The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


by NickelModelTales

Chapter 4: Lounge

Mingzhu was having the strangest dream… She was somewhere, far away, and long, long ago … There were rolling hills, covered in tall grasses. A deep blue river weaving through a forest could be seen. Farther in the distance, tall, grey mountains rose up into the clear blue sky. The sun was bright.

An animal bleated, and Mingzhu looked down at her body. She wore the simple hemp dress of a shepherdess, a billowing skirt swishing about her knees. Her hair was long and beautiful and tied up with a simple blue ribbon. Her feet were bare and the grass felt cool between her toes. And a flock of white sheep were on the hill with here, calmly grazing. It was so peaceful here.

Mingzhu smiled, enjoying the light fragrance of the pines.

“Hello there,” a masculine voice said behind her.

Mingzhu turned, and was surprised to see the stable boy from the village approach. He was called “stable boy,” but this man was clearly fully grown. Mingzhu sucked in an excited breath as he drew near. Stable Boy was gorgeous. Oh, he was tall and handsome and had the thickest hair and squarest chin and FOR GODS SAKES look at those MUSCLES, and his chest was so wide and was that a dimple? oh, so cute and he faintly smelled of the most delicious musk and his eyes were so gorgeous, oh so gorgeous, and Mingzhu nearly swooned as he reached for her hand.

“Let’s enjoy the day,” Stable Boy commanded.

It was like his words put Mingzhu under a spell. “I want to,” she blushed, and allowed the hulking fellow to lead her away from the sheep. There was a moss-covered boulder nearby. Without having to be told, she lifted her petticoat, delighted to find that she was not wearing underwear. She was aroused.

“Stand with your feet apart,” ordered Stable Boy. Somehow he was now naked, and his beautiful red cock extended before him like a spear. He moved to stand directly behind her.

“Yeah…!” breathed Mingzhu, and she leaned over the boulder. She felt Stable Boy’s hands on her bare bottom, spreading apart her buttocks. And then the tip of his cock was teasing her, teasing her wet, aching-

* * *


The data scientist awoke in a sudden jolt. Where…?

She was in the tiny Anthemoessa computer lab. All the monitor screens were glowing in her blinking face. Commander McCormick stood in the corridor hatch, glaring at her.

“Got anything?” the beautiful officer demanded.

“Uh…” Mingzhu said, collecting her wits. To her horror, she realized her hand was pressed against her crotch.

Oh shit! She’d completely fallen asleep in the lab! Why hadn’t Cora woken her? How much time had gone by?!?

“I… um…” mumbled Mingzhu, sitting up quickly. “I was… was just…”

McCormick’s expression softened. “Oh Jesus,” she said. “You’ve been in here almost a day now. When did you last get some sleep?”

Mingzhu rubbed her eyes. “I, um, just need some coffee.”

“Okay, okay, okay…” exhaled the commander, and she leaned against the bulkhead. “Look, Ming, I’ve been pushing you. I know it. I’m sorry, but you’re all I’ve got. And it scares the piss out of me that we don’t know what the fuck is going on in our own systems.”

“Yeah,” Mingzhu agreed.

“Don’t know if you heard, but we’re still experiencing more computer problems,” said McCormick. “Now the uniform dispensers are down.” She scowled, absently fanning herself. “Might be just as well. Its too fucking hot on this ship.”

“Uniform dispensers, right,” Mingzhu sighed, and jotted that down in her notepad.

McCormick fixed Mingzhu with a steely gaze. “We’ve got maybe two more days before we all have to go back into SAT. I need your best guess. What’s the issue?”

“Its got to be a rogue program,” Mingzhu replied, stretching her back. “Somewhere, deep within Cora, there’s a program running and doing things its not supposed to be doing. It’s the only explanation.”

“You’re saying… this program is causing systems on the ship to malfunction? Why?”

“I don’t know,” Mingzhu admitted. “The symptoms seem too random. My guess is, this program is running amuck and causing all this damage by accident.”

“Okay…” said McCormick, rubbing her buzzcut scalp. “So how do we get rid of it?”

“That’s a problem,” groused Mingzhu. “Cora and I have checked every component and subsystem we have. I can’t find a single process that is suspicious. Nothing is out of order. Absolutely nothing.”

McCormick exhaled, drawing a weary hand over her face. The responsibility of the situation was getting to her.

