The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

My Favorite Virus

(mc md mf ff)

Note: I’d love to hear from anyone who enjoys the story – whether the mind control technique, the sex, or anyone who wants to predict or suggest a story arc for the next chapters. And thanks to Simon Bar Sinister for creating such a fun community-driven website long before it was the chic investment banker thing to do.

If I just applied the same kind of energy to my personal life that I do to my work, I think I could be outrageously happy. I’ve recently gotten the chance to test if that saying is really true.

I work in biotechnology, and I just completed my doctorate about two years ago. I opted to work for a small private company that my thesis advisor founded on some private drug development research. His whole dream is get acquired by a giant company. Until recently, my dream was a lot more laid-back: to do interesting work, get a hot wife, maybe a hot girlfriend on the side, and settle down for a normal life. That’s what my advisor likes about me – I’m not a hotshot trying to outdo him, I just like solving intellectual puzzles that might help him make a few million dollars. I’m the kind of guy who can stay up all night for days in a row, brewing coffee, biting my nails, writing notes compulsively, until I’ve figured out how to solve a problem.

My work is in trying to understand what functions proteins play in the body, and to figure out how to deliver those proteins for therapeutic purposes in a way that can be patented and sold at a profit. For every 10,000 exciting ideas of things to look into, maybe 100 turn out to lead to a practical research plan. Of those 100, maybe one will yield results worth trying to develop therapies for. And that one has perhaps a 1% chance of our being able to find a practical therapy. Even then, only about 20% of our testing compounds are found to be safe and effective enough to market as therapies.

But my research is not mainly about finding therapies. My work is to understand how proteins interact with the brain, to better understand how the brain and mind work. True, my research is mainly applied to finding therapies for depression, anxiety, schizophrenia and other diseases. But I’ve also contributed to scientific theory, so we can better understand important concepts such as learning and emotional response.

For example, my work has shown that just a few proteins are involved in triggering growth of random neuronal connections, putting the set of neurons into a “learning” state where they are rapidly modified in response to outside stimulus, and finally winnowing the growth back to a near-minimal set of neurons that codify the information, meaning that information is stored and learned, subject only to slow, careful modification.

That means with my work, a person might one day be able to take a few days of language lessons and find they have mastered a who new grammar, vocabulary, and a world of related cultural information. And even if they don’t use that language regularly, the learning will stay in place, ready to be used when it actually is needed.

Until a recent accident, though, that dream seemed very far away. The proteins that stimulated the growth and winnowing were too fast-acting; I couldn’t keep window for learning opening long enough to do anything interesting. And the number of neurons that I could reliably recruit was only in the dozens, not the hundreds of thousands that might be needed to learn a new language.

How did the accident happen? Simple. My colleague Carl stopped by. He’s a klutz.

“Dan, let’s grab a coffee! I need to tell you about this cool RNA transfer virus I developed!”

Carl threw out his hands to show me his exciting sample dish. Why he held it out, I don’t know. Unless my eyes worked like a powerful microscope, I couldn’t have seen anything anyway. Even if I could have seen it, it would have required specialized knowledge that only Carl had.

But he held out the sample slide anyway, and he bumped my hands that contained my own exciting microscopic samples of DNA. Both of our samples got contaminated in each other, and fell to the floor, but it didn’t really matter – we had more samples and all of lab notes anyway.

Carl talked to me all the time about his RNA transfer viruses. He never carried any such viruses that were loaded with any kind of RNA; those were all trapped in the lab and carefully tracked to avoid just such accidents. And loading his viruses up with genetic material was a complex process – it couldn’t happen with just an accidental contamination. Or so we both thought.

Anyway, I handed the spill according to procedure. I put on latex gloves, picked up a clean-room dusting cloth, wiped up the mess, and threw the rag into the biohazard disposal. I knew it wasn’t hazardous, but that’s procedure. I threw the gloves away too, although the latex got twisted on my fingers when I tried to take them off. I stopped at one of the dozens of hand washing stations, where I thoroughly disinfected my hands.

Then Carl and I grabbed a coffee near the office, where we talked about the girls in the lab, exciting advances in RNA transfer technology, old episodes of Star Trek. You know – guy stuff.

Although I didn’t realize it at the time, I must have had a small cut on my hand. One or more of Carl’s engineered RNA transfer viruses had entered my bloodstream. For the rest of the day at work, the virus was slowly starting to replicate its machinery in cells all over my body – especially my brain. It was carrying the special genetic parcel that I myself had created.

It only took me a few hours before I felt too ill to stay at work. I hopped in a cab.

* * *

“Hello, Sherri? Could you come over after work and bring me some food?”

“What’s the matter, Dan? You have a cold? You don’t sound stuffy.”

“It’s just some bug, I don’t think it’s a cold. I have a mild headache, and I’m just too dizzy to get out of bed. Even answering the door to get delivery doesn’t seem like a good idea.”

“All right, I can come over in a couple of hours. Just remember: I’m a good girlfriend. I take care of you. You should really never think about dumping me, even if I’m not the kinky sex kitten you secretly lust after.”

If it’s not clear from her comment, Sherri was giving me some shit. I had recently told her that when we first started dating, many months before, I was attracted to her because she seemed like a wild party girl who would be up for anything in bed. The reality was that she was a fun girl who was great fun in bed, but not exactly up for absolutely anything. She liked projecting a party-girl attitude to the world, but in private she was quite a bit more controlled. The truth is, I saw nothing wrong with it. I was just looking for a crazy fling, but ended up with a serious girlfriend instead.

“I don’t understand why you’re mad about this. Lots of guys could make a joke about a threesome when his girlfriend asks if her roommate is pretty.”

“Don’t worry, I’m just giving you shit. I’ll bring you some chicken soup in a couple of hours. But Dan, we should talk about this at some point.”

