The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Tacit Blue

Legal Disclaimer

The following work is intended exclusively for adults. If you are not old enough to legally purchase and read pornographic literature of an exclusively adult nature, then do not read further. If you’re not certain that you are old enough, then do not read further. I mean it, you are not the intended audience.

This work is Copyrighted by The Naked Prose, © 2003, all rights reserved. This work may be re-posted to any free publication or archives as long as story content is not changed in any fashion (including the removal of this disclaimer), and “The Naked Prose” is properly credited.

This is a work of pure fiction. Nothing contained herein is real. Any similarity to real people or events is purely coincidental and unintentional.

Chapter 1

Justin’s job was to shampoo mice.

Strictly speaking, his job was not intended to be shampooing mice, as he had not been hired as “Head of Mouse Grooming” or “Technical Director In Charge Of Mice Hygiene,” but in actual practice, Justin spent an awful lot of his time shampooing mice.

Justin was not the most skilled chemist in the world, having barely squeaked away from the University of Illinois with a degree. Nor was he the most attractive of men, being more overweight than his frame was designed to support, and not being altogether striking in his features. But, he was a congenial man at heart, generous with friends, honest and reasonably moral.

He had landed a job with Pacific Pharmaceutical shortly after college with hopes of a career and a future. After six long years, however, his movement up the corporate ladder had occurred at a glacial pace, and it hadn’t been long before he had been transferred back to the Midwest, to the consumer products and testing division.

Yet, even without distinguishing skills or presence, he did his job well, analyzing chemical compounds sent from various other departments in the company to determine their usefulness in the private sector. Seldom was the work interesting, and of late he had been spending his time shampooing laboratory mice in a fruitless search for a more effective additive to dandruff shampoos. Each day was a meaningless drudgery, his only hope being that circumstance might bring him out of his self-imposed shell.

Circumstance came in Blue.

* * *

Lisa came bolting into the lab like lightning. She was as attractive a woman as they came, with shoulder-length brown hair and a slender, deceptively curvaceous figure. Her hair spun downward with a natural cascade of wave and curl, past enticingly deep brown eyes and a devilish smile, and every day for two years Justin had seen that smile and felt a lift in his heart.

Unfortunately, Lisa had never been particularly interested.

This was really not much of a surprise; Lisa tended to be very professional and business-oriented during her time at the lab. Working as an intern while completing her Master’s degree, she had little time to socialize. The two had a friendly working relationship, and they had confided with each other on numerous occasions during late hours. At the company Christmas party they had once shared a well-spiked cup of nog, but he never had the courage to sneak her under the mistletoe.

Justin’s mood had been more bored than usual, but Lisa’s arrival changed that quickly. She seemed, if possible, more chipper than usual.

“Hey, are the rug-rats?”

“Please, Lisa, rug-mice, they’re very sensitive about their heritage. Chafing, as usual.”

Lisa pouted sadly and replied, “Poor guys, must be tough to endure all this.”

“Oh, I don’t know. Daily body-rubs do have a certain benefit. Hey, what’s the new stuff you started working with this morning? I didn’t see a spec sheet on it.”

“Just something new from R&D. A shipment came in this morning. It’s listed as “Compound-729,” common name of ‘Tacit Blue.’ Interesting composition, although it doesn’t seem to have much purpose. It came in from Bakersfield, and if those guys don’t know what to do with it, I’m not sure we’ll have any better luck. Someone upstairs seemed to think it might do well as a scalp-conditioner, I’m less enthusiastic. Seems fairly inert. This is a portion of the concentrate, I’ve got some of the diluted form sitting in the ‘fridge.”

Justin dropped “Daisy” back into her cage and walked over to the refrigeration unit. Taking a quick survey inside, he closed the door just in time to see Lisa approaching the beaker.

