The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Chapter Thirteen: Union

For the first few moments before waking up Savannah still felt the calm that came with sleep. She had dreamed she was back at school, hanging out and gossiping with all her friends. And even Eric had joined them. She had been sitting in his lap and he was actually happily joking and laughing with the rest of them. But as the fog of sleep began to lift she slowly came to realize she had been dreaming. A dream she desperately tried to hang onto.

However, a few moments later her phone was angrily beeping at her to wake up and Savannah resentfully swiped at the screen to silence the awful noise. She forced herself to sit up in the bed and as she looked around her room the ache that she’d been carrying around in her heart for the past two weeks returned. And even worse the memory of Barry’s hands groping and pawing at her chest last night came back to her.

It wasn’t so much that she minded being felt up by some jerk, she’d had plenty of that in her past, but it was more the circumstances that led up to it that bothered her. Eric had sent her in there to help that skinny bitch, Valorie, knowing that Barry was probably going to try and pull something like he did.

Eric was suppose to be her boyfriend but Savannah was beginning to feel like a third, or more accurately fourth, wheel between Eric’s relationships with Courtney and now Valorie. And she couldn’t even bear to think about the sex video she’d watched last night with Barry.

With a heavy sigh Savannah got out of bed and began her normal morning routine. It took her ten minutes to use the restroom, brush her teeth, and get dressed. Then it took her an additional forty minutes to fix her hair and makeup.

She briefly wondered if Eric realized how much effort she put into looking good for him but then she could hear his chastising voice in the back of her head. “Don’t try and pretend you do it for me. This is for your own self satisfaction.”

As Savannah left her room and somberly made her way downstairs she could hear someone in the kitchen and prayed it was Eric even though she was fairly certain he had spent the night with Valorie. Not that she understood what he saw in her. Even Barry thought Savannah was hotter than Valorie.

Just as she had expected it was Courtney in the kitchen. She was dressed in her running outfit, covered in sweat, and sipping on a bottle of water. Courtney went running just about every other morning and looked great having lost some of the weight that she’d had before they moved out to California. Not that she was fat or anything before but now she just looked more fit.

Savannah restrained a smirk as she thought that Courtney still wasn’t as fit as she was though. But then again with her build she probably never would be no matter how much she worked out. Just as Savannah would never be able to compare to her bust.

“Good morning Ms. Dekker.” Savannah polite but tentatively greeted Courtney. Even after living in the same house as her for two weeks Savannah was far from being on good terms with the woman. Things had improved slightly though. Courtney had gone from seeming persistently pissed off at her to only persistently irritated.

Courtney looked to her and gave her a slight nod but otherwise didn’t acknowledge her presence. Savannah silently prepared a bowl of cereal for herself and took it to the kitchen’s small breakfast nook, doing her best to give Courtney her space.

“I’ll have your list of chores after I get out of the shower.” Courtney said just as Savannah had taken her first spoonful of cereal. If she hadn’t know any better she would have sworn Courtney had timed it that way, but regardless she gulped down the mouthful.

“Yes ma’am.” Savannah answered while trying not to choke.

Courtney began to leave and with a quiet sigh Savannah began to raise another spoonful of cereal to her mouth but stopped as Courtney turned around.

“And Savannah...” Courtney began but paused to make sure she had Savannah’s attention.

“Yes ma’am?”

“Your attire and makeup is much better today.”

“Th..thank you, ma’am.” Savannah said as Courtney turned around and left the kitchen.

Living with Eric’s mother had been difficult for Savannah to adjust to. She had grown up with practically no rules what so ever, but Courtney seemed to have an endless list of them which included how a young woman should dress. In the past two weeks Courtney had sent Savannah back up to her room dozens of times to either change her clothes or tone down her makeup or both.

She was only now beginning to figure out where the line of acceptable and “trampy” was.

After receiving her laundry list of chores, which did in fact include doing laundry, Savannah spent the rest of the morning playing maid. With the house being the size it was there always seemed to be something that needed cleaning or tidying.

