The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Coffee Shop V: Happiness Is A Handsome Hypnotized Hunk

Chapter 9. Faked Out.

I didn’t have any idea how much time passed while I was asleep. I did know that it was the strangest sleep that I had ever awoken from. Everything seemed to be moving in super slow motion. Imagine you were having a nice hot relaxing bath. Now imagine that you were so comfortable that the thought of moving your big toe seemed like too much effort. Now picture the water very slowly draining out of the bathtub. Instead of it taking five or ten minutes for the water to work its way down the drain, imagine that it takes five or six hours, and that the water stays nice and hot the whole time. If you can imagine all that, then you have an idea of how I felt as I slowly floated up from sleep to a state of consciousness. My body was still feeling heavy and warm. It was a great feeling so I didn’t mind. Thinking still demanded a lot of effort, though. My mind seemed to be full of soft fluffy cotton. Since my eyelids seemed to be on strike; they would not open no matter how much I tried to open them; I decided to ignore them and see what my other fours senses could tell me.

Well, I was warm, and the room was quiet. I could not hear much of anything other than a faint beep every now and then. It was strangely familiar. I felt that I should know that sound, for some reason. Try as I might, I couldn’t seem to recognize the beeping. My thoughts were still fuzzy, so I decided to ignore the beeping for now. Tasting something? Well that was out of the question. I didn’t have the strength to open my mouth anyway. Touch? Well, other than the feeling of warm heaviness, there wasn’t much information being provided by that sense. So, that left smell. I concentrated as well as I was able to and took in a few shallow breaths. The air was strange, strange and somehow familiar too. It took a few more shallow breaths before I finally identified the smell. It was a disinfectant of some kind. A hospital! That’s what it smelled like. I was in a hospital of some kind, apparently. I took a deep breath as I prepare myself to struggle back to full consciousness. Big mistake.

The bolt of pain that came crashing into my brain as I tried to breathe deeply was as unexpected as it was intense. My eyes popped open with surprise, and my jaw fell open. I tried to scream with the agony that suddenly burned along the sides of my chest, but I couldn’t make a sound. The pain kept me mute. I felt like there was a row of red hot knives stabbing into my sides of my body. My chest stopped moving, paralyzed by the pain. I didn’t know why I hurt, I only knew that I was in agony. I held my breath as I silently begged for the pain to stop. For a few moments a war raged between my need to breath, and the desire to avoid the pain that breathing would foster on me. My need for oxygen won. I exhaled shuddering with the waves of searing pain that flooding into my sides. I took a small shallow breath, and exhaled again. Slowly the red hot knives in my side faded away, as the pain diminished. I continued to take small quick breaths. Breathing was possible, but only if I didn’t exert myself.

I blinked my eyes several times as the room slowly swam in focus. The pain has been so intense that I couldn’t see past it. Now though, I was able to move my eyes about and see where I was. It looked like a hospital room. I was in a hospital bed, in a room with white walls, a single window to my right and what looked to be a second hospital bed to my left. There was a small table off to my right with a light blue plastic pitcher, which most likely contained water. My throat suddenly burned with thirst. I moved my head side to side to see if anyone was in the room. It was empty, except for the second bed next to me which appeared to be occupied. I could not determine anything about the occupant, other than he or she was fast asleep under the sheets and snoring in a most determined manner.

I needed a drink of water, and I needed help to get it. I knew that there had to be a call button somewhere nearby. I moved my right arm and hand to search around for the call button. At first my arm did not respond, but slowly I felt my arm and hand move about. I concentrated and willed my hand to find that call button and press it. Finally after what seemed like hours I felt the hard round button under the index finger of my right hand. I pulled the call button towards me, and when the button was under my right thumb, I pressed down with all my might. Twice. I lay back and let the beads of sweat on my brow slowly run down my face as I waited for someone to come into to room. I closed my eyes and listened, silently praying that they would arrive soon.

Finally, after what seemed liked years, a strange voice cut through the oppressive silence of the room. “How may I help you?” asked the unidentified voice. The tone was low and soft with a soothing quality.

“Water, please,” I croaked.

“Here. Slowly sip on this straw,” replied the voice after a few moments of silence.

I felt something round being pushed between my lips. Carefully I sipped. Ice cold water burst into my mouth. I swallowed. I never knew that ice cold water could taste so good. Some part of my mind made the irrelevant observation that now I knew what the expressing, ‘like water to a man dying of thirst’ meant. It took me some time but I sipped on that straw until I started to suck air through it.

“More water?” asked the voice.

“No, thank you. I think I’m okay for now,” I answered as I felt sleep overtake me.

“That’s good. Go back to sleep. You need your rest,” the voice replied.

‘Yeah, like I have a choice,’ I thought fuzzily as I drifted off. Sleep was a lot more desirable right now than staying awake. I could have sworn I heard someone in the room snoring as sleep overtook me. I dismissed the thought as soon as it crept into my mind. Right now sleep was a priority.

Of course I have no idea how long it was before I woke up again. An unconscious person has no sense of the passage of time. I guessed that it was most likely several hours or even a day later when I struggled my way back to fully consciousness. It was my thirst that awakened me. This time, waking up wasn’t as much of a battle as last time. I was able to find the call button with less effort. My right arm and hand felt stronger. I pressed the button and waited for the nurse to arrive.

“Good morning, Mr. Walton. How are you feeling today? How may I help you?” Asked an unfamiliar male voice.

“Some water would be nice,” I croaked in a raspy voice. My throat felt raw and sore.

“Here you are. Please sip this slowly,” Instructed the voice, after a few moments of silence.

I closed my mouth around the expected straw. I complied and sipped the cold water. The voice was correct. Sipping the water seemed easier than trying to suck it all down as quickly as possible. A few minutes later I opened my mouth and relaxed. Cautiously I tried to take a deep breath, but when the first bolt of pain plunged into my brain, I quickly abandoned that idea.

“Please try to take shallow breaths Mr. Walton,” advised the voice. “You have been injured.”

‘Good advice, if a bit late,’ I thought to myself.

“Could you open your eyes, please?” asked the voice.

I concentrated and willed my eyelids to open. It was a Herculean fight, but I won. My eyelids opened. I blinked a few times, and slowly the room swam back into focus. I looked off to the left in the general direction of that male voice. A most pleasant vision greeted me. The face I gazed upon appeared to be somewhere in the early thirties. The face was strong with a hint of gentleness about it. Deep brown eyes behind clear glasses in a black metal wire frame gazed back at me. The nose that these glasses were perched upon was strong, and in proper proportion to the rest of this handsome face. A slightly bushy brown moustache overflowed the upper lip, leaving only the bottom full lip visible. The cheeks were clean shaven and the sideburns neatly trimmed. Crowning the top and side of the head was a chestnut brown collection of short curly hair. Yes, a most handsome and delightful face to look at, especially when one is waking up in a hospital.

“I am glad to see that you are awake now. We were becoming concerned,” said the unidentified voice.

“And you are?” I asked pointedly.

“My name is Doctor Smith, Doctor John Smith,” replied the voice

Even in my weakened state I managed to raise one eyebrow in disbelief.

“My name really is John Smith, Mr. Walton,” replied the doctor as he grinned back at me, responding to the unspoken joke.

“Where am I?” I asked. “What happened?”

“You are in a semi-private room, at Mercy Hospital. You are recovering nicely from your injuries,” Answered the doctor. “Can you tell me the last thing you remember?”

His answer was expected, but not his question. It took me by surprise. I stared silently at this Dr. Smith as I tried to remember what I was doing before I woke up in this hospital room.

“I remember?..flashing red and yellow lights,” I replied slowly as I struggle to haul the memories out of the dark recesses of my mind and back into the light of consciousness. “There were men in uniforms with dark pants and light coloured shirts. It was dark out and I felt very cold. My left hand was warm and sticky. My right hand was holding my cell phone? I remember calling for help. I think I called 911. A lady answered. She told me to stay awake until help arrived.” I closed my eyes. I was exhausted after speaking only a few sentences.

“Take your time, Mr. Walton,” said Dr. Smith in a soothing voice. ”You did place an emergency call, and when the paramedics found you, they brought you here. Do you remember anything else?”

“It’s all kind of fuzzy,” I replied. It was the truth. Trying to dredge up those memories required more energy than I had at present. “How long have I been here?” I asked.

“Three and a half weeks,” answered Dr. Smith. “You were in a coma until yesterday when you pressed the call button and asked for some water. We were concerned that your recovery might be delayed. You suffered a trauma to your head, perhaps when you fell down. There were no broken bones in your skull, and the X-rays didn’t show any hidden damage, so you need not be concerned about brain damage.”

A loud snore from the patient in the next bed interrupted the doctor’s words. I opened my eyes and looked over at the doctor. A slight grin touched my lips as the humour of the situation dawned upon me. The idea of being interrupted by the snoring of another patient, while I was struggling to remain awake and focused on the doctor, tickled my funny bone. I didn’t dare to laugh though, as I knew my ribs would protest most vengefully.

I jerked as memories crashed into my brain. Fists crashing into my stomach, and me bent double in agony. Fists pounding me everywhere it seemed. I remembered feeling as if I was being used as a punching bag. I heard a voice, maybe more than one, saying something about “leaving him alone’. I tried to lasso that errant memory but it wiggled and slithered out of my grasp. I let it go for now. Energy surged through me as I fought to retain the fragments of memory and weave them into some type of coherent tapestry.

“I was assaulted, beaten up,” I declared to Doctor Smith. “I don’t recall any faces or names.”

“Your injures suggested as much,” Doctor Smith nodded knowingly. “Don’t try to force it. Let the memories come back at their own pace. Give yourself time. The important thing is that you are awake and on the mend.”

“It doesn’t feel that way from here,” I replied doubtfully. “I don’t think there’s an inch of my body that doesn’t have a bruise on it.”

“You may not feel that way now, but you are getting better, believe me,” Doctor Smith said with assurance. “You have some cracked ribs, which is why it is so painful for you to breath. Fortunately, you do not have any serious internal injuries. You were very lucky. It could have been a lot worse. We did not have to perform surgery. You needed a few stitches on your left arm. Whoever they were, they had knives and they did cut you once or twice. They did not stab you though, which is very lucky for you. You lost enough blood as it was.”

“I supp?” I started to say as two remarkably loud snores interrupted my reply to Doctor Smith. Whoever the man (I suppose it could have been a woman) was in that other bed, he was determined to get his rest. I smiled at the Doctor as we waited for the snoring to subside. Doctor Smith smile back at me, and nodded his head at me. He put his fingers to his lips, in the universal sign to be quiet.

I couldn’t make a lot of noise in my present condition, but I supposed it was necessary not to wake up the other patient. I found it odd that Doctor Smith nodded his head at me. My puzzlement grew as a smile broke out on Doctor Smith’s face just before he turned away from me and walked over to the left of my bed and stopped at the curtain separating my hospital bed from the other patient’s bed. Some time while I was unconscious the curtain that separated my bed from the second bed had been pulled closed. My eyes followed his motions as he smoothly pulled the curtain away and then stood back away from the second bed. He moved off and walked around the bed and over to the other side. Idle curiosity prompted me to track the doctor’s movements, unremarkable as they were. He looked down at the sleeping form on the bed, and then he looked up at me and winked at me.

Now I was really confused. This didn’t seem to make any sense at all. I looked to my left at the sleeping form that lay in the bed next to me. It was a big man lying on his left side, and thus facing away from me. The form was but a jumble of hills and valleys of hospital bed sheets sprawled across a sleeping form. All that I could see was the back of a head with black shortly cropped hair. There wasn’t anything remarkable or noteworthy about it though. A few more loud snores filled the room as I looked at that sleeping form. I glanced up to see that Doctor Smith was smiling even more. I would have shaken my head in bewilderment, if I’d had the strength to spare. Several more snores sounded off as the Doctor slowly leaned over the sleeping form. Doctor Smith placed his face close to the head of the sleeping form as he placed his right hand on the shoulder of the slumbering figure. ‘Why in the world does he want to wake this guy up now?’ I thought to myself. ‘And why is the doctor grinning like a Cheshire cat?’ As if on cue, several more snores permeated the room. It slowly dawned on me that there was something vaguely familiar about those snores, although I could not seem to recall where I had heard them before. I blinked in utter confusion as I watched Doctor Smith mutter something at the limp form, and gently shake the right shoulder as if to emphasize what he was saying. The snoring stopped. The figure in the bed didn’t seem to respond. Doctor Smith continued to mutter at the sleeping form, while he shook the right shoulder more vigorously.

A few seconds later the man in the hospital bed burst into action. Okay, so he wasn’t a patient then, unless he’d just experienced some type of miraculous recovery. The bed sheets were thrown back off, and the man jumped out of the bed. He stood in front of Doctor Smith talking excitedly. I was too tired and too far away to make out any of what the man said. I did notice that the man spoke with a honey smooth tenor voice; that was most pleasing to my ears. Whatever Doctor Smith said to this man must have been good news, because he gave Doctor Smith a big hug. I got a good look at Doctor Smith’s face as this man hugged him. The doctor’s face was all smiles, which surprised me somewhat. This mystery man towered over the good doctor by at least six inches. I would have been somewhat unnerved by having a mountain of a man wrap his tree trunk like arms about me. Maybe the Doctor was used to it. Well, at least someone was having a good day today. It certainly wasn’t me. I was in pain, but oddly enough I felt a surge of happiness for this man, and in some strange way that made me feel better too.

I was too weary to pay any attention to what this man looked like. Usually I notice how men dress, since I do so enjoy man watching. (Hey, I’m gay, not dead, though right now that point could be argued. I felt as if I’d have to be dead three days before I’d feel better.) I got an impression of a grey or light blue shirt and some dark coloured pants, with a black belt of some type. As I said, I wasn’t paying much attention as I couldn’t concentrate very well. I looked at the back of this big man, and thought to myself that someone somewhere, a woman most likely, was a very lucky person indeed. I would have sighed with regret, but my ribs would have made their displeasure at such an action, very well known.

