The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

All of the characters in this story are completely fictional. You can find this and all of my other stories on my blog,

The Birth of Bethany

by Varian Milagro

Chapter 1

“Thank you for agreeing to watch Billy tonight,” Nathan Wilson said. “We had a different sitter lined up, but she had to cancel at the last minute.” Nathan drew deep on his cigarette and exhaled smoke across the family room of his large upscale home.

“It’s really no problem Mr. Wilson,” Elizabeth Drake replied. She tried to hide her disgust for his filthy habit, along with her disdain for subjecting his three year old son to the toxic fumes.

Elizabeth was an ardent non-smoker as was her entire family. If it weren’t for the money she would not step foot inside the Wilson’s house, but they paid very well and she had to make rent. Nineteen year old Elizabeth shared a house near the local University with a couple other co-eds. She was working on her first year of a sociology degree and while her parents paid for school they would not help with rent, not when she ‘had a perfectly good room at home’. Elizabeth found that babysitting worked very well with college; it allowed her to pick her own schedule and it quite often allowed her to study on the job.

“We should be back by 10pm,” said Nathan as smoke poured from his mouth. “There are emergency numbers on the refrigerator along with our cell numbers. Please do not hesitate to call if you need anything.”

“Thank you Mr. Wilson. I’m sure there won’t be any problems, but if there is I’ll let you know right away.” She wondered if Mr. Wilson knew how ridiculous he looked when he smoked. Besides the smell, there was the health hazard that cigarettes inflicted not only upon the smoker, but all those around them. Elizabeth considered Mr. Wilson a handsome and successful man and looked dashing in his expensive suit, but when he smoked it was as if he was saying ‘I don’t care about myself or those around me’. She found that ridiculous.

“Billy’s bedtime is at seven-thirty,” Mary Wilson said as she entered the family room. Her wavy auburn hair fell to the top of her breasts which were on full display. The tiny, red, strapless cocktail dress, which barely covered her panties, was so tight it caused Elizabeth to wonder how the woman breathed. Mary wore a pair of strappy, silver heels which appeared to be over four inches tall. Her makeup was sultry and dramatic and her silver jewelry was abundant and expensive. And, of course, she had a cigarette in her hand.

“I’ll make sure he is to bed on time, Mrs. Wilson,” Elizabeth replied.

Taking in Mrs. Wilson’s outfit Elizabeth felt a bit of pity for the woman. One thing her mother had pounded into her since she was little was the importance of a woman’s modesty. Elizabeth disagreed with her mother on many subjects. One being how much skin a woman should show in public. It was her mother’s opinion that hands and head were the only body parts a proper lady displayed in public, but Elizabeth thought that a little skin was okay, mainly arms, shins and feet. One thing they did agree upon was that women who dressed as Mrs. Wilson must have very low opinions of themselves to debase themselves in public with such revealing attire.

“Feel free to enter any room downstairs, but, other than Billy’s room, please do not enter any of the rooms upstairs.” Mary said before taking a deep drag off her long white cigarette. When she removed the cigarette a large ball of smoke followed, only to be sucked back inside her mouth. The exhale that followed a few moments later was a thick, torrent of smoke.

“Absolutely Mrs. Wilson, after Billy goes to bed I’ll be studying until you get home,” Elizabeth replied.

Once the Wilson’s left the house, Elizabeth opened a couple windows and used a magazine to fan the air, trying to reduce the smoky clouds left by Billy’s parents. After a few minutes she sat down next to Billy and played with him until his bedtime. Besides the money Billy was the only other thing she liked about babysitting for the Wilson’s; Billy was a delightful, well behaved child.

A couple hours later, after putting Billy to bed and reading him a story in his upstairs bedroom, Elizabeth was walking down the hall toward the stairs when she caught a strong whiff of cigarette smoke. Smelling smoke was nothing new in the Wilson’s house, but this smoke smelled fresh, like someone was smoking a cigarette just down the hall. This concerned her since Mr. and Mrs. Wilson had left hours ago and to her knowledge there was no one else in the house. She decided to investigate, and soon her nose brought her to the door where the stench was strongest. She recalled Mrs. Wilson’s request to stay out of the upstairs rooms, but fears of a potential house fire caused Elizabeth to ignore Mrs. Wilson’s directive.