“Well, it’s a pretty shade of blue...what do we know about-”

He was interrupted by the sound of shattering glass and ducked quickly to avoid the crash. Lisa’s lab coat must have caught something when she was turning, and the cascading fall had sent the beaker flying. Justin managed to avoid the flying debris. Lisa was not quite so lucky. She was in exactly the wrong place, at exactly the wrong time, and took the spray across her beautiful brown eyes...the same eyes she had not taken the time to cover with goggles.


Panic ensued in the small laboratory. Lisa began desperately clawing at her face. Justin was a blur as he ran to her. She screamed in pure terror, the burning fluid stinging her eyes. She was shaking helplessly when Justin finally reached her.

“Lisa...LISA! Listen to me and do exactly as I say! We’ve got to get your eyes cleaned out, so you’re going to have to follow me. Follow me, Lisa, we’re going to the eyewash. That’s right, follow me. It’s going to be all-right, just listen to me and everything will be fine.” He led her through the lab to the emergency eyewash and quickly set to flooding her face with water. “It’s going to be alright, Lisa, don’t panic, just stay calm. Trust me, I’m going to get help.”

With his free hand, Justin grabbed the phone and dialed the emergency number. His voice was soon lost in a rapid-fire explanation of the events at hand, little of which Lisa could hear. As the wash spread across her eyes, the chemical burn subsided, turning instead to a dull numbness and an odd sense of peace. Justin’s voice echoed strangely in her head, and all that seemed important to her at that moment were his assurances. Her lips moved silently with the memory of the words. “Do exactly as I say...” “I’ll take care of you...” “Trust me...” “Follow me...” It felt good to do as he said, peaceful.

The blurred matte of water before her eyes slipped into a deep blue wave, then slowly faded to black.

Chapter 2

“Sorry, Justin, I got here as quick as I could. How’s she doing?”

“She’ll be ok, Archie, but the doctors still haven’t come back out. I think they got to her in time, but they haven’t said much. That stuff wasn’t listed as toxic, and she seems stable, but...”

“I know, buddy, I know. Hang in there...she’ll be fine.” Archie placed a hand on Justin’s shoulder and sat down beside him in the emergency room. “She have any family nearby?”

“I think she has a sister in Lexington, but they haven’t been able to reach her. I don’t really know if she has anyone else.”

Archie smiled, “Haven’t seen a boyfriend yet?”

Justin couldn’t help but grin in return, “No, not yet.”

It was another hour before the Doctor came out to greet them.

* * *

Lisa’s dreams were warm and comforting. Somewhere after her vision had failed her she had fallen unconscious, the sounds of the paramedics a distant murmur in her mind. She dreamt of placid blue ocean waves, warm and safe in the bosom of tropical seas. In her dream she was naked, and gloriously aroused, the gentle rising of the waves made sport of tickling her libido, while their languid fall gave a blessed release. Her body tingled, with her mind floating through the miniature orgasms longingly.

Her mind’s eye latched onto the last image of Justin’s face she could remember, and a longing spurred through her to the core of her being. His words, friendly and kind, were mingled with the hushed sound of the ocean. “Do exactly as I say...” “I’ll take care of you...” “Trust me...” “Follow me...”

Even in her dream state, she thought this obsession peculiar, but as another tiny crescendo took her, she found herself beyond caring.

* * *

“I’m Doctor Stevens, are you the family?”

“No, Doctor, we’re just friends. They haven’t been able to get in touch with her family as yet.”

“You must be the young man who was with her at the accident. You kept your head well in a crisis, son, I want you to know that. I’ve read the paramedic’s report. I don’t think there was anything more you could have done.”

Archie chimed in, “Doc, how is she...really?”

The Doctor was hesitant in reply, but recounted her condition with grave conviction.

“Well, we don’t know the extent of the damage for sure. Physically, she seems fine, although her hormones are unusually elevated—probably a result of the panic. Her blood-work doesn’t show anything dramatic, though there are some trace compounds we haven’t been able to fully identify...I suspect they’re a residue from whatever she was working on. The toxicology report came back negative, and the people at Pacific Pharm have assured us the compound is inert. There should be no further damage.”