The man finally released Doctor Smith, and raced around his bed and over to the left side of my bed! I was flabbergasted at the man’s action. I wasn’t scared, though, since I wasn’t alone with this stranger. I was in a hospital and I had a call button under my right thumb. The man stood there, a foot so away from me, starring down at me. It was most unnerving. I looked up at the face of this stranger towering over me, trying to figure out if I knew him. I wasn’t sure, but I thought there might be something familiar about him. I found all these nebulous connections to this man to be most disquieting. I felt as if there were pieces of my life missing, as though my brain was partly empty. All that changed when the man spoke to me. He said one word.

“Texas,” he called out to me in a honey smooth tenor voice that was suddenly wonderfully familiar. I looked up at his face and memory flooded back. Feelings flowed into me, and the pain in my body didn’t seem to be as important any more.

“Andy,” I called back to him, “My dear heart.” I looked up at my beloved Andy standing there over me. I wanted to jump up and wrap my arms about him. I wanted to feel his touch on my skin; to feel his lips pressed against mine. I struggled to reach out to him with my right hand. My body would not permit it. My body was too tired and weak to answer the demands of my heart. I gazed up at Andy and drank in the pleasure of his presence. It was a balm for my battered spirit.

Andy’s eyes darted towards my struggling right arm as the movement caught his attention. His eyes shifted back to look at me and he spoke. “Just a second, Texas,” He said and flashed that sexy smile of his at me. Andy darted around the foot of my bed and walked up to the right side until he was standing next to me. Slowly Andy reached down with his left hand and plucked my right hand from the bed. Those soft doe brown eyes of his locked onto mine as he slowly moved my right hand upwards. Gently he held my hand in both of his hands. A shudder passed though my body as I thrilled at the touch and the warmth of his hands holding mine. (I never failed to be thrilled at Andy’s touch, and God willing, I hoped I never would.)

“Welcome back, sleepyhead,” Andy cooed at me. He beamed at me like he hadn’t seen me for a year.

“Hi,” I replied, feeling like an idiot because I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

“I really missed you. I’m so glad you’re back,” Andy replied earnestly.

There was intensity about Andy’s response that even I, in my befuddled state of mind, could pick up on.

“You were worried about me?” I asked. (Yup, another really intelligent question, boy I was really on a roll today.)

“Very. But let’s not talk about that now. I just want to hold your hand,” Andy answered keeping his eyes locked on mine, as that sexy smile of his blossomed on his face once again. The tears that were running down his cheeks seemed at odds with that sexy smile of his. I could not make any sense of it, and I was too tired to try.

“I wish I could give you a big hug,” I said lamely, knowing that I didn’t have the strength to do such a thing. Still it was the thought that counted, I supposed.

“You will soon enough”, Andy replied as he gently placed my right arm back by my side and let go of my hand. Andy wiped his face with the back of his hands to brush away the last of the tears from his cheeks. Andy looked about the room. He looked back at me and smiled softly. Clearly he had something in mind. Andy marched across the room and grabbed a nearby chair. He triumphantly carried the chair towards my bed and placed the chair as close to the right side of my bed as he could. Andy parked himself in the chair and leaned over the edge of the bed as close to my body as he could. The rails on the sides of the hospital bed were already in the ‘down’ position so they offer no obstacle to Andy’s body. It took Andy only a few moments to place my right arm by his left arm with our hands clasped together.

“I know you’re tired and it takes a lot of effort to talk, so don’t say anything. Just squeeze my hand every time that you want to tell me that you love me,” Andy directed me.

I squeezed his hand as hard as I could, which wasn’t much. Andy’s face lit up like he’d just won the lottery. I squeezed his hand a second time. “I love you too,” he replied.

“Go ahead and close your eyes, Paul. I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere,” Andy said reassuringly. “Just keep squeezing my hand until you fall asleep.”

Gratefully I closed my eyes. It has been such a struggle to keep them open. I needed rest, but I needed Andy’s company just as badly. I marvelled at what a kind and understanding heart that big burley RCMP constable of mine had. I loved hearing him say he loved me. It didn’t make the pain go away, but it made it bearable. I waited a few seconds and squeezed his hand a third time

“Always and forever,” he replied softly, followed by soft sigh.

I waited a few more seconds and squeezed his hand again.

“I love you, Paul,” Andy responded in the same soft tones.

His voice was so soothing, and the words were so comforting, I wanted to hear it just one more time. I gathered up what little strength I had and squeezed his hand one more.

“Love Texas,” Andy replied in an even softer voice. I had to strain to hear him clearly. Obviously I was more tied that I realized, but I had to hear it one more time, then I would get the rest my body demanded. I squeeze Andy’s hand one last time.

Silence. I waited a bit longer thinking maybe my last squeeze had been too weak. I concentrated and squeezed Andy’s hand as hard as I could. The only response was silence. Suddenly a loud snore filled the room. A second and third snore followed as I wrenched my eyes open, and forced my head to turn to the right. Andy was still there in the chair. He hadn’t left physically. He was slumped down in the chair with his head touching his chest. His body looked so relaxed it was a wonder that he didn’t fall out of the chair. Andy was sound asleep and contentedly snoring away.

“Forgive him, Mr Walton. It is 2:30 in the morning and he had only had a couple of hours of sleep, when I woke him up,” Doctor Smith said as he walked up to Andy and looked down at his collapsed form. “He insisted on being awakened when you came out of your coma. I am going to go get a couple of orderlies to help me get Andy back to bed. Meantime, you go back to sleep. You need your rest too.”

There wasn’t much I could do but to follow the doctor’s suggestions. It was a struggle but I managed to stay awake long enough to see the orderlies place Andy in the bed beside mine, and to tuck him in for the night. Satisfied that Andy was safely in bed, I closed my eyes and was asleep in the blink of an eye.

The next morning, or it could have been the day following for all I knew, I woke up. It wasn’t an alarm clock that woke me. It wasn’t the sunlight streaming through the open curtains of the window. It was something much more difficult to ignore. It was the three thousand or so hot knives sticking into my sides every time I took a breath that woke me up. I grabbed frantically for the call button. A few seconds of frantic searching located it. I smashed down the button and waited for the nurse to arrive. I closed my eyes and tried my best to deal with the pain.

“Good morning, Mr. Walton. And how are we feeling today?” Asked a cheerful female voice.

I kept my eyes closed, as I bit back the words that I wanted to throw at that cheerful voice.

“You sound very happy. I, however, am somewhat less than comfortable,” I replied acidly.

“I’m sorry to hear that. You timing is excellent. I was about to wake you up for your medication,” the nurse said.

“Bring it on, please,” I said.

“Open your mouth, please,” the nurse instructed me. I complied. “Now here’s some water,” she said as she inserted a straw into my mouth. Quickly I sipped and swallowed. I couldn’t get the pills down fast enough. Those knives in the sides of my chest seemed to be getting sharper with every second.

“You should feel much better in about twenty to thirty minutes, just in time for breakfast,” the nurse said. “I’ll help you to sit up then so you can eat.”

“You’re joking,” I said as I opened my eyes, and turned my head to look at the nurse.

“Not at all. The sooner you do for yourself the sooner you get out of here,” the nurse said. “I know you are in a lot of pain, but it won’t get any better if you don’t use the muscles and move about. You can walk you know, so someone will be by to help you to bathroom if you want to try using it today, rather than the bedpan, once your catheter has been removed of course. I’m sure you’ll be happy to be rid of that device,” The nurse had delivered her little speech with a pleasant expression on her face. She was a lovely woman, I noticed, with flaming red hair, dark green eyes, a cute pert nose, full red lips and cheekbones that a cover girl model would have killed for. She didn’t do anything for me though, since I was gay.

“If it’s all the same to you, I’ll try the bathroom tomorrow. I don’t think I have the strength today,” I said.

“Of course, but I should warn you that if the doctor agrees with me, you’ll be off the bedpan in less than a week.” The nurse smiled tenderly at me as she spoke. She was not offering me an ultimatum, rather she was telling me about my recovery schedule.

The rest of my first day of consciousness in the hospital was uneventful for the most part. I will spare you the details of having a catheter removed, other than to say that the word ‘ouch’ is a massive understatement. The nurse was very professional, when she performed that service. She reassured me the entire time and did her best to put me at ease. I thanked her for her efforts. Andy dropped by to visit with me for a couple of hours that evening. I convinced him that he should go home to get some rest that night. I was in good hands and if anything happened they would be sure to call him. I was out of danger according to the doctor and Andy needed some time to rest physically and mentally. He was very reluctant to go home. I finally had to insist. When he left for home the expression on his face reminded me of a puppy that had just been swatted with a newspaper for peeing on the living room carpet. I felt a twinge of guilt about sending him home to rest, but I knew that he need to rest too.

The second day of my recovery in the hospital room was uneventful. I ate. I rested. I took my medication on schedule. I used the bedpan. Andy came for a visit in the evening. We talked. We held hands. We told each other how much we loved one another. It was restful. It was what being in the hospital was all about.

On the third day, I decided I would try to use the bathroom. The orderly and the nurse helped me to the toilet. I managed to do my business. It exhausted me and I slept most of the afternoon away. I woke up just long enough to eat my dinner, then I went back to sleep.

The next few days passed by uneventfully. I had fallen into a routine of sleeping a lot, eating when I had to, moving about the room and waiting for a visit from Andy. We talked, we held hands and we kissed a few times. I can’t say that it was wonderful, but I did enjoy the visits from Andy. Finally Saturday came around. I had been looking forward to Saturday because Andy wasn’t working and I hoped we’d be able to spend several hours together. You might have been wondering where my family was during all of this. All of my of brothers and sisters as well as my parents, lived in other cities. We all had our own lives and we really didn’t talk regularly. Until I told them, they probably wouldn’t know about my hospital stay. I’d break the news to them when I was fully recovered. For now there were more pressing matters on my mind, such as getting well. Andy didn’t know it but my relationship with my family wasn’t what one would call close and warm. I kept them at arm’s length, because I’d never come out to them and I wasn’t sure when or if I was ever going to.

Andy arrived in my hospital room and about 1:30 in the afternoon looking as handsome and sexy as ever. For those of you who are interested, he was wearing a pale blue short-sleeved golf shirt which was very snug across his manly chest. That shirt was tucked into a pair of snug bordering on tight, dark blue jeans. Damn that man was sexy. The smile on his face was so warm and happy a part of me found it difficult to believe that it was because of me. Don’t get me wrong. I knew Andy loved me I just had a hard time accepting that he could think I was so wonderful. I didn’t see myself that way, and I had a hard time understanding that Andy could see me that way. No it wasn’t that I had a hard time understanding it, I just had to keep getting used to the idea.

“Hey Texas,” Andy said with a smile. “I brought you your iPod help you pass the time. It’s all charged up.”

“Thank you dear heart,” I said. “Looks like I’ll be out of here in a few days with any luck.. I hope I can make the charge last long.”

“Well before you start rocking to your country and western tunes, we need to talk,” Andy said letting the smile on his face fade away.

“Okay,” I said softly. Andy had something on his mind that was certain.

“Your doctor and I talked about this and we decided that it would be best if I told you,” Andy said hesitantly. He took a deep breath and then started speaking quickly and clearly, trying to get the words out as if speaking them as painful. “Paul, you were in a coma for three weeks, and you were not responsive. The doctors were concerned that you might not come out of the coma at all. They were afraid that they might have lost you, that you might have suffered brain damage in the beating. Paul, I was scared to death that I’d lost you. I was scared that I’d never have another chance to tell you how much I love you,” Andy’s voice cracked and he started to sob cutting off any other words he might’ve wanted to say.

“It’s okay dear heart. I know you love me,” I said to Andy in a vain attempt to comfort him.

“No, it’s not okay Texas, “ Andy said angrily a few seconds later. “I’ve wasted too much precious time. We both wasted too much precious time. Here, listen to this song. It says what I’ve wanted to tell you for a very long time.” With that he placed the earbuds in my ears men and then pressed play on the iPod. A few seconds later I was treated to Paul Brandt singing a song entitled “I Meant To Do That”. The words alone don’t do the song justice. In the past, whenever I listened to this song, I’d always get a tear in my eye. But now, listening to the song, and knowing this was what Andy wanted to say to me, the tears were flowing down my face freely. I wasn’t sobbing. I was just crying, my throat too tight for any words to squeak out. (Sorry, dear reader, but you’ll have to look up the words to this song as well.)

When the song was over, I pressed pause on the iPod. I reached up and pulled the earbuds out of my ears. I looked at Andy. I didn’t know what to say. I blinked the last few tears in my eyes but that didn’t seem to get rid of them. I groped for a tissue on the stand next to my bed and managed to snag one with my left hand. I blotted the tears out of my eyes and gave my nose a great big blow. I regained my composure and looked over at Andy.

“You are the love of my life my dear sweet Texas. You are my life. I will never let a day go by that I don’t remind you and tell you how much I love you. I know now that we don’t have all the time in the world, and we have to appreciate each and every day for the gift that it is,” Andy said softly. He looked at me with a sad gentle smile.

“I always knew you cared about me and you loved me dear heart,” I replied. “It’s sad that it took something like this to wake us both up and shake us out of our compliancy. I think we were both taking each other for granted.”

“Yes, we were,” Andy agreed. “I’ve done something that I should have done a long time ago, and I’m not sure that you’re going to happy about it.”

“What do you mean?” I asked confused. I was really happy that Andy was spending time with me, but I didn’t have a clue what he was talking about.

“I spent every possible minute that I could next to you while you were in that coma. I didn’t sneak in to see you after visiting hours. I raised a royal ruckus to be able to sleep in the bed next to you in your hospital room. Paul, a lot of people now know that you are my significant other. My love for you forced me to face the truth. I had to come out of the closet to some of the people at work, such as my watch commander. It was the only way I could get the extra time off from work when we didn’t know if you were going to get better. I also had to come out to some of the members of my family. I got tired of lying to them and making up excuses. It was easier to admit the truth to them, and then let them figure out how to deal with it, ” Andy said in a calm controlled voice.

