The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Around Her Neck — Chapter 4


Was anybody coming? Kara looked back and forth. No one was there. The tapestry she wanted was unremarkable, but hid an important secret. Reaching around its edge, she drew it back. The door it covered was so disguised that one might mistake it for part of the wall. After one last look around, Kara stepped through into the darkness beyond.

Since beginning her new duties, Kara was given considerably more free time. Everyone thought her too cowed to consider escape. Though Kara hoped to prove them wrong, they weren’t far from the truth. The collar held her more securely than any guard. When waiting on the king’s guests, she was completely dutiful. As long as she stayed presentable and subservient, no one questioned time spent wandering the castle. In her more candid moments, Kara admitted that the submissive act was barely a facade. She was really starting to feel that way. The continued exploration was now more habit and curiosity than desire to escape.

This passage was her greatest find. Its branching tunnels ran throughout much of the castle. That made it hard to navigate, however. While some parts allowed a trace of light, the majority was totally dark. Kara spent the past couple mornings trying to learn it. Just yesterday she’d stumbled across a gate to the outside. Opening its lock was child’s play, but after a few exploratory steps the collar herded her back inside. That was expected, and she was hardly disappointed when she turned back.

Today she’d explore the other branch. It probably wouldn’t be as interesting, but she had to find out for herself. She was supposed to be finding out more about the collar, but that was easy to forget. Especially since that information was in short supply. Though the dark cramped space made for a slow trip, Kara tried to hurry. She didn’t have much time, and wanted to see where the path led. She wasn’t worried about running late. The collar’s sense of time was better than her own, and she would simply know when it was time to head back. Letting the collar dictate her schedule was probably a mistake, Kara thought, but it was also convenient. At any rate she was used to following its promptings. That should have scared her, but the idea didn’t seem so bad anymore. It was probably the conditioning talking, but Kara found it pleasant to let go and obey.

Another fork. Now which one should she explore first? Kara paused. She thought she heard something down the right path. Yes, there were definitely faint voices talking in that direction. She followed the sound. Ahead was a sliver of light, and Kara made her way towards it. Now at the end of the passage, she was able to make out some of the words.

“reports from our spies in Clearwater and Smoky Pass.” Spies? Interesting. This path had definitely been the right choice.

“Good. What’s the latest word on the barons?” Kara’s heart fluttered. She knew that voice.

“Both have toned down their rhetoric. That doesn’t, of course, mean you can count on their support.”

“As long as they’re not taking up arms, It’s enough.” Kara leaned in, looking through the small opening. There he was. Her master, the king. She felt guilty, spying like this. Did he know about this passage? Probably not, or he’d hold the discussion somewhere else.

“And Duke Norton?", continued the king. Even when not directed at her, his voice practically caressed her mind. She pulled down her skirt. No one would have to know she was here, she thought, it would be safe to indulge herself a bit.

“His plans are stalled, your grace. His allies have backed off and reports say he doesn’t consider you vulnerable at the moment.”

Kara stroked herself while listening. She remembered that duke. He’d been at one of the banquets just last week. What had he been planning? It clearly wasn’t any good for her master.

“So my demonstrations have been working?” Said the king.

“Even better than you predicted, your grace. It appears I was wrong. Keeping her alive was a master stroke.”

Kara covered her mouth to stifle the a gasp of pleasure. They were talking about her. All these feasts and meetings she’d been there to show off how much the king had defeated her. She’d suspected it, but confirmation was wonderful. Kara glowed with pride, pleased to have helped her master.

“And the kingdom is more stable for it. Are there any more reports?”

“Nothing new. We’re expecting fresh news from the south within days, but nothing yet.”

“Very well. Then on to the crop reports.”

Kara played with herself as her master talked. The words didn’t matter. It was enough just to be close to him. Suddenly she knew there was somewhere else she needed to be. What? Oh right. Time to get ready. Still, another minute or two here wouldn’t hurt? No. No, it was time to head back. Reluctantly, she fastened her skirt and left. After all, she didn’t want to be late, did she? Right, better to be on time so no one questioned where she’d been.

