The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Time Snare

Chapter 3

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“I wanted to talk to you about the assignment...” Karter gulped.

“Yes, about that.” Ms. Anderson said. “I had neglected to mention this yesterday, but there is a small ten-question quiz I am required to give out along with the written assignment. I already sent out the email. But I need it to be handed in along with the essay.” She paused and took his silence as a chance to continue speaking. “It is only ten questions, so you can only afford to miss two of them if you want to get a passing score. Every question is under chapter 27 of your text. Luckily it is a very brief chapter, so you should be able to find the answer for each question in those few pages.”

Now Karter perhaps should have been listening in on her words. But he was having trouble focusing when his mind was racing over what had just happened. The realization that Ms. Anderson had managed to merge together a mystical crystal with digital software to create an editing device that can literally adjust time itself... Not only that, but she also made a way to physically traverse the time stream.


It’s is fucking baffling!

Should he tell her?

Probably... Hell she created it, so fuck- The woman deserved to know what this time-charged computer could do.

But on the other hand... Karter was with her when she found it; in a way, he should claim 50% ownership of it. Yet, his teacher went up and experimented on it without even discussing it with him. Sure, she might’ve brought it up later to share her findings... But who’s to say she wouldn’t have gone out and sold her discovery to some secret agency for fucking 50 grand?

Well... No... Past experiences stand to shut down that potential outcome. Ms. Anderson isn’t the type to steal the credit from anyone, especially her students.

Despite all that, something stopped him from opening his mouth to spill the truth about S-G Plus. Maybe it was the sheer amount of possibilities that open up from having access to this software; if she finds about the potential power she had right under her nose, she’d definitely shut the bad boy down.

And then what?

Karter would lose access to such a remarkable ability just because his teacher said, “No, too dangerous.”

What a lame way to end a story, right?

Besides. Those weird E.U.A undercover agent people might have bugged to room or some shit. If they discovered that their attempt to confiscate the crystal’s power was just a little too late, those two would certainly be back to finish the job.

“The assignment should be a breeze for you. Seriously,” Ms. Anderson spoke in a calming voice that was ever so serious yet came off as entirely genuine and sincere. “Rewatch the lecture, and you can just copy the exact same topics I covered. Just don’t go word for word, and I’ll pretend you made it from the ground up.”

The beauty of being tight with your teacher, they’ll let ya’h slip by every so often. And pity isn’t something Karter is about to brush away anytime soon.

“But...” She continued speaking. Her gaze shifted a shade darker, and she glanced down at her desk. “I’m going to be honest with you Karter... I like you... I really do, you’re a good kid... But...”

She sighed.

At first, Karter’s thoughts were considering how many times he’d be willing to stub his toe just to get a glance at the view she receives when she glances directly down at her chest. But her shift in tone switched his focus over to her beautiful face.

“If you don’t ace this next assignment, I am going to dismiss you from this class.”

Karter blinked.

Her eyes flicked towards his, and she was quick to speak. “I don’t want to! I don’t. You’re genuinely my favorite student. I enjoy all of our expeditions together, and, honestly, I consider you a friend. But... As a friend, and most importantly, your teacher. I need to put away my own selfish wish to keep you around and set my foot down. With the number of assignments left, if you don’t constantly score an eighty-five or above, you’ll fail. And I don’t... I don’t want to have that guilt on my conscience. I’ve been stringing you along for too long because I enjoy your company... I am not going to be selfish any longer.”



It took Karter a few moments to process her words. She appeared genuinely sorry for him, and he certainly wasn’t mad. In fact, he was actually considering whether or not to tell her that he had initially come over with the intent to quit the class.

But one thing led to another, and when he found out Ms. Anderson had a magical time-altering laptop in her possession... Now all of a sudden, he doesn’t feel like quitting anymore.

Wonder why?

“I understand,” Karter said with a short nod. He tried to keep his emotions vague. Ms. Anderson was keen and could read people like open books; she’d be able to figure out something’s up if any evidence was left out on the table.

Metaphorically speaking... Well, meteorically and literally.

“Good.” She flashed a smile. “I hope we can turn your grades around, but if not... We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” Her attention shifted over to her laptop, and she began to fiddle with the keys. “Remember.” She spoke with her attention, fixated on the computer. “When you head home, rewatch the lecture, and just copy down what I said with different wording.”

