The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Quitters inc.

My Job was simple, type numbers into a computer in the right place, add them up, and send them to management. I enjoyed the stress free job, and it is also where I met my wife Joan. The only draw back to this company is that it is a smoke free company. Anyone who smokes needs to walk through the building, across the parking lot, and out to the street to smoke. It is very time consuming but it is how I met my wife...

Walking in between the shrubs to cut a few precious seconds off the traveling time I lit up my cigarette and eagerly sucked in the first drag. Exhaling as the nicotine starts to do its job I smoke the first one quickly. Looking around me I see Joan for the first time. Drop dead pretty, wearing a skirt and heels. Wanting to strike up a conversation with her I just stood there speechless. I felt like a complete idiot, and rather than inserting my own foot into my mouth I just stood there in silence. Sensing me standing there, she turned and smiled at me. “The only draw back to working here, is having to travel so far in heels just to have a smoke. I am gonna have to start wearing dress shoes or sneakers if I want to keep working here.” Smiling, I worked up the courage to speak and finally “I can imagine those heels rip the back of your heel apart without hose.” Without missing a beat she smiled at me and said “Sounds like you speak from experience, how often do you wear heels and pantyhose?” Turning beat red I lower my head “Thats not what I meant, I just meant it must hurt thats all.” Busting out laughing Joan said “I am just messing with you, I kind of figured that is what you meant.” After that the ice between us had been broken, and we started talking. I began looking forward to breaks and lunch, just to have a reason to see and talk to Joan.

After a few weeks we stood in our familiar spot and I gazed at Joans beautiful body as we stood there. She had in fact ditched the dresses and skirts, and switched to pants with dress shoes. It really didn’t matter to me, even without seeing her sexy legs I still was attracted to her. Finally out of the blue one day standing under an umbrella in the rain she looked at me and said “You know every man in this company has hit on me, and asked me out except for one, and the irony is that the person that hasn’t asked me out is the one I have been waiting for.” Standing there like a moron I thought about what she had just said, and blubbering like an idiot I stammered out “Will you go out with me?” Smiling at me, she replied with “I thought you would never ask” She then kissed me on the cheek, threw her cigarette butt, and started walking back towards the building.

Fast forward 6 months, Joan and I returned back to work after our short honeymoon. We still spend every moment together when possible, breaks, lunch, etc. But we noticed that the smoker area seemed to be less populated. Asking a friend what was happening she replied “The company has started some new program for the employees who have habits or problems that they need to quit. Quite a few smokers have taken part in it, and it appears to be working. So far it seemed to be just the women that are doing it, but not only have they quit smoking they have also started practicing better work ethics like dress code, work time, etc.” Shocked by this, both Joan and I asked for more details. Pulling a card out of her pocket she handed it to Joan and said “Here is the guys card, he uses some sort of hypnotism to help people, I have an apointment tonight, so I don’t need the card anymore.” Taking the card, Joan looked it over, then looked at me, and down at the cigarette in her hand. When my friend left Joan looked at me and said “Depending on how it goes with her, I think I would like to call him.” Shaking my head I agreed, and with that we went back to work.

Walking back in the building I took notice that more than half the women in my department were dressed more formally. Opting for dresses, or skirts, short red heels, and a dark coffee pantyhose. Shaking it off I went back to work and finished the day with only a couple more trips out to the smoking area. As the day drew to an end, Joan and I returned home and enjoyed each others company as we always do. Returning to work the next morning both Joan and I stopped at the smokers area for one last smoke, and to look for my friend to see how her visit was. Not finding her anywhere, we finished and headed into the building. Tracking her down, I walked up to her desk, and asked her how everything went. Smiling she said “It went great, I have not had a cigarette since I walked into his office, I need to return 2 more times to finish with the treatment, but I really believe this time I have beat it.” Smiling at her, I told her I was happy for her and she got up to file some papers. Looking at her as she walked away I couldn’t help but notice a dark coffee pantyhose shine coming out from between her pants and dress shoes. “Strange” I said to myself as I turned and went to my own desk.

Later that day Joan and I stood in the smoking area, and we began talking a bit about the possibility of quitting. “I have smoked for so long, I honestly don’t know what it would be like to quit.” I said and Joan shook her head in agreement. “You do realize though if we did this we would need to do it together. If only one of us did it, then urge to start again would be there for the other.” This time I knodded in agreement, and we finished our cigarettes and headed back into work. Later in the day I passed my friend again and she smiled at me. “Tonight is my next session, and I am excited about it. I can’t believe I have gone an entire day, and have not even craved a smoke.” Looking down again towards her ankles I saw that I was right she was in fact wearing a dark coffee colored pantyhose under her pants like all the others that had gone to see this doctor. Getting ready to ask her about it she turned quickly and said “Well I got to go, got a few things to finish before my next appointment.” And before I could open my mouth to speak she was gone.