“Sure. Whatever. I’m open to talking. But please just also bring me something hot to drink.”

“All right, I’ll see you in a little while.”

* * *

I was feeling a little better by the time Sherri got over to my apartment. Slowly, though, the dizziness had gone away and turned into the most stunning headache of my life. When I let Sherri in, she went to the living room while I went to the bathroom to pop some acetaminophen. It didn’t really help, and neither did our conversation.

Sherri had turned on the TV while she was waiting for me. A car commercial was playing – the “zoom zoom zoom” one that always got stuck in my head. I had always thought those were crappy cars for boring people. In fact, I never really wanted a car; the whole status-symbol thing turned me off. One of the things I loved about Manhattan was the fact that I didn’t need a car at all so I could avoid the entire issue. Sherri turned off the television so we could talk.

Actually, it was so Sherri could talk.

“I don’t mind that you’re attracted to other women, Dan. It doesn’t bother me at all.”

“I’m ready to change in whatever way you ask me. I’ve never tried to hide my attraction to other women from you Sherri, because I thought you knew how attracted I am to you. If you want me to be attracted only to you, just say the word. Tonight, I feel open to doing anything you want.”

“It doesn’t bother me if you’re attracted to some other woman. What worries is me is if you had an affair. I would be jealous, but I would want you to be honest about it. Never hide it.”

“I would always be honest with you, I won’t hide anything. Just let me know what you want. Are you saying you wouldn’t mind if I had an affair as long as I told you?”

“I’d love to tell you I wouldn’t mind. I’d love it if I could be that open-minded. If you have a magic wand or something, I’d love you to make me open-minded and sexually adventurous. It sounds so simple – you and I could have wild sex with whoever makes us happy. Lots of orgasms, no strings. But I’m not sure it’s that simple.”

“I’ll do whatever you need me to do, Sherri. I’m crazy about you. I don’t have a magic wand, but I’ll do anything it takes to make you happy and keep you happy. I don’t have to sleep with other women. Just say the word. I realize it’s a two-way street. I don’t like the idea of you sleeping with other men.”

“I’m sure you don’t want me to sleep with other men. It’s other girls you seem to want me to sleep with.”

“I’m not asking you to do anything you don’t want to do, Sherri. You asked if I thought your new roommate was pretty, so I gave you a sarcastic answer. Just tell me what you want me to do.”

“All right, so when you get that magic wand, I guess you should make me a lesbian who lusts after her roommate. Of course, you should add an exception for yourself, to make sure I was still in crazy lust with you and only you. And to recruit a lot of girlfriends to sleep with both of us.”

“Sherri, I just want you to be honest with me about what you want. Anything you tell me to do, I’ll do it if I can. After all, I love you.”

“Saying those three little words doesn’t fix everything, Dan.”

“I know it doesn’t, Sherri. But I don’t really know why we’re fighting. We actually agree about everything, as far as I can tell. Like any man, I have urges. But I can control those urges, and if I wanted to do something, but it would be bad for the relationship, I’m telling you that the relationship is more important to me. You’re more important to me. I will do anything you ask me to right now.”

She looked a little mollified when I said that. But after a pause she said, “I’m still a little mad.”

“All right. How can I make it better? Do you want to hang out with me and relax while I get over this headache?”

“No. I just want to say that when you wave the wand and turn me into the first of your many sex slaves, you should also program me to turn into a little baby machine for you. Because that’s what I want. You want a little more sexual adventure, but I want things, too, Dan. Like a family, with you as the father of my children and someone I can count on. If you can’t make room for that, maybe we should take a break.”

“Sherri, don’t be mad. I think we can actually have both a family and a sex life. Just tell me what you want.”

“All I want right now is to go home and sleep at my place tonight. Don’t get too excited, I won’t be sharing my bed with my roommate tonight. I hope that doesn’t disappoint you. Sleep well, and remember what’s been said here tonight, Dan, and think about it hard. I hope you understand what I want. But before I go, here’s something to remember me by.”

She kissed me goodbye. It was a good kiss; the kind of kiss that had made me want to date her and not just take her to bed once or twice. Then she walked out the door.

* * *

That night, I slept well. But I also remembered everything that was said in the room – in phonographic detail, right down to the car commercial that she turned off right before we started to talk. I thought about everything hard, just like she told me. I didn’t realize it yet, but the virus didn’t give me any choice. A whole new cluster of neurons in my brain had been growing, making me quite dizzy. And at just about the time Sherri and I had our conversation, my brain had entered a learning and winnowing state. By morning, I would remember and incorporate everything she said permanently into my mind. It became a part of my subconscious knowledge, whether I really wanted it to or not. But in retrospect, I think I did want it to.

* * *

I woke up the next morning and, instead of thinking about work and focusing on the problems to be solved during the coming day, I was thinking about something else instead. Something I normally never think about, and if someone told me I would suddenly be obsessed with it, I would have said he was crazy: I wanted to test drive the new Z series sport car now, at a dealer near me. Then I wanted to take it home.

That was just what the commercial had told me to do: test drive the new Z series sports car now, at a dealer near me. Then I should take it home.

I got on the web and googled for nearby dealers who would offer a test drive. The closest one was on the West side. It wasn’t really “near me” in the grand scheme of people living in Manhattan, but it was the closest dealer I could find, according to the store locator. The thought occurred to me that maybe I should shower or eat breakfast first, but I really couldn’t bother. I only bothered getting dressed because I knew that being naked would interfere with my ability to test drive the new Z series sports car now – which I took to mean, as soon as I possibly could. And just as soon as I found out where the dealer was, I had an uncontrollable desire to go and test drive the Z series sports car. Then I wanted to take it home.

The dealership wouldn’t be open until 10, but I was already at the front door before 9am. While I was waiting, I phoned Carl.

“Carl, I’m behaving really strangely,” I said. With Carl, a person could get right to the point.

