The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

This chapter was written for Wiseguy’s Mind Control Academy exposition. The point was to write a story that involved a certain school he created.

Special thanks to Topaz for letting me use his ‘Cupid Boy’ character, and helping me with the dialog. Much appreciated. His entry in the exposition (’Cupid Boy and the Tartan Tie Affair’) is a direct tie-in with this story. Read both for the full effect.

Andy and Michele; Chapter 3

Michele had fun teaching her husband a few new tricks. One of the advantages of running a sex-toys store: They had quite a range of toys to play with. Even if they occasionally had to be very thorough about cleaning them afterwards.

Now, however, it was getting on to late afternoon, and ‘Andy’s house of Fetish’ did need to open occasionally. Friday nights were fairly busy, and it was time to open shop.

As soon as they untangled themselves from the bed.

That accomplished, the two showered, and got dressed in ‘work clothes’ in preparation for going downstairs to work. ‘Work clothes’ consisted of a PVC/leather bodysuit with built in corset for Michele, with the high heeled boots to match, and a more normal set of leather pants for Andy, with a (white, obviously) silk shirt. They found the appearance of looking like they used the items they sold was helpful, though they didn’t want to look too scary.

Michele joked about having her the more ‘showy’ one being more for Andy’s benefit than the customers, but she had decided what she wanted to wear herself...

Andy admitted he didn’t mind. Besides, her presence did bring in a few people who came for the view. (And, refusing to admit that, would buy something.)

They were ready to open up when the phone rang. Michele got it while Andy went to unlock the door.

“Andy’s house of fetish, no matter what you do we can help you.” Was the standard opening line. Corny, but it was to the point.

“Michele, you still using that line?”

“Deanna! It’s nice to hear from you. How are things going at the Institute?”

“Oh, the Institute is fine. Teaching young minds to handle small minds, as always. I’ve had three attempts on me this semester, all by freshmen.”

“Any good student bodies?”

Deanna chuckled. “Now, that would be telling. Though we have a love-god in residence this semester...”

“Dougy? Yeah, he’s worth a look. Or more... He’s been by the shop a few times. Wanted advice on some new toys for his wife.” Michele knew Deanna wouldn’t really try taking over a Cupid, but felt it worth reminding her.

“Still, you didn’t call at opening on a friday just to drool. What’s up?”

“Actually, Dougy’s up. He’s got himself in a little trouble.”

Michele sighed. She liked Dougy, from their few talks. Besides just liking to look at him. Still, he had a tendency to leap without looking. Followed his heart without consulting his head. That had been what she had talked to him about; helping smooth over one of his missteps with his wife, Psyche. “What’s he done now?”

“Actually, it’s a little odd. He had a short schedule today, and left campus to go into town. He’s been traced to the Sigma Kappa house, and there’s a bit of a ruckus in the area. The usual sources say the police are about to get a call, so we need someone to do some damage control. Would you two be willing to handle it?”

“Sure. We’ll round up your errant flyboy. Come by sometime; we’ve a new suit ready for you.”

“Thanks. And I’ll try to get down next week sometime to catch up. See you then.” The dean of student affairs hung up. The ‘Institute’ she worked at was well known, but not for what it really was. What it was is a school for mind controllers. Michele and Deanna knew each other back from their student days. Deanna had liked the variety and opportunity presented by being a member of the staff. Michele was a little more fun-loving, but was willing to help out on occasion, especially since she happened to live nearby.

For now though: “Andy! I think we’ll have to stay closed this evening.”

Andy turned the ‘open’ sign back off, and came back. “What’s up?”

“Deanna called. Seems one of their students is being a little indiscrete.”

“Any one we know?” Andy got the car keys.

“Actually, yes. Dougy Saunderson. He’s been by a couple of times.”

“Cupid Boy?”

“That’s him.”

“What’s he up to now?”

“Seems the boy has crashed a sorority. Causing a bit of a ruckus.”

“Well, this will be entertaining at least. Should I get my camera?”

Michele checked to see if her husband was serious. He wasn’t, at least not really. She did take a moment to consider before she answered though. “Sorry, I don’t think we’ll have time.”

“So, where are we headed?” This from Andy, as he got into the car.

“Sigma Kappa.”

They both knew all the sorority and frat houses in town. Both from having occasional customers there, and from the yearly pranks from the Institute. They always seemed to attract the shy ones.