She opened the door and the smoke smell grew significantly. She flipped on the room’s light and the room looked to be a study or library of some sort. There was a roll top desk next to one wall. Floor to ceiling bookcases, all of which were crammed with leather bound books, lined two of the walls. Elizabeth looked around the room and for a source of the smell. As she neared a door on the opposite side of the room smoke began to billow from beneath it, cigarette smoke by the smell of it.

“Hello is someone in there?” she called.

When no answer came and the smoke continued to gush her first instinct was to find a phone to call 911, but something caused her to pause; there seemed to be something purposeful in the way the smoke moved. It flowed along the floor for nearly a foot, split and then rose straight up in twin columns only to rejoin into a single column a couple feet off the ground. Once the leading edge reached Elizabeth’s height it stopped rising and began to coalesce. Elizabeth was transfixed as smoke took shape. At first it was a hazy column, but then appendages began to form, one on each side; they looked like arms. Initially she could clearly see the opposite wall through the smoke figure, but as smoke continued to build within the creature the wall was obscured. Eventually the figure became substantial and appeared to have actual mass. Soon a head began to form and the body of the figure began to develop curves, very feminine curves. A few moments later it formed a very pretty face and smoky hair grew from the head and fell to its developing breasts.

When it opened its eyes and smiled at Elizabeth she finally found the impetus to flee. The creature followed and as she reached the door it grabbed her hand. It did not grab with force, but gently. It was this gentleness that caused Elizabeth to pause and turn. The smoke girl released her hand backed up a few steps and beckoned Elizabeth to follow. Although tempted to follow she left the room and closed the door on her way out. She walked down the hall to Billy’s room and stood guard as she watched the door to the room with the smoke girl. She waited for twenty minutes before going downstairs to retrieve her books. She decided she would study outside Billy’s room until his parents returned.

As Elizabeth began to study she became aware that she now totally reeked of cigarette smoke. The smell of it clung to her. It was in her hair, her clothes. It clung to her skin; it was even in her mouth. It disgusted her and she couldn’t wait to get home to shower the stench off her body. That is until she caught a whiff of her hand, the hand that the smoke girl had touched. While it smelled of cigarette smoke like the rest of her body, its scent was mixed with something else, something feminine. It reminded her of Mrs. Wilson. While she studied she would occasionally catch herself sniffing her hand. She tried to keep her mind on her studies, but a strong desire to revisit the room, to see the girl, to follow her, pestered her brain.

After an hour standing guard outside Billy’s door Elizabeth decided it was safe to finish studying downstairs and hour after that Mr. and Mrs. Wilson arrived home. Mrs. Wilson promptly headed upstairs while Mr. Wilson asked how Billy had behaved. As he was pulling money out of his wallet to pay Elizabeth for her services Mrs. Wilson returned.

“Elizabeth, are you available to watch Billy tomorrow night?” She asked with a smile on her face. She walked over to Mr. Wilson and whispered into his ear.

“Umm…I’m not sure that’s such a good idea,” Elizabeth replied. “I’m kind of busy, plus I won’t have a ride.”

“I know it’s the last minute, but you would be doing us a huge favor,” Nathan said. “I’ll tell you what; I’ll throw in an extra fifty bucks, what do you say?”

“I don’t think I’ll be able to do it, sorry,” Elizabeth said.

On her way home Elizabeth pondered why she hadn’t told the Wilson’s of her encounter with the creature in their house. She thought that it boiled down to fear; fear that they wouldn’t believe her and fear they would be mad that she had entered the room when they had asked not to do so. While she drove Elizabeth caught herself inhaling the scent on her hand again; its smell wasn’t pleasant, but she found something inviting about it. It also caused her to remember the way the girl had motioned for her to follow; there was a certain promise in it, something illicit. While she knew deep down that she should stay away, that she should never enter the Wilson’s house again and especially not that room, as soon as she returned home she called Mrs. Wilson on the phone.

“Hello, Mrs. Wilson,” Elizabeth said. “I’ll do it. I’ll babysit for you tomorrow night.”

“Great, Nathan will pick you up at five thirty,” Mary replied.

She told herself that she only doing it for the money; the extra fifty dollars would get her real close to the amount she owed on rent. She told herself that she would stay out of the room. She would watch Billy and after he went to bed she would study downstairs. She told herself this enough times that she started to believe it.

