The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Chapter 4: Sheathed

Angelica paced back and forth restlessly, each step sending a fine shower of water droplets into the warm, night air. Her suit sparkled with every contact as the glimmering pixels struggled to adapt. Miriam took another breath, trying to ignore her colleague’s caged-animal agitation. Of course, it didn’t help that she was growing increasingly anxious herself.

“What’s taking them so long?” the curvaceous German asked, voicing the question Miriam had been longing to ask.

“Maybe they’re just being thorough,” the ESPer shrugged, trying to sound nonchalant.

“Yeah,” Angelica chuckled, “and maybe Kate is explaining to your girl just how all this is going to go down.”

Miriam smiled weakly. From what she had felt before Veronica’s defences pushed her out, the young oriental suspected that Kate would be the one benefiting from any explanation being given up in Jillian’s apartment.

Gingerly she reached out to the other trainee, bracing herself for resistance as her touch strengthened. But Angelica, it seemed, was too focussed on her own anxieties and Miriam’s tentative probe slid easily through the surface layers of the blonde woman’s mind.

She had the sense of the other trainee’s turmoil and how the long wait had chaffed against her. And deeper still, almost beyond her reach, Miriam could feel a plan emerging from out of the chaos. The ideas were raw and only half-formed, but as she turned to acknowledge Angelica’s strained voice, the psychic could already hear the echo of her colleague’s new thoughts.

“I’m going up there,” Angelica explained, unnecessarily. “Will you be okay babysitting Jill?”

The other trainee didn’t wait for a reply. She was already halfway up the fire escape before the question had left her lips. Miriam felt their connection growing more tenuous. Her psychic touch slipped over the suddenly mirror-smooth surface of Angelica’s thoughts. There was a flare of something that might have been elation and then nothing but the distant murmur of far-off humanity.

* * *

Katiebot’s eyes shone darkly with the imperatives reflected in their mirrored surface. Gel crawled across her corneas, ensuring she saw only what her mistress desired. She shuddered again, her painted lips forming into a small gasp of surprise. Yet another climax rippled through her helpless body, rewriting another of her mind’s blank sectors while aftershocks rocked her so very gently.

It was hard to remember just exactly when the plan had changed. Veronica struggled for a moment, searching for the point when taking the competition out of contention had shifting to become converting her into a docile slavebot. Not that it mattered, she finally decided. What was done, was done.

Well, almost done. There was the small matter of sealing the deal. Katiebot was still more or less a blank slate. She might have fixated on the hacker for the moment, but that wouldn’t last. The New Zealander’s mind was so desperate to form a connection with someone it wasn’t going to be particularly choosy about who that someone might be.

No, Veronica needed to have the former trainee imprint on her and her alone, otherwise who knew what might happen? Fortunately, the process was relatively simple and, the tall Irishwoman reminded herself, not entirely unpleasant.

Being very careful not to allow her stricken captive’s visor to slip, Veronica eased her up onto her knees. Katiebot gazed blankly ahead, a placid expression on her usually stern features. Smiling to herself, the hacker ran a nail down the centre of her skinsuit, gasping a little as the apartment’s cool air washed over her skin.

Spreading her knees a little wider, Veronica stretched the tight material. Once again her fingers darted over the keyboard, feeding new code into the thoughts of her helpless drone. Then she took hold of Kate’s head, threading her fingers through the long auburn hair and drew her into the waiting heat.

* * *

Taking the stairs two at a time, Angelica jogged back up the fire escape. It was starting to rain, again and that added yet more urgency to the young woman’s movements. They couldn’t afford to screw this up and she was damned if some power play on the part of her Kiwi companion was going to rob her of the chance to become an Operative.

She flexed her fingers, delighting in the sensations as her joints clicked and popped. Tension knotted her muscles, stiffening the young woman’s shoulders tighter with each fretful concern. She didn’t know what the two of them were playing at and it took precious seconds for her to understand what that meant.

At some point the link between them all had collapsed. Angelica wasn’t sure when it happened. The sense of the other trainees was so comfortable, so familiar, she would have expected its absence to be more remarkable. But then, despite her best efforts, the curvaceous German had seen through Miriam’s trouble-free façade. The petite oriental was clearly worried about her friend, and with good reason.

