The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Chapter III

The Silver Ring

fOR My wee Bonnie Lassie – my chosen heart-slave


“Wee Bonnie Lassie”

… And the fina’le beginning of…



© Mesmerr


It was one of the last times He would teach-one of the last times He would gather at least one to the natural humankind evolutionary matrix; home to the fold. He felt He was the last Master of natural dominance and He was tired, yet, not life-tired—alone-tired; alone in the crowded room of His life of caring from a chosen distance.

He would teach one last time if she would come, if she desired to come, if she willingly wanted and needed to enslave her heart to his. And if she did come He would perform as He felt like performing, like the natural sovereign integral feeling-dominant Master of natural dominance He felt He was and had always been.

He would gather one only and then He would liberate and set them both finally free, once and for all, only one more time. Then, if necessary, or Miss Destiny saw fit, He would take his remaining planned quiet time to rest and to reflect upon past, present, and future lives and times, all happening omni-linear, all happening now.

He wondered, as He readied to leave, if He would be lucky enough on this last meeting, to find her, “She,” the one He had been searching for all of his life and had now possibly found. He was still waiting for her to come to him of her own free will choice. He always would. If she did not come, When He felt it was time, He would hoist all sails and go home. He was aware of that, too, but He didn’t want to go home, alone. He had never intended to.

In the thinking-dominant materialistic world of all times that He had always visited to continue His work, no one ever became popular by telling the felt-right truth. That was all right by Him. It always had been. It always would be.

Peter’s very private and very deep-seated natural interest was the natural human nature of all others, and, his own natural humankind Self – the sovereign integral of himself; me, my self, and I. They became, over the time of His life to date, the naturally intended Cusp Taurean-Gemini, in full, whether He or others liked it or not. Nevertheless, the cusp Taurean and both Gemini’s were all naturally triaged and traited within Him and His natural human nature, since birth, and were only intended and destined for the good of all, including Himself.

Nobody had ever understood Him, since accepting the silver ring and its natural power into his life in full, but He had. It had taken a long while of deeper-than-deep self-exploration and self-discovery. He did not dislike those who had since, never figured Him out. He was and still is in a self-discovery mode all the time. Episodes of mystery, given intentionally or unintentionally, that many had and still did surrounded Him with in their thinking-dominant minds, only saddened Him, even His own family of past lives and past times; yet, only for the time duration while the accepted natural emotion of sadness passes through Him and then allowed to journey onward on its not-so-merry way.

His humankind value system and its mathematic values of natural fluid intelligence, as His life and only real interests, were deeply personal values and interests that had always held the very strongest of challenges, fascination, mystery and personal exploration and excitement, for as long as He could remember. He had a heart-mind-library full of books on all subjects, in all real life-encyclopaedias ever found to be of interest.

He had practised his own personal exploration, experience, experimentation and research, and had developed His own deeply personal value system of values of natural humankind humanity, over most of many years. He had researched and experimented as much as was possible whenever He could find someone; someone to assist, to help or to teach, or perhaps, someone to learn from, or someone to practice on, or someone special to meet, but always someone who was willing to at least accept Him for who He was and might learn something of possible value.

Even before the silver ring and its accepted power had arrived in his life, He had always felt He was a male Master of natural dominance- not domination through fear, physicality and intimidation, but natural dominance in all it forms of natural expression. He felt He knew that because He had always felt that, from the earliest of ages, which was why He now felt and knew that He really was the last Master of dominance, for various reasons He understood and comprehended and not just the old silver ring coming into his situational awareness of exactly what it really was.

This, not only felt and now known, was also accepted, and, at times, whenever alone, He was sad, occasionally, because of it—not only for his own chosen personal loss, but also for the loss of others He felt He could have or possibly should have helped.

Peter knew that his deep and intense personal humanistic value system and attitudinal efforts over the years had developed into a subtle, but strong humanistic control obsession, but one always with good intent, intended for all.

The silver ring was now a natural part of him and had been since adorning his flesh with its living presence.