That night as Elizabeth lay in her bed she tucked hand under her nose, breathed in the smoke girl’s scent, and pondered what the girl had wanted to show her.

The next morning after a quick shower Elizabeth she joined her housemates, Victoria and Becky, for breakfast before heading off to college. Victoria, a petite nineteen year old who wore her straight brunette hair to her shoulder blades, was the alpha female of the group. She collected rent and made up most of the house rules. Technically the house rules were determined by a majority, but since Becky did whatever Victoria told her to do Elizabeth always lost the vote when she went against Victoria. While Becky was the tallest of the three she was also the meekest, something Victoria used to her advantage. Like Elizabeth, Becky wore her blonde hair long and straight. They were all pretty and fairly conservative in dress. They had met through church and their families had instilled a deep sense of modestly in the three girls. None of the women wore any makeup, except for Elizabeth who wore a little eyeliner and when she was being especially rebellious: lip-gloss. Except for the single pair of studs in Elizabeth’s ears none wore jewelry.

An hour later found Elizabeth on the University campus walking toward the library where she was meeting her boyfriend, Paul. They had been seeing each other for a couple months now and liked each other quite a bit. While they enjoyed kissing and holding hands Elizabeth was not prepared to go any further. She had taken a purity pledge through her church several years earlier and she took it very seriously. While they had French kissed a couple times Elizabeth didn’t like to do it too often. She wanted to keep it as something special, something to look forward to.

When she reached their meeting spot near the entrance to the library she was a little disappointed that he had not arrived yet. She was a little early, but he normally arrived before her. She looked for a place to sit while she waited. She noticed a bench about 30 feet from the library’s entrance. She walked over to the bench and sat down facing the library so she would be able to see Paul arrive. Soon a group of people started talking behind her which was followed by the distinct smell of cigarette smoke. The bench she had picked was right next to one of the Universities designated smoking areas. She tried to stay, but the nauseating smoke was drifting right to her. She gave up her seat and headed back to the library’s entrance.

Once Paul arrived they greeted each other with a quick hug and kiss. “I’m sorry I’m late Elizabeth. I had trouble finding a parking spot,” he replied. Paul was fit, lean, stood a couple inches taller than Elizabeth and had short auburn hair.

“You’re forgiven,” she said with a smile. They walked hand in hand to the first of their classes for the day.

That night Mr. Wilson arrived promptly at five thirty. Armed with her school books Elizabeth entered the car which of course stank of cigarette smoke. Mr. Wilson lit a cigarette shortly after he started the drive to his house. Elizabeth lowered her window to escape the fumes.

The evening started much as the previous had, Mr. Wilson chain smoking while waiting for his wife to finish getting ready, Mrs. Wilson leaving nothing to the imagination with her attire, Elizabeth clearing the air as soon as the Wilson’s departed, followed by playing with Billy until his bedtime, and then a bedtime story. As she left his room she looked down the hall toward the room with the smoke girl. She was sorely tempted to take a peek inside, just to see if she was still there, instead she headed downstairs to her books.

After a half hour of study Elizabeth’s thoughts turned to the girl upstairs. She knew it was folly to enter the room again; there was something very supernatural about the creature. Yet, at the same time she yearned to see her again, to touch her, to smell her. She found herself unable to study; she retained nothing of what she read, her thoughts being too focused upstairs. She eventually abandoned her books and headed to the room.

Elizabeth felt her hand shake in nervous anticipation as she turned the door knob. The acrid smell of cigarette smoke almost over powered her as soon as she opened the door. There was no sign of the girl initially, but as soon as she fully entered the room smoke began to issue forth from under the opposite door.

The girl materialized faster this time, or perhaps Elizabeth knew what to expect and the amount of time just seemed shorter. Once whole, the girl smiled at Elizabeth again. She made no move toward Elizabeth though. She put a hand on her cocked hip and with one finger motioned for Elizabeth to come to her. She wore a rather saucy, mischievous smile. Elizabeth felt her pulse quicken and her heart pound in her chest as she walked slowly to the smoke girl. The girl’s smile broadened and looked almost predatory.