“You too? I’m at the grocery store right now, because I needed to try a whole bunch of new products today including new zesty spring garden potato chips.”

“Were you feeling sick last night? And watching television?”

“Yeah, Dan, we both had the same bug. What else was there to do but watch television?”

“In my case, I had a fight with the girlfriend. Nothing serious. But I remember that I saw an ad for the new Z series sports car, and I need to test drive it now and take it home.”

“That could be an expensive proposition, Dan. And you really don’t need a car. I thought you hated cars? Is everything all right, dude?”

“That’s the whole point, Carl. You hate grocery shopping – but the internet delivery service wasn’t fast enough for you. You just had to try those chips today, right?”

“Right, but that’s not the same thing at all, Dan. These are just chips!”

“Just like I had to test drive the new Z series sports car today, Carl.”

And that’s when I realized: I could not tell Carl what I thought was going on. If I told Carl what was going on, he might be able to isolate the virus and replicate it in a controlled way. And if that virus fell into the wrong hands, or was released accidentally to a large population, there was no telling what would happen. It could get a lot worse than being over-responsive to advertising.

I told Carl to go home as soon as he bought whatever it was he had to buy. Just stay home and consume whatever he had to consume. I would call him later. I went to a nearby drugstore and bought a breathing mask to help make sure I wouldn’t spread the virus, then went back to the dealership.

When a salesman finally showed up, he was put off by the mask. “I have a thing about H1N1,” I said, “but I want to test drive the new Z series sports car today.”

“I’d love to put you in a new Z, my friend, and a test drive is the best way to do that. Can you just show me your driver’s license?”

I felt a cold chill go through me. I never got my driver’s license. How was I going to test drive the car without a license?

“I don’t have it with me. But I need to test drive the new Z series sports car now.”

At this point, the salesman clearly felt I was odd and perhaps dangerous. But unless he found out my credit wasn’t good, he wasn’t going to get rid of me.

“I can take you for a spin myself, my friend, but unless you can show me your license, I can’t let you drive. Rules about car insurance.”

I thought about this. “Would it still count as a test drive?”

“What do you mean?”

“I need to test drive the new Z series sports car now, as soon as possible. But if I’m in the car while you work the controls, wouldn’t you say that still counts as my taking a test drive?”

“Well – sure. If you say so.”

“But would you say so? You would say it’s a test drive, right? For example, if you worked the controls but I was in the car with you, would you tell your boss that you had a customer take the new Z for a test drive?”


“Then that’s good enough for me.”

After a little but more necessary paperwork, we got in the car. After we drove a short distance, less than a block, I felt much better. I had completed the first part of my mission. But the second part was even more scary. I had to take the car home, too – that’s what the ad said: “Then take it home.”

The problem was, I didn’t really have the cash to buy the car outright. And it might take a while to get a loan approved. And I really didn’t want to buy it in the first place – but how else could I take it home?

“I need to take this car home,” I said out loud.

“Well, then let’s drive it to your place and see what the neighbors think of it,” the salesman told me. “They’re going to love it.”

“I don’t know if my neighbors care, but… I could show it to the doorman in my building.”

“Be happy to. Just tell me the address, and I’ll drive us there.”

“And then… I would have taken the car home, right?”

The salesman looked at me with that same strange expression. I resolved to stop asking him questions right after this. “Sure. I guess we could say that you brought it home. Even if you didn’t show it to anyone. We just have to park for a minute, or something. I’m not sure what makes it official. I just know you can’t keep the car until we work out the paperwork.”

I was about to tell him, “I don’t want to keep it, I just want to take it home.” But then I realized he would just give me another look as though I was crazy. And he might not want to drive me home. So I kept my mouth shut and let him drive.

When we got to my building, I had him park. I pulled a few large bills out of my wallet and said, “I really don’t want to buy the car. I don’t actually want to buy any car, especially not this one. But thanks for helping me take it home.”

There was an unpleasant but short interaction, but the salesman drove off, and I went to my apartment and took off my mask. I was no longer obsessed with the car; I could move on to other things.

What were the other things? Well, thinking about the conversation I had with Sherri, the other things were something like this, to paraphrase:

Going through the list, I could see that I didn’t have to take action on any of this yet. After all, I didn’t have a magic wand.

But I did have something that could do all of these things – the virus.

If the virus could make me want to test drive a car I didn’t want and didn’t like, the virus could possibly make Sherri open-minded and sexually adventurous. It could possibly make her a lesbian, or hot for any person I told her to be hot for. And it could make her want to have baby after baby for me, if that’s what it means to be a baby machine.

I thought hard about what Sherri said, exactly. None of this was optional. She told me I should do these things. And I felt compelled to do them, if I had the means.

Sherri also said something about me making her “the first of my many sex slaves”. That wasn’t too specific. How many did I have to have to make it “many”? I wasn’t sure.

When I wasn’t sure if having the salesman drive the car still made it an official “test drive,” I asked the salesman. After all, he was the representative of the car company. The car company had made the commercial that told me what to do. If the salesman had told me that I had to drive it myself, I guess I would have had to go get my driver’s license. And if he told me I had to buy the car to officially “take it home”, I guess I would have done that, too.

I knew in my heart that the intent of the commercial was simply that I buy the car. If I bought the car, they wouldn’t care if I took it for a test drive – and they would probably have preferred I not do so, as long as they got their money as quickly as possible. But that was the intent, and not what the commercial said.

And Sherri didn’t actually want to be sexually adventurous, or a lesbian, or lust after her roommate. That was not her intent. But it is what she told me to do – if I had a magic wand.

Or something.

I think Sherri liked the idea of having my babies, if I would be a good husband. But that isn’t what she said. She said I should turn her into my baby maker. Specifically, a little baby machine for me. I took that to mean she wanted to keep her good figure. But it didn’t really matter what she wanted. What mattered was the meaning of what she said, and if I felt I had fulfilled that meaning.