“Oh dear lord!” I cried out as the impact of what Andy had done hit me full force. “I never wanted you to do that! I wanted you to come out when you were ready, not be forced into it! I wanted it to be your choice! ”

“But don’t you see Texas? It was my choice. I made a decision. I decided that my love for you is more important then what anybody else thinks about you, me or our relationship,” Andy said calmly as he reached out and held my right hand.

I stared at Andy silently, desperately trying to understand what he had done. It didn’t take long for me to comprehend that I was out of the closet now too.

“Now I have to ask your forgiveness Paul,” Andy said softly, as he read the expression on my face. “In openly declaring my attachment to you not only did I come out of the closet but I forced you out as well. That was not my decision to make.”

It was almost like he was reading my mind. I looked at Andy and part of me was angry with him. I clamped my lips closed fearful than anything I said would be out of anger and that I would come to regret it later. I knew I had a quick temper and many times in the past I let it get the better of me. I silently promised myself that this wasn’t going to be one of those times.

“I’ll let you think about what has happened. I’ll be back in half an hour and we can talk more,” Andy said as he reluctantly let go of my hand, got up and headed towards the door.

I let him go. I had much to think about. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my breathing, as I attempted to calm myself. Anger, however justified it felt, wasn’t going to help me. After about five minutes I felt centered and calm and ready to give serious and careful thought to what Andy he just told me. I understood what he had done and why. If I had been in his position in all honesty I probably would’ve done the same thing. He thought he was going to lose me and he wanted to spend every last minute that he possibly could with me, and to hell with the consequences. What had been done could not be undone. We would both have to adjust our lives, our relationship, and handle things as best we could. Andy’s repercussions would probably be more severe than mine, after all he was an RCMP Constable. He might lose all his macho police brothers. If so, then he would need me more than ever. My anger would fade with time.

As I thought about a bit more I suddenly came to understand that this was the next logical step in the progression of our relationship. If we were going to be honest with ourselves and about ourselves this had to have happened eventually. It would have been nicer if we could have chosen the when and where, but sometimes Fate steps in and does her own thing. When life hands you lemons you make lemonade. This was actually going to turn out to be a good thing for me and for Andy.

Just as I came to that conclusion Andy walked into the hospital room. I smiled at him and gestured to him to sit on the chair next to my bed. “I forgive you for what you did, Andy. I understand what you did, and why you did it, dear heart,” I told him. “I am very proud of you. You found the courage within yourself to be yourself, to be honest about who and what you are. You did all that because you love me. How could I not love you? How could I not be proud of you? How can I do anything but be thankful that dear Lord sent you to me, and granted me the gift of having you in my life?”

“And the consequences to you and to me, from what I’ve done?” Andy asked as he held my hands and kissed them gently in gratitude.

“We will face them together. It won’t be easy, but I know it will be worth it. Whatever they are, we will face them and overcome them together. This had to happen sooner or later, you know. If we wanted our relationship to mature and grow, we would have had to come out to our families and our friends, and maybe even our co-workers. You just took our relationship to the next level. Now kiss me, you big dope,” I said with a smile.

Andy was only too happy to plant several big wet ones on my eager lips. We spent the rest of that Saturday talking about various things such as when I’d be returning home and when I’d be back at work. It all depended on how quickly I completed my recovery. We would just have to wait and see how things went. The past few days had been a roller coaster emotionally. We’d been up, down and all around it seemed, as we tried to deal with what had happened to me. Andy asked me a lot of questions about what I remembered, and although I did my best to answer them, I wasn’t able to provide much information. The doctors assured us that given time I would most likely remember more details, but that it would take time and it could not be rushed. Andy grumbled about that as he wanted to take some decisive action to find the persons responsible for my assault. (Hey, I wanted to contact them as well, and it wasn’t to thank them. But I just didn’t recall much about that night.)

I wasn’t looking forward to returning to work. It was going to be kind of embarrassing explaining that I’d missed over a month of work because I was beat up. Hopefully, the details would not come out. I was going to be lonely over the next few days because Andy had go back to work, and wouldn’t be able to drop by to visit. He was my only regular visitor. At least I had my iPod to help me pass the time.

When Andy left at the end of visiting hours, I wished him well and told him to get a good night’s sleep. I would have no trouble sleeping, as I was still being given medication for pain and sleeping aids. As sleep overtook me, I welcomed the temporary escape it offered from my pain racked sore body. My last thought as I drifted off, was that if I ever found out who was responsible for putting me in the hospital, I would make whomever it was pay, in spades.

Sunday and then Monday came and went without much noticeable improvement in my condition. I still had to be helped up and about to make it to the bathroom. I was frustrated with myself and my body. I wanted to be out of the hospital as soon as possible. I don’t enjoy being in hospitals at all. I grumbled through the days. The music from my iPod helped to pass the time. It also helped me deal with the occasional flashes of memory that popped into my head throughout the days as I started to remember what had happened to me. I dreaded talking to the police about it, but I knew I would have to eventually.

Tuesday afternoon, Andy walked into my room unannounced. I started to smile at him in welcome, but the smile died on my face as he was followed by another RCMP constable. Both men were wearing the RCMP work uniform that consisted of navy pants with the yellow stripe down the outside seam of each leg, along with long sleeved medium blue uniform shirts with button flap chest pockets. Thick wide black leather gun belts encircled their waists, with the usual assortment of police equipment spread out along the belts. I noticed that they were both wearing black shoes, and had the blue RCMP cap with the wide yellow band sitting upon their heads. From the cool almost detached look on their faces, I could conclude that this was not a social call.

“Mr. Walton, I’m Constable Anderson and this is Constable Livingstone. If you are feeling up to it, we would like to interview you concerning your assault, “ Andy said in a stiff and formal voice.

“Of course Constable Anderson. I am pleased to meet you and Constable Livingstone. I hope I can be of some help to you,” I answered warmly.

“Since you are acquainted with Constable Anderson, I will be asking the question from this point onward. It is important to have an objective person doing the interview. Constable Anderson insisted on being present for reasons of his own,” Constable Livingstone said in a cool voice. Perhaps I was being overly sensitive and reading too much into it, but I could swear that I detected a hint of disapproval in Constable Livingstone’s tone.

“Would it be helpful if Constable Anderson left the room?” I asked.

“No that is not necessary. I merely wanted you to understand that Constable Anderson is not taking part in this interview in any official capacity. He is here at his own request. He was rather insistent about it,” Constable Livingstone answered.

“I see. Please continue,” I said.

“In your own words, describe the events that lead up to your assault by persons unknown,” Constable Livingstone said.

“Well, let me see. That Friday, three weeks ago, I received a telephone message at work, asking me to meet someone at the Copper Kettle restaurant at 7 PM,” I began.

“That would have been four weeks ago, Mr. Walton,” Constable Livingstone said to me in that same cool professional tone of voice. “I can understand that you might not be sure of which week it was, since you are still recovering from the coma you have been in for three weeks. Please continue.”

“Thank you, Constable Livingstone,” I said coolly. “The message also asked me to look for a surprise in the alleyway beside the restaurant.”

“Didn’t that strike you as rather odd, Mr. Walton? Why would you agree to such a strange meeting place?” Constable Livingstone asked.

“The message was supposedly from a Mister Andrew Anderson, a man that I trust. At the time I had no reason to doubt that the message was genuine. I trust Mister Anderson. He is a personal friend.”

“I presume that Mister Andrew Anderson refers to Constable Anderson who is here in this room with us?” Constable Livingstone asked.

“Yes, that is correct,” I answered. There was no harm in admitting that truth to Constable Livingstone. The details of our relationship were none of his business, although since Andy had come out at work, I suspect Constable Livingstone knew that Andy and I were involved.

“I see, Please continue,” Constable Livingstone said.

“I arrived at the Copper Kettle at just before 7 P.M. I looked around for Mister Anderson, and when I didn’t see him I walked down the alleyway looking for him. When I got about half way down the alleyway, I was jumped from behind. Two men grabbed me by the arms and held me tight. Another man walked up to me and said he had a message for me. The message was ‘Stay away from Andrew Anderson, from now on.’ At that point the man in front of me punched me in the gut causing me to double over. The rest of the encounter was an endless rain of punches and kicks all over my body. I remember being held up, swaying on my feet and the man in front of me punched my face repeatedly. I recall hearing many derogatory remarks.” My voice was calm as I spoke but my body was shaking with the remembered fear of that encounter. I looked over at Andy. He had a look of pure cold anger plastered on his face. For the first time, I felt a chill of fear looking at him, even though I knew his anger was not directed at me. “I don’t recall phoning for help, but somehow an emergency response team arrived. I vaguely recall being lifted into an ambulance.”

“According to the 911 staff, someone called 911 and reported an injured person in the alleyway. They asked for an ambulance. When the police and paramedics arrived, they found you in a pool of blood and your cell phone was still in your pants pocket. We took your cell phone as evidence and we are still examining it. The call was made from a disposable cell phone,” Constable Livingstone informed me. “Do you recall any details about what these men looked like? Do you remember what they said to you?”

“They were physically fit, and about six feet tall. They were wearing Halloween masks, skull faces I believe. It was dark in the alleyway, so I’m not sure what colour hair they had other than it was cut very short, a buzz cut I think in the term. As for what they said, it was something along the lines of ‘Keep your faggot hands off Anderson. RCMP constables are not for fags. You should burn in hell for touching a Mountie. Consider yourself lucky, fag, we could have done much worse to you.’” I did my best to keep my voice steady and my emotions calm. Giving into the remembered fear of the encounter would make telling what happened all the more difficult.

“You seem to recall the incident remarkably well, Mister Walton,” Contestable Livingstone commented.

“They made an impression on me. They were very successful in delivering their message,” I retorted. “Over the past week or so I’ve had a lot of flashbacks and the pieces of the jigsaw have fallen into place, more or less.”

“I see. Not the most friendly of persons, it would seem. Do you have any idea who might of done this to you or why?” Constable Livingstone asked.

“I have no idea who would have done this to me. As for the why, I can take an educated guess,” I answered slowly.

“And your guess would be?” Constable Livingstone prompted me. He seemed genuinely interested in my option, although he remained detached and aloof. I guessed that he was doing his best to remain objective, regarding of his personal feelings about the matter. I suppose that’s considered the sign of a good investigator.

“Someone who is intolerant of gay people and wanted to end my relationship with Constable Anderson,” I answered bluntly. “In my opinion, I am on the receiving end of a gay hate crime. I was assaulted for no other reason. If you will check with the staff at the Copper Kettle you will find out that I stopped in there first to check if there was a reservation in my name or in Mister Anderson’s name, and that I chatted with the staff for a few minutes before I went out the alleyway. There was no argument or disagreement with me or anyone else at the Copper Kettle before I went out to the alleyway.”

“You’re most likely correct,” Constable Livingstone said. “We will proceed with our investigation and let you know the results. We will be contacting you again.” His voice did not suggest that the investigation would be successful.

“Is there anything more, Constable?” I asked calmly.

“Not at this time. However, if you do recall any further details please contact me,” Constable Livingstone said as he handed me a card.

“Thank you. Constable Anderson would you mind staying behind for a few minutes?” I asked as the two men turned about and got ready to leave the room.

“I’ll wait outside the door, then,” Constable Livingstone said as he walked over to the door and opened it. “Don’t be long,” he called to Andy as he walked through the doorway, closing the door behind him. Andy and I were alone.

I looked at Andy. His face was still plastered with rage. He was doing his best not to lose his temper but I could see it was a struggle. I looked at him and tried to think of what I could say to him.

“I am getting better, Andy,” I said to him, in an attempt to start a conversation.

“When I find out who is responsible for this...” Andy began in a voice that could was so cold I was surprised there wasn’t frost on the windows.

“You’re not going to do a damn thing.” I cut him off. “Not right now. You can’t afford to even think about it. It was a very bad idea for you to be here and to hear this now. It should have waited until you were off duty and could see me as a private citizen. You can’t afford to be distracted from your job and responsibilities right now.”

Andy glared at me. He didn’t say anything.

“You know I’m right, dear heart. Let it go for now. If you keep thinking about it, you’ll be of no use to anyone. You have to let it go and let your brothers and sisters on The Force handle this. Do what you do best, what you’ve always done best. Help those you serve, and come home safe to me at the end of your shift,” I said to him holding up my right hand.

Slowly Andy reached out and took my right hand in his left hand. The anger drained out of his face and a small fragile smile touched his lips. “You’re right, damn, you. I don’t like it, but you’re right.”

“I don’t like it either, dear heart,” I admitted. “Frankly, I suspect that whoever did this covered their tracks very well. I doubt that any proof will be found as to who was responsible. They knew enough about you and me to know that I would trust a message from you. They also made sure that help would arrive after they injured me. It is also clear that they wanted to push me into breaking up with you. Right now, I think we should leave things as they are. Whomever they are, they did not succeed. Next time it will be a lot harder, because I’m going to be on guard from now on.”

“That doesn’t make me feel any better,” Andy said. “And what do you mean by on guard?”

“It wasn’t supposed to make you feel better, dear heart,” I told him. “Nothing I can say right now is going to make either of us feel better. We’re both angry, scared and frustrated. We each have to work through our feelings and master them. We can help each other. As for being on guard, I meant that I’m not going to trust things at face value anymore. For example, the next time I get a message that is supposedly from you, I’m going to check with you first before I act on it. I have to take some responsibility for this assault. If I hadn’t been so blindly trusting, I would have smelled a rat.”

“Yeah, I see your point. That’s a hard way to learn that lesson though,” Andy said shaking his head at me.

“I’ve learned it, believe me. Now, you big dope, get back to work and earn your pay,” I said to him with a smile.

“Yes sir. I’ll see you in a couple of days when I have some a day off,” he answered smiling back at me. Andy left the room feeling a bit better, and focussed back on doing his job. I was thankful for that. What I didn’t tell him was that I was sure nothing would come from the police investigation. Andy would realize that himself, if he didn’t already know it. The men had been wearing disguises, and probably gloves too. Short of someone video taping my being beat up, there wasn’t enough evidence to even begin a serious investigation. I was not at all happy to come to that realization, but it was the truth. I would have learn to live with it. Andy would have to as well.

