The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Chapter Five: Burnt

Heart hammering against her chest, Angelica stared at the fallen trainee. The ebony sheath barely moved, only the almost imperceptible rise and fall of the doll’s chest gave any indication that a woman lay beneath the glistening shell.

The adrenaline was beginning to burn itself out and the blonde woman could feel the first stirrings of a post-crash headache somewhere deep behind her right eye. Unconsciously she massaged her temple, her breath coming in a stream of soft, panting gasps and still the panic refused to come.

She was beyond screwed.

On the plus side, there were now two less trainees in the competition. Angelica didn’t know what the hacker had done to Kate, but one look at the tough New Zealander’s blank face was enough to tell her everything she needed to know. The girl had been mindfucked and even on her worst day, Veronica was far too experienced to have allowed her even the most slender chance of escape.

As for the hacker, well, she had effectively ceased to exist from the moment those nanofibres began to spread throughout her brain. And therein lay the problem. Vee had always been Miriam’s bitch and it didn’t take an empath to know that the psychic had feelings for the mawkish Irishwoman.

Angelica glanced back at the latex doll, only now beginning to contemplate the consequences of what she had done.

How on earth was she going to explain this?

Cool calculation muted her already dimly felt anxiety. The reality all too clear in her provocatively calm thoughts. There could be no retreat. The only way out was to press on regardless.

It took only moments for the curvaceous blonde to clear her thoughts. She pushed aside the ephemera, using the well-rehearsed exercises to banish everything except the icy stillness. Her shields slid back into place, mirror-bright and gleaming.

But simply hiding her thoughts wasn’t enough. She needed to buy herself the extra seconds required to slip past the ESPer’s guard. Angelica took another deep, cleansing breath and tried to push past the sensation that this was all nothing but metaphysical bullshit.

In her mind’s eye, she could see the polished shield begin to lose its lustre. Angelica fought the urge to rush the process, simply letting it happen as her defences grew increasingly less substantial. By focussing on the certainty that there was absolutely ‘nothing to see here’ in theory she could make herself effectively invisible.

Of course, it could all be a load of old bollocks.

* * *

Time crawled and Miriam was finding it increasingly difficult to ignore Jillian’s molten moans. Their victim was clearly enjoying her captivity and her bliss-filled thoughts filled the ether with sultry static as they slowly unwound and disintegrated.

The urge to reach in and touch the surface of that liquid mind was growing steadily strong and the petite oriental could feel her own body responding in sympathy to the helpless woman’s sensual torment.

Her eyes flickered, scrolling through the various options projected through her visor. They were already perilously close to running out of time and that concern gave Miriam something other than Jillian’s projected arousal to dwell upon.

For several protracted moments, she thought about simply driving off. After all, she had the target and if her fellow trainees couldn’t keep to the timetable that was hardly her fault, was it? But she already knew that wouldn’t work.

Far more important than completing this mission was the need to keep the Organisation’s existence a secret. She simply couldn’t risk leaving anything incriminating up there in Jillian’s flat. Not if she wanted to become an Operative.

She could feel, something, from the target’s apartment but without the link it was difficult to be certain what was going on. The gentle psychic impetus she could offer from this range had no effect. None of her colleagues responded, although she continued to have a vague sense of them.

No, like it or not, Miriam was going to have to go and find out for herself just what was happening up there.

* * *

Standing beside the door, Angelica fingered the warm plastic cylinder. The auto-injector was a reassuring weight in her hand. It had already been armed and even the gentlest caress would fire its payload into whomever it struck.

She’d already spent several minutes setting the scene, but still found herself checking it again, just to make sure. What she saw seemed pretty much perfect. When the psychic opened the door, she would be greeted by the sight of the other two trainees.

Of course, Vee was unrecognisable beneath her latex coating, but that hardly mattered. The image of the lithe woman, with skin that looked as if it had been dipped in oil, sitting astride Kate’s face, while the Kiwi pulled and tore at her plasticized buttocks, was already burned into Angelica’s mind.