So what I had to do first was find out if I had a magic wand, or could get one. In this case, that meant the virus. If Sherri were infected with it, I could then program her the same way she programmed me. In her case, it was partly an accident. In my case, I could do it by design. But how I could ensure she was infected?

Maybe I had already spread the virus to her through casual contact, or when I kissed her good night. Carl designed RNA transfer viruses specifically not to spread through casual contact, but a deep kiss might transfer the right genetic material, and she did kiss me hard.

I called Sherri at work.

“Hi, baby. I just wanted to check in with you.”

“I’m sorry we argued last night, Dan.”

“I’m sorry too. How are you feeling?”

“Not so well. I wonder if it was a good idea for me to have visited you. I was feeling really dizzy all morning, kind of like you did yesterday afternoon. That’s going away, but it’s starting to turn into a headache. It it’s anything like yours, I guess I should just go home for the rest of the day.”

“I’ll pick you up in a cab and take you home. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

If Sherri’s symptoms were like mine, she was going to starting to enter the over-learning phase of the infection. I needed to get to her right away.

* * *

I tucked Sherri in, and climbed into bed next to her.

“Are you feeling any better?”

“My head is killing me. But actually, I’m feeling kind of … mellow. It’s a nice change.”

“I’m glad you’re feeling mellow. That makes it a good time for us to discuss some of the things we talked about yesterday. Take off your clothes.”

I expected her to object and say she didn’t want to argue any more about it. Instead, she just said “All right. Just let me know what you want.” And she undressed.

“Sherri, yesterday you told me that, if I could, I should make you a more open-minded and sexually adventurous person. Do you remember it the same way?”

“I said a lot of things, Dan. Some of them were sarcastic. I really would like to be more open-minded and sexually adventurous. I don’t want you or other people to think I’m a slut, but let me know what you want from me, and I’ll do it if I can.”

By the time she finished what she was saying, we were both undressed and in bed together.

“Sherri, when you wake up tomorrow morning, you’re going to be a more open-minded and sexually adventurous person. I want you to think about what that means to you, and visualize yourself much more relaxed about sex, especially when you’re with me.”

We were lying on our sides, her back facing me. I put my cock between her legs, took her hand, and put it on my member. Then we worked together to guide it home. Normally, I used condoms with Sherri, but not tonight.

We hadn’t done much foreplay, so she wasn’t very wet yet. I slowly began pushing my way inside her. “Sherri, you’ll always be comfortable discussing sex, or having sex, when you know it’s something I want. I won’t think you’re a slut.”

I took her hand and used her fingers to play with her clit. This is something I had tried before, but that she didn’t want to do.

“Play with your clit for me while I fuck you, Sherri. Can you be comfortable talking explicitly about sex with me? Can you be comfortable playing with your clit in front of me?”

“I can do that.”

“Now Sherri, what I’m going to say next might sound strange, but I just want you to relax and accept it. All right?” I began pushing into her faster.

“Sure, Dan. I just want you to let me know what you want.”

I started playing with her breasts and took her free hand to help me play with her nipples.

“You’re open-minded enough to play with your breasts in front of me. But you’re much more open-minded that that. You’re so open-minded, that you don’t mind the thought of being my sex slave. In fact, you want to be the first among many of women to become my sex slave.”

“I am very open-minded. If I’m open-minded, I could also be open to that.”

“You’ll love the fact that I have other sex partners around. You are excited by women’s bodies and you’re romantically very attracted to women.”

I stopped speaking for a little while because I was enjoying fucking her so much. Then I realized there was one more thing I liked her to do that she used to resist. So I pulled my dick out of her cunt, and moved her around so it was pointing toward her mouth.

“In fact, Sherri, except for the fact that you’re crazy in love with me and love having sex with me, you’re basically a lipstick lesbian. You love the taste of pussy. You even love the taste of your own pussy. Taste yourself by sucking my cock, Sherri.”

She sucked me with less shyness than she had in the past. Her tongue worked her way around my entire shaft as she tasted every sticky bit of her juice from my cock and balls.

“I do love the taste of my pussy. What else would you want me to do? How can I change for you?”

“First, keep sucking my cock while I tell you what you’re changing into now. You will really love making love to women. You look forward to eating pussy, to kissing women, to touching their bodies. You love having a woman’s lips on your body, all over. You love doing things to make them come, and letting them make you come. You love seducing new, attractive women. Your favorite sexual fantasy is to hold an orgy with the two of us as the centerpiece. The only thing you love more than sex with attractive women is sex with me, and the only thing you love more than sex with me is sex with me and other attractive women at the same time. You love watching me fuck other women. But men other than me leave you disinterested. They’re just not me. But when you see a woman you find attractive, especially a woman you think I would find attractive, you will become an expert in seduction, finding the right way to approach that woman to make her ours, if we want her.”

“I could be very good at that.”

“You should be especially interested in your roommate. You’ll develop a crush on her, and you’ll find a way to make her your next conquest. That crush will develop into a strong and abiding lust, and she’ll always be the favorite among your many girlfriends.”

“Yes, Julie is fantastic. I wonder if she’ll go for this idea? But I’ll do whatever I can. What else can I do for you, Dan?”

Then I realized that Julie might not be receptive. I wanted to find a way to solve this problem – but I had other things to program before my mission would be accomplished.

“As long as possible, you’re going to be my little baby machine. When I tell you I want you to get pregnant, it will override your other concerns – even your lust for sex with other women and me.”

“Family is very important to me.”

“That’s right. Everything I’ve said to you will be very important to you, after you’ve had a chance to rest and think about it.”

And just like that – the pressure, the worry, the need I had felt to do the things that Sherri told me to do – they were all gone. I felt like my normal self again. Except that I needed to come.