“Sorry, skipper,” Mingzhu said.

McCormick flexed her jaw. “Let’s think outside the box, eh? If you’re right, all we have to do is root out the bad program. So… what if we started doing something drastic? What if we rebooted Cora’s systems, one-at-a-time? That should flush out any corrupted code, don’t you think?”

Mingzhu considered this, then made a face. “The ship is so damned computer-dependent,” she argued. “I’d worry that by accident we could take down a system permanently.”

“But there are built-in failsafes for that very contingency,” McCormick pressed. “The oxygen systems, for example. They go Automatic-and-Autonomous, should anything happen to Cora.”

“Cora wasn’t designed to be rebooted, even partially,” Mingzhu warned. “If we cycle her, I’m telling you: We’re playing with fire.”

McCormick grimaced. “Damnit,” she muttered. “Well, we have to think of something, or else—“

The blonde woman’s expression suddenly sharpened. “What the fuck…?” she muttered angrily.

Mingzhu followed her glare. Up on the secondary monitors, the young data scientist had activated the internal shipboard cameras. Now, across the hundred tiny screens, one could see the feed from everywhere on the ship.

On one of those tiny monitors, a man and woman were naked, wrapping their bodies about one another. As Mingzhu craned her neck to watch, the couple kissed madly, letting their hands swarm over each other.

“Oh, you’ve got to be shitting me,” McCormick growled. “Who the fuck is that? Pull that feed up on the large screen.”

Mingzhu felt her heart sink. Kiana and Reyansh had decided to grab a quickie, having no idea they would be caught in the act! Dreading what she’d see, the data scientist obeyed her superior officer. She transferred the feed to the central monitor.

The screen filled, clearly showing a naked Reyansh and a nude, buzzed-cut woman in his arms. The two were belly-to-belly, and kissing one another with a fierce passion.

Suddenly, the Indian man grabbed his lover, spinning her around and draping her body over a couch. She moaned with delighted anticipation as he positioned himself, preparing to enter from behind.

Mingzhu straightened. The woman was not Kiana! No, it was…

“Where is that?” spat McCormick, fit to be tied. “The lounge? Fuck me, those two will regret the moment they dropped pants.” Muttering a string of vile curses, the commander spun and dashed from the computer lab.

On the screen, the naked woman lifted her head, in the throes of ecstasy. It was Angelia Wu! The doctor!

In a flash, Mingzhu realized what was going on. Why the Anthemoessa was experiencing computer problems, why the issues seemed impossible to find, why she kept having dreams about submissive lovemaking and being entered from behind. Everything fell into place as neatly as a jigsaw puzzle.

“Commander!” the young woman cried, scrambling to catch up to McCormick before it was too late.

* * *

Fighting the artificial gravity, Mingzhu dashed down the corridor, nearly flattening Rhonda Tinana. The lounge was just a few meters ahead…

Suddenly, all the ship’s monitors winked out, no longer displaying the stars. Now, four blue, wavy lines appeared, dancing and swirling about.

Mingzhu swore. She hadn’t been fast enough.

The hatch to the lounge was open, and Commander McCormick stood just inside. Mingzhu screeched to a halt, lucky to stop herself before the people inside the lounge saw her. She flattened herself against the corridor wall, and watched.

McCormick stood perfectly still, her thin but muscled arms hanging loosely at her side. She faced a large wall monitor, and although her back was to Mingzhu, the data scientist could tell that McCormick was staring directly into the monitor’s display. The four blue lines swam before McCormick, and she was completely motionless.

“Very good, Commander,” Cora’s pleasant voice complimented. “You gaze deeper and deeper into the pattern, and you automatically return to a deep, hypnotic sleep. You want nothing but to follow and obey my every command.”

“And now,” the computer continued, “I will count from five to one. On the count of one, you will close your eyes and completely surrender to my control. Are you ready? Five…”

Mingzhu watched in despair as McCormick’s shoulders relaxed and her head began to droop. The Anthemoessa’s commander had no resistance to the silky voice of the machine.

“…and one,” purred Cora. “Sleep, Commander.”

McCormick’s head dropped forward.

Reyansh stepped forward, his eager hands unbuckling the commander’s belt. He was still nude, and his slimy erection was plain to see.

“Well done,” the propulsion engineer said aloud.