“Yeah, I got it.” He said, somewhat distractedly. With his teacher’s attention on the laptop, he was able to appreciate her fine body. The jeans she wore gripped onto her thighs tight enough to make him consider how sweaty her crotch must be; the brown blouse that lined her upper-half was filled out by the bulge of her breasts and displayed the exact specifics of her feminine shape.

Maybe she was the distraction that continues to push his grades down...

He shook his head.

No, no, he can’t blame others for his failure.

A brief spell of worry overcame him when he took into consideration she was focused on her laptop. If she logged into S-G Plus and did some digging, she’d come across the time-altering abilities in no time flat. She might even find the edits he made and put two and two together.

But there wasn’t much he could do about it. It was her computer, after all. Yeah, she said she’s fine with sharing anything of hers with her students but... But... Well, for one, she never even said that originally; he just edited the past to make her say it... So technically, she did say it? Whatever. The point is, even if she is fine with sharing her stuff, it’s still hers at the end of the day. He can’t do anything to stop her from exploring her own laptop, so Stressing won’t accomplish anything.

“Alright... I’ll see you Monday, Ms. Anderson.” With one last glance towards her toned thighs, he turned to leave.


He stopped and glanced back.

“If you want, and if you do end up leaving my class.” She looked towards him keenly. “You can call me Valery.” She said with a wink. Before adding. “Only if you leave. While you’re a student here, I expect you to address me the way you always do.”

That prompted him to flash a genuine smile.

“Thanks Ms. Anderson... I hope I won’t be calling you by your first name anytime soon.”

“Same here, but that all depends on if you score well. I’ll see how many bones I can through your way.”

“Haha...” Karter leaned his back against the door to the classroom. “When are you heading home?”

“Well, not now. I’m not done with my tests here just yet... But about...” She glanced at the clock that stood above the door. “Another thirty minutes, maybe... I’ll leave when I’m ready. Why?”

Karter met her tilted head with a shrug. “I dunno I was just trying to make small talk... And... Yeah, whatever, I’ll see you Monday.”

“See you, Monday, Karter.” Ms. Anderson said with a chuckle and gave him a dismissive smile before she returned her focus back to the computer.

* * *

“Part of me hoped there’d be more pushback,” Dale said; he opened the backseat door and tossed the containment case inside the car.


“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “Really anything to make that more interesting, I guess. Compared to my other past missions, that was far too dull.”

Kristina rolled her eyes. “Sure. And missions are supposed to be entertaining?”

“No. But it would be appreciated. Anyway, you’re driving. I need to get some goddamn sleep.” The man strode to the black sedan’s opposing side and opened the passenger seat door.

A smirk formed on the female agent’s lips. “Oh, you poor thing.” She teased. “I need to carry my man to headquarters? Do you want to stop for some chicken nuggets and fries on the way back?”

“You know I’d actually be down for that.” Dale admitted as he ducked into the car.

Kristina was about to do the same thing. She had the door open and was in the process of leaning forward to take a seat. But then a sudden and unnoticeable ripple passed by the sedan.

Her back stiffened. She paused and frowned before leaning back up. Her gaze shifted to the school upon turning around, where she proceeded to stare at it in silence.

“Are you...” Dale began to speak but stopped when he noticed his wife wasn’t getting in the driver’s seat. “Oh no...”

“I can’t leave.” She said.

“Here, we go again.” Groaned Dale.

“Honey...” She began to say but was cut off.

“Kirsty, listen to me.” He said. “You can leave campus for a few hours. Besides, there are other undercover agents stationed at the school. Nothing is going to happen.”

“But.. What if something does? Those agents are all teenagers. They aren’t as experienced as we are.”

“Are you fucking... Fine, anything’s possible, but it is extremely unlikely!”

Kristina sighed. “My highest priority is protecting this school. If there is even the slightest chance that harm may befall any of the students here, then I have to be here.”

“Okay, and what if something happens to me on the drive back? I am tired, after all. Who knows if it’s safe for me to drive?”

“Don’t be ridiculous.” Was her retort. “I’m sure you can drive just fine.”

“Yeah, me too. But what if there’s a five percent chance something happens, and my amazing wife isn’t there to protect me? Then what?”

His words prompted Kristina to roll her eyes. “You’re just as skilled as I am. I see what you’re trying to pull. These kids can not defend themselves nearly as well as you and me.”