“Sherri, keep sucking me even after I start to come. You’re going to swallow all you can. If you lose some of it, you’ll lick it up, because you love the taste of my come as much as you love pussy. Keep sucking me, Sherri. Keep sucking me like that. You’re doing better than ever. Lick it right there. Yes, like that. Yes, more, like that. You’re going to love fucking an endless line of women with me Sherri. You’ll bring me whatever kind of pussy I want. Younger, older, kinky, shy, skinny, athletic, big tits, elegant. Rich girls, poor girls, high class hookers, prep school girls, whatever kind of pussy we see and crave. Keep sucking it just like that, Sherri!”

And I shot my wad down her throat. She was very happy to be licking it up, she was smiling and laughing in a way she hadn’t done before. She was more free than ever to enjoy the sex.

And then after the orgasm, which I thoroughly enjoyed spasming through me for a good minute even after the main spurt, I could start to feel the guilt build up.

I was only programming Sherri the way she had told me to. I was doing it because I had to. If I could program Sherri to be the girl I wanted, I would make her more open-minded. But I wouldn’t have made her a lesbian. I wouldn’t tell her that she wants to be my sex slave. I might try to get her to be OK with picking up a second girls every now and then, but I wouldn’t ask her to help me recruit more sex slaves. I did that because Sherri, however accidentally, had programmed me to.

But I knew it was completely immortal. I had to do it, but it felt wrong. I wanted to find a way to make it stop. Could I tell Sherri to forget everything I had told her and start over again?

But I couldn’t get the words out. Suddenly, I felt not so normal again. I felt a need to obey the programming, and not try to defeat it. Sherri had told me to change her. That meant permanently. I couldn’t just redefine it to mean temporarily.

But if I couldn’t reverse what I had done, I could at least add something to it. Make it easier on her, and both of us.

“Sherri, you’ll be very happy with these new feelings. You won’t worry about where they came from; you’ll wake up tomorrow from a night of happy, restful dreams that helped you understand your true personality, and you’ll know that I encouraged you down your true path, but that you chose it yourself, consciously, deliberately, and happily. You’ll feel lucky that you’re an open-minded, sexually adventurous woman who has found the man who is the love of her life. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“Dan, I understand what’s you’re saying. You’re so right.”

“Will you do me just one more favor before you go to sleep for the night?”

“Of course, Dan. What is it?”

“Go clean your teeth, but use Julie’s toothbrush. Then put it back so she’ll use it next.”

“That’s a strange favor, Dan. She might catch this bug that we both had, and I can tell you – I have a major headache.”

“Do it for me.”

“Of course I will, Dan.”

“I’m going to stay here tonight with you to make sure you’re all right. I don’t want you to watch television, listen to the radio, or anything like that. Don’t even read a book. Just relax and think about what we discussed, and how happy it will make you. Now, go brush your teeth using Julie’s brush, all right?” She did, and a few minutes after Sherri returned to her bedroom, I heard Julie come into their apartment.

I had only met Julie a couple of times before –she had just moved to city a few weeks before to attend school and Sherri happened to need a new roommate. Sherri stayed over at my apartment a lot, so we usually only saw Julie in passing. But she was a beautiful straight-haired blonde with a light tan, in contrast to Sherri’s dark curly hair and almost caramel skin. Sherri was in great shape with prominent breasts and a very toned butt – not skinny, but a beautiful athletic figure. But Julie was more slim, with a very narrow waist and wide hips. Her breasts were a little smaller than Sherri’s. Sherri was sexy, energetic, and direct, while Julie seemed more shy, feminine, and poised. They were a study in contrasts which was part of what me think about a threesome whenever we did see Julie. I told Sherri to relax and stay in bed while I went to greet Julie.

“Hi, Julie. How are you doing?”

“Hi Dan. I’m good. It’s the end of a long day. How are you?”

“I’m fine, but Sherri is trying to get some rest. Unfortunately, she caught a little big I picked up a day or two ago. At least I got over it quickly, hopefully so will she.”

“At least that’s good. What are you up to?”

“I think I’ll stay over tonight, but Sherri’s already trying to sleep and it’s too early for me to crash. Do you mind if I watch television? I brought over a bottle of wine, if you want to join me and hang out.”

We found a movie and settled down on the couch together, ordered Indian delivery, and enjoyed the wine. We had discovered a number of common interests, and there was just a hint of sexual tension starting to develop. I asked myself, why shouldn’t I hit on her? Sherri wouldn’t mind and she was about to do the same thing in the morning, with any luck. As long as I kept things slow and low-key, I didn’t think much would go wrong. At worst, she’d turn me down and maybe catch the virus herself by morning. At best, I’d get laid and could then try to bring Sherri into the mix the next day.

“So Julie, I know you’re new to the city. I have a few friends I might be able to set you up with, if you’re interested. Are you on the market for a boyfriend?”

“To be honest, I’m very busy with school and auditions, I don’t know when I’d date.” Julie was yet another student-actress-waitress in the city, in graduate study for theater. “I could use a more active sex, I mean, social life, just to take my mind off school. But I don’t want any serious outside distractions.”

“I guess you meet a lot of guys at work and school.”

“I’d rather make some friends first, and maybe one of them will turn out to come with benefits. I usually take things slowly. Not always.”

“So what’s your type?”

“Hmmm... Let’s just say I like people who are beautiful on the inside.”

I was sure she was flirting with me. I decided to try and warm things up, a little, but also make things more playful and less serious. I noticed some rubber bands on the table.

“Do you want to see a stupid trick my big sister taught me when we were kids?” It was a silly trick with rubber bands, looped around a couple of fingers on each of our hands, so that my left hand and her right hand were tugging on each other, and vice versa. The idea was to try to coordinate hand movements while doing things like clapping, snapping fingers, and so on. It was a goofy kids’ game, but it was fun for five minutes and it broke the ice so that we could touch each other more comfortably.