She had no doubt that the scene would leave Miriam just as stunned as she had been on stumbling upon the two women herself. And that would give her the time she needed to dose the ESPer with enough soporific the keep her quiet for the duration. It was too bad that the nanomachines were only a one-shot deal. Two latex dolls were obviously better than one and at least that way the two lovers could have stayed together.

A soft sound from corridor stiffened Angelica into instant alertness. She fought to hold her emotions in check, desperately clinging to the sense of absence. Her fingers were suddenly slippery with sweat and she was grateful for the skinsuit’s textured surface.

The door swung open ponderously and she braced herself, holding her breath for fear of being heard. She could sense the other woman standing on the threshold and heard the shocked gasp as Miriam saw the tableaux laid out before her.

Without another thought, Angelica launched her attack.

She caught a glimpse of the psychic’s startled expression as she whirled from her hiding place. One hand raised, ready to fend off any attempt at resistance, Angelica jabbed the uncapped auto-injector into the side of her target’s neck.

Miriam’s eyes went very wide, but her reactions were far too slow to make any difference. The slender oriental clutched her neck, her expression accusatory. Angelica could see that the toxin had already sunk its claws into her brain. But the soft, insistent scratching sensation somewhere behind her eyes was a soft reminder that the other woman might not be done quite yet.

Still, she felt a sense of elation that was almost enough to make her head spin and, as Miriam’s eyes grew steadily more unfocussed, her movements more random and the nails on a blackboard sensation of someone forcing there way into her thoughts less noticeable, that ecstatic feeling continued to grow.

The ESPer gave a mewl of resignation, her tongue already too numbed to manage more than that. Angelica took the other trainee’s weight, easing her to the ground as the young woman’s legs finally buckled.

She twisted Miriam’s head, very gently turning the now paralysed woman until she was staring at the other two trainees. Much to her surprise, she noticed the Oriental’s nipples were already stretching the tight fabric of her suit.

“Oh,” she gasped, her own desire slurring the simple words. “You like that, do you? Well I’ll tell you what, klein haustier. After I have the three of you permanently fixed, perhaps I’ll let you play together.”

A wave of vertigo rolled over her and Angelica had to clutch at the doorframe. Something sweet and metallic seemed to buzz through the roof of her mouth. Her knuckles whitened against the painted wood, but she could already feel it slipping through her fingers.

Warm syrup dribbled through her leg muscles, unknotting the taut flesh with its marvellously soft touch. Heat caressed the lips of the young woman’s cunt, and she could do nothing to stop the low moan of arousal that tender contact generated.

Everything seemed to blur, monochrome replacing the soft glow of perceived reality, at least for a moment. And then it all snapped back into place, revealing a world she no longer recognised.

Angelica snatched her hand away from her thigh, gaping at the injector still trapped in its grip. Lifting her head took an almost impossible effort, a huge weight seemed determined to pin the blonde woman’s chin to her chest. She blinked against the whirl of confusion, trying to understand.

Miriam smiled, relinquishing the last strands of control and allowing her victim to appreciate the full enormity of her miscalculation.

“If Kate still wants you, once I’m done,” the oriental whispered. “Then she’s welcome to you. But Vee is mine and I’ve never been good at sharing.”

The blonde woman crumpled, mimicking the ESPer’s earlier, imaginary fall. Miriam guided her to the ground, her touch almost conciliatory. Darkness flickered at the limits of her perception, lulling her gently as the heat grew more intense and a great deal more intimate.

Her tongue seemed to have thickened beyond the point where she could control it. The garbled noises she managed, her voice hopelessly strangled, were just so weak and she could only imagine how hopeless they would sound to others.

Acceptance washed over her, twisting her thoughts again and seeking to massage the frayed tangle into a knot of perfect obedience. Oblivion beckoned and, with no other hope, she plunged headlong into comforting darkness.

* * *

Sweat prickled across Miriam’s shoulders, forcing her to shudder. The effort of breaching Angelica’s defences had left her winded, but that would soon pass. The instructors had taught the now comatose blonde well and, against an unsuspecting opponent, things might have played out very differently. But however good the young German might have been at hiding her presence, she could do nothing to conceal Vee or Kate’s strangeness.