At first Savannah had accepted these chores without question as she was supposed to be doing them in exchange for Eric paying off her debt, but after two weeks she was really growing sick of them. After all, she hadn’t moved out to California to be her boyfriends mother’s maid.

A part of her couldn’t help but wonder if she wouldn’t be better off leaving Eric and trying to fend for herself. She was after all beautiful and sexy, and if it was one thing she was sure of it was that the world catered to the beautiful and sexy. But even as she tried to seriously entertain the idea of leaving Eric a horrible sense of anxiety came over her with a sinking feeling in her chest and gut. It was awful enough that she actually had to stop what she was doing because she thought she might throw up.

However, as she pushed away the thought of leaving Eric and began to remember those cherished moments where he was genuinely kind and loving toward her the nausea began to fade just as quickly as it had come on. She told herself it was a silly idea to begin with. Even if she could bear the thought of living without Eric she remembered what it was like trying to be with other men. That feeling of gross numbness where there should have been attraction and passion, and that overwhelming sickness that came with sex. But with Eric her pulse always raced and the sex was beyond compare.

It wasn’t until a little after lunch time that she was nearing the end of her list of chores. All that was left was to take care of the kitchen, and just as she began wiping down the counters she heard the front door open. She dropped what she was doing and went to the foyer just in time to catch Eric taking his shoes off.

A flood of mixed emotions washed over her. Love and concern for his well being as he looked like he’d been up all night. Irritation and jealousy that he’d spent that night with Valorie. Happiness just over the fact that he was here now. Anger over what he’d sent her in to do last night and the home sex video she’d had to watch. But the most immediate and strongest thing she felt was desire.

It’d been three weeks now and he’d hardly touched her. So now that he was in front of her she could feel her skin flushing, and her nipples uncontrollably hardening. She could even feel her pussy growing wet as it ached to be filled by his hard cock.

All this culminated into Savannah not knowing what to say and a feeble “Hi Eric.” was all she could manage to get out.

Eric however hardly gave her a glance. “Do you know where my mother is?”

“The living room.” Savannah answered as he moved past her.

Savannah let out a huff and stomped back to the kitchen. Here she was obsessing over him when Eric couldn’t even be bothered to so much as give her a hello. She could faintly hear Eric beginning to talk with Courtney and feeling an intense surge of jealousy Savannah angrily threw down two glass cups that had been sitting on the counter. She’d rather Eric be angry and yelling at her than to ignore her over some other woman.

As the glasses crashed to the floor, shattering, she expectantly looked to where the kitchen connected with the living room. She waited for Eric to come in but no one came. Savannah continued to stand there fuming for another few minutes but still no one came and finally Savannah gave up and went to fetch the broom and dust pan.

When she got back to the kitchen she could suddenly hear Courtney speaking louder, sounding upset. The gossip in her couldn’t help but move closer to listen in.

“Do you know how crazy you sound?” Courtney asked.

“Just look. The proof is right here.” Eric replied, but Savannah couldn’t see what he was talking about without exposing the fact she was snooping.

“Eric, I’m a nurse, not some lab scientist. All this doesn’t mean anything to me. And it doesn’t matter. What you’re talking about is impossible.”

“Not impossible.” Eric said more sternly now. “It’s evolution.”

Then it dawned on Savannah. Courtney didn’t actually know about Eric’s effect over women. She didn’t know that Eric had bonded her to him just and she didn’t know that Savannah was bonded in the same way. So much made more sense now.

“Just think about it mother.” Eric said. “You must have noticed some of the changes I’m talking about.”

Courtney remained silent for a long moment. Savannah imagined it must have been a tough pill to swallow.

“So if what you’re saying is true then none of this has been real.” Courtney said sounding like she was on the brink of tears. “Everything I’ve felt has all been some biochemical induced psychosis.”

“No.” Eric quickly responded. “There are some influential psychological factors but that doesn’t make your feelings any less real and certainly doesn’t make you psychotic.”

“That’s funny, when you say influential psychological factors i hear brainwashing.”