It was hard not to play with herself while bathing, the way she was still turned on. Unfortunately, she didn’t have the time. Instead, she hurried through the bath. After drying off, she quickly changed into her serving outfit. The dress made her feel particularly sexy today. Knowing her master’s purpose made her want to show off even more. She wanted so badly to please her master. Kara loved these nights. The looks she got made her feel so girly and sexy. Even waiting on the nobles was fun. That submissive feeling it gave her was such a thrill.

She checked herself out one last time. Everything was perfect, she was sure they’d love her. With a spring in her steps, it was off to the banquette hall. She couldn’t wait. So they were here to see a serving girl? Well good. Tonight that was exactly how she felt.

The rasp of a key in her door’s lock woke Kara. Despite moving her to a better room, they insisted on locking it every night. Kara didn’t see the point. The collar was more effective than a lock, and these weren’t even good locks. It’s like they didn’t realize how easy it was to bypass.

“Get up. Hurry.” Said Ester bursting into the room. Excitement was evident in her voice.

“What is it?” Even as Kara asked, she scrambled out of bed.

“The king. He’s holding court today and wants you to attend him.”

“Ok”, Kara replied. Serving the king certainly caught her interest. “But why so worked up over this one?”

“Because you’re attending him personally, all day. If ever there was a chance to win favor, this is it!”

“What would I even be doing?”

“Not much. Serving the king a bit of food or drink between supplicants, but mostly sitting there looking pretty.”

Kara could do that, but she was a little scared. When she was around her master before, there’d been duties occupy her. Yesterday morning showed the danger of being near him without a distraction. Plus, it would happen while Kara was on display for all to see. On display. Kara’s resistance melted at that thought. Maybe it wasn’t so bad. Now that she thought about it, that actually sounded kinda nice.

Then Kara saw what she was supposed to wear. She was surprised that clothing could still shock her.

“I, I’m wearing this today? It practically leaves me naked.” She held it up. Actually, its cut wasn’t bad. At least not compared to what she wore on duty. It’s just, those outfits were at least opaque. The gauzy green fabric of this one was disturbingly transparent.

“Don’t be silly dear. I’m sure the king will love you in it.”

“Do you really think so?” A dreamy smile spread across Kara’s face. Well at least she’d look pretty. If it attracted her master, that was a good thing, right? Something she wanted. Wasn’t it?

“You’ll look absolutely gorgeous,” Ester replied. “I’m sure of it.”

Once dressed, Kara really did like it. The thin cloth felt light on her skin, almost as though nothing was there. It left her feeling a bit exposed, but that only heightened her enjoyment. It made her more aware of the collar. Even after all this time, she was keenly aware of its touch on her neck. The sensation was always at the back of her mind, reminding Kara of her status. By now, that reminder felt almost normal.

Standing outside the door to the throne room, Kara was nervous. She couldn’t help but remember that first meeting with the king, and how he’d sworn she would beg. Though the words were never spoken, it was implied that she’d serve as his concubine. At the time it had frightened her, but now the idea wasn’t so terrible.

She wondered if today would be the day. This was her first time really alone with him. Oh sure, there’d be a couple guards and pages nearby, but they didn’t count. The other times she’d just been another serving girl in a room full of dignitaries. Today, she’d be interacting with him personally. When the order came, Kara didn’t think she’d be able to resist. She wasn’t sure she wanted to resist.

A few minutes before the audiences were to begin, the door opened. Out came that day’s steward.

“On a table behind the throne, you’ll find a pitcher.” He instructed. “Make sure the king’s goblet is topped off between audiences. Other than that, just sit at your place looking ornamental. You can manage that, can’t you?” Kara didn’t pay his scorn any heed. To her mind, he was just another useless flunky, good for little more than relaying orders. She listened to the instructions, but otherwise ignored the man. “Well what are you waiting for. Get going.”

Kara stepped into the chamber, and the door closed behind her. This was it. The moment she’d feared and anticipated. Steeling herself, she walked forwards. Despite knowing what to expect, she was unprepared for the sight of the king. He looked utterly majestic, resplendent in all the trappings and symbols of power. Kara sank to her knees, enraptured. She drank in the sight of him, as the rest of the room faded from her mind.

He turned his attention to her. As his gaze traced the curves of her body, she beamed with pride. When his eyes moved to her chest, she pressed herself forward hoping to give him a better view. To her satisfaction, his eyes lingered a moment. He looked up to her face, and she gazed back. His eyes were so fascinating, she could spend days just looking into them.