I settled myself back into the hospital bed and tried to nap. The interview, as short as it was, had exhausted me. As I drifted off to sleep I realized that the only way I might find out who had assaulted me, was to mind scan everyone in the city until I came across someone who knew something about it. The only problem was that there were over 500,000 people living in this city, and I would have to have physical contact to scan each mind. Finding a needle in a haystack would have been child’s play compared to that undertaking. I tossed the idea out of my head, and went to sleep. Sometimes even being gifted doesn’t help.

Wednesday was uneventful. Nothing out of the routine happened, unless you count my being able to walk a bit easier that day, and not feeling so much pain from my body injuries. I suppose I should add that my intravenous (IV) needle and tubing was removed, much to my relief. I hated having that thing in my hand and having to drag around the IV stand with me when I went to the bathroom. My breathing was much improved as well. Thursday morning I woke up early and walked about my room for a few minutes. I wasn’t unsteady on my feet, and joy of joys, I was able to use the bathroom without any serious difficulty. Mind you I was exhausted, sweaty and shaking when I crawled back into the bed afterwards. I guess that’s why I had a late morning to early afternoon nap. My body wanted rest and it wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer.

I finally cracked my eyes open mid afternoon, when I heard a strange voice say, “Good afternoon, sir.”

What I saw, when I opened my eyes, made me wish that I hadn’t taken a nap. Standing at the foot of my hospital bed facing me, were two tall good looking male RCMP constables in full dress uniforms, known as the famous Scarlet Tunic. It was doubtful that either constable was female, to judge from the broad shoulders and narrow waist suggested by the uniforms. The two men were nearly the same height, which I estimated at about six feet, give or take an inch. The constable on the left was holding a long narrow box. (I had a pretty good idea what was in the box.) The other constable was standing nearby, holding his right hand at just above waist level. In his right gloved hand was a plain white envelope that looked to be about the size of a greeting card. The constables were too far away for me to examine their faces, so I made due with running my eyes over what I could see of their uniforms. On the tops of their heads were the signature brown Stetson hats of the RCMP dress uniform. (I had dated Andy long enough to know every detail of the RCMP dress uniform, even so my eyes devoured the site of the two handsome RCMP constables who stood at the foot of my hospital bed.)

Around their necks were the banded collars of the Scarlet Tunic, which were black and red with small gold crown crests on either side. Their broad chests were encased in the bright red tunic with its gold buttons down the front. At their waists were the expected brown leather gun belts, with their accompanying leather cross strap that cut diagonally across the chest from the left uniform shoulder flap down and across to right side of the gun belt. Nestled at the waist was the holster for the sidearm carried by each member of Canada’s finest. The snow white lanyard, encircled the neck of their uniforms and continued down the front of the Scarlet Tunic ending at the butt end of the revolver holster. There was an occasional glint on the polished leather, from the afternoon sunlight streaming in through the open blinds, that provided an interesting sparkle to the constables’ appearance. I looked downward past the tails of the Scarlet Tunic to see the expected dark uniform pants. I could see only a hit of the riding pants, because the foot of my bed cut off the rest of my view of the constables’ uniforms. I knew from experience that those black riding breeches would have a gold stripe down the outside seam of each leg and would end in a pair of polished high brown boots.

My visual inspection of the two constables took only a few seconds. I blinked at them a few times as I composed my thoughts before speaking. It isn’t every day that you wake up to see a couple of hunky RCMP constables in full dress uniforms standing by your bed. I strongly suspected that Andy had something to do with this. Whom else would have arranged something like this? I didn’t know a lot about how the RCMP worked, but I was pretty sure that they did not send constables in dress uniforms, out to interview witnesses. “How may I help you constables?” I asked them, not bothering to hide the puzzlement in my voice. (I had my own ideas of how I might ‘help’ these constables, but I wasn’t sure I had the strength for that right now. Wink. Wink.)

“I am Constable Sanders, and this is Constable Bender,” said the constable standing on the right. “Are you Paul Walton?”

“Yes, I am Paul Walton, Constable Sanders,” I answered cautiously, still wondering what they were doing in my hospital room, waking me up.

“Constable Anderson asked us to stop by and deliver a few things to you from him,” said Constable Sanders. “He won’t be able to visit you for several more days, and he didn’t want you to worry. May we approach you?”

“I see,” I said cautiously. “What proof do you offer that Constable Anderson sent you?”

“He gave me this card to give to you, ” Constable Sanders said as he walked up the right side of my bed. Carefully he raised his right arm out towards me, holding an envelope in his gloved hand. I noticed that the brown leather uniform glove fit snugly on his hand.

I took the envelope and opened it. It was a cheerful get well card, and on the inside left panel of the card, was written a note. I recognized the handwriting as Andy’s. The note said, “Hi Texas. I miss you. I’m sorry I can’t be there to deliver my gifts in person, but I did do the next best thing. I sent you two handsome Constables to keep you company for a little while. They are friends of mine. I hope you enjoy their company, and the gifts I sent. See you in a day or two. Love, Andy.”

I smiled as I read the note. It was definitely from Andy. He was such a sweet man. He certainly knew what type of delivery men I would enjoy. (Fedex and UPS eat your hearts out!) I looked up from the card and smiled at Constable Sanders. He was close enough now for me to get a good look at his face. He had an overall mature face that radiated authority and confidence. His eyes were a dark almost murky brown, set on either side of a strong firm nose. His nose sloped down at a slight sharp angle giving overall impression that you had to look up to him to make eye contact. His nose ended above a full and bushy black moustache, that completely hid his upper lip and was threatening to do so to his bottom lip as well. It was time for him to trim his moustache. (I wouldn’t have minded doing that for him.) The moustache added to the overall appearance of his handsome face. A firm strong jaw line and chin add to the quiet power that seemed to radiate from him. Short black hair peeked out from between the lower rim of the Stetson hat and the medium sized ears that lay nearly flat on either side of his head. All in all, Constable Saunders struck me as a most handsome man.

“Yes, Andy did send you,” I said pleasantly. “I hope you understand my doubting your statement. It is a little out of the ordinary to have RCMP constables deliver gifts to me.”

“I understand your caution,” Constable Sanders. “It was wise of you to ask for proof that we were doing what we claimed. Would you like to see the rest of your gifts?”

“Yes indeed, Constable,” I said with a grin. “Bring them on!”

Constable Sanders looked at me with a small smile as he lifted up his left arm. He was holding a small shopping bag in his left hand. He grabbed the shopping bag with his right and upended the bag on the hospital bed. Several books tumbled out of the bag along with a couple of bags of Lindor chocolates. Andy knew that I had to have something to help me pass the time. I looked over the books and to my delight discovered that they were all ones that I had been planning to buy for myself.

“Thank you Constable Sanders, for taking the time to deliver these to me,” I said. “Please, when you next see Andy, tell him ‘thank you’ for the books and chocolates.”

“I will do that, sir,” Constable Sanders replied. He was being polite but nothing more than that.

“My turn, I guess,” said Constable Bender as he walked towards me. He walked over to the right side of the hospital bed and around Constable Sanders, until he was standing directly in front of me. He looked at me and carefully handled over the long thin box that he was holding. I looked down, took the box from Constable Bender and opened it. As I had expected there was an assortment of roses in the box. Red, yellow and white, with some small green ferns. I looked up at Constable Bender to thank him, and as I got a clear look at his face, I froze for a few moments, stunned at what greeted my eyes.

Constable Bender was cute beyond words! He had a baby face that looked so young and adorable that it made me wonder if he had just graduated from the academy yesterday. He had the boyish good looks that have been known to drive gay men out of their minds with desire. I was shocked silent by Constable Bender’s good looks. I’m sure you’ve seen pictures of cute young men who have the ‘apple pie’ ‘boy next door’ ‘fresh off the farm young farm boy’ type of good looks. Constable Bender was all of these and more. He had short straight brown hair, from what little I could see of his head. Like Constable Sanders, most of Constable Bender’s hair was hidden under that sexy Stetson he wore. His eyes were a haunting emerald green, that caught your attention and held it. They were eyes that were pleasant to gaze into. I’m sure many young women had enjoyed looking at this young Constable, and a few gay men too. You could count me among them. His nose was normal sized, and unremarkable. His lips were medium sized, neither thin nor thick but they were full. He had an engaging smile with straight white teeth. His chin was firm and his jaw straight and strong. His clean shaven appeared emphasized the boyishness of his over appearance. ‘Did this Constable even need to shave?’ I wondered to myself.

For all his youth and boyishness appearance this Constable made his presence known in the room. His height along with his overall physical fitness suggested that if you were to tangle with him, you would have your hands full. (Yes, that was a most appealing thought, tangling with this Constable. I suppose I was looking at him as more like a hunk of sexy fresh meat rather than as a man, a person, and a human being. That was wrong of me, but it was a genuine human reaction. Can you blame me? I think if you’d seen this Constable you would have had similar nasty thoughts, dear reader.)

“Thank you, Constable,” I said once I had recovered my composure. “Please thank Andy for the flowers.”

“Yeah, right. I’ll uh....I’ll mention it to him,” the young Constable said reluctantly. Then to my surprise he blushed a bright red.

“What’s the matter, Constable Bender?” I asked puzzled.

“Nothing,” he quickly answered, sounding like he’d just as soon be out of the room.

“You blushed Constable Bender. Do I embarrass you in some way? If so, I apologize as it was not my intention to make you uncomfortable,” I said sincerely. “Is there something I can do to put you more at ease?”

“Well, don’t take this the wrong way, but you gays are all the same. You go ga-ga when you meet a real cop,” Constable Bender said. “I saw how you looked at me just now. You were thinking of what it would feel like to hold me in your arms or something like that. It makes me uncomfortable. I’m not a piece of meat.” Constable Bender shuddered as he spoke the last few words.

“I suppose that my thoughts were along those lines,” I admitted. “Your good looks caught me by surprise. You must have realized that you are a striking figure of a man.”

“Yes, I know that, but it doesn’t give you the right to ogle me like a piece of prime rib in a butcher shop window,” he replied a touch of heat in his voice.

“What more do you want me to do other than to offer you my sincere apology?” I asked him, confused at his rather strong reaction to my subtle (okay so it wasn’t exactly subtle) ogling of him.

“I would like to leave,” Constable Bender blurted out. “I’m not comfortable here at all.” He shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he fidgeted. He most certainly was not comfortable at all.

“Please forgive Constable Bender,” Constable Sanders said shooting a dirty look at Constable Bender. “He still has a lot to learn about dealing with the public. Constable Anderson asked us to drop of these gifts to you, and to spend a little time talking with you, and we shall carry out our assigned tasks to the best of our ability.”

Constable Sanders was so stiff and formal in his pronouncement that I was starting to feel uncomfortable. I disliked the idea that Constable Sanders considered spending time talking with me to be a job, an obligation and nothing more. Talk about forcing yourself to have a good time. I wasn’t expecting him to treat me like Andy would, but I was hoping that he’d at least enjoy talking with me. “Thank you again for delivering Andy’s gifts to me. It was very kind of the two of you to dress up in your Scarlet Tunics merely to drop off a few books and flowers to me. I am sure that Andy must have asked you to put forth such an effort, and I want you to know that I do appreciate it,” I said with my friendliest smile.

“Yeah, right. What is it with you gays and men in uniform, anyway?” Constable Bender said to me, the sneer clear in his voice, although he managed to keep it from showing on his face. Constable Sanders sent another warning shot at Constable Bender who chose to ignore it. Despite his cute charming and boyish good looks, Constable Bender was not what one would call gay friendly. An attitude was starting seep through the cracks of those boyish good looks of his, or maybe I was just starting to see past the good looks to the man behind them.

“I can only speak for myself, but I find a man in a uniform projects a more powerful masculine image, if you will, and that of course captures my attention,” I answered calmly. Inside though I was starting to seethe. Constable Bender’s anti-gay attitude, which he was making no effort to hide, was starting to annoy me. I didn’t need to deal with one more anti-gay bigot. The three men who had beaten me up in the alleyway had more than filled my anti-gay quota for the year. “Perhaps it would be best if the two of you left now. I still tire easily.” I was trying to give the two constables an easy way out. I didn’t feel like engaging in a debate right now. It would ruin the good feelings that had been delivered with Andy’s gifts.

“I’d like to ask you one question before we go. Just what does Andy see in a wimp like you anyway?” Constable Bender said in a puzzled voice. “You’re not much to look at.”

Constable Sanders was correct. Constable Bender still had a lot to learn about dealing with the public. His question was tactless, thoughtless, prying, snoopy, and out of line, way out of line.

“You’d have to ask Constable Anderson that question. I cannot speak for him,” I said coolly, while still keeping a smile on my face. I knew when I was being insulted, but I was also smart enough not to rise to the bait that Constable Bender was dangling in front of me. He wanted a fight or to prove some type of a point with me, for some as of yet undetermined reason. I wasn’t interested in obliging him. I would merely be polite with him, no matter how painful it was. These were Andy’s friends, and whether or not I liked them, I had to treat them with common courtesy, even if such an effort was not reciprocated.

“Might I ask you a question, Mister Walton?” Constable Sanders said in that overly polite voice of his.

“Of course, although I cannot promise you that I will answer it,” I replied.

“Constable Anderson informed me that you have used hypnosis to help him with his job stress. Is that true?” Constable Sanders asked.

Of all the questions that he could have asked, this was not one that I would have expected. Andy told me that he never talked about our sessions, which was fine with me. I respected his desire for privacy when it came to hypnosis, just as I did with any of my subjects. I found it odd that he would mention it to any of his friends on the force. I would think that it might make him seem weak to them, but maybe Constable Sanders was different. I didn’t know all of Andy’s friends, just had he didn’t know all of mine. We were still finding out about each other.

“Yes, it is true. However the nature and details of his sessions are a private matter,” I said pleasantly. “Why do you ask?”

“I was merely curious. He mentioned that he found it a great way to relax. I wanted to confirm that you were the person involved in this. As I understand it you are not a licensed therapist or hypno-therapist. Perhaps it would be best if you discontinued such activity,” Constable Sanders said keeping his voice pleasant and cool. It wasn’t a veiled threat, just a suggestion.

