The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


This is a story I wrote a long time ago, long before I found MC Stories. I would dearly like to know what you readers think of it—good or bad. In addition, I have left the spelling and grammar in my native UK English, assuming any American reader will know it’s not all spelling errors. Again, your opinions on this aspect please.

If you want to contact me, my email is .

From the pen of Mr. T. Pratchet

It is said that Gods play games with the lives of men. But what games, and why, and the identities of the actual pawns, and what the game is, and what the rules are—who knows?

Best not to speculate.

Thunder rolled...

It rolled a six.

The Visit

I parked as near as I could to her door and checked my watch. Two minutes early; good. I had wandered around the small town where she worked for over an hour, just waiting for the exact time to knock on her door. This lady was very particular about punctuality; and font, which is why I am typing this in the difficult to read but presumably artistically impressive Monotype Corsiva font. I suppose it is the equivalent of go faster stripes on cars. I knocked at her door using the ornate black brass doorknocker at exactly the prescribed time by my watch, which is accurate to a second every hundred years or so. Not that I have ever set it to the second, or the fraction of a second that its accuracy deserves, the nearest minute is good enough for me and MissX, whom I suspect is no more accurate than me. Or is it “than I”? She is a pedant for proper English.

MissX, or as I like to call her, my little bit of toddy (she was a native of Todmorden—my little pun—you may laugh), opened the door after about a minute, which is an appropriate interval for a gentlewoman, taking into account the size of the house, which is very small. It really is fortunate she doesn’t live in a mansion. I’d have to bring a book and a snack under those circumstances; and an umbrella in case of inclement weather. She knew I was coming as it had been arranged for weeks, a necessary prearrangement due to her popularity. Her reaction on seeing me was a bit strange I thought. Her smile was there as usual but I thought it was forced, probably due to nervousness. This was not welcome. I definitely did not want to visit a nervous woman; my sport definitely required a confident, intelligent and assertive lady. I wondered whether I would have to cancel or whether I could go through with it now. I had mentally rehearsed the forthcoming attractions extensively. This was possible because she and I didn’t vary our routine much, certainly not after the first couple of visits. I knew with great certainty what she would do and when she would do it. That knowledge was definitely important for the success of this visit.

It was nervousness as I discovered after being invited in. There, sitting on the settee, were two other women I knew. One, The Urban Devil, was known to me personally. I had been a member of her group until she ejected me for inappropriate use of the safe word. This was an unfair charge and it still rankled. However, it was in the past and I was prepared to forgive, but not forget. I was, at that time, considering how to reacquaint myself with this lady, after, of course, my business with MissX was terminated, which would have been that day had everything gone to plan.

The other lady was Miss Cross, whom I did not know personally. I had talked to her and had thoughts of making her acquaintance in the near future, but not now. I have a lot to do and there is only a certain amount of time I can utilise for these purposes as I still have to hold down a full time job. Money doesn’t grow on trees as I’m sure you know and I wasn’t being subsidised for this enterprise.

On seeing the three of them together, I was struck for the first time by their size. They were all small ladies. Not freakishly small you understand. Not one of them would draw a second glance if anyone saw them in the street; not for their size anyway. They each had what I suppose could be classified as large personalities. Each was poised and confident in their own way. Each was dressed uniquely, again in their own way. I have to emphasise that there was nothing excessive about them in any way. It’s just that each was the best they could be. Apart from being small, each was also slender, or skinny, depending on your point of view. That is not quite true. MissX definitely had a voluptuous figure, but then it was not nearly so developed when I first started to see her. She was augmented by surgery. I had often wondered recently if this was the reason I have started to go off her. This decline in her attractiveness to me was not so great that I stopped seeing her. It was funny how, despite this, I had thought of her and our meetings more and more recently, planning how they would go and working out what I would do and when to do it, in minute detail. I seem to have become very efficient in this respect recently which was a major change for me. Usually I gave to give the barest details of how I wanted the event to go in order to give the lady as much freedom as possible. I seemed to achieve the best results, certainly for me and presumably for her, by utilising this method. It’s amazing how you can change just about overnight, isn’t it?