“Rise”, the king commanded, and she obeyed. The words rang through her head. She had to get up. Kara thought she was used to the compulsion, but this was something different. She’d forgotten how a direct command from her master felt. It was a tidal wave next to a river’s current. Had she ever resisted such a command? How? It seemed hard to believe.

He motioned her forward, and she scrambled to obey. In her eagerness, it was hard to maintain poise. Still, she wanted to make a good impression, and tried to serve with as much grace as she could manage. Taking the silver pitcher, she filled his cup. For a moment, she paused hoping he would ask more from her than a mere drink. Instead, he directed her to a cushion near the throne. Apparently that was her seat today. She settled in, focusing her attention on the king as he prepared for the day’s work.

Soon, the first supplicant was ushered in. It was a local shepherd complaining about his neighbor and a contested grazing area. The king easily settled the matter, noting that there was a land registry dating from the time of his grandfather. All that was needed was a royal surveyor to update the boundary. After arranging the survey, he sent the man on his way.

It was much the same throughout the morning. Locals petitioned the king to settle disputes and listen to appeals. She knew she was drawing stares, but that knowledge seemed academic at best. They no longer troubled or excited her. In the presence of her master, the opinions of others didn’t matter. The cases blended together, and after the first couple it was hard for Kara to maintain interest. The king, on the other hand, continued to fascinate her. While the cases droned on, she found herself as focused on him as ever. Before long she became adept at reading his expressions. By halfway through the morning , she could almost perfectly anticipate his needs. Whenever he needed a refill, a bite to eat, or some document brought in by a clerk, she was always there with it.

Watching him work, she was surprised to see how much he cared for his people. She had spent time in courts up and down the coasts, but few monarchs had shown his attention or diligence. Sure, part of those feelings came from her conditioning. Even now her mind was gushing with praise for him. Still, his concern touched the part of her that still had a measure of objectivity. He really did seem to care.

That was strange to think. For so long before her captivity, he was nothing but a foe. Even with the collar, he was more a force of nature to be resisted or obeyed. Considering him as a person, as a good ruler, was new territory. It inspired a fresh host of feelings within her.

At noon, there was finally a break. She savored the time alone with him. Would he notice her? Would he see how entranced she was? Almost no resistance remained. With a word, he could use her as he wished. Why wasn’t he taking advantage of it? To her disappointment, he only called on her to fetch his meal.

Afternoon continued much like the morning. Kara’s didn’t understand it. After all this time, surely he’d do more than show her off to a few peasants. There must be some other reason she was sitting half naked at his feet.

“He’s waiting till the end of the day.” She thought. “Then he’ll make me submit to him.”

The last petitioner came and went.

The king turned towards her. This was it.

“You’ve done well. You aren’t needed at dinner tonight, so you may go and relax for the remainder of the day.”

“What!?” Was all she could think, even as she rose to leave.

“Yes, master” She replied with a curtsy, hiding her disappointment.

What went wrong? Hadn’t she been good? The way he looked at her, she was sure he wanted her. She didn’t think she’d disappointed him today, or at least he didn’t seem displeased. But then, why had he rejected her?

Then she understood. There would be no order, no command to be obeyed. He was waiting for her to make the move. To act on her own initiative. There was still some part of her that resisted. Oh, sure, she wanted to submit, no question about it. Even so, she wanted an excuse. If he’d commanded then it would be the collar forcing her. She’d go along with it and even enjoy it, but would be able to say it was external. Now the magnitude of her defeat was plain. Without an order, there would be no compulsion to blame it on.

How much longer could she hold out? She was aroused almost constantly, fantasizing daily about her master. For a second, she nearly turned back. She wanted to burst into that throne room and beg him to take her. It seemed perfectly natural. She wanted him, he seemed to want her. Moreover, he wanted her to beg, and she wanted to please him. So what held her back? Was there really some shred of her resolve remaining? There must be. If she did go to him, that would be it. No turning back, no chance at freedom. Was that even something she wanted anymore?

She didn’t know what she wanted. Confused, she kept walking towards her room. If she hurried and changed, she could at least catch dinner while it was nice and fresh. A hot meal would give her a moment to think, and she needed that now. Though her resolve was running out, today was a small victory. The question was, why didn’t it feel like one?