Eric let out an audible sigh. “You’re still yourself. All your thoughts and decisions are your own. The circumstances may have changed but you are still who you have always been. I haven’t taken your mind from you. The fact that we’re having this conversation should prove that.” Now Eric’s voice grew soft. “And besides brainwashing implies some sort of malevolent intent. What’s happened is just a by product of what i naturally am. I could no more stop it than i could stop breathing. And more over I’m still your son.”

“And what about Savannah? Am i supposed to believe she’s here of her own free will?” Courtney was now yelling. “And now you’re telling me you’ve brainwashed another woman. What are you doing Eric? Building a harem?”

“Mother please, you’re being irrational.”

“No! No i am not!” Savannah could now hear Courtney’s voice moving away toward the foyer. “This is all just insane and i don’t want to talk about it any more!”

Courtney’s footsteps made their way up the staircase and a moment later Courtney’s door slammed shut, reverberating through the house.

For a moment Savannah actually felt a sense of satisfaction. They’d both been jerks to her and she couldn’t help feel that they’d earned all this but then she heard Eric let out a terrible growl of frustration that completely caught her off guard. She’d never known him to be so plainly distraught and then she realized maybe this was an opportunity for her.

So she took a deep breath and stepped into the living-room. She found Eric leaning against the wall staring out the window and for the first time since she’d known him it genuinely looked like he didn’t know what to do.

“Eric...” Savannah tentatively spoke out.

“Not now, Savannah.” Eric said not moving.

“Please don’t ignore me Eric.” Savannah said softly. “I think I can help.”

Now Eric turned to her and gave a questioning look.

“Let me talk to her.” Savannah said hopefully.

Eric stared at her for a long moment, looking at her as if she were an alien or something.

“I can help you.” Savannah said trying to sound more confident than she actually was.

Eric continued to stare at her for a moment longer before giving her a single nod of approval. Savannah’s heart jumped. If she could turn things around between him and his mother than there was no way Eric could continue to be mad at her.

“I won’t disappoint you!” Savannah said, quickly heading toward the staircase and Courtney’s room before Eric could change his mind. Reaching her door Savannah took another deep breath and knocked.

“Go away!” Courtney tearfully screamed.

“’s me, Ms. Dekker. Can I talk?”

A moment later the door swung open and Courtney glared at her. “Did you know about all this?”

“About Eric?.. Uhh... yeah... But I didn’t know you didn’t.” Savannah rambled and then realized she needed to get herself together before Courtney slammed the door in her face.

“I mean, I was there in the beginning when he was first starting to figure this stuff out.” Savannah quickly added. “And it’s not bad. I mean, it’s like, bad for me because I keep screwing up, but Eric isn’t bad... and his bonding thing isn’t bad...”

Courtney stared at her and for a moment and then thankfully turned around without slamming the door on her.

“How can you believe that?” Courtney asked as she sat on the edge of her large bed. Savannah followed her in and shrugged her shoulders as she took a seat on the bed too, but not too closely to Courtney.

“Guys are jerks. It’s like a natural state for them. And Eric can totally be a jerk at times, but I think he’s better than all the other jerks I’ve been with and I think it’s because of his bonding, evolution thing. I mean, I keep doing awful and stupid stuff to Eric, like hiding the credit cards, and I think any other guy would have dumped me for that, but not Eric. He keeps giving me chances and helping me instead of just leaving me... And I mean, you know what that’s like when a guy just gives up on you better than I do...” Savannah said tentatively, knowing she was treading on thin ice bringing up her divorce but Courtney didn’t look at all angry. It actually looked as if Savannah was getting through to her. “And I think it’s like Eric’s just not built that way because of his evolution, bonding thing. So that’s gotta be a good thing even if it does do weird stuff to us and he wants to be with multiple women.”

“It’s not a matter of want...” Eric said carefully, suddenly drawing the attention of Savannah and Courtney as he stood in the doorway. “May I come in mother?”

Savannah watched Courtney as she stared at Eric. She didn’t look angry anymore but otherwise Savannah couldn’t tell what was going through the woman’s head or if anything she’d said made an impact. But then she quietly nodded her head and Eric stepped in.