The Urban Devil didn’t look nervous but there was something about her which I eventually put down to apprehension. Not much difference you might think, but I can be a bit pedantic about definitions. As I sat down opposite them, Miss Cross didn’t look nervous or pedantic. She looked confident and assertive. MissX sat in an armchair to my left. It was Miss Cross who spoke first. She explained how she was the chair of a group of these like minded ladies and had duties which included arbitration (I understood that this also included the role of a judge). She was empowered by this group to impose punishments and/or penalties on anyone at her discretion. Apparently, to cut a long story short, she had heard en passant as it where about the little contretemps between The Urban Devil and myself and had decided to intervene in order to close the issue once and for all. My response was that the issue was closed. I accepted that The Urban Devil could eliminate anyone from her group for whatever reason she chose. There was nothing to answer as the issue was closed. This apparently was not good enough for Miss Cross as she wanted to hear both sides and to dispense justice fairly. She also stated that it would be in my interest to conform as she had the power to have me blacklisted from the group she chaired. The names of the members of this group were mentioned. It was a relatively small list but it was the cream of the cream in the North of England. This was not good as I wanted to in time, visit each of these ladies and a fair number of others. This looked to me like a typical union power grab ending in a closed shop. I wondered if similar strong-arm tactics were being used behind the scenes as were used when the unions were forming. I would never know the answer but the odds looked high for intimidation tactics being prevalent and I certainly didn’t want to be on the end of such a tactic so I acquiesced and stated that I would accept the court and conform to its findings.

It all started off in a civilised manner. MissX sat fanning her face with her hands and generally commented inanities in the third person to the group; “MissX is relieved that there will not be any unpleasantness; MissX is agreeably surprised that ____ (my name and I’m not giving it out here) is taking this in such a civilised manner. Etcetera etcetera. This manner used to appeal to me, but not now. Isn’t it amazing how attitudes can change. When I first met her I would have sworn that I would love her manner, together with her other manner, for the rest of my life. I made a mental note to myself not to commit myself to anything for any length of time. I seemed to be changing rather quickly nowadays and I don’t know why. It doesn’t matter anyway as all I need to know is that I am changing and that I have now to accommodate this in my business.

Eventually, after a sufficient period of small talk, Miss Cross indicated that it was time to address the business at hand. I, of course, hadn’t been listening properly to this preamble. I had been too busy thinking what to do and I had come up with a plan of sorts. I wasn’t very happy with it as I am a novice in such affairs, but I couldn’t think of anything else in the time available. Before she (Miss Cross) started on the meat of the court’s business (that is what it was no matter how apparently civilised the preamble) I interrupted and suggested that a cup of tea each would be appropriate as this would take some time. I even offered to make it for everyone, a suggestion that was immediately rejected by MissX, as I hoped she would. It ended by MissX retiring to the kitchen in order to offer her tea and cakes. I knew from experience that this was a bit of a fetish for MissX. Everything had to be just right. Her attitude to tea making was approaching the Japanese in this respect and I knew she would be in the kitchen for at least ten minutes, probably more like fifteen. Why she couldn’t just pour some boiling water onto some teabags I don’t know. It wasn’t as though the drink was any better, in fact it was worse as she used one of those scented teas, either neat or with lemon.

While we were waiting for our tea, I suggested that I just go over the events in question to ensure that everyone was singing from the same hymnbook as it were. MissX after all was not a party to this. We were only using her premises, with her permission, for the hearing. I didn’t like the fact that MissX gave her permission without informing me. After all, I had paid one hundred pounds already as a down payment for my afternoon. The Urban Devil acquiesced immediately in her soft Welsh accent. This was still incredibly erotic coming from an Asian body. She was Korean I believe, but raised in Wales. This acquiescence to my, oh so reasonable request piqued Miss Cross, who was just starting to enjoy herself. I could see that she was a born Union Man. The phrase ‘everyone out’ sprang immediately to mind. However, she couldn’t really make an issue of it as I was being so reasonable. It wasn’t as if I had entered into any contracts or agreements or suchlike. This court depended on me being reasonable. So she acquiesced also with grace. The grace was after a short (seconds) period where it appeared that she would start to argue. My face at this time was bland and innocent while I looked at her waiting for her pronouncement.

So I started talking with a countdown in the back of my mind. Now you must realise that I am a Geordie with an accent to match. A few years spent around the country has softened it to the extent that I can be easily understood wherever I am. What most people don’t know is that I am ‘bilingual’ as it were. I can also converse in the Northumbrian accent and dialect. Anyone who knows the difference will be able to tell you that there is a world of difference between the two accents. Consider the difference between urban Irish, say Londonderry, or Derry, depending on which Christian you ostensibly are, and the classic Irish country brogue. The difference between Northumbrian and Geordie is as great. I have found in my learnings that the Northumbrian accent is so appropriate to what I was learning that I had formed the habit of always using it in these circumstances. The voice is ‘soft’ and very lilting. The cadence is different from standard English and most people don’t know it. Therefore it is easier to slip in various emphasise that don’t appear in Northumbrian. I talked like this for a few minutes, keeping the volume pitched so that MissX in the kitchen would only hear a background murmur, gradually altering the cadence and then the emphasis on some of the words and then some of the words themselves until MissX returned. It mast have taken her about fifteen minutes to make that tea and she entered with a genteel bustle. I was still looking at her other guests and, bad manners I know, did not stop looking at them when my host entered. Instead I held up my left hand indicating to her that a bit of hush was necessary. I could swear that I actually heard her instant horniness as soon as she had correctly assessed the situation. I next saw her out of the corner of my eye as she sat again in the seat to my left. I then risked a quick look, smile and wink at her. Her response was better than I expected, she sat fanning her face with her hand and her eyes were shining as she stared at the two subjects. I was correct when I assessed her horniness as she sat with a flushed face and sweat, sorry, perspiration, was starting to show on her forehead.