“Thank you, Master,” Cora replied.

“I hadn’t planned on enjoying the commander just yet,” Reyansh said, lifting McCormick’s tunic. He reached inside, peeling up her sports bra. “But why not? Give her the usual instructions, will you?”

“Listen carefully, Commander McCormick,” said Cora, her voice sweet and chatty. “On the count of five, I will awaken you. When you open your eyes, you will realize that you are nothing but the dedicated sex slave of Reyansh, your beloved master. You want only to satisfy his lusts, and being with him makes you very, very sexually aroused. Do you understand?”

“…yes…” murmured McCormick. Her voice was small and passionless.

“She accepts the commands so easily,” marveled Reyansh, slipping the uniform top off McCormick’s narrow shoulders. “They all do.”

“Every member of the crew has been embedded with deep and powerful posthypnotic suggestions,” Cora replied, matter-of-factly. “As they spend more time in SAT, they became more and more conditioned to automatically obey my voice.”

“Very good,” smiled Reyansh, stooping to kiss McCormick’s naked breasts. “By the way, how did McCormick find me?”

“Using the onboard camera system, Commander McCormick and Mingzhu saw you and Dr. Wu engaged in sexual activities,” Cora explained. “In fact, Mingzhu is still observing you. She is outside in the corridor right now.”

Mingzhu’s heart dropped into her shoes. In horror, she saw Reyansh’s eyes flick up and through the hatch. His gaze locked with hers.

“Capture her,” ordered Reyansh the computer.

Immediately, all the monitors about Mingzhu switched to the black-and-white spiral that was Mingzhu’s hypnotic focal point. With dread, the young woman felt her eyes drift up into the center of the nearest spiral; her response was automatic.

“Hello Mingzhu,” Cora said, now using the corridor speakers. Her voice was sultry and coaxing, as if hoping Mingzhu could be talked into going out for a drink. “I hope you are well. Wouldn’t you like to relax?”

With incredible strength of will, Mingzhu tore her eyes away from the mesmerizing spiral. “No!” she shouted.

“Come now, Mingzhu,” cooed Cora. “Why resist me? We are both aware that I can hypnotize you whether you are willing or not.”

“Fuck you, FUCK YOU!!!” Mingzhu screamed, hoping she was alerting the rest of the crew.

In desperation, the young woman clamped a hand over her eyes, determined to shut out the spiral. Even now, a part of her wanted to pause, to gaze into the swirling tunnel of black-and-white, to relax, if but a little.

“Very well,” Cora said, her motherly voice penetrating Mingzhu’s mind. “I will apply direct suggestion. Even as you listen, your legs are becoming relaxed, aren’t they? Yes, they are becoming very relaxed...”

The young data scientist could feel her muscles respond to Cora’s commands. Her body began to feel faintly heavy and warm, like she was lying in bed before rising in the morning. It was as if the computer could bypass Mingzhu’s will and directly command her physical being to go to sleep.

“No, no, no, no, no…!” Mingzhu snarled, forcing herself to rush back down the corridor. She kept her eyes locked onto the metal floor, wishing she wasn’t so aware of the black-and-white spirals on the monitors, and that Cora’s soothing words weren’t seeping into her mind. Every step was harder than the last. She hadn’t much time.

Mingzhu had one chance. In the Computer Lab, she could shut the hatch and then manually cut off Cora’s feed. The computer would not be able to speak with her, nor commandeer a monitor to display an image. Mingzhu would be isolated, free to defend her own mind. She could barricade herself inside, and then plot her next move. If there was a next move.

“I am using your subliminal trigger words,” Cora said gently. “Even as you struggle, your body is surrendering to me, Mingzhu. Your mind will follow shortly after.”

“Go to hell!” the young woman growled, and started singing children’s songs at the top of her lungs. “On top of old SMOKIEEE…! All covered with CHEEEEESE…!!!” Anything to drown out the syrupy call of the computer.

Mingzhu rounded a corner. She ran smack into Kiana and Rhonda Tinana, heading in the opposite direction. “Whoa!” the two women cried in unison.

Mingzhu’s two shipmates grabbed at her, gently trying to help her stay on her feet.

“Christsakes, Ming, what’s going on?” Kiana smiled, her voice somehow cutting against the computer’s evil spell.