Elizabeth stopped a couple feet away from the girl and stared at her. The girl raised one hand and caressed Elizabeth’s cheek. The girl’s hand felt amazing on her skin; it was solid, but wondrously soft and lightly tickled. Elizabeth leaned her head into the girl’s caress. The girl reached her other hand around the back of Elizabeth’s head and pulled their faces together until their lips met. The girl kissed Elizabeth with a passion she had never before experienced. Desire flooded her body and she returned the kiss. When the girl’s tongue began pressing between her lips, Elizabeth parted them and welcomed the smoke girl’s tongue into her mouth. The girl tasted of smoke and Elizabeth found the acrid taste quite unpleasant, but Elizabeth was willing to tolerate it. It was a small price to pay for the glorious feelings the girl’s kisses were creating within her body. Plus after a few minutes she found that she didn’t mind the taste that much.

Elizabeth felt the girl’s hands leave her head and travel down her back; her own arms were wrapped tightly around the girl’s back. The girl’s delightful hands began to explore Elizabeth’s body; her back, her bottom, her waist, and then her breasts. When the girl reached Elizabeth’s nipples and gave one a light pinch, Elizabeth gasped and drew in a lungful of smoke. Smoke poured from her mouth as she coughed violently. She jerked out of the smoke girl’s grasp and backed away. Her face was flushed and her nipples tented her shirt. The girl made no move toward Elizabeth, but gave her a pleading look. Elizabeth stood conflicted for several moments before she slowly backed toward the door.

Elizabeth hesitated at the door. The smoke girl now had a look of sadness about her. Elizabeth first impulse was to comfort her, but taste of smoke in her mouth and the tingling that still lingered in her breasts frightened her. She turned off the light, closed the door and headed down stairs.

When Elizabeth returned to her books she found that she had no desire to study. She brought one hand up to her nose and inhaled deeply; she basked in the girl’s aroma. After several minutes she tried to read her book, but the wondrous feeling of the girl’s gentle caress of her cheek, the thrill of their kisses and the sensation of the girl’s hands on her breasts dominated her thoughts. She felt a strong desire to return to the room; to let the girl kiss her again. The thought frightened her. Just upstairs was a room that housed a supernatural entity made of smoke, a very female entity and instead of wishing to flee she wanted to make out with it. She wondered if this meant she was becoming gay. She wrestled with her desires for the rest of the evening. She was so lost in thought she didn’t even hear the Wilsons when they arrived home.

“Hello Elizabeth, I hope Billy was well behaved tonight,” Nathan said from behind Elizabeth.

Started, Elizabeth whipped around. “Oh hello, yeah he was just fine,” she replied.

“Thank you for watching him again tonight,” he said as he took a deep drag of his cigarette followed by a large exhale.

“You’re welcome, it was a pleasure,” she replied. “Anytime you need a sitter, please let me know.” She noticed that the smell of Mr. Wilson’s cigarette didn’t seem to bother her as much as it had earlier in the evening.

“Hello Elizabeth,” called Mary as she descended the stairs. She walked up to Nathan and whispered into his ear; they smiled at each other.

“I can take you home if you’re ready,” Nathan said.

Elizabeth found the journey home much more pleasant then the ride to the Wilson’s house. Mr. Wilson’s cigarette smoking no longer seemed to bother her. On the way to their house she’d practically had her head out the car’s window trying to breathe fresh air; on the ride home she left the window rolled up. Elizabeth watched Mr. Wilson smoke; he seemed to relish it. She had often wondered what could possibly possess someone to willing inhale poisonous smoke into their body. The contented look on his face as he drew deep on the cigarette and the relaxed smile on his face as he released the smoke from his lungs made her realize that it must be an enjoyable experience.

About fifteen minutes later Mr. Wilson reached for his pack of cigarettes. He shook the pack until one poked its way out of the pack. He brought the pack to his mouth, but stopped before it reached his mouth. He looked over at Elizabeth and held the cigarette pack out to her.

“Would you like one?” He asked.

“Uhh…” Elizabeth began. Mr. Wilson’s offer not only startled her, but she felt her cheeks redden in embarrassment. “I don’t smoke Mr. Wilson, you know that.”

“Things change,” he replied.

“No thank you.”

“Suit yourself,” he said as he lit his cigarette.

That night as Elizabeth lay in bed she rested one hand under nose and savored the smoke girl’s scent while her other hand found its way to her breast. She imagined it was the girl’s hand caressing her. When she pinched her nipple with the tips of her fingernails she imagined it was the girl’s teeth. She lowered her hand to her sex and pleasured herself while dreaming of what else the girl may someday do to her body.