“It’s a matter of need.” He said as he took a seat between her and Courtney. “Beyond the fact that I’m a new species of human I don’t know what I am, mother. And in order to figure that out I need people I can trust on my side and the most effective means of making that happen is by bonding them to me. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love you or that the love between us isn’t real.” Savannah watched as he took her hand into his.

Courtney was quiet for several minutes before finally speaking. “I don’t want to be kept in the dark about any of this ever again.” She said looking intensely at Eric.

“You won’t. I promise.” Eric answered and then moved in to kiss her. Courtney’s angry demeanor then finally seemed to break down and she fully embraced Eric’s kiss.

“I uh... guess I’ll go.” Savannah said feeling strange watching Eric making out with his mother. Then to her surprise he reached out and took her hand.

“No.” Eric replied, breaking off the kiss with Courtney and looking between the two of them. “I’ve been going about this entirely wrong. Keeping you all separate and trying to live three different lives is only hurting all of us. From now on were going to figure out a way to live and work as one unit and that begins right now.” Eric said sternly.

Then to Savannah’s surprise Eric leaned in to kiss Courtney while at the same time wrapping an arm around her and pulling her against him as he strongly kissed his mother. Then a half a minute later he turned to her and began kissing her while holding Courtney close to him.

Savannah knew where Eric wanted all this to go and as much as the idea of having a threesome with Eric and his mother disturbed her she found herself willing. All she really cared about was the fact that Eric’s lips were on hers, sending sparks through her whole body.

Then Eric ended the kiss and Savannah watched him stand up and pull his shirt off, beginning to undress.

“Stop right this instant Eric Samuel Dekker!” Courtney said sternly as she shot to her feet. “This is going too far.”

But before she could say or do anything else Eric took a hold of her and embraced her in a deep kiss. Savannah watched Courtney try and push him away at first but after a few seconds her resistance seemed to melt away and Eric easily guided her into the bed. Strangely as this happened Savannah felt her own pulse uncontrollably quicken as a sense of wanton sexual desire came over her.

Eric hastily pulled up the skirt Courtney was wearing while he laid on top of her and undid his pants. Unsure what to do Savannah continued to sit silently watching as Eric penetrated his mother and she let out a long moan into his mouth. She had never actually been in a threesome before but she was desperate for Eric’s touch and thought back to some of the porn she’d watched with her past boyfriends and decided to get involved.

She pulled off her top and bra and laid next to Courtney as Eric was slowly thrusting into her. Savannah pulled Eric’s hand from Courtney’s hip and brought it to her bare chest. He didn’t hesitate at squeezing her breast and just having Eric fondle her tit was enough to send shivers through her body.

Eric switched from kissing Courtney to kissing her and Savannah eagerly accepted the impassioned feeling of his lips against hers and his tongue entwining with hers even as she could feel his hips still thrusting into another woman. And even though her pussy remained untouched Savannah could feel a growing warmth between her legs and an intoxicating dizziness in her head as Eric’s thrusts grew faster and Courtney’s moans louder.

The warmth continued to grow and spread as Savannah inexplicably felt herself growing closer and closer to orgasming with just Eric kissing and groping her. But it wasn’t Eric’s kiss or touch that was driving the building sensation between her legs. It was more like the same horniness that always overtook her when Eric wanted to fuck her but so much stronger.

Then it came. That powerful sweeping sensation of an orgasm as her muscles tensed and pleasure shot through her body. And at the same moment Courtney’s moans turned sharp and Savannah felt Eric drive his hips in short powerful thrusts that she knew from experience meant he was cumming.

The three of them had climaxed in union but any thoughts or concerns on just how she had shared in Eric and Courtney’s pleasure escaped Savannah as she quite literally felt drunk. Her head was swimming from the overriding ecstasy her body was feeling.

Then Eric broke off their kiss and she saw his eyes filled with an almost blind look of lust that she hadn’t seen since that first fateful night he’d raped her. She felt his hand grab the back of her hair and at the same time he shifted away from Courtney.

She thought he was going to have her clean his cock with her mouth but then to her surprise Eric forced her onto her stomach between Courtney’s legs and pushed her face into his mother’s crouch.