And, once she had been alerted, a thorough scan of the apartment found a psychic blind spot. One that contained, not an absence, but a very anxious young woman desperately chanting, “Please don’t notice me.”

Miriam swept her gaze around the room and then, almost savagely, she ordered Vee to dismount her equally helpless colleague. The two former trainees stood obediently for a moment, before following the ESPer’s directions and moving to complete the apartment’s sanitisation.

She bit down on her own anger, fighting against the emotions welling up inside. Anger and despair warred with the elation of knowing she was now the only candidate left standing. That glee sickened her and yet, this was everything she had wanted. This was what the long months of training had all been leading toward.

The petite woman tore her eyes away from the latex doll that had once been her closest friend and blinked away the tears. She turned back to the woman slumbering at her feet and felt the ire rising up to choke her.

Without a second thought, she poured her will into Angelica’s mind, channelling her self-disgust and using it to warp the woman’s open and unresisting mind.

* * *

They had all experienced drug hangovers as part of their training and, unconsciously, Angelica had already braced herself against the residual effects, before she even realised she was coming round. But almost immediately, she realised this was like no awakening she had ever experienced.

Her eyes snapped open, her vision clear and sharp. Thoughts rushed through her mind, seeming to trip over on another in their urgency. Everything seemed unnaturally bright and the throbbing headache she was already wincing against simply never appeared.

The carpet was rough against her buttocks, and she could feel its coarse fibres scratching beneath her hands and feet. It occurred to Angelica that she was completely naked mere moments before she discovered that her body had been frozen in place.

She half-sat in the centre of Jillian’s lounge, supporting the majority of her weight on outstretched arms. Her legs were spread wide, knees bent and soles flat on the floor. Shame filled her as she realised just how exposed she was, but no effort on her part made even the slightest impact on her paralysed muscles.

“Awake again,” Miriam’s voice whispered and she couldn’t quite decide whether the ESPer had spoken aloud. “And how are you feeling?”

“Verpiss dich!” Angelica hissed, surprised to still have the use of her tongue.

“Oh, Angel,” the younger woman sighed. “You just don’t get it, do you? I’ve won. The very best you can hope for now is that you convince me to go gently on you. And… after what you did to Vee, I really don’t think that’s going to happen.”

The bitch was almost certainly right, but Angelica couldn’t bring herself to simply give up. There had to be a way out of this. All she needed was enough time to find it.

“I’m afraid,” Miriam breathed and this time she was sure the words echoed from inside her mind. “Things are just going to keep getting hotter from now on. But feel free to plead or beg if you want to.”

A deep thrill of arousal rolled languidly up over her posed body, raising her skin into shivering gooseflesh. Sensations seemed to linger in the deep muscles of her thighs while others played back and forth across her taut belly.

She answered with a soft whine, unable to find any words while the feelings still crawled over her eager flesh.

“You like that,” her tormentor smiled and Angelica hated her for it. “Helplessly displayed for my approval and feeling hotter and hotter. Part of you is already wondering just how hot I can get you… isn’t it, Angel?”

The waves of delightful stimulation came so close together it was almost impossible to separate them. Arousal burnt across her nerve endings, humming unnaturally through her captive muscles and leaving her flesh abuzz with increasingly demanding desire. She cried out, unable to restrain her body’s treacherous response to the lust hammering at her senses.

Her nipples tightened painfully, the puckered nubs resonating with that same desperate bliss. Angelica’s thighs wouldn’t stop trembling, and the thick ooze of her arousal was already dripping over their scalding flesh. The tingling caress reached deep inside, writhing over her sex and echoing against the open promise of her fragrant core.

“How much worse does it get each time I trigger you?” Miriam wondered. “Twice as hot? Three times hotter? Four? And how much better does that make it?”

She did scream then, unable to stifle it any longer. Wave after wave of the most absolute bliss simply rolled through her, the aftershocks clutching at her cunt and sending shivers of agonised delight dancing through swollen and exquisitely tender nipples.