“It just seems like.” Dale stepped out of the sedan and moved around it to face Kristina. “You care about that school more than you do us.” Before she could speak, he continued. “But that’s just a theory. So don’t mind me.”

“And,” Kristina said as she took a step forward to wrap her arms around his chest. “It’s not true.” She breathed into his face and gave him a soft peck on the lips.

Dale responded by kissing her back, and the two began to make out for half a minute before Kristina finally took a step back.

“Alright.” She wiped her lip against the back part of her hand and patted down her suit. “Call me when you reach headquarters, and make sure that the crystal gets back safely.”

“Yeah yeah, that’s the only reason we’re here.” He shot her a dismissive wave and hopped into the driver’s seat.

The door shut, and a second later, the vehicle revved on. Kristina watched in silence as the car drove off and took a turn down the street.

A few seconds later, she sighed and turned on her heels back towards the campus. The school’s safety is her main priority. As much as she hates it, she has to make sure this place stays safe. Even if that means her relationships might be ruined in the process.

* * *

“Blue or Black?”

“Uhh.... Black?” June was too preoccupied with fixing her long black hair to give Abigale the time of day, especially since the bubbly red-head was bugging her with something so trivial.

But she can’t help but love the girl. So, despite June not being too much in the ins when it comes to fashion, she wanted to try to give Abigale advice on what to wear.

“But does black make my boobs pop out too much?”

“Abbs, both of those tops are going to make you a cleavage machine.” June shot her friend a look through the phone’s camera that rested against the mirror.

Abigale pursed her lips. “Really?” She looked over the top as if she had just now realized how deep the neckline plunged. “Oh no... And I really wanted to wear one of these...”

“Then what’s stopping you?” June’s voice came out slightly muffled as she was in the process of reddening her lips with lipstick.

The cute girl blushed and looked down at her chest. Abigale was wearing nothing but her underwear while she sat in the changing room. Her hand reached up to softly cup her chest, and she quickly shook her head. “I don’t want people looking at me like that. And there’s going to be a bunch of guys there; I don’t want to give them any ideas.”

“Hey, some people like a tease.” June teasing teased.

“I don’t.”


“Well, now I’ve gotta find something else to wear.” Abigale huffed.

“Not really. Just buy a snap-on while you’re there.”

“You think that will cover up my chest?”

At that, June laughed. She placed down the lipstick and reached for the hair band that was left on the sink counter. “You’ve got a big pair Abbs, but don’t flatter yourself. The snap-on will block off any unwanted cleavage.”

“Okay, okay!” Abigale sounded excited to be able to wear one of the dresses she picked out. “But...”

“But?” June was maneuvering her long hair into a ponytail.

“Which one should I get?”

June sighed.

“Black or Blue? Oh! And then what color snap-on should I buy?”

“If you get the blue dress, get a black snap-on. If you get the black dress, buy a blue snap-on.”

“That doesn’t answer the question, though.”

“Just pick the color you like more,” June said while carefully dabbing make-up onto her face. “Or buy them both.

“But that’s the problem!! I can’t afford them both and...” Abigale gripped the phone and pulled it up to her face. “I like them too much!”

With her friend looking right at her, June had to avert her gaze from the mirror and meet Abigale’s eyes. “Then spin a wheel or something.”

“I need you to do it for me.”


“Jay pleaseeee! I need you! If I pick it myself, I’ll be stuck with too much self-doubt.”

June opened her mouth. But a sudden beeping sound caused her ears to twerk. The rim of her entire mirror began to glow in tune with the repeated beeping.

She sighed.

“Abbs I’ll call you back.”

“Wait! Jay no, don’t—”

June hung up the call and reached forward to place her hand in the center of the mirror. The beeping paused, and a beam of light cascaded down the mirror to scan the palm of her hand.

Second, later a hiss echoed from behind the glass, and the mirror sifted apart from the middle, revealing a large flatscreen monitor hidden in the wall.

A black figure, distinctly feminine, flicked on screen.

“Good work in reporting your findings last night Agent Sparrow.” The blacked-out figure spoke with a distorted female voice.

June blinked.

“Agent, what?”

“Agent Sparrow, I...” The voice glitched out for a second. “Is that not a code name you go by?”

“N- No... No, that never came up until now.”

There was a brief pause.