I carried on talking to the two subjects for a few minutes more being more specific about what I said and starting to suggest specific ideas to them. MissX sat quietly like a good little girl and I swear that by now I could smell her pheromones. She definitely was in heat. Eventually I started to make specific suggestions to the two. Suggestions such as, ‘MissX is so sexy?’ ‘You would love to kiss MissX’ You would do anything if only MissX would smile at you’ etcetera; you get the drift? This was helped by the subjects being bisexual as it conformed to their natural feelings for MissX. All the while I was instructing the two subjects MissX said not a thing, but I could definitely sense her approval of this turn of events. At the end of a few more minutes of this, I asked the two if they were feeling all right and each of them responded that she had a headache. I then turned to MissX and asked for two glasses of water, to which she instantly acquiesced. As she was on her way to the kitchen I amended that to three glasses explaining that I also had a headache. On her return from the kitchen, remarkably quickly for her and her sense of proprieties, I requested her to give one to each of her subjects. The other was put on a tray for the time being. Then I took a packet of paracetamols from my pocket and asked MissX to give two each to each of them, which she did. Then, at my request she gave two to me. On further instruction from me the two swallowed the tablets and at the same time I swallowed mine. MissX looked as though she was regaining some of her sang froid about then so I politely requested that she pour out the tea, which should be just about ready by then, as I had a terrific thirst.

While the tea was being prepared I looked again at my two objects. They were each staring and drooling at MissX, following her every move, just as I had ordered. I now had a few minutes to fill before the next stage, the one with the major problem, not that there weren’t major problems up ’till now but I had surmounted them all. I remember admonishing myself then as I was getting too confident. No doubt luck had played a part, perhaps a major part, so far and I must not push my luck. Sometimes, I know, you have to ride your luck, but that is a different thing. I was riding my luck now but I definitely had to make sure that I didn’t push my luck. The whole success of this enterprise depended on results and only results. Second place is synonymous with failure; there is only first place. Ordering the subjects to listen and obey me, while still watching MissX, I gave them additional instructions. I told them they had to imagine pleasing MissX. Making MissX happy was the only thing that would make them happy. I ended with the instruction that they were so enamoured of MissX that they would always wet themselves if MissX smiled at them. During this time I was aware of various chink type sounds coming from my left, with a definition cessation of noise when the wetting themselves order was stated. I turned to find MissX at my side holding out to me a perfect, her definition, cup of tea, which I took and started to drink. MissX sat and took her cup. After a delicate feminine slurp, she turned to face her two new slaves and gave them a beaming smile each. I was looking at MissX for her reactions during this interlude. She did not disappoint. Her look, attitude and body language when she saw two large streams of urine pouring onto the floor, Miss Cross’ straight down, she mustn’t have been wearing knickers or tights and the other creating a large wet patch on the front of a pair of, to my uneducated eyes, a very expensive pair of pants/trousers (whatever—I don’t have enough vocabulary to describe female attire in any sort of detail and I have no desire to know), was simply orgiastic. I think she actually had an orgasm there and then. Her face visibly flushed from its already flushed appearance, her breathing became fast and ragged, sweat, sorry perspiration, formed extensively on her face and presumably elsewhere although I am too much a gentleman to look for evidence of this. She also made a funny mewing sound. Mewing as in feline although it didn’t sound like any cat I had heard although I can’t think of a more appropriate word. I don’t know if this was her true sound, so to speak, or that it came as a result of her inability to keep silent. Either way, it affected me immensely. It was so appealing that my heart melted for her; at that moment I would have done anything for her. Too late now, as I wished with all my heart that she had made that sound earlier.

