe any of it.

‘Jesus!’ I cursed angrily again. I looked venomously at the pack of cigarettes and then snatched them up. Transferring them to my right hand then, I made the perfect shot and tossed them right out the bloody window. I heard the door open just as I was extracting some satisfaction from that, at least. I turned. It was Tina. Her face was all tearstained; her swollen eyes just a slightly less shade of red than her hair.

‘Jesus! I cursed aloud again. ‘What do you want? A fax?’

‘Peter!’ Tina pleaded as I pinched my eyes tightly shut, wondering how many Chinamen I’d killed in some past life to warrant deserving all of this rubbish. My eyes stayed shut on the slim hope that when I opened them again I’d wake up beside her again, only it would be back in the morning, before the bacon and eggs, and I’d realise all this had been a terrible nightmare. Boy! Would I have a story to tell her?

After about a minute of silence I opened my eyes. Nope. My happening reality was still standing at the end of my bed.

‘Jesus!’ I cursed aloud again.

‘Peter!’ She pleaded again. ‘Please?’

‘What?’ I shouted angrily. ‘What? What else could there possibly bloody be? What? What?’

My eyelids slammed shut like two runaway garage doors in protest at the whole unbelievable situation.

‘Peter.’ I heard her say softly, her voice cracking with heavy emotion once again. ‘I… I can’t marry you… because… because… I am… I’m already…’

‘DON’T!’ I shouted at her, sitting bolt upright and livid. ‘Don’t! I don’t want to know! Get it? Out! I don’t want to know! Don’t you think I’m bloody hurting enough? Jesus! What are you? A bloody sadist? You’re already married? You already have a husband? Great! Terrific! Have a nice bloody life! Now get out! I mean it, Tina! Get out! Now!’

I slammed my eyes shut again, wishing the world would develop a black hole right there on my bed and just swallow me down into it. Jesus! I knew it hadn’t happened, though, when I heard her voice begin softly again.

‘Peter.’ Tina whispered emotionally. ‘I … I am… already married… for almost… twenty years’

Jesus! I cursed silently. Talk about twisting the bloody knife. That’s it, I decided. When her breath was out, she was out, if I had to carry her to the front bloody door, kicking and bloody screaming, and I sensed that she still wasn’t finished… yet.

‘to… you.’