Heading home from work with Joan I spoke up “Have you noticed that everyone that has gone to see this doctor has started wearing a dark coffee color pantyhose with short red heels, skirts, or dresses?” Even after one visit my friend was wearing the same hose under her pants today.” Smiling at me Joan spoke up “If I didn’t know any better, I would almost guess that you were jealous. Did you want to stop at the store on the way home to buy your own pantyhose to wear under your clothes, maybe some red heels and a dress?” Laughing by the time she finished her statement, I could feel my face turning red with embarassment. “No, I just find it very strange, that is all.” I replied back mumbling as I spoke. “Chances are the pantyhose is nothing more than a placebo, something to replace the urge to smoke with, but if we go, I will make a point of telling him to choose something different for me. I just cannot see myself wearing pantyhose.” said Joan.

The next morning we arrived at work to find we were the only ones using the smoking area. Looking around we could even see that no one else had been there through the morning. No butts lay on the ground, and no one even appeared to look in our direction. Finishing our smokes we walk into the building to a strange sight. Almost all of the women there were in dresses, short red heels, and a dark coffee pantyhose. To make matters even more interesting the women who were not wearing dresses were still wearing red heels with their dark coffee colored pantyhose showing clearly on their feet and ankles. My wife also noticed and before I could say anything she spoke up “Ok, now I am a bit freaked out. Why did you have to put the strange idea in my head last night about your friend? Now you got me worked up after seeing this. Grabbing my wifes hand I walked over to my friend after I caught sight of her across the room. Smiling from ear to ear she waved and as we approached I saw that she too was now sporting a pair of red heels happily exposing the dark coffee pantyhose she was also wearing. “What is going on with everyone?” I asked “Why are all the women changing their work attire and dressing like this?” Confused my friend just looked at me, “What do you mean? Just because we are dressing nicer, and more towards a more professional work place you think that something is wrong? There is nothing wrong, in fact I haven’t felt this good about myself in a long time.” Staring at her both Joan and I mouths dropped open. It was almost like a recording listening to my friend speaking, monotone, and the way her eyes almost glazed over when she spoke was almost terrifing. Not even taking in our reaction she turned around and walked away from us.

Joan and I looked at each other and waited for the other to say something. Both speachless we shook our heads and went to our work stations. As I worked away putting numbers in their proper places, adding and printing out the results I couldn’t help but notice the music that played through the company pa system seemed to have changed. It was more of a smoother, melodic blend that seemed to relax me to my very core. I worked away almost trance like, and before I knew it the clock on my desk informed me it was time for lunch. Shaking my head, I got up and quickly got out to the smoking area for a cigarette and time with my wife. As I approached she stood there shaking slightly and puffing away quickly. “I don’t know what happened for first break” she said, knodding I said “Same here”. “I sat down at my desk this morning and found this. It is an appointment card to visit the doctor tonight, but I didn’t make the appointment. I don’t like this, I don’t like this at all.” Knodding in agreement I said “Well if you are going to go to the appointment, I am going to go with you, and the doctor is gonna have to answer alot of questions before he does anything to us.” Knodding in agreement, Joan still didn’t look anymore at ease.

Returning to work I easily fell back into the ease of work again as the relaxing music continued to play through the pa system. Trance like I worked, and the next thing I knew it was 5 oclock. As the music clicked off I sat up straight, and looked around. “What the hell is going on?” I asked myself, and then got up more than ready to get out of there. Already in the car Joan waited for me to get in. “Are you sure you are ready for this?” she asked, “We could just go home, and say we forgot about the appointment.” Shaking my head as I started the car, “No we need to go, if we don’t go it will just be tomorrow or the next day, besides we owe it to our friends to figure out what is going on” Knodding but still sullen Joan agreed and we pulled out of the parking lot to go to the appointment.

The office was a very modest, and small building. Only one small sign marked what was inside, and when we pulled up we sat in the car for a few minutes enjoying what could very well be our last cigarette. Shaking nervously we got out of the car and headed up the walk to the building. Entering we find a very pleasant and warmly lit room, with a soft melodic music playing in the background. Walking up to the receptionist Joan gives her name, and informs her that the only way she will stay is if I can be seen also. The receptionist gets up and goes through another door, quickly returning with a smile saying the doctor had no problem with that. Almost disappointed we sit down and listen to the soft music. The soft, melodic music, so soft and pretty.