Which made Dougy a standout. He wasn’t shy by any means. Not that he had any reason to be; as the embodiment of the god of love and lust he was perfection as a physical specimen, and an outgoing personality helped him otherwise. And while he wasn’t known for using his brains, he was no idiot either.

Finding parking wasn’t easy. It seemed there had been a party going on when Dougy arrived, and when the news of what type of party this was turning into spread it had just increased the number of people coming. Everyone loves a good party.

Andy helped Michele over a couple sprawled out on the steps. The pair were rounding second and heading rapidly for home.

Michele looked at Andy, said: “You handle this. I’ll see if I can find wing boy.” Andy just nodded, and started working on getting eye contact with the couple.

Michele stepped inside, looking around. This orgy had the distinction of being more organized than most, as everyone was part of a couple. Not that the couples were all one boy one girl, not at all. There were girl/girl and boy/boy couples in abundance as well, in all possible positions.

People were going to have a hard time finding their clothes in all this.

Michele finally found Dougy upstairs, at one of the back windows. He was darting passers by; she saw him release one as she entered. He turned as she entered, saw her, turned up his lust aura to full, and started raising the other wrist.

Michele reacted before she had time to think; she ran over and deflected his dart before she staggered from his aura. He was still wearing his shirt-front, but the fact that his pants were open didn’t help her reaction.

As she cleared her head, Michele commented to herself that it was a good thing she had been expecting something of this sort. His lust aura was strong.

Dougy looked at her, confusedly. “What’d you do that for?”

Combined with his still-active lust aura, it almost stopped her in her tracks one more time. She grabbed herself by the self-control one more time, then backed it with anger before she answered. “Dougy, what do you think you are doing?

That same, charming, befuddled smile came with the answer: “I’m, like, making people fall in love.”

The fact that for a moment that sounded sensible to Michele prompted her next request: “Dougy, could you turn down that lust aura of yours so we can talk for a moment?”

“Like, why, babe?” Was the only reply.

At this point Michele knew something was definitely wrong. Time to take matters into her own hands. She looked into those (beautiful, stunning) blue eyes, locked them into hers and pushed.

She was expecting a push back, and almost physically stumbled when it didn’t materialize. He didn’t even resist as much as a normal human.

The end result of which was that she pushed a little further in than she wanted to. His will snapped, and his mind poured into hers. Michele found herself momentarily with the overwhelming urge to dart everyone, and to use her lust aura on anyone who came too close.

Which, since she had neither love-darts or a lust aura, was extremely disconcerting.

Carefully, Michele damped down Cupid Boy’s lust aura, then returned their respective thoughts to their own heads. With the one small modification of toning down those urges to what she sincerely hoped were ‘normal’ levels.

“So, Dougy, think you can tell me what this is about now?”

“Uh, my head. What are you talking about?” Dougy said, leaning on the (occupied) bedframe to nurse a sore brain.

Michele decided she could take some pity on him. “You went on a bit of a dart-fest, Dougy. You just darted a fairly good percentage of the local college. Tried to dart me, while you were at it. Care to explain what started all this?”

Doug stopped rubbing his sore temples and looked around. Besides the couple in the bed there was one visible in the hallway, and several out the window. The sounds from the rest of the house were unmistakable.

People were having a good time.

“I’m not sure. How did I get here?”

Michele rolled her eyes. College pranks, no doubt. “You came, I believe, on your own. As for your next question, ‘here’ is the Sigma Kappa sorority house. At the college in the town next to the Institute. As for ‘why’, well I was hoping you could tell me that. Any ideas?”

Dougy looked at her blankly. But at least this blankness showed some comprehension. The lack of lust aura was a benefit too, as Michele saw it.

“Douglas, any idea why someone sent you out like this?”

“I took over a sorority house? Whoa, outstanding...” He started wandering out, wanting to get a look at his conquest.

Michele grabbed him. ”Focus, Cupid-Boy. Yes, I’m impressed by how many people you managed to love-dart. And they are obviously having a good time too. But right now we have a problem: Your state of mind doesn’t lead me to believe you did this on your own, and the police are on the way. Actually, that’s two problems. I can’t let you go until I am sure you are back to ‘normal’, and I need to help my husband tone things down for the cops.”

“Police? Excellent, they, like, already come in pairs.”

“Ok. Sorry I have to do this again, but...” Michele again locked his eyes in hers, and this time gently pushed into his mind.