He knew, also, the sheer, raw human being that natural male dominance could and did have with a willing submissive-slave female heart and mindset which had aligned itself naturally. Correctly and naturally paired, they were each consenting to natural heart enslavement for many lifetimes yet to come.

He had, however, always treated his personal wholeness art, as He called it, with the greatest respect, and had always showed that same attitude and respect toward those who accepted or respected His mastership of them, or used them, or those that were curious enough or wanted to be mastered or willingly used. That was the natural point to Him, as much as it was the natural point to them. The only difference, mainly and mostly, was that He alone knew it.

Yet, strangely, always felt at the very tip of his fingertips, at the very edge of his voice, was the strong familiar feelings of right and not-right. In his value system there was no ‘wrong,’ simply right or not-right.

At times, it seemed they were almost two simple, yet uncontrollable feelings that He was on the verge of crossing some unseen and unknown, yet natural, humankind evolutionary ‘edge’ boundary; a crossing, whereby, He felt that if it were to happen, He would enter a whole new world of natural joy, of natural excitement, pleasure, and unadulterated raw male dominance wholeness.

But, each time those two natural feelings of right and not-right had reached the point of natural alignment and almost overwhelmed Him when something in Peter’s psyche or human nature or evolution had pulled Him back from that always-beckoning precipice. It simply left Him knowing He had sampled only a tiny taste of what He should and could experience, had a natural human right to, and yet still might, if, He had just or might yet cross over and stay there, permanently, but not make the crossing alone.

He had crossed often into that new and natural world of humankind harmony, yet only for short visits and never into its seventh central Heart of natural harmonics where He longed to be. He had always felt at home and now lived only to live there, permanently. It was his natural and intended home, as much so, as it belonged to be shared with another, someone He felt He had yet to meet or who with she who had yet to come to him in her natural and accepted natural female fullness.

Being so close to the edge of its seventh centre with those brief visits and always coming back, left Peter frustrated in his supportive thinking mind and his feeling-dominant situational awareness and physical body; frustrated in his rapid-thinking mind because He felt He somehow lacked whatever it was, or whoever it was, that was needed to enter that unknown, mysterious and exciting world, by his side, full time, and stay there.

He was always and often frustrated in his rapidly feeling body because He always came back to dimensional reality with his testicles aching and his loins swollen and rampant, like a dominant black panther in high natural zones of its peak mating season.

During those experiences, which were almost transcendental, at times, in Peter’s opinion in hindsight, his groin would somehow become engorged with the warm blood from his natural heart that always seemed to be racing, for some unknown reason. His temples too, were always pounding from the adrenaline rush at being so close to something He felt, in the very depthless depth of his soul, was so awesome in Nature and personal being, as to be almost frightening, at times. It really was.

If only He could make the crossing and stay, Peter knew He would do more than just taste what that new natural being world beyond any edge-play had to offer. If only He could meet her for sure. If only she would come to him of her own natural free will. If only she ‘felt right’ to Him.

And, in realising that, Peter knew, also, somewhere beyond his deliberately-given genetic supportive thinking-mind, that his own natural wholeness universal First Source knowledge was exactly what was preventing Him from going over the natural evolutionary edge, at those times.

Sometimes, but only sometimes, Peter was afraid of that natural new world that one day, He knew, He would find and live in. More significantly, He was afraid He might be consumed by it and not want to come back, alone, to the materialistic ‘ism’ world of unnatural dimensional disharmony He had always known and loved when visited, and, when it felt right; a world He had always sadly, but willingly left behind and would for the seventh time, again.

He sighed as He turned on the computer sitting in front of Him on his desk. Then He felt Himself harden at the mere thought of entering and experiencing the unknown and untold wealth of his own natural universal First Source knowledge and being that He believed waited for Him there, in that unseen, but always felt, natural world of mystery and excitement.

His buttocks contracted involuntarily and firmly as He logged into the Internet, now that his day of business was over. One day, He thought, as He began to visit the various chat channels He not-very-often called in on; one day He would be the natural Master of fluid intelligence dominance; the submissive training male explorer that He believed in his heart and mind He had come again for, that He was always destined to be with the felt-right someone, one day.