“And that will conclude our session for today” Says the doctor smiling at Joan and I as we sit in the chairs in front of him. Turning to look at each other, we exchange confused looks as we get up. Walking through the door back into the lobby we stop at the receptionist and get our appointments for our next session and walk out the door. Standing in front of the building we smile at each other and I reach into my pocket for my cigarette’s. As my hand goes into my pocket I feel the fabric of my jeans slide against something smooth. The feeling is almost electric and I find myself mumbling out “Oh”. Joan who starts walking towards the car has a simular experience and I hear a soft moan escape her. Pulling my hand back out of my pocket empty we walk the rest of the way back to the car. Sitting down in the seat has a simular reaction to both of us and we turn to look at each other in disbelief. Pulling up a pant leg I find that my lower half is encased in dark coffee colored pantyhose and looking at Joan I can tell by the expression on her face that she is also covered in hose as well. Nervously we look at each other, get out of the car and return to the building to ask the doctor what was going on. After banging on the locked door for several minutes with no answer, we return to our car to go home.

Bursting through the door, I start pulling off my clothes and Joan follows suit. By the time we reach our bedroom we are naked besides the pantyhose covering our legs. Grabbing ahold the waist band we pull off the hose, and throw it on the floor and standing by the bed we look at each other confused, upset, and scared. After a minute or two passes I begin to feel strange, and an awful cramping begin in my stomach area. Groaning as it gets worse, I double over and fall to my knees. Looking up at my wife I can see the same reaction start with her and just as quickly as me she falls to the floor holding her stomach as she screamed out in agony. Then the voice starts, a smooth soft voice telling me to put the pantyhose back on, put it back on and the pain will stop. Gritting my teeth, I try to resist but lost to the pain that consumed my entire body now I didn’t even realize I was already working the soft silky pantyhose back up my legs. As my lower body became covered again my mind started to clear and the cramping started to subside. Looking over at Joan I took note she was doing the same as tears flowed down her cheeks. We lay there on the floor for a while embracing each other until the pain and cramps were completely gone. Once that happened we sat up and examined the situation further, and tried to understand what had actually happened. Taking note as she looked my legs over Joan said “Your legs are even shaved. When did all this happen? How long were we at the doctors? And what exactly did he do to us?” Shaking my head, I honestly had no idea.

All I knew now, was I was glad that the pantyhose we were put into had no crotch in it. The thought of having to pull it down to use the bathroom scared the shit out of me! And why pantyhose? What the hell was the doctor doing to us? All we could figure out, was that the doctor had something to do with this situation, and he was the one that would give us answers as well as fix this. Deciding to keep our appointment for the next day we tried to relax, but being new to the sensations of pantyhose, and Joan not experiencing them for so long we found we spent more time rubbing our legs than relaxing. But the strange thing is, everytime I felt the urge to smoke a cigarette, I would find my hand rubbing my leg, and after a minute or two the urge would be gone, and the thought of having one would make me feel sick.

The next morning we got up and ready for work. Joan decided on pants with her dress shoes but didn’t bother with wearing socks since she was still wearing the pantyhose on her legs. Me, I decided to wear socks over the hose, no sense in allowing rumors to start at the work place about me being a crossdresser. We were quiet on the way to work, and we walked in silence to the building without even looking at the smoking area. Once inside we noticed the strange music from yesterday was playing again, and I looked around, strangely there appeared to be several new women employees, and an equal amount of men missing. My friend saw us, and quickly she strutted over flaunting her beautiful legs in dark coffee hose and dress, with her red heels. “So how did it go?” She asked looking over Joan and spotting a peak of hose between her pants and shoes. Smiling back Joan said “Wonderful, we havent had a cigarette since yesterday.” Turning torwards me she exclaimed “You went too? Thats so wonderful, how do you feel?” Unable to stop my smile “I feel better than I have felt in a long time.” Realizing the words that just came out of my own mouth I covered it with my hand and looked at Joan who still stood staring dreamily at my friends legs, shoes and dress. Spinning on her heel my friend said “Well off to work, can’t wait to get started!” and she was gone. Smiling at my wife “I guess that is our cue, see you at lunch.” and with a quick kiss we separated and got to work.

As was the case the day before, the day passed in a blurr. Somehow I even missed lunch, and with the exception of the few times I found myself rubbing my legs through my pants it seemed like the day passed in minutes. At 5 the music stopped, and I stood with all the other emloyees to go home. Shaking my head, I couldn’t figure out where the day went, but I was glad the day was over so we could visit the doctor for our next treatment. (Wait that couldn’t be right, we were supposed to be solving the problem with having to wear this damn pantyhose!) Shaking my head again, I left the building and waited in the car for Joan.