“I will take your suggestion under advisement. However, the decision is Constable Anderson’s not mine. If he wishes to discontinue hypnosis with me, that is his business, not yours,” I responded carefully, trying to sound professional. I didn’t want to antagonize Constable Sanders just for expressing his own opinion, however much I might disagree with it.

“I see. Well, I have nothing further I wish t discuss with you, Mister Walton, so I think we will take our leave now,” Constable Sanders said. The tone of his voice suggested that he was dismissing me as he would a cadet fresh from the academy. I bit back a snappy retort, as there was no point in getting into a fight.

“I don’t believe what I’ve heard. You mean to say that you’re able to hypnotize an RCMP constable?” asked Constable Bender as he looked over at me. The disbelief on his face was as plain as day.

“With his permission and his cooperation, yes,” I answered. “That is how all hypnosis works. It is based on trust.” (I do love talking about hypnosis. If you want to engage me in a conversation, just mention hypnosis.)

“So you’re saying that you could hypnotize me, right here, right now?” Constable Bender asked, the doubt still on his face. As I studied his handsome face for a moment, I thought I saw a gleam in his eye, but that could easily have been a trick of the light.

“Yes, with your cooperation and consent,” I answered. “I can do nothing if you are going to fight me. The old saying that you can’t be hypnotized against your will is true. So are you interested Constable Bender? Would you like me to hypnotize you and turn you into an obedient hypnotized RCMP constable?” I said with a smile. Little did this young stud muffin know that I wasn’t joking. I was going to hypnotize him, and his big beefy partner too. I had about had it with the two of them, and if they were going to present me with two RCMP constables on a silver platter, I was going to take the gift offered to me. Out of respect for Andy though, I would not do anything nasty or naughty with them, as tempting as the idea was though.

“Sure. Why not? Take your best shot,” Constable Bender said with a grin. “I’m going to cooperate, if only to see what it’s like when you try. If you can put me under, after all this warning, you’re good, and I deserve to do what you tell me.”

Talk about sending mixed messages. Constable Bender was saying that he would cooperate, and that if I could do it, implying that there was no way that I could, he deserved to do as he was told. There was one minor point to take care of before I started.

“Do you have any objections to me hypnotizing Constable Bender, Constable Sanders?” I asked addressing the other RCMP constable.

“Since he wants to try it, I suppose I don’t object. Why would you be asking me though?” Constable Sanders asked.

“I would not want to make you uncomfortable, and I also want you to stay in the room. I think it will put Constable Bender more at ease to know that his partner is in the room, and watching over him. Am I correct in thinking that the two of you work together and that you are partners?” I asked.

“It makes sense when you put it that way. I guess you can go ahead,” Constable Sanders said quietly. If he had any reservations about this, he was keeping them to himself. “You are correct. We are partners. How did you know?”

“It was a lucky guess on my part,” I answered. “The two of you are at ease in each other’s company, so it is clear that you know each other well. It seemed logical to me that if Constable Anderson were to send two Constables here to visit me, he would send two men who worked together as they would be more likely to have to same day off.” I smiled warmly at the two Constables, trying to do my best to put them at ease.

“Before we begin, I would like each of you to look me in the eye and tell me that you agree to do this,” I said. (Yes, dear reader, you know why I wanted them to look me in the eye. I wanted to implant some super hypnosis commands. They didn’t know that, though. Silly Constables, tricks are for cops.) “I don’t trust a man unless he looks me in the eye when I talk to him. I need to be sure I can trust the two of you.”

“That’s not an unreasonable request,” Constable Sanders said as he walked up to me and looked me in the eye. “I hear by state that I agree to let you attempt to hypnotize Constable Bender, and that I will be a quiet observer of the event.”

‘Oh, you’re going to be a bit more than that, Constable Sanders,’ I thought to myself as I locked my eyes on him. ‘When I hypnotize Constable Bender, I will hypnotize you at the same time, although you will not recognize that it is happening to you as well. All the suggestions I give Constable Bender will apply to you. You will feel them happen to you. It will not upset, surprise or concern you in any way. You will go along with the suggestions eagerly. You will look forward to being hypnotized and controlled by me,’ I sent to Constable Sanders in clear quick thoughts. ‘When you understand these commands you will touch your left index finger to your nose for just a second and then nod your head. You will not even be aware that you have done so.’ A heartbeat later, Constable Sanders brought his left hand and arm up until his left index finger touched his nose for just an instant. As he dropped his left arm back down to his side, he nodded his head. ‘YES!’ I said to myself, as I watched his head nod. Cops are so very good at following instructions. Now for Constable Bender. Constable Sanders walked a few steps away from me, clearing space for Constable Bender to approach me.

“And you Constable Bender?” I prompted him. “Are you going to look me in the eye and tell me that you agree to let me hypnotize you?”

“Fine, if you insist,” Constable Bender said as he reluctantly walked over to me and stood in front of me. “I agree to let you try to hypnotize me,” he said as he looked me in the eye.

As I looked into those haunting emerald eyes of his, I quickly shot mental commands into his mind. ‘Constable Bender, each suggestion that I give you will take effect very quickly and easily. You will find yourself following each suggestion as if it were the most natural thing in the world to do so. It will not concern or trouble you, when you feel yourself going into hypnosis. If anything you will feel a sense of happiness and accomplishment that you have been able to concentrate so well that you can let me guide you into hypnosis. When you understand these instructions you will nod your head once and then rub your right hand against your nose, as if your nose itches.’ I cut off the last thought sharply, and waited for Constable Bender to respond. A second later Constable Bender nodded his head once and brushed his right hand against his nose. I was two for two. It was time to start the verbal induction. Both constables were primed.

“Constables I would like you to stand up facing each other about a foot apart, on the left side of my bed,” I directed them.

Shooting one final this-will-not-work look at me, Constable Bender walked over to Constable Sanders, and positioned himself as I had asked. The two men were nearly the same height, a bonus for what I had in mind. (Yes, dear reader, that mischievous little brain of mine was cooking something up.) As Constable Bender approached Constable Sanders, I realized that a little problem had developed.

“I think each of you should remove your Stetson hats, to avoid bumping them off your heads,” I said to the two constables. As they followed my directions and placed their Stetsons on the empty hospital bed next to me, they shot me a look of mild curiosity. They didn’t offer any objections while carrying out my instructions, and for that I was thankful. A few moments later they were standing facing each other about a foot apart, looking relaxed. As I had expected both constables had very short haircuts. I think the term buzz cut, or crew cut would be accurate. The short stubble on their handsome heads reminded me of my sweet dear Andy. I enjoyed running my hands over Andy’s head when I had the chance. Now I would have the opportunity to do that with two equally handsome sexy constables. Sometimes you get lucky.

“Now the two of you please look deep into each other’s eyes,” I said.

“You’ve got to be kidding. That is so corny,” Constable Bender said with a chuckle, as he turned his head and looked over at me, wondering if he’d heard me correctly.

“Yes, I know it sounds corny, but it is necessary. Hypnosis works best when you have something familiar to focus on. I think you are familiar with Constable Sanders, and I am fairly certain that he won’t mind you staring into his eyes,” I said as I started to pitch my voice in a smooth soothing tone.

“Okay. I said I would try this, and I will, no matter how silly it sounds,” Constable Bender said with a small chuckle as he looked back at Constable Sanders.

“I agree that sounds ridiculous,” Constable Sanders said as he looked over at Constable Bender. Nevertheless he did as I asked. It was not as if either of these policemen really had a choice. They had already been given a compulsion to follow my suggestions. The deep super hypnotic control would soon follow. A few moments later the two constables were standing at ease looking into each other’s eyes.

“Constable Bender, please stand there and be at ease. Focus your attention on Constable Sanders’ eyes, and let yourself start to feel comfortable looking at his eyes. Study them as if you have never seen eyes before. If you want to feel ridiculous and giggle and grin, go right ahead and do so. All that I want you to do is get comfortable looking at and into Constable Sander’s eyes,” I said to Constable Bender.

“As for you Constable Sanders,” I said as I directed my attention to him. “Please try to keep your face as relaxed and calm as possible. If you feel the urge to giggle or smile, try to get it out of your system as soon as possible. You do not need to say anything from this point onwards, Constable Sanders. All you need to do is stand there and be a focal point for Constable Bender.”

The two constables nodded their heads at me as they acknowledged my instructions. They smiled at each other for a few seconds. Neither of them giggled. After about a minute the smiles faded away and their faces became calm and relaxed.

“Constable, keep your attention focussed on those eyes in front of you. And as you do, start to become aware of the simple mechanics of breathing. The movement of your chest up and out as you take in a deep breath, filling your lungs completely in a long slow inhale. Become aware of the feeling of letting go, as you exhale let your chest fall slowly and smoothly. Take a few more deep relaxing breaths and when you start to feel a bit more relaxed when you exhale, just nod your head once or twice,” I said as I pitched my voice in a smooth soothing tone. I had intentionally started addressing Constable Bender, only as constable, so that both constables would pick up on my instructions and follow them.

The two constables continued to gaze into each other’s eyes as they each took a few slow long deep breaths. They were breathing easily, each at his own rate. A minute or so later each constable nodded his head a few times. Their faces looked a bit more relaxed as they continued their breathing exercises. “Very good constable,” I encouraged them. “Breath and relax. That is all that I would like you to do, right now. Just listen to my words, and follow them along as you breath and relax. When you focus on your breathing, as you are doing now, you can let the nature relaxation that comes from breathing take hold. When you feel yourself become more relaxed with each breath, just nod your head or whisper the word yes, and know that no matter how relaxed you might feel, it will be easy for you to remain standing up and looking into the constable’s eyes. Just let those soothing eyes become all that you notice or can think about. Let your attention focus only on looking at them, as you concentrate on the pleasure of your breathing. My words and my voice becoming a soothing smooth flowing river of sound that you can follow at your own pace.” I kept my voice pitched in its most soothing and hypnotic tones. I knew that both constables were still nervous about me hypnotizing Constable Bender, and when Constable Sanders realized that he was going into hypnosis as well, it was sure to cause him a twinge of concern, despite my instructions. No one really likes to admit to themselves when they are losing control of a situation, cops especially. Policemen are trained to keep control of any situation they find themselves in, and to discover that they are suddenly not in control can be jarring. I knew I would have to keep alert for the subtle signs that their subconscious mind was fighting my instructions. I would have to reassure them, at that point, that this is what they really wanted.

The constables only responses were to nod their heads once and let out a long sigh, once or twice. Their faces started to relax and their jaws became slack and opened slightly. Clearly they were doing a good job of following my directions.

“Just keep looking into those restful soothing eyes and go down deeper and deeper into relaxation,” I urged them.

“Yes, deeper,” Constable Bender muttered almost immediately. Constable Sanders sighed once before he muttered the word, “Deeper.” Both constables faces reflected the increasing relaxation they were feeling. As I’ve mentioned before, cops make some of the best hypnosis subjects because they are so good at following orders, and because they like being put into a situation where they don’t have to be in charge of everything. The fact that most cops are damn sexy men, doesn’t hurt any either.

“As you go deeper, you’ll find that it becomes easier and easier to remain standing looking into the constable’s eyes,” I said soothingly. “Soon and very soon indeed, you’ll find yourself following the flow of my words and going down deeper and deeper with each word that I utter and with each breath that you take.”

The constables stood there silently looking into each other’s eyes while at the same time looking very sexy. I noticed a slight swaying in both men as they kept gazing into each other’s eyes. I smiled to myself as I enjoyed the sight of the two of them slipping down into hypnosis.

“Yes,” whispered Constable Bender a few seconds later. His face took on a peaceful almost happy look. I was pleased that he was starting to really enjoy himself.

“Deeper,” said Constable Sanders softly, as his face took on a dreamy blank expression. It was clear to me that Constable Sanders was going as deep if not deeper than Constable Bender. My plan was working well. Both constables were going into hypnosis.

“You’re doing fine, constable. You’re focussing very well on my words, and you can feel yourself going deeper and deeper with each passing moment. Soon and very soon indeed, you’ll find that your body will stop swaying and remain motionless as it becomes firm and stiff, reminding you of how your body feels when you are told to come to attention. It’s an old familiar feeling, that your mind and your body both welcome, so you just let it happen as I am speaking to you. Yes, soon and very soon indeed you will feel your body start to come to attention as you go down deeper into a state of hypnosis. The deeper you go, the more your body comes to attention, and the more your body comes to attention, the deeper you go, always going deeper, always feeling better.”

It was no surprise to me at all, that both constables stopped their swaying almost immediately. I felt a flush of excitement as I saw their bodies start to stiffen. I found the idea of two RCMP constables standing stiffly in front of me to be sexually simulating. I was getting a bit stiff myself, if you catch my drift. There is just something about seeing two tall, good looking, sexy police constables becoming as stiff as steel rods that turns me on. Most likely it has something to do with the power that I feel when I see this happen. The idea that I am controlling two men who are symbolic powerful masculine images has to be part of what turns me on. I suspect, although I have not taken a survey, that many gay men have similar feelings.

“Deeper,” Constable Sanders said. “Yes, deeper,” Constable Bender said a second later, almost as if he were agreeing with Constable Sanders.

“The stiffer you get the deeper you go and the deeper you go the stiffer you get. Your legs and torso easily able to support your body weight and keep you standing upright no matter how deep you go or how relaxed you feel,” I told them with a smile. It was satisfying to see their bodies become more and more rigid with each passing moment. The look of peace on their faces became more pronounced as they let go more and more. It was a pretty safe bet that they were feeling better than they had in a very long time. Now it was time to start having a bit of fun with them. I walked up to the two rigid constables and placed myself so that I was standing beside them to the right of Constable Bender and to the left of Constable Sanders.

“You’re doing very well, Constable. I am sure that you feel very good now. It’s so nice to go deeper into hypnosis and just forget everything else. No cares, no worries, no concerns. Just letting your mind go wonderfully blank as you do nothing but concentrate on my words following them down deeper and deeper,” I encouraged them, soothingly. As deep as I knew that they were, I still had to be careful. They were first time subjects, and as such they could be full of surprises. They might suddenly object to what I would consider an innocent suggestion, and I would have to find another way to implement the suggestion. I had not seen any such indications from them, but I thought it wise to keep my eyes open for any such signs.