Over tea, at her request, I explained how I came to know hypnotism. She is an extremely intelligent lady and she also wanted to know how long this would last and how far she could go with her new slaves. Yes she used that word which indicates, to me at least, that she was already actively forming plans for their use. I explained in my pedantic one track fashion. Reminding her of my situation when first we met I explained that The Urban Devil, while giving me the push, had stated to me that I should try erotic hypnotism as I seemed to be attracted to the idea. This conflicted with what I knew of myself, but what did I know? So I explored that avenue again. After an extensive internet search I came up with only two hypnodommes who looked anything like good enough for me. I do have high expectations and a big pair of boobs added to a gob stating ‘give me your money’ just do not do it for me. The two I found were the hyp-enchantress from the USA and Lady Lyre from Preston. If you don’t know this scene then you won’t know that the location of either party is not very important as just about everything is done via MP3s which you buy, telephone sessions and Yahoo (or equivalent) groups. The Hyp-Enchantress, like Lady Lyre ran her own web site and I had trouble with one of the MP3s I bought. It just wouldn’t download so I contacted the Hyp-Enchantress via the specific contact given when I bought it. Because she runs the site herself she did state that response to this type of query could take a while, so I waited. That was eighteen months ago and I am still waiting. It is probably my fault as I contacted her after only two months and again after about five months about this. I probably pissed her off. So I transferred my moneys to Lady Lyre who operated her site expeditiously and accurately, responding to the few e mails I made on a technical manner politely and quickly. She didn’t call me a stupid ignorant twat once (or more than once for the pedantacists amongst you). Over the next few months I collected a fair number of Lady Lyre’s MP3s which I enjoyed and still do for that matter. The trouble was that while they were entertainingly erotic or controlling or horrific or whatever, I could only go so far into them. I was never ‘controlled’ by them as advertised.

At the same time two of my other, shall we say, more normal, interests converged. I was introduced to Shamanism from a friend whom I hadn’t seen for fifteen years. She is now back in London, but she did take me through a basic relaxation or meditation sequence and blow me if it didn’t work. I got the predicted reaction and it was powerful. This left me trying to repeat this by myself with only fair to middling results. In addition, because of my work I had become interested in NLP and had started to study it in a general background fashion. Once I made the connection between these two interests and erotic hypnotism I was hooked. I had to find out more. Initially it was to get experience of inducing trances in myself so I could go further with the Shamanism. Now by this time I was tapering off the Lady Lyre MP3s as I had all I wanted, the others dealt with themes I was not interested in. On viewing her site for the umpteenth time I noticed, for the first time, that she offered training in hypnotism, so I signed up, paid and eventually met her and started my lessons. These are fascinating and I ended up with a lesson per week for a long time. She taught me various practical things about hypnotism that weren’t in any books. For instance each hypnotised subject develops a headache which will grow more and more intense and eventually pull the subject out of trance. In order to counteract this you have to suggest to the subject, early on, that he or she will develop a headache and to comment on it to you. You have to suggest it because for some reason the subject never comments on it him or herself. It is up to the hypnotist to arrange this. Actually, this headache is not physical in origin although the subject thinks that it is. The way to get around this potential obstacle is to give the subject some paracetomols when they say they have a headache. Now this is why Lady Lyre is so thoughtful as she says that it could be harmful to the subject paracetomols, even in the correct dosage, as they may not remember this later in the day and they could possibly overdose themselves later on. So she gave me a few packets of placebos to use instead of paracetomols. For verisimilitude, the placebos are packaged exactly like standard paracetomols. I have used this method extensively over the past few months and can verify to its use. I’m sorry to take so long in explaining this but it is unusual for someone to be able to hypnotise people without their consent at what they think is a safe place.

By the time I finished this explanation, MissX was tranced as well. This was one of the parts where I a wee bit worried, however, the placebos obviously didn’t lose their potency in hot tea. I know that I also drank the tea but I have had so many placebos that I am immune to their effects. So, I then had the problem of what to do next. Leaving them to sit in tranced silence, I went into the kitchen to make myself a proper cup of tea if I could. Fortunately, there were the ingredients I needed, to whit a box of teabags, a kettle, plentiful water and a mug. MissX had never let these be seen when I had come in the past due to the part she played, or maybe lived. That didn’t matter now. Back in the living room with a proper cup of tea I considered what to do now. These three wouldn’t stay in trance for more than about two hours from now so should I have some fun while I could. I am a sub not a dom and the prospect of dominating a scene like that just did not appeal. Instead I thought about how I have been treated by them, for I am not above revenge, a different motive giving a different result.