“What about her eyes, Doctor, are they alright?” The concern in Justin’s voice was arduously visible.

“Well, I was going to get to that. The eyes are...a concern.”

The mood of the room cooled noticeably and Justin and Archie cast a nervous glance at each other. The Doctor continued, “A great deal of the solution managed to contact her skin and face, and the solution was a strong concentrate. Much of it seemed to be absorbed into the gelatinous tissue of the eyes even before you got her to the eyewash. Something in the compound reacted badly with the retinal tissue, we think, and it appears that there’s been some retinal separation.”

Justin and Archie’s faces sank in response to the news. One of the worst fears of any chemist was losing his or her sight to a lab accident. With an unknown compound, there was no telling how bad the effect might be.

“There’s something else. The compound seems to have caused a semi-permanent staining of the eyeball. It’s not tremendously deep and it should fade; though it may take some time to work out. We’ll know more when we examine the eyes again, but I felt you should know...especially if you’re going to be there when the bandages come off.

* * *

The day that the bandages had come off, Lisa’s world had forever changed.

She had spent most of her time in darkness anyway, with the bandages firmly in place. The nagging sensation of the bandages against her eyelids served as a harsh reminder of her stupidity in the lab. At night, the combined terror of not knowing her fate coupled with the harsh realization she had brought it on herself had left her with nothing but fitful, sleepless time. The first few nights had been amazingly calm, but as the days progressed onward, she found less and less comfort.

Justin had been her only reprieve. She had grown to welcome the sound of his voice more than anything. She couldn’t explain her fascination with him, but in the darkness of her closed eyes his face smiled back at her, offering relief. She knew, somehow, that she could trust him to take care of her...and that comfort went a long way.

They had located her sister on the fifth day, but she had been less than interested in the troubles of her sibling. She had very few living relatives, and those few she had she would rather not have seen anyway. Even so, when the first inspection of her eyes had produced no response to stimulus, she would have been glad for anyone who could help.

It was a week before they informed her that her blindness was not temporary.

The fear of it had sobered her that day, leaving her shaking and uncertain. Someone from work had dropped by to give her the details of her life insurance policy, which paid generously in cases of blindness. An attorney for the company had come by, pledging their generous assistance, and was followed almost immediately by a second attorney offering his services in litigation. Lisa had barely heard a word of it. Thoughts of her future seemed unimportant.

Justin’s visits had been less frequent, and that had saddened her. She knew she shouldn’t fixate on him as she was, but the vision of his face kept reappearing to her. His face, and his presence, brought a strange and welcome sense of relief in the worst hours of her fear. She could sense the guilt he carried, and assumed that the Doctors had told him the same thing they had told her.

“Somehow the substance you were working with was absorbed deep into the structure of the eyeball. It caused a rapid separation of retinal tissue and degeneration in the optic nerve. I certainly can’t rule out all hope, but I’m afraid that we’ll have to refer you to a specialist.”

Lisa’s cold acceptance of the situation was small comfort. She was grateful to be otherwise physically unharmed, but the loss of her sight was a devastating blow. Insurance money notwithstanding, she was too young for such a thing to happen. The bitterness weighed heavily on her soul.

Three days later, however, her resignation turned into an odd sense of peace. It had come suddenly when she was replaying the accident in her mind. The thought of Justin standing by the refrigerator blended into a warm sense of belonging. It was a familiar sense, and she was surprised that it didn’t frighten her, as it had first come upon her in the moment immediately following the accident.

Her senses had steadily heightened of late, and the warmth spreading through her body tingled and curled her toes. Her sense-memory bathed her in a wash of what she could only conclude were endorphins. Her whole body was alive with sensation. She could feel the smooth slope of her back against the sheet, and the heat coming off of it.

More importantly, she could feel a fire growing between her legs.

She cast about nervously with the sensitized ears of the blind, and was painfully reminded that she did not have a private room. Still, the warmth spreading throughout her body made her feel wonderfully alive and the heat growing in her most private areas would not be denied. Keeping a sharp ear open for signs of her roommates waking, she began to explore.