We started laughing a bit because we got very tangled up. We leaned back on the couch and laughed some more. Then there was a silence. I think we were both thinking the same thought, but as we started to lean toward each other’s face, Julie raised her hands in front of her gently.

“I’m sorry, this is my fault. I think you’re nice and everything, but this could get too complicated. Since nothing really happened, I hope you won’t talk to Sherri about this. I think she wouldn’t be happy.”

“It was just flirting. Sherri wouldn’t mind that we were getting to know each other. But maybe it’s time for me to check on her and get some sleep.”

“I wish...” Julie started to speak, but it trailed off.

“What do you wish?”

“I wish I could be a different person, I guess.”

“What do you mean?”

“I wish I wouldn’t worry so much about what was right and wrong, when most of it is just in my imagination. Now I feel guilty just for flirting with you. Imagine how I’d feel if... Oh, forget it. I don’t know what I’m talking about.”

“Let me ask you a question, Julie. If you really could be a different person – have a different attitude toward life, what would it be?”

“I’d just want to take more chances. Have more fun. Not be afraid of what other people think. I went to undergrad school with a lot of rich kids. They used to judge me. I was popular enough, and I had friends. But when I didn’t know what the best places were to go skiing, or what wine to choose, or just didn’t have the money to dress like they did, it was as though I was from another planet sometimes. I made some good friends, but I always felt this distance between us, even though I think my friends stopped thinking of it that way. I’ve always kept other people a little too far away because I judged myself.”

“I can understand that.”

“Hey, enough shrink talk for the night. I’m going to b- uh, sleep. Good night.”

She headed to the bathroom and closed the door. I could see her put toothpaste on her brush.

I went into Sherri’s room. She was fast asleep, looking like an angel with traces of dried semen on her mouth.

* * *

When I woke up, Sherri was already out of bed. I knew I didn’t want to go to work, but I realized that I couldn’t keep taking time off if I wanted to keep my job.

Did I want to keep my job? I wondered. I was still under Sherri’s instructions to start building a ring of sex slaves... and I would be for the rest of my life. Going to work was really going to interfere with that hobby. I loved the intellectual stimulation and challenge of my work, but… I thought I might like getting laid full time even better. I would have to quit my job eventually. But I needed to think about money, and housing. Sherri’s two-bedroom wasn’t going to cut it down the road, not if I was keeping many mouths to feed. No matter how much cum I could pump down their throats, they would need to eat solid food as well.

I was still in Sherri’s bed, musing on my future. But then I smelled food, and I heard talking.

“Thanks for making me breakfast, Sherri. I guess I caught what you had yesterday,” Julie said as I walked into the kitchen.

Sherri was already smiling when I came in, but her face lit up by a factor of three. “Good morning, Iron Man!” She had never called me that before – however, I liked hearing it.

“Our hot little blonde friend here is starting to get a nasty headache. She said she felt woozy most of the night.”

Julie didn’t seem to bat an eye at being called ‘our hot little blonde friend’. That was a good sign that she was already highly suggestible.

“Good morning, Julie. Sorry if you’re not feeling well.”

“It’s just a headache. Apart from that, I actually feel very relaxed.”

“Julie, did you tell Sherri that the two of us almost kissed last night while she was asleep in the next room?”

Julie blushed and looked at Sherri. “I wasn’t sure if we almost kissed, but I thought maybe we did. Dan said that a little flirting wouldn’t make you jealous.”

“Julie, I’m not the jealous type. I think you’re very pretty, and I meant it when I called you hot. I like the thought of you kissing Dan. He deserves hot women in his life. Actually, I can think of even better ways you might spend your time together than just kissing. To be honest, I wouldn’t mind kissing you myself.”

“That’s really nice to hear, Sherri.”

“Julie, I think you like the idea of kissing me, don’t you?” I asked her.


I kissed her. It was short, but sweet. “What do you think about kissing Sherri?”

“I don’t know. She’s my roommate. What if it didn’t work out?”

“Julie, from now on you’re going to find it easy to trust your own instincts, and not worry about what other people think. You’re finding that strength right now, and it’s going to grow over the course of the day. You can listen to other people’s ideas, and you can change your mind if you think other people make sense, but you’ll never change your opinion just because you’re afraid of what others might think. When other people judge you, it won’t bother you. You accept it as part of human nature, but it won’t bother you.”

“I’d love that.”

“You’re going to feel more confident taking risks. Do things sometimes just for the fun of it.”

“That would be great. That’s what I really need to do, I just don’t know how.”

“You’re going to see, if you think about it, that you can do it, and you’re figuring it out today. Today is a special day for you. Trust me.”

“I do trust you.”

“Julie, if you trust me, open your robe.” Sherri was looking on, her mouth agape, not quite believing what she was seeing.

“Dan, I don’t know how you’ve become so persuasive in the last couple of days,” Sherri said, as she watched Julie stand up and untie her robe.

“Julie, we’re all going to do something now just for the fun of it.” I kissed her again, and reached into her robe for her breasts. “Come on, Sherri, help me out with this.”

Trembling, Sherri came over to Julie. “I think you’re so beautiful, Julie. Can I kiss you?”

“Of course. This is just for the fun of it, I don’t need to worry about it.” The two girls kissed for a few minutes, and I occasionally put my lips into the mix as I grabbed their firm asses, caressed their breasts, and played with their pussies using fingers the women happily licked for me.

After a little while, I pulled both of the girls a little ways from the kitchen into Sherri’s bedroom; I wanted the bed. I pulled off my pajama bottoms and got Julie to get on her hands and knees on the bed, with her butt raised and her knees on the bottom of the bed. Sherri immediately crawled underneath her, her mouth facing Julie’s shaved pussy. (Sherri had a nice little trimmed bush, which I prefer – it looks more grown-up. I hate to feel like I’m fucking a three year old.)