The Urban Devil had thrown me out of her group, unjustly I thought. However, to be fair, she did not appear vindictive about it and had steered me into a direction that eventually proved of immense benefit to me, although her ideas about me were wrong and also she was here to try me. Ultimately I recognised that she had the right to exclude anyone she wished without any reason. My head was beginning to spin after I thought through all this but I eventually decided that no revenge was necessary for her and I would let her come to naturally without any more ‘events’.

Miss Cross was a different matter however. I didn’t know her personally yet she had taken it onto herself to try me and obtained the assistance of The Urban Devil and MissX in the process. I hadn’t thought of that aspect before but started to wonder then. The answer was so simple that it took me more than ten minutes pondering this question before I realised how to obtain a definitive answer. I merely asked both The Urban Devil and MissX why they had helped her. The answers I obtained took time to come as both subjects were very reluctant to respond but I was patient and eventually received an answer that amazed me even though I should have thought of it as a possibility. It was simply extortion. Miss Cross had formed a group, ostensibly a union of dominatrices, by early traditional union values. Both MissX and The Urban Devil sited two examples of colleagues who had simply disappeared from the scene, never to be heard from again. The way Miss Cross had brought this up in conversation put certain ideas in the recipients’ minds, ideas that the disappeared ones would never talk to anyone again this side of death, if you believe in the afterlife that is. Miss Cross also had far more information than she should about the personal and financial affairs of her two cohorts. In effect she had coerced them into her ‘union’, or ‘professional association’ if you want to be posh about it, and of course took a cut, which turned out to be 30% of their gross. I was vaguely interested in the hold she had over them for that sort of agreement to hold, I suppose it must have been illegal as I can’t believe that these two would take that much account of public opinion. Either that or I had drastically underestimated their income. So Miss Cross definitely needs some sort of punishment.

And what of MissX? Her main misdemeanour in my eyes is that she allowed her session with me to be subverted into a court without even informing me of it, not even as a fait accompli. In her defence you could say that she was being coerced and that it was all Miss Cross’ fault. Apart from that I did like her in spite of her funny ways. She could have phoned me beforehand so that I just wouldn’t have turned up. No-one would have known. Regretfully she would have to be punished along with Miss Cross.

The question now was what to do. I had about two hours before they came back to normal of their own accord. I could plant a few post hypnotic suggestions in their heads which would be amusing but I wouldn’t be around to witness their humiliation even if I could come up with the correct form of words to get them to do something like that. If you don’t know hypnosis then you have to understand that subjects will not do anything they don’t really want to. It’s one thing getting two bisexual women to drool over another bisexual woman with the other bisexual woman being totally excited by it but it’s another thing entirely getting, say The Urban Devil to cane their arses until bone shows through. Although, I thought, with these particular women, that might be possible and I spent a good few minutes working out the wording of the instructions for that scenario to happen.

In the end I did nothing. While it is the norm that subjects usually recover after about two hours, my experience is slightly different. My teacher said that everyone is different when I brought up my worries about this. She was extremely helpful and told me what to do if I was worried; that is what I did now. I phoned my teacher who very kindly agreed to stay near her mobile for the next few hours. Them I instructed the three that they were to phone her at a prearranged time, explaining in great detail who she was and emphasising that they must forget about me and obey her every word. She would, with her expert knowledge and experience, release them from their trances and set them on their way. When I first did this I thought I would never see the subject again but, much to my surprise I sometimes did. They had been so impressed with my teacher that they had joined her little group and even sported the group’s tattoo. I don’t know what my teacher would do with the extortioner but I’m sure it would be appropriate. I’ve never known her to be wrong yet.

Once this was done I left the three to it, staring at each other in unrequited lust, and went back to my car. I was now a few hours early and it looked like I could have an early night for once. But, I was to have had a session before I left and now I was a bit frustrated. Sitting in my car and thinking about this my frustration grew. It was two in the afternoon and I was on the borders of Lancashire and Yorkshire, so who could I visit? My teacher had warned me not to go to certain individuals for my own good as they either were not competent or would rob me. I would not touch those. The problem was that my list of available contacts included all those in Miss Cross’ group and I had only one more available, Miss Terri. I liked her very much and had saved her for last. She had seen me regularly before and after my operation without being disgusted or offended. I had to leave her (she moved and I was made redundant) and when I got a job again I had to start searching all over again. That is when I found the Urban Devil. When she kicked me out I discovered Miss Terri was available again so I went back while at the same time was starting to explore the erotic hypnosis which I have detailed elsewhere in this narrative.

Anyway, I called Miss Terri, who was available for me at such short notice and would stay late if she knew I was coming. So I made an appointment for that evening in three hours time. There was now no time for delay so I started my car and headed for Middlesbrough, looking forward to my evening.