Her hands moved down the length of her body, caressing her soft flesh, the skin slick with perspiration from her fevered arousal. They brushed past the over-sensitized mounds of her breasts, and her fervor led to the wrapping of long fingers around swollen and elongated nipples. The moistness between her legs was now a clear, slick reminder of her desire. As she felt her fingers close on the sensitized flesh she let out an audible gasp, then froze—quick to watch for signs of discovery.

She had never felt anything to compare with the sensation she was feeling now. Robbed of her sight, the aroma of her arousal and the tactile sensitivity flooding her brain were overwhelming. She could hear the pounding of her heartbeat in her ears, and feel the soft stimulation of the rubbing of her thighs. She had never imagined such arousal or sensation could even exist.

Soon her hands wandered further along the length of her body, the heat between her legs no longer able to be held at bay. With the minimal hospital dress to cover her, access was easy, and practiced fingers sought the triggers that would bring much-needed release. Her awareness of the others in the room slipped away from her and she gave up all pretenses, allowing her breathing to audibly shift as her fingers rubbed and probed. Her back arching with every new exploration and her mind awash with the lascivious nature of it all, she worked her passions with an overt fury. The rubbing of cotton sheets on skin worked a subtle magic, spicing the masturbation with delicious flavor.

Even as a child, first feeling her virginal body, she had never known such pleasures of touch. Even the stunning radiance of her first orgasm was nothing like this. Her face grimaced as she pushed herself toward a final release.

Then, inexplicably, Justin’s face came to her mind, and her brain blew free. The shackles of arousal burst, releasing the torrents of lust they had held in check. She was certain that everyone in the ward could hear the stifled moans and desperate panting she produced, but she no longer cared. She was riding a high and cresting wave, coming to complete release with only a single name on her lips.


Chapter 3

Lisa smiled when Justin entered the room, as she always did now when he was around. The part of her that had wondered about this strange obsession had long since abandoned her, and she knew that she wanted to be with him for the rest of her life.

The problem was, Justin did not seem quite so interested.

Well, certainly he was interested, but he seemed held by a code of chivalry, and obviously considered his feelings an imposition. Lisa’s arousal, on the other hand, was becoming harder and harder to quell. Her nightly masturbation sessions had led to a quiet transfer into a private room, where they had continued with wild abandon.

She was being discharged soon, and had yet to play her final card. She could only pray in her heart that Justin would accept the proposal.

“Hey, Sport! How you feeling?” Justin had grown more comfortable around her since the first time the bandages had come off. It was a good sign.

“Ready to get out of here, I think. No offense to the staff, but there’s only so long one can comfortably stay in a hospital. Besides, I hate the smell of these places.”

“Well, Archie and I have been making sure your place is all set up. You’d be amazed at how well muttering ‘lawsuit’ under your breath can make an insurance lawyer jump. I know it’ll be hard at first, but I’m pretty sure you’ll get the hang of things. The company even set you up with some blind-reader equipment, in case you want to get back on the horse and get back to working. Nothing complicated, busy-work and such, but it’s something. I know it’s early yet, but it might keep you occupied.”

Lisa swallowed hard and waited for her opportunity.

“So, you have someone staying with you?” Justin asked nervously.

“Well, that’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about, Justin.”

Justin shifted uncomfortably in his seat, half-expecting but still concerned at the comment. Indeed, his suspicions were justified, as this would have been a highly unusual request before the accident. He took it in a philanthropic spirit, but couldn’t shake the feeling that there was a motivation just beyond the grasp of his comprehension.

“You don’t have a girlfriend, right Justin? I mean, someone that might be the jealous type, or someone that lives with you are anything, do you?”