Veronica had always been the odd-girl out and it would be typical of Kate to prey on that fact, now she was separated from her protector. Angelica didn’t know what the two ill-matched trainee’s had going. They seemed an unlikely couple and, if truth be told, she was more than a little disturbed by the inscrutable ESPer. She just hoped the New Zealander hadn’t done anything… irrevocable.

As she reached the apartment, the blonde trainee took a moment to steady herself. Joints creaked restlessly beneath the slippery suit and then she pushed through the door. Angelica had expected any number of scenes to greet her sudden entrance. But it was safe to say, the frozen tableaux waiting in Jillian’s computer room wasn’t one of them.

Her eyes flicked from Veronica, down to a very naked and kneeling Kate and back up to the hacker once again. Belatedly Angelica realised her mouth was hanging open and closed it so quickly her teeth made an audible snap.

The hacker’s head twisted so suddenly Angelica feared she would suffer whiplash. Surprise warred with clearly overwhelming desire as Veronica’s pupils yawned wide. The German trainee grasped at the precious seconds to gather her thoughts. But it was a struggle and the wet, excited noises the kneeling woman was making certainly weren’t helping.

“Verdammt noch mal!” she breathed, unable to take her eyes off the increasingly wanton display.

Veronica’s stare was almost pleading, as her muscles began to bunch and tremble. A flush darkened the older woman’s skin, but she was clearly too far-gone for the embarrassment to make any difference. In fact, now Angelica thought about it, perhaps being caught in flagrante had added to the pale-skinned Irishwoman’s arousal.

“If I’d have known you two were busy,” she smiled after a moment, unsure if either of them could even hear her anymore. “I would have given you more time.”

Arching back, the hacker gave a low cry and for several seconds just stood like that, with her muscles visibly trembling beneath the soft material of her suit. Then, as though the floodgates had suddenly opened, Veronica jack-knifed forward, clinging almost desperately to Kate’s auburn hair as she began to gasp and spasm.

And all the while, Angelica could hear how the Kiwi’s enthusiastic attentions continued unabated even as the hacker’s noisy climax faded into all-too tender heat.

“Meine Güte!” she blurted out as Veronica fought to prise the other woman’s lips from her dripping sex, “What the hell did you do to her, Vee?”

* * *

Blinking away the fog of arousal, Veronica stared at the other trainee, a look of mute horror plastered across her ruddy face. It was taking most of her remaining strength just to hold Kate at bay. The woman was clearly ravenous and the Irishwoman wasn’t sure she’d survive another orgasm like that last one.

“Good girl,” she whispered, breathlessly, turning away from Angelica’s calculating smile. “Rest back now, Katiebot and know that you have pleased your mistress.”

The look of unthinking adoration in Kate’s eyes was almost painful to behold and on some level Veronica was glad when it disappeared under the sheer weight of the redhead’s reward. Pleasure softened the New Zealander’s expression into one of absolute bliss, while her body struggled to remain at attention as the thrill of mistress’ approval washed through her.

“Poor Kate got herself caught by the slave meme,” the hacker explained after a moment, turning back to regard her colleague a little more levelly. “I’m just trying to make the best of a bad lot.”

“Of course you are,” Angelica giggled, her eyes clearly taking in the other woman’s state of undress and making quite a show of appreciating what she saw. “That was very careless of her.”

Swallowing hard, Veronica began to pull the tight suit back over her body. It slid awkwardly over her sticky skin, leaving her very aware of her less urgent, but by no means sated need. The German woman’s stare only added to that, but however tempting, she wasn’t going to mess this up by thinking with her pussy.

Her eyes flicked back to Kate, who still sat there, kneeling in her own world of oblivious pleasure. Veronica shivered a little at the blank expression on the once vibrant woman’s face. It was just as the Overseer always said, there were only two classes of people on this Earth, and she was damned sure she wanted to be an owner.

“I,” she began somewhat hesitantly, “I think we’re good here. Most of the work is automated, and Katiebot can help with the grunt stuff. Just give me a couple of minutes to finish up, okay?”