“Julie, you’re going to enjoy this more than you’ve ever enjoyed sex before.”

“Somehow, I believe you even though I would think anyone else was just bragging.”

“Julie, from now on, you’re going to think of me and Sherri as the two most special people in your life.” I moved around the bed to kiss her on the lips. “Sherri, start licking Julie’s pussy. I can tell you don’t want to wait.”

I kissed Julie some more and occasionally moved her face down to Sheri’s snatch to return the favor. But then I would lift her face to mine again and we would kiss. She was so intuitive; she seemed to learn quickly how I liked to kiss and her technique was steadily improving to be beyond fantastic.

“Julie, you can always trust what Sherri and I say to you. You trust us. You want to do things that make us happy, and things that make us happy will always sound fun and right to you. Kiss Sherri’s cunt again for a while, and listen while I talk to you. Remember all of this, it’s important.”

I moved behind Julie and pushed the head of my penis against her pussy. Sherri was grinning like an idiot at me, and moving her face to an angle where she could continue to lick Julie’s clit even if I started driving it home.

“Oh, Julie, you are making me crazy! I needed to taste you so bad, and now you’re licking my cunt like I’ve thought about so many times!”

“I didn’t know that,” I said. “Who else did you want eating your pussy, Sherri?”

“I’ll tell you later, Iron Man. For now, you should start fucking your new prize cunt.”

From the mouths of babes comes wisdom. I started thrusting into Julie’s tight, velvety, wet, and extremely hot cunt. Nothing like having a girlfriend get the pussy completely ready for you.

I loved watching my girlfriend (my first girlfriend, I should say) licking at sucking Julies clit while I slammed my meat into Julies cunt doggy style. Every time I pushed it home, Julie was pushed forward a little on the bed, and she made a little cry of satisfaction, which was muffled by the fact that her face was buried in Sherri’s cunt, licking only halfheartedly because she was so distracted by the fucking she was getting.

Sherri slid her body toward me a little, but remain on the bottom of a 69 with Julie, and started sucking on my nut sack, so I slowed down my thrusting and used my hands to pull Julie’s thighs toward me in a similar rhythm. Sherri had never licked my balls before for more than a few seconds, and only because I asked. She said she didn’t like the hair. But my hairy balls were not bothering her then and there. She licked and sucked and squeezed Julie’s ass with both hands.

“Dan, do you want to come in my mouth? I totally want you to come in my mouth again, like last night.”

“I don’t know yet where I want to come. You gave me a fantastic blowjob last night Sherri, the best ever, but I like to shoot my wad in a pussy. And brand new pussy is the best kind to come in. Julie, do you want me to come in your cunt?”

“Sure, if you want to. Just keep fucking me, it’s so good.”

“Julie, are you on birth control?”

“Not really.”

Julie was so laid-back about us fucking without any sort of protection, that it reminded me that Julie was still under the influence of the virus and open for any idea. I needed to complete her programming.

“It would be so hot,” Sherri said, “if I was watching you fuck her and you came inside her and you got her pregnant.”

“Yes, but I’m not ready to come yet. I love the fucking. You keep on sucking my balls, but take turns licking Julie’s clit while you do that. And you should play with her tits, too, I like that.”

“Yes, I love her cute little tits, I wish mine were more like hers.”

‘”Julie, I have some more instructions for you, if you’re capable of listening while I keep on fucking you.”

“Yes, just tell me what you want but please keep fucking me! I totally want to feel you come in me when you’re ready. Oh fuck, I’m about to come! Keep licking me Sherri, start sucking it and I’ll go over the edge!”

I felt Julie’s cunt start to spasm around me, pulling me deeper inside of her and it gave me a strong urge to come. But I wanted to complete Julie’s programming first.

“Julie, while I’m fucking you, I want you to focus on and remember a few things. You like me more than anyone else you know – you trust me, you like me, you admire me in every way that a woman can admire a man. If I make a plan, you want to be a part of making it happen. My goals are your goals.”

“Yes, I think we want the same things, Dan. Oh, God, I love it when you fuck me like that.”

“Julie, are you dating anyone now?”

“Not really. My friend tried to fix me up with a banker. I was thinking of going out with him. But I like you so much better.”

That gave me a thought. “Julie, you said you went to school with a bunch of rich kids. Your friend who tried to fix you up, was she one of the rich kids?”

“Yes. Her family has a lot of money, I don’t know from what. But she also married a man 15 years older than us who is a big shot at an investment bank.”

“Julie, I want you to think of all of your closest female friends, who are rich or who married rich. And a separate list of all your prettiest, sexiest female friends. We’re going to seduce all of them. Some of them are going to be our lovers, and some of them are going to help us put together some real estate deals, and some others are going to help make us very rich.”

“Sex is great. Money is all right, too,” Julie said.

“Do you like having sex with girls, Julie?”

“I love eating Sherri out, Dan, everything feels so good while you’re fucking me. I guess I might like other girls too, especially if you fucked me while I did them.”

“Julie, from now on, I’m the only man you’re excited to fuck.”

“Oh, Dan, yes.”

“And your taste in women is very important to you. You will begin to desire women more and more, to the point where you consider yourself bisexual. You love the idea of finding exceptionally beautiful women, especially the models and actresses you meet, and bringing them home for us to fuck together.”

“Oh, fuck, Dan, Sherri, I’m getting so hot, I might be able to come again! Keep licking me Sherri, but play with my tits some more! Yes, thank you, that feels so nice!” And Julie began urgently licking all around Sherri’s vulva. “Oh, Sherri, I love the taste of your pussy!”