“No, nobody, but Lisa I- ”

“Let me finish please, Justin.” She stared forward without focus. “You know I don’t get along with my family, and well, I never really had time for a special someone in my life. There isn’t really anyone around here that I trust well enough to ask, and you’re my best friend in so many ways. I was wondering if, well, if it wasn’t too much trouble, if you’d consider staying over for a little while...just till I’m more comfortable in the house alone.”

She turned her head in his general direction, her blind gaze drifting toward him with blue-stained eyes, throwing him off his guard. She was a beauty to behold, and the cobalt blue in her eyes added a strange mystique. Justin had wanted such a thing for all his life, but the noble part of his nature felt a motivation of fear was not the reason to become intimate with someone. He worried that she might form an attachment from the fear that she would later regret when her confidence returned. Worse, he worried that she might form no significant attachment whatsoever, and his heart had already taken steps to betray his defense. He hesitated for a few moments and she could hear the tension mounting.

“Lisa, I don’t think—”

“Please, Justin?” She played her ace-in-the-hole, biting her lower lip gently with her front teeth. It was a look of calculated helplessness, and the pout was enough to melt any resolve. Deep inside she knew its strength, and pushed it for all it was worth.

Justin realized it too.

“Alright, but I’ll try not to intrude too much, I promise. They’ve hired a girl to keep house for you, she’ll be there during the day, and if I stay overnight for a little while it should cover all the bases. I’m always glad to help out, Sport, you know that.”

“You’ll take care of me...I trust you. I’ll do everything that you say,” Lisa thought to herself. “I’ll give everything to you, Justin, you’ll see. Everything and more.”

* * *

Lisa wasn’t exactly sure when she decided that Justin was rightfully her Master, but once the thought occurred to her it made complete sense. Her sense of independence had always rejected even the thought of such a degrading relationship. Her Master however had proven to be the most special of men; and the thought of servitude to him brought a rush of contentment and bliss. As long as she could completely obey him he would always be there for her, always keeping her safe.

Such thoughts would have horrified the old Lisa, but she was in a darker world now, and she craved succor in her disability. The idol of her affections, Justin, whose face had appeared to her in every dream for weeks, was the perfect person to fulfill her—the only person. She wasn’t certain when her dreams of submission had started, but they had become part of her being, a desire she could never hope to ignore.

But Justin’s self-imposed chivalry seized him with conflict. Her overtures were being rejected with excruciating kindness and obvious difficulty. She would somehow have to change that. She had some experience with the seduction of men, but Justin was turning out to be a difficult nut to crack, even with him under her roof. He was skittish, and deeply private, but she could sense within him the strength that she craved...and his devotion to her was obvious. The third night when he came home, she had broken out the clay.

“What’s all this, then? Taking up sculpting? I never knew you had a desire.”

“More than a desire, Justin, there was a time when it was almost a calling. I used to sculpt a lot in High School and College, but somewhere along the line I turned to the sciences. I guess I figured it was a safer, more stable profession.

“Who would have thought it?” Her head turned his direction with sharp, blue-tinted eyes and a wicked smile. Normally she wore sunglasses when other people were around, but Justin had once said that he liked her eyes, even with the stain. She would deny her Master nothing that could give him pleasure, even if he did not ask. “Want to help me?”

“Sure, what do I have to do?”

She set the piece she was working aside and directed Justin to sit on her stool. As he sat, she cleaned her hands at the sink and dried them thoroughly. She did not want to dirty her Master’s skin and clothes...not yet at any rate.

“Well, I’d like to see if I can still sculpt busts, but I’m lacking a good subject. It’s a very different thing, I’m finding, trying to sculpt blind and seeing someone isn’t quite the same as feeling what you’re working on. So, I need someone who trusts me to let me, well...let me model them by touch alone.”

“Uh, ok I guess. What do you need me to do?”

“Nothing at all, just sit right where you are. And try to relax.”

Relaxation was the furthest thing from Justin’s mind. As she moved behind him he could feel the soft curves of her breasts against his back, and his arousal began to shorten his breath. He shifted awkwardly in the seat.