“Yes, deeper. Feels good,” Constable Sanders readily agreed. He seemed content to keep going with the flow.

“It does feel good, but this is wrong,” Constable Bender said with a slight shake of his head, as if he were starting to fight my control. I was mildly surprised at this. If I had expected any resistance it would have been from Constable Sanders.

“Why is it wrong Constable Bender?” I asked.

“You’re only supposed to hypnotize me, not Sanders. This is wrong,” Constable Bender said his voice coloured with worry.

“Do you object to being hypnotized, Constable Sanders?” I asked.

“No. I just want to go deeper. It feels so good, so peaceful,” Constable Sanders said happily and a smile brushed across his lips.

“If he didn’t’ want to be hypnotized, Constable Sanders would not be going under right now. Since he is enjoying it so much, do you think it is really fair to ask him to stop, just so you can go deeper Constable Bender? I’m disappointed that you would be so selfish, and deny your partner the opportunity of feeling good, just so that you can feel good, “ I said with a frown.

“No, I don’t want that. I want him to feel good too, but it was only supposed to be me. This is wrong. He was supposed to be on guard, watching over me, and now he isn’t and he’s going deeper too,” Constable Bender said as he tried to make sense of what I had said to him. He continued to look slightly distressed as he sought to understand what was happening to him and Constable Sanders. After a few moments his expression melted into one of contentment and acceptance. “What the hell. I just want to go deeper too. Take us both deeper, please. I haven’t felt this good in so long. Please sir, take us both deeper. We deserve it.”

“As you wish constables,” I said. I was pleased that I had assuaged his concerns. Actually what I had done was to confuse him enough so that he didn’t want to fight me anymore. The super hypnosis suggestions helped make that a lot easier. I walked over to Constable Bender and stood behind him. I placed my hands on his shoulders and carefully turned his body so that his head was exactly opposite to Constable Sanders left shoulder. I quickly walked over to Constable Sanders, stood behind him and turned his body so that his head was directly opposite Constable Bender’s left shoulder. When I was sure that the Constables were positions correctly, I walked back to my position beside the Constables. “When I touch you on the shoulder Constable, you will find yourself toppling slowly. It will take only a few moments for your body to move forward and for your head to wind up resting on the left shoulder of the man standing in front of you.” I was explicit in my instructions, to reduce the possibility of the Constables being harmed. Their bodies were physically fit and heavy. I would have been hard pressed (no pun intended) to catch their bodies if they missed each other. After all there were two of them and only one of me. This was going to be good. I touched each constable’s shoulder.

I’m sure that my eyes must have lit up as I watched the two Constables toppled towards each other. Like two tall handsome dominos falling towards one another, the two constables’ stiff rigid bodies moved towards each other. A few seconds later the two men were resting their heads upon each other’s left shoulders. Their stiff bodies formed an inverted capital ‘V’ as they stood there holding each other up. It was such a sexy sight to behold. My only regret was that I did not have a camera to snap a few pictures. (Now you know, dear reader, why I had them remove their Stetson hats earlier.) I slowly walked around the two men, drinking in the sight of their propped up bodies from every angle. (Well not EVERY angle. I did not get down on my hands and knees, crawl in between their bodies and look up to see what I could see. At the time that idea did not enter my head. I must have been distracted by my enjoyment of the more conventional views and angles.) Delightful and delicious are the two words that rolled into my head as I feasted my eyes upon the sight before me.

“Yes, that’s right Constables. You can easily lean on each other, knowing that you can trust your partner to support you. After all, he is your partner and you have learned to trust him during the many hours you have worked together. So trust him now. Enjoy the heavy feeling of his shoulder supporting you and let go so you can go deeper into a relaxed comfortable restful state. Let your mind empty of all cares, worries and concerns. For now, just for now, let yourself enjoy having an empty calm peaceful mind. You deserve it. You know that you do. So just enjoy yourself. Breathing is so deep and pleasant. Just letting go. The deeper you go, the better you feel and the better you feel the deeper you go. Always going deeper, always feeling better.”

“Yes, deeper. Feels so good,” muttered Constable Bender.

“Deeper and deeper. Yes.” Agreed Constable Sanders.

“Now when you ready to go even deeper to experience a profound sense of relaxation, comfort and peace, you will be able to move your body again. When you are ready to reach out and enfold your partner in your big strong arms, to support him, to support his body as he has supported you all those times, when you are ready to do that and to go down even deeper into relaxation and peace, it will happen easily and almost automatically, constable,” I told them. Seconds later the two constables’ arms moved up and about one another at chest level. They pushed away from each other for a moment until they were standing upright again. They looked at each other as if they were strangers, their faces showing their confusion at their actions. I too was puzzled at their reactions. This is not what should have happened. They were responding so well to my suggestions earlier. I sighed softly to myself as I realized I was going to have to take some quick action to repair the situation. I opened my lips to speak but then held my piece as I saw the two constables take a half step towards each other. Gently, tenderly, almost hesitantly they pulled their uniformed bodies next to each other. Softly they embraced each other, laying their heads on each other’s shoulders with all the care of a mother laying her baby down in its crib. There was a gentleness to their actions that was overpowering to witness. I suddenly felt embarrassed to be witnessing two strong masculine powerful men showing such tenderness towards each other that was as profound as it was powerful. I had expected them to just roughly grab and hug each other like good buddies and friends. This, though, was something more.

I moved about until I could see Constable Benders’ face clearly. Some instinct guided me over to look at him first, before Constable Sanders. My jaw dropped as I saw Constable Bender had a look of intense peace on his face. His eyes were firmly closed and a small smile graced his lips. He was happy. Perhaps blissful might have been a better word. I heard him mutter ‘yes’ and hum with pleasure. “Are you okay, Constable Bender?” I asked stupidly. The man was clearly happy. I couldn’t think of anything else to say at the time though. I’m not the world’s greatest conversationalist by any means.

“Yes sir. I’m great, sir,” Constable Bender said softly, followed by a soft sigh of contentment.

I moved around so that I could look at Constable Sanders, as I was understandably curious as to his reaction to all this. Constable Sanders’ face was calm and relaxed. He had a gentle smile on his face, and his eyes too were closed firmly. “How are you feeling, Constable Sanders?” I asked.

“I feel very good, sir,” he answered happily. He didn’t say anything more. He merely stood there hugging and being hugged by Constable Bender. Both men were content to stand there hugging each other for the time being. Who was I to interrupt them?

“Enjoy yourselves, Constables,” I encouraged them. “It is not often that two men discover the simple joy of holding and hugging each other in comradeship and brotherly love. There is nothing sexual or erotic about all this. You are simply two men who know each other well. You trust each other. You care about each other. Now you have the rare chance to show your deep concern and compassion for each other in a physical manner, by holding and hugging each other. It takes a strong man to show his compassion and caring for another man, especially a man that he respects. Thank you, both of you, for allowing me to see the true strength of an RCMP Constable,” I told them in a soft supportive tone of voice. Perhaps I was laying it on a little thick, but the site of those two strong tall powerful men embracing each other was a very moving sight indeed. I did not find it erotic, although normally I’m sure I would have.

I decided to leave them like that, embracing each other for the next five minutes or so. The time passed quickly as I walked around the Constables and looked them over, devouring them with my eyes. They were handsome men, and the RCMP dress uniforms that they were wearing enhanced their striking good looks. I noticed that Constable Sanders was a few years older than Constable Bender. My guess was that Constable Sanders was the senior of the two Constables, and the one in charge. I noticed that I was a lot stronger today, and that my chest hurt a bit less as I walked about. Maybe I could go home soon.

“Please release each other and stand next to one another looking at me,” I ordered the Constables after I had walked over to the bed and climbed back into it.

“Yes, sir,” Constable Sanders said as he unwrapped his arms from about Constable Bender’s torso.

‘Right away, sir,” Constable Bender answered cheerfully. He removed his arms from about Constable Sanders manly torso, and then turned to face me, a smile plastered on his face.

“In a moment I will count from zero to five, where zero is this state or an even deeper state than this, and five is where you are wide awake and back to normal in every way. When you understand these instructions, nod your head once,” I said to them in a firm steady voice.

A few seconds later, both Constables nodded their heads once while they looked at me. They appeared to be quite content to stand there waiting for me to say something more. I decided to bring them out and see what they thought of the experience. “Zero, and starting to come up now. One and you and feel yourself coming up a bit more. Two, halfway there and you can feel the need for more oxygen and so you take a deep breath in. Three, starting to move and stretch as you come up more and more. Four nearly there and your eyes are blinking now. You will remember everything that happened during your hypnosis with me. Five, eyes open and fully wide awake. Wide awake!” I said as I counted them out of hypnosis.

The Constables blinked their eyes several times as they looked about the room. They seemed bewildered for a few moments as if they were not sure where they were, or what had just happened to them. It was almost comical to see them looking about with a ‘what the heck happened’ expression on their faces. I waited for them to say something. I was wondering what their overall reactions were going to be. The two Constables stared at me for a minute or so, as if they were unsure what to do.

“Wow!” Constable Sanders said as he looked at me in surprise.

“Yeah, I second that,” Constable Bender agreed.

“Wow? That’s all?” I asked “That’s all you have to say to me?” I was a bit taken aback by their subdued response.

“What more did you expect?” Constable Bender asked me, a puzzled look blooming on his face.

“Well the least you could do is say ‘thank you’. The two of you seemed to enjoy yourselves,” I said, as I smiled at them.

“Okay, well ‘thank you’ on behalf of Constable Bender and myself,’ Constable Sanders replied. His voice lacked any genuine warmth in it.

“You don’t seem too happy with how things turned out, Constable Sanders,” I said to him. I decided to keep the conversation formal, out of respect for the Constables. “Is there something amiss?”

“You could say that, yes,” Constable Sanders admitted. “I don’t like being used, and you tricked me into hypnosis. I never wanted to go under, but I couldn’t stop myself. It might have been a pleasant experience, but it was not one that I agreed to. The truth of the matter is that you tricked me. I don’t like being tricked.”

“I suppose if you want to get technical about it, yes I did trick you. I did hypnotize you without your express consent beforehand. However, if you didn’t agree to the hypnosis, nothing would have happened,” I told Constable Sanders. (Okay, so I lied. I’m no angel. I was telling the truth about regular hypnosis and I was withholding the truth which was that I had used super hypnosis on the Constables. Hey, we all have our little secrets.) “I think, all in all, it was worth it to the both of you. Don’t you feel more relaxed, calm and at peace then when we started?”

“Well, yes, I suppose so, but that doesn’t change the fact that you tricked me,” Constable Sanders said as he jutted his jaw out at me defiantly.

“Well, unless the two of you want to go back into hypnosis now and make out like a couple of love crazy teenage gay boys, I think we are about done with the hypnosis for today,” I told them. “I haven’t even implanted any post hypnotic triggers to put you back under. It’s safe for you to leave now, though we really should talk for another five or six minutes.”

“Why is that?” Asked Constable Bender as he looked at me.

“To be sure that you are completely out of hypnosis. You are both very suggestible right now and will tend to follow suggestions for the next five minutes or so. It is a normal result of coming out of hypnosis,” I explained.

“Yeah right,” Constable Bender said, but the look on his face said that he more than half believed what I said.

“Did you enjoy embracing each other?” I ask them.

“It was uncomfortable at first, but after a minute or so it felt good, yes,” Constable Bender admitted.

“I was surprised that it did feel good,” Constable Sanders agreed.

“I’m pleased to hear that. I like it when my subjects have a good time. Now I should warn you that if you embrace each other again, you will return to your very deep hypnotic trances. It is now up your conscious and subconscious minds to decide if you want to go back into hypnosis, ” I said to them with a smile on my face. The super hypnosis commands I had given them earlier, would insure that they would be returning to their super hypnotic states very soon. I was like a cat playing with a couple of mice, thoroughly enjoying myself and wanted to get on with the game.

“No way!” Constable Bender said shaking his head.

“You’re crazy,” Constable Sanders said.

“Actually, I’m not, Constable Sanders. I saw how the two of you reacted to each other. I think that deep down the two of you want to go back into hypnosis. Now you have to decide if you do” I said to them. “If you don’t believe me, all you have to do is try calling my bluff by embracing each other.”

“What the hell, let’s call his bluff,” Constable Bender said to Constable Sanders. “The guy is feeding us a line of bullshit.” Constable Bender shot me an ‘I’ll show you look’ that only added to my enjoyment. Constable Bender had just enough arrogance in his attitude that it would make taking him down all that more enjoyable.

“Okay, but only because you want to,” Constable Sanders said hesitantly. Holding his arms out in an open embrace, Constable Sanders walked towards Constable Bender. Constable Bender held his arms out as well. A few moments later the two Constables wrapped their arms about each other. They held each other firmly and rested their heads on each other’s left shoulders. A few seconds later their eyes closed, their heads dropped down and their arms became limp and dropped to their sides. They leaned forward and sagged towards each other. They were going to topple over onto the hospital room floor if I didn’t do something, and fast.

“Catch the man in front of you and embrace him securely. Don’t let him fall. He is trusting you to support him, just as he always has,” I told them. The Constables reacted immediately. Their eyes snapped open and their head came up as they reached out and grabbed one another in a firm embrace. It took them only a few seconds to steady each other. “Good boys,” I encouraged them. “Now you can feel your bodies, torsos and arms becoming strong and steady. You can now easily hold up the man in front of you, so you can close your eyes now and let your head drop back down into that comfortable place. You can let your mind go and drift back down into that wonderful state of hypnosis that you so enjoy. All the while your bodies will easily remain upright as you embrace and support one another.”

“Yes sir,” Constable Sanders said quietly.

“Right sir,” Constable Bender agreed.

I was pleased that the two constables were so agreeable to going back into hypnosis. It wasn’t as if they really had a choice though. They had never really left the state, although they didn’t know that. (Yes, sometimes I’m a sneaky son of a bitch. I’m no angel, as I said before.)