Angelica’s laughter was warm and disconcerting. The shorter woman gave a slightly crooked smile and shook her head in exasperation. Seeing her expression, the hacker felt her heart begin to sink. Oh hell, why couldn’t it have been Miriam who came to check up on her?

“Come on, Vee,” the blonde chuckled. “Do you really think you can just ‘zap’ one of us and then carry on as though nothing has happened?”

“Well, I…” Veronica started her mumbled explanation.

The curvaceous woman stepped close, invading Veronica’s personal space. The hacker flinched, raising her arms far too slowly to ward off an attack. Angelica had already taken hold of her suit’s collar and she could only brace herself for whatever assault was coming.

“No, Vee,” the other trainee continued, her breath sweet against Veronica’s lips. “I’m not going to let you get away with it.”

Veronica opened her mouth to protest and was stunned when Angelica’s tongue slipped wetly between her parted lips. For a moment she was too shocked to do anything and that left the other woman free to swirl its tip in a slow, writhing dance.

“Not without a reward,” Angelica sighed as she broke off the kiss.

* * *

The hacker wore the same delightful expression of stunned surprised Angelica had found so enticing before. The tall redhead licked her full lips, tasting the sweetness but still too shocked to speak. Taking advantage of that far from momentary hesitation, the trainee slid her fingers over Veronica’s cheeks and drew her in for another deep and passionate kiss.

Her lips grazed the other woman’s causing the Irishwoman to reach for her in return. The very tip of her wonderfully deft tongue played against Veronica’s teeth, teasing them open. The hacker gave a gentle moan, which Angelica answered in kind, before their tongues met and entwined.

Tightly manicured nails wrapped in gossamer-fine latex played over the redhead’s sensitised skin. Angelica’s hands swept down the other trainee’s throat and that touch was enough to make Veronica shudder deliciously.

Fingers lingered provocatively on the soft flesh while her other hand continued its slow descent. Latex glided against latex, as the smaller woman seemed to smooth her palms over the hacker’s shoulders. Veronica’s eyes drifted closed, and the sigh she gave, as Angelica’s caress swept inward to claim one horribly aroused breast was almost musical in its melting heat.

Very carefully, she forced herself to withdraw again. Easing their lips apart and once again feeling the ecstatic twinge deep inside as Veronica continued to reach for her, so eager to continue that blissful connection.

Angelica felt an instant of uncertainty. Could she really do this, after all they had been through together? Her mind whirled, trapped between possibilities, while her hands continued to roam. In the end it was Kate’s happy grunt of mindless fulfilment that stiffened her resolve. This wasn’t a game any longer, not now one of them had turned against their own.

She flexed her fingers hard, feeling a moment of discomfort before the joints snapped more loudly than ever. Carefully, Angelica caressed the other woman’s throat, while her lips dipped once more and played across Veronica’s skin.

* * *

For the hacker it was as though she was lost in a wonderfully erotic dream. Her thoughts, already clouded by Kate’s very expert attentions, were now hopelessly tangled. She knew she was weak, not to mention horribly needy, but it was simply too much of an effort to care.

The blonde trainee’s fingers sunk hungrily into her tender breast, teasing the heavy flesh through its tight latex sheath. Painfully tight nipples strained against her suit, only to be ground remorselessly into her shockingly tender curves.

Angelica’s lips slid against her own, tormenting the Irishwoman with their sweet proximity and practically begging for her eager tongue. She gasped, crushing her sticky thighs together and relishing the feel of her own deepening desire.

Beautifully slick latex caressed her neck and Veronica pressed into that touch, almost purring with pleasure. She rubbed herself against the cool smoothness of the other woman’s suit, delighting in that tender contact. And, lost as she was when it came, the sudden stinging pain caught her entirely unprepared.

Warmth dribbled into her throat, tightening muscles as it spread outward in a webwork of oozing heat. Veronica flinched and the other trainee made no effort to stop her. Ripples of arousal played across the hacker’s shoulders, growing more intense from moment to moment.

She tried to demand an explanation, wanting to understand the inscrutable expression on the other woman’s face. There was triumph there, but more than that, there was something that might have been fear. And yet her voice, when it emerged, was nothing but a sibilant hiss.