Lisa’s hands began at the shoulders, the most gentle of touches tracing the contour of his neck and upper back. She leaned in closer as she slid her hands along his arms, probing the slope of his muscles through his shirt. She could feel her Master’s strength, long dormant, beneath the surface of that skin. Her breathing was deep and sultry in his ear, and her face brushed lightly against his hair. She rubbed her legs together in response to the arousal and her heart pounded fast and strong in her chest. The tension was not lost on Justin, who was having a difficult time sitting straight himself. Trying to remain calm, he shifted his seat again, this time repositioning his more friendly and solid persuasion.

“Lisa, I—”

“Shhhhhhh, Justin. I’m...feeling your bone structure.”

She could sense how uncomfortable he was, but it would have been rude of him to leave after offering to help. “Besides,” he thought, “it’s been such a long time since I’ve felt something so...” He couldn’t finish the thought, the feeling of her fingers rising up his back driving it away.

She took her time, firm and strong hands caressing every inch of his upper back, up the slope of his neck. When she began to work her way through his hair to his temples, he let out an involuntary groan. The sound of her Master experiencing pleasure was alone nearly enough to bring her release. She shivered and continued her explorations.

“Do you like that, Ma- Justin?”

Justin gulped hard when responding, “Well, to tell the truth, I’ve,” he tried to wet his lips, but his throat was dry with excitement. “I’ve always liked having my head rubbed. I don’t know why, but it’s always been very...” His voice drifted to a whisper. “It’s very...exciting.” Part of him hesitated, thinking she had almost called him another man’s name. Disturbing though the prospect was, he wasn’t about to mention it. The massage of her fingers quickly put out all memory of the slip.

Lisa imagined what the bulge in his pants must have looked like. She wanted so much to grasp for it, to feel its enormous bulk for herself, but she knew that he would run if she pushed him too far. She had to act slowly or she might lose her Master forever. Still, her arousal and heat were too much for rational thought, and she needed something more intimate.

She swung around the stool to face him in a daring mount of his lap. She could feel the bulge in his pants beneath her as she planted firm and close. It sent a surge of excitement through her, and she nearly broke down and kissed him there, but that was not her plan.

Instead her hands leapt to the side of his face, locking his gaze to her eyes. Justin was startled by the move, but being held that close and firm, he was trapped—keenly aware of her presence. Her breasts brushed against him again as she closed, as did her thighs and pelvis. His arms reflexively went around her for balance, resting on her lower back. The Master’s touch brought her a wave of stimulation.

This time her shudder was unmistakable, and he opened his eyes to find himself staring into placid pools of blue. It was the first time he had seen her eyes up close, and they betrayed her arousal to him. He could feel the perspiration through her shirt as his hands rested in the sensuous curve of her lower back. The eyes were an entrancing sight; deep brown irises turned to near black against a wavy, cobalt blue tint. The uniqueness of them served to draw him all the more.

She could feel him fighting to flee, struggling within himself for a release from the close confines. She could also feel how much he wanted her, her sensitive nether regions grasping at sensation of contact with his manhood. She fought against herself, knowing that this was not the time to push him, only the time to arouse.

Her fingers followed his cheeks up around his brow. Her hands could feel his shortened, frenetic breath and the tension in his skin. She lingered, following the lines of his face, for a very long time. When she finally eased back, he seemed paralyzed by the event. She framed her perfectly sized breasts with one arm and seductively bit on the opposing thumb. She could feel his eyes on her, and was quite satisfied with the resulting effect.

It took him a long time to speak. “So, uh...” He swallowed hard before continuing, “How, um, how did I do?”

“You were wonderful, Justin...absolutely wonderful.”

She excused herself to go to the bathroom, leaving Justin alone in the room. He could only imagine what she was doing.

She came with a pleasant thumping sound against the wall.

Chapter 4

“I’m telling you, Archie, there’s something not right about it.”