Still dizzy and drunk from pleasure Savannah didn’t hesitate to do what she knew Eric wanted. She brought her lips to Courtney’s freshly fucked pussy and began to kiss and lick at the woman’s exposed folds. As she looked up to Courtney’s face, while almost uncontrollably lapping at the sweet taste of Eric’s cum spread through his mother’s pussy, she imagined Courtney would have probably protested about what was happening except that she looked just as deliriously drunk off of pleasure as Savannah felt.

Then she sensed Eric mounting her from behind and felt his long manhood pressing between her closed inner thighs and towards her sex. After having gone so long without Eric filling her cunt Savannah let out a powerful moan of joy into Courtney’s pussy that made the previously sated woman stir as Eric’s cock found it’s new mark.

As Eric began energetically pumping his cock in and out of her pussy Savannah continued moaning into Courtney’s pussy while still doing her best to work her tongue along the woman’s outer folds. Savannah watched as Courtney’s large breasts began to rise and fall more quickly as her breathing grew heavier and also felt her begin to shift her hips into Savannah’s face.

“Oh this is so wrong...” Courtney moaned but didn’t seem to be in any hurry for Savannah to stop what she was doing. And at this point Savannah wouldn’t have cared if Eric brought in a stranger off the street for her to blow or eat out as long as he kept fucking her.

The feel of his hard cock pounding into wet snatch made her feel more than good. It made her feel whole. While he was inside her she didn’t feel inadequate, ugly, or stupid. She just felt good. Both physically and emotionally. And she never wanted to go so long without that feeling again. Then with the blissful feeling of her pussy being spread and filled something occurred to her.

She knew Eric would never love her the way he loved Courtney, or respect her the way he did Valorie. She’d betrayed him in too many ways to gain the love Courtney had earned from adopting and taking care of him, and she just didn’t have the intelligence Valorie had to gain his respect as an equal. She just wasn’t destined to fill either of those roles in his life and it was only with his cock buried inside her was her place in his life secure.

Of course he’d told her in so many ways before this was her purpose but it was only now that it fully occurred to her what that meant and what she needed to be for him. His arm-candy, trophy girlfriend, slut. She was to be the ultimate expression of what he lusted after and up until now she’d been doing a half-assed job of fulfilling that role.

Savannah almost felt like crying as a newfound sense purpose came over her and she began bucking her hips up to meet Eric’s thrusts and at the same time began working her tongue more fervently into Courtney’s pussy. Eric groaned in appreciation and took a firmer grip of her hips as he began driving into her harder and Courtney took fistfuls of Savannah’s hair, pulling her face more firmly into her crotch, as her hips began to squirm.

Courtney and Valorie could have Eric’s heart and intellect but his lust was hers. And from this point on Savannah was going to do whatever was necessary to secure it.

Then with a jolt she felt Eric’s cock burying itself deep inside her as he came. Her entire body shook as a sudden orgasm overcame her and seemed to pass straight onto Courtney as her thighs tightened around her head. Their three loud moans filling the room in unison, albeit Savannah’s were muffled.

After a long moment Savannah felt her pussy emptying as Eric pull away from her and moved up to lay next to Courtney. The tension around Savannah’s head eased as the grip of Courtney’s legs and hands relaxed.

Eric turned onto his side gently kissing Courtney, and determined to fulfill her new realized role Savannah began gently caress Eric’s softening member with her hand and soothingly licking Courtney’s gaping pussy. Both seemed to approve she felt both their hands come to rest on her head and as Eric’s shaft grew completely soft and Courtney’s breathing relaxed Savannah stopped what she was doing and looked up to the two of them. They both looked blissfully happy which made Savannah smile and she rested her head in Courtney’s lap while loving nuzzling Eric’s manhood with her face.

“This is going to take some getting used to.” Courtney said after a moment.

“Trust me. This is all going to work out perfectly.” Eric responded and then began kissing her again. His hand went to Courtney’s large breasts and Savannah watched as his member began to stiffen in front of her face.

With a smile she took his cock into her mouth certain that Eric was right. Especially now so that she’d found her purpose.