Again there was no resistance. Not good for someone who had come to the Institute specifically to learn mental defenses.

First she went looking for recent memories, and found them blocked. She removed the block, to see the full story.

Doug had gotten out of class early all right. Soon after, he had gotten involved in some experiment, and offered a drink to help him recover.

Dougy, the fool, had drunk it.

The drink had been apple juice, a deinhibiter and soporific to cupids. That, combined with the psionic abilities of the student (and some friends), had put Dougy under. The next fifteen minutes of memories were of intricate and detailed instructions on how Dougy was to get himself in major trouble. The instructions were layered, so that the removal of one layer would only expose the next.

It would have worked, most likely, if no one had actually dug into Dougy’s head. And since Michele had, the perpetrator would probably just pass it off as a prank. Dougy wasn’t actually hurt after all.

It took considerably less time for Michele to remove the blocks than it had taken to put them in. And this time she made sure she got them all.

She broke eye contact, and gave Dougy back his mind. “Ok, Dougy. How are you doing?”

“Uh, my head...”

Michele rolled her eyes. This was going well.

“Dougy. You were brainwashed by a classmate, and sent on a rampage through town. The cops are probably on their way, and will find this out the ordinary enough to report it, but not enough to ignore it. It will probably be front page headlines for three hundred miles, at least. We have some time, but I could use your help. Also, we need to talk about your defenses. Isn’t that what Psyche wanted you to work on here?”

The mention of Psyche brought Cupid around, at least for a moment.

“Um. Yeah. I seem to be failing that class. What’d I do again?”

“I believe all you did was come here, to where one of the sororities was having a party. They had invited at least one frat house, and probably more.” She looked at the couple on the bed. “Once you arrived the party got a little out of hand.”

“Um yeah, sorry about that?”

Michele shook her head. “So. What are you going to do about it?”

Me? What do you think I can do about this? They’re in love! That’s what I do: I shoot them; they fall in love! My body doesn’t do antidote darts... least ways I don’t think it does.”

Michele sighed. “Did I say anything about undoing anything? You want to leave them in love, fine, we’ll leave them in love. All I care about is that when the cops get here they don’t find anything to alert the press about.”

“Well, I could dart the cops...”

No! Keep that up and you’ll dart the whole town! That would not solve the problem!”

“The whole town, hmm?” This obviously intrigued Dougy.

She took a long breath to calm herself, then continued. “Look, besides the love dart thing, and that lust aura, what can you do?”

“Um, I can fly? Or... HEY! could call my posse. You’ve met Mark The Yucca? I bet he’d help out.”

“Great. Just great. Mark the Yucca. Look, you go fly around and see if you see any cops coming. If you do, lust-aura them until Andy or I say so, ok?”

“What will you be doing?”

“Getting this place under control. Not separating your new lovers. Just convincing them, or at least some, to talk for the moment. That ok?”

The look in her eyes warned him of the correct answer, so he gave it: “Yeah yeah, whatever. I’ll, like, be out patrolling then! Just remember I can’t be everywhere.” Hastily he turned and dived out the window, to get away from Michele before she could comment further.

Michele sighed, took a moment to consider the couple on the bed, decided they looked normal where they were, then shut the door and went to find her husband.

Andy had decided to start on the outside and work in, figuring at the very least one of the could hold the police at the door if needed, whereas the outside was free for anyone to videotape. When he got to the back yard he had been glad he did.

The yard was covered in passion filled human bodies, careless of who saw them or where they were. The alley behind the yard was also busy.

Breaking into someone’s mind was easier, and usually faster, if he could make eye contact with the subject. Failing that, physical contact was the next best thing. If he really needed to, he could even just take over someone near enough to him.

Andy decided the situation wasn’t that drastic yet.

The alleyway behind the yard, hidden behind some bushes, was the place to start. The bushes would shield the view of the yard from the street, but the alleyway was visible.

It was about then that Andy heard the first of the darts. Luckily this one wasn’t aimed at him: it formed another couple in the alleyway.

Maybe he should stay out of sight for the moment...

He worked on the (covered) patio until Michele came down. It was exhausting work; for one thing Andy was out of practice at this method of using his powers, and for the other Dougy’s darts were potent. Even toning their effects down was difficult. It would work better if he could do one at a time, but the one time he had tried that his subject’s partner had continually distracted his subject... The end result was it was easier to do both parties in a couple at the same time.