“Ok, so let me see if I can get this straight.” Archie poured himself another drink from the bottle in the bottom of his desk. “One of the- Hell, why mince words, THE most beautiful employee of this company is crawling all over you, practically begging for you to take her, and you’re TURNING HER DOWN?”

“It’s not like that, Archie, there’s something...wrong about it.”

“I’ll say, she’s going after YOU!”

“No, Archie. Well, yeah, there is that, but there’s something else wrong about it.”

“I suppose there’s also the fact that you’re turning her down.”

Justin set his head down on the desk in frustration. Luckily, Archie’s office had a door, and his desk had a lock. Such late-night meetings were not unheard of, but this was more welcome than most.

“I know what you’re telling me, Archie, and I can’t blame you for it, but I know that this just isn’t like her. It’s got to be something to do with the accident. It’s just some extension of her trauma or something. Some hormonal imbalance or some fear or something that’s got her acting this way. She never looked at me sideways before, even you’ll admit that.”

“Well, crisis brings out strange stuff in people. I mean, you guys were always friends before...maybe she just, well, translated her feelings a bit. Hell, you love her, don’t you?”

“Yeah, I guess I do, at that.” Justin blushed and looked up at Archie with a sad face. “I mean, what’s not to love? She’s gorgeous, and she’s passionate, and she’s incredibly intelligent, and sweet, and...” his voice trailed off in an incomplete whimper.

“Passionate, huh?” Archie’s grin could have sold a used car.

“Archie, you have no idea. I’ve never known anyone more...I mean it’s not like I’ve seen a lot of women, not at all. But there’s something ...she’s trying hard, and she knows what she’s doing Archie. You have no idea.”

“So give in to it, buddy...hell, count yourself the luckiest man in the world! You love her, she loves you, and you said yourself it’s what you’ve always wanted. Hell, even I can tell that you’re devoted to her...not many friends would give up what little social life they had to move in with a crippled co-worker.”

Justin gave a nasty look at the slight to his social standing, but took the advice in stead.

“I probably should just accept it, I guess.”

“So what’s the problem, J?”

“What happens when she wakes up?”

* * *

Lisa had baited the hook, now it was time to start casting the waters. She had planned her next little exercise knowing that it was Thursday, and that Thursday always meant progress reports. Master would not be home until late, and that would give her all the time she needed.

She prepared the house by turning up the heat and turning out all the lights. She didn’t notice their effect anymore, but she knew that Master would. She managed to light candles, with some difficulty, and left them as the only illumination. For nearly two hours she lay in her bedroom, basking in her aroma and exploring her naked flesh with her fingers. She used mildly scented oils to give her skin an appealing gleam and to heighten the sensation. Master was nearly an hour later than expected, and her mind had been teetering on the brink of orgasm for so long, she nearly forgot the plan.

As the car pulled into the driveway, she opened the door to her room wide and felt her way to the front of her full-length dressing mirror. She had almost gotten rid of it after the accident, but it was an aesthetic piece, and now it served her purposes well. From the door, Master could watch her from both sides with it in place. The glint of sweat and oil on her skin, reflecting candlelight and mirror-shade, lent a glow to the room that set the perfect mood. She was beyond ready when the front door opened. Before Master could say a word, she let out a telltale moan he was sure to catch and continued her work, hoping he would take the bait.

She could hear everything in the house; her hearing was sharp enough now that she was seldom taken unaware, so she knew exactly when he crept his way to the door. Her hands were already in action, and her voice picked up its song.

Lisa had fixed her sightless eyes on her reflection in the mirror, her imagination forming the vision of her loveliness. She could hear her Master’s breath outside the door, and it didn’t take long before she could hear him touching himself, stroking that which she longed for more than life. The thrill of envisioning the Master’s cock flooded into her and she began to rub herself feverishly.

Her hips gyrated invitingly as her fingers spread her vulva and fondled her swollen clit. Her other hand cradled her bosom and pinched mercilessly at an engorged nipple. She brought a fluid-soaked finger to her mouth, sucking the product of her arousal with glee, certain that her Master was watching every move. As she clutched at herself, she could hear the steady sound of friction against the front of Master’s pants, and she dreamt of touching him herself.