“Enjoy yourselves, Constables. And when you are ready, you can do whatever else comes into your mind. But remember that you cannot leave this room while in this state of hypnosis. That is for your own safely and peace of mind, “ I said to them. Now I would find out what these Constables really wanted to do while in hypnosis. It was sure to be interesting to say the least.

After a few more minutes the two Constables broke their mutual embrace, and carefully turned so that both of them were facing towards me. Small smiles decorated their faces, and a soft light shone in their eyes as they looked at me. I wasn’t sure what to make of it, other than to guess that they were happy. Constable Sanders looked over at the empty bed next to me, spying the two Stetson hats that rested there waiting for their owners to claim them.

“Henry, please go fetch our Stetsons,” Constable Sanders ordered the other Constable.

“Yes sir, uh, Fred,” Constable Bender replied a touch of awkwardness evident in his voice. He quickly walked over to the bed, snatched up the Stetsons and returned to stand next to Constable Sanders. Constable Bender examined one of the Stetsons and having determined its ownership placed it on his head while handing the other Stetson to Constable Sanders. Very shortly the two Constables were back in full uniform standing in front of me.

“Atten Shun!” barked Constable Sanders. Instantly both Constables came to full attention, looking straight ahead at me, feet together and arms held stiffly at their sides. Yes, I did feel a twinge of something, something most delightful. “Salute!” Constable Sanders barked. Both Constables snapped a salute at me. I was amazed at the actions of the Constables. I had not hinted in any way that I wanted them to treat me as a superior officer. They were doing it on their own. I felt a blush creep over my face at the honour they were showing me. I knew I did not deserve it, as I had done nothing to earn such respect from two honourable men. I walked over to them looking them over carefully. Damn they were handsome! I was very tempted to reach out and start fondling them as they stood there like living mannequins.

“Thank you, Constables,” I told them a few seconds later. “Would it be permissible for me to examine the fit of your uniforms while you remain at attention and continue to salute me?”

“Yes sir!” Barked Constable Sanders. “Both Constable Bender and I are at your command, sir!”

“Yes, sir! Of course, sir!’ Agreed Constable Bender enthusiastically.

I was flabbergasted. The ‘at your command, sir’ floored me. I wasn’t sure what to do or what had happened. I had not intended to direct the Constables into any submissive behaviour. If what the Constables had said was true, they had tapped into a very submissive side of their natures and decided to act upon it. Or it could be a trick, a test on their part. I shook that thought out of my head. If we had been talking about ordinary hypnosis where the subject had final control, then yes they could be playing me or testing me. This, though, was super hypnosis and it worked much differently than ordinary hypnosis. In super hypnosis subjects were submissive and obedient once they reached a very deep state of hypnosis and started to feel happy. The happy feelings flooding into their minds tended to lower any resistance that they might feel, and to make it much easier for them to act upon their deepest most hidden desires.

“So you are at my command, are you, Constables?” I ask them, as an evil thought popped into my head.

“Yes sir!” Constable Sanders answered immediately. He was now smiling pleasantly at me as if this was not at all out of the ordinary.

“Completely, sir!” Constable Bender said cheerfully. He was still saluting me but a shit eating grin was now plastered on his face. He was gone into super hypnosis big time.

“Well, then, Constables, when I return your salute, you will be the most talented actors in the world. You will be performing a scene in front of me where you are two gay Constables who have fallen madly in love with each other. You will proceed to deep kiss and fondle each other as passionately as you can while remaining standing upright,” I told them with a smile. “And you will not attempt to disrobe each other. It is okay if you knock your Stetsons off your heads, though.” (I can hear the boos hisses and yells of disappoint from those readers who were hoping for some hot intense man sex between these two constables. I could take things only so far, as we were in hospital after all and we could be interrupted at any time. Besides the Constables were straight as far as I knew and I did not want to try and change them into gay boys, even though I knew that I could do that if I wanted to.) I closed my eyes and projected a compulsion field in the corridor outside my hospital room door. The field extended for about three metres down the corridor in each direction. The field would cause anyone walking by my room to not hear anything out of the ordinary. Only someone who had a genuine need to enter my room would do so, and they would not see anything out of the ordinary. It took me about a minute to compose the field, project it and set it up. During that time the Constables remained at attention, saluting me. I smiled as I got ready to return their salutes. The smile got bigger as I realized that setting up the compulsion field was a lot easier than I had expected. With my recent injury I had thought I was going to have to put out a lot more effort to compose and project the field. This was not the case, however. I found creating and projecting the field to be just as easy as before my assault, perhaps even a bit easier.

I turned about and looked at the Constables. Carefully I raised up my right hand and held it with palm down, and placed it next to the right side of my face so that my index finger was just touching my right eyebrow. I did my best to imitate their salutes. It must have been acceptable to them. They both snapped their right arms down to their sides and smiled at me. They turned and faced each other, with devilish grins on their faces.

Constable Sanders walked up to Constable Bender, reach up, plucked his Stetson off of his head, and tossed it onto the empty hospital bed. Constable Sanders’ own Stetson quickly joined Constable Bender’s on the empty hospital bed, as Constable Sanders reached up and snatched his own Stetson off of his head. Constable Sanders removed his gloves and tossed them on the empty hospital bed as well. Constable Bender looked at Constable Sanders a bit surprised at his actions. No doubt Constable Bender was remembering my instructions that the two of them would not disrobe. Then a smile broke out on Constable Bender’s face. Quickly he removed his gloves and tossed them on the empty hospital bed as well. Whatever was about to happen, he was going to be a willing participant.

Constable Sanders planted his hands on Constable Bender’s shoulders, pulled Constable Bender toward him with a jerk, and planted a firm fierce kiss on Constable Bender’s lips. Constable Bender’s eye lit up. He wrapped his arms about Constable Sander’s torso and kissed him back with gusto. The two men started to move their arms about one another’s bodies as if they were trying to find the perfect position in which to grab and cling to each other. Their mouths hungrily searched each other’s lips as if they were each trying to make a lower lip sandwich. There were a few moans and a lot of heavy breathing as the two Constables devoured each other. (Yes, there was some heavy breathing from me, and I was only watching.) These two tall, muscular, powerful looking men were doing their best to put on a show, and succeeding admirably. If it had been a real audition, they would have gotten the parts hands down.

Constable Sanders moved his arms and hands about Constable Bender’s torso, continuing his search for the perfect position to hold on to Constable Bender. I could not stop myself from smiling when I saw Constable Sanders run his right hand over the back of Constable Bender’s head, while grabbing and squeezing Constable Bender’s butt with his left hand. Constable Bender let out a soft moan of pleasure at Constable Sander’s attention. Constable Bender’s arms whipped around Constable Sanders’ torso as Constable Bender moved his hand so that they were underneath the bottom of Constable Sanders’ tunic. Constable Bender planted both of his hands firmly on Constable Sanders’ buttocks, grabbed a double handful of Constable Sanders’ ass and gave it a firm manly squeeze.

“Oh, God! Yes!” Constable Sanders gasped as he felt Constable Bender grope him. Somehow he managed to get the words out while he was engaged in a major lip war with Constable Bender. It was an impressive display of male sexual affection, especially for two straight guys.

I stood there and watched the two Constables as they continued to put on quite a show. I am sure that I could have made a tidy little sum of money, if I’d sold tickets to this show beforehand. These two men were fantastic. I let them continue their audition for a few more minutes before I decided that I had to step in and end the show.

“Freeze!” I called out sharply. The two constables immediately froze in their positions, like a couple of hunky handsome statues. Oh I was so very tempted to examine those two statues and find out just how hard and firm those two bodies were. This wasn’t the time or the place for that sort of thing, though. I sighed softly to myself. “Now when I count from one to three, both of you constables will wake up and be your normal selves in every way. If at any time while you are in this hospital room with me, and you hear me say the word sleep, you will instantly return to the deep wonderful hypnotic trance have you have just experienced. Once you leave this hospital room, the word sleep will no longer have any special meaning to you. When you know and accept these instructions, your bodies will unfreeze, your arms will drop to your sides and you will stand up straight.”

The two Constables responded instantly. They unwrapped their arms from about each other, and let their arms fall to their sides as they both stood up straight. Their heads moved away from each other as they straightened up. They were ready to be awakened.

“One. Two. Three,” I said.

The Constables awake with a jerk. Their eyes popped open and they looked about the room, slightly confused as if they were trying to get their bearings. They were still facing each other. They each took a step back from each other as if they were suddenly uncomfortable to be in such close proximity. I stayed silent as I let the Constables come to terms with what had just happened to them.

“Oh boy!” Constable Sanders said after a minute or so of silence. “I can’t believe we did that!”

“Yeah,” Constable Bender agreed. He still seemed to be in shock, to judge from the way he was looking at Constable Sanders. “This doesn’t me that we’re, that I’m uhm....”

“No, all it means is that the both of you are very talented actors when you put your minds to it,” I assured him. “You’re both still straight. Hypnosis can do many things, but it can’t change you from straight to gay. All I did was help you to tap into the creative parts of your minds. Now, all in all you do feel better than when we first started talking, don’t you?” I asked.

“Well, yes, I suppose so,” Constable Sanders.

“I do feel better yes, but you have one hell of way making your point about being able to hypnotize someone,” Constable Bender said jutting out his jaw at me. A small smile graced his lips a few seconds later. He wasn’t genuinely upset with me.

“If the two of you would please sit down in those chairs next to each other, I’d like to have a little bit more fun with you before you leave,” I said to them.

“I’m not sure why I’m agreeing to this, but okay,” Constable Bender said as he walked over to one of the chairs opposite the right side of my hospital bed, and sat down in it. Constable Sanders merely nodded his head at me in acquisition, as he sat down in a chair next to Constable Bender, to the left of Constable Bender.

“You’re agreeing to this because in your last session you both said that you were at my command,” I reminded them. “And you’re not exactly 100 percent out of your trances. You’re still very suggestible and will be for the next five minutes or so.”

The two policemen looked at me with raised eyebrows, and then nodded their heads at me in silent agreement as they recalled what they had said a few minutes ago. They placed their hands in their laps as they waited for whatever was going to happen next. Their gloves and hats remained on the empty hospital bed next to me. They would not be needing those items until it was time for them to leave.

“I also think that the two of you really want to sleep.” I said cheerfully. As expected the two constables relaxed into their chairs, their bodies becoming as limp as two overcooked pieces of elbow macaroni. Their heads dropped down, nodding towards their masculine muscular chests, and their hands rested loosely in their laps. I walked over to Constable Bender. I couldn’t help but grin at the fun I was about to have with him and Constable Sanders. It was going to be a bit naughty, but harmless. “Even more relaxed and limp, Constable Bender. Let your entire body relax even more,” I encouraged him as I took hold of his shoulders and pushed at his torso. It took a bit of doing but I managed push Constable Bender over to his right and place Constable Bender’s head in Constable Sanders’ lap.

“Constable Bender , when I awaken you, you will have developed an uncomfortable tension headache. You will find that when you head is resting in Constable Sanders’ lap, the headache melts away and your head feels very good. Constable Sanders, you will not push Constable Bender away from you, because you don’t want him to feel bad,” I said to them. “Come awake as I count from one to three. One. Two. Three.”

Constable Bender jerked his head and body up and away from Constable Sanders’ lap, as soon as Constable Bender realized where his head was. He shot a ‘what the hell are you doing’ look at me as he sat there looking at me. Constable Bender appeared to be a tad bit upset with me. Constable Sanders, meanwhile, remained calm after he awakened. His face showed that he was mildly surprised to find Constable Bender’s head in his lap, but Constable Sanders did not appear to be upset about it. Constable Sanders said nothing to me or Constable Bender.

“My head really hurts,” Constable Bender told me a minute or so later.

“It might be a tension headache. It might feel better if you rested your head in Constable Sanders’ lap for just a minute,” I told him pleasantly.

“That sounds ridiculous,” Constable Bender replied, looking at me as if I was a few fries short of a Happy Meal. Constable Bender winced and rubbed his fingertips on his temples.

“Maybe, but what have you go to lose by doing it? It would be a lot faster than aspirin. Besides, I think Constable Sanders will understand,” I told Constable Bender.

“Sure I would understand,” Constable Sanders agreed. “I don’t want to see you in pain, Henry.”

“Okay, as long as you don’t mind, Fred,” Constable Bender said as he lowered his head towards Constable Sanders’ lap. An expression of relief appeared on Constable Benders’ face as soon as the right side of his face came into contact with Constable Sanders’ lap. “Ohhh....” he cried out as the pain left him.

“Does that feel better Constable Bender?” I asked him.

“Oh yes, yes it does,” Constable Bender agreed readily. “No more headache.”

“Well, just go ahead and rub your head on Constable Sanders’ lap, if it helps you to feel better. I’m sure that Constable Sanders doesn’t mind.”

“I don’t mind at all,” Constable Sanders agreed. He looked down at Constable Bender as father might look at his little boy snuggled in his lap.

“You might feel better if you were to get down on your knees in front of Constable Sanders, and put your entire face into Constable Sanders’ lap,” I said in a matter of fact tone of voice.

“Oh that sounds like a good idea,” Constable Bender agreed. He slowly stood up from his chair and walked in front of Constable Sanders. Slowly Constable Bender knelt in front of Constable Sanders. Constable Bender bent over and placed his face firmly in Constable Sanders’ lap. Constable Bender move his head to the left, so that he could breath easily. A few loud sighs of relief quickly followed.

“Go ahead and move your head to wherever you need to in Constable Sanders’ lap, to keep your headache away,” I told him. Constable Sanders looked over at me with an expression of tolerance. He was putting up with this, but he wasn’t enjoying it at all. He had his legs firmly closed, and if that wasn’t a sign of his discomfort, the way in which he firmly pressed his lips together while he looked over at me, was. Constable Bender started to move his head left and right and all around Constable Sanders’ lap. Constable Bender was sighing with pleasure as he knelt there in front of Constable Sanders with his head in Constable Sanders’ lap. I admit that I enjoyed the sight of one Constable kneeling in front of a second Constable, with the first Constable having his head nested in the lap of the second Constable.