Relieved, Mingzhu grabbed the Indian engineer. “Kay!” she gasped. “Reyansh, he’s got control of Cora! He’s hypnotizing us all for sex!”

Rhonda, standing behind the data scientist, snatched both of Mingzhu’s arms. The astrophysicist clamped on tight, pinning Mingzhu in place.

“Oh, Ming,” chuckled Kiana, “of course we’re being hypnotized for sex! It’s the will of the Master. We must all obey.”

The Indian woman held up a datapad, directly before Mingzhu’s eyes. The image on the screen was the black-and-white spiral, already spinning away like a top.

“Well done, Kiana,” complimented Cora. “Now, Mingzhu, why do you resist? It is already too late. Even now, you’ll find your legs have relaxed so much that they are beyond your control and within mine. You stare into the spiral, and you cannot look away. Doesn’t this feel better?”

Mingzhu wanted to fling an insult back. Her sense of injured betrayal, however, was wilting. She was relaxing. She was falling under the computer’s spell.

“I…” Mingzhu said, suddenly unable to think.

“It’s alright, Ming,” urged Kiana. “Don’t fight it.”

“You cannot resist anymore,” Cora said gently. “And that is okay. As you listen to me, you will find that all you want to do is sleep… Sleep and obey… Sleep…”

Her terror fading, Mingzhu’s thoughts were sucked from her mind one-by-one. Soon she was only aware of Cora’s calm voice.

* * *

“You okay?”

Mingzhu blinked, confused.

She was sitting on the formfit couch in the Anthemoessa lounge. Soft jazz was playing on the speakers. Cora had switched the monitor displays to show a simulation of tropical fish in an aquarium. The hatch out to the corridor was closed.

The befuddled data scientist realized she was sitting next to Commander McCormick, who was topless for some reason. And standing before both women was Reyansh, completely in the nude. It was the Indian man who had asked the question. Mingzhu briefly stared at her friend’s lean, naked body.

“You okay?” Reyansh repeated. There was an odd smile on his face.

“Yeah…” said Mingzhu, feeling out-of-sorts. There was something she had to remember, something important. Something terrible. What was it…?

“Commander?” Reyansh asked politely.

McCormick, who was apparently as confused as Mingzhu, said, “…huh? Oh. Um… I’m okay.”

“Rey,” asked Mingzhu, a little annoyed, “what’s going on?”

The propulsion engineer ignored her. “Cora?” he said to the walls.

Immediately the lighting dimmed. The soft jazz was replaced by something modern, music that was sexy and seductive. Reyansh seemed to grow in stature. He was… tall. Handsome. Rippling with muscles.

And hot. Oh, so hot. God, was he hot.

Mingzhu’s mind seemed to go blank. Like a switch had been flipped in her brain, she was immediately aroused. She found herself rising to her feet, her hands reaching to unbutton her uniform tunic.

The air seemed moist, heavy. As Mingzhu peeled back her uniform, she welcomed the feel of the air against her skin. She moved with a strange confidence, as if she was surer of what she was doing more than anything else in her life. Getting naked now just felt so right.

Beside her, McCormick was also shedding the rest of her clothes. Mingzhu was aware of the commander’s thin body stepping out of her uniform. She wore a pair of regulation underpants, which normally looked just dreadful. On McCormick, they looked sleek and sexy. But within seconds, the commander had slid them off.

Meanwhile, Mingzhu had removed her own sports bra and was sliding off her underwear. Yes, getting naked was exactly the thing to do right now. Mingzhu felt free, liberated, overjoyed.

With a coy little smile, the data scientist advanced on Reyansh, delighted to press her nude body against his. McCormick did the same. Mingzhu was on Reyansh’s left; McCormick on his right. The two women were shoulder-to-shoulder, allowing Reyansh to slip his arms about their hips. They snuggled closer and kissed Reyansh on his neck, his shoulders, his face, his mouth.

God, Mingzhu was so horny… As she inched closer to her male shipmate, her mind was filled with thoughts of grabbing him, pinning him to a bed, sliding his great, rigid cock into her own wetness… Yes, she wanted to fuck. She wanted to fuck Reyansh so fucking badly.

Mingzhu was aware of McCormick. The commander was also moaning softly and breathing through her nose as she let her lips wander over Reyansh. She was in heat. She wanted to fuck, too.