Four couples were finding their clothes by the time Michele walked out. They still had eyes only for each other, but had come down with a sudden case of public modesty. They’d head home to continue what they had left off behind closed doors and windows.

It was the most direct solution to the problem.

“How’s it going?” Michele asked as Andy stood up from convincing another couple to find someplace more private.

“Slow. I’ve done seven couples, including the one on the front step, but I can’t do anything subtle. I’m just sending them home, but we can’t do that with everyone. The police will need to find someone here.”

“Ok. I’ve got Dougy doing cop-delay duty, so we should have time. Shall we split up, or work together?”

“Together, definitely. The biggest problem I’m having is the distraction factor; if you can do one while I do the other we should be able to handle them much easier.”

“Excuse me? Can you help me find my love?”

Both Andy and Michele looked in momentary bewilderment at the intruder. What they saw was a teenaged girl, probably a senior in the local school, brown curls and brown eyes over one of those absolutely-perfect late-teen bodies in a simple white blouse and blue jeans, earnestly ignoring the activity around them while simultaneously scanning the area.

Michele recovered first, caught her eyes, and froze her.

“Well, I can think of worse fates.” She turned to Andy. “Dougy tried to dart me; his first dart went out the window, I deflected the other. I assume this is the target of the first dart.” Michele’s scrutiny returned the to the girl. “What was the half-life of a Cupid’s darts again?”

Andy answered immediately. “Unlimited.” At his wife’s look of wry surprise, he added: “Seeing Dougy in the shop got me curious. She’ll fall, hard, for whomever the other dart hits, whenever it hits. She’ll stop actively searching for him in an hour or so, but she will know that her life-mate is out there someplace. Did the other dart hit anyone?”

Michele thought for a moment; the actual destination of the dart hadn’t mattered to her at the time, unless it was her. “No... I think it lodged in the floor.”

“We should get it, and stick it in someone. She’ll always know she’s missing something until she finds whomever it hits.”

“Sure. But for now...” Michele turned back to the girl. “Your love said they would be back in a moment. They wanted you to wait here, and think of them.” She commanded, then released the girl.

“He said he would be back in a moment. Have you seen him?”

“No, I haven’t. I’m sure if he said he would be back he will be. Why don’t you just sit down here on the swing and wait for him?” Michele, filling in the rest of her story.

The girl smiled. “Ok. I’m sure he’ll be back in a moment. If you see him, tell him Natalie is waiting for him on the swing, ok?”

This time it was Andy who answered her: “Sure. You just sit here and think of him.” He waited until Natalie was doing just that, then whispered to his wife, ““He”? I don’t remember the darts being gender-specific. In fact I’m fairly sure my reading said it didn’t matter.”

She answered him in the same voice, as they walked away. “Just what she thinks her love is. She’s never even considered women, so if she is looking for her love, she is looking for a guy. In her mind, anyway.”

While they talked, Andy led the way out to the alleyway, where they got started. The first few in the alleyway they simply sent home like Andy had the couples in the yard, but then they got to a couple where both partners were married. Andy and Michele gave them a compulsion to forget what had just happened, walk to a nearby diner, and talk. They would think they fell for each other over a cup of coffee.

Andy also had them give him a copy of their addresses, so his wife and him could go by and sort out the soon to be neglected husband and wife.

Luckily, that was the only couple where both were married. Their were two other couples with one married member, but the team just sent them to the unmarried victim’s house. The broken marriages would be sorted out later, one way or another.

The couples in the yard were almost all college kids, but here Michele and Andy started coming up with a cover story for why the police were called. Luckily, the kids were mostly here because they liked to party anyway, so setting up a party with loud music, some very suggestive dancing, and a lot of make-out sessions around the edges wasn’t too difficult.

Still, even Michele had to admit she was getting ‘tired’ by the time they got to the inside of the house. Tired enough that when they opened the door and saw the mass of people still in there, most now either finishing up or drifting into sleep, she decided she didn’t really want to go around and wake everyone up just to make them presentable.

Andy’s exhausted answer was: “Sounds good to me.” Michele looked at him, and decided he was being macho and was more tired than he was willing to admit.

“You go find Dougy, and see if he’s caught any policemen. If he has, bring them around to back. Otherwise, just take him off the patrol.”