“Sleep” I called out to the two Constables, after watching them for a few minutes. “Constable Sanders when you wake up you will discover that the feeling of Constable Bender’s head and face in your lap is enjoyable. In fact the more he moves his head about in your lap the more enjoyable and erotic the feeling will become. You might even find yourself spreading your legs so that Constable Bender has better access to your lap, thighs and crotch. As for you Constable Bender, you’ll discover that your headache is completely gone, but that you enjoy rubbing your face and head in Constable Sander’s lap, and that the more you do it, the more enjoyable it becomes. You might even find that shortly it started to feel a bit erotic and that you really want to explore Constable Sanders’ lap, thighs and crotch with your head and face.” (Oh yes, dear reader, I was doing something very naughty with the Constables. No applause, please, just send money.)

The two Constables nodded their heads a few seconds after I finished speaking. They had signalled their agreement to my commands without being asked to do so, because they were fast becoming accustomed to doing what I told them. This is one of the reasons why I so enjoy hypnotizing policemen and members of the military. They are used to following orders. Of course the fact that I was using super hypnosis on them was a big help. Constable Sanders was already starting to smile as he nodded his head a second time. As I looked down at Constable Bender I understood why Constable Sanders was starting to smile. Constable Bender was nodding his head while it was still in Constable Sanders’ lap. The gentle rubbing motion was no doubt starting to have an effect on Constable Sanders. It was time to wake these two men up and let them really go to town.

“One. Two. Three. Wide awake!” I called out to them.

Constable Sanders awoke with a jerk and snapped his head up looking around the room. He seemed a big bewildered for just a moment or two. He kept his expression neutral as he looked down at Constable Bender’s head nestled in his lap . Constable Bender’s head snapped up a half a second later. He wound up looking up at Constable Sanders handsome face. A small spread on Constable Benders lips, and a twinkle of anticipation sparkled in his eye as he stared at Constable Sanders for a moment or two. I only saw Constable Bender’s profile, but it was a foregone conclusion that his smile was spread upon both sides of his face and that his right eye was twinkling and sparkling just as well as his left eye.

Constable Bender set right to work. He pressed his head down firmly into Constable Sanders lap and started moving his head left and right as well as forward and backward, as he moved his head all about. At first there was no reaction from Constable Sanders, even after several minutes of intense effort on the part of Constable Bender. Then I saw a small smile brush Constable Sanders’ lips. He was starting to enjoy himself, just a tiny little bit.

Constable Bender looked up at Constable Sanders to see what reaction his actions were producing. Apparently that hint of a smile was enough to encourage Constable Bender. He kept doing what he was doing, keeping the pace the same, and taking his time. After a few more minutes he stopped and looked up at Constable Sanders again. A mischievous grin appeared on Constable Bender’s face, and his eyes lit up with anticipation. He had something in mind, and I couldn’t wait to find out what. I didn’t have long to wait. Constable Bender placed each of his hands on Constable Sanders’ knees. With a nod of his head and a big grin on his face, Constable Bender flexed his muscular arms and pushed Constable Sanders’ legs apart. Constable Sanders offer only a token resistance. I saw Constable Sanders’ chest heave as Constable Benders spread Constable Sander’s legs wide apart. I didn’t have a protractor with me at the time, but I would have guessed that the angle of his legs would have been just short of ninety degrees.

With his arms locked in place to prevent Constable Sanders from taking any type of action if he suddenly changed his mind, Constable Bender launched his torso forward and dove his head and face into Constable Sander’s crotch. As I saw him do that, my cock became rock hard. I had expected something along those lines to happen, after all I was the one who had suggested the general idea, but I was caught off guard by the erotic overtones generated while seeing an RCMP Constable doing that to another RCMP Constable. I was pleased to note that I had recovered enough from my physical trauma to have normal male reactions to sexually stimulating situations. Of course I wasn’t thinking of it in exactly those medical terms.

The soft moans escaping from his lips, and the occasional shudder that ran through his body, were clear if somewhat subtle signs that Constable Sanders was appreciating Constable Bender’s efforts. The dead giveaway though, was when Constable Sanders reached down and placed his hands gently but firmly on Constable Bender’s head and forced that handsome head down firmly in between his spread legs. Constable Sanders leaned back in the hospital chair and gave himself over to the pleasure that Constable Bender was providing him. (I find it very satisfying to see two men enjoy each other, even when their clothes remain on. Sometimes circumstances, such as these, limit your options.) Constable Bender was pushing his head as deeply into Constable Sanders’ crotch as he could, while moving his head from left to right so that he could breath. Constable Benders entire body was moving back and forth, and up and down as he did his best to cover every square centimetre of Constable Sanders’ lap, crotch and lower pelvic area. I confess that I found the motion of Constable Bender’s backside to be entertaining, even if it was hidden beneath his Scarlet Tunic.

Animal moans of pleasure and profound panting filled the hospital room, as Constable Bender fully stimulated Constable Sanders. The two of them were going at it with great enthusiasm. They no longer cared if I was in the room, or for that matter if anyone else was in the room. I was curious if the two Constables were sporting erections. Alas, I would never know, short of a Janet Jackson type wardrobe malfunction. I would never indulge in my fantasy of finding out. I had my own RCMP Constable. I didn’t need to grope any of Andy’s friends. After a few more minutes of fun, I knew I would have to wake them up and send them on their way. All good things must come to an end.

“SLEEP!” I yelled at them. Constable Sanders wilted in the chair like a plant that had not been watered for a week or two, his legs spread apart and his arms dangling down his sides like two loose ropes, a look of utter contentment plastered on his face. Constable Bender was slumped down kneeling in front of Constable Sanders. Constable Bender’s head was resting in Constable Sanders’ lap. Constable Bender’s handsome head was lying on his left side, a look of peace plastered on it. I was loath to wake them up and return them to normal, not because I feared what their reaction would be. I didn’t want the fun to end, because they were handsome men, and very good subjects. (Okay, so with my super hypnosis powers, all men a very good subjects. Still you had to admit they were damn cute, dear reader.) “Now, Constables, when I wake you up you will remember everything that you did in hypnosis. Any time today that you hear me, and only me, say the word sleep you will eagerly and joyfully return to this wonderful state of hypnosis. If you are sitting down you will relax comfortably into your chair, and if you are standing you will find yourself able to stand easily and comfortably as you slip back down into hypnosis. When you wake up you will know that you cannot leave this room until I give you permission. You will also know that you cannot harm me.” I thought about stating more specific instructions about harming me, but then I realized it wasn’t necessary. A few short words, followed by some brief mental commands is all that would be required to change their memories of the afternoon’s events, should that be necessary.

“Zero. One. Two. Three. Four Five. Wide awake! Wide awake!” I called out to them. I was going to enjoy their reactions to all that had happened to them.

Constable Sanders awoke with a jerk, looking about the room, as if he had suddenly lost his bearings and didn’t know where he was. This wasn’t an uncommon reaction when coming out of a super hypnosis trance. The feeling of reality when being in such a trance can be profound, and the shock when awakening and realizing that it was all in your mind, can be somewhat sudden. Fortunately it passes very quickly and the mind accepts the fantasy for what it was, a fantasy. He looked about and quickly sized up the situation. He looked over at me and silently wagged a finger at in a ‘naughty, naughty’ gesture. He looked down at Constable Bender whose head was still resting in his lap. Constable Sanders didn’t seem upset, if anything the expression on his face was one of amusement.

Constable Bender surprised me. I had expected him to leap to his feet at finding himself kneeling in front of Constable Sanders with his head resting on Constable Sanders’ lap or rather securely wedged in Constable Sanders’ lap to be more precise. Instead Constable Bender merely moved his head about until he was looking up at Constable Sanders. From what I could see, Constable Bender was grinning at Constable Sanders.

“Was it good for you, Fred?”he asked grinning broadly.

“You bet, Henry. You really know how to rub me the right way,” Constable Sanders chuckled, as he smiled down at Constable Bender. Constable Sanders looked over at me and smiled at me. “Not what you expected, eh, Mr. Walton?”

‘ Not at all the reaction I was expecting,” I admitted feeling a bit dumbstruck at the completely calm reactions from the Constables.

“No doubt you were expecting us to be upset with you, and shocked at what you had the two of us do this afternoon. Surprised you, didn’t we?” Constable Sanders said still smiling at me.

“Yes. Would you care to explain?” I asked as my curiosity got the better of me. I was relieved that I was not going to have to calm these two men down, but their reactions didn’t make much sense to me. Then it clicked into place. It made sense if the constables were an item! My train of thought must have been clearly evident on my face.

“Ah the man has figured out our little secret, Henry,” Constable Sanders said to me. “He’s not as dumb as he looks, apparently.”

“He must have thought we were two homophobic idiots who needed to be taught a lesson, when in reality all we wanted was the hypnosis. Andy said you were really good at this hypnosis stuff and speaking only for myself, I have to admit that you sure know what you are doing,” Constable Bender said to me when he turned his head to look at me, keeping his head in Constable Sanders’ lap.

“Well said, boy,” Constable Sanders said affectionately patting the top of Constable Bender’s head.

“Thank you, Daddy,” Constable Bender replied, the respect and admiration in his tone of voice was unmistakable.

“Well, you two certainly had me fooled. I had no idea that the two of you were involved with each other,” I said as the humour of the situation finally dawned on me. These two hunky cops had played me. They had faked me out. They came to deliver Andy’s gifts all right, and the payment they wanted, was to be hypnotized by me! Ordinary hypnosis would probably have worked just as well on them. I was glad I had used my powers on them though, as I have much more control in such situations. The entire homophobic conversation earlier with Constable Bender had been an act, and I had fallen for it, hook, line and sinker. “Might I ask how long you’ve been with each other?”

“Do you think you and Andy are the only two people in the world who have to hide your relationship? We have had years of practice keeping our feelings secret when we are in public. It’s been nearly seven years, if you must know,” Constable Sanders answered me. As the ‘daddy’ in the relationship, it was clear that he was in charge. Constable Sanders did have a very authoritative voice and clearly he was used to being in control. (I could quickly and easily change that, if I wanted to, but now was not the time. The idea of reversing their roles, and having Constable Bender in charge for a change was very interesting.)

“Thank you for sharing this part of your lives with me. I am honoured at the trust you have in me,” I said calmly, with a small friendly smile on my lips.

“We know about your and Andy’s relationship, so it only seemed fair to let you know about ours. We thought that if you knew about our relationship, you might want to get together sometime. It’s not easy finding people that you can try to develop friendships with, especially in our line of work,” Constable Sanders said, smiling at me.

“It doesn’t hurt to have one of those friends be a hypnotist whom you can ask to help the two of you explore some of your fantasies? That is when you get to know me a bit better. I’ll bet that the two of you would like to be able to switch roles sometime, with the use of a few hypnotic key words, right?” I said with a grin.

“Now how the heck did you figure that out? Who told you?” Constable Bender said to me, a surprised look on his face.

“I’ve been doing hypnosis a long time. Experience has taught me that people in control often want to experience something that is 180 degrees from what they are familiar with. Hypnosis seems to be a legitimate tool to help such people tap into and explore sides of their personalities that they are sometimes too shy to delve into. For example, Constable Bender, I would guess that deep down you’d like to be a store mannequin and have Constable Sander here undress and dress you up in a suit and tie. You would never think of disobeying your daddy, but feeling frozen and helpless in front of your daddy, that is an entirely different and very erotic fantasy for you,” I said with a smile.

“What the hell did you do? Read my mind?” Constable Bender declared. The look of shock on his face was priceless.

“No, I just took an educated guess,” I admitted. (I had not scanned either of their minds, dear reader, if you will recall.) “I could have been wrong, but knowing how daddy/son relationships work in general, it seemed like a strong possibility. After all, neither of you are likely to wear a suit and tie in your daily work, and sons always want to look good for their daddies.”

“Andy wasn’t kidding about you. You really know your stuff,” Constable Sanders said to me. “On behalf of us both, thank you for the hypnosis. It was very enjoyable. I hope we can do it again sometime. Unfortunately, we have to get going. We’ve already stayed here longer than we planned.”

“I would like to hypnotize the two of you again. If you have no objection, I’d like Andy there as well. He would be your assurance that everything would remain above board. Please call me and let me know when your schedules permit you some free time. I think it best that I not call either of you. Andy and my relationship is more or less out in the open now. I would not want the two of you to put your relationship in any type of jeopardy,” I said to them as they both slowly, and somewhat reluctantly it seemed, climbed back up on to their feet. I was tempted to yell sleep at them and put them back under, but realized that they were right. We were pushing our luck as far as being interrupted was concerned. It was amazing how fast two hours can pass when you are hypnotizing hunky handsome RCMP Constables.

“It was a enjoyable afternoon. I hope you enjoy Andy’s gifts,” Constable Bender said to me with a genuine smile as he placed his Stetson on his head, and then slipped on his gloves.

“One of us will call you in the next few weeks, rest assured. I want more hypnosis for my boy, here,” Constable Sanders said to me as he finished dressing. He looked over Constable Bender, making sure everything was correct on his uniform.

“Yes, Daddy,” Constable Bender said with a note of excitement in his voice. This gave me hope that Constable Sanders wasn’t just being polite when saying that he’d call me.

“Well good bye then, Mr. Walton,” Constable Sander said briskly, the professional tone slipping back into his voice.

“Good bye, Mr. Walton,” Constable Bender said, his voice only slightly less authoritative but no less professional than Constable Sanders.

“Good bye Constables, and thank you again for the visit,” I said to them as they turned and walked towards the door. They looked very good leaving, even if I could not see their cute butts. (I’m not Superman. I don’t have X-ray vision, you know, dear reader.)

As they walked out the door, I climbed back into my hospital bed, suddenly feeling tired. The afternoon’s adventures had take more out of me than I’d realized. It had been fun hypnotizing the two Constables, but I could feel how much my powers had been drained. I was far from fully recovered physically or mentally.

As I lay back and relaxed, hoping to doze off for an hour or so, I realized that I had not implanted any hypnosis triggers in either of the Constables. When I saw them again, I might have to start from scratch. That might not be such a bad idea. I dozed off with a smile on my lips, knowing that Andy would most definitely want to witness such an event.