Tendrils of heat slid down over her chest, coiling around the base of each swollen breast and then spiralling round the sensitised flesh to wrap each nipple in cords of shimmering flame. It felt so incredible she wanted to scream, and her enforced silence served to make it better and indescribably worse.

The skinsuit seemed almost to melt, growing suddenly more liquid as it flowed over her trembling body. Where it had been tight before, now it grew positively indecent, moulding itself to her skin and picking out every erotic detail.

Soft flames gnawed at her belly as the material was sucked into her bellybutton, before the heat and the changes it wrought plunge lower. Veronica threw back her head, opening her mouth in one long unheard cry. The burning caress swept lower, winding back and forth around her legs, then rearing up toward the answering heat of her willing sex.

Latex poured into her, as though her pussy was drawing it in. More of the dark fabric pressed against her buttocks and then began to ooze deliciously over the contours of her arse. Veronica clenched, drawing more of the molten heat through her gaping cuntlips. It coated her, flowing over every ridge and fold and, whatever it touched burnt with sensual flame.

* * *

Angelica stepped away very quickly not willing to risk being exposed herself. The concealed needle had already snapped back into her finger joint, but its payload of nanomachines was still a very real danger.

The look of startled betrayal on the other trainee’s face was almost too much to bear and yet, she reminded herself, if Vee had been willing to enslave Kate, what else would the Irishwoman have been capable of?

It was a moot point now, given that the process, once started, was irreversible. But it at least gave her a justification, even if that justification did effectively boil down to, ‘I hit her back, first…’

Eerily purposeful liquid latex moved over Veronica’s form, picking out ever muscle group and growing ever closer to becoming a true second skin. That look of horror very rapidly turned into one of hideous pleasure as the other woman’s body tensed and arched. The hacker threw back her head, mouth open in a silent, ecstatic scream.

Darkness crested her chin, streaming over the lower half of the other woman’s face. Without pause, the tendrils thickened and then poured into her mouth. More and more of the strange substance flowed over her head, coating every strand of her dark hair.

In seconds, Veronica had gone, replaced by this almost featureless doll. Her skin still gleamed darkly, although the ripples had slowed and then finally stopped. A creature of latex, clearly sexualised, even the beads of dribbling arousal clearly preserved for posterity where they clung to her parted thighs.

The doll collapsed, dropping heavily to the carpeted floor to lie immobile and invitingly exposed.

* * *

Darkness obscured everything but the flames’ pervasive roar. Hideously sweet caresses smeared themselves across the surface of her eyes, while their silken twins lapped hungrily around the edges of her ears.

Every inch of Veronica’s body was burning with desire. The relentless throb of arousal building from moment to moment as the invasive ooze enshrouded and confined her. Its slippery touch set her nerves ablaze, stimulating her body and mind beyond all endurance.

The stench of sex poured into the hacker’s nostrils, and then without warning, she found herself plunged into a silence so total it was almost unbearable. Her panicked mind reached out, searching hopelessly for something. Sealed away beneath the smooth latex shell, the Irishwoman grasped for something, anything except the isolation.

Her pulse thudded dully somewhere deep in the blackness. It vibrated through her, setting the molecule-thin membrane humming. The sensation thrummed through her liquid core, making it clench in ecstatic sympathy and, as the thrill of each beat faded the ache between grew steadily more hollow.

Almost without warning the first climax slammed into her. The orgasm hit with all the finesse of a freight train simply steamrollering her senses as her cunt convulsed into spastic clonus. Latex had already threaded itself through her muscles, robbing the young woman of the ability to move. That passivity was more terrible than any thing she had ever experienced.

And she loved it!

When the first slender strands pierced her brain, Veronica was already lost. Wave after wave of sensation rolled through her frame, forcing it to sing with increasingly blissful harmonies. Black fire seeped through her thoughts, coating every neurone in glossy coercion and blanketing every idea beneath the richly erotic, musical tide.

Thoughts faded, becoming just another part of that same exotic symphony. Until all that remained was the dripping core of empty-minded, helpless pleasure.