This was Michele’s attempt at giving him the easy job, and they both knew it. Still, Andy took the out; “Sure. Which way did you see him heading?” Which proved to Michele that Andy was even more tired than she thought.

She pointed the way Dougy had headed.

Andy headed out, and soon spotted the flashing lights of the stopped police car. Dougy was sitting crosslegged on the hood of the car, just relaxing.

The lust aura latched on to Andy too, but he managed to damp it down to tolerable levels. Hopefully Dougy wouldn’t notice.

“Hey, Dougy. We’ve got minimal cleanup done. Think you can get them to the back yard of the sorority house? Or should we just release them and head them off at the front door?”

Dougy looked over his shoulder at the drooling policemen. “Uh, I think we should just head them off. They aren’t very mobile like this...”

Andy smiled his most charming smile, “Sure. What’s your range? Could we walk back to the house before you release them?”

“Um, like, line of sight?” He didn’t sound sure of the answer.

Andy did not really care. “Oh well. Come on, that at least gives us a block head start.” He led the way. Dougy pushed off the car, dusted off his pants, and followed.

Back at the house, Michele heard the cars pull up as the boys waved that the police were hitting the front. She walked through to answer the (inaudible, over the music) doorbell.

“Hello miss, we received a call about a disturbance at this address...” That was as far as he got. Michele got through to both him and his (female) partner, then led them around the house to where the back where Andy and Dougy were waiting.

“ sorry officers...” Michele started to say, relaxing her hold on their minds, when Dougy darted both officers. Immediately she increased her hold back to full lock-down, and went over to the boy.

What was that? I thought we agreed no darting the police!” This was delivered to Dougy’s face, from a range of about half an inch. Michele proved she can look terrifying if she wants to.

“It was an reflex, instinctive, honest! This was the first time I’d actually gotten a good read on them and they just needed a little nudge! They were mostly in love already! I wasn’t thinking about stopping them!”

“You weren’t thinking is right...” Michele murmured as she sent a thought exploring the policemen’s heads. Luckily for Dougy she found he was right: they had harbored secret attractions for one another which they had never been able to act on. She sighed, and went to work, turning back to the frozen policemen.

She sighed a moment, collecting her thoughts. She had wanted to use a little finesse... “Ok, you two will awaken in a moment, decide you haven’t seen anything illegal here, then ask us to keep the noise down, and give us a warning to keep our parties under control. You will leave by using the alley, to see if there is anything back there. After you get back to the car and call this in you will decide to stop for donuts or something, over which you will confess your secret loves for each other.” She made sure that had sunk in (her exhaustion was showing), then awakened them.

“Ok, ma’am. I don’t see anything like was in the complaints, but you’ll have to keep the noise down. Do remember that your neighbors like to be able to hear each other talk in the future.”

“Yes, sir, officer. We’ll keep it down in the future. In fact: SAM! TURN IT DOWN!” The DJ turned away from making out with his new boyfriend long enough to cut the volume in half.

“Thank you. We’ll just go this way, to make sure everything is ok.” He headed over to the alley, with his partner in tow (a little closer than she had followed to the front door).

“Well, I think that’s about it here.” Said Andy, to head off the tongue-lashing his wife was about to give Cupid-Boy.

It didn’t work. “I respect that you have instincts, Dougy, but tone them down! Darting those two policemen like that could have really messed this up, and you knew it! They would have fallen for each other eventually.”

“Um, like I said, it’s just a reflex. I saw they were almost in love, and needed to, like, complete it. If you think about it it’s kinda the whole point of being me.”

Michele gave up that topic, for a more pressing one. “Ok, whatever. Nothing we can do now. It worked, anyway. Now, what are you going to do about those defenses of yours, Douglas? You had no resistance when I took you over earlier. That’s downright dangerous in you. Now, that apple juice may have had something to do with it...”

“Apple juice? That’s like, poison to me.”

“...But at the very least you need to be suspicious when someone who doesn’t like you gives you a drink! And even drugged you can’t afford to let your guard down!” She glared at him.

“Ok, I’ll, like, be more careful, I promise. That’s what I’m going to school for!”

Michele just shook her head. She looked at Dougy for a moment, catching his eyes and releasing them in a split instant, then said: “I’ve given you enough shields to get back to the dorm room safe. They should hold at least until the apple juice wears off. After that, you’ll be on your own. And don’t trust anyone! Not at that school at least. You’re not supposed to take over other students, but people do anyway. It’s like telling them not to stay out late, as you’ve just learned.”