“Sherri’s pussy is always going to be your favorite; it’s the perfect taste for a pussy to have. Sherri’s going be your best girlfriend, and you’re always going to desire her sexually more than any other woman. She’ll always be able to satisfy you completely, even if I’m not available.”

“Oh, Dan, I need your cock too! I need your cock too! I need your cock too, you’re making me feel so incredible, it’s not like anything before!”

“If that’s how you feel, Julie, then you should tell me you want to be my sex slave. Tell me how you want to serve me.”

“I’m going to bring you the prettiest, sexiest girls, and I’m going to do and say whatever I need to in order for them to decide to fuck you in whatever way you want. I’ll tell you all the different ways I want to get fucked by you, I’m going to understand whatever it is that gets you excited, and I’m going to get you excited. And if you’re busy because you have too much pussy on your hands, I’ll be with Sherri because, my God, she’s so fucking hot! She’s totally my best girlfriend.”

“And Julie, you’re going to find it easy to keep your body in good shape. I love your tight body just the way it is,” and I knew I was going to need to come soon. But I’m also a big science geek, and I had a thought – I wanted to test the limits of her learning.

“Julie, do you speak any foreign language?”

“I studied French because that’s what all the girls studied in school, but I’m not fluent at all.”

“After we finish screwing our brains out here, I want you to dig out your old schoolbooks – even the dictionary and grammar books – and scan them. Don’t read them too carefully, but look at every page. Find some language tapes, listen to them, and make it your goal to become fluent in the next few hours. Until your headache goes away.”

“Oh, fuck Dan, now every time I think of speaking French I’m going to think about you fucking me! Oh, shit, please make me come again, both of you!”

And with that, I turned off the genetics researcher in me and began to thrust faster and more steadily into her cunt.

“Sherri, are you ready for me to shoot my load deep inside this hot little sex slave?”

“Oh, fuck, yes! I’m going to lick up whatever semen runs out of her hot little wet cunt! Let me watch you come into her!”


“Yes, Julie?”

“When I think about the list of my prettiest friends that we might want to fuck together, I have one question.”

“Go ahead.”

“Well, there are two girls I know, they’re totally beautiful, strawberry-blonde twins. Gorgeous faces, full lips, and bodies even hotter than mine. They’re trying to break into modeling, they’re totally pretty. But it’s complicated.”

“They sound fantastic. I’ve never fucked twins, but I’d love to. What’s complicated?”

“They’re a little young; they’re still in high school. And I think they’re probably virgins because they’ve never had any boyfriends, even though they want to be models, they’re a little religious and they talk about saving themselves for marriage.”

“That doesn’t sound so complicated. I think we can show them how to embrace their sexuality. Even when I was in high school, I never fucked high school girls. I can totally imagine fucking some tight little virgin twat. I don’t see any reason why we shouldn’t fuck them. In fact, I want you to make it a priority.”

“Well, there is one other thing, I’m not sure how I feel about fucking them.”

“If they’re as gorgeous as you say, then I’m telling you that you do want to fuck them. You want to lick them. You want to make them taste your cunt and lick each other. You want their tits in your face and you want to see them licking whatever twat I ask them to lick and you want to watch them get impaled on my cock while you kiss them passionately, play with their tits, squeeze their tight bunds, and lick and suck their clits.”

“Oh, God, Dan, you’re right, I totally do. I don’t know what I was worried about. I totally lust after them, and I want you to fuck them.”

“I can tell, Julie, because now your cunt is getting hotter than ever, and I feel like you’re about to come. Now, I want to focus on coming with you. But what was your problem with it?”

“There’s no problem now. I was just unsure how to handle it because they’re young, they’re virgins, and they’re my youngest sisters.”

And with that, I involuntarily began bucking my hips, thrashing deeper into Julie’s cunt, and my balls began doing what they do when pump wad after wad after wad of semen deep inside a woman. She came together with me; I loved the way her pussy contracted and got even tighter when she was in the throes of orgasm. I pulled Julie’s perfect butt hard against my groin and continued to have little spasms of lust.

“Before you start studying your French, let Sherri finish cleaning up your pussy, then bring me all the pictures of your family you have here, so I can get to see all the girls.”

Sherri was happily licking at the semen that was around the lips of Julie’s twat, and she smiled up at me, beaming. “You’ve been so quiet, Sherri.”

“Well, I didn’t want to interrupt you. And besides, my mouth was full,” she smiled.

“Oh, Julie, I think in about an hour, I’m going to want you to take a little study break.”

“For what?” she asked.

I still didn’t have an isolated sample of the virus; I didn’t want to risk losing it. I needed to start infecting more girls, and I needed a better process for programming them. Doing them one at a time, infecting them with kisses and used toothbrushes; if I didn’t get this under control, I was going to end up with only a very tiny harem before I lost my sample or the virus mutated into a less effective organism.

“Oh, I’m going to need a sample of your saliva, and your blood.”

“Of course, I’m happy to do whatever you ask.”

But then I realized I should get at least a few more live subjects infected, if I could, even though I was capturing some crucial body fluids. Who knows? It might clear out of the saliva glands quickly and end up primarily in the spino-cerebral fluids or even the endocrine. Taking those samples wouldn’t be so quick or painless.

“And I might need to ask you to eat a little more pussy today.”

But if I wanted to infect live subjects, and I preferred to infect women, I needed to get some girls over here who wouldn’t mind kissing others girls, or who didn’t mind getting their pussies licked. Since neither of the girls had been hardcore lesbians in the past, I needed to think creatively to find girls who would get infected the old fashioned way, and then make themselves available for sampling and possibly infecting some more girls later.

It was a puzzle – who could I get? But then I remembered the old adage I learned from my work in the biotechnology sector. “There’s no problem so big that it can’t be solved by throwing money at it.”

“Sherri, I’m going to run out to the bank and get a large amount of cash. Meanwhile, I want you to identify a very high-end escort service and have them send three girls over.”