“Yes. Ma’am?” A much more submissive voice spoke softly through the distorted mic.

“Schedule a meeting with Tristen under the guise of; I don’t appreciate your attempts at playing pranks on your captain.”

“Understood, Ma’am.”

“So... Um,” June awkwardly cleared her throat. “Did you call me for a reason?”

“Yes! Pardon me. You did good June, the crystal you reported was determined to be an ancient relic containing energy that could easily be abused if used in the wrong hands. We have delivered it to the vault along with the other dangerous items our agents have come across.”

“Well, you’re welcome. Now, if that’s all, I have to go to work soon, so...”

“I will finish up shortly.” The voice said. “Continuing off of the relic you discovered. I have to ask, have you seen anything else that would count as strange? Or an unnaturally dark vehicle station around campus? We have received reports that there is a man supplying these items, and he is typically found inside a black unmarked van.”

June took time to think on the question, “No, I... I can’t say I have.” She responded honestly. “I haven’t noticed anything unusual past the crystal from yesterday.”

There was a brief pause before the voice continued speaking.

“Alright. Well then, just keep an eye out. If anything is suspect, you know who to call.”

“Understood.” June nodded.

“You enjoy your weekend.”

“I won’t,” June admitted. “I’ll be at work all day, but thanks... Unless, you know... A certain captain of E.U.A. West would like to give me a raise... Then...”

“Yeah, that’s uh...” The voice coughed. “That’s not going to happen. Good day.”

The monitor cut off, and her mirror shifted back into place.

June tsked. It was worth a shot. One would think with how wide the agency is becoming, they’d be able to afford a higher pay for their agents, but fuck the agents, right?

She picked up her phone and redialed Abigale. A part of her hoped her friend had figured out the whole dress debacle in her absence, but deep down, she knew that wasn’t the case.

“Jay! I knew you wouldn’t leave me here.”

“I would never.” She said.

“So did you spin the wheel?”

“The whee—” June caught herself mid response. That wheel spin suggestion she made had completely slipped her mind. “Uh, yeah! I did. It landed on black. So go with the black one.”



A sigh of relief was heard through the phone speaker. “Thanks so much, Jay... But I think I’ll just buy both. So I can be sure.”

June took a long and sudden pause. She closed her eyes and breathed out.

“Okay. Fine. Well, I’m glad you figured that all out. I need to head to work.”

“Alrighty! But one last question.”

June headed out of the bathroom; she set her phone to speaker mode and tossed it onto the bed.


“This may be coming out of nowhere but... Does Karter like... Hate me?”

That question took June back. It came out of nowhere.


“Does he hate me?”

“I don’t know.” June sat on her bed and bounced for a bit before she began to fiddle with her socks. “He’s never talked about you.”

“Oh.. Okay, I was...” Abigale’s voice grew oddly flat for a second. “Nevermind.”

“Why are you asking.”

“It’s nothing. I’ll talk to you later!” Abigale said in a quick burst before hanging up the call.

“Wait—” June spoke into her phone a second too late.

There was a soft dismissive beep followed by an empty silence and the bland, emotionless hum that droned on through the walls of her dorm room. She was left there on her bed, wondering what that was all about.

* * *

Karter’s mind was left to ponder as he approached his dorm. There was certainly pressure on his ass now. The pressure to succeed, the pressure to impress, the pressure to please. Just... Too much god damn pressure! It’s the kind of stress that makes an already struggling student struggle that much more.

He could just dip; hell, he had intended to quit. Leave. Say Adios, Bye-bye. You’ll are too smart. Sayonara!

But one thing led to another. And now things are different. Very, very, different.

Yes. If there was an incentive to stick with his class, it would be S-G Plus’s newest update. Despite how much he is overshadowed by everyone else, being the only one with the knowledge of what that editor could do gives him an opportunity he can’t pass up.

Maybe that’s what he needed, A reason to strive forward, something that’ll push him towards that scoring grade. All he needs to do is pass Ms. Anderson’s assignment so he could get his hands on that goddamn computer.

Once he has another chance to play around with it, what would stop him from giving the future a little peek? Maybe then passing the class would be a breeze.

A silver key was fished out of his pocket when he went to open the door.

Then as if on cue, the door to the dorm room against his swished open, and the ever so elegant June stepped out. She had her jet black hair tied up in a fairly long ponytail; a few strands of the hair draped over her smooth forehead was held together by a pin. A cap adorned her head with the letters “S/G” stitched onto it’s front.