As she passed an unlit room, a hand reached out and pulled her aside. Turning, Kara broke the grip and readied herself for anything. Anything, that is, except the face framed by the hall’s dim light.

“Selene!” she exclaimed, recognizing her sister.

“How? How?”

“How did I find out? How did I get here?” Selene replied with a grin. “The first wasn’t so hard. Believe it or not, you’re a bit famous. When you were captured, news of it spread to every backalley tavern faster than a bird could fly.”

“This is dangerous. You shouldn’t be here.”

“I know, Kara, I know. But look at you.” Selene’s grin faded as she gestured towards her sister. “Look what they’ve done to you. I couldn’t stay away, Kara. How could I have? My life may not be as exciting as yours, but I have some resources of my own. I called in every favor I could think of to spring you from this.”

“It’s no good”. Kara replied, reaching to her neck. “I’ve tried to run, but this won’t let me.”

“Do you think I’d come this far without a plan? It took everything I had, but I can get that you. That’s what took me so long. Don’t worry, we’ll have you free.”

Selene looked around, her voice dropping to a whisper.

“Look, I’m springing this a bit earlier than I’m supposed to, but when I saw you coming I couldn’t help myself. The device is still stashed, I need to go grab it. I know where your room is. I’ll meet you there as soon as I can. It should only take me a few minutes, be ready to run when I get there. Ok?”

With a hug, they parted. Kara reached her room and started to undress. She paused, looking again at what she wore. Seeing her sister had provided a bit of perspective. These clothes were demeaning. Still... it was hard to forget the way the king looked at her. She had enjoyed herself today. For a moment she posed sensuously, imagining the it was for the king.

She shook the thought away. Her sister was here, and she couldn’t disappoint her. She finished undressing, and with a longing sigh folded the clothes and placed them on her bed. Pulling open her wardrobe, she realized how impractical most of her outfits were. Nothing was really suitable for a quick getaway, but she grabbed her most casual skirt and blouse. Hopefully they would do.

Now all that was left was to wait for her sister. With nothing to do, she sat down on her bed. Tentatively, she reached out to touch the smooth garment next to her, caressing it softly. It really had been sexy. She wanted to touch herself again, but there was no time for that. Her sister could be there any minute.

It was hard not to, she was so turned on. With one hand, she reached up to her chest, rubbing it through her shirt. It felt good, she reached her hand inside the shirt. That felt even better. Actually, a few minutes of pleasure while she waited wouldn’t hurt anything.

Pulling her skirt to her knees, she leaned back on the bed. It was so easy to think of her master, it felt so nice. Compared to serving him the outside world was a hollow thing. Why hadn’t she cast aside her silly pride and begged. Then she might be with her master instead of wrestling with these questions. Everything was so much simpler around him.

Lost in fantasy, Kara almost missed the knock at her door. She hurried to get herself together. Selene was waiting when Kara opened the door.

“What took you” Selene asked.

“I wasn’t sure who it was. I’m just so nervous” Kara replied.

“Whatever. We need to hurry.” Selene whispered. “There’s a few minutes before the guards pass by, and we need to be gone then. I have some people waiting at a service entrance along the south side. There’s a hidden path outside. If we get far enough tonight, we can hide in the mountains while we make our way home.”

Selene reached into a pouch and produced a polished red stone. Runes covered its surface, backed by delicate patterns along its length. She brought it up to the collar. As it neared her throat, the stone let off an otherworldly glow.

There was a burst of pain as it made contact. No! This was wrong. Kara knew she had to get that stone away. She snapped her hand up, grabbing Selene by the wrist.

Then the feeling passed. The collar quivered for a moment, trembling like a wounded animal before going slack. The ends separated, and it slid from her neck. Kara stepped back, looking at it as she might a venomous snake. Then she looked back to Selene, and realized she shill held her sister’s wrist.

“Sorry”, she said, releasing her grip.

It was gone, it was really gone. She reached up to her throat, barely able to believe it was real. For months the collar had been her constant companion, and being without it was an alien sensation. In a way, she felt more naked with it off than she had sitting at the king’s feet.

“Come on”, Selene urged, “We don’t have much time, and there’s a long way to go.”

Kara turned to follow, leaving the collar abandoned on the floor.