“It won’t stop,” the oriental hissed savagely. “Not until you give me what I want. It will just keep getting hotter and hotter. Meltingly hot little slave. Too hot to bear. You’re just too weak, Angel, too hot to even think of denying me. Too hot to think about anything, but what a hot helpless slavewhore can do for her mistress.”

Angelica screamed again, as her cunt seemed to spasm and convulse. Raw desire drooled freely from her gaping lips, while her clit throbbed helplessly. Pleasure sunk more deeply into her brain with every passing moment, and she had long since passed the point where anything else had meaning. But something in the other trainee’s words held her, even amidst the twisting carnal confusion.

“Give me what I want,” Miriam urged. “My hot wanton trollop. You’re only making it harder on yourself. Harder… and such a great deal hotter… Is that what you want, do you think? For it to simply get hotter and hotter? Can you even think any more? Poor little slave, too hot to decide for herself. Far too hot to trust what might pop up in that overheated mind of yours…”

Her body strained, rigid with the pure strength of her own reactions. Raw and undiluted pleasure seemed to roar through her being, setting her flesh aflame and threatening to dissolve everything else. Sweat dripped from her, commingling with the increasingly liquid submission still drooling from her trembling cuntlips.

“How can you trust anything now?” the ESPer continued relentlessly. “I’ve already forced you to see and feel only what I desired? How do you know what’s real? How can you tell? Is there anything you know right now except this wonderful heat? Hot, hotterhottest little slave. You have no truth but what I tell you, your reality is what I make it… I am your only constant… your undeniable truth. I am your Goddess… and you will give yourself to me. Now!”

The voice echoed, burning more avidly than even Angelica’s tortured sex. There was no thought. She didn’t pause to consider and once the decision was made it was far too late for regret. The voice demanded her surrender and Angelica willingly, even eagerly gave herself to the flames.

White light consumed her, searing away everything she had given. And, as her mind collapsed, so too did her body. Angelica bucked and thrashed, her body convulsing as though in the grips of seizure. She screamed again, the sound wrenched from her in a series of spastic moans.

Pleasure engulfed her, raw and terrible in its unbearable intensity and Angelica had no choice but to accept it.

* * *

Dropping heavily into the unwelcomely sticky computer chair, Miriam had to finally acknowledge that it wasn’t just fatigue affecting her. The slender Oriental’s breath came in short gasps and sweat beaded her far too sensitive skin.

It was the other girls. Their helpless and pervasive arousal filled the ether, as each captive practically screamed her submission and desire into the unseen space between realities. Even through her shields, their song was far too sweet to ignore and worst still, the well-practiced link between them was familiar enough for it to be occasionally re-established by the former trainees.

But, the ESPer reluctantly acknowledged, that wasn’t the full story. This wasn’t simply shared arousal. On some level, Miriam had enjoyed breaking Angelica’s will. And at least part of her could see past the horror of what had been done to Kate and even Vee and see the eroticism implicit in both girls’ fates.

The sense of self-loathing came back with a vengeance, choking her with its vicious rebuke. But once again she bit down on it, mastered it and moulded the emotion to her own purpose. She didn’t have time to grieve, not if her loss was to have any meaning.

“Katiebot,” she ordered, tapping into the crystalline precision of the tall redhead’s mind. “Take Vee down to the van and secure her for transport. Make sure no one sees you.”

With an almost perfect economy of movement, Kate lifted Vee’s latex coated form. Cradling the other woman in her arms, the New Zealander stalked cautiously from the room. It took a moment for the residual effects of that direct contact to settle. But with two erotically charged victims rapidly stretching the distance between them, by the time the impact had faded, it was an awful lot easier to think.

A delicate caress brought Angelica back to herself. The German bombshell was a raw and plastic thing, fuelled only by lust and the unquestioning desire for obedience. Miriam searched for some ghost of the woman she had known, perversely wanting her to understand what was happening to her.

But there was nothing. No more than the most primitive of stimulus and response to orbit around the Goddess at the very centre of her universe. Sorrow clutched at the psychic’s emotions, threatening to drag her down. But Miriam battered the feeling aside.

I was too late to start growing a conscience now.