Lost in the carnality of the moment, Lisa felt the climax come upon her. Her hips bucked in a frenzied motion, and every muscle in her body tensed as release came upon her. Her mind exploded with rapture as wave after wave of convulsive shudders wracked her body. Losing her balance, she fell back upon the bed and greedily sucked at her fingers, knowing the voyeuristic pleasures it would bring her Master.

In the last moments before exhaustion took her and she drifted off to sleep, she wished and prayed that Justin, her Master of Masters, would come to her bed that night and fulfill her.

He did not come.

* * *

In the morning, Lisa heard his breathing from the couch. She listened for long moments to him and could sense the tension in his bearing. A moment’s pity overtook her as she realized that what she was doing might be seen as a cruel torture, but she had sensed the Master’s longing for her, and she knew that it was only a matter of time before he accepted his destiny. She would do anything that he told her to do, she trusted him with her life. He would make everything better, if only she would devote herself to him, completely and willingly.

Lisa had trouble fathoming why she was not succeeding at her task. Last night had been engineered to bring him over the edge and into her bed, but he had thwarted yet another attempt. She began to wonder if maybe there wasn’t something wrong with her, as there could be nothing wrong with the Master. She worried that there was something she was unwilling to do or say which was keeping him at bay. She had always considered herself pretty, but perhaps her Master wanted something more? Perhaps, she thought grimly, it was the eyes...

She would do anything to have the Master.

* * *

Justin awoke after a very troubled sleep to the smell of coffee brewing. The couch had been deucedly uncomfortable, and he wondered how he had managed to sleep at all. Lisa was waiting for him in the kitchen with cold cereal and juice. He blushed from embarrassment, remembering the previous night’s activities, but felt better of it when he realized she could not see the crimson color in his cheeks.

“Uh, morning, Lisa. What’s all this?”

Lisa put on her best morning smile and played the bluff, “Well, I noticed you fell asleep on the couch last night, and I thought I’d do something a little nice for you for breakfast. Unfortunately, this is about all I feel comfortable doing right now, but at least it’s something. Coffee?”

“Yes, please.” Justin seated himself at the table, careful to keep his distance from Lisa’s legs.

“You know, Justin, I don’t feel like I’ve been able to really tell you how much I appreciate what you’re doing—staying with me, helping me out, all that. I probably haven’t been all that good of a host.”

“Now Lisa,” Justin’s blush grew redder as he spoke, “you know that I’d do anything for you.”

“Well, it’s interesting that you should mention it, because I’d like to ask you a favor if I could.”

Justin perked up his ears. This was more the Lisa he remembered, less interested in him and more interested in business. He began to wonder if maybe he was imagining her attraction to him. Part of him felt relieved at the idea, and part of him was crushed. Part of him stirred uncomfortably at his memory of last night’s performance. He hoped against hope that she hadn’t heard him.

“See, I’ve been thinking, maybe, that there might be something I can do about this blue coloration in my eyes. It doesn’t bother me, obviously, but maybe if I could analyze a sample of the Compound-729 concentrate, I could come up with something that might take the stain out.

“I’ve got enough of the equipment here, I think, and I can order what I don’t have. To tell the truth, what they’ve given me to do is too boring even for an intern. I’d like to have something interesting to sink my teeth into.

“Besides, I’d like to know a little more about what it is that did this to me.”

Justin started to argue with her about the dangers of the idea, but Lisa had learned a slow, methodically careful pace for her work. He doubted she could get much information, but he had mounting questions himself and her expertise was irrefutable. Perhaps the two of them could find the answers together. The company had suspended testing on the chemical after the accident, but he knew where he could sneak a bottle of the concentrate ...more than enough to run a chemical analysis. He hoped it would be a bolster to her confidence, and perhaps bring back the Lisa he remembered.

“Alright, I’ll see what I can do.”