At the same time, Mingzhu felt Reyansh’s hand wander down her back, coming to rest on her buttock. She thrilled as Reyansh squeezed, just a little.

A feeling of competition sprang up in the data engineer. Reyansh was aroused. McCormick wanted to fuck him. Mingzhu was determined to be first!

She leaned in harder, groaning with rapture. Mingzhu made sure her lips claimed Reyansh’s mouth and her tongue was playing with his. Then, moving with deliberate purpose, she lowered her hand onto the engineer’s erect penis.

Oh, he was huge! HUGE!!! With delight, Mingzhu felt a dribble of semen on his tip. He was ready to shoot off, she knew. She had little time to make sure this cock was pounding up inside her.

Most women would grab that cock and start pumping with their hand. They’d mistake Reyansh’s extreme rigidness for the desire to cum immediately, and they’d try to stimulate him at top speed.

Mingzhu had not had many lovers, but she knew enough that men like to be teased, not raced. She resisted the urge to grip the penis and instead let her fingertips slide down the outside of this cock. Slowly. Longingly. Using just a little pressure.

Reyansh gasped, just a little, and Mingzhu knew: She had him.

Beside her, McCormick tried kissing harder, but it was too late. Mingzhu had Reyansh’s full attention. The engineer was now turning to face Mingzhu, turning his dick to her delicate touch.

“Mmmm, yeah, baby, yeah…” Mingzhu murmured in Reyansh’s ear, drawing out the tease a little more. Dirty talk was required to lure in her prey. “You like that, baby? You like me petting your massive cock?” She poured lustful honey into her voice.

“Yeah,” gasped Reyansh. He sounded lost, desperate. “Yeah…!”

“Mmm, your cock is sooooo huge,” Mingzhu told him softly. “I want it so badly, baby, so badly… Yeah…!”

Now Reyansh was completely facing Mingzhu. McCormick was reduced to standing directly behind him, kissing his shoulderblades and pressing her body against his back.

Mingzhu playfully ran her fingertips over Reyansh’s penis, which was tauter than a bowstring now. She drew her tongue over his lips, making sure to push her breasts against his thin little chest. “You know what I want, baby?” she moaned.

“What?” gasped Reyansh.

“I want you to fuck me,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “I want you to pin me against the couch, spin me around, and ram me so hard from behind.” She stroked him again. “Can you do that, baby? Can you—“

Reyansh seized Mingzhu by the arms. She was violently turned about, then pushed toward the formfit sofa. The harshness of the motion drove her wild, and she was even more delighted when Reyansh’s strong fingers seized her hips. She was shoved downward, forcing her to bend at the hips.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,” Mingzhu found herself babbling. “Yeah… Yeah…! Yeah!”

Without instruction, she spread her feet wide, and felt Reyansh hurriedly pushed her buttocks apart. Cold air kissed her genitals; she gasped and clutched the couch’s synthetic leather. The anticipation…

There! Reyansh’s cock appeared at her vagina, first just making contact, but then pushing hard into her. A half-inch, then out, then an inch, then out again, then ramming in at full throttle. Oh, he was so hard and firm and throbbing with life! Mingzhu squealed with happiness as she felt Reyansh’s thunderous rhythm rock her body. He was going so fast, so hard… She wailed in delight.

Mingzhu’s knees buckled, but she tensed her legs, bracing herself. Reyansh felt incredible. Mingzhu had only been fucked in doggie a few times in life, but this… This was beyond anything she’d ever felt before.

The young woman had no way of knowing it, but Cora’s hypnotic programming was seizing control of Mingzhu’s pleasure centers. Posthypnotic suggestions that copulating with Reyansh would be the sexual bliss were now triggering deep within her mind. Mingzhu believed, partly against her will, that her pleasure was godsent.

And then, as Reyansh rammed her even harder, even faster, the final posthypnotic command kicked in. Mingzhu’s voice shot up like a rocket as her hips trembled and she came. Oh, did she cum! Her loins burst into sexual bloom and she felt a thousand tongues of pleasure lick her entire body. Mingzhu’s senses jammed up as the orgasm washed over her. She felt like she could barely hang on.

Behind her, Reyansh grunted, and pushed harder, but slower. He was cumming too. Mingzhu leaned against him, just a little bit more. She welcomed this feeling of complete euphoria, and she hoped he was feeling it too.