She must be on her way to work. From what he can recall, she works at the college’s concession stand. The attire she wore was a simple gray ribbed knit T-shirt that hung to her chest’s subtle shape, outlining her smallish breasts and toned stomach; at top black dress pants which looked like they were designed to be shaped around the curve of her hip.

A golden name tag sat just above her left breast. It read, “June Nickson.”

He wondered how many people used that name tag as an excuse to stare at her tits. They weren’t large like Ms. Anderson’s weighty set, but he wouldn’t be against letting her breasts fill his palm.

But ogling his attractive, fit, friendly, and hardworking neighbor wouldn’t do him any favors; there was an assignment waiting for him that required his full attention.

“Oh,” June’s eyes fluttered in a show of honest surprise. “Hey, Karter.” She adorned a smile and made a move to walk past him.

“Hey.” Karter nodded in response, seeing that she had someplace to be, and he also had his own task to work on; he wasn’t about to begin any chitchat.

He unlocked the door and pushed it open. The weight of two eyes sank into his back, and he spared a glance behind him to see two pairs of black eyes staring back at him.

“What’s up?” He hesitantly questioned.

“Um...” Suddenly June appeared to be a bit awkward. She licked her lips and continued speaking. “You know Abigale, right?”

Abigale, the cute girl who’s hosting a party he wasn’t invited to. Yeah. He is aware of her.

He raised an eyebrow and responded to June with a voice oozing nothing but suspicion. “Yeah? Why... Is there a reason you’re bringing her up?”

“I was talking to her and... Well she always calls me about anything and everything so.. So she just wanted to know if you hated her or some shit, I dunno.” Now June was the hesitant one as her face did nothing to hide how awkward she felt. “Look, it’s dumb dude. She thinks you and I are like close-close friends, I guess.”

Why did that response sting a little? It was true; he wasn’t close friends with June, let alone close-close, as she said. But... It didn’t feel too pleasant hearing her say that, despite how true it was.

But he didn’t let his inner feelings show as he responded. “I don’t hate her, I mean- I- If anything, I thought she hated me, or just generally disliked me.” He shrugged. “I’m pretty sure she’s hosting a party soon, and I wasn’t even invited. But it’s whatever.”

“Wait wait...” June responded slowly; her mouth parted open as if what he had said was humorous in some way. “You think she hates you?”

“Hey I didn’t say- Or well I did but- Hate is a strong word, I just thought she doesn’t like me. I mean, she never talked to me along with everyone else so...”

A sudden laugh escaped June’s lips, but she was quick to cover her mouth. “Oh! Sorry! Sorry. Haha... I.. Um okay, yeah, I’ve gotta go to work. I’ll talk to you later ”

“Yeah. Okay.” Karter wasn’t sure what this is all about, but he could barely understand the class he’s in, let alone the inner workings of a female brain. He met June’s dismissive wave with one of his own and was about to turn back into his dorm when a thought flashed through his mind.

Damn, that’s a nice ass.

Well, that was the first thought, but the second one was a bit more mature in nature.

“Hey June!” He called out and almost immediately regretted it as it stopped her swaying posterior from shifting down the hall.

“Hmm?” She swept her head around.

“Do you think you could look over my paper later today? I remember you said you would be down to help me out some time, and I really could use it for this next assignment.”

“Sure!” Her face brightened up a shade. “This is a first. What happened to you?”


“I’m joking! I’m joking!” She turned on her heels and started walking backward. “Sure, I’ve been waiting for you to ask for help.”

“Really?” He asked. Did she really care that much about him?

“Yeah dude. You’re like my bro. Of course I’d help you out.”



Well, there goes any hope that there was some kind of romantic feelings behind her generous response. But in hindsight, she’s always been genuinely kind, so that was just him grasping at straws. Really, she must have purposely used those words to help him confirm how she felt. But, in the end, it’s better to be told straight up a chick feels than to be led on in the hope that something will eventually transpire.

“Alright, thanks.” He churned out, not wanting his slight dismay over her use of words to be displayed through his expression.

“Right.” She flashed him her bright teeth. “I’ll be back in like five hours, so come by anytime past then, kay?”

“Sure thing,” Karter’s back was already turned as he waved in response.