“Ok, ok! I’ll be careful! Anything else?” The last was in a sarcastic tone, as he spread his wings to leave.

It was Andy who stopped him. “Actually...” Both his wife and Dougy turned to face him. “You said you can sense if someone is almost in love with someone. Can you sense anything with this girl here?” He stepped aside to reveal the still-daydreaming Natalie.

Dougy looked at her for a moment, lowered his wings and looked again, moving closer and looking at both her and a space in the air.

“Yeah, but it’s weird... Like it is only half here.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“It’s like someone is in love with her, but the connection is only one way. They are bound, but she is not part of the binding, if that makes sense.”

“Not really. But we’ll accept your word for it. Who’s on the other end?”

“There!” He pointed to entry to the alleyway. Someone could just barely be seen through the crowd. “We’re lucky that they are in view.” He looked proud of that fact.

“So, what do you want me to do? Dart them?” He asked.

Michele answered. “That won’t be necessary. She’s already darted. We just have to get the other dart from upstairs. You two keep the soon-to-be lovebirds here, and I’ll go get it.”

She paused a moment before re-entering the house. Then commented, “By the way, nice fashion statement, Dougy.”

Dougy glanced down where his tie was hanging in a decidedly unorthidox placement. Michele heard his ”Fuck!“ behind her as she passed through the doorway.

Michele quickly went back up the stairs. The inside was fairly quiet now; nearly everyone was asleep, curled up with their lover.

The two girls in the room where Michele had found Dougy were still at it though. They obviously had some good stamina.

The dart was actually in the wall, but it didn’t take long to find. It came out easily in Michele’s hand; almost like it knew it wasn’t in the right place.

She had an urge to test how sharp it was, but knew better.

Andy was waiting in the doorway, with a grin on his face saying there was a surprise for Michele outside.

Michele stopped, as he obviously wanted, her weariness starting to lift. “What is it? What have you got for me?”

“Come outside and see. Natalie is about to get a surprize...”

Michele walked out, and looked over at where Natalie was sitting. She was no longer alone; her companion was obviously concerned about the level of distraction she was showing, obviously unsure what they could do about it, and obviously female.

“You’re telling me Natalie’s love is a woman?” She asked, incredulous.

“Yep. When we realized who the ‘thread’ lead to, I took a peek in her head. She’s a freshman here at college, and had a late class. She’s had a crush on Natalie ever since they were both in high school together; Natalie is one year behind her in school. She has known it is hopeless, since Natalie is as straight as they come, but...” He was smiling from ear to ear.

“Well, at least something good came of this mess. How smug did Cupid-Boy get?”

“He didn’t. When he had identified her, I said I could handle it from there, and sent him back to school.” He grinned, if possible, larger.

Michele got in a good smile of her own at that. “Well, let’s make her year and get out of here.” She got the dart ready.

“Wait.” He glanced inside significantly. She nodded.

“Danielle?” The girl looked up. “Do you think you could get Natalie inside? Tell her someone is waiting for her.” Danielle nodded, and bent to tell her friend.

“Natalie? Someone is waiting for you inside. They want you to come to them.”

“He’s here? Where is he?” You could just see Danielle wince at the devotion her friend put into that male pronoun. Still, she lead her friend inside.

Michele slipped in behind them, and slipped the dart into Danielle as she walked through the door.

Natalie was ahead of her. “Where is he? I don’t see him...” She had turned around, and seen the newly-darted Danielle.

“Oh, how could I have missed...” That was the last either was going to say for a while.

Michele and Andy moved past them and out the front door. “Well, I think we are done for the night.” Michele said. “It was fun.”

“Not quite yet...” Andy said. “Look in the back seat.”

Michele did, and saw what Andy meant. Dougy’s arrows didn’t just not care about gender, they also didn’t care about species. On the seat, entwined, was the result of that. One of the two had obviously been a cat, presumably the calico. The other was covered in a solid red fur, with accents. She had the remnants of clothes on, but the transformation obviously didn’t care about them as they no longer fit. The tail in particular had caused problems with the jean-shorts...

“I found them by the side of the house, in the small strip of grass there. A bodyshape would have taken more time than I thought we had, so I had them move to our car.”

“Anything else to add?”

“Well, just that house cats aren’t necessarily monogamous...”

Michele laughed. Her husband always did have a one-track mind.