After Joan got in, we went directly to the doctors office and walked inside. We informed the receptionist of our arrival and she smiled at us knowingly. Sitting down to wait we once again listened to the music playing and began to relax some. “And that will conclude your visit for today.” the doctor said as we sat in the chairs in front of him. “Just remember that your next appointment will be longer for you” said the doctor as he looked at me. Shaking my head yes we got up and the clicking of my wifes heels blended into the music playing and sounded beautiful. Standing in front of the receptionist we got our cards for the next appointment and walked out of the building. Glancing down at her feet Joan exclaimed “I am not a fan of heels, but these red heels match my pantyhose so well that I just adore them!” Smiling at her I agree that red heels are the way to go with the pantyhose we are wearing. Then I stop in my tracks, “what the hell just happened? why are you wearing heels? You hate both pantyhose and heels...” Thinking it over for a minute Joan spoke back up “No I love my pantyhose and red heels, they are so much better for the workplace, it makes it more professional, and feels so nice” Stopping in her tracks Joan puts a hand over her mouth realizing what she just said and quickly kicks off the heels as she slides into the car. “Fuck this, I am not going to wear heels to work or any other time for that matter and tomorrow the doctor is going to answer for what he has done.” Joan states looking at the darkened building. Scratching my chest I agree, but something feels off. Pulling my work shirt up I find I am wearing a leotard over the pantyhose. reaching up to my neck I can feel it is tightly pulled around it, and as I feel around to the back I find the zipper that will not move no matter how hard I try to pull it. As if on cue, Joan doubles over and crosses her arms across her chest. Without even thinking I reach over and pick up one of the heels from the floorboard. Sliding it over her foot, she sees what I am doing and quickly does the same with her other foot. After a few minutes she starts breathing easier, and we head home.

The evening was spent trying to understand what was going on with us. Why had we even gone to the doctors office anyway? What was he doing to us? And what could we do to stop it? Hours we spent trying to figure out answers, but as we lay down to go to sleep snuggling up to each other we were no closer to the answers than when we started trying to figure them out. As we fell asleep to the soothing voice that reminded us about how we needed to always wear our pantyhose and leotard or shoes to sleep a smile formed on our lips and we mumbled a chant in our sleep to the voice that repeated itself.

Waking to the alarm We got up and showered together still dressed. After all happiness required we always remain in the clothes that made us better people. After showering and air drying for a while we got dressed and went to work. Once entering the building we fell under the hypnotic spell of the soft melodic music playing and I never noticed that I was the last man left working in our department. Joan and my friend talked about shoes and giggled alot, and as the clock hit 9:00 we all turned and went to our desks without another word. At 5:00 the music stopped and I looked around, seeing the others get up and get ready to go home made me realize what time it was, so I walked to the car where Joan waited eagerly in the front seat. “It’s time for our appointment” Joan said with a smile. Returning the smile I agreed and we drove to the doctors office and entered without any hesitation. Sitting down in the chairs waiting for the doctor we listened to the sweet wonderful music that played, and waited for him to call us.

“I believe your smoking problem has been cured, and you have finished your treatments.” said the doctor as he sat in the chair in front of us. I turned in my chair keeping my legs crossed so as to not show anything from under my skirt. Looking at my wife I smiled, she was so pretty and sexy in her short dress, dark coffee colored pantyhose and red heels. My wife turned to look at me and smiled as she muttered the word “Beautiful”, blushing slightly I got up and hand in hand we walked out of the doctors office. As we passed the receptionist she smiled at us and waved, and as our red heels clicked across the sidewalk we smiled again at each other taking in the view before us. Getting in the car Joan leaned over and kissed me “I love you dear, I am so glad we did this. Now we can work harder for the company and show how professional we really are. Glancing in the mirror at the reflection of the man I had become, I couldn’t help but think that it was definitely an improvement for the office.

That night when we got home both Joan and I stripped out of our dresses long enough to put on our nighties. We explored each others bodies through the pantyhose and leotards we both wore now, and the sounds of our heels clicking as we crossed rooms was enough to drive us insane. After a late dinner we made love still in our heels and required clothes, and fell asleep in each others arms. The next morning we got up and eagerly dressed for work. Ariving early we quickly stripped out of our dresses, down to the leotards pantyhose and heels then sat down to work with the beautiful soft music playing through the pa speakers.

As the president of the company stood in front of the window looking down on his employees working busily. He smiled and said “Well work is up 100%, office moral is up 100%, and all the employees now dress professionally. You do amazing work as promised, I have no complaints, and am very pleased with the end result.” to a man sitting in the chair next to his desk. Smiling the man stood up and walked over to the president of the company, “I am glad you are pleased, I pride myself on having 100% satisfaction to my work, now the only matter left to attend to is my bill.” Turning around the president of the company returned to his desk, his red heels clicking across the floor as he walked. Sitting in his chair he crossed his legs as he slid the chair under the desk to prevent anyone from seeing the pantie of his dark coffee pantyhose. Writing out the check he pulled it loose, and handed it to the man standing there smiling. Walking towards the door the president of the company said “One last question, How did you manage to keep the sublimial messages from effecting me?” Smiling as he opened the door, “what makes you think you were not affected? By the way, you look very pretty today.” and with that he was gone. The president of the company rubbed his hose gently, smiled, and got back to work.